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--n_-------;. LADY LLEWELYN.

---------.--A LANDMARK ALREADY.!

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[By OUR OWN CORBMPONpNNT.J FIRE. An alarm of fire was received at the Borough Police Station on Thursday (yesterday) afternoon. Ti<e pubiiu fiie bell was set ringing, and Chief Constable Davies, Police-Sergeant Jones, and others at once set out for the scene. 1 he out- bieak occuired at the stores, on the canal Elide, belonging to Mr. Mort, china merchant. There was abundance of ready he.p, and the canal being near, the blaze was preventtd from spreading by the pouring on of buckets of water. Mr. Mort's loss is considerable. HORSE SHOW AND PARADE AT NEATH. The fifth annual show, under the auspices of the Neath Show and Parade Society, was held at the Corporation Field, Neath, on Thursday, in fine weather. An element whinh tended to the great discomfort of visitors to the show ground was the high wind which, raising elouds of dust, spoiled the gay summer toilettes of the ladies whilst it ,cau,.erl quite a transformation in the faoial appearance of the sterner sex. The follow- ing were tt e judges of the horses and turn-outs:- ar. Wm. Emerson, Sweldon, Cardiff; Mr. W. B. Loveluck, Kenfig, Pyle; Mr A. J. Evans, New- castle Emiyn; and Mr. Wm. Miller, Senn) Bridge. The judges of the cyclists were the Mayoress (Mrs. L. C. Thoman), Mrs. G. T. Sims, Neath and Mrs. T. Jenkins, Tyla Morris, Briton Ferry. Mr. Thomas Jenkins, Tyla Morris, was the general steward of the yard Mr. W. E. Rees, the official time-keeper; and Mr. A. W. M. Tench, the steward of finance. The ring stewards were Mr. T. M. Price, Bridgend: Mr. C. E. Price, Glyn Neath Mr. T. Nicholas, Aberavon: Mr. W. H. David, Neath; Mr. A. Jones. Neath and Mr. A. P. Paddi-on, Neath. The arrangements, which were excellent in all respects, were carried out by a hard working committee, with Mr. Ellson Allen hon. secretaiy and Mr. George T. Sims hon. trrasurer. The parade was highly interesting, the procession, which included the Borough Band (Bandmaster T. J. Dennis) and the Volunteer Band (Band- master Jenkins) being the longest and moat varied ever seen at Neath in connection with a local show. The spice ot humour was not lacking, and much amusement was produced by the squad of Green Cyclists, tbe Rag and Bone Merchants, the Chimney Sweeps, the Costers, and the solitary Collier, on whose broad back was displayed a card bearing the words, Why should, I be taxed?" The judging in the show yard was watchol by a large nombor of spectators, whose interest was sustained notwithstanding the heat and the dust. It was quite late in the evening before the list of awards was completed, and this will appear in our next issue. NEATH COUNTY POLICE.—Friday. Before Mr. Wm. Leyson, Mr. J. H. R. Ritson, and Mr. Wm. Jones.] Drunkards' List.—The following were fined for haying been drunk:—John Owen, haulier, Cadox- ton, 7s 6d and costs William Pookftt, Skewen, 10s, including cos's Wm. Thomas, Briton Ferry, 7s 6d,'including costs; Michael White, haulier, Resolven, 10s.; Thomas Jenkins, collier, Resol- ven, 123 6d; John Morgans, sinker, Resolven, John Davies, collier, Resolven, Jeakin: Thomas, labourer, Briton Ferry, Thomas Hornsby, collier, Peolven. Ivor Hughes, collier, Moiyncrvthan, George Richards, collier, Melyncrythan, Thomas Jenkins, Resolven, and William Richards, sinker, Resolven, were also fined for drunkenness. Cyclists Fined.—George Biggs and Thomas fHopcutt, tippers, of Glyn Neatb, were each fined 9s for riding 011 bicycles on the highway at a furious speed. A Drop of Beer,Michael Dunahoe, an army pensioner was summoned for assaulting P.C. J. Thomas.' Defendant, who pleaded guilty, urged in extenuation of his offence that he had served with the army in South Africa, where be had had an illness. Since be had returned home he had found that a drop of beer affected him." 'I he Btnch imposed a fine of 27s. 6d. including costs. Defendant Bound Over.—Margaret Davies, a married woman, of Cwnifelio, near Neath, sum- moned Sarah Davies, a neighbour, also married, moned Sarah Davies, a neighbour, also married, for assault. Tl!e defendant was the complainant's mother-in-law. The Bench heard the case with great patience, and in the r«f ult ordered tho defendant to be bound over to keep the peace for six months, and pay the co-ts. Theft of Timber.—John Harris. Thomas Evans. Gwellian Williams, David Phillips, Chiirles Evans, Hannnh Jones, John Henry Jones, Thomas Davies, and Benjamin Williams w-re severally summoned for stealing timber rom Lord Dynevor's NeMth At.beyestatp. Mr. George T. Sims (Lord Dynevor's agent), and P.S. Hopkins gave evidence. Thç., def«t di ts pleaded guilty. Mr cims sai 1 he did jnot desire to press the charge, and the defendants were only ordered to pay the costs No Jurisdiction. — William Davies, collier, Queen's-road, Skewen, summoned Edward Rees, a neighbour, for assault. Mr. D. Lleufer Thomas (instructed by Mr John Taliei-in Davies) appeared for th., complainant, and Mr. E i ward Powell was for the defendant. Mr. Powell contended that the B nch had no jurisdiction, inasmuch as the case arose out uf a dispute in reference to a boundary which separated the premises occupied by the parties to the case. Tne Bench took this view and dismissed the case. Higgins and Postage Stamps.