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.*******************! | SWANSEA…


| SWANSEA JOTTINGS. J AFFILIATION ACTION ENTERED AT SWANSEA. A case in which Thomas George Parkinson, .13, Victoria-crescent, bank clerk, was sum- moned by Elizabeth Ann Leonard, to show > cause, was at Swansea. Polioe-court on Tues- day, adjourned for a week. Mr. Leyson ap- :.pear8 for plaintiff, and Mr. Dormer Andrews ? for the defence. DRY DOCK BUSY. The passenger steamfibip Normfi/ndy is ■- undtergoimg an extensive overhauling in the Prince of Wales Drv Dock. New paddlle- boxes are beimig flitted. The same dock is ■ carrying out repairs to the s.s. Katie, which recently stranded. The Jersey Dry Dock Oo. hlaive undertaken the carrying out of a somewhat extensive overhauling to the S.B. Heptorahy, whidh undlerwent a consideitobie knocking about during the last gale. Y.M.C.A. FUND. The annuai supper in connection with Swansea Y.M.C. Gymnasium was held on Thureday evening. About 100 partook of a sumptuous repast, served by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. Kermod presided. A smoking concert followed to which the following con- tributed :—Songs, Messrs. S. Brown, F. C. -Jenkins, T. Jones (encored), Goff Wilson, Jack Robarts, T. Cross-Thomas; whistling ..solo, Jack Jones; recitation, Mr. H. St: vens. Mr. T. Fursman accompanied. NEW INVASION FHOM THE STATES. What is said to be the first shipment of tin ore ever made from America, to England is now at Gaffney, South Carolina, awaiting shipment to Liverpool, via New York. The tin deposits are on the order of Captain S. S. Ross, of Cherokee Cf untv. In three months, in a very crude manner, ho mined twenty "tons of the ore, for which, it is said, he will realise about JD60 per ton. He has no^ Hum- •■■cient capital to build a smelter, hence the shipments to England. REV. E. J. BODMAN IN THE STATES. According to a Falls River (U.S.A.) report, the Rev. E. J. Batman, pastor of the Vogle- -street Christian Church, of tihat city, has re- ituounced voluntarily 10 per oemit. on his salary -so that it shall be ou a basis witli tlnait of the mill operatives of the city, whose wages nave •"been recently cut. He will aictutelly be worse off, as he has asked that 100 dols. be taken from his salary of 950 dlols. per annum as long as the depression lasts. Mr. Bodman came vto tfoe States from Swansea three yeoms ago. SWANSEA FIRM FLOURISHING. "Swansea branch has shown satisfactory progress." Such wis the announcement -made at the annual shareholders' meeting of Jones, Dickinson, and Co., in London on (Monday. The concern is flourishing all round. The trading for the year resu'ted in a profit of £8,116, being £855 more than last year. A 3 per cent. interim dividend bad been paid on both classes of shares, and there was now sufficient to pay another 3 per -cent, making for the year 6 per ceit. on both ^classes of snares, to apply £1,000 to reduc- tion of property account, and to carry for- ward £ 597. CHIEF STEWARD SERIOUSLY HURT A peculiar accident happened to George Murray, of South Shields, chief .steward of 4he S.B. Victorious, lying at the South Dock, Swansea. At 6.30 p m- on Monday Mb IT ay was crossing the deck, when he stumbled ■ over the steam piping and fell heavily against the iron stanchion When picked up he was found to be unconscious and suffering .from a wound to the head. Dr. Morgan treated him, and afterwards ordered his re- »• moved to the hospital, whitrer he was taken on the horse ambulance. He has sustained a fracture of the skull and is detained at the institution. HOW THE SOUTH DOCK IS UTILISED. As will be knnwn, the Swansea- South Dock WM modernised by the Haibour Trustees t and tfjie new entrance opened on the 25lh -September of last year, at a cost of about JB100,000, and it lnts been their complaint that sirippors have not taken advantage of the improvement to the extent they might, and •so as to relieve tihe Prince of Wales Dock. It is pleasing to note, however, that at the present time there are some big vessels dis- charging and lioodlaig there, viz., s.s. Platea, 2,043 terns net register, with timber from Sheet Harbour, N.S. s.s. Victorious, 2,225 tons net regii?ter, loading galvanised iron and tin plates for River Plate, and the "Monte hello," 1,725 tons nd, register, to load coai Jar San Francisco. TABLET TO HIS MEMORY IN THE PARISH CHURCH. A tablet has just been affixed to the north waJI of St. Mary's Parish Church, Swansea, in memory of the late Dr. James Rogers. It ,-16 surrounded by a coat of arms In colours and th- motto "Cyinmerweh ofal," and an inscription: "In loving memory of James Rogerf, M.D., born 30th May, 1818; died 3rd November, 1883. Justice of peace for tho borough, and n-ayor of Swans, a for the year 1879. During his term of "nice in Swansea Town Council he took a very a-ctive jjart in all its affairs, especially affecting the -san.irtaiy conditions of his native town. 'Keep -me, 0 keep me, King <-f Kings, Beneath Thine Almighty wmgs. Dc. Rogers was a member of an old and respected family, being .the youngest son of the late Mr. Philip Rogers, of Coleridge House. He was "ne of the earliest advocates of the widenntg of *-Castle-street, but prohibitive selling prices Vbarredi the way. "WILLIAM WILLIAMS' WORKMAN'S FUND. The three trustees of the W in. Williams' Tdnplate Workman's Fund (Messrs. Lewis Morgan, Thomas Williams, and Wm. Mor- gan) received presents at the Union Inn, Mor- riston, on Saturday, in recognition of long service. Mr. Geo. Rowe, manager of the works, presided, and said the fund had been dn existence for more than twenty years, and now totalled 295 members. Its value on Dec. 31st 1902, had been £632 Is. 2d.