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————■ I THfi YEARS RECORD. a Retrospect over the History of i] 1903, j — ( Summary of Notable Events and < Incidents. 1 We stand once more on the threshold of » new veur, and opting a glance backwards ever the records of the past twelve months, on the whole we cannot feel dissatisfied with their storv. If the trade of tho district clones in gloom, in one or two industries, vet throughout, it has stiown signs of a steady, permanent, and substantial increase. Ca^tle- ^treet remains unwidened, the butt of local humorists, but to all intents and purposes Swansea in placed on the main line at last. 1903 has .-teen the conclusion of the uns.Us- lactorv contract arrangement a.t the Cray, the inception of the municipal telephones, and of extensive schemes of tramway enterprise; tlie practical beginning of the new dock. Cn the reverse side mav be set the cestly and wasteful follies of the crusade against licensed houses and the Education Act, both running up heavy bills for the ratepayers. The town lias had its full share of the terrific down- pours, which will render the year meteoro- logically famous; it has been fevered with both the walking and the fi^al epidemics; the latter has yet to run its course. The ar Memorial a.nd the sad lifeboat disaster and the of her Mumbles ciew, did good in their way in demonstrating the warmth of Swanseas heart, wlcen touched by a good object or the cry of misery the most gerier- Otto responses were made to the funds raised for both. In politics Mr. Little johns has sprung up to provide Mr. Brynmor Jones with a tigtit; the future protagonists of the electoral warfare in Swansea Borough remain tmcertain, a.nd Mr. John Williams is the i>clv certain "starter" for Gower. The tin- itiate trade passed safely through a great crisis; but vet one is inclined to give pride d place as the most notable feature of the *ar to the extensive "advertising" the town received—not as might 03 inferred per picture poster! Seldom has there been such a procession ot notables, and the climax o ike King's impending visit i» a worthy ""he Anthracite Trust, Lieut. VV I. Dav es entiqu? victory at Bisley, the visits of Irving, vho received a fitting reception, Sir Chas. Wvndham and Miss Mary Moore, Sousa, Buffalo Bill"—verily there has been one ,vi ream of famous men and incidents, nil cal- dilated to lift Swansea off its "side-track" to the gaze of the outer world. Alas that we misled participating in Mr. Chamberlain's breat campaign The burglary epidemic alt- tained a vogve that defied the police, and roused the humour of the public; and in trtlier branches when has Swansea. luid such an athletic organisation as the All hites team of 1903-4? The Star Theatre re-op ned, Enough, perhaps has been -aid by way of generalisation. We shall now proceed to give below a. summary of the chief incidents of the months as they passed, omitting de- velopments in the fiscal controversy, in the way of .speeches and replies, as their name has been legion. JANUARY. Mayor's annual luncheon at the Metropole (1st); X ea,th Library burned down (3rd); auickle of the photographer Montagu Uold- mon (5th).; purity of Mumbles oysters at- tacked sewage contamination alleged (6th); War Memorial Fund closed, 10.0881 shillings realised: King presents bronze busts of him- «eif and the Queen to Mr. Graham Vivian (9th); England beaten by Wales at St. Helen's bv three goals two tries to one goal 30-35,000 "spectators Hodges, of Newport, lICores three consecutive troes (10th); John Herreott committed to Assizes charged with criminally assaulting Margaret McKtvett, lo, of