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ECHOES OF THE PAST. INTERESTING EXTRACTS FROM "THE CAMBRIAN" OF 1804. WELLINGTON'S GLORIOUS VICTORY AT ASSAYE. HISTORIC DESPATCHES FROM THE CONQUEROR OF NAPOLEON. S T FURTHER ACTIONS IN INDIA: BRILLIANT SUCCESSES. FROM "THE CAMBRIAN." ELEVENTH iSSCE, APRIL 7th, 1804. April 7tii. 1304. At Limenburgli, 600 citizens, who lived in a state of ease before the French invasion, are reduced to beggary. By order of the Frencii Generals, '.he loyal Hanoverian clergy have been forced to countermand the thanks- giving which they were to offer to the Di- vinity for their beloved Prince's recovery. Army Debate in the House. The plan for increasing the military force of the country was brought forward by Mr. Yorks last Wednesday night in the House of Commons. on his Majesty's message being taken into consideration. The main object of it he stated to be to suspend for one ye ir the c' operation of the army of reserve bill, and 111 the meantime, by a regular and fixed bounty of ten guineas, to endeavour to recruit the regular army, to which he proposed to add 25.000 men by raising eight new regiments of 1.000 men each, by adding ten new battalions t) old regiments, o,500 men to the cuvalary, and 2.000 to the footguards. An additional foreign force of 8,000 men is likewise pro- posed, exclusive of a levy <>f 4,000 men now going on in our American and \S est Indian possessions, bringing the whole of the pro- j posed recruitment to 40,000 troops He aiso pro Dosed to bring over to this country 10.000 of the Irish Militia, to set free an equal num- ber of regular troops at present employed in the business of defence .ana to replace the troops thus drawn from lieiand. he said it was intended to augment the Militia on that estate. With regard to those counties which have not made up their quota of men for the army of reserve, it was intended to propose a pecuniary fine, proportioned to the number of men dericient Mr. Yorke gave a. general statement of the military force of the country, according to which we had on service on'the 1st of March. 1804, includihg the regular cavalry and infantry, artillery and militia. 267,243 men: a force, he observed after onlv ten months war. within 14.000 of the number we possessed in April. 1801. after ten rears' war. In the course of his speech, Mr. Yorlre spoke in high terms of the spon- taneous offer of the Irisn militia., and con- eluded by moving an address to his Majesty for his gracious message. Mr. Pitt approved of the plan, though he was not perfectly convinced of the propriety of suspending the army of reserve Act. The policy of drawing 10.000 men from Ireland at the wresent crisis was much questioned; the Chancellor of the Exchequer, however, declared, that it was not intended to strip that country of any force without replacing it bv another, probably of equal extent.—The address was then agreed to without a division. Fox-Pitt Coalition. The following outline of the new condition between Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt was yesterday mentioned in political circles. The Test Act to be repealed—the Catholics of England and Ireland to be completely emancipated—and an application to be made to the Emperor of Russia for the purpose of procuring a peace through his mediation. General Wellington Decorated. The Hon. Major-General Wellesley is to be invested with the red ribbon, vacant by the death of Sir VVni. Fawcett. Wellington's Splendid Victory at Assaye Overland despatches were received vester- day (ihursday) at the India House, from Bombay, containing the important intelli- gence Of a great victory having been gained by our troops over the combined forces of the Mahratta. Chiefs. iScindia and the Berar Rajah. A letter from General Wellesley to the Gov- ernor Genera!, dated at Assaye, Sept. 24th, 1803, after stating that he had been joined bv tiie tus-t of the expe-ted convoys, and that it had been resolved in a conference with Col. Stevenson to attack the enemy's army with the divisions under their respective com- mands. proceeds as follows :—"We passed the rived Eistr.a at a ford 1 beyond the enemy s ler tiank. and I formed the infantry imme- diately in i o lines, with the British cavalry as a reserve in a laird, in an open space bè- tween that river