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■ f Stale of CJargts IPOZCONSZCUTIVI WlIKLT INSERTIONS OF SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS (WHiSN PREPAID ONLY). THREE LINES, or not exceeding 24 words, per Insettion. Every additional 8 words, Fouipence. The foregoing Scale applies only to APARTMENTS AND HOUSES TO LUT or WANTED; SITUATIONS VACANT or WI^TKD HOUSES, OFFICES, PROPERTIES and guops to LET or SELL; LOST and FOUND; MISCELLANEOUS PRIVATE WANTS and SALES; but not to any advertise- ment of a Trade nature. TRADE SPECIALITIES, &c (WHEN PREPAID ONLY). Twenty-four words 9d. per insertion. Thirty-two „ 1/- » A reduction is made for a series of 6, 13, 26, or 52 insertions. If a Voucher Cony be desired, an extra Three Halfpence per ia33rtion should be added iLo above cheap prepaid nb3. Unless orepaid the Advertisements will be ehswod by the Business scale. Advertise- ments froni Public Bodies are not inserted at the Prepaid Pate. The Postmaster-General does not allow letters sadressed to initials or fictitious names to be addressed tc any Post Office, and letters an returned to the render through the Dead Letter Department. Letters to Advertisers by Initials, Ac., or otherwise, may be directed to "THt CAMBITIAN" Office free of charge; and if •traps are sentto cover postage, will be for- warded to ths. Advertiser's own address. Or Remittances unrtar os. miy be made in Halfpenny Postage Stamps or Postal Order*. Postal Orders should be made payable to 1 HK SOUTH WALES DAILY POST CO., LTD.. 211, High-street, Swansea Address all Mtionsto THE MANAGER' THE CAMBRIAN DEATH. MORGAN.—On Oetofoc* 13th. ,II; 5o. Ma-lvem- terraco, Swallisea. Agneft Griffith Morgan, youngest daughter or tibe late Mr. Ricil,,kt,rd Morgan*, of Somerset House, Swansen, Co lieTy Proprietor. in hen* 81st year. 376al^-lb SITUATIONS VACANT. Cooks and Kitchenmaids. EXPERIENCED Cook-General amd Nu-rv-e- Housemaid Wanted.-Appli, after 6 p.m.. lira Popkin Morgan, Godran Rhiw, Morris- lon, 720y 10-16 WANTED, immediately. Oio-k-Generiul. washing sent out.—Apply 47. High-st., Swansea. 704y 10-16 AN-TED, immediately, Cool,Gemeral; washing sent ouit.-Apply Mrs. Auck- 1&00. Westfa, Baton Grove. Swansea. 753yl0-17 -4*3|7"ANTED, ain experienced Cook-General, iw » for Ne»tfh; two in family: no washing. —Apply in first, insla.n«e, Mr. Jacobs, 53. Walter-road. Swansea. 859yl0-17 Nurses. T^rANTED. Young Woman. -t,) 1F. as I" Nurc.-Appl yfrom 10 lu 11 a m 2. Sw-ainsea. 790y 10.19 — House and Parlourmaids. HOUSEMAID Wanted, at one-e.-Apply Mr". J. D. Llewellyn. Caedarweji, Neath. 1 784yl0-19 Generals. IAN experienced General Serva.nl required; j good references.—Apply Mrs. Biggs, Highfield. Neath. 824j 10-20 EXPERIENCED General Wanted; good ref- c erences.—Apply Miss Jonas, Jewelier, 17. 6 Oanon-streeb. Aberdare 500y 10-17 GENERAL Servant Wanted, lor snui-ll fam- ily, a tMumblea— 2, Woodland Villas, g CaiSJQeton. Mumbles, or 1, Salubriou»-plact\ j "between 10 and 11 a..m. B'9yl0-19 JO ITU AT ION Wanted as General Seruvnt, age 18. country girl, four year*' excel- q character.—S.P„ Ashbury Villa, Tuffley- c avenue, Gloucester. 742yl0-17 s a 1011;11..4 li Ll V^rANTED. good General; washing put out. i —6. Gore-terrace, Swansea. 833yl0-19 ANTED, at once, a good Genera.1 Sor- t, ™ vaat.—Apphv 28, Ca-rlton-terrace. Swan- 727x10-16 A "RirANTED, General Servant, able to cook. —Address X.X.X., "Daily Post." Swan- •». 841yl0-20 15 llrANTED, Qenerad Servant.—Apply Ma.t- thewa, Coffee Tavern, Queen -treet, "t'H-Ui, 828.v 10-20 ANTED, good General Servant; no waeh- iug.—Apply Mrs. Ree-s, 10, Boud- £ tr:et, s Swansea. 768y 10-17 |^rANTED, immediatelly. a good General :l Servant, age about 25 to 30,—Apply W. 8 5°wers, Port Talbot. 1040d.b.10-19 ptTANTED, a good General Servant; go id *f refeirencej.—Mrs. l/ioyd. 1. Cuurtla.nd- V 'errace, Mertht r 'l'yd vil. 8o2y 10-20 J^lrANTED, Young Girl, to wait on inv;uliid n lady for few weekd; little housework— w IY 21. Phillips Parade. Swaiu>M. 679y10.13 e \\rANTED, for November 1st. a =;ood Gen- eral, able to wash and iroji; fond of ^aildiren.—Mrs. Havaid. 95, Bryn-y-Mor-road,. f "Swansea. 709yl0-16 n ^^rANTED, exyorie^ced Genaca-i Servant'; 1 one used to good service.—Apply per- j*oi*aaiy or 5y letter, to Pedily, 1, Brunswick- t: g^ce, Swansea-. 