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FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1905, --------------------


FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1905, NOTES ON MEN & THINGS "The only real text for the temperance cause is the Gospel of ChriBt. -(Evan lioberts.) Tlicrs is naturally a faar proportion of dross in the metal respresiented by the COIl- of the revivalists. A particularly example of the former, was tine man Devi DO, w1n Monday was sent to prison for j. ii± months wKh 1-.1. laJaoftrr, for sfteul- mg £3 from < ■Tih'Ti. 1 j bad been impreeaed. by the cuiprh's antly siinoer" (leri ro to. turn over a new leitL Devino ttestified publicly at Betitesdla G, but he did not again appear oaospietwnifily i before the public mrtil the potice M'r. hint. a.11'8 Soone Itundrc-ds of people potiped into S-wantaa on Tuesday from the outlying dis- tricts, in the hope of taking part in the revival services, and of seeing the chief re- vivalist. The majority, however, haw gone away di.sapipom'tied^ because the places of worship were crowded long before the time announced for beginning, chiefly by local people. It is evident that the interest excited by the mowermjent is not aJjating, but oil the contrary, is incmifiing. Curiosity is doubtless responsible for tOO eagerness of many to attend the services, but when due allowance has been made for that, enough remains of the serifras and syrrspathetic clo- ment to preserve the vitality of the propa- g.niida. i the second time the CVwpot-ai on scheme a syetem of drainage with its outfall at ryhmill has been disapproved by the Local ('ovemment Board. Jt Tilay therefore Ve considered to be M Jead as Queen Anne. The adverse report was not unexpected; in fact, the <. videnoe offered at the inquiry" even by eri rJined in sup- port of the scheme, was of such <" character i as to be practici'liy feal to it. These Cor- poration ivitnes»es were ei undierMdeKl in thedr views, or their testimony -I%& discounted by earlier and contradictory st.at. It may be presumed tliat the Corporation^ now compelled to realise the serious cbons to the Brynmall scheme, will proceed fOltth- vvith to consider an alteanative, GO t hat necessary drainage tnay be provided under conditions unlikely to aa-onuse strong oppc&i~ tie n. I The vorv indifferent but disproportionately enrtttinsiastic audience at the Grand Theatre on the Wednesday rligilt, when ''Lohengrin" J was staged, enjoyed a musical surprise/ Hitherto it has been tbe rule even at Covenst Gfurden, the home of Enghsii grand Of^e-ra, Gan-den, the home of Enghsii grand Of^e-ra, to make liberal "cute" in this Taece, as 'n otuers of Wagner's. One portion titas ex- cised is in the Second Act, when the Herald i -f- the itinster sterpe the accept- J of the title of "Guardian of Brabant." I er about a quarteT of an hoof's nl. is usually absent. But thif. (.x: lJOrl: W;16 reprodooed in foil 011 Tu<«<lay evonia^ a.yJ the debglV^d aad^mcc dis- cov^-red i t contained CM of the most majestic 6 of lianmmy in the whofe i work. It Ira^jje.-er been heard. at Qoveaot Guirden irnti t^ 77^ C;y0les of "Wagner TvitVmt ™trr" moster'e works i we T;. Sir W. T. Lewis, who has j;nst completed his jubilee as agent to the Bute family, has given 21,000 to endow a bed at Cardiff new seamen's hospital. r '■'Gowerton has not been affected at all by tba revival. It is too respectable, too sedate, toi tonch-rrie-not in character." Thus a cynic. I At Swansea, they have -not found Mr. Evan Roberts very sociable, in private life. He rarely enters into conversation, but its, apart, reading. +- Some Llaneily people are very fortunate in theoo,da-s when rates are high. It seems that last year half-a-dozen persons escaped paymentof the rates because their properties ¡ had not been entered on the rate book. Rev. T. Rhondda Williams, of Bradford, described in the "Christian Com:c>nwealth" as the "recognised leader in Yorkshire of the Liberal and Progressive school of religious thought," was some sixteen years ago a pas- tor at Neath. Sir William Thomas Lewis, who has just celebrated the completion of fifty years' association with the Bute Estate, was born in 1837, the year of Queen Victoria's acces- sion to the Throne. He is, therefore, xty- seven years of age, and is' still hale and hearty, and a prodigious worker. •Madams Lilian Bianvofe, the famous singer, who has appetured once or twice at the Cardiff Musical Festival, is of mixed Welsh and Dutch descent—as her fall name Lilian Evans Blauvelt—indicates. Her Dutch parents traced their ancestry to the urst settlers on Manhattan Istand. The severe cammants offered by the Neath magistrates regarding Mr. Truensm's per- s.istent e«pplications in the