tlbe Mumble*: Verdict of death from nickel caibonvl poison returned at inquest on a. Monti workman at Clydach Swansea. Hos- } ital Ball (14th); Sanitary Committee, ap- proves plans of the Isolation Hospital, to cost £ 35,0000 (16th); Canadian team defeated by MX tries to one: Lord Urenfell receives the ftIt Armv Corps command Town's meeting itscusses" the "Black Glamorgan" question 17th); South Wales Anthracite Tru«t with > £ millions capital floated (19th); Duifrvn Colliery Co. Hooted H. W. Elliott commit- ted to Assizes charged-with bigamy at Swan- sea: Magistrates' meeting decides on exten- sive rsciiK ;.i<.nsin licenses, and receives de- putation on the subject (2#th); Swansea Cor- poration decide to prepare plans for a Vic- toria Park Pavilion (21st); big burglary at Mr. S. Kaltenbach's, Neath. B400 worth of Jewellery stolen Notice of objection served' en Swansea publicans (23rd); G.W R.'s new local development .-cheir.e promulgated 127th); So-uth Wales Anthracite Syndicate re- gistered with a capital of B60.750 (28th); SwaJi^a Fanciers Show: Col. Wright lays memorial stones of n?w St. Paul's Church, I^andore (29th): Councillor Evans Bevan at INeatli Swansea Grammar School coaiveisi- 7;ivue (30). FEBRUARY. Mumbles Lifeboat wrecked off Pert Talbot after patting out to rescue the crew of the stranded Christina T. Rogers, D. Claypitte G. Michael, lJ. J- Morgan. Dd. Gammon, and R. Smith drowned, seven men saved (1st); iceboat Fund opened: Rirsl licencing meet- ing, 264 objections laid (ord): LiteOoat vic- time buried at Oys-termouth Churchyard (5th): .Mr. Ambrose Hoskins committed to the Assizes charged with stabbing his wife: Lifeboat inquest and verdict of "death by drowning" (6th); Scotland defect Wales at Edinburgh by a penalty goal and a try to nil; Carl Rosa Opera Company's visit to the Urand terminate (7th): R. and S.B. half- yesrlv meeting, 1 £ p.c. dividend on ordinary shares 19th); lecord cargo of 8,400 tons of coal shipped to the U.S. by the oil-bunkered .,s. "Caid-ium"' (10th); C :ckett Tunnel award of £19,800 to Mr. Philip Richard: Annual Harbour Trust report A reooid year's trade {12th); Bath and West of England" Sluows visit in 1904 announced 19 borough licensees re fussed ar.d many reduced. One County licentse refused and three reduced (14th); feettlament, of Benedictine monks at Pembrey annvan.-etf (17th); Isolation Hospital scheme postponed sine die by casting vote (18th); Council choose brick in place of stone for the 1'rav dam. thereby saving £15,000; Sir Heiirv Irving and Miss Mabel Hackney at th> Ci rd in the "Bell. "Waterloo," and **Loas XIV. Great reception (19ih); house destroyed bv fire at Mount Plea-ant (20th); Mr. Lit:'sjohns chosen Lab'Xir candidate for Swansea District Black Dyke Band's visit (23rd') £3.000 increase in valuation of Swa.n- licensed houses: Landore woman named \V jgstcife burned to deilh at Landore (24h); Mr. and Mrs. Kendall at t le Grand (25th); trandine fatality at I^munre. little girl killed (26th): h e.,h Educiitional conference at Llan- drindod forms a concordat: Hon. J. H. I Turner ^Canadian Agent-gen n!) at Swan- sea: Le ture and banquet (27th); arrest of Hailing and Scott in connection with Neath burglary Chamber of Commerce annual ban- quet, Sir Geo. Newnes and Hon. J. H. Turner spo.ik (28th), MARCH. St. 1m,vid's Day twvnqne; at Morriston (2rtdt: S'vmsea Divorce Sa.i. Moigan v. Morgtn and Bowles (3rd) judgment for £7144 given agairst Mr. R. J. Voyd, Swan- sea solictor: Head-coostable's animal report fch-ows general' increase in Swansea crime (4th); c^nf:rente on alleged pollution by sewage of Mumbles oyster beds Swansea a1) solved (5:!) Oipy Smith's much-crit:sed midnigiit rnar'h thrwgh the Strand (6th); Harbour Trr.ste?