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..r....----'"' NEATH.



1 LLANDOVERY. f THE NEW YEAR. The New Year was heralded in in very quiet fasiuon, and even the Church beife j were silemt. Carol singing was prevalent, i and any sioanes of disorder were, as it should be, ccinspieuoua by its absenoe. Let as wish. | all our readers in the district a happy a.nd prosperous year. D. AND L). i'bumafi Griffiths, of Sctiool-kuuj, labourer, Wsm summoned by P.C. i). 1.1\:('.i i ii being drunk and duaorderly in the borougfi on the 10th inet.—DeC^tr.lant ad mi-, ted I i-c offence, a.nd a tine of d. ani costs was imposed. LLANDOVERY PETTY 8 E I S The. fortnightly Sessions weie ii-e I -c. n Friday lost before Mr. C. P Lewts, Liaiidin- gat (m the chair); Mr. J. Williams, Tiry- pentre; Nix. 1. Harley, (rLan'oraae; and Mr. VY. Mabon I kavies, Glamwadde. RENT AUDITS. The Michaelmas half-yearly rent audit of the Divlvn Estate, the property of Nk%. A. pro C. Rees of Bournemouth, wits heid on Tue«- day at the olfioes of Mr. H. Alfred ThomaiS (Town Clerk), tlie aigiertt to the es- tate. J he rejit audit of the Mile End Estate Iva" held on Friday, when the tenants were ejvu>r- tairned to capital dinner at the Black Ox, prepared by Hwtess Pric. LLAN DO VERY COMPLIMENTED. it risay be news to many Ii at -ca-liis t.hat tite hymn tune "L!angad'>g." ci.tiij ;,1 by Mr. 'I. Thomas, Station M.w.or is io-.y rendered amongst the other '.ones r« c«i>er<:d dtiiZ'ing the revival niaetingo held in \\¡rii,hS J of Cilamorgunshire. \h\ 'Ihomae is a ¡ well-known compos*-r of mu.s:c, and the e ni- pt io tent bestowed upon him e m *■: dfferv- tng. tng. "BOXER' DEAD. Pour old "Boxer." tlie faithful horee be- longing to Afr. Ricicird S'hutt, the currier under the ale of Joint Railway Com- pany, bus just died, after reaohmg an age of 27 years. His regular stride- around the various streets in the t-own. which he tra- vc:vd in uli weat-hers for upwards (-of 221 years, will be missed. AFTER SALMON. Supt. Herbert Long Price cliarged John Oavioi, John Jonas, David Thomas, and Stephen Da.vie6, all labourt'rs, resident in die town, v. ith liaving on the 14th December a gaff in their po^seeeion for oatohtng calmon. Mr. E. Long Pric?, solicitor. Llandoveuy, appeared for the complainant.—The defend- pkaded guilty, and a previous convic- tion was put in ^iga.inn llioinas. A tine of £ o and costs wa& inflicted against 1 ho mas, whilst the other tvio of defendunts were mulcted in the tiam of £ 1 and cobta. An advocate f-eoe was also allowed. I LLANDOVERY JUNIORS v. SCP-ATCH XV. On Monday afternoon the ..Lmdilo Junior team were due at Llandoverv j. i, v the return fixture with the '1 he homesters wire on the field in "ne vi.iie, (.•nmd in tiieir club colouis. and a j ave ciowd hid congregated to witness the frav. But the Llandilcdtes, without n-oiitic-ation. disappointed them. Consequently a s-cratcil teiLai was itnd a splendid tussle endued, resulting in a draw, both rid scor- ing o»t>? try. The Juniors <!ve a better scientific display of football, and their pass- ing was at limes prettily executed. 'L'hev have plenty of m iterial at liand for the making ot a good team. Their opponents were a stronger lot of pkyers, but were iiewh-,it out of condition. Tom Lewis and lom Jonefi .scored for the respective tea;iv. LLWYNY-BRAIN HARRIERS. The harriers of Mrs. Pryse-Rice, Llwvny- Brain, met Lt the place on Satnrdav mornuig, a.nd the following were a.mongst tnope io^sembl-od at the "meet," luimelv ? lr. and Mrs. Pryse Kke, the Missee kite, Ii'i Morgan, Mr. C. P. 1.Æwi., L!ari(hng:iit Dr. Rouser, Violet Cottnge: .Mv. Ja^ji Morgan. HenlJys; Master Cyd I Morgan, Henilvs; 1r. David WtlMams* (of Me.