848y 10-20 si ANTED, a trustworthy Young Girl for Houeework; one who would be able to in shop occasionaJly.—Apply, stating < •ages required, Bevan, Butcher, Port Ta'.bot. 668) 10-15 ( ylT"ANTED, Genera.l Servant, age about 24, | wages £ 16; able to do plain cooking, aslimg, and ironing; Housemaid kept; two « faimiily; reference required—Apply after ^-ni.. No. 2, St. Iltlen's-crescerit. near Hot- Swansea. 735vl0-17 i — SITUATIONS VACANT. | Miscellaneous Situations. e 7 I Good Opening.—Smart Repre.=entativo Z r Wanted for popular Company. I/iberal f ra]S and exceptional opportunities tor pro ,t; otion to important position-.—'Write Popu- j ar- "South Waks Daily Post," Swa-iifctHi. J- 714Y 10-16 ( A Employment Association for Army o Be9erve Men- Reservists of exemplary » COOd. or good characters should appi" (j have thte-ir names registered for employ- at the Recruiting Office, 14, Unions*. 122yl04i oldestablishffd firm of Cork Growera and h Manufacturers require tlho eervice« of a ( dent agent on commission. Pesrona-1 { ^«nectic*i with Brew ens amd Bottlers an J^so-lutely eeent'iail.—Addpsas, giving pa.riuicu- 1 of coainection to L. 40, c.o. CfnKrral Press r,el3c3" 101. Fleet-street, London, E.C. 1 —. 794yl0-16 Wealthy Company of long-atanding. with ^,njv wid-e connectioms and a rapidly in-creas- t buoineaa, is prepared to offer a valuable 1 to capable busineaa man. of good ^arance and address London or Provin- c towv0 -Address* I yap, "Daily Post." U JlTCa- 10830dbl019 BOY Wanted as Apprentice.—Apply R. G. Packard. Bryn-y-Mor Bakery, 79, Brynr y-MoT-r- .«ad, Swansea. 724yl3.16 BOOT TRADE.—Wanted, immediately, a einart Junior Assistant; Welsh pre- fer,red.-Aucliltbjid, High-street, Swansea. 795yl0 19 BOOT TRADE.—Wanted, smart Apprentice or Improver, at once, to above trade.— Apply Davies, Bootmaker, Humphrey-street, Swansea. 774y 10-15 BOOT MAKER.—A good, peaiaWe Man Wanted to make and repair Boots; sober man wanted only, others need net apply; regular work.—Appiy W. Ivey, Tre- boeth, I. and one, R.S.O. 787yl0-19 CORRESPONDENTS Wanted at Kidwelly C and Penclawdd.-Apply to Sub-Editor, "Daily Poet," Swansea. x CCARETAKER for Offices; good Cook, trust- J worthy; reint, coa.l, light free. State age and family, if mny.—Lawson, "Daily Post," Swansea- 683y,10-15 DRESSMAKING.—Wanted, at once, Appren- ID tice to the Dressmaking.—Apply Mrs. Bevan, 45, Gorae-lane. Swansea, 850y 10-20 DRESSMAKING —Wanibed, at once, Appren- I) tices to the Dresg a,nd Mantle making. -Apply Miss vYÚtlS, 199. Kensington-crescent., near Hoepitad. 782yl0-20 IF you want an Appointment on the Ociean Linieris aa Steward, Stewaird'eiasl, Cook, Waiter. Baker, Butcher, Pantryman. Stoker, CoaJ Trimmer, etc., forward stamped ad- dressed envelope for reply to William Break- ell, 14, Chatham-road. Birkdaile. Southport. 793yl0-19 CARPENTERS and Joiners are requested to c keep away from Neath. Strike on. S30y 10-20 JUNIOR Clerk Wanted, age about 16, in Colliery Proprietor's Office at Swansea; one with some experience in shipping office, ami with knowledge of shorthand prefere-rd. —Write, st.ating age, experience, a-nrl sailary required, G.M., "Daily Post," Swansiea. 811y 10-19 MAN Wa.nted; £ 2 weekly and com mission,. Experience unneceseary. For reply esi- close 6tamp.—Addrees Acme Surface Com- pa.ny, Blackpool. 791y 10-25 ORGANIST Wanted for Nazareth C.M. Cha- o pel, Morrisston. State terms, qualifioa- tions, and two recent testimonials. Applica- tions to reach the Secretary, Mr. D. Thomae, Fjas-y-Coed, Morrkston, on or before Octoben' 17tl1- 770yl0-15 T>0YAL London Friendly Society.—Book" Vacant. Port Talbot; exceptional chance to good canvasser; also additional Rep re-sen ta ti ves. whole or spare time, re- duired in Neath and district.—Superinten- dent, 78, Windsor-road, Neath. 670yl0-15 OMART Youtih Wa-mtei, Ooal Exporter'tS Offic-e; Shorthand and Typist—Apply by letter, stating salary, W. Turner, 14. Ade- laide-street. Swu.nsea. 664yl0-15 0 Joinera Wanted, at once.—Apply Maries, Builder, Ystradgyn'lais. Swan- sea Vallet 769yl0-15 \TT-ANTED, strong Boy. to deliver Milk; must be honest- Apply 37. OxforC,st, Swansea. 779y 10-19 Tl/TANTED. Young Girl, a»? Apprentice to Packing and Sorting.—Apply Manager- e s, Baths Laundry. 7A-10-17 \\7ANTED, immediately, experienced Mil- • linera; outdoor; good Lrimm rt?.—D. J. Metier, Ltd., Swanwa. 