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MORRISTON MEMS. Zion Welsh Baptist Chapel is now holding a fortnight's prayer meetings in return for the harvest. A good day's competition is pmmsed at the Opera House on Saturday .when the Caifara Eisteddfod is held. The Nonconformists are not quite satisfied with their protest meeting against the Educa- tion Bill, and intend arranging tor a further meeting shortly. The Parish Councn of Clase Rural held its monthly meeting last week. but failed to do much work. the members being mixed up in rine styie over a "roads and ways" discus- sion. Morriston Sunday School Union.—Tho committee of the Sunday Schools under the Morriston Union passed a resolution the other Sunday condemning the Education Bill on various grounds, which have nearlv all been covered at meetings against the Bifl. Harvest Thanksgiving Services.—Services! for the season's harvest were held at both Tabernacle and Libanus Congregational Chapel on Sunday, both being very success- ful. At the former place of worship decora- tion was. of course, impossible, but at Libanus there was the usual neat display. Dedication Services. — Last Saturday and Sundav the eleventh dedication services of St David's Church were held. On Saturday evening the Neath recor officiated. and on Sunday the Revs. D. L. Prosser and C. C. Lirdsay. Swansea, each meeting being well- attended and splendidly conducted. The School Sports.—If was decided at the meeting to again ask the school teachers to co-operate in order to hold sports for the scholars, and also to make them more attrac- tive and elaborate than this year. No bet- Mr. way of inducing peopleo to attend the flower show could be adopted than this, es- pecially so because hitherto sports for the children have been a U1uch-deired innova- tion at Morriston. Prayer Meeting at Libanus.—On Mondav J evening, in connection with the Union, and in harmony with the meetings held all over the country, a united prayer meeting was held at Libanus Congregational Chapel, there being a very fair attendance of members of the Sunday Schools present. A very pleas- antly conducted service was held, the Rev. D. J. Griffiths (Horeb) presiding. Prayers were offered by several and a reading from tho Scriptures; was given by vjua*. ■ lohn (G.W.K.). The Morriston Horticultural Society.—The horticulturists at Morriston can evidently give ttieir fellow-hobbyists at Swansea a. wrinkle of two on the running of a flower show, al- though their last exhibition was only the fourth of what promises to be a permanent series. The Swansea people this year failed to award the prizes won by the competitors, y/hile deploring this predicament of theirs. it is quite a feather in the cap of the Morris- ton how people that they have managed to pay their way; nay, more. to obtain a very handsome balance on the proceeds. The com- mittee decided to devote this to charities- ten guineas being subscribed to the Morriston Aursmg Institute and a like amount to the Swansea Hospital. What more kindly action. €1U- u exPect from a young institution which has only just managed to keep its head abo\e tuc tide previous to this year, but suc- ceeds m making a slight profit, and subscribes t.) sweet charity's funds in the face of a pos- sible non-success attending coming exhibits ? After this action the society should have cap- tured the sympathy ot all Morristonians who. when the occasion presents itself, should as- sist the Morriston Horticultural Society with the same heartiness as was shown by the com- mittee towards the two charities." As Mr W as tell said. the flower show was not held for anyone's benefit. it was started and would ever continue tor the sake of inducing all Morriston workmen to take an interest in the science of horticulture, ihe working men have happily taken it LIp, contribute gener- ously towards the society s maintenance, and yearly show their prime little lots at the how: According to Mr. Waste! one would have to go a verv long way indeed to beat the vegetables grown by Morriston working men. He had visited West of England shows but failed to see any amateur productions ahead of those he saw at Morriston. :0 be it. Horticulture, we are sure, must ap- peal strongly to a temperate working m:1 d. The work is interesting and healthful, the expenditure of time is not great, and the results are profitable. At the present, rato the Morriston Society will soon justify the prophecy of one of the speakers at the meet- ing, that their show would become "a house- hold word in the Principality."


-----------BRITON FERRY.


----------| LLANDILO.


. ----_--GOWER.!


! Text of the Parliametary…

j Petitions Against the Bill.

j Agreements Arrived At.


Witnesses for Promoters.

Fierce Opposition from Margam.

Negotiations with Messrs.…


)---------- ---- ---ISWANSEA…


j Agreements Arrived At.