and a nullah running parallel to it. The Mahratta and Mysore cavalry oc- eui.ied the ground beyond the kistna, on our left flank and kept in check a large body of the enemy's cavalry, which had followed our march from tae right of their own position. V\ e attacked them immediately, and the troops advanced under a very hot tire from cannon .the execution of which was terrible. t, le picqueis of the infantry, and the 74th Recio-ient. which were on the right of the iix-st arm second lines, suffered particularly front the hre of the guns on the left of tiie enemy s position near As^ave. The enemy's cavaiiy also made an attempt to charge tue 74th Regiment, at the moment when thev were most exposed to this tire, but they were cut un bv tne Butish cavalry, which'moved on at that moment. At length the enemy's line gave wax in a-tl directions, and the British cavalry < ut lit among ttieir broken infantry, but some t: i their coiys went off in good order and a lire was kept up on our troop* for many of the guns from which the enemy had been tirst driven .bv indi\ldtniO' who had been passed bv the" line, under the supposition that thev "were dead. Lieut.Colonel Maxwell, with the British ca valry. < iiarged a large body of infantry, whic'ff had retired, and was formed again, in which operation he was kilied: and some time elapsed before we I could put an end to the stragghng tire which was k, pt up by individuals from the guns, from which the enemy were driven. •_ne enemy's ca-vahy aiso. winch had been haver- ing round us throughout the action, vvas still near us; .:t length, when the lasi formed body of infantry guvc way, the whole vent uti, and left in our hands 90 pieces of can- non. This victory, which was certainly complete, has, however, cost, us dear. tour Excellency will see, from the enclosed i-ef ui-ii. that our loss in officers and men has been very great, and in that of Lieut.-Colonel Max- well and other officers, whose names are here- in included, greatly to be regretted. I can- not write in too strong terms of the conduct of the troops advanced in the best order and with the greatest steadiness under a most destructive hre. against a body of infantry tar superior in number, who appeared determined to e< ntend with them to the last, and who were driven :'rom their guns only by the bayonet; and. notwithstanding the numbers 01 the enemy's cavalry a-)id the repeated de- monstrations they made or an intention to charge, they were kept at a distance by this infantry. The officers commanding brigades, nearly all those of the ^taff. and the mounted ohicers of the infantry, had their horses shot under them. Vlie enemy are gone all to- wards the --idjunty (lhant: and I propose to follow them as soon a [ can place my cap- tured "11: and the wounded in security.—I liitve.et c.. A. ^ellesk-y, \1.\ Fifteen Huildred" Casualties. A list of the killed and wounded follows, and in conclusion it 1S stated that "the Euro- peans killed and woiuM.ed, .ncluding artillery xhficers, are uDW:.i's ot 600. Of the natives no account ti. vet been received, but sup- posed about 900: Lake Routs a French General. Our operations in part of India have been attended with as solid, t hough not with such brilliant success. General La « writes from before Ally Uhur. under date Aug 29 and 30. that he had attacked the force under the French General IVnon ;ind forced him to rr-;rp after a feeble resistance, -with a loss on. t former of "nIT one man killed and four wounded. Genera Lake adds that most of the enemy's cavalrv which had been opposed to hm.. had returned to their homes, declaring their maoi ity to ecute.id with the British. ;and that- the ll- habitants who had deserted thei- houses were returning fast in consequence of his assur- ances of protection.