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CHAMBERLAIN'S STORMY MEETING AT DERBY. COLONEL WRIGHT'S MEETING AT ST. THOMAS. CAMPAIGN IN GOWER AND CARMARTHEN BOROUGHS. JJttorderly scenes took place on Thursday night in the Drill-hall at Derby on tne occa- sion of a political meeting; which Mr. Cham- berlain bad engaged, to address in s, of local Unionist candidates. Between 4,000 and 6.000 Venom were admitted to the btitthng. and many hundrwlB were unable to gain ac entrance. Mr. Chamberiain, who row a few mlmutm after eight, was received with i determined opposition from a. section of the After a few preliminary sentences the up- roar was so great that the right hoo. gen- tleman appealed for that recert-ion which Englishmen always gave to strangers. tie proceeded. under much diffleul-v to unfold las argument for Fmcal Reform from the point of view of einplovmer: far the working -v Tt-e but t-ua interruption was contina- Sir tienry Bemrose, as a. prom inert tú,ø6- it. >3, responded to an invitation to VA"- ? r-,e the interests of order, but at a q HFter to nice Mr. Chamberlain for the luotxteot abandoned hie task and resumed his seat. GJcoeJ Holford. one of the caoidi- dates, interposed, and appealed to the dis- turbers not. to prove them?- a pact of coward*. Mr. Chamberlain, again rising, tw" 1 his opponents that it would have bPen easy '> 4pew to their paDS'ODS, and perhaps he bad a mistake in appealing +o 'Tr For arot4er quarter-of-an-hoar tke- siMiaser was on his legs fighting hard for i heading, and with a momentarily fail- nce, JV fhe close of the speech a resolut" thanki*Mr. Chamberlain for his eminent sosrvr-.itj, and congratulating him on the o«wag« ;3 had ^played in working for pita • 'ergi, vaa moved and pronounced carried by am enormous majority. Sir Heafy Bemrose, speaking amidst the con- tinned uproar, declared he w¡a ashamed of his native Down. DISGUST OF LIBERAL JOURNALS. "Daily News" (London).—We deeply re- gret t he treatment which was accorded to Mr. Chamberlain at Derby last night- It is not merely that the good temper of public controversy is destroyed by tbese violent meau: it is that the Liberal cause is in- jured wd insulted. We stand for freedom of speech md liberty of thought. We de- tsaad theld things tor ourselves; whether wa get tht,,u or not. we rniis, as Liberals concede them to our oppoueOltA- "Daily Chronicle."—We regret most em- phatically the continued unmannerly in- ^prrup^cs to which Mr. Chamberlain was subjected at Derbv vesterdav. Just a« we deprecated the yet worse treatment which some Liberal# received during the discus- frierfks on fcfco South African war, so we de- precate j.in- gnch unfair treatment as waa Accorded Mr. Chamberlain yesterday The in*«TO|tions of Mr. Chamberlain's apcech were i-excusable. They were grossly iliscourS-ous to a distinguished man who is W boa* ail be itf mistaken and tr- are t4 w^ry won* of tactics, for they will give to » formidable »n ui-gonist—who wa3 becom mg badly travelled for lack of new matter— ,t 8rst-r»t« grievance j U v Mg-4 TRIBUTE TO B4X3KSJB. 1 ■■ AAi) ±#soUJ '■ r inrwry* «*»«kere on TLorsday «r«ie Mr ^idao%. t :e new Secr-.tarv ror W. in LicckpV aad Air. Cha,mberlam, wfeo uxt^ncM to deliver an address at Dejrhv rat "00 vv a# ultimately compelled to rtLoq!ush .\is mention. Mr Hal ic m tii3 speech, stated at the ouvaet that uek was '-°t one of thoee who hs4 oi'UJ'ed cii tK^nu oa his predeces- iOTS at :.t6 War Office. Mi. Arnold Forster was a ;o4n ti gr^t publio spirit and t- U»4gc. »ud had v "*ked yreat devotion, U»4gc. <.J.,d had itked %v-lt-ik yreat devotion, bat tiwra tod been no u^oiaat- m the late CabuT- d'bNWt Arm* Reiorrn. Mr. ELaldane f3iph«ic"!«s>?d the nc& of first solving to# qoe&t^v erf wh«k the ex^.ed for, ( ht g:a<iy ackno^iecigt-u the obligation vfaich. be p^nonall^ Im utlder in this mat- Ur t-? thw late t-r0%rnnn.i,nt for certain thiBgo which they dil Mr. ■■ parti- owac aaaociatea; to bi* credit, W1th ■* poluv oi oollecting ^at«riaJ3 relating to tJ»e d'-fenoe of the Emrte on •» much wit >T Ana Tjiore caL tha i b^iow ;<eec ha case V furth-r remarks Mr. Ra' iane said that th^ vo]anTeers should be t-ar.:e<l as men to wh^j patriotism ap- pe*i*4, ind that whilst fhou^ht army was compatible less expea- «jtw. y«* the Premier »q^r'•m «ky ,*te woum be f rspared tofind more men 'ild mcmey *if rv, to T^m-oto efflci- eaey.

- Col. Wiight it the Eaat…

ILiberal Meeting- at Carmarthen-FOctu…

-—1 .Mr. Helme at the Mumbles.

- Extraordinary Meeting at…

. Carmarthen Boroughs Candidates

Mr. T. J. Williams at Brynamman.

.. Derby's Discredit.


ITea and Concert at Alltwen.

1" I Pont-Neath-Vaughan's…


1- -----Pontardawe District…





. How Patti Nurses Her Voice.

"■ —3—1= SOLDIER GETS JS550…




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