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SWANSEA DISTRICT A liorse, the property of Mr. Wm. Tur- BM, -xn,tractor, Morriston, dropped dead in Market-street, Morriston, on Monday. Nortd Gower Farmers' Society met at the Gower I no, Gawerton, on Saturday, Mr. Da.wi Jones. Wem Fa.wr, Kiilay, presiding. Sebedule of prizes for the February exhibi- tion was approved. Mr. Ernest Helme has Maot a donation. At Aberavon, on Monday, Mark ^w>^es' Patrick -fferty, Wm. Davies, a,J)d.. Ana Button, posies, for driving with* lights w«e finec" Is. each. Susanna** -Llewellyn, charged with stealing 40 Ibs- of cO,al, %uf 4d., th- property of the Fort Taloot Rad- :way and D-vks Co., wa.& nrw-d lOt;. CorYVuktjns wa& the cause assigned by wrdict. ao an i»que6t conducted a.& IVauu- ariwvad oa Friday, by tie District Coroner- MT. "F. H, Glynn Price, into the death f'1 Osredweii ,fane 'lhomas, the two moøt is aid claugb*er of Mr. Joseph Thomas, AIvD- iabc lygio, Waunarlwydd Service-' vere held on Saturday- Sunday %ad SLanoa v at the Wesfevan Cb^P^ Port TWhot. ijid at the Part TaJ** Missus Rooms, to oammeniorite re-u*110^' after a ] loqg bread;, resulting from sput, on ac- cnusib oi the ruling of the of the local .t.v.* tuaag boty. Mr, vS w Caddy (Waste*an Home Mission Staff) c-w chaije of the two places. A coa^h iwatary was given to Mr. P. B :V«!rd, M.A-. bounty Council inspec- tor A i{gj by the teachers of Port ±al- ho ■ i occaSJØn of his departure 'or London, .ere he will take up the position cf district 3spectx>r of schools under the Lon- don .o -ruy Council- The dinner took pia-3 tt tLe Grind Hotel, Port Talbot, and M*- fea&;? DmEIB, J-P., presided. tr result of Morriston. Tabernacle XjMtt b.i., ddfod, about £130 has been rUwgod. Credit is due to the committee, ú which. Mr T. R. Jones is chairman, Messrs T. D. .5 :)0. and A. R. L&*i& secretaries, 8Dd Mr n. LLoyd treasurer. r.i f:n Dmia- ie past ten years meaarlv ±.1,500 11M -j*Htied for the chigich ill t.IrIS wa7- In I 'r- f night's stonn a roof coUapsed In Bnsv-.i tilling a woman residing 10 King- jqjttre, tbe scene of a, recent disastrous fire. The -ristji was an invalid, who ."ad been m th* 1 itnnary. She left the institution on Fr-xUy i^ainst the wishes, it is stated, of the clocKff who advised her detention for aoo»vher f j. Had L -emaioed she wonlJ have been in ine IBS *y during the s.torm. Swai'st Education Coromittee met on ■Js'OMfckV, *r. Richard Martin presiding. Mr. 3 ->^8, registrar of the Intermediate -y ooi. mitked a report from the Depart- rtsrpt res-; »<iag the miIierals on the Aber KfJt«te..ch was referr^ to committee. It wae st.v^- that during the last quarter the <^ -ai*ie ?<*iv?d were £1,156, as against i!l->^ the previo116 quarter, a reduction of t:?'9 TV fv- jjg of the late Captain Robert Mcr.-v tosea-road, Waunarlwydd, were 1me!t'< Llangennech Church Graveyard 1'J F-<- The cortege left Waunarlwydd si.TK*.n i among those who accompanied Si Rowlands (headmaster, Waun- •rHpyd' hools) and Mr. James Evans < The Rev. Thomas Michael (St. "•Ti- official- The arrangements vare out by Mr. George Jones. »*hk- ;or >f Powell (Lla.ndik)') v. Williams i *I.;s»v wag down for hearfiag Wore yjjocht- "Qnh Ovnrt, on Thursday* but a was arrived a.t. Dr. levies jbtfT1. ppearexl for plaintiff, and stated tjhet -rajs cleared his client's profes- ear-s\ -cter. ^IT- I. Bowen {instructed by X.