-G. M. Higgins made a further appearance and was charged with stealing 50s. worth of postage stamps trom the post office at Aberamman (Aberdare), on Sept. 12th Mr. W. Smiih, of Swansea, attended to prosecute for the Postmaster-General.—Julia Mary Arnold, sub-postmistress, said that prisoner came to the Aberamman Post Office at a time when she was engaged in tne telephone depart- ment. When xhe came out of the telephone box tne prisoner was writing a telegram, which he handed to her. The place of destination was not given iu too telegram, and she called the prisoner's attention to it. He supplied it, aid asked for 50s. wurth ot stamps. Witness advised him to remit by means of a money or postal order, and he replied: The people to whom I am sending insist upon payment by stamps." Witness took the stamps from the safe, and putting them in an envelope, placed it on the counter. Prisoner then asked for a postal order for 10s. She turnt-d ruunlt to get it4 and in doii.g so heard the prisoner speak as if to a friend at the door. He said: -"I say, Tom, half a minute." Prisoner was then at the door with the stamps in his possession. Witness rau ro':nd the counter, and to the door, but the pri-oner had disappeared. She had identified the prisoner as the man who came to the post office. She identified him from among t five or six men. Witness was closely qut-stioned bv the Drisoner. Replying to him, she said she did not remember someone coming to the Aberamman Office in June with a number of annuity papers. Witness denied that it would be much better for her if bhe could fasten the guilt on si meone. Witne-s did not see the prisoner take the stamps off the counter, but they were missing when he lett.— Ann Davies gave corroborative evidence.—Poiice- Sergt. Evans said the prisoner had been identified amongst five other men who were of t-imilar stature and complexion to himself.—The prisoner, when charged with the theft in the chaige-room, indignantly denied it.—The prisoner then delivered aiouj; add e,.s tu the Bench. He complained of the injustice of the Press and the Police, arid said that owing to that circumstance he had iound insuperable ob, tacleis in tue way of proving his innocence. 'Further ignominy bad been heaped upon his relatives. Ho huptd the Bench would make some comment upon the u. fairness. Tue prisoner was committed to the As-izes. He again aeked the Bench to express their disapproval of the action takt-n by the police and the Press.- ihe Chairman intimated that if such a grievance really existed it should be brought by the prisoner to the notice of the Juage of Ass,ze.- The prisoner Yes, I shall get justice there, at any rate.—The prisoner refused to sign the deposi. tions, indignantly remarking, No more oly dodges for ine I have liad enough of them." Smart Capture.—Gustave Hoffman, alias Steyn, was charged with having been orunk on the pievious night.—Poliee-Sergt. Davies, wno effected the arteat said, said he noticau the sna- picious movements of the accused, and ftrrosifid him in the back yard of the Lamb Inn at mid- night. He now knew that, Hoffman was "wanted" elsewnere.—Head Constable Evau Lewis said that Hoffman was a suspicious character. He was" wanted" for obtaiumg money under false pretences. On Thursday tue detendant went to the Rev. Father Huok, and, telling him he was a man of means but tempor- arily hard up, obtained from him a loan of 5s. The money was lent ou the strength of a reler- ence to Canon Rogors. Father Hook afterwarus became suspicious and wired to (janon Rogers, of Ipswich, who had replied by letter that the man was a liar and impootor, and had been using his name in various parts of the country, ihe police were making active investigation iuto the prisoner's career. Hoffman was sent to gaol for seven days' for drunkenness. SECOND MAY FAIR. Neath second May fair was held on Wednesday, in summer weather. TtJe attendance was not 4o large as at the first May fair, held on the pre- ceding Wednesday. The following were the ruling prices:-Strong cartel s, £ 20 to £ 40- good cobs, £ 20 to £ 30; ponies, £ 8 to £ 15' yearlings, < £ 8 to £ 12 eacu. In cattle—Best beef- lis.; other qualities, 9s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.; bulls, 9s. to 10s; aheep (light weights), 9^d.; heavy' 7 £ d. to 8id.; shorn sheep, 7d. to 8|d.; lambs) lid. to Hid.; pigs, 10s. to lis.: «tore pigs, 18s! to 40s. each; calves, 6d. to 8d.; store cattle (yearlings), t6 to i'9; two year old, X7 tofll; barren cows, 99 to £12; cows and calves, £12 to JE16. COUNTY SCHOOL GOVERNORS. A meeting of tho above named budy was held on Tuesday, Mr. Hopkin Morgan (chairman) presiding. The following also were present: The Rev. J. L. Thomas, M.A., Mr. Edward Davies, and Mr, J. J. Gibbins. After reading the report of the Finance Com- mittee, which showed an adverse balance at the bank, the Chairman said that the Cunuty Council cheque might be expected shortly, and the bank- ing account would then be maue right. A letter was read from Mr. Mansel Franklen, stating that tne conveyance of the additional land for the County fechool recreation ground must be prepared under his direction, as stipula- ted by the County Council. The Board acquiesced. On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. J. J. Gibbins, it was resolved to invite Mr. Joan Newall Mooro to accept a seat on the Evening Classses Committee.


I I ..,===== I / PRESENTATION…





Family Notices