792yl0-19 WANTED, respectable Person, to take fam- ily w,liffhing .-Apply Mrs. Lyons. 52, Waiter-road, Swansea. 666y 10-15 TffANTED. at once, a Boy to Sell Ooall; w muist he hott-eet —Apply No. 12. Cwm- terrace, Hafod, Swansea. 682y 10-15 "IXTANTED. an experienced Packer and Sor- tcir; good wages; short hourd.—Apply Manageress, Baths Laundry. 732y 10-17 WANTED, a Young Womiain for Shop and assist in house—Apply Harri-a, Fruiit- ier, 91, Wuodfil:d-streoat, Morriiston. 814y 10-19 ANTED, Caretakers, Man and Wife, no family, liouse rent fre-e.-Appl- Evane, IVellington Liiii, Gardener-street, Swansea. 707y 10-6 VT^ANTED, a respectable Lad an Appren- t.ice to the Grocery Trade; also an Brrajid Boy.—Apply Nichols, Bryp-y-Mor- 'oad, Swansea. 759yl2-19 "TANTED, Shirt and Coilair Ironer; aileo Woman for Washing; good work re- juired; at oace.-Apply Castleton Laundry, Walters-cre-eejat, Mumbles. 740y 10-17 [/\r ANTED, respectable Young Gi'rl~to astiist in Dair ajid light housewoirk; rood references required.—AppK White Halt lotel, Oxford-i't.reet, Swansea. 849yl0-20 ANTED, at once. for Swansea and Dis- trict. smart and energetic Canvasser, Only experienced men nieed apply. Splendid •per,inn;.—A.ddre«j Spiendid,, "Daily Pc ;t," wa,ng-e,i. 785y 10-19 VYTANTED, respectable Youth, about 16, aa Apprentice to Hairdreseing trade; 1 horough tuition given, especially hair-cut- ling and shtving.-Apply J. H. Jones, ,Iexandra-roa,d, Switneea, 749yl0-17 RANTED. Caretakers. Man a,nd Wife, for 3a. Andrew's Church, St,. Helon's-road. leferencea required.—Apply by letter only, o the Secretary. David A. Sutherland, Corn- ,illl Villa, Christina-street, Swansoa. 10812d.b.10-17 kjir ANTED, sma-it Man. accustomed to Travelling Swansea and District; to olicit orders for a good ckios firm of Be- poke Tailors. State terma and average mount of trade, to Sartor, "Duily Post, wansea. 775yl0-17 [717"ANTED. Traveller, with a good connec- »*' tion amongst Ooillieries in South rales, who is now selling ropes, to sefll Wood ooda on commiseion.—Write Box 100, "Daily 'oet," Swansea,, giving references and the umber of years they have beeji travelling 'ith full particulars as to connection, te. 10813 d b 10 17 fc^OUNG Man Wanted for Coal Roupd. good L ealesmaiii. urufc'rsitund horses. State nil particuiars in first letter.—Address Sales- lan. "Daily Post," Swaneeia. 739yl0-17 ""aUNG Men desirous of joining the Regu- lar Army or Militia should apply at he Recruiting Office, 14. Union-3'treet, Swan- pa. Splendid opportunity for advancement 1 a.'l branches to well-conducted young men. 413yl0-26 )AS. Weekly offered to either sex who can write).—For particulars send an ad- lred envelope to Mannger, Glendower. 'orquay. 738yl0-17 SITUATIONS WANTED A Young Lady, tall, requites a Situation in a Shoe Shop, or any light biusine-jis, -Addretas Z., "Daily Post," Swansea. 822yl0 20 r; LERK. 20, dtesirea situation Shipbroker's or other office; email salary for experi- nce; good references.—Address Ivy, "Daily )ogt," Swansea. 745yl0-17 EOCERY and ag,, 18, J disengaged. 4 years' experience, cash rade; references; wages 21e. out.—21 Upiande- e-rrace. Morriston. 729iyl0-17 OOD Ne,edlewoma.n requires work at La- J die<3' Houses; Artistic Applique Work m Ladies' c:ire(39LSi, jacket; uphoh"t'jry„ cur1- iains, etc.—Write Widow. Mumbles Post- ifficc. 766y 10-17 RESPECTABLE Person seeks a Sit'iat-iow ars Ri Houskeeepcr or Companion-Help; good lecdlewoman.—Address F. 11., "Daily Post." Swansea,. 678yl0-15 SITUATION Wa.nted aa Sewing Maid (daily) J or would do nwilework at own home.— Ld-dreso L. E., "Daily Poet." Swanc-ea. l/VTANTED, by Young Lady, Situation as *» General Servant; able to assist in >ar when required.—Address Daisy, "Daiiiy >ost." Swansea. 838y 10-20 Ll^ANTED. by respectable married man, » Situation as Caretaker, Timekeeper, or any position of trust; excellent references; hree languages opoken.-Ad-(iross N. O. Po. "Daily Post," Swansea. 760yl0-17 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I BILLIARDS.—Second-hand i-siz,e Tabile, watih ajocessiories complete Wanted; must be in good condition and cheap.—Write particu- lars, BilliardtA. "Daily Posit," Swansea. 812yl0-19 ANCING.-Ge,ntd,eman requires private lee- -LF sons. State lowest terms to Imaial, c.o. Hayek 27. London-road, Neath. 764yl0-15 OOD Second-hand Counter Waited.