—-A letter from MJ. Grant, Government secretary at Bombay, states the receipt of accounts announcing the subsequent surrender of General Perron, and of the British forces having obtained poses- sion of Agra, and Delhi. Further Details: Terrible Losses. Details of the late splendid victory in the East Indies, dated four days later than the official letters, have reached England in pri- vate letters, by which we learn that General Wellesley, having been joined on the 24tii by the >.izam's subsidiary and contingnet aimv. moved on in pursuit of the enemy who tc-i.tiuued retreating with tne greatest precipi- tatiori towards the Ad junta Pass. Our total "orce brought into action amounted to 900 Europeans, and 3.600 sepoys—total 4,500. The enemy ha.d upwards of 40,GOO men. the fewer of theii army, many of their battalions officered by Frenchmen, and their artillery numerous and excellently served. Our loss in killed and wounded is stated at 2,206, be- ing nearly half of the entire number brought into the hcld The enemy left 1,200 kilied, and double that number wounded. Anglo-Russian Treaty Rumoured' The Cabinet Councils have been for some vlays past attended by the Ambassadors of the Northern Pov. rs. This circumstance has been stated in .rroboration of the report a treaty, offer, ive and defensive, is on the point of being xecuted between England and Russia.. Twel.e English pilots, it is said, have been ordered up the Sound to take charge of the Russian fleet, which is to co- operate with our navy, in conformity wuu the stipulation of the treaty. It is added that Russia is to contribute a land force of 20.000 men. We give this merely as a report. Invasion Rumour. I-. is said that Government have received information respecting the armaments, which has induced them to believe that the long- expected attempt will be made in less than a week; and. in consequence, the military in most places are under orders to lv.aicu at t'ie shortest notice. French Generals' Plot. This morning arrived the '"Moniteurs" to the 15th nIt. inclusive. They are totally shent with vespect to Moreau and Pichegru, and do not afford the slightest information either upon the subject of tlt conspiracy, or the period when the persons implicated in it ,!re to be brought to trial. The paper of the 12th contains a detail of the arrest of Georges, fiom which 't appears that he made a mo.'t desperate resistance One of the officers he shot upon the spot. and wounded another so desperately that his recovery is very doubi- f Lt, Til money found upon hiia (between \£3000 and £ 4000) has been given to the widow ) and children of the man he shot. Moreau has been removed to Vincennes. and Pichegru to the Prison do la Force. The charges against the former are 18 or 20 in number. Nelson's Exploits at Algiers. The French Charge d'Aff.iires at Algiers has sent to his Government an account of Lord Xel ion's expedition to Algiers. His lordship appeared off Algiers on the 15th of January with nine sail of the line and de- manded the le-establishment of the English Consul, and the release of several ships, oncl their crews .taken by the Algerians, though they had British passports. The Dey refused alt Lord XeWm's demands, and after some days his iordship retreated. The Dev is busily employed in fortifying the city, expect- ing another vi^it from the English, and all the Consuls have retired to their country houses. Duke d'Enghien's Condemnation. If the arrest, trial, and condemnation of the Duke d'Enghien (son to the Duke de Bourbon and grandson to the Prince de Condej on t!.e 1 false charge of conspiring against the Re- public, bv the order* of the tyrant who now nIes in France, has produced the same honest indignation in other independent States, hkfl it has dene here. the First Consul will have no reason ultimately to rejoice in the success if his di i bo Heal machinations. Such an outrage against the laws of civilised Europe must excite the indignation of every Srvereign: nor can their subjects feel mdif- ferent to the question If free men are. with impunity, to be carried away by force from their habitations, and from the country which gives them protection, and to the laws of which they are subject, there is an end to all order, to ill safety, t(, everything worth con- tending for by civilised men. After this we should not be surprised if the First Consul should send a regiment of dragoons to seize Mr. Spencer Smith at St-utgard, and carry him to Paris to be hanged as a spy. Some- tlllTlg 1 ike it has been threatened. Should the Duke d'Lngliien be murdered in pursuance of j the sentence passed on him, the people of 1 France, weray of the present restless and Precarious state, will naturally be turned ) more giv to the cause of royalty, from jJ,ty of the royal youth, his amiable quali- ,les5' the truly tragic spectacle of "chance ,4 an change in human life1' exhibited in his me anchoiy fate. By his blood the sent i r,en7 UTa v w*'1 be revived and strengthened. Further Dispatches Renewed Fighting. 