-J-re. Granger and míth, Dudley); Coull-I oiUif>r D. Perrott, Wa.torkx> Hmiw; NTrs Jeffreys Owen, (iollen House; NI a jor Drury, Cynghoidy; Aid. D. Saunders ThuriKus. Be'- monr Cou-ncilior j. iJobefW, Crown J&oits | Mr. lietiry Wiiiianui. Cawdor Ifonkte; Couu- D1. M<igiUi. Half Moon: Air. Bon Morgan. Grove llouae; Mr. Petar Evans, Six HeiliS; Mr. W. II. Jonas, N.P. Bank; fr. C. Michael, Old Bank; Master David il Roberta, Crown Stores; Mr. 1)(1. Eva,:v. Llandingat Mr. Ham Davies, (Iollen f f) et-c. At 11.30 they piooeeded towarcks Bn,t mawr and Pengaer, and although a tr-i-, of luu€fi and even a fox were "raifced.- there ''as no "kill." XevcrtlieJass tlie outing was vny enjoyable to the pa.rt-icipaaits. REMOVING SH.EEJ? WITHOUT LICENSE. John Tiioiiws, of CVaigybybach, was sum- i inoned by Supt. Evans with reanoving 74 J ji.1heoe.p into all in.tt<et«ed !"r< 1; without a. license o»atrary to the "D or Animal A'-t, 1894."—liefendant pleaded guilty. and a liiR- of EL and CMU w" imposed. P S. Dieuus oliKtrgtd John Griffitlis, of Vedw, willl causing the aiore- j said sheep to be removed without ;i license. Defendant pJectdied "not í-rUl.1.ty. —PS. Deans stated that on the 19th December, detVnda.nt came to him and mid chat, he had home iiheep which he had fcold to Mr. Wil- liams>, c-f Caegwyn, Llajidilo. Ik- stated that tliey had not been dapped. but that they vv-ife brought from Braconslnre..He admitted reoei\ing tiiem from the U»st de- fendant on the 14th 3>eeeinber. He did not i give wit news a certificate, altliough he Maid that he knew one was required, but hid forgotten to get one. Witness subsequently dipped the sheep. — John Thomas, Craigybw- bacti. stated t-liat he had sold tlie sheep to defendant, who requested him to bring the ..iieep to a iield aear Velandre.—A fine of £ 1 10s. and coMs was imposed. EBENEZER ANNUAL COCERT. Th-e annual concert by members and child- ren of Ebenezer Ba.ptiet Chapel, at-sisted by other load artistes,' was held at the Drill. Hail on .Monday evening, under the presid- ency of his Worsfiip the Mayor (Mr. C. P. Vh? 'hngat). 'The programme was a lengthy and exoe.liem one, and the proceed- mgs proved motOt, entertaining to the huge a:i'.i>nee present. Misses Sophie Williams and ( Ka,!ley acc<>m|>anied admhublv. 'Hie proci^d- were in a,id of the Sunday Scliool Fund. AjJp' full ijr<xrra.irHme: — Pan 1.—Pianoforte solo, MSks Mav Rees; I S()10,.h. Wiiiic Joojee; _s.ong, Miss Annie l/a viee; recitation. M's* Emmy Jones; son, Mr. D. Davies; soi>k Mi<* <»wen Jenkms; solo, -Nir. FVIII, lXivies; r-olo. Miss W illiiims; solo. -Nil. J. Auekl^tixi: cong, .11.6 May Roderick duett. Mm. Evans «n-l .\Ii" Jones; solo, Mr. G.^Vitliaiiis; BQ|0> ^jUSii May Re&; solo, Mi.ss Evan 1 hillipej; hitss Annie Roderick; song, Mr. D. I>avios. Part 2. Song. Mr. John Morgan; J). K varb-; quartette, Mr. '• it,n<] party; solo, Mkw Willi.'Uini; dualt Me^sivs. IJaviec and Roderick; SGn. Air. j Auck- land: &o!o. Mr. L. loderiék: Miss Stvphie \Villiami»; .010, Mr. "Ilh..J; piccolo .üIo, Mr. Dovey; soto, \1ay y Usee; song, Mr. D. T. Morgan; song, HJ. G. solo, Mrs. Evans; song. Mt. Auckland; solo, Miss Williams; i.ric, Mioses Roderick "and party. KILLED ON THE RAILWAY. On niursday afternoon hist, an enquiry wa-s held at the W oik house, before Mr. R S'ttiploy Lewis (coroner), and a jury, touch- ing the death of Jo-hin Hughecs. a farryi hiboyxer, aged 22. lately in the erniplov of Mr. Lloyd, Mae^vmeibion Farm, who suc- cumbed on Tuesday morning to injurioffi re- 1 cetved on Christmas morning.—Mr. John 1 iairuts, Penybonf. Llanyad<k, said he knew the deceased well, and always ^Jdtircd him a strong and hoal'hy man, with the eX'cption tliat he was subject to epileptic U Ui. TX iVP.