THE COTTAGE HOMES OF ENGLAND. The Pall Mall Gazette, to which we should scarcely look for any exceptional sympatkv with the Agricultural Labourer, contains an apprecia- tive review of a pamphlet of Sir BALDWYN LEIGHTON'S, which was noticed some time ago iu these columns. The subject, "The Farm I Labourer in 1872," is one that needs to be kept continually before the public mind, if we are not to forget that, surrounding us on every side, is a great mass of degraded humanity with im- perative claims upon our pity and assistance. A speaker at a recent agricultural gathering in Shropshire made it a matter for complacent re- joicing that the" professional agitator" had passed tho county by. A less pharisaic observer might perhaps find more room tor regret m the fact, as far as it is a fact, for we cannot forget that the social revolution which is slowly working itself out in other parts of England commenced on the borders, and has left its marks in various parts, of Shropshire. Certainly Mr ARCII has not passed the county by because it is particularly happy in the condition of its labouring popula- tion. We suppose there are few English counties where the cottages are more unfit for human habitation than those of some parts of Shrop- shire, and, unless we may take it for granted that eight persons ought to live comfortably on a weekly wage which would hardly buy half-a-ton of coal, the blindest farmer cannot lay the flatter- ing unction to his soul, that Arcadia lies on the borders of Wales. May it not he that Shropshire is not worthy of the professional agitator," who, as far as our observation goes, only helps those who help themselves, and ask for his assistance ? We regret to see that creation of the bucolic mind dragged into the Pall Mall review. It is probable that there are designing men who are trading upon the labourers' movement, just as there are sham missionaries, charity impostors, and demagogues, Tory and Radical, who live by political agitation. Every movement brings forth a crop of rogues, but the professional agitator," who is raised at agricultural gatherings and shied at by successive speakers, manages to elude the pursuit of all impartial observers. We need not transcribe the remarks of our contemporary's, because they have already appeared, in substance, in our own columns, but it, is satisfactory to find a journal like the Pall Mall Gazette, of high standing, and certainly not prejudiced on the side of Labour, declaring that the following sentence is the pith and marrow of the whole ques- tion" :—" The dumb instinct, not yet formulated or expressed (but behind which, maybe, lurks some law of God Himself) the natural craving that is moving the labourers, when traced to its cause, will be found to be this want of hope and prospect; want of opportunities of rising, or means of laying by for old age." We are glad that a point made by Sir BAT,DWTN LEIGIITON, we believe, at the commencement of the present discussion, has been emphasized by the Pall Mall Gazette; for this way of looking at the question raises it altogether above the ordinary level of those who, after a sump- tuous dinner, talk glibly about the .con- dition of men whoso staple diet may almost be said to consist of coarse bread and potato broth. It is the recognition of the labourer as a fellow human being, with as much right to enjoy life, in his way, as the baronet has in his, and of the fact that at present ^enjoyment is al- most banished from adult life in country cottages because of the dismal outlook of that life, which chiefly gives Sir BALDWYN'S contributions to the discussion their high value. Acting on this prin- ciple, he advocates cow-land, and small holdings for those labourers who can win them, and co- operative experiments, in one of which he is taking part on the borders of Herefordshire. He recog- nizes, too, the need for patient continuance in well-doing." Don't suppose that you can go down into a pauperized district, where a total disregard of the real welfare of the people has been aggravated by a fatuous administration of the Poor-law, and with this or any other plan in your pocket set all right in a day or in a year. Near a century of mismanagement on one side and degradation on the other has left a crop of weeds in the shape of prejudice and pauperism "which have too obstinate a hold of the ground to be easily got rid of." In too many districts the mismanagement and degradation still con- tinue, as we shall see more and more from the inspectors' reports under the new Sanitary Act. Let us hope that Aberystwyth Union is unequaled for squalor, and filth, and indecency but if the pictures of other unions should be less darkly coloured, in many cases, we may be only too sure, their broad outlines will be the same. Here is a picture of life in Christian Wales, in this en- lightened era :— C, After a long weary ride, I at length reached this place of notoriety, where I met with a dilapidated building called a dwelling-house. On entering, I found a room not more than fifteen feet square