\ V. Bishop) was for the defence. H» HoDt-^r said the parties had acted wweiv, A verdict entered for olain- I tsf. Tht its. -i toot place on Friday morninc, ..to t}- -y encampna^t, Uiw Common, Ktoa.te i -way between Pontardulais n-d fk>oeicix-i. Jf "Gijey XeU»n." Caoftiset* was repoted to be a oentenarian, a<* yell-kxtown tigul'e to alL the around for the last half oentorv/ Of kte ears she had, through an a.cČi- <d\t; b-i. cootined to her tent, farthfullx- «nderi ,y her ag^ bti^band and her kin^Mk. At Abersvwi on MorH^v> genry Granrille, « ted:. vtary-looking raan. wae chained •"•'b 5t«at :.g an overcoat^ ygjue ^2> Pfop^ty M Crwvr RuBaell, Tua^l.terr»ce, Blae £ gsrynri. Corap. wt, said-deJen^^t; kit the house tbf u--it on January P C. E^aa arrested pri^ner on Satm- .;¡#a.y irst-clac-to carriage CvIlllller. I denieti scaling t.hé coat, and &afd leLH ft to him. It waa ■-«k hiiii. »nd he went to ila-est.-g to some Viandr, to eaioy himself. 51^ back to on hia >wn ac- COUJU- DeiendiL.-b was disnsS^^ At Aberavon on ^<J^a|Wph Willid-mSj ien, Gwyn y\;aruSt Tali^11 SiE'^ietc r., Trevor L' f vv<> -vr^; vril AngUS, 4WiU Dan«i Anthony I ^oma*Clads, WRre v<!afgol th doing tlarnag^l store- suon, a' tr;d Oid Margam VVorKS.\ Richard Lewis, in charge oi t works, «a^d the v- ungstere were cont inuaUyT noy- jfv^ -tin.. N. Mr. L \i. Thomas, for six of tut1 t.:ï. it appeared that the case usrhc betore the court because 01 arA-:x w a¡; >>tnoyed. and not really becau&e of flf\ to property. t> t« *«re reprimanded and let .tt i en < of ceetta. *4 At, von on MClllday, Dd. John Janice, anaer, ^aacbaaged with refusing Gvmmer Hotel, and with assault- Eeeo an Kate Jon^ barmaid. I. who prosecuted, said tk alk^i for beer, oomroenced quar- »fctdcked the barmaid, and knocked lm> u ibt- tide. 1 he tanctlord came and turned upon hnn, throwing him feOT p^cbed W kicked him. !>%i Lt 8IIid the Landlord came into the .ha ptter and parted the row. Do.L. 30Ccs, CjBuner, corroborated. Mr. ? L Thorax. Are you sure he had < WiiorKf (draaaaticsJl^. n iri the Lord's WttH); nssy the Lord me d^ad if I iie. rk t.jtKs.i was sen* down {or oino month fcr tive and fined 40s. costs for <Sbot\W?r; oandoot and refusing, to quit, «Be lu-mtii. I At K«i! g Hill on Saturday, Mr. Henry Rees, o*' 4an-yT-Afon, Waunariwydd, laÙ man-ii the Aberbaiden Colliery (BaVi- j "W-J3.- .<.1 .;0., Ltd.), received a handsome 4fIi;" ii, chain, and medal, massive ctack (for Mrs. Rees), walking stick and ■«:■" nated address. Mr. Rees har» _n..d. I managed for six year* the Ai>erbai«i< l Colliery, and is now undf-rta) fcg the ianagement of the new Penlan OnJIier^ hjnvant. The new manager (Mr, 1 hot00^, ^resided, and called upon Mr. J. wikihs .raffu: manager, to present Mf ;>4 ■ i! the geld watch, chain and medal :mer.œ duly inscribed). Mr. Rees, wno .a ,>u:y moved, responded, remarking v*-i« t ;i ha^jiest six years he bad ever 51 fsat, 47 •! he could confidently say iht >orkcien under him were the very i*si. Mr ?. Ekavi^ was then called upon to smaei che walking. Mr. George Lane presented Mrs. Rees with the mmtbie x»ek; and Mr. Joseph Wiflia*ns ba er t3ie iL am mated address. oontrfbatioEs were given by I Means. J. v:r,les, Wm. John and Wr.:1, Xhocnao, and Mr. Charles Rowlands read -88D8 Walsh oarses on tbe good work of Mr.











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