— 1" Apply 11, Union-street, Swansea. 816y 10-19 WANTED to Rent, 8 or 9-roomed House, in good locality.—Write, with full par- ticularo, -tto E.R.T., "Dajily Post," Swansea. 6217 WrANTED, a House, about 15 minutes' wa-lk W "from centre of town, about £ 18 in- clusive a. y £ a-r.—Address Will, "Daily Post." Swansea.. 695y 10-16 A-N-TEi), by respectable Young Lady, a. W Situation as General Servant— Apply Miss Margaret Jenkins, 9, Smyrna Row, Plas- marl, Swanfea. 779yl0-17 "TANTED to Purchase, at West Cross o>r VV Mumbles, a good Dwelling-house. Full particulars, price, etc., to Genuine, "Daiily Post," Swansea. 693yl0-16 "Y/t""ANTED, an egg-end Boiler, or any other VT Boiler that will make a good aiil teink to hold 3,000 to 4,000 gallons.—AddreD3 OtilL. "Daily Posit," Swansea. 809yl0-19 A XT ED, second-hand Safe, good eondi- » tion, good maker, about 30in. high.— Appl. with description and price. Safe, "Daily Post," Swansea. 722yl0-16 "VV" ANTED to Purchase, 7 to 9-roomed f V House; bathroom; every convenience required; good position.—Adldreas Shipping, "Daily Post," Swansea. 687ylO-15 "ITTANTED to Purchase, House, centra of V* town, with Stta-blee; or House with yard as to copvert sta,bles thereon.—Address Western, "Daily Post." Swansea. 748yl0-17 "VVTANTED, Situation as Working House- » » keeper to bachelor or widower; thor- oughly experienced; age 32; wages £ 20.— Apply J., 77, Dillwyn-street, Morriiston 663yl0-15 TT7"ANTED to Purchase, House in Mack' » worth-terrace, St. Thomas, immedi- ately.-Apply. with particulare, to Hubert G-oat man, Auctioneer and Estate Agent. CasBle-sitreet, Swansea 692y 10-16 TO LET. rPO I.KT. No. 5, Northampton Gardens.— To view, apply to R. H. Marten. AKtinsmore, Skeitlty>iroad, Swansea,. 572ttl2-18 rPO LET. Red Lion Hotel» Llangadock. Double licensed, frets. ExceUlenit1 stabling accounmodjat:onk Olctf-es'Hablitshed house.—App.Uy VV atkiius, Tycerrig, Lilandov- er,y. 631camg-26 EATH.-TO Let,, Dan-y-Parc House, Semi- detached, facing Victoria. Gardemsi. and, coc^t'ainiing Drawing-room „ Dining-room, Library, large rtchen. Scullery, Wa.^h-houee, llarge Cellar with bottle rack for Wine, hot and cold water Bait'hy, 7 Bedrooms, Lawn. Garden, and back entrnnce.—Appiy to Mr. J. T. Daviec, No.2. Alm, Neatih. 634 AME and ishimg to Let, about 700 acres. Noted enclosed Covers and exceillent Riveny adjoining renowned preserves. — Apply Rogers, Hangadock. 570a 10-9 APARTMENTS. COMFORTABLE Sitting Rooms and Bed- C, rooms to Let; use of baitih-room; close to the Hospital; terms modeiratie.- 13, Kensington-crescent, Swansea. 517a5-l TIT ANTED, by Widower with two children ■ agea 7 and 4, Unfurnished Sitting and two Bedrooms, in good locality, with homely, respectable people; near trams; bath (hot amd cold), board and attendance.-Terms, in- elusive, to Captain Beynon, 23, Russell-street, Swansea. 533a6-5 PARTMENTS.-TO all having Apartments A to let. Do not lose pounds by having your Apartments empty when, for Is. (or tnree weeks, 2s.), you can have athirty-word ADVERTISE- MENT in Six LONDON SUBURBAN NEWS- PAPERS, circulating in districts which each year send thousands of visitorzi to Swansea. Names of papers—"Leyton," "Leytonstone," "West Ham," "Wanstead, Woodford, and Forest Gate," "Manor Park," and "Ilford Express and Independent."—Address, PUBLISHER, "Inde- pendent" Office, Leytonstone, London, N.E. EDUCATIONAL. pENDEEN C 0 LL E G E LANGLAND BAY. 1 MODERN HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS MISS I. M. NETTELL, A.C.V. t AND | MISS C. M. NETTELL, A.C.P., 1 R.A.M. Cert., 1 (Daughters of the late J. T. Nettell, General j Works Manager of Messrs. Vivian & Sons). i REFERENCES THE LADY SWANSEA. LADTMoRSHEAD,Fore8tLodge,BinfieId, Berks. ] MRS. WILMOT, Audley Sidmouth, Devon. 1 Miss EDEN, The Bryn, Sketty, Swansea. REV. SECRETAN JONES, M.A., late Vicar of Oyatermouth, South Wales. Pupils are-prepared for London Matriculation, University Locals, Associated Board (Royal Academy and Royal College of Music), Trinity College,College of Violinists .Diploma (Teachers) ] md other examinations. 