#> annual meeting (Sth); Swansea tr::der Dungonnel. with two Swan- eect men. overdue (ICtht Mr. J. Gl •>:o >k clected H'i^i; Sheriff: Foundation stones of uew Ib?"d a.nd Peniie-hwrth schcol-s laid j (12t!ii: So. u-'sea Photograpliic Society's an- Hil. ev.'ihiti'n (Etlt); Wales defeat Ireland at Cirditf by s'x tries to !oy (14th) • death of Dr. JfUn Paddon, age 8o Mr. Ambrcse Hoskir> l/mnd ever at the Assizes: H. W. Eliiott :v 'eives 15 rnontli^' for bigamy, and Hallin,- 18 nvnths fcr the Neith burglary {16th! • j -stemity order ^gainst a Du-n va^.t P.C. ilCiio: Workingrren'.s Club annual d n- iter (20t i): P.C. Bowen severely, injured in nig'it a:T ,iy at Dyfatty Field Hon. Geo. Kennel give details of the Anthracite Trust (23rd) remarkable breach of promise- suit by "Miss Hannnh Evans, of Poniardula's, £ 1.003 damages c!aimed :Murderous aff:ay at Ovraun- c>e-(Jurwen. three persons severely injured (25tht; Board of Trade ir.quny assigns loss of M'u'nbles Lifeboat to neg'eot to use the pra-anchor '27th): ca-e of Mr. Geo. Gascoigre Hawker heard in London i30th). I APRIL, I Bench dumisses charge ol criminal as»alt j > against J. H. Jenkins, a Lhmgyfeiach school- •, n master: Serious illness of Mr. Glynn ivian t announceù (ht); AugllStine O'Connor dies I from etfect of drinking liniment in tit of de- V press ion Gowrn merit inquiry into stranding j V of the trawler Viola Extraordinary evidence of general drunkenness on board (otd); Sousa < at Swansea (4th); murderous assiiult by Pat- rick Fahev on John Cullen at Landore: ] Babies' bodies found at Swansea and Neath: Coal struck in Clyne Valley (6th); arrange- ments for disposal of Mumbles Lifeboat. Fund of nearly £5,800 uiade (8th); Swansea l.cens- incr o—^eals at the Assizes (9th); Mr. Dix re- signs managership of Cray Works (lom); Orphan Homos bazaar (16th): Ben. Evanss^' annual meeting, £ 15,360 profit announced j (17th); suicide of a woma.n at Ystalyfei-a. (18th); Rev. John Williams, Vicarjif Llan- samlet dies at Trinidad: Chas. Vv-moiiam and Marv Moor? at the Grand (20th); daring burglary at Messrs. E. Roberts, JC20 in cash stolen:'Primrose Day dinner at the Salis- bury Club (21st); Mr. Geo. Mitche^, del Hafod boy, who "struck oil" in the States, ba-nquetted at. the Metropole, Mayor, H gh Sheritf. Hon. (kh Vivian, etc., pies-nt Dr Clifford on the Educati(«i Act at the _\tbe: t Hall (22nd); bazaar at Penllergaer (24th); suicide of P.C. Edwin John in Pembrokeshire (25th}; Aberxwili Palace burned down (28th); Pontardawe divorce James v. James: wife had had 16 children: long a.nd heated Council meeting discusses Mr. Dix s resigna- Lon: Swansea, and Neath Law Society ban- quet Messrs. Lott's and Swdle's "Ma-rau- de. at the Grand (29th); marriage of Mr. Cecil Gl,>o»-ts(»n and Miss Gladys Mooie- Uwynne at x^i_ryn (30th). MAY. Swansea Council by ten votes to four let ("ray Works out to contract: French Colony's address to the Mayor on the occasion of th.. King's vÜd to Paris (2nd); death of M's. Llewellyn, of Baghtn (4th); terrific rainfall (6tll) death of Cullen, and verdict of "wilful murder" against Fahey: three Swansea- book- makers fined: funeral of Mrs. Lbwellvn (11th); Sir John Llewelyn speaks at Swansea Father Ignatius at the King's Hall (9th); death of Mr. Christopher James, aged t3 (11th): Sir John Llewelyn speeks at Swansea Conservative Association's annual meeting (12th); education administrative scheme dis- cussed by the Council (13th); Tradesmen's Mav Dav Show Fruiterer's walk to Paikmifl woil bv* Collis (14th); funeral of