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Scale of Charges ■ oil o asw or 1rhvm waiicT T f ws^ BTiONff Ct KM AT.T. 1DVEITISEMENTS iWSaiS PREPAID ONLY). 4 K LOti :ot asceeding 24 "WJida per lnseitir>«i. fcTexy additional 8 words, £ -*rrpenoo. The fovegoing Scale appl.afl only to APARTMENTS AND HOUSES To S*r or WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT OX WAWTXD; HOUSKB, OFFICES, PROPERTIES Md SHOPS to LKT or SSLL LOST and Forao MIBCILLANKOUS PRIVATE. WANTS AND SAMS; but not to any advertise- AND SAMS; but not to any advertise- nyit of a Trade nature. rRADE SPECIALITIES, &c. I (WHEN PREPAID ONLY). Twenty-four words 9d. per insertion. Thirty-two „ 1/- R redaction is made for a series of 6, 13, 96, or 52 insertions. If a Voucher Copy be desired, an extra ftree Halfpence per insertion should be added §• «bor« cheap prepaid rates. UldeM prepaid the Advertisements will be thawed by the Business scale. Advertise- from Public Bodies are not inserted «tfc jtht Prepaid Rate. The Postmaster-General does not allow WtenI addressed to initials or fictitious names lobe adiiressed to any Post Office, and letters mm ftecrt are returned to the sendei through the fiaad Letter Department. Letters to Ad- vutuKB by initials, etc., or otherwise, may %• directed to "THE CAMBRIAN" Office free ol elarge; and is stamps are sent to cover stage. will be forwarded to the AdvertLser s ifmm address. Re mittances under 5s. may be made in Halfpenny Postage Stamps or Portal Orders. »Mtal Orders should be made to THE SOOTH WAMN DAILY POST" Co., LTD., 211, High Settawjuiwa. Address all communications TO TN MANAGER. "THE CAMBRIAN. BIRTH. HOMES—On the 15th test.. at Pti.nta.nder. Soaau. t'he wife of Kenny G. V. iEomer. oi Q (daughter. 5A; Oam3-18 is ———— SITUATIONS VACANT. Cooks and Kitchen maids. XJlTANTED, a respectable Girl. as Kitchen- III. ma.id.-Apply Jeffreys Arma Oxford- 4fttreet, Swansea. 385f3-19 UTtrANTEHtr good KitcheTtima.id, at once, wtib WV pefaren.ee.—Apply. Koiterpriso Hotel. Croat-street, Swanae.a. 5L3f3-22 WANTED, for Llan-drin-dod, experienced Cook-General; also Pariourmaid-Wait- _x«6a.—Apply 66, Bryn-roa-U. Swansea. 482f3-22 ANTED' Cook-Genearl; comfortable Ww home; Nurce and Housemaid kept.— Apply, stating references, Mrs. V,alentine Pegge, Bryn Rhosyau Briton Ferry. 407f3-17 Houteksepers, Companions. WANTED, at once, fully experience! Work- ing Housekeeper (temperate); servant topt; good referetntcee required.—Apply be. tween 6 and 8 p.m..—3. Oaklai;id»-terrace, Swansea. 368f3-19 House and Parleurmaida WANTED, etrong, healtfay Girt, ae House- maid.-Apply, stating references—Mrs. Valentine Pegge, Bryn Ehosyn, Briton Ferry. 406f3-17 "HAMBERMAID Wa.nted; a/teo Generafl for kitchen.—Apply Tenby Hotel. Swan&ea. i54f3 -21 Nurses. WANTED, Girl. about 16. aliJ Nurse,-Apply beiween 10 and 12—2, Bryu-y-Mcr-roud. fctrausca. 458C-21 "jHTTRSE Wanted; good aalary gtvcn.—Apply JL* 15, De-la-Bechs street, Swansea. 356t3-8 (toner OENEBAL Servant Wa»wted; plain cooking-. —Apply Edgcoiube, 51, Waiter-road, SwacsMk 425f3-23 GOOD General Serviant Wanted, at once, afole to do plain cooking; no washing.— ANRFY Mm. Llewellyn, Caederwen. Neath. 36913-19 "■XTANTFD. clean Young Girl, sleep out.— m\ Mrs.■ Howell, 49, Gorse-lane, Swansea. 471f3-21 w ED. good Geueiul; three in lanxwy.— Apply 59, Walter-road, Swansea. 504f3-22 TMTANTED. an experienced Generail Scr- ?. vant.— Apply 33, St. Heleu'a-road, Swan- sea. 362f3-13 WANTED, good General Servant, at once. —Apply Mrs. La.anen, 15, Queeai-atreet, »eatfc. 373f3-19 WANTED, at once, experienced General: good character.-Apply 229. High-st.. Swansea. 487f3-22 WANTED, a good General Servant,— Apply lf £ 0. Levi James, Gie-nrosa. VictorKi Gardens. Nea.tlli. 1210n3-19 WANTED, at once, good General Servant; email family.—Apply aftor 6 p.m., 108, (jorse->huia. Swansea. 467f3-19 W"ANTED, a good General Servant; refer- enoe required—Apply after 6 p.m., 36. Walter-road, Swansea. 401f3-19 WANTED, a. Girl for housework, from 15 to 16.—Apply between 4 and 6-36. Htn- Tiebta-etreot. S wa n* a 608f3-22 ^»*7ANTED, experienced G.uera.1 Servant; "*w- good wages.—Apply EvaiU Evans, 2^9. High-street, Swansea. 382f3-19 W~ ANTED, reepectable Giirl. about 20 shears of age; sleep out.—Apply 3, Buckln! Jiaan-torrace, Gorsie-lane. 350t6-18 WANTFfD, a Toung Girl, for work, 2 or 3 days a week—Apply 9. Belle Vne-atreoh, S^amgea.. 392f3-19 WANTED, immediately, good General; one from cfiuntry preferred.—Apply Mrs. .Daniels, Inglea, 139, Bryii-road, Swansea. 441 f3-21 ANTED, immedlately, a good Geaefal ?*»- Servant; no wlai3hilng/—Apply Mrs. Joaiee, Cambrian Hotel, Someirset-place, Swaai- •e*- 384f3-19 WANTED. immediately, a good Girl, .about WW 16 to 13, for housework; sleep out. — Ajpply 21. Norfolk-street, Mount Pleasant. gwamsea. 486f3-22 ANTED, two or three good General Ser- Viaatj?.—Apply flnat inetance, Mra Charles Evana, The News-agent, Brym-y-Mor- road. Swansea. 