80 LANGLAND BAl. GIRLS' BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL, BELLEVUE, LANGLAND, NEAR SWANSEA. PRINCIPALS—1The MISSES PHILLIPS, Assisted by Resident Certificated English and Foreign Governessesund Visiting Masters. Preparation for Local Examinations. The House is pleasantly situated in its own grounds on a hill, and overlooking the sea. The AUTUMN TERM will begin TOES- DAY, SEPTEMBER 15th. GIRLS' BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL, DUMBARTON. BRYN-Y-MOR ROAD, SWANSEA. PRINCIPAL-MISS GARLICK, A.C.P., Assisted by Certificated Resident French and English Governesses and Visiting Professors. Pupils Prepared for all Public Examinations. The House is well situated in its own grounds close to beach and parks. iNEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE, THURSDAY, SEPT. 15th. Bonders return September 14th. Day Girls, September 15th. 5 BRYN HAULOG, LANGLANB-ROAD MUMBLES. DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS PREPARATORY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR LITTLE BOYS. Conducted by the MISSES POTTS (Daughters of a Clergyman). Pupils prepared for all Public I xaminations Highest References. Terms on application. AUTUMN TERMS begins Sept. 21st. Boarders return Sept. 19th. PUBLIC NOTICES GOVERNMENT SCHOOL of SCIENCE and ART, Alexandra Road, Swansea. All the Classes of the above School RE-OPENED ON Tuesday. SeDtember the 15th. For further information apply at the School, Free Library; or see handbills, posters, &c. BY ORDER. J) PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. A Visit to Neatn by the Eminent Scientist, DR. W. H DALLINGER. L.L.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., etc., etc. DR. DALLINGER Will give his Popular LECTURE on "SPIDERS THEIR WORK AND THEIR WISDuM." (Illustrated by Original Transparencies from Nature, Prepared by the Lecturer), at the CiWYN HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER, 8th NEXT. Lanternist — Mr. J. W. Garbutt (of Leeds). RESERVED SEATS — 3s. Early application for Seats is requested. Seats are now being booked. Tickets may be obtained from the Hon. Sees., Messrs. ltenry Parminter 22, Gnoll Park-road, Neath; D. E. Jenkins, 43, Wind- sor-road, Neath; and J. H. Culley 9, Rope- walk, Neath; or of Mr. Walter Whittingtou, Printer, Wind-street, Neath. 0 BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are Invited tor the ERECTION of 20 HOUSES ait MELIN|C!OURT, RESO'L- VEN, for Mi1. S. L. Jones, Neath. Pluas and Speeiiica.tions, may be fct.tin at the offices oif tille undersigned. J eiiidtrs to be sent in not later than tihe 17th iiiist., cti'doisetl "Tender for 20 Hcams." Thl' loweist or any tender not necessarily accepted J. UOOK REES, A vol i it eet, N eat li. M .——— t MUSICAL. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tenterden-street, London, W. Instituted 1822. Incorporated by Royal Charter 1830. THE METROPOLITAN EXAMINATION of Musical Composers, Performers, ancl Teachers Successful Candidates at which are created LICENTIATES of tlie ROYAL ACADEMY of MUSIC, and have the sole right of ap- pending the letters L.R.A.M. to their names. The examinations are held during the Sum- mer and Christmas vacations. Last day for Entry for the Christmas examination, 31st October, 1903. Syllabus, Entry Form, and all further in- formation may be obtained on application to F. W. RENAUT, Secretory. 638 -M-IssF LORENCE FRI CKER! A.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., Receives Students for the HIGHBR DEVELOP- MENT of PIANOFORTE PLAYING, VOIC. PRODUCTION and SINGING also for HAR. MOST and COMPOSITION. Miss FUICKER studied for six years at the ioyal Academy of Music, and has had the uition of the late Sir G. A. Macfarren, the late Proftssor Frederick Westlake, Mr. Randegger. Vir. Shakespeare and Mr. Frye Parker, and holds liplomas of the R.A.M. as public performer and ,eaclier of piano and harmony, and of the R.C.M. is public singer and in harmony, and also holds :he Certificate of Merit of the R.A.M. for piano >laying, and five medals of that Institution for piano ana singing. Pupils prepared for the Metropolitan Examina- ;ions of the R.A.M. an 1 R.C.M., also for the Local Examinations of the Associated Board of ;he R.A.M. and R.C.M. 100, WALTER-ROAD, SWANSEA. 40 jy £ R. T. J. DENNIS, A.R.C.O. (Organist and Choirmaster of Bethesda Congregational Church, Briton Ferry), ACCEPTS PUPILS IN PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, SINGING & THEORY. Pupillil Prepared for Examinations. 21", QUEEN-STREET, NEATH. 30 A.CADEMY OF MUSIC, 100, WALTER-KOAD. RS EDWARD FRICKER MISS FLORENCE FRICKER A.