Mr. Chris- topher' James: Swansea deputation to the Welsh University Court seeking collegiate powers for the technical college (15th); Private James, R.W. Fu.silieis, of Neath, murdered at Attcar(18tlt); 0.11. agiee- ment with the R. and S.B. national educa- tional conference at Swansea: Miss Mabel Hacknev to Mr. Laurence Irving married (19th1 •'Mynydd Xewydd award publi?iie l: U.W.R. Gairvant Railway Bill shuck out in Parliament (20th); Swansea Council at the Cray (21st); unknown man found dead at Bracelet Bay (26th); amalgamations of Albion and Ocean Dry Docks announced (28th) two Swansea drowning fatalities. JUNE. New G. W, R. loop line shortening the Swansea-London route inaugurated Weg worker's death fiom inexplicable reasons ) (1st); Lieut. P. Felton wins the Talbot Mem- orial at Margam (7th); collier commits sui- cide at Pontardawe (10th); Wyndham Walk to Revnoldstone and back Collis 1st and Wallis* last: man killed and another injured on the line at Cockett: ''Passive Resistance meeting at Swansea (11th); trainload of Llanellv divines visit a "resistance"' conven- Llanellv divines visit a "resistance" conven- tion at Cardiff, taking tickets ostensibly to attend a. billiard match (13th); Mr. F. W. Gilbert>on on Preferential tariffs d the Swan- sea Chamber of Commerce (16th); public ex- amiruition of Mr. D. R. Knoyle t19th); A. Windmill tined £50 at Swansea Quarter Ses- cions for using No. 5, Salubrious-passage for purposes of betting: Mr. Ben Tillett at a Swansea. Fiscal debate (24th); Mumbles Life- boat gala public meeting invites Welsh Na- tional Eisteddfod to Swansea in 1905 (25th); Royal Institution annual meeting (26th); Clumber of Commerce Walk, won by Arthur Andrews (28th); Swansea Vicar condemns the stage: death of Mr. E. E. Rouse, aged 78 (29tI1). JrL Y. Mumbles girl, Edith Davies, bound and gagged (1st); Swansea Schools athletic spoils (2nd): Mr. J. H. Yoxa-11 at the Swanst a Training College (3rd); Mynydd Newydd strike settled French Colony banquetted on the occasion of M. Loubet s visit to London (7th); presentation to Mr. Abraham Thomas, of Llansamlet (8th); Vicar again indicts stage morality (12th); "Buffalo Hill" draws his record crowd at Swansea Neath Corpora- tion employe named Mort drowned in a sewer: his companions censured (14); Sir J. J. Jenkins reverts to the Liberal told (15th) Miss Dillwyn opens the Swansea Convales- cent Home: "W ridge way" case at the Swan- sea Hospital: Neath reformatory boys xevolt (17th); suicide of W. J. Thomas in Rhydd- ings Park-road (20th); Permanent \Vay In- stitute at Swansea (22nd); Sir Coleridge Grove, K.C. B.. presides over annual re-union of Swansea old campaigners (24th); Lieut. W. T. Davies for the second tim? won. the King's Prize at Bisley (25)th Lieut. W. T. Davies enthusiastically welcomed at Swansea and Llanellv: Samuel Rees, a tramping mason, killed at Neath publican's son ar- rested and discharged (27th); British Medi- I cal Associaion's 71st annual meetings begin < at Swansea (28th); Fahey sentenced to five year. penal servitude for the -assault upon Cullen: Dr. T. D. Griffith's presidential ad- dress to the B.M.A. (29th); Arthur Wilks sentenced to death for the murder of Pee. John James, of Neath. AUGUST. Rechabites annual conference opens at Swansea: Meessis. Weaver's annual meeting, ten and six per cent dividends: Mayoral in- ception of the B.M.A. at the Royul Institu- tion (1st); National Eisteddfod opens at Llanellv (3rd); JoTin Burns bound over at the Assizes fur abducting Mary Ellen Collett (4tll I: Vowhi. choir wiry? the chief choral at the eisteddfod (Stll); Eisteddfod Committee fixes locale of 1905 eisteddfod at Mountain. Ash: a. rebuff to Swansea (6th); marriage of Lord Grenfell to thn Hon. Aline MajencLe (Stii): Board of Education refuses to sanction Swansea's co-optation scheme (ICth); W est Gower annual .