4t hi.-—"Despatches have this day^reached thl, Indm House trom General We, contain- ing accounts ot fmther successes, and as thev canrnt possibly appear ln t!le London piints h; to-morrow, I send you a copy thereof. „ These ae^tches comprise hve letters from General Lake to the <ernor-General. 'The first, dated Sept 4. ISOO. announces the cap. ture of Allvghur. a port hitherto deemed i £ pregnable, and defended on all sides Wlth toe utmost obstinacy, oy assail^ e Won. l ieut.-Col >nel Monson led the <t 'ic"}vij'h four companies of the 76th Regiment and the hr>t battalion of the 4th Regiment of native infantry, under Lieut.-Colonel Biowne, and a detachment of the 17th Native Regii'^nt; un" dec Captain Bagshaw; C'olonel Hors.oH o ti.e artillery covering their advance d heavy tire from batteries in situation* IJie" vio-usly determined on. The troops aP" ]u(inched the fort under a- most galling fire IIf musketry and grape, and steadily persevered until their object was attained. The Coin- maiider-ir-Chief warmly praises the exertions ot all the oflicers and men employed in the enterprise, as well as the meritorious conduct of Mr. Luean. an officer. a native of Great Biitain, who lately quitted the service of to avoid servin against his country and who undertook to lead Colonel Monson to the gate, and point out the road through the for, he effected in the most gallant manner. Sanguinary Fight Outside Delhi. [ general Lake's second letter is dated camp b« ,ore Delhi, Sept. 11th, and states that after a march ot 18 miles that morning, he learned 1 l< ^nemv. in great force, had crossed the .Junima from Delhi with the intention of at- tacking hlui. immediately ordered out the whole line, attacked the enemy in front, I tinder a tremendous tire from a numerous and i uncommonly well-served artillery, which caused considerable loss on our side; and by a charge on the enemy at about 100 paces distance, forced them to a precipitate retreat leaving in our possession the whole of their artillery. The cavalry pursued the fugitives to the Jumina. making a. dreadful slaughter, and numbers were drowned in attempting to cross. The consequences of this great victory were the evacuation of the city and forts of Delhi, and the dispersion of the enemy ;n all ) directions. Between 50 and 60 of the enemy's guns had been collected, and many more were expected. "The operations of yesterday I (General L. observes) must ever reflect the highest credit on all descriptions of the troops engaged, and cannot fail of striking the enemy with a dread of our armv, and prove to them that opposition to such superior discipline and courage is us-'lo's." King's County Conspiracy. A letter from Portarlington (Ireland). dated the 18th inst., says: "A great conspiracy has been discovered in the King's country; this morning Mr. Bernard passed through this town, with one of the principal conspirators t > the Castle. The "Dublin Journal" states that the name of this offender is Dennis Cas- sin, and that he has been sent to' Kilmain- ham Gaol, charged with being a principal leader in the new system of organisation in the King's country; several other persons, it is understood, have been arrested on similar charges.—A man has been apprehended in the neighbourhood of Dublin charged with being one of those who murdered the late Lord Kil- waruen. Swansea Colonel's Death. Died.—Tuesday night last, in London, Thomas Morgan, Esq., barrister-at-law, of Swansea, Lieutenant-aolonel of the Swansea Legion Cavaiery, and agent to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort.—Last night, at Trudvar, Mrs Landeg, mother to Roger Landtg, Esq.. j banker, of Swansea. Local Gazette Notice. First or Western Regiment of Glamorgan Volunteers.