( i>- Davies, Llangadook. dap^-d ^\t he sit''v deceased about 20 minutes on ('h ri -itnias Ey goiix^ in bhe dii^r tion Railway Station, when drtnK. v to be under the intkuaice dunx. ]>(l <lrivt'r hi emplov of the Greitt Railway Co that wneti ^«'i;i!i&rj.mga,dock Station on the morning <>t CKLt.iraJ>s (];l.v, at about 8.30 p.m., he lying on t.U* Mr «de of the "r!sht with his head a te i >m the metals. ||, apperifed to he .r rival at Llan"- apperifed to he .r rival At Lian- Ite informal ^.olman of this. v* train did net touch the deceased. J. Shaphicd, a sigraaimpji, deposed that he saw the deceased in the jxjsit-ion described, and unconscious. He was tlieii alen to Llaag<ulock by wit(tes« and I'.C. Davie», and aft-orwa.rd.v conveyed to Jta.ndcv.'>I'Y. Dr. Hupkin, Lhi-ngidock, sa.id I-e accom- pa.aied the diseased to Llandoverj, ;wd on ex»Tuinat*Mi found that he had t ad frac- ture of the upper jaw-bone on tlie -;gi,t Tite- right eye was coniplefcaly dusorg HI■■ <ed. There w\.s also a. wound ..Ii -,lie of the head, a.bout three imches iorig, I ilg down a httle beinrtd the left ear, a fracture of the skull corret^ronding to thk. At the Workhouse, tie* eye was removed by Dr. Berrymam and himself, :111 å tI; other mjarten Atbanded to. He re.ov«-ied consciousness, and died ai 3 o clock jn ces- day last. Evidence was also adduced tiuit two ::p- trarins fa paer and a. goodti), had I ,1.cd the spot, about one o'clock :111 «-hi'i«traas morning, ;uid that akhough, the j at a tra- vereed by the deceased was • -d as a short cut. there was no right of A-al-. i The jury found that Ute u-onsei w; s "accidentally kijied," and returned tiieir ftes to t.he mofcner of the unforturutre CHRISTMAS AT THE WORKHOUSE. Tile poor pereons, whe* unfortunate lot it is to be housed ir«de the Workhiwise walk, muct confers that thev have been kindly thought- of during the festive season of ChrLStmais, as the appe'nded tweoounts will testify. (In the 21st nit., Mr. a,nd Mis.s Perkins, formerly of Tonn, etit,rttire-d them to a.n excellent dinner of roast- turkeys, with plum pudding and mince pies, followed by .sweeU, biscuits, oranges and lemoncide, etc On Christmas eve, Mr. Maciie. or Borne Hall, Midlothian, sent eich inmate a Christ- mas letter and card. On the nam dav. Alr. (rofiistoine. of I win. mide presents of two ibs. of sugar .Ind half a ib. of tea to eacli of the females 4 ozs. of tobacco to each smoker, grapes and mke to the non-smokers, tnvs, etc., to the children, ajid hUTh, and oranges to each inm;v. On Boxing day, t. he usual i'hristniti, dinner was given by the Guar- dians, coitii-st-ing of geess. plum pudding, hop bitters, etc. Mr. J Y\ atkirus, Tycerng, the of t lie li<T«i.td, acted us "carver." The genial alder man was in his best humour, and was given hearty cheers sut the clcee. On the 28th ult., the ijimat-a; were entei-- tained to ancther exoellenit dinner of roast beef, with plum pudding, miroce pielS, bis- cuits, sweets, oranges, '»e;->r. lemonade, etc., by the Mayor and -N',avrrc.s (Aid. and Mrs. C. P. T/ewis). who also distributed preReniM of llh. ugaf, jib. tea, to each female, a-nd 6or.fi,. ot tobacco to each of the smokers, whilst t.he children those who abst'iim d from the tragra.nt weed, were given oranges instead. Tlw Mayor, accompanied bv the lie v. Grufiyda Evans (curate), wore present. 1 he inmates profKtsed and pi* s°x. a heartx vote of tlbiuiks for the tre3.t which Mayot g ^-xl-naturedly acknowledgfxi. 