-how iloth); labourer named I Strickland buried alive for two hoars in a trench at Gieenhill (14th); Sir J. J. Jenkins declares he secedes through Mr. Chamber- lain's fiscal proposals (15th); Rev. W. Wal- ters ("Talmai"'), tined 10s. for drunkenness at Aberavon (17th); reports of Swansea Trades Council dissensions (2ht); engagemtTit of Hon. Al-xandia Vivian to Lieut. Leitli, 60th Rifles, announced (25th); Swa.ns?a Horse Show foiled financially by the wretched weather (26th); Tinplate Conciliation Board ineets but fails to agree (28th); Mr. W. Crooks speaks at Western Miners' demonstra- tion at Swa-nsea tinpiate trade 1 ,ek-out be- gins, 14,000 men idle (29th); Rev. Watcyn Morgan appointed Vicar of Llanellv (31st). SEPTEMBER. Morriston and Midland works restart en men's- terms (1st); Free Library Committee discusses Mr. Carnegie's offer 'of a. giant: KIHay gIrl named Richards brutally assaul- ted at P"it lalbot, and ^scued under cir- cumstances of great peril (2nd); Swansea Charity Carnival (orcl); Gower camp contro- versy between a local journal and Miss Tal- bot's agent (14t:h); t sheries reg^itta im- portant C'^il find at Cefngyfelaca (5th); three CVmavon men, Thomas', Jenkins and Davits, committed to Assizes for the assault on the girl R-iiards (7th): Revision C >urt party agents etfect an amicable agreement tinpla.te lock-out settled (8t!I); storm in S'V-nsea Bay: estiaiat-d !o-s to the ratepayers by non-adop- tion of the Education Act, £ o,15U (llth): i archtKct's report published c nde nnirg Swansea voluntary schools (13th); s-eiious j Brvnhyfi'ydd a-sault another congested are: of c'jbii houses and 77 licenses atfec.ed | (16th): Mr. Evan Davies, a well-known I Swan-aite, dies suddenly (18th); gill Rich- ards, of Kill iy, committed to the Ass zes charged with attempting suicide (19th); Trades Council discusses the Fiscal problem {24th' • Hon. Odo Vivian appeals for mote busircf-'i iaen to enter the Council (25th); Pviton Fe-.Tr man named Bliss murdered in America :26th); Mrs. T>lewellvn's will pioved at £ 213,144 18s. 2d. net (29t!i); two bodies washed a-hore at Swansea case of W. Bey- ron. f>' L-verpool, charged with a rape on Olive To: e-:i Kift. of the Mumble< dLsmi sed (30th). OCTOBER. Welsh Education Conference agrees to c)- ootation oilJ Hafod man named Eyan Hop- kir-t muijered in Aa ^rioa iL"t) death of Mr. -W-n»\-r Whittii»<?t (.f X:atU (2nd); | Lord Grenfell to unveil the Swansea, War J Memorial: Jas, Gay, of Sketty, gets three months in the second division for attempt to defraud the G.W.R. of £62 odd on a lost luggage claim: death of Mr. George larr (4th); Carnegie donates £ 8,000 for Swansea branch free libraries (3rd); G.W.R. scheme of loop line from High-street Station to Cockett unfolded (6th); Mayor opens the new Harbour Offices (12th); Lady Margaret 1 Rice opens the Church Army-.Homes bitMar at the" Albert Hall (14); Swansea Counc I scene, Martin v. Tutton (13th); Sir Wm. An- son and Mr. Morant (Board of Education) at i Swansea scene between Messrs. Hopkin and Solomon (16th); Fiscal nteetingat the King's Hall (20th); two Neath colliers killed (23rd); • death of Mr. Laurence Tulloch, aged 92 (26th): record deluge (28th); Sir Geo. Newnes at Swansea Liberal Club: iving's im- pending visit next year announced (29th); Mr. F. W. Gilbertson's article on "Tariffs a,r.d the Welsh Tinpiate Trade" in the "Nineteenth Centu.rv." NOVEMBER. Swansea, Gioup of School Managers