oonirt for sum- mionses agaksst various per- oiught to I have the effect of checking this chromic liti- gant, and patting a period to his activity -In this regard. In view of his past efforts at prosecution, it is a reasonable conchnsion I t-hat tiie law was never meant to be employed as a weapon for efceredit-ing individuals unable to bring tho allegations to the test. The action taken by the principal manu- facturers, having works in Swansea borough, in forming an association for the protection of thedr interests, has produced an appre- ciable effect upon the members of the Cor- poration. This may be gathered from the fact that at the last meeting of the Parlia- mentary Committee it was decided to consult I with the representatives of the new organisa- tion as to the clauses conta-ined in that I measure. The hope is doubtless entertained that by these means the powerful opposition of tho principal ratepayers will be disarmed. .g. "The Bishop of Qmiraper, in Brittany, has published some crarkxns statistics to show tbe necessity for giving religious instruction to Breton children in the Cymric dialect. He tclis us that out of 310 parishes in Finis- terne, only five use French as the common language, while in 177 parities no child- of ten knows a word of French. In further Brittany, 483,000 peisons are preached to in Breton French being just as foreign. to them as Russian, German, or English." In proportion to its size, Brittany is perhaps ,,s therefore the most exclusively Qymric of all Cymric fastnesses. Many beauiful and pcicelcss exaaniples of oM Cambrian pcattcsry, which used to be majiofaictirred in Swansea. aara eitown with pride by coH&dors. Th^ u&xl hi t iio mareifacfeare was obtained. irom various parts of EngLatwi; "aod was affeerwaitirv —i with tJiut, .very finely growd, and water. J The grctiser particles: of the composition were got rid erf by means of sieves, and then it wa« exposed to heat, which made & consist- ency for tbe working. A vessel was almost was exposed to heat, which made & consist- ency for the working. A vessel was almost instantaneously formed by the artist as the > day rotated on. a circular board. The most delicate operas ions of cokxaiog, glazing, ajid etamping (-,cmluded the process, which need- ed an extraordinary arrsc-^at of sferll before proficiency was attained. Inquiries have elicited the facts in regard to the legal position created by Mr. Glyn Vivian's offer to give the town an art gallery. It a.ppeans that the Corporation has the power by smipte resokition to incresee the Fmee Library rate from Id. to 2d., and ap- propnafce irom the psroceeds a certain sum j for tbe maantenfflooe of an art gailery, iShirald fifty ratepayers, hmwietver eend a requisition awtnwuiiag C. poll, the OorpoKBtion is undetr to grant it. There is very little donibt tihai w4»an the time comes for pro- viding tbe money, a pdl wril be de?naairited, and i wKKikl be advigau,, perha-ps in the interests all couxerned for the point to ba pushed to a a iasnie at once, so as to clear tbe way of possible difiicidfcieB in tbe f«t.tn<c. The Swiaajsea ipablic "T^'c been accustomed to have the iacMt?y laid oat by the Harbour Trust upon providing aocrTCiiiO'laticn for the fish trawlers, represmted as an excellent investment far the port, e oí t- aiid protective advantages dacivgj^ie, from the industry. This view., howawt, cioes not comrnajui gerk-ami a^oe^jtance. Among people at the docks, competent to fotm a judgment, there aire some at least who cotv sidtetr tbe money in a large measure wasted,' sicca the return from it mirt always be inadequate. Nor do they entertain any ex- pectation of an appreciable increase in the business. We can but, hope, fur the sake of Swansea, that their pessimistic predictions will be falsified in the result. m • «m m in After socn-e years of ling which! cnJnrkEated in the property passing into the bands of a Receiver for tIre debenture btAtiers, the "Leader," with its weakly auxiliaries, has been prowhased for L3,500 by Sir Geo. XewrMs. The price doubtless fairly corresponds to tbJe present value of the concern but it has a mclrenchoty sigrtifi- Ow-- for the old shareholders in this enter- prise the nominal capital of which was between £ 20,000 and £ 30,000. For a mem- be.r of Parliament, it is unquestionably use- ful to have a newspaper in his constituency thooioughly under big control, but there are obvious d urnri rajitagee,. as wd1. One of these the certainty tllqt Sir Geo. Newnes w-ifl hè beid persorufJly responsible for any ex- pr of opinion in it, which may j rove unpakfetble to wcti-is of the Liberal Party. "'J' An inng corres^ondenoa is proceed- ing in "Yofrkshii^e Post" an one aspect of the Welsh revival- The asks why Welshme n and h women who know little- Welsh noW & ke part in public prayer, ufiing the -unknown at saipposed to be unknown Wefcli Biblical phrases aixj tb^, peculiar idiomsfac expression which they never trsed befoae, and., pt--)I-hly, did not undersbar-d. "b tihe case «f W jmesi and womn," one correspondent^ "this power of exprest-ing themseIVes ]Kts existed ^vithin t hem without aJiy knovJedge of itg existence, beti ng tlie pubSc prepay (so gjxiak) their own brain.