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by the of any for misfortune. A train drawn — 'ijf metHi^W^een flitting hither and »er acrOSP ^l.^n^ts taln^a^erfoHW a rock- 'I'Here is a room squire. Colonel J_ones s tather, iliomaa ap John, or is as it should be, but we are sorry to say that the bm^ by four locomotives, carrying supples and a fome of 150 TFT TP << TTOP^n mn.^T. the 'starry vault.' At about eight o'clock, such an built for entertainment. There was some diffioult^nj Jones:(if h^dopted the^urname of 4|nes, he was the had to nearly kill his wife to get tjfs somewhat lenJB me^snt tojhe.r relief, but when last, bearifcpm. it t^iNL) "^he I^dktment, age, and ^iL^hf^Ln^d,fl teeing, and disapfwinted many of their friends ^e a1 fa^tor\^ *? 1 Sir George Balfour, C.B., was on Monday, Dec. 9 th, re- THE S5AME OWEN I should be feByY'tLl to- Ariflj|hltfht J^Tg^ty-nae ^J^ £ T jflfcfr01 | ^or some time their great and powerful am a fourth 6,,n) ^at I can command Now in what turned member for Kincardineshire unopposed. Sir George 0htam an exDression of oDinion f-»™ fhu rA?^a nl^»^ icide^thg R^f^piaiI^3|^»c|KpMft]e^y gfef, of Ufc™w^n*»^dhuPls4 doubt(u\ ground, though fondly profession could I get £ 400 a year at twenty-hrt'e vears of is an advanced Liberal. omam an expr<sssion ot opimion trom tto-eirea^*s ojjljrtf- Bu £ df ^t^reSHed Witfrner parentsnear fieK, was seut by her claimed by the Denominational-.s ts but last week, through I know of none T innnUrfm! nrte \ears oi IV VS announced that Lieutenant-Colonel I^gh^M. P. name OWEN eT^atnthLenare°by no means to be con- 1713 5 and though that character may perhaps be over mother the other evening with some milk to a a properly authenticated committee^ontaming their men in i^Brfd|||who are jIlfcraTd (/ha^'work^do for Mid-Cheshire, is about to resign his seat owing to as settled the iftUowiafcauotations from eminent coloured, yet it would seem that he was a treacherous and place cJW^ale Cottage, Maesyjre ille executed her leading men, they declared agamst the B h clause and in the sa.m<^ffi^T*t first it^Bru.. it will be an'u .hill contfBBigi|-health. The honourabl«Mi gallant member 5j||Lr;fieg will showflHeilfe in Britannia afM the unprincipled ij|n, if a statement on the part of the plain- errandBHBver returned home^id^H- a long search favour of Unscctanan School roanagedjpy School Boards, ggbt to pUUe b^ess fl th'aMt'Mtti «priiin'! Batj^^W^p Cheshir^l^ general election jji tiff iii a roi^credited. H^Ution, a her prolongation of^ mentioned says u Ttarounty of Tir-oen (now Tyrone)" !T,°.ne^ .he would restore it to Price in quieter times. To bersfi" the Glasbury district,'Mie lodge and 145 members: elections within tbe^last few days {he Wesleyans have INTOLERANCE. the powers of the President for four years; 2, Creation ;g Terra Eu^enii. The ancient Irish priests knew no other this Price acceded, the Rebellion was successful, but the in the Talvbont district, three lodges and 238 member*. helped to carry the unsectarian candidate. For good or A grand auto da fe (modern styM s to be p-rformei of a vice-presidency 3, Partial renewal of the assemb 7\ Latin for the name, and the Welsh name Owen has no^fcorelhe estate, and^t ^the subject^ In the Aberystwv th disfnBfJjjtgg^UolgM aMrU evil, catechisms are doomed. at Oxford to-day—Wednesday, Dec. 11th. to be p n icular, 4, Formation of a second chamber; and 5, Ministend f d essed' Eugenius." Sir Samuel Rust aft^onj^a,|^e<yiy^|h|^ayyaf^ rgBb</& 11A at lb#flggli lullJfjgfr^dill Some of our readers will remember the disappointment it is a great day in th9 annals of the ort todos Dean responsibility and a aett.ement of the relations between Meyricki in the Cam Quar Mai: Jan. 1832, give! *)f.H! ?T¥gf, 4 greff^\Lt V i At8 llf^JljV3eK)J2c:b J, LlaJ^arlf felt at Dr Hay man's appointment as Dr Temple's sue- Stanley has been selecte 1 by what we may call the pre- the execu ve powers.. ■. • a full copy, with translation, of an ancient Welsh M?/ ,reiM^%««iWJ(!l ^PlhFTlWfttnr S"staTeuieuu tm coch, Ponterwyd, Tregaron. In the Carmarthen district, cessor at Rugby. The school has been in hot water ever I committee, and sanctioned by Vice^tJhancellor a d"r^ent* oobody on regrot the dis- JjrZt h.