and seven feet high. In this room a mother aged fiftv, and a daughter aged twenty-five, re- side dav and night. In the same room a cow and a heifer also lodge daring the nightg, besides eight or nine fowls. The dung made by the two cattle the preceding night had not been removed from the house, and the urine therefrom was flo 'i ii,, along the mud floor of the house under the door into the yard. The door has a square opening intentionally cut in the bottom for the ingress and egress of the fowls no window or any other light or ventilation except the door of the house. Not a pleasaht picture to hang up before the eyes p C) of our readers, but necessary, perhaps, if we are to know our own time. It is, we confess, the most deplorable instance of degradation we find in the report of the Aberystwyth iaspector but that report is full of descriptions of rural life that will startle and shock respectable readers. Much of it, most perhaps, is concerned with mining villages, but there are agricultural pic- tures of a kind to make one ashamed of one's country. Of 800 houses inspected in a fortnight 600 were destitute of the accommodation neces- sary to the very first conditions of decent existence Whether agricultural or mining, this is all rural life, which some of our contemporaries still paint in rose colour. We have wandered away from Sir BALDWYN'S pamphlet, but our digression arose from the remark that the inspectors' reports would throw a flood of light into the cottage homes of England that must assist all earnest reformers in arresting public attention, which is so shy of social problems. Let us have no prudent or prudish reticence in this matter. The policy of shutting one's eyes to disagreeable truths is decidedly pleasanter, but it will never help us to remove the misery and i degradation which are so sad a satire upon the progress of the age.Oswestry Advertizer.
CEMMES. PRESENTATION TO THE REV. WM. RICHARDs.-On Tues- day evening, Feb. 4th, at the Griffin Inn, Penrhyn- deudraeth, the Rev. Wm. and Mrs Richa.ds were pre- sented on the occasion of their leaving that place for Cem- mann Rectory, with a handsome marble timepiece, and a purse, which was presented to Mrs Richards. The clock was supplied by Messrs McCoy and Co. of Liverpool, and was presented by Miss Jones, Griffin Inn, on behalf of the committee. The Rev. Mr Richards briefly ac- knowledged the gifts. Many of the persons present ex- pressed their regret at parting with Mr Richards. BRITISH SCHOOL.—On Friday, the 7th of February, Mynyddog and Mis Davies, assisted by Mr E. H. Wi'liams and the Cemmes and Llanwrin glee parties, gave a concert at the British Schoolroom, which was crowded to the door. Mrs Davies's singing and playing were well received by all, and Mynyddog, though very hoarse, carried all before him. This was their first appearance at Cemmes, but it is hoped when they are settlel down in their new residence, now in course of erection here, that we shall often have the pleasure of hearing them. Mr E. H. Williams sang with great effect, and he bai a good prospect, with his fine voice, of aUaitting gr, ater prominence in the musical world. In s )me d the pieces the Glee Parties displayed great ability. The profits of tte entertainment were for the benefit of the British School, established February, 1847, which has been one of the greatest blessings to the neighbourhood.
DINAS MAWDDWr. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—A. serious accident happened to A man named Evan Davies, a lab ,urer employed at Brynn- chaff Farm, Llanynaawddwy. It appears he had aacended a tree for the purpose of cutting off some I-ranches, when he accidentally fell, breaking his leg, dislocating his jaw, and otherwise seriously injuring and bruising his body. Drs. Griffiths and Maslen were in prompt attendance, and used the utmost skill, but it is feared that the injuries will prove fatal. It is rumoured that tbe poor fellow is dead, but we ctnnot say whether the rumour is tru". FATAL SCCIDENT.-On Monday, February 2nd, a man, named John Lewis, a native of Festiuiog, met with an accident which proved fatal. He was employed at a quarry called Hendreddu Slate and Slab Quarry, and whilst he was in the act of loosening a mass of rock it euddenlv came down with a crash a Lrge piece of rock fell upon his foot, mutilating the limb fearfully. Medical aid was | in prompt attendance, and it was found that amputation ws necessary. the following doctors attended it- Griffiths and Maslen, Cemmes, Lloyd aad Hughes, of Macynllet'i, and Jones, of Cwrris. The poor fellow, being rather old, seemed greatly exhausted, but he lingered until Thursday, the 6ch, when he succumb-'d to the shock of the operation. An inquest was held before G. J. Williams, Esq coroner for the district, with Mr J. Thomas, Aberangell, as foreman, and a verdict of Death from effects of injuries received" was unanimously agreed to. The body was interred at Mallwyd, on Saturday last, where a number of workmen, &c., from the sur- round-ing quarries followed the body.