347f3-18 \*TANTED, strops Welsh GirTT or Woman 36 General; quiet country hoase; one few; two in family.-Wrilt,e M. W., "Da.ily PcBt." SwaN&ea. z 397f3-17 WAITED, a You-iig Girl, about 17 to 20. able to milk; live in. State wages; fjjnall faamily.—Apply to Mrs. Thomaa, Cefn- ikJH Farm. n-ekir Neath Glamorganshire. 48115-22 ANTED, respectable Young Woman, over IT 28. ad General Servaiit; muH under- staftd plain cooking; good reference.—Apply Mn. Howella, Duke Hotel, Wind-street, Swan- sea. 457f3-19 ZHfTANTED, inimediutela experienced a.md 'i Plain Cooks, Parlour and Houee-Par- ioannaMs. Nurses, Housemaids, superior Bair- jnaid. and Generals.—Apply Miss Lewis, High- clam JLegistryl 12, Oaotle-ftreetv Swansea. JWl. TfI. ?6J3. 41313-19 LLANDRINDOD Wells Registry Office —Re- f quired for season; Honsemaid-Wa.itre^s&i} Cook-Generals, Kitchenmaiide, General En close stamp with particulars.—R., Church Houcf, Llandrindod. 412f3-23 RS. Llewellyn Howell, Registry Office for Servants iof all clab»et<); also Maids for I ] tndrinfiod. Eutradiice Mr. Pa., fy's side door, 52, Oxford-street, Swansea. 465f3-21 Miscellaneous Situations. A rPRKNTICES and Innprovers -vVanted for jV the DWftSIllaklng workroom.—Apply 38. St. Heien's-roadb Swansea. 363f3-18 H GEN^S Wanted; Kyl-Kol. Si. Packet Saves i top of coal; one agent's profit. one week. L10 IGe.; you can do thia.—O. A. Hoult, Don-caster. 402f3-17 A RMY Employment Afeoctataon for Armj Reserve Men. Reservists off exempt ry very good., or good characters should apply to Hon. Secretary, Army Employment Aseo- cr^ion, to have their Lameis registered 'or et./ployment at the Recruiting Office. 14, TJ uion-vitxeot, Swansea. 2!)e4-3 BOY for Bakeihouse Wanted.-R. E. Jones, B Ltd., Bakery, High-street Arcade. Swan- sea. 426f3-18 BOOT TRADE.-YouUh Wa.nted, for Finish- ing.—Apply Tom Da.vict-, Boot Repiaireir, 24. Cami,artiien-road, Swansea. 51513-22 UTCHERS.—Wanted, immediately. But- cher, with first class slaughtering ex- perience; Welsh. State wages and personal appliciation preferred.—J. R. Jones, Bryp- a.mman. 408f3-17 rtABINET MAKERS Yanted. Apply A C, Nicholls and Son, Catherijie lirorkg. Swansea. 397f3-19 OLLECIVR Waited, for Taiiors; refer- c ence required.—Apply law Alexan,dra,rd., S wa n>? e a. 495f3-22 f HAMBERLAJN.—A good Riepreeentative c Wmnted. Preference given to one who has good conmection a/inong COM'C'rvaÍii\es.- Address Protection, "Daily Posrt." Swansea. 450f3-21 CABINET Makers. aleo Chair Frame C Maker, used to etuffover easy cihair frame inakiligfi hong job for good xneiu—Apply Stonelhouse Port furniture Works, Plymouth. 483f3-22 KE&SMAKING. Good Skirt Hands Wanted.—Bennett apd Northovea*, Mel- bourne-pliace, Swansea. 411f3-19 DRAPERY.—Wanted, Junior Young Laldy D Asslstant; Welsh.—Apply Rees, Duapeir, 131. High-street, Merthyr. 438f3-19 DRESSMAKING.—Wanted, at once, Appren- tices and Improvers.—Apply M. Mee- nuitta, 13, Marl borough-road. Swansea. 493f3-22 ENERGETIC and Respectable Men Wanted J to represent the Provident Clothing and Supply Compa,n>y„ Port Talbot. Aberavan, and Cwmiavon Districts.—Apply personally or by lettier. Insurance Agents, Collectora, etc.. are invited to apply to Manager, Provident Clothing and Supply Company, Public Bene- fit Builaings, Nea.th. 372f3-19 IF you wish~to^euc-^eed, and can give re- spectable references, yon mwtiy at once secure a profitable appointment. No risk of any kind.-Addreas Appoint, "Daoily Post-' Swani&ea. 11933d. b .3-19 LAUNDRY-—Wanted, at once, good Shirt Ironere; piece work; good wages.—Apply Manageress, Baths Laundry. 611:3-17 Tt MILLINERY.—Wanted. Apprentices for the M MjIlinery workroom.—Dent Jonee, Ox- ford-street, Swansea. 390f3-l? MILLINERY.-Wanted^ Appreaticea for m Miillinery Workroom; also for S'hopa— J. Poees Evaps, 218 and 219, High/S(re*>t, Swan- sea.. 339f3-19 ILLINERY Slliow rooms.—A&sJis&iaits and M Apprentices Waated, immiedLately; out- doors.-Ma.dame Emili,e Evans, 29, Oxford-st., Swainseai. 410f 3-19 -JVTEN (trustworthy) desirous of engaging XrJL part or whoie of their attention to a lucrative employment srhould apply for par- ticulairs of higlh-class agency; income progres- sive.—Address Attention, "South Wales Daily Post," Swap sea. 367f3-19 FFICE Boy Wanted, in Solicitor's i?ffice; boy recently left school preferred. — Apply 23, Goat-i reet. Z49i3-13 FFICE Boy V> anted.—Apply to Gee amd Edwardc. Solicitor^ Victoria Chambers, Oxford-street, 10 to 11 a.m. 445f3-18 AWN^ROKING and Salel-Wantedl im- P mediately, Youth, with knowledge of the trade; references.—A. w-ons, 82, Lower Oxford-street, Swansea. 365f3-19 PORTER.—Required, capable Head Porter; one with experience in this capacity preferred. StoUe age and wagea required.— W. Edwarde, Draper, Swamisea. 12007db3-21 ARTN'ER&HIp.—Wantteci PartnJer, with p £ 3.000, to open an Anthracite Colliery. Prineipalsonly dealt with.