^ Why ^in thsy not have it before t-lie revive? answer to that is closely with the inhibitory power that is incidt i^t to-<Hacect i-ecruest met I. 63ft. 1 ..i" •• ckawouj ijrWsr.; v ->f <xsv»<» -.i' ^perieooe. During Boxing Day, and the two revival days, no less than 20,000 people entered Tabernacle Chapel, Morriston. A Swansea man who had been awy seventeen years, and whose wife was quite ignorant of his whereabouts, turned up a week or so agu. He walked into the hottse, smoking a cigarette, and hafled her with a "Hullo, old girLt" Mr. Herbert Lewis, M.P., hag, an interest- ing cocstriburfcion to the unemployed problem., which we give below, and which deserves the attention of our County Codicils. 1r. Lewis says:—"We have nine million acres of waste land, and 15 million acres of hearth and mountain, land, yielding a. very Etnaiall retiarn. ),LRcl1 of this is available for forest- ing. We import worth of tim- ber every year, over wonbh of which could be grown, in B-ra-taan- There of 116, bokmgaig to both, polsiical parties, who take an interest in this quesoioax, have again and! again predicted that, with. the return of bad times, coupled with <Ji.5- tr"&9 arising from lack of employment, this, among other remedies, would be suggested, but tr -it bad times would find ne wiitii no ca,refuliy-prepaired plao or schense formui^ted by responsible authorities, and ready to put into operation* When the Swaaisea Guardians d'acided to make a. knowledge of Welsh a deeirable quali- fication in the recently appointed relieving officer, their decision had our esra.e'st COTIL- mendatioin. An officer, whose duty brings him daily into contact with poor people, many of tbem with no knowledge of English, Hjiould obviously be capable of under- standing and speaking the native language. At their last meeting, however, the Guar- dians, or rather a majority of them, went a long step further, and rendeared themselves ridiculous thereby. A resolution was actu- ally carried, that a knowledge of Wefeb. sliouid be deemed desirable ill the caretaker of the Union Offices, whose duties maiin-ly consist of sweeping out t.he floor's, dneting the tables and chairs, and seeing to it that the women who wash the floors give value for tlie money paid to them. It would be difficult to conceive of a, greater absurdity. ,.1. The life of the late Rev, Hugh Price Hughes has been written by his daughter Dorothea, who is v- :11 qualified to perform the work. As the English cannot 00 eaid to be a negligible quantity in Wesleyanisn, is would ha.ve been well if she bad been a little more tactful in bar allvuson to them. Her father was of Celtic-Jewish <etock, so thea-efore is the biographer to a lees extant, and she is good enough to tell her Anglo- Saxon readers that "the Welshman is as superior a person to the Engiisimian as a Scotcitsian or an I ri-jhman. He knows, as my father was never tired of poanng into the Emghtih ear, that it is only through the Celtic intermixture that they have evar risen above the national inertia in all those-matters where the divine fire is an essential ingre- dient." This ma.y be so, bat the Jews can claim quite as rich an endowment of the "divine fire" as the Welsh and her faibhers own lineage most naI; be wholly left out of account. -+--+-+- It would seem that rowdyism is becoming a more common phenomenon daily in Welsh footbail. The newspaper reports of matches are seldom unaccompanied by allusions to rough play on tlie part of-players, and the brwtaig of referees by spectators. The Welsh L nion, if it aims at arcsting the growth of these evils, must Îf:<0 closer supervisiOii over too referees. is not said by way of <x>ndonatiof) of the rowdyism of either tipectatocs or playecs, bat the fact is tilat as -tittfese unseeinly manifestatkuvs are traooable directly to weak or titctl-^sts referees*. If the members of the Committee were not, dominated by the referee class, they would institute an investigation into tbe circumstances of each, disturbance, not merely a.5 affecting the •disturbers, but also embracing the efficiency erf the retereeing. Then, if the unht were weeded out, it would become possible to cany the moral support of the public in enforcing a drastic policy for the puriLsdiirBerit of offenden3..As