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SWANSEA'S BLACK LIST. Six Objected Cases Taken. Swansea licensing magistrates on Satur- day considered the "Black list." The magistrates on the bench were Messrs Howel Watkins (in the chair), J. W. Jones, W. Thomas, Griff Davies, D. Roberts, and F. Rocke. I TALBOT HOTEL, ST. MARY-STREET. There was a conviction against this house, belonging to the Swansea United Breweries, for selling intoxicating liquor on Sunday, February 14th, 1904, for which a fine of £3 and costs was imposed. The house has a six days' license, the rent, is £75, the as&essment JE82, and the licensee W. Fraync. "Th-9 house does a fair trade," said War- rant Officer Davies. P.C. Maggs spoke to the conviction, which was against Mrs. Hyde, the former licensee. P.C. Hayes and Sergt. Cuff said Sunday I trading had been carried on at the house by the former tenant. Mr. Frayne, it was stated, had considerably improved matters since he hlll been in occupation. Mr. J. Sankey (in support of the applica- tion for renewal) did not croas-examine the police witnesses, and addressed the bench shortly on the necessity and the good man- shortly on the necessity and the good man- ¡ agement of the house, as at present con- ducted. TANNERS' ARMS, MORRISTON. A fine of 40s. and costs had been :m- posed for permitting drunkenness on March 13th. The house has a seven days' license, and is owned by Messrs. Hancock and Co. The rent is £30, and the nett rateable value II J351. The police further objected to the house being structurally deficient. "Rooms nothing but boxes," said War- rant Officer Davies, who added that the bar was only a narrow passage. Sarah Harry, the present licensee, had been in the house seven months. Mr. B. F. Williams, with Mr. Gaskell, appeared for the brewery company. VALE OF NEATH, PORT TENNANT. Mr. Sankey appeared for the Swansea United Breweries Co. The only objection was a conviction, that of supplying intoxicat- ing liquor to a boy under 14, in an unsealed vessel, in October. 1904. II SHIP AND CASTLE, STRAND. Tho police had nothing against this house, but Mr. Hd. Watkins objected on the grounds that the building was structurally deficient and frequented by women of ill-fame and other undesirables. In reply to Mr. B. F. Williams, who repre- sented the owners, Mr. 0 Watkins admitted there had been no conviction recorded against the house for the last 13 years. P.S. Cuff had seen thieves and prostitutes in the house; but in answer to Mr. B. F. Williams, K.C., said he never had occasion to report the house for misconduct. The house could not be better conducted than it was by the present landlord. Dot. Morris gave evidence. Witness agreed with Sergt. Cuff, that the house wa? most respectably conducted, and that the landlord was always ready to give every assistance to the police. Det.-sergt. Davies, another of Mr. Rd. Watkins' witnesses, gave evidence that the landlord was a "truthful, straight speaking man," who managed it as well as possible. In justice to the house, it ought, he inter- I posed, to be said that undesirable characters frequented other houses also. P.C. Haves and P.C. Gwilym were put into the box by Mr. Watkir.s. Mr. B. F. Williams (for the owners) then called Inspector West, who said the landlord I was a respectable man, who conducted his house as well as possible. The house was closed every night about .a quarter-past ten, because the landlord had told him he wouldn't bo bothered with objectionable characters. ROPEMAKERS' INN, GREENHILL. Mr. Rd. Watkins called Mr. Henry Hood, auctioneer and valuer, who said the house, which was an old one, was small, and only worth 6s. a week as a dwelling-house. Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, in the same row, were rented at 3s. 6d. a week only. Mr. Rd. Watkins said that speaking from his 25 years' experience, he had no hesitation in saying it would not be possible to get 6s. per week rent for the "Ropemakers' a private house. Mr. Chas. Davies, temperance advocate, and a considerable property cwner in the particular locality, said that No. B, whi.^h was Tented at 5s. 6d., compared verv fav ourably with tho "Ropemakers' They wouldn't be able to got more than 65. ;t week for the "Popemakers a.s a private house. DECISIONS OF THE MAGISTRATES. The license of the Tanners' Arms, Morris ton, was refused, on the grounds .hat it had been ill-conducted, and structurally i:/ifit. The following were renewed ■ —Ta> bet Hotel, St. Mary-street; Vale of Nea'h, P ft Tennant; Ropemakers' Inn, Greenhill; and Ship and Castle, Strand..—The Cojrt then adjourned till Monday week.

- Swansea Nelson Tea Pensioners.

-........-=,.......-"1 THE…


J Neath Colliery's Breach…




Swansea Wedding: Jones-Newcombe.

Swansea Lad's Alleged Ill-treat-meat,…

Swansea Board Resumes Sittings,|

Swansea Painter's Failure.

.W Municipal Pure Milk Supply."

Welsh Education Conference…


-- ...::::::.-------TELEPHONE…




| Evan Roberts in the Avon…

-F-.-----.... TO CURE A~COLD…

--.-.--_"_k---.-Swansea Chupch…

---------r-I Swansea Bankrupt…

Banquet to Sir Griffith Thomas.

[No title]


=---I Swansea Valley Pit Incident.…

----------...::¡ Swansea Metropole…