—Add re as Oa.rbon, "South Wales Daily Post" OfficeP, Swians-ea. 1213n3-22 EMUN ERATION L153 to JE300 per annum. L\; One of the largest Insurance Coanpaji- ies hajs determined to incretaee its staff in and around bbe following towns: Swansea, Neath, lilan-elly. Oarmartihen, Gowerton, aiad smaller distiricts. Applications for appointments are invited from Insurance en and others; ex- ceptionnil oyportunity for energetic. well. edaciat-ed -ten. w.ith the hig'liest referenc.es.- Addwu Soya. "Daily Post," Swansea. 444f3-22 seu, 442f3-1 SHARP Boy Wanted, at once, to deliver; must be quick and honest.—ApplJ Eaton, 25, Lower Oxford-street, Swansea. 35Sf3-13 OLICITOR requires, temporarily,. Clerk, accustom,ed to costs and accounts, short- hand essental.—Write, witib full paTt-iculaara. to X., "nail,- Post," Swansea, 472t3-22 SCULPTOR.—Apprentice vcamited, premium required; splendid opportunity to learn "very branch.—Ivor J. Thomas. Monumental Sbudio. Waterloo and Park-streets, Swansea. 424f3-19 tJTRONG Lad Wanted, about 15. for Va-r- nishing apd general odd warehouse work. Must be strictly honest and industrious.- Apply Musgrave's Basket Manufactory, St.ra.ud, Swansea. 357f3-18 rrltEBOETH Ci)-oijwalive Stores, Land.ore.- i- A Y<;ung Man. 16 to 18, Wanted a« Haul- ier.—Apply personally at Stores on Saturday, 5 to 6 v.m. 499f3-22 TWO Cornet Players Wanted for Gorseinon I>eitiachment Baind. Work will be found for capable players.—Apply to Mr. Oliver Watkins, RandmaEt'Cir. BrjTitf ypon, Gorsei- uon. 11983d.b.3-17 TWO Men Wanted, to qualify as A^i'Stant Super'in-ban<donts for an Up-to-Date In- dustrial Insurance Society; also Spare Time Agtnt.9. Union termf-Apply District Fan- ager, 79. I.ondon-roacl, Neath. 1212nJ-22 WASHING Woman Wanted, at once.- Apply Museum Hotel, Strand, Swansea. 378f3-19 "171r ANTED two sToije Waliera. at onee.- W Apply Radford, Midland Station, Swan- yl 430f3-21 sea. Vv^AXTED, a strong Lad.-Apply R. S. Wil- VV Uama, Arcade Bakery, Orchard-street Swansea. M'19 WANTED, a strong Lad as Errand Boj, about 14.—Apply at 69, Hdgh^t Swansea. 443f32-21 TAfANTED, Apprentices to Ih^ssmak1^- W Apply 91, Norfolk-street, Mount Ptea- fea.ut, Swansea. WANTED, immecliatieljt simaiit to assist in Bar.—Apply No. 10, atre-et, Swarsea. 399t3-21 WANTED, by March 2let, a.emiart Errand Boy.—Apply Evans, Chemist, 27, V> -a^I- tar-road, Swansea. 433f3-21 WANTED. imrnediiat-eJy. First Bodice Hand. » Must be experienced.— Address Box 48. "Da,ily Poet," Swansea. 502f3-22 WANTED, a etrong, useful Girl, to assist » in Bakehouse.—Apply W. Evan^. Gro- cer, Netntth.-tro.td. Morrisrton. 120n3-17 ANTED, a smart Boy. at once, to deliver •- Milk; must be early riew.—Apply 37, Lower Oxford-street, Swansea. 420f3-17 WANTED, a, Young Lady as Burmalid; wil- T ling to make hersejif useful. Apply Mr-?. Oockrull. Ty Melyn Hotel. 514f3-22 ANTED, Apprentices to h.igth-class Dres, matking; premium.—Apply Frauces Wil lume, 44, Maneelotreet, Swanuea, 4439-21 WANTED, smart Lad as Enraind Boy, good "f references required.—Moore Bros.. Gro- cers, e-tc., St. Helen's-roaid, Swansea, 485f3-22 WANTED, Steward and Stewardess for Tradesmen's Olub, Swans-eia*.—Apply, with references (copies only) to Secretary. 414f3-17 ~TANT F.D. a strong Lad., able to drive; t must h'ava good reference, also clean.— Apply John Lioyd. Dairy, Goreevlanei, Swan- sea. 434f3-21 "1^ANTED, an experienced Sawyer, for Saw » mills.—Apply, stating age and wages. with references, to Walters and Johns, Mor- riiston. 374f319 "%75TANTED, good Boy, accustomed to eolicit- » ing orders; references required.—Apply The London Fruit Supply, 38, Oxford-street. Swansea. 418f3-19 WANTED, strong Youiag Man. to work truck and make himself generally use- ful; 8s. per week; live in.—Apply Boots, Castle Hotel. Naath. 431f3-21 WANTED, an experienced Waitress with good references; aJeo a Kitchen Por- ter.—Apply Reataurajat Continental, Wind- street. Swansea. 423f3-17 \\J~ANTED, good Taiiloress and AVaistcoait »» Hand.-Apply 71a, Oxford-street, Swan- sea. 442f3-21 \XTANTED, in Solicitor's Office, Office Boy„ about 15; m'Uist be good writer.—Apply, staiting age and salary—1"Alpha; Da.ily Post," Swansea.. 507f3-22 ANTED, ait once, a strong Haulier. 20 to 23; outdoors; aJso smart Lad ae Ap- pr&nbioe.—Fu.H particulars to John Lewie. Mill-street, Aberdare. 371f3-19 ANTED, Barmaid; to aasiet in house duti€*3.—State agie, reifeirences, and wages required, Mrs. Williams, RoyiaJ Ex- change, Port Talbot. 406f3 17 \\TANTED, a Young Woman, who has had experience in a Binding Room.—Apply at the "Cambriap" Printing Works. Alex- andra Arcadia, Swansea. n WANTED, experienced Bookkeeper, in a Colliery Office at Swapsea.—Write, with testimonials, stating salary required, to Box 58, "Daddy Poet," Swansea. 429f3-17 WANTED, a good, strong Boy, about 17, for Farm Work; good home for good boy.