it k, however, there is a general disposition, on the part of the public to sympathise with the authors of rowdyism. The adtedssiiom is virtmally unavoiUable that teclmically the Welsh Union Ootmnittec was right in dec&irfng that the try c-aiiwed by Leicester shouid hare been allowed, 'i he referee, jAavers and spactatorai, erred* m over- looking tine phrase in the ruks Hdikjli de- stroys, once the ball ie forced over the gani- line, certain wntrisauoiif ofcherWiSe oyieraxiA e. The rule that no one must lrewid-le the ball in scTinimage-appeaJied faial to theckim, but ortoe tlie ball is ck-iven over the line, the whole situation is altered. From the declaration of the Wefcih Union, Leicester's Men are entitled to come down to Swansea, and kick for goal, and should the basil pass over the bar. and between the uprights, the natch would ba won by Leicester, and Swansea's clean record smudged. This \v\)I[!ld inflict a gross injustice upon tiie S" team, because the try actually scoff, bv Lejoestes* was got from a sci'ifTT*?i¥*fc" rKV&r L. Q line following iarmoediiate'" sbs- if ad tbe lasfcten: I- kick for g^w>aicl lu •- iv r '•*$& > the pressure upou fjjg 1xn relieved, for they hem <. titkd to drop out frean tS tv/'srity-toro Or kick off froon the oeaitr^. lu ".1i lability, howr, the Leicester men u: a- sPQrte3>man.iike spirit, accept the res- ns a draw. In which event the Swansea re«>.Al will still staindi good. Mjaa^whSfe it is curious to find so general a rrtiisaipprebo nfiBOGi of the rttle prevalent amongst p^ayere and public. 1 The members cl the Swansea Ootincil, and particulajly those who act on tbe Educaticfi Committee are to be pitied for the next few weeks. The appointment of sttpanbtetrident of r0tr001s, to which a salary of £400, rising to £450 a. year, is attached, h36 to. be mOO-û and the legion, uf csanvasgera is already emerging for tiie fray- It is tsnderatood that among the likely oandidates tbiere are at least four Jocal school, aaJd in the canvassing tbeee naturally enjoy a great ad- vantage over outsiders, hver well quali- fied the Matter /nay happen to be. A remark made by a, member at a recen.t mteting that he would out be a party to the selection of any local candidate eiijitsd a chorus of approving "hear, hears!" It remains to be seen, kov^eve-r, whtthgr this objection in principle to a local ^Upe-iini^desit will' sm> cessfullT resist this certain to be brought, tf bear _nP<wi the mesnbeis. Toere is an air of plausibdlit.y in the argument that other things being equal, preference shouid be to a locad —that it would be an Ïnjdtiœ to exclude local candidate. In piactk0 ybowever, "other things" must in- evitai'ly fail to be coiEtl. ]).lob. local caaidi- daie bisfriende, boit and outside the Council, and: the danger is that tbs beet v.-tce-puller will have tbe appointment, pro. to the rorit;c, detriment of the public interests and the interests of tie children. The -ppointTrteiit it..1f can only be justified on the assumption t'hat tie best candidate arcailabte for the .<ilary is chosen. Tf any considexstt cn i6 allowed to infiucn o tb-1 Carraniitee apart fiom. that-of ffttalific<fuion foe c<he work, Hte-csxse.Jtft 6$ie*jdiag -iXiX) a v-- vvili-aiwgetiwr > The first ehirrch in lianelly was at Llwy- non. Some of the older inhabitants i tate that Llwvnon was the name of the open ground at the back of the old Town Hall. Mayor Spring brings down his hammer with unusual force at Swansea Council meet- ings. The mayoral table, every now and then, is in jeopardy of splitting in twain. The impending fight for the appointment of schools inspector at Swansea suggests tha.t it would really be the most satisfjaetoiry pro- cedure to insert the notice "N1> local men. need apply." Where there are focal omdi- darijOs there is wire-pulling, aitd where there is wiire-puMsrng, there is fair degree of certainty that the motst eligible man will-not get the post. The editor af too "Western Mail" (Mr. Wm. Davies), and the acting editor of the London "Daæ1y Chronicke" (Mr. Harry Jones), spent last week-end at Swsansea. Mr. Gwynne, the editor of the "StandaircL;" was also expected to pay a visit to his home ail Langland. The revivaJ., had nothing what- ever to do with their movements locally; in each instance the purpose of the visit was of a purely social character. !I The man or woman who becamee fasoous, either locally or universally, attracts fables as a ship draws barnacles. In the United States, where political work is elevated into a fine art, it is customary to issue, on the eve of the presidential election, a biography of each candidate, into which is introduced all the-good stories to be found in literature, which are i tacked on to him so as to suggest the