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TORPEDO BOATS IN ACTION Alexeiefrs Dispatch Russian Losses. Destroyer Sent to the Bottom. Furious Bombardment of Port Arthur, Four Hours' Rain of 850 Pound Shells. (Press Association Special War Telegra^.) £$t. Petersburg, Saturday,—XIK' following official telegram from Admiral Alexeieff to the Czar was received here last evening — Mukden, March H.-Admiral M:*kai'off) commanding the fleet, reportø from Poit Arthur,, under date March 10 (?)> as fol- lows: "The six torpedo boats which went out to sea on night of 10th, four being under ttie general command of Captain Matou^sevitch, encountered the enemy s torpedo boats, fol- lowed by cruisers. "A hot action ensued, in the course ef which the torpedo boat Viostag discharged a Whitehead torpedo and sank 0116 01 the enemy's torpedo boats. "On the way back the torpedo boat Siere- goutchy, commanded by Lieut. Sergncieff, was damaged, her engines being disabled, and she began to founder. "At eignt in the morning five tOfrûdù boats returned. "When the critical position of the Stere- goutchy became evident I twisted uiy tk(</ on the Novik, and went with the Novik Im1 Bayan to the rescue, but, as the lire of the enemy's cruisers were surrounding our tor- pedo boat, and the battleship squadron v,\cs coming up, I did not succeed in .,aVlllg the Steregoutchy, which foundered. "Part of the crew were made prisoi'^r-i and part were drowned. "On the ships which took part in the night attack one officer was seriously wouici- ed and three men slightly wounded, w-mio two soldiers were killed and 13 wounded. "At 9 o'clock 14 of the enemy's ships as sembled before Port Arthur and began a bombardment with the heavy guns of their battleship squadron. This lasted until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It is estimated the enemy fired 154 12-inch shells. "The damage to our vessels was insignifi- cant, and they are ready for battle. "Losses—One officer slightly wounded; one soldier killed, four wounded. "The illumination of the sea at night by the searchlights of our batteries was most satisfactory, and several times isolated shots from the "batteries forced the enemy s tor- pedo boats to reture. "On the commencement of the bombard- ment at dawn the guns of the fortress .e- plied to the enemy's fire. "The crews of all the ships engaged ^ave proof of remarkable coolness. Below dock the work of the day followed the ordinary course in spite of the shells falling between the vessels and covering them with frag- ments. "A bombardment at such a distance mvst be considered as ineffective. "The cruieer Tekasashto is reported to have been seen to have suffered serious dam- age, the extent of which, however, it was impossible to ascertain at a distance of 50 cables. "Many of tha shells had a range of 12 kilo- metres (seven and a half nii.es). "In tho fight between our torpedo bo.it; and the Japanese cruisers on the 11th inst., Giptain Matoussevitch, Ensign Alexandroff, and Mechrnicai Engineer 0 Blinoff were slightly wounded, and Ensign Zaeff wa.s se- verely wounded in the Lead, with loss of lis right eye." FEARS OF GRAVE COMPLICATIONS. (Central News War Special). Paris, Saturday.—The special correspon- dent of the "Journal," telegraphing from Tientsin, says that China is under arms. Rednlforcements are continually arriving I on the frontier. If the Japanese should make a successful 1 abiding near Newdhwang, China might prob- ably become involved in the war. The position then of all Europeans in the place, many of whom are French, will become critical. 1 The correspondent predicts a rising in Man- churia. FIRST JAPANESE SOLDIER TO BE "'r KILLED. (Press Association Special Service.) Seoul, Saturday—It is reported that a skirmish between Russian and Japanese Cavalry vedettes took place at Kasan on the 8th inst. The losses of the Russians, who were dri- ven back, are unknown The Japanese lost one killed. CURIOUS COMMUNICATION FROM MUKDEN. (Reuter's Special Service.) St. Petersburg, Friday.