CAERSWS. EXCISl CASKS. — At the petty sessions, before J. P. Davies, ^s^| and Captain Crewe Read, Thomas Lloyd, innkeeper, Hwb-street, Leominster, and Thomas Bradley, beerhouse-keeper, of Caersws, were summoned by Mr J. Wadded, Supervisor of Inlamd Revenue, for selling beer wholesale from the station warehouse nt Caersws without a licence. The case was proved by P.O. Pearson, aid the defendants were fined JS12 10s. each.
LLANIDLOES. ENTERTAINMENT AT THE WORKING MBN'S INSTITUTE.— An entertainment was given at the Public Rooms on Mon- dav, Feb. 3rd, in connection with this institution. There was a uood attendance. The following took part in the proceedings :—The Misses Ashton, Miss Williams, Mi<s Bailey, Miss Marshall and Miss Moss Messrs Coates, E. Roberts, Salter, B. Roberts, Wpbb, Ikiu and Swancott.
TREGYNON. PKNNY "RKADIXG.I.—One of these entertainments was ,;i n on Wednesday, February 5th, when there was a fair ve attendance, and all passed off satisfactorily.
NEWTOWN. MAP.KF.T. — At the monthly market for butter, and cheese, and bacon, the supply was small. Butter in tubs realized from It. Id. to 1,. li 1. per lb. hams, from 9J. to fId. No bacon or cheese was offered. MINISTERIAL RESIGNATION.—The Rev. J. P. Jones, minister of the English Congregational Church of this town, informed the members at the close of last Sunday overling's service, that it is his intention to resign the pas- torate of this Church at the close of his third year's ministry here, in April next. ?>ITSSION SERVICES.—Mission sermons were preached i:: the Primitive Methodist Chipel, on Sunday Februarv 9ch, by the Rev. T. Pric-, of Abergavenny; snd on the follow- in evening a missionary meeting was held in the same place of worship, when addresses were delivered by Mr Price, and Mr Harrison, the minister in charge. SCHOOL BOARD. -Monday, Feb. 10th, present The Rev. T. J. Wheldtn, who presided, the Rev. T. W. Thomason, Mr R. Williams, Mr J. H. Blytbe, and Mr J. C. Davies. The correspondence in reference to, and the valuation of the plot of land for a school site situated in Xew Church-street, were laid before the Boards, also the p'ans and specifications for a class room, Llanllwchaiarn Board School, together with Certain proposed alterations in the arrangement of the offices, ko. In consequence of the small attendance, the Board adjourned. WESLEYAN MISSIONARY MEETING.—A meeting in sup- port of the Wesleyan Foreign Missions was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Newtown. The Hon. C. H. Tracey, M.P.. was announced to preside, hut was unable to attend on account'of the indisposition of Mrs Tracy. He enclosed a cheque for two guineas. The chair was taken by Mr Richard Morgan. The ltev. J. Watkiss Jones read the report, after which the Rev. John Jones, a returned mis- sionary from India, addressed the meeting. The Rev. Alexander MacAulay, the deputation, also spoke in a very interesting m tuner. After a collection had been made, the Rev. T. W. Thomson proposed a vote of thanks to the Rev. A. MacAulay, which was seconded by Mr R. Lloyd, jnn., and heartily accorded. During the evening the WesWan choir ably sang several aDthem. The votes of thanks to the Chairman and the singers having been passed, the meeting terminated. EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS.—On looking over the list of can- didates who passed successfully the Christmas examina tion for Queen's scholarships, we are pleased to tiud that out of the 880, the name of Mr William Arthur Savage, who has just completed his pupil-teachership in the New- town British school, stands sixth, also, in the list of matri- culations at the London University at Christmas last, is found in the tirst-c'ass the name of Mr John Lewis, a former pupil-teacher in the same schouL This school was one of five British schools in the Principality named by Mr Williams, H.M.'s Inspector of schools, in his general report, 1370-1, wht-re the pupil-teachers have for year been well trained. These successes show that the school has n t decline 1 in efficiency since the above remarks were made. Mr Savage has entered upon a tvo-years course of study at Bangor Training College. LOCAF, BOARD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH.—Present: Dr E. Hall (Chairman), Messrs Evan Morgan, James Wilcox, Thomas Rowlands, Pryce Jones, Evan Powell, Cornelius Morgan, and John Hall; Mr W. Cooke, Clerk, Mr Rees Griffiths, Inspector. Footpath Alteration.—Mr Wilcox, on behalf of the com- mittee appointed to report upon the alteration of the foot- path opposite Mr Philip Jones's new building in Shoot Rridge-street, reported that the committee met on January 18th, and decided to defer reporting upon the subject till Mr Edward Jones had prepared a section showing what wai proposed to be done.— Mr Pryce Jones proposed, and Mr Rowlands seconded that the alteration to the pathway be left in the hands of the Streets Committee to be carried oil- to their satisfaction.—Agreed to. The Labour Account.—Mr C. Morgan reported that the committee appointed to report upon the labour account had not yet been able to give consideration to the question.- Referred back to committee. The Question of Appointing a Solicitor to the Board.— The Chairman observed that this would be an important step for half a dozen members of the Board to take, and suggested that, in deference to other members not present, the subject should be allowed to stand over for a time.- Mr Rowlands considered that if the other members took an interest in the question they would attend. — Mr Wilcox pointed out that Mr Goodwin, Mr Lloyd, and Mr Edward Jones were from home.—Mr Pryce Jones fully concurred with the remarks of the chairman. It was only right that they should have the views and feelings of the members of the Board on the subject. In the absence of so many, he, himself, would not like to vote on the subject.—Mr Evan Powell, as mover, was quite willing that the subject should be deferred.—The Chairman said it was a responsibility which all the members should take part in.-At the re- quest of Mr Powell, the Clerk detailed information he had received from half-a-dozen different Local Boards in Eng- land respecting the employment of a solicitor by them.— Mr Powell said it would be the same as the appointmeut of a solicitor by the Road Trustees; it w-is very seldom there was any business for him to do, but he would do whatever business the Board required a solicitor to do.— Mr Wilcox said his idea was that the Board should have a recognized solicitor, and not pay him a salary. —Mr C. Morgan said he should like to know the advantages of having a solicitor appointed by the Board. It appeared to him from the letters read by Mr Cooke there was not the slightest ad. vantage. If they bound themselves to one man they ex- cluded themselves from consulting another man and as some men were noted in Chancery suits and others in com- mon law proceedings, the Board ought to be guided entirely, as to whom they appointed, by the nature of the subject in hand. Therefore he should like to know the ad. vantages of nailing themselves thick and fast to one man. —After further discussion, Mr Powell moved and Mr Pryce Jones seconded that the question be adjourned till the next Board meeting, in the hope of getting a full Board.—Mr Wilcox did not like shuffling out of the matter in this way each member ha 1 had the opportunity of considering it, and he concluded that those who were not present did not take much interest in the subject; if they did he thought they would have been present. It did not seem to him to be a very important matter, as the moti"n was simply to have a recognized solicitor. He moved, as an amendment, that the Board do now appoint a solicitor.—Mr Evan Morgan seconded the amendment.— The voting was equally divided, and the Chairman gave his casting vote for the original motion, and the question was, therefore, adjourned till the next meeting. Danger at the Green Brook.—Mr Evan Morgan drew the attention of the Board to a dangerous part of the Green Broek, observing that if a child or even a dog slipped there the probability was that neither would be found again t il they got to Mr Lloyd's tanyard.—Mr Wilcox thought there were many other places equally as dangerous as the one in question.—Air C. Morgan said that a flood gate was wanted there. -Referred to the Green Brook Committee. The Footpath in Commercial-street.