—Apply, with full partiiculairs, Thombs E. Perkins, Ty Cooh Farm, Sketty, Svtansea, 366f3-19 WANTEO, at ooce, a Commission Agent for Swansea and District to Seill High- class Devonshire Freah Butter. — Address Devon Vailley Creamery, Wellington, Somer- set. 791d.b.Cam.5-25_ "f^TANTED, smart and honest Youth, about Vt 15, far Tool S'hop in Swansea, with view to Appprenticeship — Apply in appli- view to Appprenticeship — Apply in appli- cant's own handwriting, to Sharp, Daily Poet," Swansea. 427f3-21 WANTED, Foreman Mason, in the Swansea Valley; miust be able to set out cor- rectly and be a good manager of men. Write with references, to Builder, Daily Post" Office, Swansea. 401f3-17 ANTED, at once, honeist, good M'an a,8 Driver, to look after 2 horses; livust be oairly riser.—Apply, with cbairacter, Pugsley aind Son, D-peo-rat.ors and Glass Merchants, 24, Waterloo-street, Swansea. 12002d.b.3-19 WANTED, Traveller, who is already call- ing op publicans in South Wales, to Selil British Wines, Cordials, and other goods. Advertisers have a connection.—Write., full particulars, to Traveller, "Daily Post," Swan- sea. 477f3-2Q "VTOUNO Man Wanted; used to horses and JL gardening; live in.—S. Rose, Blackpill, Swansea. 337f3-17 Swansea. 337f3-17 YOUNG Men desirous off joining the Regu- lar Army or Militia should apply at the Recruitiing Office, 14. Union-street, Swan- sea. Splendid opportunity for advancement in all branches to well-conducted young mep. 2Jc4-.> WEEKLY .—Persons Wanted every- U woore, for addressing Oirculars.-Ad. dress Manager, 149, Elm Lodge, Southall, Middlesex. 370f3-19 X* O WEEKLY.—Evening or Spare Time Em* pioymeait, a.nywh<'Te, offeired to any- prison who cap write. For particulars esnd addressed envelope to L. Paynter and Co., (Dept. 6), Mysore-road, Claipham, London. 370f3-19 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. SIIBD Wanted, good condition;, about 20 x 12 fea-tj, suitat,>e. for a workshop. — Marks, Gwauncaegurwen, Glanj. 618a3-18 TO LET-HOLISES. LET. 5, Northampton Garden#. To view apply R. H. Marteo, AileiLsmoret, Sk»tty- rcadi, 6wan;?i?a. 615a5-27 CONVENIENT Fivrniehed House to L«et. in Mamies terrace, from- Jupe.—For par- ticulars address Manatee "Cambrian" Office, 211, High (Street, Swansea. 61&a325 BUSINESSES TO LET. XOELLEINT fully-licensed House, doing a E darge tirade; evenly convenience; price £ 750.—Thomas and Cot, 27, Brazennose-street, Manchester. FIRST-GLASS Beer and Wine, wtlth lajrge JL Concert Room, clean Licence, free from brewer, with 7 ymte' leased only, wanfb seeing; price f,250, large inventory,.—Thomas amd Co., 27, Brassennosereltireet, Manchester. p-J Q A-nBeautifuUIy Fitted Beerhiouse, doing w-LO" nice trade; Vaults, Simoke, Sitting, Parlour, Oiub-room, evary accommodiationi— Thomas and Oo., 27, Brazeunose-attireet, Man. taheaber. -jvOA—Splendid off-Licence and Grocery, ^1.0\iatLng £ 15 weekly; good living;large Stock apd accommodation.—Thomas amd Co., 27, Brazennose-street, Manchester. CITY R^itaurajit .taking £ 2~000 yearly, with large profits; owner rettiring after 10 yeairs; JE350 everything.—Thomas and Ca, 27, Brazennose-sttireet, Manchester. IF you 'imtend going into business, write Thomas and Co., 27, Brazennore-streelt, Manchester, who have over 300 businesses of every description to dhooie from. TO LET, 5, Nortttaanpton GO.rdena.—To view Apply R. H. Marbens, Alleneanore, Sket fo-road» Swansea. 598a3 29 Q HORTLANDS, Mumbles.—To Let, Furnished for short oir ilongier period; very coan- fortabie ajid convenient; last tenant (pleased to recommend.—Address Mrs. Francis, Chad- dosley Corbebt Viclarage, Kiddermiins'ter. 3lOaml-16 "M"EATH.—To L-ctf, House, semi- detacher, faaing Victoria Gardens .con- taining Dnaiwing Room, Dining Room, Lib- rary, large Kitchen, Scullery, Wash-house, Ili.rder, large Oeflffiar, with hot tlie tfaeks for Wine, hot .and cold water bath, 7 Bedroom?,, Lawn, Garden, iaod back entrance.—Apply to Mr. J. T. Dames, No-. 2, Almla-place, Nciiltl. 753Caml-16 TRADE SPECIALITIES. T ADIES' Dreaa Lengths, 3s. lid. earriaige paid. Knops, Zibelintes, Snowllakes, oiles, Poplina, Armures, Cashmeres, in summer colounmg^. Patterns free—Bradford Dreas Warehouse (R77), Shipley, Bradford. 770 DAVIES' BALSAM OF HONEY for Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest, Ac. 6»d. and 2s. 3d.—Prepared only by J. DAVIES, M.P.9. Dispensing Chemist, SO. High-street. Swansea. 29 PMOLYNEUX, Fish Merchant, 126, High- 9 street, Swansea. Cheapest Shop in hown for Fish of all varieties; wholesale and retail. Trial solicited. 32 f 110 BUILDERS.—Billheads, Memorandums, JL Business Circulars and Cards, Time Sheets, Estimate Books, and every kind of Commercial Printing at the "CAMBRIAN" High-street. 3WWMM. PUBLIC NOTICES. 