meet- ing. scene raised by Rev. John of Cadle: Council elections, Messrs. Howel Lewis, M. Hopkin, Cadwalladr and Morris returned (2nd); railway accident at the Docks, man killed, another injured (4th); Mr. Griffith Thomas re-elected mayor for the third time: Municipal Telephones Exchange opened (bth); death of Mr. Evan Daniel, aged 67 (9th) Col Harrington, of Swansea, knigh- ted (10th); Col. Wright retires from his Militia command: Dutch seaman drownrd at the East Dock (11th); Mr. D. R. Knovle summoned on six perjury charges by Mr. K. C Trueman (16th); death of Col. J. C. Richardson, aged 62 (17th); Tinpiate Trade Wage List referred to arbitration St. Peters Church Mumbles, consccrated stone-Iayirg of new Llansamlet Church (19); Licensed Victuallers biinquet: revival of Swansea Naval Volunteers announced: Mr. Chamber- lain at Cardiff "Daily Po«t" report by elec- trophone (20th); Frank Gale receives hve veasr' penal servitude for money-lending frauds at Swansea (2;th); Havelock Wilson- at Swansea Sporting Spaniel trials at IJen- Hergaer (25th); Mayor presents war medals to Hafod Active Service Volunteers: Kilhay girl's case at the Ass!ze> one of her assail- ants getis one month's impr.sonment, the Other'two are discharged (26th); Swansea footbiiller named Reynon dies from indne-t effect of injuries received whilst playing foot- ball: Board of Trade enquiry into Swansea trim extensions: Devonian dinner: HVv. D. Williams appointed Vicar of Llangyfelach (28th); teaciters' conference at Swansea: death of Mr. Skidmore, age 62 (29th); Han- nah Evans sentenced to 14 months' imprison- ment in the Pontardulaig perjury case others to six months': Mr. Rhys Owen, a gentle- man of independent means found shot dead. DECEMBER. Mr. Tho- Terrill's "cigar and cheque" dis- closures regarding Mr. Alfred Davies, M.P., at Carmarthen tender for Swansea tramways extensions" awarded to Messrs Dick, Kerr, for £81,751 (2nd); Central Medical Council's "recognition" of Swansea Municipal College (3rd); Swansea Chamber of Commeroe Fiscal debate B100 damages for libel awarded at Assizes against Giles Jones, Ftorehdwn, 1 Neath, for libel: death of Mr. J. Fear Davies, eath (4th); Fiscal debate initiated b1 Mr. D. Davies at Swansea Workingmen's Club: Duffryn works give notice of chsing through Germiin- dumping (6th); Gower Fat Stock Show (8th); Major Druitt's report on I proposed Oxford-street tramline (9th); new Landore Church consecrated by Bishop of Swansea. (10th); Mr. Akers Douglas visit on January 27th announced: Mr. J. C. Jones, "portreeve" of Aberavon, committed to urison fire at Bonymaen (llth); stoppage at Landbre works through "dumping" announ- ced (12th); mother and grandmother named Keest committed to Assizes by the Coroner on a charge of manslaughter of three months' old illegitimate child story of double life of Thos. Jenkins, late of Gower, unfo'ded at Swansea County Court (15th); impoitant Council meeting: Oxford-street tram scheme to be pushed on: legal work to be re-ar- ranged Mr. Cadwalladr condemns Council's application to defer date of the Education Act "appointed day" (16); dead body of coachman named Owen Davies found in Brynmill Park (17th); Mr Glynn Vivian's gift of £4,000 for a new church at Mansel- tons announced: High School for Girls "break-up" concert annual prize distribu- tion at Swansea, Grammar School Messrs Brrnmor Jones and Legard speech ¡19t.h); Llewelyn memorial window at Penllergaer Church unveiled1 (21st).


A Sensible Temperance Speech.

[No title]



[No title]


Fresh Row at Greenhill.

Six Bells Inn Case.


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Romantic Bigamy Case.