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£ ♦ t INTERESTING EXTRACTS FROM "THE | | CAMBRIAN," OF 1806. 8 LIFE IN SWANSEA A CENTURY AGO. £ {* # «' LOCAL THEATRICALS SOME FREE CRITICISM. # Sk*## Swansea, Friday, July 19th. ¡ On Monday last between 70 and SO gentle- men and tradesmen of this town ..nd iie.gb- bourhood dined at the Mackworth A rrns, t>> celebrate the, opening of a new u.-scmb'y room buiit by Mr. Rotely, the fjpirittd land- room buiit by Mr. Rotely, the fjpirittd land- lord of the above- inn, fur public convenience } The dinner aad wines were excellent, 1< i.-p*t Hotkey's health was drunk with three heaaty cheare; and the evening was .-peat w.;it great harmony and conviviality. m v-ory t ie- gsat assemblage graced the new ro wa h,,¡ night at the public drinking and :J:L: Theatre. — Mr. Phillip's "K-o-lla'' on Mon- day evening was bv far the beat rs-pr-Msoiua t.i-j-q of that arduous character -ve e -er wit- xnasbed in the country. Mr. lay or beefed to bf out of his ehiasni in "Pizi.-ro'; e rather think this gentleman's forte to be cornedv, a.nd if we may judge çrom the sj.'Ci men of h.3 comic song a few evenings uy>, he pronosi&es to become a favourite pet#»rm<\ in that line. "hlovia'' was evident-y a make-shift, Mrs. Flemings' powers not being adapted to such characters, nowever I'Si-'f able :"f1.e may be in others- M'^s Manse, as Cora, was tolerable. After the ptov, a pleasing little pantomime was performed '.vith considerable credit; Mr. Dunn was xtry humorous in the Clown; Master-man tnppo ( it rather heavilv in Harlequin, but made vav lea,p-s in good style. M:,«s Potters Oolumnne was highly satuiiaotc^, a.nd gaye .-jon.;i lei- <tble satisfaction. 1 he last i-oene of the pantomime, in which wa,gintroducoo au od- mirabiv executed transparency of the lumti-- ted Nelson. called forth three loud chc-eis from a, crowded assemblage of (kwll. On Wednesday evening The Spectre oKJ i Jon. Juan drew a tolerable but tlicr- were ¡;n,m de- ficiencies and imperfections in the repre*ii:t«i- "ns in the representation of the play, whi II could not escape notice; and. if they occur again on its repetition, ofT remarks w be more pointed and severe. Monday last an inquest, was ice Id by C. Collins, Esq., on the body of John iv.'ans, vho fell into the riv-r near White ic 'Jopper Works, late on Sunday evening, and was unfortunately drowned. Verdict, atci dental death. TO THE LOVERS OF GOOD EATCNG! WM. Lt,WIS (late of Aberavon), begs aiot respectfully to inform the inhabitants at Swansea and its vicinity that he has pur- chased a larg< stock ot. Cardigan, and South- down sheep and lambs; also of capital HEIFERS, of the Pembrokeshire breed, which will 'out seven inches thick on the ribb, and eat as tender as a chicken; all which he bati procured for the entertainment j of hi's mi ru touts friends at the races next week. Swansea, July 11, 1806. The Three Brothers, Cooper, arrived in the River on Sunday from Chspstow 0>1 the 22nd ult., off Shoreham, she beat AI a r.riva teer, <Liter an engagement of an hour. I <> p i<vjn Cooper afterwards learnt that the pri- vaieer had captured a brig andi two sloops. A brig from Teigmouth to rLeigh was in cmnptMiy, and saved from uemg captured by the gaiictnt, conduct of Captain Cooper. THEATRE, SWAN SEA. The public are respectfully > informed that ■.the » tteu ti e will be open E\ ERY EVENING nrxl week. On Monday e\'eruug, THE WAY TO GET HARRIED; and the pantomime of, The Magic Tomb; On Tuesday, THE MARRIAGE PROMISE wvd MgS. VVTGGINGS; Aad on Wednesday, THE SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER. After which .the Musical Ei■ iert*unmicnt of NO SONG NO SUPPER. Frederick, Mr. Webbe; Crop, Mr. Richard- •oa; Endl-ese, Mr. Gattre, Marga»rette, Mrs. JE&llips. SWANSEA RACES. i'he Nobility and Gentry are respectfudly informed that" the ordinary on Wednesday, "be 16th iniit., the hist day of the Races, will be at the Budih Inn; and the ball the same evening at the Mackworth Arms Inn; •n Tiiursday, the second day, the ordinary at the Mackwoxth Arnas, anci the bail at the Town Hail, to be furnished by Jones of the Bush; and on Friday, tlie third and last day of the Races, the cwdinary at the Bush, a.nd the ball at the Mackworth Arms. Tickets for the ordinaries. és., including a desert (sic); and for the balk, 5s. each, to be had at the Bar of the respective inns, and a.t the Cambrian Printing Offioe and Swansea, Library. liadies and gentlemen ire particularly re- quested to provide themselves with tickets, bot h for ordinaries and balls, to prevent the inconvenience and delay which unavoidably attends giving change. A Caution to Neath Pilote.