0 WAN SEA GUARDIAN8 ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CASTLE WARD. Ladies and Gentlemen,— Please accept my best thanks for re- turning me unopposed. Your obedient servant., WILLIAM TARR. L A M O R G A N lj NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tliat the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Glamorgan will be holden at the Town of Swansea, in and for the said County, on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, 1904, at Eleven of the clock in the Forenoon of the S'lme day, when the Justices then present will proceed with the General Busi- ness relating to the Public Affairs of the. Oountv. The* Grand and Petty Jurors and persons bound by subpoena or recognizance must at- tend at the above-mentioned day and hour. All appeals must be entered before the sit- ting of the Court on the above-mentioned dav. and the same will be heard after the conclusion of the Criminal Business unlesb the Court shall otherwise order. Anv Costs allowed must be taxed during the same Sessions, unless by consent. Depositions and recognizances are to be delivered to me by Tuesday, the 29th day of March.^l904-A^SEL FRAKKJ KN Clerk of the Pea.ce. Cardiff, 15th March, 1904. 12018 u -iyr E A T H U N I O N .1. TENDERS. The Guardians of the Poor of H.. Neath Union Invite Tenders for thj< Supply of Pro- visions Boots, Coal, Drapery, and other Good's "and Articles Required at the Work- 1 ouse Neath, and the Cottage Homes. Bryn- cock and also for the Supply of Milk at the latter tstablishnient. and for Printing and Stationery ivquired during the half-year end- ing, the 3rd October next Samples of Drapery, Clothmg, Groceries, and Boots to be sent to the Workhouse on or I before Twelve o'clock Noon on Monday, the 21st inst", and each sample to be marked with the name of the person tendering. State- ments as :o the estimated quantities likely to be required, and Conditions off Contracts "and Forms of Tender (in Which form alone will tenders be received) m'ty be had on applica- tion to the undersigned on or before Saturday, the 19th inst. Separate Tenders must be <le livered for the Cottage Homes. All Tenders must be sealed and endorsed, and delivered at the Oilice of the ( I rk, before Twelve o'clock at Noon on Monday, the 21st inst., and no Tender will be considered if not re- ceived by the Clerk on or before that day and hour. i-i Th<< Guardians do not bincl themselves to accept- any Tender, and reserve power to ac- cept such part of any lender as they may deem proper. r Security will be required for the due per- formance of the Contract. Bv order. HOWErL CUTHBERTSON. Clerk. Watn street. Neath. 3rd March, 1904. 11961 RP FIR, ISOLATION HOSPITALS ACTS, _L 1893 AND 1901. THE GOWER ISOLATION HOSPITAL ORDER. 1903. WHEREAS bv Section 9 of the Isolation Hospitals Act, 1893, a County Council are em- powered, after local inquiry as to the neces- sity for the establishment of an Isolation Hos- pital in any district within their County to make an Order constituting a hospital* dis- trict. and directing an isolation hospital for such district to be established AND WHEREAS the County Council d Glamorgan made an Order dated the Fourth day of September, 1903, forming tlte Rural District of Gower into ai united district to he styled the Gower Hospital District: 'AND WHEREAS by Section 8 (3) of the Isolation Hospitals Act. 1893, it is provided j that if any local authority having jurisdiction within any part of a proposed hospital dis- trict object to, the f oriii ition of such district., or to tho akklition or subsiiaetion hereto cr therefrom of any local area within their juris-' diction, such authority may «t any within three months from the date of the Order appeal to the Local Government Board AND WHE'RE-AS the Rural District Coun- cil of Gower being the Loo il Authority hav- ing jurisdiction withm the proposed Hospital District to which the aforesaid Order oi the County Council of Glamorgan relates, La.ve in pursuance of the enactment last herein-; before mentioned a,PPea to the Local Gov- ernment Board: AND WHEREAS the Local Government Board have, instructed their Inspector E. Petron 11 Mmby, Esquire M D., to hol(] Local Inquiry into the su ject-matter of the !aNOT10E:iS HBREBY G1VBS that ti.e said Inspector will attend at he Board Room of the Guardians- of the • !va']f<a Union, Union Offices. Alexandra-road Swansea, on Friday, the Twenty-fiftli day of March. 1304, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, to hold the ^ANH^ NOT!OE IS HERESY FURTHER GIVEN that, any person interested may at- tend at such Inquiry and be heard with reler- ence to the said Appeal. AS WITNESS MTt HAN D th s Twentv- fifth dav of February, 1904, at the Office of the Local Government, Board, White- hall, London. J(>HN JJTHlBY Assistant. Secretary. rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS will be received For the EREC- TION of neiw COASTGUAK-D DE TACH- MENT. consisting of hoiws for two men. at ST. GOVAN'S HEAD, near PenUvroke. in the County of Pembrokeshire, at this Office, before noon, on TUESDAY. 