possession of qualities calculated to- im- press the popular inrftginaricn. Evan Roberts, the revivalist, has not escaped this penalty of notoriety. Stories are current to the effect that a. perfect avalanche of money descends upon him from anonymous givers, all of which, with tlie exception of a few pounds for the train fare, and maintenance of the girl evangelists, he forwards to the Hospital. One circumstantial statement inude this week was that recently he received a cheque for £100, and that it was sent by him to the Cardiff Infirmary. Another was that on Saturday last he was the recipient of no fewer than thirty postal orders, all but a small proportion of which, for neces- sary expenses, were posted to the Swanesa i Hospital. We have reason to believe that there is not a word of truth in these sbories; it is cartRin, at aJl events, that up to date the SAvaneea Hospital had not benefitted to the extent of a single pen' » by tbe aJ1 anonymous supportems of 00 revival. The exceedingly j^mx sfcrooiage wh.- t is j rewarding the product t"1 at Swainsea by th ^oody-Manniars ComiMsrir. has about a d-»; • to explain it b t* not a single eiwv 1 Tieie «re fear big attraction, in town; and ata ■ ie j revival and Ev iv'.b?r s. wito drws per oent. of his aiudifcacts m town r-r by nothing more than nx*re curiosity. j is the inord;r,ate lengtU- oi toe fortnight should suffice. There is tlOP; of any promioejit local —wb" mean factor in the ^access the Opera. Coa&, 3a.t thare is > attraction i ^haiently -.■rfrr./ig t~ J who proclaim -A> .-til a; vc-. ^str „n-^ of and gifts f-.it ai tl-e ro -ib- stain fron. att-r-mdaai.-e. T/ is equal ta that has vi 1 perliaps f-ipcric-r in pc-iot of sc 1"0 ekibor:itioTi o-r -detiul; titers* !<, a i rare degrfN' or vocal o. t icdn&r h a. repertcfc s eriifcincwg f-unv M ?;est masteiT-es of masic. ;l Va mr. in- clined to ufViu °f Swart^j, sdie^i; "rom the ni'usic-loviijg aspe-ct; the t-xpari-j; > of the Carl Rosa Cotapaay at the Grand the paft few seasons was miisf: uctoery enough. But there was then but two other places of amusement open; h) aevivai, and fcbe erred, if ajiytbuig, 011 the side of orevity. Reproduce tliese (tiôtJ6, and it n hix to aissame that equally large audiences wrusld lie ward the plt orgsaiisation, vbich readies in marry points a suiperb degree f cxcallence. w- A striking feature of the revival is the obscurity of the part played by the ministers—and for that matter by its minis- ter, Hvan Roberts. The assiduous work of tlie* Pemr Griffiths first carried the "flaanc. to Swaiisea. But Oiaoe the meatings are began, they go automatically, and atrry attempt to- intrfwatuce order or ceremonv into tbe ba of confcssdonss, hymn singing, and the general upheaval and boiling of the audiences saems to act as a chill TIm Rev. Pf31¥Jil" is one of the vcay few ministers whose najcas will be pwwuiaently ideatifiad with it; and IJ1Ð would be the fust to deny that lie is another Evaai Robertsi, aitiioogh the scenes a,t pcntre fÆtyU and! other plaoes in the district have reoched heights of fervour that, short of general riot and rneajiity not be surpassed. Yet, in these stonn ceaitaies^ thd xxBTHsterial influence ceased five iriimtes from the outsetl And the great revivaiEst- Robf^ -as fiir away. The logical conclu- "j< ••tK-Mw.Hy detenrnnes the liter's [ jXKition in histoi"y of the movement. I' He 13 not (lie Mp-reutoar; but., to revert to expnesc* ve iootixUl p iar;ce, he hsus "kicked: ofi the ball." great -;t.«rm of eanotirm has ^athfir,T.0- umier tine crust of apa/thy in <rhapf4; it has at length The 'R- is working oait its i R'v-vd,r»on, with iib-lf he&p from, Roberts j or ar!j-one So much is fairly firmly <». tiibiisherlj, if/Tre accrt nt the logioal legsmte to m. a, caretM study of the hrttcry of the spiritual revolution. The probability is that a. p011 wiil be dema.v'fd again, if a.ny resolation to increase the Librriry Rate, so as to provide a sum for the mainteiience of Mr. Glvnll Vivian's art gailery is laid before tbe Council. But the chances are much brighter fw the latter gift. Vivian's generosity is ]€l<yrd in character, and has not been discounted by being freely given to a dozen other towns for the asking. Superficially, as it will en- tail a. minute addition to tlie individual rate- payer's share of the mutual burden, it sliouid be rejected as. conclusively as was the Free Librpajj offer. But the public being human, are illogical and variable in mood. Between a gift from a neighbour a.nd from a stranger there is all the difference in the Worfd; and the art galleTy wiH add grace a.nd dignity to the town, and 00 one of its most precious municipal heritages. The sectional anajnositv aroQaed. by tlie allo^on of the branch