—Mr Wilcox With regard to the footpath in Commercial-street the committee, Messrs Powell, Goodwin, Edward Jones, and myself, me on January 18th, and the conclusion we came to at that meeting was as follows: -That we do not think this can be interfered with except by arrangement with the trustees of Mr Pugh's property, as it is questionable whether the ditch can be removed without their consent. We think it desirable that the Clerk should communicate with Mr Hill. thp agent of the property, as to this.-The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Hill. Of Importance to the Public.-A conversation having taken place rt-lative to certain alleged infringements of public rights, Messrs Richard Lloyd, E. Powell, Edward Jones, and Mr E. Rowlands were appointed a committee to search the parish wards of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn with the view of ascertaining whether such infringements had taken place. The Roads to the Canal.—Mr Powell reported that the committee went to examine those roads and found them in such a state that they could not advise the Board to take to hIm. < 7he Inspector's Report.—Mr Griffiths reported satisfac foriiv np >n nis visits,to yards, closets, slaughter-houses, and lodging-houses. A new night barrel or box-cart was j required, and a new water cart was also wanted.—The wants were referred to the committee. An Unpardonable Trespass. -Mr Povirrtt complained that there had been an unpardonable trespass on the New- ro id, which might cause serious accidents. Where new houses were being built on the New-read, earth had been tipped on to the road, forming heaps. lie had been nearly tipped over by one of those heaps. He supposed it was the surveyor's duty to look after such things.—The Sur- veyor said that the heaps being out of the district he was not aware it was necessary to have hoardings up. He h.d had all the heaps removed, and was much obliged to Mr Powell for having drawn his attention to them. Rubbish in the Riter.-The Chairman said hQ lid not know whether it was the duty of the Board to preserve the bed of the river from btung choked with rubbish. There was a great deal of rubbish thrown down, and he thought it was very wrong on their part, as a Board, to allow it. (Hear, h(-ar.)-I,lr Wilcox sail he had had complaints made to him about that, and he had made enquiries as to whose duty it was to interfere. He had been told it was not the Board's diit3, but it was a subject with which the county surveyor, Mr Swetenham, could deal, -Ir Griffiths said that about a fortnight ago, he saw a person throwing ntbbish down against the river, and he told Mr Swet-nham the person's name. Mr Swetenham said he would see about it.-Sir C. Morgan was of opinion that neither Mr Swetenham nor the Board had anything to do with the bed of the river.—The subject then dropped. Bills.—A few bins were examined and passed, and the meeting terminated.
WELSHPOOL. CORPORATION AT CHURCH.—On Sunday morning last the Mayor (D. P. Owen, Esq.), w,th the members of the Council, mace-bearers, police, and friends, attended Divine service at St. Mary's church, when a very excellent sermon was preached by the Rev. J. J. Turner. SUDDEN DEATH.—Mr R. D. Harrison, coroner, and a jury held an inquest at The Raven Inn on Friday, Jan. 7ch, on the body of John Rowney, aged seventy, a nailor, who was found dead on the previous morning. Verdic Found dead." UNDER-SHHRIFF.—Captain Mytton, of Garth, the High. sheriff elect for this county, has appointed Mr George D. Harrison, of the firm of Messrs Harrison and Son to be under-sheriff. FAI it.riie fair on Monday, Jan. 10th, presented a bet- ter prospect of the success of the fortnightly fairs than any since their adoption. In every clacs the stock was greater, and buyers were plentiful. Beef was from S to 9.1. per lb, mutton, 10d. to lid. pork, 6d. to 6hd. and veal ru. WESLEYAN IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. -On Tuesday even- ing, Feb. 4Gh, an address was delivered by the Rev. Chas. Garrett, of Liverpool, on "Temperance," in the Town Hall. The chair was taken at half-past seven o'clock by Mr Samuel Powell, J.P., who on introducing the lecturer alluded in very appropriate language to the efforts put forth by the Wesleyans to rescue young men from the vice of drunken- ness Afterwards the Rev. C. Garrett delivered his address, which was highly interesting, and which called forth re- pented applause from a hre company. At the close a vote of thanks was accorded to the lecturer, and also to the Chairman. INFANT SCHOOL PEADIN(IS.