'I he follow ing report was cntEr-ed on the \ï.ihr" Book by Mr. Lowis a.nd Jr. Kv;'nr>: have this day visited the hou.se-, a.nci have assisted at the dinner given to the in nates, and a.:e more than plowed with the iiamor eyery. thing lute Ix-en eirr;ci out bv Ma^fe'r Matron, and their amstantsv' tn lie 29th lilt. a gramophone entertainment given in the sick ward ny ex-Sergeant \V iliwnw. R. f M. Thomas (reporter) .cccupied th chair. 1 he selections givon je**rc n.meniselv enjoyed and at the close of the entertainment Mr. Williams gave each femile a or gingt'r brandy, and a packet of t.d.a-co to the smokers. CHRISTMAS TREE. The Uw-ndingHt Ukrildren's Guild ;05 stilj in existence, and very much so, judging by its large membership roll. This Guild was formed a. lew toiix ago, and increases in nurrbor annually. In i'.ioi, the a.nxioty of children to jam tlie Soceety was so very keen tliat an age limit had to be tixod, in ccdar to keep the juveniles undor proper rontruL The meetiaigs are held, weekly, under the conductoR<hiip of the Rev. Gruffyd Evans, the este.nrrr.ed and ene-irgetic Curate of the Parish, who works untiringly in tra. n- ing the children in the way they .should go. The benefits derived from th" (xuild meet- ings are already apparent, a.nd its adva--itag- mct provi- of great aesisbt.noe to each member, who undoubtedly will find this true, when called up;m to light the bitttle of life. "Some nMy c<>iiisider trra-t t-:u.- traaiiing by parents is and th'.s in some iri- stances may be so. yet., the w>-oporation and additional advice from thosie who are des- tined to teeoh C'hristian dostriwi, mrnst greatly aid the moulding of the character of the boy or girl. The Guild was started with this object in view, and it must be a plow- in.g factor to the promoters to noce t'!h: regular attendance of the members. As ail encou.raigemen'i to trie latter, a (Jhrist-ira- tree and tea. are given at the close of the year, and on Thursday evening lest ,hi agoin took ;)ls»<*e,, kinidly given bv Mr<. ■! :> if revs Owen, of Golien i louae. which luid heen elegantly and ela.borately decorated during1 the morning by the following ladies —Mrss Evaiis and Miss Jones, t.he Cottage: Mrs. Jeffreys Owen. Gotten Honsie. Mrs. B. hvaos, Llanfair (Jrange: Mm. I ruifi d. i Evuitis; Mrs. R. Peel Price, Velindre: Miss E. L. ThirmdAS, Llwyncelvii; and Miss Price, l.l»yddwwen. The treoe WH., renllv a protv sight, and a pleasing spectacle to the artusu^ eye. wh-icn fairiv seat the juveniles into ec- tPistes. I tie children were in the first- place entertained to a splendid t-ea with the t s-.uil dainties, twhitible to the yotit,h.tal stom-e-h. and this wys given in the infa.rnt depajt-nvent nf Atonal S-T'IOOIS. in addition to t h already named, the ffxllowing were also pr.->,»nt Pooie-Hugii, the Cr;il.^e; Mrs. lellan, Llanhamlach Ivector^ Bre- con: Mn-i. Prytherch, Tenbv: Miss Gnffi'hs, Mile End-. Ie i.j,in.jjn £ {a,t (Mayor): and the. Kev. GruSydd The "inner maai" having been iulJy .satisfied, the oorepjiny procet-'ied to the upper school' room, where some exceJilent seieotdons on Lr7 grs.mophoae were kindly manipuia.tcd by Mr. D. T. Morgaii. je-weller. whir!) proved ent.rta.in,.i)g. Subsequently each child Wtlti Pre»?nted with a valuable gift in a^o-d-jnee with attendance marks »d ^,jn on dusper.- »«U or^ were handed to the memoers, who thvK left fo- home Iitxi viiy laden and wrt<h happy tlioiurbts Thase presents were procured through the contributions of many t, and gentlemen resident in the town and district.



Society Ladies' Jewels.



Uneventful Week's Football.


[No title]

[No title]

Swansea Education Committee…

--------------MISS DILT,WY',\,,S…

Swansea Watch Committee.

ii.....- —-!i iKilled at the…

SSwansea Education Sub-Corn-\…

Mayor Spring in His Element.


---Swansea Wedding: Hall-Bladen,