library sites will be It wooJd be a curious upset if the waS to &how sweeping ma.jorrfcy 111 of just about the same increase in tbe rates that on a former occasion was lv refuøed; hut many pemona will feel their opinions in- .] C"i1Øc1 by the ungraciouKn^ of a rebuff to Mr. Vivian, There is another sixi3 to the question. Is government by to be the new regime at. Swansiea.? The process is quite esatasfactojy and decisive; the rate- payer personally does wlia-t has'representa- tive ? suppoited to do for him by daputy. But it is also costly; aiul niearns if affiything that the Town Ooqmcii as such is an" niter farce, existing on suffer and voichig no views except ite own. if municipal g^n tnent, is to be condoci^d through incessant *ppeals unto Caesar for a decision npon JVcry important step forward., the whole fundamental theory of collective raspoosi. biQty is leciuiOQd to sjq absurdity. I Another argument for a new name. Most of the London papers, alluding to the McTaggart incident at Swansea, say it hap- pened "in the High Street." This has a country village, sort of look we don't exactly rhapsodise over. Now, if Gorse-laae hadn't anticipated we should—well, .let it -go. If Miss Dillwyn feels herself "not appre- ciated," as she has said, at Swansea Hos- pital, she, at any rate, finds the ratepayers not similarly.lacking, for she has just been elected wctbout opposition on the Swansea Board of Guardians. -+-+- "Don't talk to moaboirt Arctic-or Antarc- tic expeditions," grumbled the alien-bater: "look there," and he pointed at a fresh im- portation from Warsaw going up Carmar- then-road, "if we can't find the Poles the Poke can find os." A Valley tradesman has lost all faith in the revival. A couple of weeks ago he en- trusted a converted party with goods ur "old account," and a promise to pay on the following Saturday. He has seen lei. ther--the customer nor the money since. Rev. Nantlais Williams' declaration that tOO competitive spirit is not in accordance with the teaching of Christianity threatens to produce unexpected results. A Valley teacher has accepted its truth, and has de- cided henceforth to discontinue giving prizes as a stimulus to her scholars. -+--+--+- During the visit of Mr. McTaggart to l,g:a Swansea, he has learned a little Welsh, viz. "Daw, cariad yw," and "Diolch Iddo." Each time "Diolch Iddo" was sung Et Mor- riston he restarted the chorus on several oc- casions. He is pro^d of "Duw, cariad yw, and requests it on every passable occasion. -+-- Sir Jewir, Morris in his "Epic of Hades" las some lines which apply forcibly too- the rev-iv.-A.1 For Knowledge is a barren tree-and bare, Bereft of God, and Duty bnt a word, And strength bnt Tyranny, and Love, Desire, A'!1d Purity a folly, and the Soul Which brings down God to Man, the Light to the world He is the Maker, and is blest, is blest! -+--+- One of tho athletic feats at the Cwmbwria revival meeting was the hauling up over the pulpit s'de of Rev. D. Jones, the respected and bulky pastor of Cwmbwrla ChapeL About half-a-dozen workers, some pulling, some pushing, were employed. The smile of the pastor on reaching land was good to seel C. -ir on the workers tackled the less serious of hauling up the "Daily Post" re- sorter. -+- '^he gathering of the Swansea Consuls to c? change greetings with Mayor Spring took p ice as usual, this year, on Monday after- )on, the first cf January this year falling i a Sunday. Biscuits, cake, champagne, mo whiskey v/cro provided, and over the glasses goodwiU and fellowship ruled upreni-e. The Mayor, wearing his chain of oiiice, wished good health to everyone and everyone drank. The biscuits almost went begging. The Swansea, coroner seems to have grown tired in his mission. Not for weeks has he delivered that address of his on the dangers of improper feeding of infants, and his voice has been silent flannel- lette. question. "Beading in bed," he told It jury on Monday, who had jost .w-. w diet of accidental death in the case, of a poor woman who met her death that way, "will I go (xx, I suppose, whatever we may say or do. There's no use saying anything about itr" i Ore of the abiding- j0:t"s of a visit to a meeting conducted by Evan. Koberts is the unoGtentataous, but non, the less effective manner in which he "bottles up" every speaker who attempts to air a campaign against any particular' besetting evil, of the times. A ]Iva, gets up from the simmering congregation and pours forth a. tirade against, let Us instance, the curse of intemperance- Evan Roberts hears him; leaning over the pulpit he drops a few quiet words in Welsh and the other speaker instantly subsides. The gospel he preaches is "hcav"y love"; and be will have none other. This is one of fto strotng