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¡-------------::: San Toy…




Three Tradesmen the Worse…

A Small Gang at Work.



BRYNMELYN WARD CONSERVA- TIVE WORKERS. Mr Molyneaux Organises a Pleasant Re-Union. An Interesting re-union t-uok plat e at th,. Market Ilestaura-nt 011 Wednesday night, when Mr. Percy Molyneaux entertained to supper some 50' members of the committee and workers of the Brynmeliu Ward during tiie last Parliamentary election. Host Cur- ran supplied gt first-class repast, and. tlie tables cleared the chairman (Mr. Molyneux). who, supported by Me wis. F. Wadelmgtou. W. J. Beor, F. Smith, and W. Molyneux. proposed the customary toa«ts of the liing and Royal Family, whuh were honoured with fervour. Mr. William .Jenkins next proposed "Use Cause," and indicated the trend of tin proceedings by describing himself a; a Con- servative. and proud of it. He had not been one very long, but quite long enough to real- ise that he was on the right side. (Cheers.) Mr. Percy Mblyneux, prior to calling upon Mr. F. Waddington (Conservative agent) to respond, said that the primary object of that gathering had been for the purpose of intro- ducing Mr. Waddington to them. and in order to give- the man oppoitunity of seeing ivh sort of a man they had entrusted the work t't their cause to. He considered it the oeJ; day's work they ever did to engage Mr. Wad- dington. (Applause.) Mr. Waddington. on rising, was very cordially greeted. He said he was much gratified at the hearty way in which tney had leceivcd the toast, and fully appreciated the honour they had done him by coupling with it his name. When he IN- that large body of active Conservative woik- ers. and considered that they represented but one ward in the town, he felt justified in thinking that the cause was far from beircrjll a comatose condition. Perhaps they would not consider that an in-opportune time for him to Ltly a few words on what appeared the burning question of the dav—the Education Bill. It was admitted by all fair-minded people, no matter what their political faith or religion, may be, that their present system of education was in a most unsatisfactory state.. ,md if tolerated it would make them the laughing stock of the nations, and lower nattonal prestige. The position as it stood wis that elementary education Mas in the hanos ot School Boards, whose schools were maintained by the rates, and Boards of Volun- tary School managers, whose schools existed by the aid Cl private benevolence eked out bv Government grants. They had here two bodies side by side, but by no means hand in hand. Such secondary education as existed was insufficient, and in no rational connection with its ground work, elementary education, nor its superstructure, technical education. The final stage, technical education, was mainly provided and controlled by Countv and Borough Councils, and those' Councils were independent alike of School Boards anel the Boards of Voluntary School managers, and were under the existing system, unable to satisfactorily link technical education with such meagre provision for secondary educa- tion as existed. There was consequently an unnecessary, extravagant, and confusing mul- tiplication, of authorities and an expeiw-ive and dangerous rivalry between the bodies woiking in the same fieid. That system presented hindrances to the scholar who aspirec^ to poss tlirough all its grades. The Bill was de- signed to secure for the education system of the country what it had never before pos- sessed — efficiency. stability, and unity through all itm grades. (Cheers.) The op- ponents of the mea.sme', however, bid not hesitated to make statements glaringly at variance with the truth to gain their own p^s-1 Their chief battle cries were that Board Sehools were to be done away- with; tnat schools were to be handed over to the (.1'0" 1 l' ii 1 (LIla wnoever paia tne piper should call the tune. In reply to these cries, first, Bill did not. seek to destroy oi.-ie sin-de Board School. It did not withdraw a penny or take away a single advantage at present erijoved by them; but, on the contrary, it would develop their usefulness. Further, it for the erection of additional Board ■'i i ^x' nia-nagvd entirely by the Coun- cils directly elected by the ratepayers. Not ,1, Nlllgle chool was to be handed over to any clerical or ecclesiastical body whatever. As far as any difference in mansigement went., it was towards lay control, as four la-men, pro- bauiy five. were to be associated with clergy- wi men m the management. ('Hear, hear.) As to I tlie piper," one-sixth of the total e,-cpenfies of tlie primary denominational st'hools would come from the local rates, the rest to be provided by the denominations who had provided tlie school buildings an*} •equipment, and from the National Exche- quer- ILle. firuneis of the Bill proposed to gjve one-third of the management to the local bod-, 1,110 will only provide about one-sixth of the funds. They might get more of the tune than they paid for. ("Yes," and cheers ) After "ting Mr. Forster's tribute in 1870 to the t oiiservatives for the invaluable support given that body to their opponents' educa- tion Hr? Waddington said that the preNellt Rill was one that, would do incalcu- lable i*»od- 'lId should earn the gratitude of even- In the lKUd. In conclusion, he expressed the hope tha.t at the next. election Swansea would again be represented by a Cousetrvntrev. (Apn!aUlSe r Mr. JwCy j Moiyi).Hi.v «a.> .s^c.kcr. Ht: Raid Quit they could all f'" that they had in Mr. { Waddingti'r rhc uiaa for the cause in; Swan-" sea. (Cheers.) They should have had him at the last election, and things might have gone differently. He (the speaker) Sad been criticised for daring to be a Conservative 11 what was the most un-Conse-rvative ward in the town; but he stuck- to his principles, and M as not afraid to show it. Referring to the bust election.^ the cry had been—more ishanie to them hat had Sir John done for Swan- sett-" ("Shame.") Yes. shame. Well he could now ask "What had Sir George done for Swamea" (Laughter and cheers). He thought if every ward in the town had a band of workers like Brynmeliu, the next elec- tion would see them again in their old oroud position. (Applause.)—The toast of the se- cretory M-as responded to by Mr. W. T. Beor. who made a rattling speech, in which he pre- dicted Conservative success next time, and amidst loud cheers referred to Mr* MoImicux many sterling qualities. •Messrs. Hiram Morgan. Tom Griffiths, Will. Jenkins. V\. J. Beor, and Evan Davies, (sane for the delectation of the company, and Alit F. YV addington, in response to IIwny requests, recited "If we only knew" in splendid style. The usujal concluding toasts were honoured, and the meeting ended with the sinline of the National Anthem. °

-------------BURRY PORT.


[No title]


County Business.


I Tuesday.

< Wednesday. -


JThursday. !


[No title]


-------'---_----_._--. COMMERCE…