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., AND MISS MINNIE FRICKER, L.R.A.M. Piano, Harp, Violin, Voice Training and Solo Singing, Harmony, Sight-Sirging, Theory of Music. Ac. AUTUMN TERM begins September 14th MR. WALTER WHITTAKER (Diploma (Leipsic Conservatoire), Formerly with Mr. W. F. Hulley. Accepts pupils for Violin, Viola, Theory, Harmony and Orchestration. AT 12, GREEN STREET, NEATH, On Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 10 a.m. At LLOYD STREET SCHOOLROOM, LLANELLY, on FRIDAYS, at 10 a.m. At CARNBREA, CARLTON TERRACE, SWANSEA, ¡ And at Pupila' Residences. For terms- Apply CARNBREA, CARLTON TERRACE, SWANSEA. 396 SALES BY AUCTION. BY MR. ARTHUR T. LUCAS. TO MACHINERY DEALERS, ENGINEERS, AND OTHERS. STRAND ENGINEERING WORKS. LTD, 10. STRAND. SWANSEA. UNRESERVED SALE OF Fitting Shop Machinery, 7-5 h.p. ELECTRIC MOTOR. GAS AND PORT- ABLE ENGINES. APPLIANCES, LOOSE PLANT, AND STOCK-IN-TRADE. \f K ARTHUR S. T. 1 ICAS hn heen instructed by Mr. W. D. Hi'tcb- ings. the Receiver for the Holder o fthe Dê- bentures in the above Company, to dismantle ,i [i,n;! SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at tibe above Works, on WEDNESDAY, the 21st deir of OCTOBER. 1903. the whole of the Machinery, Loose Plant, etc.. as followo:- Westinghouae Electric Motor. 7.5 h.p.. only i-n use -*i .>nth,s, Switchboard and Indicator; Screw C ttting Lathe, 18ft. bed. 16ln. centre 14in gar. by Buckto.n and Co., Leeds; 1 do. 10ft-. bed. 9in. centre. 14in. gap. with paetnt Chuck (Keig-hiey. Yorkshire, me-ke); 1 do. Pin- centrt, 6ft. bed. patent chuck. all with over- head gearing; Punching and Shearing Ma- chine, Slotting and Shaping Machine. 14m,. stroke; Radial Drilling Machine by Buckton. L'ed8, with 2in. spindle; Bolt Screwing Ma- chine (nearly new); 3 h.p. Portable Engine and Boiler, 2 h.p. Gas Engine by Parker, h.p. Vertical Gas Engine by Croseley. Horizon- tal Engine. 4in.. Cylinder. 3in stroke; No. 4 olphin Donkey Pump; 2 h.p. Vertical Boiler; plinth's Oe/itiifugal Fa.n, two 6 ton Tangyes Hydraulic Jacks, 1 Bottle Jack 4 tons. 1 do. tons. 3ft. 4in. and Frame, Crab inch. 2 Portable Forges, 3 Anvils, Quantity of '-miths Tools, Siiage*?, Tongs. Clifta. etc.. Smiths' Hearths. Bellows. Suage Block lain, x Sin. x 6in.. Tool Cupboards. Fitters' Benchev*. 2 6m. Vices. 1 5in. do.. Quantity of Lathe Tools, Stocks, Dies. Wrenches. Taps, etc-, Weston's Patent Blocks 3 tona, 1 set do. 1 ton. Gill Blocks. Sheave Blocks. Rope do., Quantity of 2in. 21in, and 2Jin. W.J. Sraft-ing and Pulley, Zin. 21in., 4in., and 6in. leather eltitig, Rigging and Tightening1 Screws.4 Dril- ling Stock. Ship's Wheel and Brass Standard nearly new, C.I. Pulleys. 2 Anchors, 4 Ship's entilialorg, S'miths' Crane, quantity of iron Sheaves, quantity of assorted sizes. hhapK-les and Chain, C{1S Iron Plates, Winch Ð-rums and Clutches, Hand Truck, TaddiLr, Se-rap. Csat. and Wrought Iron. Pecf w-iltfu armoured hose. 4 C.I. Pillars about 9 tons of assorted siz-es ueeful Bar Iron, complete Set of Patterns for Horizontal Engine. a.nd Sundry Patterns, Twist Drills, Bose Bits. Boring Bans, quantity of new Files, Whit- worth's Stocks and Diee. Engine Packing, Old Brass VaJvee. etc etc. Office Desk, Chairs, (Jock. Safe. etc.. etc. The Maf-hinerji, Loose Plant, Stocks, etc.. will be on view on Tuesday the day prior to Sale from 9 am. up to 4.33 p.m. The Sale to commence at 11.30 in the Tore- noon precisely. Terms Cash. No Reserve. For further particulars app9 yto Arthur S. T. Lucas. Auctioneer and Valuer. 6. Rutland- strreot (Nat. Tel. 63x1), or to Mr. W. D. Hitch- ings. The Receiver, 51, Wind-street; or to E. T. Ley son* Esq., Solicitor, 11. Sailnbrioua Pa»- 6age, all in Swansea-. 