29tl, MAIJCIl' 1904. •„ c Q x J. • Copies of the Bill of Quantities will be gup plil-d or;. application to the Civil Engineer, H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke Dock. The Drawings, Specifications, and Condi- tions may als.5 be seen there or at this Offke. Director of Works Department, Admiralty, 21, Northumberland Avenue, j London, W.C. 805 i UY'S HOSPl'lAL MEDIC ALSOHOOL T (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON). The SUMMER SESSION will begin- on MAY 2nd. and Students then entering will let. eligible vo compete for Entrance Scholarships of the combined value of C360 in the fii-lov. ing Septenflbt-r, kis well as for the numerous, Medals. Scholarships, fnd Prize's awarded during the period of studentship. The Governors liave opened AN ADIH. TlONAL 50 BEDS on the Medical side of the. Hospital. The numerous Hospital Appointments in. i both special andl general departments arc cvp'ii to Students without charge, and tho holders of Resident Appointments f:re pro- vided with bn.rd and lodging. The Dental School provides the full curri- culum required for the L.D.S., Kngland. A ha.ndbr.od of information for those about to enter the Medical Profession will be for- warded fin application. For Prospectus of the School, eontniiiiug full particulars as to fees. course cf study advised, regulations for resident;- in the Coj. lege. &c., apply personally, or by letter to the Dean, Guys Hospital, London Bridge, B.E. EPOCATIOHAL. PE NDEEN E GE LANGLAND BAY. MODERN HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL worn GIBLS MISS I. M. NETTELL, A.C.V. AND MISS C. M. NETTELL, A.C.P., B.A.M. Cert., (Daughters of J*J" Works Manager of Vivian A Sons). gjy*KHJrcm r— LADTLMous^AD,FowtLg^]Knfi^d, Berks. MRS. WILMOT, Devoa. Miss Edbn, Tbe Bryn^Sketty, Swaasea.. -< t Pupils Matriesd .tio i, Universitv AHSoraated Board ( »oy J Academy "ai.d Ba/g, CpUega Muaie), T n»r y College,College ofTiolirasta.Diploa* (Tea hex t) and other ao LANGLAND BA1:. GIBLS' BOABMNG A BAY gQQ >o Pit.melFALS- The, MISSES PHILLIP 3, I Assisted by Indent Certificated Englis i Kid Foreign Maatera. Preparation for.Local Examinatkms. The House is plesmntly mtoated in it i oirn grounds on a hill. "d OvOrlOOking the 888 The NEXT TERM will begin TUES JA [t JANUARY I2i^ J BOiBS^WY SCBXL. BRYN-Y-MOB ROAD. SWANSEi. PRINCIPAL—-A.C P I Assisted by -eiit Frenc' and ] The House » *1 m *tsowngrounds close to beach an* P^*8' I gETN DAT SfH(V>L yoB GIRLS PREPARATORY BOARD?NG S{^0°L ?OK LITTLE BOYS, .i Conducted I of„a Clergynian). Pmpils prepared for all Public 1 xaminatiuns Biirhest icrms on application. The Spring Term commences Jan. 25. Boarders return JaD- r(^- -ItJTISS E PAVLEIS' PREPARATORY JM- SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, T SB F £ XNT°NErj'KI^ACE, > (lafe 3L Hanover-street). The Next commencei MONDAY, JANUARY 25th- Pupils under 9 received l weekly. NNW í I PALM (OR FLOWER) SUNMY. I JAME?k HARRIS Begs to announce that he will have a very Fine Stock of PLANTS, also CUT ELOWEBS WREATHS, CROSSES, and other Floral Devices. i Orders booked now. Trade supplied. 1 Alto all kinds of Trees, Shnibs, Grape Vines j Roses, Garden Seeds, Seed Potatoes, etc. I INSPECTION INVITED. i Address— BLACKPILL NURSERIES, NEAR SWANSEA. i ni^,i l I CUN FIRE OFFICE. J yOUNDED 1710. f "PUND3 HAND— £ 2,386,639 for all partieplar8 »pply to the following ^ANSEA ch^\lm0n Tan" nerj Chambers, Gower- ■trect. Mr. Traveni Walters. llessra. H. C. Higman & Co., 1, Northamptoa- place. H. J. Qoea G°-» S9-60, Wiad-«treet I J A- Bishop, Union Chambers, Umon-st. ABERAVON J"»s- BRITON FERRY Mt. H H. Hroter. P0NTARDAWK Mr- 5*^ ^ith- P0R1' TALBOT w,t -f- | J. BRADEB AND SONS, (Established on 18TO.) OP HMH Lowest Prices, Cash or ^f^'y Payments, including our 3 «21, £ 25, ind £ 30. Latest beautiful tone and appearance. comparison "TtTEATH & DISTRICT BILL-POSTING JN COMPANY .—Late T. Wall. OFyicBS:—Ass<MM RooKs, NEATH. j MANAGBB W. ROBINSON. J L"mes and PmPriOtm a tha lle6t POstiP station,, ii, xeo% -mi Why not Exchange IOlIl Piano .1 For a Bechstein, a CpQard, a Neameyer, a Broadwood, » SopkuBMi, a Schreober a Kaps a Brinsmcad, a Cnalien, an Ibach, a Hooff, a Cramer, or a Stein way, With so many good Piano Makers to eelect from practising on a Worn-out Instrument, should not be permitted. fULL VALUE ALLOWED IN EXCHANGE # Thompson &> Shackell, Ld. 32; CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. -With Agents in all Populous District throughout Sooth Wales. PIANOS AND ORGANS at London Prices for Cash cr any Instrument may be had ca the On" Two, or Three Years' System of Easy Paymerits. Catalogues Free on appli- cation. Corporation letepnone. No. 118 TTTn Advanced on note of J[ band alone, without bonds, pub- licity, or chargee ot any description what- ever unless business is none. No bills of gale, and the strictest privacy guaranteed. On receipt of representative will trait upon you bv appointment and advance vou the amount requir-d. repayable by easy instalmen+s to suit your own convenience. Special rates for 611.rt pe-riods.-Write (in «cnfidenoe> t) aetcal kaider, C. Welts, Corn- flor CkiuaWs, KarW Place, Leicester. XN21 MUSICAL. MISSFLORENCE jpRICKER A.