—an increase of £80 17s. 2d. upon tlhe previous year. There was on hand now about £71°.of which JB515 ds oai mortgage on good security, A imscel- laneous programme was contributed by Messrs. Ben Williams, Dd. Thomas, Dd. Lloyd D Evans, J. Snadrack. and Edgar Morgan, Mr. T. R- Jones accompanying. Mr. Rowe then presented the trustees w;th hand- some enlarged crayon portraits of nem- selves. He had personal pleasure in asking them to accept them as appreciation of eood work done. Messrs. David Evans (tinman), Fnoch Thomas (fitter), Henry Moreton (tin- wifin). John Davies (shearer), John Phil- lips (rollerman) allso spoke. In return. Mr. Lewis Morgan sanJ he had only done, bis best lor the advancement of the fund. After other speeches, a vote of thanks to the chair- man terminated a pleasant meeting. SWANSEA APPEAL CASE. On Monday, in the Court of Appeal, con- -sisting of the Master of the Rolls and Lord Justice Cozens Hardy, the defendant in the case of Poh and another v. Ladd, appealed from an order of Justice Phillimore in Cham- bers, who had reversed an order of the Master giving defendant unconditional lease to de- fend, and gave summary judgment for plain- tiff for £4,719 4s. Od.—Plaintiffs were Italian co:il importers, and defendant was a coal lIIer- cliant at Swansea. The action was on an f.o.b. contnct by defendant to sell to plain- • tiff 10,000 tons of briquettes, delivery over 12 montlis, and one of the terms was that the shipments should be arranged mutually. Plaintiffs took only the smaller portion dur- ing the first ten months, and requested that the remainder (6,000 tons) should be delivered in the remaining two months. Defendant declined to accede to the request, and plaintiffs started proceedings against him in the Italian Courts, claiming dam ages. After considerable delay in Italy, defendant withdrew from the proceedings, holding that it was an English contract and judgment was given against him by default. Plaintiffs not being satisfied with the sum recovered, again took the case to the Italian courts, with the result that judgment was entered against them for £4,719 5s. Od. The order of Justice Phillimore was now set aside, and the appeal allowed. GURNOS JONES' FUNERAL. The funeral of the Rev. E. Gurnos Jones took ,p(lac3 on Tuesday ait Groeswen. The principal mourners were Mrs. Jones (widow), Mr. Giraldus Jones (son), aind Mrs. W. Lewis (sister). Amongst the general public were Sir Alfred Thomtus, M.P., Mr. Abraham Thomas (Swansea), Rev. Penar Grdniths. j and others. Revs. D. G. Rees (Whitchurch) anrl J. W. Mbrris (Glyn Neath) conducted the services. GOWER GUARDIANS. Gower Guardians met on Tuesday, the Rev. J. V. Roberts presiding. Funeral tenders were received, and the old contractors. Messrs. Wm. Lloyd, Bis" opston B. Thomas, Penclawdd and J. Williams, Llangennith, w'ere agiain appointed. The Assessment Committee went into the matter of the Swan- sea and Mumblles Railway Company's objec- tion to their assessment, but the matter was postponed. ROYAL INSTITUTION LECTURE. Before a small though appreciative audi- ence at tho Royal Institution, Swansea, en Tuesday evening, Rev. D. Connor read a paper on the psychological research f the late Mr. F. W. Myers. The rev. gentleman traced in an interesting mannc" how Mr. Myers, a remarkable man in many respects, was affected by the characteristic achieve- ments and methods of modern science. One of the foundeas of the Psychological Re- search Society, whose influence has been far- reaching, Mr. Connor proceeded to deal with Mr. Myers' human personality, the influences that inspired him, and the resilts he arrived at. SWANSEA POBT OFFICE OFFICIAL Mr. George Richards, assistant superin- tendent of the Swansea Post Office, ha.s been appointed postmaster of Ilfracombe, and will take over his rew duties in the favourite De, vonshire watering-place on New Year's Day. Mr. Richards is a son of the late Mr. Goo Richards, who was for many years postmas- ter of Boston, Lincolnshire, and formerly chief clerk at the Swansea Post Office, and a 1 brother of Mr. J. R. Richards, the solicitor. He has been connected with postal and tele graph work in Swansea for upwards of 30 years, and his appointment to such an im- '¡' portant town is a true indication of the high esteem in whicit he is heid by the postal au- thorities at headquarters Mr. Richards has been heartily congratulated by his colleagues, with whom he is very popular, on his ad- vance, and Ilfracombe is decidedly fortunate in having as postmaster each t- capable offi- cial. SWANSEA LANDLORD ON THE TRAIL. A few days ago the landlord of a Swansea hotel received with much courtesy a well- dressed individual, apparently possessing all the qualities presumed by a gentleman, al- though he had no luggage." He made himself popular with th: landlord, and said with a great show of confidence that he was a special commissioner from Scotland Yard, and whilst in Swansea had traced som-, of the proceeds of a rccent Bond-street, London, jewel robbery. He confided the fact ihat 1.e required extra assistance, and was about to send to London for other detectives. The pseudo 'tec even w.ent to the trouble of w rit- ing a document with the superinscription, "In- spector Scotland Yard. London," -vhich he gave to the landlord's wife to post. The visitor left the next day without paying his bill, and lias not been heard of since. The matter has been placed in the hands of the police. ■


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