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Watch-night Services at Swansea





ROBERTS AT M0RRIST0N. Friday's Heating-, The Bishop of St. David's, writing on the revival m a pastoral letter to the clergy 01 the diocese, says :—- Cur avtitude towards it should bs an atti- tude of sympathy, watcbialness and prayer. this movement, which !;J J "Buddeniy brought spiritual rcaliiios to the forefront "of public a, interest in Wales, calls for our sinoere sym- pathy. I know from my personal intercourse with the clergy that there has bwn among us a growing sense oi our need of deeper spiritual lup. "Underneath all our unhappy divisions there is latent a fundamental spiritual unity among ail Christian believers. It is to be hoped earnestly that at a time when a special subject of vital importance and much com- plexity has illustrated painfally differences of conscientious convictions the present revival may serve to remind us that, amidst all our differences, all Welsh Christians have in com- mon, as a basis of spiritual sympathy, great spiritual needs. "The fact tilxt the r»reseut has s1 ready produced a salu'arv and evidsefc cftect I upon the moral tone the localities which I it has reached demands reverenco for the Divine power manifeet-d in it. "I earnestly trust tmu during the coring year, and especially during tbe iiext month ) of January, you will for vxt-,tl cp- I portunities for public inrcroeesbn in ycur j respective parishes." BANGOR BISHOP Y>:3f! ST PAtTL'S COUNSEL ON L0is EWARMNESS.. I In a letter addressed to his clergy v the i Bishop of Bangor deals with the revival. He calls attention to St. Pa-nl's exhortation, "Quench not the Spin.. Despise not pro "Quench not the Spin Despise not pro phesyings. Prove all 1 huigs held fast that which is good." I "Learned commeniatore," cava the Bishop, "agree that propfaesjrings huve suftewat points of likeness wit; vi io justify j us in regarding the latter z* within i'he scape of the Apostle's direct ons. GREAT SCENES MORKTSTQN TABERN ACJ.5. It is safe to say that '"shf»macle. Cbape'j Morriston, has never better filled tnim it was on Friday evening, Evan-Robert* at tendance being of course the great draw. Every point where a person oonki sta»l or sit was occupied, including the big pfW, pvi- pit, pulpit steps and rails, window sills, aad lobbies. Before six p.m. the people- had assembled, an-i at eleven p.m" "n the writer con- cluded that, so far as h< personally was con ,ertl,d, retirement for night' was desir- able, the meeting was -utiiming, the crash being then almost.c-qua?.y as great as at any other iiiiie duriig the 1 ening. Ths congregation Wi deeply affected by a- number of women ¡It tying for their rela- vive0 at the same time. A passionate prayer ? r a young girl pre- ceded the singing of ) anfon Di yspryd Then Mr. Reverts rOl- in the pulpit and ccmpjainod th. was loo mnck curiosity an.; too little ot .he Serif in those meet- .ing*. They had all dtterved eternal pun- ishment. They migfc!; ,-ive tbeir names on Cb'P'ch books aiui vet b» '-vet. An impressive adieno> io1 Sowed, broken An impressive sdtenoi io1 Sowed, broken i'1 woman's voice, whi-reuDon Mr. Robens exel&imod, '"i hjuik God there Is b He was flow on his knees and fit vrc i.iaov of the cr n^regation. Ae a. m er oi other -oiees ^re fc'jard in prayer 9^ u^r the budding, M Roberts fell into] j Ver^ving out, _d has answered' The Spirit said ''G" ca year iinees V There waf- iroenss ^eeLng in t «.»{•! t at t-has -point 'and several women < at t-has -point 'aM several women ■-• v • i l", -io ••at near the front climbed the pui_ 1 from ib rs to the g;¡,¡ I",ry. Si' .a'is for vc- a1? who, in. the op hs* been overcome, j Two ere called j; ths> pulpit, Lild agaii b Jrstnto the song, ) "D>via gt'iMi fel y n-.iroedd. A man dreg. ed in tie urifbrru of the S»'v?ition Army, in the y-ulpit, presented a pdtifal sight, having in the course of his prayer apparently lost til can.rol ot him- self, could but repeat the words, ap- parently withmrt at U ie&iismg their meacirg, "Lord, I believe—.Lorr', T brieve meacirg, "Lord, I believe—.Lorr', T brieve --now!" He was «Mendsd to by Mr. Rob. erts, acd presently grew calmer. Mr. jipherts. m an intervs', declared that the revival would not be < -v d t<o Britain, but WC JH spread throughout the worid. I The overflow meeting in Cbapei was well attended also, and < y itnul-er BCllle the incidents of the big •; f-i.tng were re- peated. Mr. Mc-Taggart 7,11 Hev. Joseph I Gimlett were the conductors a id a strong English elemoit, was TanifeU. Mr ,T. Davirs. one o' the ueacor s -.f Spar?'on s Tabet aaeie, a. notable fit with a toil I bushy beard, roused m entiK?