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Neath Guardians : A Big Error.

Neath Pigeon Theft.


Heard Under the Town Clock.

Briton Ferrv Assize Case.'…


Was Chapman " Jack the Ripper




COMBINE EFFECTED. Anthracite Syndicate's Efforts Successful. Seventy Properties Absorbed. Th.e m.t intimation tib t a project was .m. sZb W f0hdat* the a, thraÙLe mterest.<; of Vuth W ales was met wf';h a eeitam amount uSUi mingied with some hope thn nossihibr w°u'c* h-' madie to extract ail Shrtcite tfV1 1 ,a eomh'K. for the an- witi- i* SPC Vvhol<J' has> in comparison lvit"- its resources, beeit treated with a not :» ca Sk S! fm0af °f lb* coal-fie id ed one th-i n 8! Wor^ng is a mor« exfcend- ;is it doe* h P^P 6' lina=rl11' stretching ten oonfint*. f o6 \euth- Vai% to the we ° luts admittedlv » m^nJfflShlre' As a fueI 'f ttedJy a great future before it mrl it hUe aSrJT? S?me astute ™Pitali<ts ties of brinmna £ +\'S *11 eno,rrnoux possibili- r,, 'olrLo the whole properties under one management. There have b £ n many ur l fai'teeITUTh,lfl0at "«*• or and i„0fviw 5r°X evinced =n +1 great Merest ,tlle negotiations, jt. ]s e ,0 ™ke ° Utah t.Uc.K- cement on the matt. the' -aiiC,ltaiu tlie actcal p< si tie 11 of the negotiation, it press representative on -.10actay waited upon and had the pavi ece ?,.VR»YR«TEV PI—»T. X I' M; Ge<>1>7 K whose ram, lu,s ap- p aud frequently 111 conusct-on with th- imb- ibed details of the ixvlimmarias. Tee ™ ceiv dlethi0tel aud Mr. Keppel re- and 16 Wlth exceUant coitrtesv, u"riv Win t0,be more rfci- hm 1 e^ion?et' "f 'e Su^e-:ted, some erroneous itl tl.'r h;Ki h^n, suited abroad regard- o prospects of the combine. Our renor- prUsionsSted t''at Jt would rel»oye such 1111- 'Tt s nf t uere some tangible idea of the pro- i neo(-!f tatio.'i.s to be published, and ,;T j I'P'i leadilv consented. man 'r Wn lier0>" 110 said> "as chair- Bra udie L ,'n at6' my manager, M> \tv ri J company with Mr. Oleeve" T-( at different intervals," Mr E^et added, practically the whole of the piojjfietois oif the anthracite coalfield WT< have put our case before them, and have found that all the proprietors—without anv exceptwlî- are m favour of this scheme, and think it. in fact, a very good thing for the good ^of the anthracite trade. I came down here said Mr. Keppel," as a preliminary, to see them all. I have done so. and have been back to see my board, and have repoited, and toK them what we have done." "And the rtsult?" "We have now gone to allotment, and I have returned to go ahead. WTe a.,e going to a.p point our engineems at once; in a very few- d:.ys at the' latest. Our options are coming in very satisfactorily-in fact, I feel vev mucti encouraged, and those concerned are very .satisfied with the way in which the combine is going. • j o!,ie number of anthracite properties included?" suggested the reporter. f ii j ePPe^ ar,d Mr. Cleeves consulted some docum?nts, after which the reply was "There are sixty or seventy properties." "A very big company is being formed for the purpose of taking over the whole of these,' said Mr. Keppei. "And the capital?" "That cannot be stated now." was the re- ply 'but you may say that the business of the syndicate is going most satisfactorily."





G.W.R's Line: Brynamman Meeting-.




Trotting- Match at Swansea.