points °f the reviMI-itis moderation and-the canity of the creed preached by It is an entire revolt against the jiarrowrness ajid gloom of the doctrines preached in the old days. No mortificaition of the flesh is here demanded; individuals in the congrcig'atton may be torn by sftrit'ual terrors in there irrward souls, but the central figure of the gathering preacites love and joy alo-, and beams on the packed. attdisooas, his face suffused witb the light, of the internal happiness. Talking just- as if engaged in private conversatTO«i, be accompoanes his disjcinted remarks with a few unooi^^iis sweeps of the arms which woinderf^Hy cmpfiasiea their force. But tbsro still seejBs no partacuJaa- power in- herent in him to pwodttoe such arrsazing res'-flts. one could w.øn undemtand a triuaaphail progbess of a great orator, cap turing the amotions of every auditor with tho vehement of his words; but his oratory is bu-i the simple commonplace dictum of any person of ordinary education and intel- ligence of his class. He stwws of im- provement, tnsa, but that ? inevitable with his daily pioe. One is foi-ced to ooncJødoe that, the fixewc-ud, was already laid for the conflagi-ation; that he is bat the man who nas applied the match. Mr. Oswald Stoi4 of Empire, Hippodrome, Colli scum fame, pea'haps one1 oi the busiest men imaginable, can still steal sufiBei^t. time to pen a feW lines regarding the profeftikmal singer, as the subjoined amusing lines—■ which appe" in the "EncoTe Atinual"- show: With bated breath, the mighty crowd, ar- rayed on tier o'er tier, Expectant, %-t6 the crowning song of him whom they hold so dear. The music plays, the fav'rite within tine footlight *s w, And lifts his hand, to sbem the roar enthuei- I aots let gO. The strains of mielody ring true, the words have charm galore, The voice is svv'eietest music-few ha.,ve heard the song befCTe- In pledge of unrestrained deEght -Sour)diag hands aqipJ^d, And cries on (; for more—. Eaoo^g.— Ijctoken rioll r('Ar,-wd. And when, "niext turn"—another stw-to mate her bow essays, The diiajnond buttons on her shoes u aaish out an angry blaz<&— For still the throng acclaim "úÎ1 wisii. to end her nitfpber dowr., And hear aga;m that song that oosfc the singer But irtalf-a^crown, and yet, far IJbat, Bit treeusjury he'!l d To take a bulky roll of nates in be- jerwelled hand- What wonder tha.t he worships it., his. oong that filled his purse, And vows to nurture it through life for better or for wmrae. To sing it, through the years that pass, -as ohoe groiw cold; To sing it when the gal i'ry bc^'s are n^en grown staid a.nd old. To sing it on the pavement and deploee the- public taste, Wtiore he's no looger waoted on the et-ago he r,ne time graced-— To .sing it, sing it, sing it, hoping at tbe crack of Doom, To 0n!! it on for ever, -afcter rjaing-^rom his Tomb. j Mr. David Da vies, of Llandinam, ;g ?t Tokio, together with two Montgomeryshire divines—Revs. W. T. Jones, M.A., Mach- ynlleth, and Maurice Griffiths, M.A., Llanelly. The plucky apprentice, Herbert Hastings, who assisted at the rescue on the Swansea ship, Vanduara, at Liverpool Docks, is the son of a commercial gentleman well-known in Swansea, and a young man of great promise. +-+- It ie am interesting point that detractors of Swansea would do well to ponder over that there is no town in the kingdom of the same siae with so nmny places of amusement cater- ing for it. Public entertainers are the best judges of prosperity. "Our experience of going through the ac- counts is that we negiect them. If the chair- man doesn't go through tbem nobody does. I don't know if you found the same at the School Board."—A confession at a, Swansea Council Education Committee rrjeeting. --+--+--+- The Mayor of Swansea, whilst entertain ing the Swansea paupers at the workhouse in his full robes, eeemed so charmed with the place that he declared to his wife that she must be careful of him or he would want to go and stay there altogether. -+-- Capel Als, the largest chapel in Llanelly, was erected on the site of an old cottage formerly occupied by an old woman named Alice, and the place of worship was called Capel Alice after her. In process of time the name became contracted to Capel Als. -+-+- Where's Tom Bowling, Ben Brace, and Tom Halyard? An English boat which re- cently left the port had a German captain and officer, two Scotch engineers, one Eng- lishman, and five Norwegians 'fore the mast, and three Italians in the stokehole. -+-- -+- Mrs. Parry, widow of the late Dr. Joseph Parry, is now staying with the Hon. Anthony Howells, in Massillon, Ohio. A great eis- teddfod will be held in that district shortly, and several selections from Dr. Parry's works will be used. The chief