^ias-ii. | "Since the Roman down! the House of God at Jeri; "I." he de- dared, "Gk)d had no house i- m the vvorld, but was continually knoc :r at the door of their hearts." I A gentleman from Essex S"; ,1 1"" had down to Wales to catch t' hi- of the re- vival he had got what ht carre for. This meeting was also coi to a jate hour, as was a smaller at Bet'har, a Chapel. I YOUNG DAN ROBERTS 'I MULTITUr Ystalyfera is aiire at I j-or several I weeks an expectant multi -i has t>rpyevl for the revival, and it eamt !!■•. Oa Thurs- day, however, their prayer .e a.os'vered. Evan Roberts did not come üt his br-othet I did, atnd the long-pent up iet.iiigs of local religionists burst forth as e mighty torrent- Only a plain, pale-face-' ma,a, ""ith a quiet voice, yet what wonderful uiiioejico he wields over his congregation. Whether he utters great truths, or makes remarks, he is listened to with rapt tien- tion. The same sweet smue and joyftd ges- tures as distinguish his better-known bro- ther. The similarity is striking, To aid I him in his mission a-i 3talyfern hv;, haa silver-tongued Mjs: Anriic ;)avies, and Miss S. A. Jones, Nantymoei. L r The afternooiT maeting v, he^fr v the j English Gong egaticoal Chape.. Ttus -itt-Je I buildii-ig loii, beware the tune vinounced for j the service 0 coihrnetjee wa_- iwronged with worshippers and inquirers. Roberts opened the meet. ng "wi t-h ? sv>srt- jsddroas. He spoke of the ;w :nfiuenoC ift hjs career, and explained how it had ti-aaigod his out- look "on life. Then his fa^e lighted up as hi t short, concise sentenoeihedrovehome by f^ quent repetitions the truths he had come to teach. Afterwards the meeting was thrown open, and prayers were offered and confes- sions made by various pemor;. it W6.,S a very inspiring meeting, but not n7Larkel by tlte wild scenes which distinguisued tit" evening service. Half an hour before the meeting-fcnr.ounoe<i TO take place at. Zoar Chap-«. the buijdinp was packed. There must, have been at jeit. 1,500 persons present. After Pan had addressed the meeting, HWT1' | Hughes., Llangollen, got up to speak, bu. h'j had hardly started when h" was mtff- rupted by an outburst of singing, ihis was fo'lowed by half a dozen P,C¡;'S, as many as three piuyiug at the same time. Rev. D. Evans's (Penrhiwceibr) adiir -s5 whic;h fo' lowed was brought- to a clOfK ], y another out- burst of hvmn-einging. B this tire: meeting was aflame. Your g iW-" :iiiont-ed out prayers until they fell back in 3hoeoer ex- hans-tion. A oathetic incident now :> ■ orred. Annie Jones, while in the rritidle of an ad- dress, burst into tears. Her friend twined her arm round her waist ac: started one of her sweet melodies. The scenes which followed defy descrip- tion. The place appeared in a turmoil. amd yet there was no disorder. Somo prayed: others sang. In one part, or the.chapel were laughing, clapping hands, and waving handkerchiefs in joyful excitement, while a short distance away groupt; might be sffft praying in tones of agony .«jid sliedd'Ttg bit.teT tears. Men, women, and children ¡.)1St control over themselvjes, and nl:MtV fain^-ed with excess of enotauti, One young enthusiast shcut-ed, 1. boys, dewch yn mlaen, m'r Yspryd dotl o'r diwedd." A conversion ther nounced. This was tJ-- -or *-r< break such as YBtaljfera has beit,re witnessed. The half dozeo preacl^is in the pulpit danced with joy, and !