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I IN LIGHTER VEIN. Wiry is the aaasrage Roefflan. general l absem. minded beggar ? Becaase he TisaaSy los^s his -write. -.vrt.. A recent Swemsaa, visiter to Baffii says that, the. <»nftc6roner ahofas them cinefly" .stock "^ponge-caiies. A war- correfrpondani is ansaout? to know whether nrnkadSng reports ab tone. Rassiw* head-eraarterg can be termed <Kbaee' dx*ra>- ukme.^ t When^soiEnrws come, ther-come- TKKS s&tgia Wt. whole battalions' Refiectinne of General KnsropaS&m on learning fresh Japan- Œ-c regknesEHs have hoon put atsboirc. Elijah the First, of the Dynasty wag-twitS j 0 be ted by ravens: some- peofrhe oor*sjder KHjeh tiie Second (ajiar, Dr. Dowae) tieeana to be pnnaipaJh- (*xppor?:-?d by ^gulk." "1. KxilxFtk, the great, vioJiassst, iras jmsti «Maposect a domestic dnet. NV,, si^gesSj this as the most, afipropriate language in which to anoormce that he has became tte happy fativor of twro. t t Public opmion at. ToIrio demands that. A*iU miraA Kam-nraira, shodld eorajfe wuicidb fw his failure to intercept the Vlarfivostocfc .squadron..Af"i,iTc-rrw Ramintrtfca is oorlcretoodI to very strongly dissest from this. Why are the Masnchnnan GbwwisHBes tiia, waiters after the second rxmrr-r?'! BecBoaa, oc.rdinO' u> a report from a, Rossian .raifcsraay official. the\r are now "reme^Tiig the fish* plates.' A Swanom Tam Vpho, the mmnnm of all little Kngiand«ns, thooght Wast Afaaca, a mere eompoimd of swamp and desert, is now gratified to learn that,. on the confers^ it possesses A-lake. 1 Ooneiderotg t3» mmaefar oi temperarati poople present, at the "townis (or rai-bef village) meøting" on the Lioensing Bill kast week, it is by no means inaccurate to tIetI:IQ the wlioic ahair a ''water spoot." one orwwn makes a. wwereigir"—^bwb ihd S^otfeman who tried to palm that exxrae off at a, Swansea boiel, by offesrrag the foarD)ev, in payment of a bill that totaled the klikerl sam. is now "in cellar) 0001," Coal slack is now reootraoeaded ati q (hd. for pigy, Thasi rrms an evening cgoeh temporal" WelL pearls bave been cast b6< fevre www befenv now, so why not than nK>nds—own t.hosng'a Hack 09M&? RoiJ^an gensaals am fairly stofcd imfed-^ duals an a. ride, and litile pnome t«» exprefiEEng emotional feeling. NewrtieJess, meet of them hy thv5 time cheerfully ooofeBs that they are 'greaiiy moved" by the JapMeae bombardments. 'l'he running of tiie ueoent Derby m a thnndesKtonn bus made several people ian quire why M. Blanc did not run, Iria hooss Ajax instead of Gowmaarb. "Ajax," theg^ say we all know Iras defied the lightaoing before, and cctttld do it again." "a.. Fa,ras to New York and bade acanow miiy £ 2 a head, and there is a. great rush for tickets. Those, who harw Been the eniigranfcs consider the steaanship conapaniesv, in fixicg the tariff, left insect powder oompfetely ont of their caicttLalions. 2 Cf**uaciB°Kr iio^fauk eeggeste the membc.^ et- md Haabcwv J roist should be pneeemteri wiJvh gnidi jien- dnx>< to commemorate tbf. ICiug'^ vwsfe, Nothing like taking precantions if thait scarfpin doesn't, materatiise. 'Ti-s fcrtemaie Ktrroki, Olrn and Kisro- patkm are not on t he telephone. Otherwase one or two reporteiis we wot of would worry them out of their lives with absent-mxoded demandfc for the "hnU-mne score," whe", battle is reported in progress. .a. "Stone waits do not a prison make, Uft iron bare a cage." Doubtless the skirati parte who gets wedgfid into the middle of the crus?li on July 39th wiHadmit the pneEH wure of a crowd only, let us cay, a eoople of hundred thousand strong, is quite a6 aff-- tivo. Six would-he recruits for the Swansea Company of the Royal Naval Vofomteer Reserve, went out -on tiie Brighton the othet day, after a hearty mea-l crt pickkfi, appia tart and fried fish. When that Gooapaajy; materiali-gei, it will certainly not intdwda those six. Music is said to be an admirable specific) for the cultivation of a. fine crop of heitv* Queer thing, when mast people get tiheKC "hair oft" on coming within earshot of fcbe dulcet- strains of a German baad or limliaq jnaiio-oa-gan. The presjent inui-stes of hw M*j«sty's Hotel in rhrst^'rnKMitti-rtxfcd., are ™ndersto(xi to b« bumingty anxi»us tbat the joriison walte should be levelkxl to t-lte ground before tiba Royal pn.toe«»itMi passes that- way, 'Cbey; stay tltev will prove a serious a good view of thear Majesties. A local ajnicaraptwurv j-rubin^iess in the same column, an article etii-itied "BfW~k:. GlauKntga n ?" giving atatisfcics of t-hr; mte of drunkeimess in tho county, and, tiie munbeg." of drunJcs; and, immediately beneath, fcha '■ V i.'titxns List." 'fo lliotss who knew tho M limbics of a Sura fay, this sounds, rathea.' apnroprKitc. '.Hie }'<vlings of the man in the front -tseai at Chtuch who suffered from a cold and had no handk-erchlef, were paraileleii tiie other Sunday by the emotions of the indivi- dual who, on putting båt; hand into a peckofc to get at a, penny for t-lie collection pfate, pulled it- out ratlner »htwpiy—ami jerked! a shower of cigarette packet pholograpiisi into the aforesaid jiJate.

«■ J —"'—i 3 Sir Henry Irving's…

.......------Coal Trains Run…


FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1904.



Collier's Claim fop Dismissal.