choral prize- is L200. -+--+- Swansea are at the top of the Rugby foot- ball ladder. One hundred per cent., of course, can't be beaten. But one wonders where some of the English teams which fol- low in the list would be if they had the same engagements as the Welsh teams, viz., play- ing the other big Welsh teams four times apiece. So far as drunkenness is concerned, the revival appears to have affected Llanelly it- self more than the outlying districts. Cases of drunkenness appear to be less frequent in the town, and there are also fewer cases in the court, but the number from the rural area shows no diminution. This appears to be somewhat surprising, but is nevertheless true. -+-- Some time ago, Dr. Robertson Nicholl wrote to "Young Wales" the following word^:—"I have no fear of the political fu- ture of Wales so long as the divine ardours of religion are kept glowing in the land." Aft-er dealing w;th the spiritual apathy of England, he adds: "From what I know of Wales I believe she is.still faithful to a fer- vent evangelica-l missionary religion. She can only confront the rest of the world by holding fast to that which she has." .+--+-+- ''The~most important Ta«t6r~m^WelSir-rt«^— gious life" is how the Rev. Elvet Lewis in the "British Monthly" describes Evan Roberts, the evangelist. "That the move- ment contains a deeply emotional element," he continues, "is everywhere manifest. But the reform in manners is equally striking. Even if some of the results should prove evanescent—as in ail movements—the fact will remain that, it bids fair to elevate a whole nation during a season of what Bun- yan calls 'golden hours,' to heights of grace and joy almost undreamt of within the memory of most." -+- When the question of the rotation of Councillors Colwill and Philip Davies for the East Ward came on at the Swansea Council meeting, Mayor Spring suggested that there should be two slips, one with "three" on it and the other with "one," to be drawn for, so that the length of time teach should serve would be easily settled. Mr. Philip Davies rose to speak, the while the Council smiled. A vote by ballot was taken, with the result that Mr. P. Davies was elected for the three years and Mr. Col will for one year. Mr. P. Da-vies re- ceived 14 votes and Mr. Col will eight. Probably the proportion of people attend- ing places of worship is greater in Llanelly than any other town in Wales, and the place possesses 52 Nonconformist chapels in addi- tion to about half-a-dozen churches. !.n- eluding mission halls, etc., there arc about 60 places of worship open every Sunday. There are, however, some inhabitants who object to going to any place of worship, and with a view of reaching this class meetings are now hedng held on Sunday evenings in the Royalty Theatre. The programme is if a miscellaneous character, including sacred songs and solos, gramaphone selections, ad- dresses, etc. Co. somewhat novel photograph of a Rus- sian peasant family of the name of Williams is re-prcduced in the current issue of the "Bystander." The father, Robert Williams, e-vidently a Welshman, fought during the Crimean War, and was captured by the Rus- sian soldiers. Instead of returning to Eng- land at the conclusion of hostilities, he seWed outside Moscow, and, taking out papers of naturalisation, became a subject of the Czar, subsequently marrying a Russian woman. His sons, seated by him, are named respec- tively after tlie Russian manner—Robert Robertovitch, Veodr Robertoviteh, and Matrei Robertovitch. .+--+- -+- The enclosed cuttnng from a. London news paper may interest Swansea people:—Stu- dents of municipal finance should turn their eyes to Nottingham. For many years the rates have been going up, and to escape the excessive urban imposts lace manufacturers have been moving out in search of cheaper .Ti I land and lower rates. Village factories with better machinery have been founded in this way all round the big town. The villagers can take a lower wage owing to economic conditions, and what is far more important to the employers do not have to trouble themselvœ about Trade Unions. The re- sult of this curious movement of capital has bean to force the town manufacturers to face the situation. They are swamped by high rates, due largely to enormous bor- rowings on the part of the Town Council and to high wages, and cannot compete with their longer-headed brethren who saw what was coming years ago, and trekked beyond the municipal area. In fact, Trade Unionism plus municipal finance has pro- duced the dispute now going on in Not- tingham between the masters and the men. Wages will certainly have to come down, or the urban lace tcade will go.



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