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., Receives Students for the HIGHBB DKVBLOF JlKNT of PIANOFORTE PLATING, VOICS PBODOCTION and SINGING also for HAR. MONT and COMPOSITION. MISS FBICKKB studied for six years at the Royal Academy of Music, and has had the toition of the late Sir G. A. Macfarren, the late Professor Frederick Westlake, Mr. Randegger, Mr. Shakespeare and Mr. Frye Parker, and holdB diplomas of the R.A.M. as public performer and teacher of piano and harmony, and of the R.C.M. as public singer and in harmony, and also holds the Certificate of Merit of the R.A.M. for piano playing, and five medals of that Institution for piano and singing. Pupils prepared for the Metropolitan Examina- tions of the R.A.M. and R.C.M., also for the Local Examinations of the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and R.C.M. 100, WALTER-ROAD, SWANSEA. 40 MR. T. J. DENNIS, A.R.C.O. (Organist and Choirmaster of BetheBda Congregational Church, Briton Ferry), ACCEPTS PUPILS IN PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, SINGING A THEORY. Pupils Prepared for Examinations. 21, QUEEN-STREET, NEATH. 30 ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 100, WALTSB-BOAD. MRS TS DWARD FRICKER MISS FLORENCE F R I C K E R, A.B.A.M., A.R.C.M., AND MISS MINNIE FRICKER, L.R.A.M. Piano, Harp, Violin, Voice Training and Solo Singing, Harmony, Sight-Singing, Theory of Music. &0. ——— I DANCING, CALISTHENICS, &c. DANCING, CALISTHENICS, SPANISH AND PHYSICAL EXERCISES. GEDNEY HOUSE, ST. HELEN'S.ROAD. MISS CRAVEN'S CLASSES are held at her Residence on MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS at 5 e'clock, and WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 2.30 o'clock; also ADULT TUITION CLASS on MONDAYS at 7.30 o'clock. PRIVATE LESSONS by arrangement. Classes will recommence on Saturday, the 9th inst., and following dates. Evening Tui- tion Class, Monday, the 18th inst. » Not only ASK for STIFF'S PURE STARCH but El MIND YOU REALLY GET IT ( for thoee who purchase common I stuff, most commonly regret it. STIFF'S CREAM STARCH pro- daces the fashionable tawny tint, and will not injure the most delioate material. STIFF 6; Co., L'td 29, Redcliff St., BRISTOL. WILLIAM M. DAVIEff STOCK AND SHARE BROKER, I 56, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA Telegrams, "Discretion" Telephone No. 11 Special business at cloee prices in South and West African Gold and Land Shares. BUYER- Orii. and Prefe. Swansea, Harbour 4 per cent. Ben Evans Ord. and Prefs. London and Provincial Banks. Imperial Tobacco Prefs. North's Ordinarv. etc., etc. SELLER—-Ben Evans Debenture. Capital and Counties Banks. Swansea, Kas Stock. Swansea Corporation Stocks. Lloyds Banks, etc., etc. CANCER HOSPITAL (FREE) FULHAM-ROAD, LCINIDOIN, S.W. Patients seen daily on their own application at TWO O'CLOCK. Funds urgrently needed for General Expenses and for the Research Department. S ;cretary, FRED. W. HOWELL. g- CUPISS' CONSTITUTION BALLS Are an unfailing remedy (•write Jot pamphlet. For HORSES, TESTIMONIAL. Russley Park. I have used Cupi?s' Constitution Balls for the last 10 years, and have much pleasure in testifying to the good effects they have bad in improving the con- dition of Horses in triiuinsr, particularly in the Spring and Autumn months. MATT. DAWSON. Greese, Swelled Lees, Cracked Heels, Coughs, Colds, Staring Coat, Ir:fluenza, givin-r tone and vigour, and keepiner high-fed Her- ges in Health, Ac. ForCATTLE&SHEEP in cases of Hove or Blown, Hide Bcund, Lossof Appetite Dis- temper. Epidemic,&c FoiScouring in Calves, they are almost in- fallible. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late FRANCIS CTJPISS, M.R.C.V.S. Sold in Packets, a. 9d. and 3s. each, 7 email 10-<. 6d. and 7 large lis., by all er'ists and Diuggists. ¡REVIV AL of Home Induces.—Morgan J. I MorgM (son of Mr. J. R. Morgan, clo- thier ajwi ilioeier, of New-etrreet. Nearth, und gr-lmdom of the late Mr. Morgan Morgan. Wmd-eftxeet). hug decided to resrtart the old Woollen Factory aA Melipcryltfham for the m&nnAactare of hotme-apua Hosiery and IPslsh F^' ^ls and OlotlA Koaml-23 TRALE NOTICES. imaillffoill IS8 A. J. CHAP PELL. nISHMONGER & OYSTER MERCHANT, POULTERER, DEALER IN GAME, A* WIND STREET, SWANSEA, AND AT NEWTON-ROAD. MUMBLES, Telegraphic Addreøø-u Chappell, Swansea." Country Orders promptly attended to. CARRIAGE WORKS, FISHER-STREET, SWANSEA. Telephone— Q46JL JOHN JONES & Co., HIGH-CLASS TAN AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS. ORDERS FOR NEW WORK. GENERAL REPAIRS, PAINTING, TRIMMING, &0.. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. MOTOR CAR INSPECTION PIT PROVIDED AND REPAIR6 EXECUTED. DOWN & SON We have a large consignment of strong and reliable Combination Bedsteads, as per illustration, each in three parts, including Dominion Sprirg Mattress, which is auaran- teed for T 5 years. Owing to our large purchases, we are now enabled to offer these for Sale at the very low price of 138. 