>*& Rol- exulted, while the e-ont- !o-ch Iddo" for about g, quarter of "• One of the ministers, Rev P ?en- rhiwoeibr, lost 5 cont.ro' o r tuttu# %nd shouted out "lesn Grist for ever A young man began praying for the removal of the devil from the meeting. "Yes, that's right, give him another," cried an enthusiast. Prayer was offered up for Evan Roberts by a wnng man, when somebody broke m with the words, "Yr ydym ni wedi cr.ei 'lessons' pur gydag ef beth bynag." Auothei who was suffering from hoarseness offered to forfeit a thousand pounds for a better voice with which to shout for Christ. When the standing up test was applied, the scenes became reiniarkabie in t,he er. treme. At one time in haa a dozen centres prayers wore being tyfiered for the "prodigal sons" who had returned. About half-past eleven the meeting came t> an end, the number of converts being eighteen. In announcing this result, Dan Roberts remarked, "Some have had shcts to-night from which they will not. recover. The meetings are to be continued on Satur- day. Before the evening meeting at Pantte; Chaped two processions will parade the streets, one starting from Godre'graig, the other from Gurnos. MORRISTON TABERNACLE SUFFERS DAMAGE. When h ityn Jones, pastor of Taber- nacle Chape?-. Morriston, was asked by a "D&ily Post". :representative whether the crnshi.ig and crowding at the recent revival meet:nee? at that place of worship had, aso ruinoiifed, caused damage, he replied "Oh, d<n.r. ves fo what c-xt, iit. Mr. Jones? "To the pillars and walls, the paint and the lobby, wmcVw-fraroes—in fact,-gen,ral, damage." Aiiked wheUi the members would allow i tsihiar such 111<f igs to be held ag-ain, the reverend gentlem-m replied "If they de spiritual good, we don't mind the oast. This morning I received a New Year's card ,vii 0 a postal order for 10s. 6d. towards the "What will the damage amount to?" "Some cay but this has not vet been 9 «5/> r o 1 r> -p*n SPARKS FRO.Vf THE GREAT FIRE. liim as Thy speaking trumpet," prayed a P#-rtre man of Evan Roberts. Mr. D. iif-rrs. Llansamlet, supplies the folioTnfcg i-ri'-nslevitm of "Diolch Iddo" :— Here's a Saviou,- for lost 6inners, Hcaknr for either'd race; Here is one loves to pardon Yi'e trri.n2,~<' -.ors. 0, what grace Thinks • ever, For redvKttTung .rthly dust. "Well-Wisher writes:—Meetings have been armn- held at Ebenerer Chapei at 2, and at T-huty Chapel at 7 p.m., on Tuesday ;iext. Jut it is very clear that these chapels will be much too small for the then- sands who will attend, and who wish to catch the fire. I suggest therefore tha.t overflow meetings be held at the Methodist Chapel and the Welsh esleyan Chapel (both in Alexandra-road: the afternoon, and at Capel Gomrr aaa Capel Henrietta-efepeet in the evening, ■ r more of the missioners could take par; r 11 these meetings. Thou- sands would he gioddenfed, too, if the heads ot our business houses in Swansea recognised the great upiifti- g work of this revival by closing their hocuses on Tuesday afternoon, and thereby ens Vie their assistants and ser- vants to shave „ lessings. I An old won- rayed at, Pentre for a coasin of here wi., had "fallen," and had been taken to the r-. lioe-station. "Tl»ri^ will be a demand for Bibles," said "Pena-r" after the whole congregation at Pentre had risesi and promised to read the Bible daiiv. So impressive ?- s the afternoon meeting at that Mr Roberts made the remark, ? a terrify p-ace. I have never felt the terrible as imoch as to-night before." Mr. Evan Ri>L»erto has promised to visit Cardiganshire M as arrangements can be made. There was some -aotiful solo singing in the Pentre overflow -eetings. Mr. J. Williams, of Port Talbot, writing of it revival criticism, says that the excuses r-j ."cco mt for so.ne the conversions, such as the law of toe land compelling parents to look after their farad as, etc., are ridiculous in the extreme. Sirica, when does the law of the land compel to join the House of God? ) Ar, Atheist wa Averted at Cardiff on Sunday. A. worisn, who :2"!t -rwards said she had meant to drown herself, looked into a Barry meant to drown herself, looked into a Barry HIEETIJIG, AND WAS T-» WD. Swanaoa poTicenien did invaluable service in controlling the crowds at Mr. Evan Ro- berts' meetings on Sunday. Mr. Harry Jane. acting editor of the "Daily Cllronicle," J.ondon, was among those present fit. Siloam, Pectre, on Sunday after- nor. The revival is fast- destroying interest in football in S^va-nsei Valley. Among the convene at a revival meeting at Pantteg were a farheT ana eon. "The deril hss alrt^d.y a black eye," said a Loughor convert. "Give him another." A Llarasarrdet corr»"pondent writes —The friends of the district desire to offer their warmest thanks to the "Daily Post" fcr its sympathy and good sorvioe in helping on the movement

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