—A dispatch cf to-day's date from Mukden says that the following communication has been issued from Admiral Alexeieff's headquarters there: "In consequence 01 the very diverse and conflicting reports of the landing of Japan-, ese troops at various points, and of the fu- ture intentions of Japanese generals, the Army corps which has arrived at Harbin has been detained there by the field staff. As very severe frosts have set in, some diffi- culty is experienced in providing suitable accommodation for this large force." RUSSIAN "TRIUMPH": JOY AT MUKDEN. (Press Association Special Service.) Yung-kow, Friday.—One officer and four Japanese soldiers, who were captured at Wei-ju, were paraded through the streets of Mukden on the 8th inst. A Chinese refugee from Hanyen ,'isserfs that he saw the Russians retreating from the Ya-lu, destroying the villages en route. One field battery ar.d one company of ar- til'ery have been installed in Niu-chwang fort, while preparations have been made to mount eeige guns. PORT ARTHUR VISITED BY MANY SHELLS. (Central News War Special.) Port Arthur, Fri 1 iy evening.—Ihe Japan- ese squadron, which disappeared after yester- day's bombardment and naval fight has not since returned. List night passed without incident. This morning tlie Russian squadron pro- ceeded to sea. The vessels returned this afternoon. It is understood that no Japanese slips were sighted. During the bombardment yes- terday the Jaipaneise sliips fired more than two hundred projectiles of heavy calibre. Many of these fell in the streets oi the town and burst. The damage to buildings was slight, con- sidering the 1 .a.ture of the bombardment. MARVELLOUS RAPIDITY OF JAPANESE DISEMBARKATION. The Chifu correspondent of tihe Daily Mail" says that the disembarkation of troops at Ciiemulpo and places to the norbh of that port has bean pro-ceding with marvellous .rapidity. Duu'ng the last ten diays sixteen transports have landed men at the town, called ion Japanese Kais-hoe, which is twelve hours distant by sea from Ghemutpo. At the north entrance to the channel (which is guarded by four cruisers and a number of torpedo boats) a destroyer and transport are aground. Tine destroyer is slightly damaged, but the transport is a complete wreck, having broken in half. The coast is patrolled by some old coast- guard and obsolete ships. There is a large encampment on the hills faciuig the harbour. Here are the general staff and h-eadquarters of the fleet. Despatch boats began to run between Ohemulpo and Channampho on Wednesday. 1eu thousand men have been landed at Kaishoe since last Saturday week, amd the strategic central position of Kaishoe, hidden as :t is from view, makes the place of inestim- able importance. The transpoirts have landed 70,000 men in North Korea up to date. (Note.—Kaishoe is prohafbuy Kwang-ju, the Japanese for which sounds very much like Kaii-hoe. Kwang-ju is on the Tatung River, tMMrty-nve miles south-west of Ping-yang). TO HELP KUROPATKIN OUT OF THE MIRE. According to the St. Petersburg "Viedo- mosti," General Kuropatkin has been com- pared to General Skobeleff, whose milky- liued steed was always regarded by the sol- diery as a pledge of victory. The superstition has its origin in a story in which Skobeleff lost his way and rode into a, dangerous m. rsh. Being unable to find the road, he dropped the reins, spurred his horse, and, trusting to providence, luckily rode on to dry land. r The "Viedomosti" prays that Kuropat- kin's white horse may similarly enable him to lead Russia out of the Serbonian bog of Manchuria. KUROPATKIN-S VAINGLORIOUS STATEMENTS. "WILL MARCH OVER JAPAN." (Press Association Waj Special). # Paris, Saturday.