108(5 THE BREWERY. NEAR BUSH INN. NANTY- GLO, BRYNMAWR, MONYOUTHSfflRa TO BREWERS, DEALERS IN MACHINERY, MAND OTHERS. K. ARTHUR g. T LUCAS has been instructed by Messrs. S. AIl-opp and Sows, Ltd.. to diemantla amd SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Brewery, oil FRIDAY. the 23rd day of OCTOBER, 1903. the whole of Fixed and Loose Plant, As followsW.J. Bflifer over Furnace 7ft x 7ft.. Mailt Mill, Gr-isb Case and Shoot, W.I. Un-derback (Galvanized), 6ft. x 3ft. 9in. OL I Mashing Tun 7ft. 3in. x 3ft. 10in„ by Llew- eMins and James. BZriatol. Copper and Brass Refrigerator, 6ft. bed, by Lleweliias and Jamcb, one 3 Force Pump with driving giebr, 1 do. 3in. Fermenting Tun. Wood Liquor Tank 9ft. 3in. x 3ft. 6iai. x 1ft.; three large Wood Co id T.iquor Tan dron boumi Iron Steam Coil, Quantity of W.I. Pipes, 2in. and 3in. BenM and Vailves, lot of old Shoots, Governor lor Engine, amd Horizontal Engine Sin. cj4inder, lOin. stroke, etc.. etc The Machinery will be on view the morning in mg of SaJo from 9 o'olock. The Sale to commence at 2.30 in the after- noon precisely. Terms, Cash. No Ree-etrve. For further particulars apply to Arthur S. T. Lucas, Auctioneer and Vailufr. 6. Rutland- atreet. Swansea. (Nat, Tei. 63X1, or to T. H. H. Kibbler, Esq., South Wa.!e District Majrtagcr for Messrs. Alleopp and Sons, Ltd., Burton Chambers, Wind-street-, Swansea. Nat. TOJ. 296. 10609 DANCING, CALISTHENICS, &c. DANCING, CALISTHENICS, SPANISH AND PHYSICAL EXERCISES. GEDNEY HOUSE, ST. HELEN'S-EOAD. MISS CRAVEN will BE-COMMENCE h°r CLASSES at her Residence on WEDNESDAY. October 7tb, at 230 and 5 o'clock. Town Hall, Neath, Tuesday. Oct. 13tb, at 2.30. Lianelly, Oct. 17th. Adult Tuition Class, Monday, Oct. 12th, at 730. Classes also held at Crruiarthen and Llandoverv. 'PRIVATE LESSONS SUN INSURANCE OFFICE FOUNDED 1710. "FUNDS IN BAND— £ 2,386,639." For all particulars apply to the following Agents: — SWANSEA Mr. H. G. Solomon, Tan- nery Chambers, Gower- street. M Mr. Travem Walters. Messrs. H. C. Higman 6\ Co., 1, Northampton- place. „ Messrs H. J. Goss and Co., 59-60, Wind-street „ Mr. J. A. Bishop, Union Chambers, Union-st. ABERAVON Mr. David E. Jones. BRITON FERRY. Mr. H. H. Hunter. MUMBLES Mrs. Alice Orrin. NEATH Mr. John F. Richards. I' PONTARDAWE Air. David ismith. PORT TALBOT Mr. Enoch Thomas. MR. C. G. WEST, 3, Ynis-street. T TRADE SPECIALITIES. D- AVIES' BALSAM OF HONEY for Congbs. Colds, Aitbma, TJgbtne»* o! the Chest, Ac. 6ld. and 28. 3,1 .-Prepared only by J. I)ATIRS. M.P.B. Otipeusing Cbemlst, 30. Biizb-streat. Swansea. 29 29 PMOLYNEUX, Fish Merchant, 126, High- 0 street, Swansea. Cheapest Shop in Sown for Fish of all varieties; wholesale and retail. Trial solicited. 32 MOLESKINS Wanted, any quantity pur- Al chased; highest pnce given, cafch by r^urn..—Giibey, Romftrrd, 573altt-16 CHARTERS! HORSEKKEPERS! Srad ls7 f,»r j a bbuk of valuable Stable RecijuV. (.AMEKKEPER S Book ot Seof|>e«. M,TIII\ Cr a; g Bauiv. Be-x^biU. 577cu:ml-t f IIO BUILDERS.—Billheads. Memorandums, 1_ Business Circulars and Cards, Time Sheets, Estimate Books, and every kind of Commercial Printing at the CAMBITIFAX Office, 211. Hi,-h-street, Swansea. 'I UN-DOUBLE. BREECHLOA]DER, X finely finished, 12-bore, central fire, top lever, rebounding locks, improved ex- tension rib, proof-tested barrels, left choke, good killer; new, 38s. 6d. satis- faction guaranteed trial allowed.-P. Edward Reynolds, 48, Devonshire-street, Bloomsbury, London. A 11-15 Swansea, I I ane yg ea lleath, I AND OTHER jtfunicipal flections. -+-+-+ E YOU REftDV??? 1- .H- THE I DAILY POST PRINTING WORKS, 211, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA, CAN SUPPLY PROMPTLY EVERY REQUISITE FOR CONDUCTING THE CAMPAIGN, j +- Election Posters, Election Handbills I PRINTE D N AXY SIZE AND IN ANY COLOUR INK. -+- -+- -+- -+ -+ Any and every form required I in the conduct of a MUNICIPAL ELECTION SUPPLIED TO ORDER. -+- A well-executed # # # ?'< J'; Portrait Card is usually a most successful CANVASSING AGENT. Send us a good Portrait and b we will make a Block and print same, with ELECTION ADDRESS, F AC-SIMILE SIGNATURE, &c., on an attractive Card, in any required I quantity, at SHORTEST NOTICE. I We have several Special Lines in Cheap Envelopes f suitable for ELECTION Circulars, Cards, &c., and if required can supply same ADDRESSED to every ELECTOR in your Constituency. -+-+- Let us know your requirements5 We will do the rest. ,DAILY POST, r I an, High Street, i I Swansea. I j TRALE NOTICES. Taxapiffolgir 138 A. J. CHAPPELL. FISHMONGER A OYSTER MERCHANT, POULTERER, DEALER IN GAME, 4c WIND STREET, SWANSEA. AND AT NEWTON-ROAD. MUMBLES*. Telegraphic Address-u Chappell, Swansea." Country Orders promptly attended to. CARRIAGE WORKS, FISHER-STREET, SWANSEA. Telephone—0462. J 0hiScL J Q N E S T&rC°-> ORDERS FOR NEW WORK. GENERAL REPAIRS, PAINTING, TRIMMING, &c., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. s MOTOR