• anUgo^.l with rZ «btenll!e LegisUtnrB as wen. Mr Latnam, li^s opening course turned into Eugenia." Another translation oLl—1 of -f rrTl" ■ 'M?' I "I'lfhllKnn T T /YTT A I JMOBWe9 °f ert^ox are t(> be gath«-ed from Speech, said that the tews of the nation oughJLltf Jj&aAft rtfrirnfri ri AapllWIlMiro-'rWWHrf^^ NffSBB'afflafebdirtPW*111 F- tW J,Wr»W»: BB§ &tB wft amSgrt|I»pKeal|iii9a Cn Sf kiagdom, ana there is too much reason to shaped as to secure for labour a more ample AXefcor lhj&ginl% Millffh IfKll^ | \M2j \jfMf iJU Sunley may be forbidden to pr-ach at •share in the profits of industry. He believed tn Jworgit^, JB^L^ ri*^L iu^^wand aJLoUK3L«flS Ed^TW, aXe^e*wel**iSv'IWilW1lHm.4w Iffl !5»!Ln ti, |S!1T« bold «.f "Plshmiard and service the sergeant, by request of t^Jreacner, met him in Oxford because, as the Times put it, his opinio is do not 'epLe^ntatiVeS Tould,be. favo«r «f S^SSiT^ame Owen, or a word having an affinity to I ,Edward P^ice'. secondhusband of the heiress Newport> Ia the Haverfordwest district there are three th.e8tud-v- Mr Spurgeon there presented jhe^ergeant_ agree with M^wirgon^ If s^y^willWno reason pSll K Roda^h|^>f Bfrmingh'am^Kadthe old Welsh gwy,w^y= water ? MANST AnrHTER <11SE *T A CHALDEANACC0UNT OP THE "l iH''ESlw^Sthe? papers and a spirited discussion followed, after which re- a3 f^i^a :<0wen, in Irish gpographioal names, without <1oubt MANSLAUGHT E It(3 A S AT DELUGE. his work 4n London was more than he could accomplish, they fail in that object or not, they will succeed in throw- solutions were passed 10 favour of labour representation, means river- It is more correctly written CHran,' the Irish Ii It A N D Y IVyi^L M y ■ — /i^w before Chrisft of a document and pleasantly remarked, with regard to this invitation to ing their small figures into conspicuous contrast with that and censuring the House of Commons for refusing to ra- pronunciation of amhann." The Welsh surname is of different At Welshnool. on Wednesda^Declwber 4tlMUbr^7Yl)f^tvK>f"<V>*4 Mr George Smith, of the British visit the New World, that while Alexander sighed for two of the man whose reputation will o ly shine the brighter lieve candidates from the vexatous expenses which pre- origin. It would certainly corrupt from Eugenius. Camden mhoma8 BoF Esq. JonathiflP^cfRfcrds. farieF n £ yVI*i4bpuJiifc.V^Mlliter than the seventeenth cen- worlds to conquer, he (Mr Spurgeon) had quite enough on for their attacks.-03^«/-y Advertizer. rented the return of working men. It was also resolved to Fmuce? ^r°ught^up causing^ a^^rount^f^a^^at FUr^d^'must I ^Vkarearr^y a^fct some of the*J M ♦ will be tat en as another proof the L^Mf!^hiheir National fach^l^^Bs i^ie Central Criminal Court celebrated Conservative ttfture pec. 9th, n following, m^st oi the dawn, ^ake^Ishtar a self "Mrs Parkes7' who managed to steal a little boy, last'perSonwho saw him-b^onging to «s owPf^ily was jnent tffStrwnsce nme. chancel of Llanidloes [Church."—REMAH. ■_ ta the Mardy, witl^lie help of a stidh^ He regained *eraiuttere<l the grjat «»(3desa her speech, 'Jk world to din about six «* eight weeks old, from his mother. She had his brother. The culprit went to bed at nine o"cio$k on ■ people should be represented and expressed in the House rhnin^i iR a now for ih« „a JS9 ^Z^Sh^tnraatL. «g l|-fk f-jw T" Wlfl' witil 8everal other womea and their children to Sunday night, and slept soundly for several hours, and • of Cosamons. On most other points the new member for laere IS a liible chained ma Pe^, tor the !Ttl!affii ■ JLj. J.jF' m "fhen thppiAr^ipjBjPKiy»«t^^J'iady.7' who said she was in want.of a wet when he awoke, which was abiut half-past six o'ct>ck on Cox&wiH find himself in sympathy with the Independent the poor, m rvaschurch Church, Shropshire. The orgai^JfcKj^ClwL W*Pwiii%iWW rl(^wliSn^;™'to e^l^ <ieWteyiffl i^^ieopIFarkes, on her arrival at the place agreed Monday morning, after he had dressed himself, tie was Liberals, and Ave believe will worthily occupy Mr Maguire's the same church was the gift of Queen Anne.