—Major R. H. Jenkins, to be lieutenant-colonel vice Wyndham; Capt John N. Miers. to be major, vice Jenkins; First Lieutenant Thomas Leyson to be cap- tain, vice Miers Samuel Freeman, gentle- i man", to be lieutenant-, vice Leyson. An Elopement in the "Upper Ten." The lady of a military baronet has just eloped with an honourable gentleman. The fugitives have been traced into Hereford- | shire, but their amorous retreat has not yet been discovered. Lady G is a very beau- Mfui woman, a native of Dublin, where Sir John saw her accidentally about two years I since, and instantly fell in love with. her. They have one child living. Thanks for Our Sailors. On Monday the Court of Common Council of the City of London unanimously returned their thanks to Admiral Cornwallis. Vice-ad- miral Cotton. Rear-admirals Collingwood, Calder, and Greaves; Captains Pellew and Sutton, commanding the fleets blockading the ports of Brest and Ferrol; to Lord elson, commanding the fleet blockading Toulon; to Rear-Admiral Thornborough and Sir Sidney Smith, commanding the fleets blockading the Texel and the ports oi Holland, for the very eminent services rendered their country, for their great zeal and uncommon exertions, by which our enemies have been kept in a con- stant state of alarm, nor dared for a. moment to show themselves upon that element which has so often been the scene of their disgrace; also to the several officers, seamen, and mar- ines undei their respective commands. Society of Arts. On Wednesday. his Graco the Duke of Xor- toik presided ;.i tiie anniversary festival of the Society of Arts. The noble Duke, wit.h that admirable talent which he so eminently possesses of maintaining spirit and convivi- ality in a popular assembly, promoted the festivity of the meeting to a late hour.—This society has now maintained its respectability for nearly half a century It has greatly contributed to the increase ot important- dis- coveries in all the useful arts. and we rejoice to see that it is at this moment possessed of a large income, and consequently more exten- sive in its utility, than at any former period. A Ludicrous Challenge. Three young gentlemen at school at Chig- well .of the names of Stephenson, Lei.th. and Harris last week sent a challenge to a young gentleman .a Monsieur Etienne du C'as, rela- tive of Princa Conde, at Wanstead House. The latter, knowing nothing of Mr. Stephen- son.in whose name the letter was written, apphed to the magistrates at the Public Uthce, Bow-street, for protection. Peace officers were accordingly sent to the house in town troni whence the challenge was dated; Yl.. No. 50. Great Ormond-street. and the parties waited at the office with impatience the arrival of the challenger—when, instead o:' a mm, he appeared as a mere child, only 14 years of age .dressed in the extreme of fashion, with a, very thick neckcloth, and his shirt- collar up to his ears, and only about 3 feet 2 inches high. This threw the magis- trates and all present- into a burst of laugh- ter. On an explanation, it appeared that M. Etienne du Gas happened to be visiting at the house of a gentleman, and paid some at- tention to a Miss H..which, provoking the jealousy of the forward master Stephenson, he. in revenge, procured his schoolfellows. Leath and Harris, to write the challenge.— Stephenson was admonished and permitted t. odepart with his friends ;Lettth and Harris are to be hap up to receive a like corrective lecture from the magistrates. Rev. Talbot Rice at Neath. On Friday lii^ht- tiie gfT. Talbot- Rice. Vicar of Swansea, addressed a vast meeting at the Gwyn Hall, Neath. He pointed out tiie excellent examples and the encourage- ment given to men to follow the path of britly, and urged his hearers, to act by a similar force, and by united effort to abolish the drinking customs which were hurtful and unnecessary. In, carrying out- the aistorn the workmen ot Great Britain poured 98 millions of money down their throats and made them- selves slaves to custom. TlieV should re- member that there was a duty responsi- bility to break down a useless custom, and by strenuous opposition to remove that which was wrong by supplanting that which was right. It was constantly urged that bt-siness could not be done without .asking u customer "to come and have a di'inK; out, instead of that, they should look rirst at the consequences. Let them think of tne condi- tion of the home, and remember that it was the centre of national life, and must be made the brightest dwelling place by in'-livx«.ud '•'ne in place of neglect.—Mr. R. t. aineron. iIt(► addressed the meeting in a vigor- (jUs and interesting speech.

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