CAR INSPECTION PIT PROVIDED AND REPAI^b EXECUTED. DOWN & SON e have a large consignment of strong acd reliable Combination Bedsteads, as per i lustration, each in three parts, including I- Dominion spring Mattress, which is guaran- teed for 15 years. Owing to our large purchases, we are now enabled to offer these for Sale at the verylow price of 13 9 each. We are the Cheapest House in Wales or BEDROOM and D R A W I N G- SUITES, etc. Being Manufac- i PP-00it,44 I 6 @ K- r rers, we thereby save a middle pront. opecjal lines also in ividii ansJ- Bassinettes, etc. Showrooms—221, High Street,) ciirAwrcpt Manufactory—Morris Lane, j u Willi DBA. ■ The I Cure for Pheu-inatic Gout and Gravel. The Umv^rsal Remedy for Acidity of the GemirMTdtc^'for Stomach Headache. Heartburn, Indigestion, .Rfant children> Sour Eructations, Bilious Aficctions. Delicate Females, .„ and the =-==-=- DINNEFORDS sickness of'Pregnancy, J7 A 46 WORTH A GUINEA BOX. BEEClIAMS PILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMA CH, WIND, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. THE ;sALE IS OVER SIX MILLION BOXES PER ANNUM. Prepared only by the Prwj/iietor, Thcmas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere, in Boxea, la. lid. 2F. 9d. each Full Directions with each box. = PTON MEWS. DILLWYN-STREET SWANSEA. 1.L & T. BULLIN. Cabs waye ready. Wedding Carriages with Suitable Horses. Funeral Carriages Complete, NEATH & DISTRICT BILL-POSTING I COMPANY.—Late T. WALL. OFFICES :—ASSBMBLY ROOMS, NEATH. I MANAGIB :—J. W. ROBINSON. Leasees and Proprietors of the Best Postin Stations in Neatb and District J £ ITCHEN RANG ES. MOST of our leading professional and business men dire on dinners cooked in our Ranges. The dinners are well cooked—a very important item-ard such dinners help them very considerably on the road to suc- cess. This may be said of a large number of our councillors. And we say to those who don't dine on such dinners, lose no time but procure immediately a satisfactory Range,- at a satisfactory price—and we undertake to fix it in a satisfactory manner. JENKINS & CO. | IRONMONGERS, 89, OXFORD-ST., 9 & 10. PARK-STREET SWANSEA. Telephne 153. 12 I THE TTN1VERSAL BILL POSTING CO. u RENT THE I LARGEST POSTING STATIONS ) In Swansea and surrounding Distric ) ADDRESS-28, LOWER UNION STREET J 6WA*ISFA. j OOUT j PILLS 1 The only remeay in the world for GOUTand RHEUMATISM that relieves and cures these I complaints. Sure, safe and effectual. The composition is purely vegetable No restrain." | ct diet daring use. 1 Darlington's Handbooks Jh wjfc "Lord EW.lys is commanded by the King to thank Mr. Darlir.gton jP5«rat^fora copy of the new edition, so well got up, of Lonoon & Environs.' Nothing better could be wished for —" British Weekly.' A brilliant book."—" The Times." Visitors to London, and Residents, should use LON][) Particu',arly good" lost emphatically tops them ali." AND Ry E, C. Cook & Laily Graphic' E. T. Cook, M.A. 4 E i. Revi ed 5s. ENVIRONS. 24maPfin & plans; 60 Illustrations. 60 Illus., Maps & Plans lOOIllus. Maps &Plan 58. 58. NORTH WALES. DEVON & CORNWALL. Visitors to Brighton, Eastbourne, Hastings. Bournemouth. Exeter, Exmouth, Sidmoutlu Dawlish, Teignmouth. Torquay. Paignton, Dartmouth, Dartmoor, Exmoor. Plymouth, Falmouth, Penzance. Newquay, Clovelly, Ilfracombe, Lynton, Minthead, Wye Vailey, Severn Valley, Bath.. Wegton-euper-Mare, Malvern, Hereford, Worcester. Gloueexter. Llandrindod Wells, Llangollen, Aberystwitli, Towyn, Barmouth. Dolgelly. Harlech, Cric. clech, Pwllheli, Llandudno, Trefriw, Rhyl Bettws-y-Coed. Festiniog. Conway. Oolwvr Bay Norwich, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Norfolk Broade, Isle of Wight, and Channel Islands should use DABLINGTON'S HANDBOOK is each. Llangollen: DARLINGTON and CO London: SIMPKIN and CO. Paris & New York BRENTANO'S. And all Bookselleis The Railway Bookstalls and all Booksellers. PHOTOGRAPHS, Beautiful Photographs of Scenery, Ruins, etc., in Italr. Greece, Turkey, Palestine, ami Eg pt, also be English Lqke. and North Wales. Is.1 = 6d.. and 2s. List Pokt Free.—DARLINGTON & Co., LLANGOLLhN pANCER HOSPITAL (FBEE) FULHAM-ROAD, LONDON, S.W. Patients ?een daily on their own application at TWO O'CLOCK. Funds urgently needed for General Expenses and for the Research Department. Secretary, FEED. W. HOWELL. 48 -=