—PLL. w /I *~9nfhl v i thus, 1-have begetten' man and'let him not like tie sons upon, enquired the sex of the children, and at once dis- visited bj_the ordinary-, who remained with him place. The Ballot is no longer on its trial; but it is JOHNS BYTHELL, MONTGOMERY (Q.A. Wm gav« substantially the s<«^ «f «-he *&»* 611 thej^j|j« god—^rning the spirits, missedj^ the womeiy^^e, whose child was a boy. B the K moment. Sheriff Perkins, accomnanied bv Vo^|tfee reports o^the^cmg Joly^i, Mn«vi?' |9f if "tX"houljTH U^ntSton tnd )ot ^KartJto^lSSSd T^werl ^ed^l o t?ja | ere. ileard 8faip t e m<^u^in -of Nizir to its practical usefulness. The nak^d condition which he had previously gazed at intently for a minute or chived Mr t^J^owe^f lUDfUCTION OF A VICA.R (O. A. Oct. 9, -3, deceased of our trees during the winter monfhs is by no means two, and he submitted to the operation cf beirik" prepared Liverpool. 1«72) —The Rev. Howell Evans was inducted to the living Ju9t^ore °?nrll%>hrlmrlllff ^WiV » attractive,-and it is therefore, a benevolent idea of a par- for the fatal moment without exhibiting the least emotion An important meeting was held, the other day, in f na. u cVurclv St. Oswald's, Oswestry, on Mar. 3, but^j^patelyyyyey fTW ^lSrr": of NiWrH,^ JLSKi 6 jEr ta; n ticularly benevolent Connecticut person, to prevent the or th<S slightest exhibition of fear. He was left standing Jersey, to appoint an organist to the parish church of St -1070 Kv the Ven Archdeacon Ffoulkes. The do »r at the to«fc*» pewfc fH^feOTng^p "N"i7;r tho 0(lrail A e nttn and Sixth, themoiintmn of falling of leaves by the artificial warming of the trees, all alone for at least a minute while Calcraft was engaged H^rt^hoee.w^ has Wtfeerto^been^paid^ont ofjhe locked a^rth^^ delcigdT ^h^ere •'pleaded auiltv. xirs-insr in defence that he was igno Coelcen' must be the word. Coelcerth, as ULMm^nct!^ | lees, and gorrfltlll5ai(».EAit^fe) £ >diISEiP /^« ^6 T m* Cfc claimant's solicitor on Saturdav afr.nm^r, T „.i.. t, composer, son of Mr H. wnt of the law. His lordship ordered the reverend geo shire, is a proper term for any large £ whe^jriTg* jfffc^ii^fjyiBlall^Ya^Ppefg^C^ rfei U IJl U LI UlX UAwlA «|ughty was considered by her medical attendants to be 1819, and Sintend^ for th^ ^T^611'7 aS bwn in tleman to -enter into his own recognisances te<comeup or heather on the hills, or bonfires lit up at rejf^jg, jrt|, tn»fL'A. WoAlft'R*^f^<p&g'!lTii"'ir^ Do not infer that an individual i» going to spin a yarn sinking from exhaustion, and that her deposition would be Dlaced with a surgeon at rWma-flr 1 t Profj 9S1°1n> was motive in what he had done. •ecluded district at the head at or reti^from the affected par t, promotes health^J^>«t her intellectual faculties were remarkably "Cambrian* wTr-SoBg, th^^ambna^ foot of Scafell, andki completely sM^^Bipa the outer bread ahff^JSsel, relief, and consequently took a, quanUty oL Mgodtrog me Ev<a#ffil|indol^Dtul £ eis, Jbidt^ve rtfrJi clear" Tt,e Hon. C. Button was the magistrate who at "The Harp of Wales," are destined to sha.^Vti!' world by the Cumberland hills. The pariah consists of Cwrw ^.Pla^yma. Mm.' trefcte A^|%TOuTgCT^ iAroyj^Mrlf^lt tended, and Dr Butler, of Winchester. »nd Dr Tegart of larity of hissong "God Bless the PrinceofwV." S°PU" seven houses raly, and the benefice is worth about £ 84 Aay good thing'that wUl make us merry. temperalyyd^^s^n^y^ W Jb J »the^^Tawftil^fr.V i/ondon, Mr Bowker, solicitor to the Tichborne family, the of his orchestral works have been frequently nkw^n ') humble cbe. On Fri laity f t ton to bi Bishop 0 out as mi that port BIshop P amongst BÚ!hop of Wednesd rn t the 0 North. W ptern passeng-er station &t Wigan. The A. Horne, Baptist .minister, of Bolton-road, Athe was crossing the line, when he was canght by a.passl engine, and he was dragged a. distance 01 twenty ya before the engim.. could be stopped. It w.Q8 found that' he had sustained llevere injuries. One of his feet had Ibeen cut oure(i, dON-vdefence, and was ,,h upon his He wasi aftc-r tiffsam. -wtry. decoiratic i tly aft,r his arri 17" ,W 'th S. wa ure with the se ns m; WIO'foin.4 a. 1. iq povy iii gf UD. ,Ather'llon.1 .r. ..1.- I.I .I. .1 .I-.I.. -I .I-