—The "Figaro contains the following from St. Petersburg ■ "According to trustworthy information, General Kuropatkin has foreseen sn his plan of campaign that Port Arthur may be isolated, ar.id has made his arrangements accordingly. The "Echo de Paris" publishes an account of an interview which its St Petersburg cor respondent has had with one of General KIUlro- patkin's a.id.e-cle-camps. rl The Commandei-in-Chief will provisionally establish his headquarters at Liaoyong, be- tween Mukden and Newchwa'C'g- General Kuropatkin promises to give. jour- nalists every oooortunity of telegraphing. He declares he will not need all the fleet in August, and thinks he will have done with Japan by the end of July. The first act will be to recall the corps that are opemtingin Korea. He says he does not wish to sacrifice a single man uselessly, and will only begin operations in. May. The General is said to 'have remarked —- 'To give the Japanese a lesson, the Russians will march over their island after having crushed them in Korea and Manchuria. "If I have anything to do with it, we ghlall sign the treaty of peace at Tokio and no- wihere else." General Kuropatkin's friends say that he appc-ans quite confident of himself. The "Petit Journal" states that the heao of the French mission, which will be sent to follow operations on the Japanese side, wr.ll be Colonel Lombard, at present commanding a regiment of the brigade of the occupation of Tientsin. According to the "Pet,it Parisien," this mis- sion will also (include Major Oorvisart, and 'Naval Lieut. Martinie, the French Attaches at Tokio, who will be joined by one or two French officers at present in tlhie Japanese capital. The jou.rnal adds that three staff officers from Iitdo-China will join those comiing from Fra-noe in following the operations on the Russian side. RUSSIA HAVING AN ANXIOUS TIME. (Press Association War Speccal.) St. Petersburg. Saturday.—A ladies' club at Vladivostock has undertaken to make thousands of sand bags for fortification pur- poses Don Jaime Da Bourbon and Prince Arsene Karageorgevi,ch are a bent to leave for the Far East in the Russiiaai service. Unknown persons are still damaging the Trans-Siberian Railway, and a train was re- cently thrown off the rails near the station of Y urta. One man was kiited and eiight were injured. UNITED STATES WARSHIP ON DUTY. (Press Association War Spec at.) Seoul, Friday.—A messenger from the mines at Unsan who left Chemulpo on Wed- incs'clay states that everything was quiet there. A few Cossacks reconnoitring paraies bad been seeit to the north. There were pro- bably only a few hundred Russians south of the Ya'u and there seemed to be no pros- pect of serious conflicts for six weeks. Up to the present the miners have not been disturbed, and there is little likelihood of mines being interfered with as both sides have given assurances that they will re- spect them. The only possible danger ;s from straggling partries of pillagere irom whom the mines will be protected by three Colt guns and an ample sui^plv of rifles. The mines at Unsam being American pro- perty, the United States warship Uindn- nati wil lleave Chemulpo for Chinampo to- morrow to fetch the women and children from the mines as well as the families of American missionaries south of the Yalu. They are in no danger but will be removed as a measure of prevention. TERRIBLE BOMBARDMENT BY THE JAPS. FEMALES SHOCKINGLY MUTILATED. (Press Association Special Service.) St. Petersburg, Saturday.—The following telegram has been received from Port Ar- thur, dated 11th inst. :— In the bombardment on the 10th inst. the new town sustained the greatest damage. A shell burst eight yards from the house cf a lawyer named Sidorski. The wife of Colonel Baron Frank, who was in the house at the time, was struck by a number of fragments of the shell, and her daughter's head was blown off. M. Sidorski was killed on the spot, and a young lady named Wateritch was so badly injured in the right breast that she sue cumbed in the hospital to which she was re- moved. In addition to these a. Chinaman was kill- ed and a workman and several Chinese were wounded. Two trucks in the railway station were damaged. General Itoheeel and his staff, who Mere on the battery, were sprinkled with splint- ers of the shell, but were not injured. On Golden Hill, Lieut. Wachtin sustained bruises, and a soldier was wounded. On Electric Cliff, in the new town, two sentries of the 27th Regiment were also wounded. A Japanese ironclad, struck by the Rus- sian shot, could be seen drawing slowly out of range. The bombardment was terribly severe. It was a quarter to one when the thunder of the guns ceased. To-day all is quiet.