9d. each. We are the cheapest in for BEDROOM and DRAWING- ROOMSUITES, &c. Being Man- facturers, we thereby save a middle profit. Special lines also in MAIL CARTS, BASSINETTES, &c, Showrooms—221, High Street} owAMQp j Manufactory—Morris lane ) OWiiiioiifl.* The Cure for Goa,- -DI-N'N-,E,-F d Gravel. an __le- Tho Uni»tr«»L BemMy for AcMltj of the OESIRSIODFCI'TFOR Stomach, Headache. Heartburn, Jnaiaestion, Infant*. C iildren. Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Delic-ste Females, aiati the •. DINNEFORDS NESIA, ^1 11 11 ——-———————— —— WORTH A GUINEA BOX. BEEC M'S PILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH, WIND, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LITER, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. THE ".SALE IS OVER SIX MILLION BOXES PER ANNUM. Prepared only by the Proprietor, Thomas Bee sham, St. Helens, L^cashire. Sold by aH Dr«igist« sad Patent Medicins Dealers everywhers m Boxes, Is. lid. M* Hoia oy au j^ru^uiv.. Full j>irecUona with each box. I PICTON MEWS, DILLWYN-STREET SWANSEA. I.L & T. BULLIN. Cabo ways ready. Wedding Carriages with 'I SuitableHorses. Funeral Carriages Complete, I BLOOR A CO.. I ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS AND BILL POSTERS. CHIEF AGENCP FOR WALKS. All descriptions of Advertising Circular Distribution, Ac., promptly attended to. Office—20, CALVERT-STREET SWANSEi TX. I TTN1VERSAL BILL POSTING CO. U M REIfT THB LARGEST POSTING STATIONS In Swansea and surrounding Distric ADDRBSS-28. LOWER UNION STREET SWANSEA. Nature's Perfect Remedy or all kinds oJ Woraii, WILLIAMS' (PONXABOAW5) WORM LOZBNGBS FOT over SO y ari thU Highly^Valajble Kemedy ha. met with the rudest sncceM. Delicate Children (often JT^fn "P ]"curab!e) is 'ike Magic. Getting rid of bls toraendng peets by these Lozenge*, the thin, pale-faced. Inanimate Ciaild become* »tron*. hwlthy, aud llve.y, the p*id» nstes-d. o? the sailfity cf Ms frcard,ani. ,e, Llanaenuerh, near LUneUy, August 30th, 1872. DEAR SIB,—My youngest daughter, Emma Ann, 13 rears of age, got rid of a great number of worms by takioi; only tbree or four of Williams' (Poctardawe) Worm Losenges. I am g.ad to say that she has much Improved in health, being previously lingering Md delicate In health.—\onrs very truly, MARTNA eairriTHS, late of Ynispenllwch. gTK?T0MS.—Anyof the foilowicjjSytaptoicslndl Worms:—Variable appetite,fcetid breath, aciderjcta- loos. pains In the stomach and head, sickness, grindi- ng of the teeth during sleep, dream* and restless- ness, paleness of the ccunieDa&ce, stitches tu the side, short dry coogh, and emaciation of the body. often mistaken for decline, nerrousnegs, slow fever, ac-i ir- regular pulse talntneeg. sometimes convulsive fits, often causing sudden death idizzinaga, sore throat, and inflammation of the bgwels. The above sytnp- | torn* Tary according to tbs Mod of Worois. The Lozenges contain nothing detrimental ta th* Constitution, and are au: table for r.ll ages, | Williams' (Pontardawe) Worm Lozenges are pre ) pMeo from the Original Receipt by JOHN DAVIKS, M.R.P.3.. Chemist, 90, Htgh street Swansea, and sold by most chemist*, at 9id., 13id„ and St. dd. per box; by post, 14 or S4 stamps, r r acted V} tb8 OoverniBeot stamp, on which a BgrBVe* Um worts "WUHW Worm leswN^. ni Darlington's Handbooks A "Lord Kno'.lysis commanded by the King to thank Mr. Darlington iQLtor a copy of the new edition, so well' got up, of 'London & Environa.' Nothing better could be wished for.—" British Weekly.' A brilliant book. The Times." Visitors to London, and Residents, should use- london;^»: Most emphatically tops them all. AND By E, C. Cook & E. T. Cook, M.A. 4 Ed. Revued 5s. ENVIRONS- P60 Illnstrations. 60 Illas., Maps & Plans j 100 Iilus. Maps &Plan NORTH WALES. | DEVON & CORNWALL. Visitors to Brighton, Eastbourne, Haetinga Bon rnemouth. Exeter, Exmouth, Sidmoutlv. Dawlish. Teignmouth, Torquay, Paignton. Dartmouth, Dartmoor, Eimoor, Plymouth, Falmouth, Penzance, Newquay, Clovellyk Iltracombe, Lynton, Minehead. Wye Valley. SeTerti Valley, Ba.tb.. Weston-super-Mare. Malvern, Hereford, Worcester, Gloacester, Llandrindod Weils, Llangollen. Aberystwitlu Towyn. Barmouth, Dolgelly, Harlech, Oris- elech. Pwllheli, Llandudno, Trefriw, Rhyl, Battws-y-Coed. Pestiniog, Oonway, Oolwyn Bay Norwich. Yarmouth, Lov/estolt, Norfolk Broads, Isle of Wight, and ChanDel Islands, should use DARLINGTON'S HANDBOOK, 1.. each. Llangollen: DARLINGTON and CO. London: SIMPKIN and 00. Paris & New York. BRENTANO'S. And all Bookseller The Railway Bookstalls and all Booksellers. PHOTOGRAPHS. Beautiful Photographs of Scenery, Buins, etc.. iu Italy, Greece. Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, also the English Lake. and North Wah»s>. Is.. 1; 6d., and 2s. List Post Free.-DARLINGTON & Co., LLANGOLLEN THE ABERAVON & PORT TALBOT BILLPOSTING COMPANY UNDERTAKE BILLPOSTING AND ADVERTISING MANAQKE—Mr. P. R. JAMES.