—At a meeting df the of the Port or Harbour of Neath vii Wednesday, a complaint was ex Imbued bv Captain Joseph Taylor, of the brigaKtine Ann, of Lynn, in the county of Norfolk, against David Rees, one of the licensed pilots of that port cr harbour, for dxiutkemnesw and misbehaviour in the execu- tion of bki duty on board the said vessel, whilst piloting her from, the Mumbles to Neath. The complaint being clearly proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, they were pie-aoed to fine the said pilot. in the Biun of 51., and to Nuspend him from acting as a pilot. Saturday, July 5th. From the London Gazette. Extract of a letter from Captain Prow&e, of the Sirius frigate, to Lord Colling wood, dated Malta, April 27th :— '•'My Lord,—Being .ix or eeven leagues to the westward of Civita echia, on the 171..h inst., at 2 p.m., I gained intelligence tiiat a French force was to have sailed t luit morning irom thence, and were to proceed to Naples. I crowded a press of sail in the same direc- tion; and at a quarter past four they were seen from the masthead in shore. On clD:,>- ing with them just after sunset, I had the satisfaction of seeing one ship, three brigs (c-orveue,, ) and five heavy gun vessels, formed in compact order of battle within two leagues of the mouth o-f the Tiber, and ruea-r a dajigereut, shoril, lying to, with resolution to await our attack. At ssven, within pistol •hot, commenced firing with vigour from both sid £ and continued closely engaged with the equadron for two hours, when the Commodore in the ship hailed, "he had sur- ren.düre<d." ms gallant and determined re- sistance, together with the danger of the shore, and the crippled condition of his Ma- jesty's ship (the ismoothnefss of the wa,ter ad- mitting t./rB enemy to use their guns with the greatest effect), prevented me from pur- suing the remainder of the flotilla, although several wore much cl iftiabied, and compelled, a short time before the ship struck, to cease firing and make off. Had it been daylight, I have no doubt, from the firm and gailant, conduct evinced by the officeab and ships company. t.hat we should h. VO:' succeea-ed in capturing more of the enemy's vessels. I lave deeply to lament the loss or my nephew, the ooiy officer, and eight seamen or irfiarMbeo killed in the above encounter, and ^'i,r^ie officers and 17 seamen a.nd marines wounded, nine of whom a.re in a very dangerous stafi?. The ship captured is called La Bergere; I nKWnts 18 long twelve-pounders, maiKned with 189 men. and \\?oH commanded by Chanerv Duúh0; capitaine of a firigate and commodore of the flotilla, and belonging to the Legion of Honour. Hhe is a remarkably fine veeeel. tsallp well, and is fit for his Ma- jesty's service." E.boperooot.Satu.rd.ay lii--t, a young ladv yf Lericester, of much respectability and for- tune, eloped with an attorney of considerable armneoce in the town. Duraig the ahaertce of her family to a dinner party, •be contrived to remove alJ her but, bemg ohserve<l, infcrina.tion was given to her parents the same evening. Her father mt up all mglit in hie teot«, det^rmined' to daeappomt any bold intruder; but in the morning, about nine o'clock, being rather overcome with sleep, the young lad^ took advantage of the moment, leaped over the gnxkn waft. aad ran through. the. beact mar-J ket, to the great astonishment oi all <.Hc two legged and four legged animals, and without either hat or cap, to the hou-se 01 her gaila-nt. ALout 13 months ago, a man, who had been eight Te^rs in tr.e 91st Regiment of Font, carted, anci no mteihgence was re- ceived of rum until a lew moattis ago, when a. sergeant, taking a party of recruits to L'2- I and. nv-a rd at Et-iesrinere of his being m that i>eignbourhood. lie accordingly vv-sau to Uie .iiia.ge. described, wiien. to h,i» aetoii-ishmieaiil-, irs he packed a dissenting meet-aig house, h-e noticed the deserter in th epuipit, liaran- ■.TUing a large congregation, who were equally s^.rpnscd at .seeing tne sergeant bearing away his prisoner as the d-eeorter. He wa<> ct>,i- -i to Chester Castle on the 3rd ult. .,n;. Wiiitbread, at the impeachment of Lord Melville, said aJBong othsr things that on th? 11th of June he was married on trie 11th of June his father set up his brewery, and on the 11th ot June he always settled hi* accounts; that on tnat hav h s iataer died; and that angels recorded the death of a good man. EPIGRAM. Cn that, day I cemimnioed my connub:al career, It was on that very day we commenced to brew beer; On that day died my father, and finished his summing; And the Angels cryed out "Eleres oid Wh i t bread urfotrung■ I


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