-On Tuesday evening. Feb. 4th, another of these readings took place under the presi- dency of Mr John Jones, Depository. The company was, as on previous occasions, very large. The management of the musical department has all along devolved upon Miss Fisher, Miss Gruer, and Miss Mytton, and it is to these ladies and the choir that the success of these entertainments is attributable. The juveniles, Miss Kempster, and Masters Evans and Black played a conspicuous part in this evening's performance. Messrs Rowley and Tyer amused the com- pany with some good songs. The readings devolved upon the Chairman, Messrs Tyer, Fisher, Roberts, and Sandy- wft], who did their best to render th.dr parts attactive. The National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. PETTY SESSIONS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY llTH.-Before the Mayor, (D. P. Owen, Esq.), and ex-Mayor (T. Mor- ris, Esq.) A"ault,David Richards, junior, Robert Jone, and John Summerfield, all of Guilsfield, were summoned for assaulting James Davies. on the 27th January. Summer- field appeared and admitted the offence. He was fined 17s. including costs. The others appearing to have been the principal offenders, were finerI 22s. each including costs.—Tho.aua Owen and Joseph Roberts, lads of about fourteen years of age, who have been several times before the Bench, were summoned for assaulting Ann Pugh, of the parish of Castle C'aereinion, and also for molesting her in her own dwelling-house on the 6"h February. The case not bein" a very flagrant one defendants were fined 5s. each, and discharged. —George Rowlands, and John Rowlands, were charged by David Turner and his wife, with assaulting and interfering with Mrs Turner in her own house, on the 8th February, contrary to the by-ltws. The evidence was not very conclu-ive, so the Bench having warned the defendants as to their future conduct, discharged them. Drunkenness— David Richards, of Guilsfield, an old of- fender, was summoned by P.C. Rogers for being drunk on the 28th January. The case was proved, and defendant was tined 10s., including cogts.-Wiliiatn Simister, of Welshpool, was summoned by P.C. Owen Lewis for being drunk and riotous on the highway, on Monday, February 3rd. Fined 5s. and costs.—John Allen was summoned for being drunk on the highway, on Wednesday, February 5th. Defendant, who admitted the offence, was fined 5s. and costs.—Elizabeth Mary Wilson was summoned by P.C. Ellis for being drunk on the highway. Defendant did not appear, and a warrant was issued tor her apprehension.
GUILSFIELD. THE MTTTON REJOICINGS.—We are requested to correct an error in our report of these rejoicings. The horses for the team which drew the ox and sheep were kindly sup- plied, it seems, by Mr Edward Lewis.
MEIFOD. DISTRIBUTION OF COAL.-On Saturday week, Feb. 1st, Mr L. B. Williams, of Dyffryn Hall, contributed to the comfort of many a poor household by generously dis- tributing four tons of coal among the needy in this village.
GRAND CONCERT. On Wednesday, February 5th, a grand amateur concert, in aid of the funds for restoring the parish church, was given in the schoolroom. The programme was as follows -Pianoforte duet, Caliph ef Bagdad," Miss Hayhurst and Miss Mary Hayhurst; glee, Come, bounteous May," The Newtown Glee and Madrigal Union; song, The Sailor's Story," Miss Fort; song, Love hail'd Little Maid," Miss Mary Williams Wynn conaic song, Bother the Flies," Mr R. H. Sturkey; part song, "The way to build a boat," the Newtown Glee and Madrigal Union song, "The Angel's Whisper," Miss Williams; song, Looking back," Miss Pugh comic song, Robinson Cru&oe," Mr G. D. Harrison; duet, "Hark! the Goat Bells," Lady Annora Williams Wynn and Miss Williams Wynn; pianoforte duet, Miss Hayhurst and Miss Mary Hayhurst; son?, "The Red Croas," Miss Fort; glee, "Queen of the Valley," the Newtown Glee and Madrigal Union; song, "Cavatina," Miss Pugh; aong, "The Timid, Nervous Man," Mr G. D. Harrison; "Mother bids me bind mv hair," Miss Williams; part song." Lat- zow's Wild Hunt," the Newtown Glee and Madrigal Union; song, "The Storm," Miss Mary Williams Wynn song, Higher up." Mr R. H. Sturkey; pianoforte duet, Faust," the Misses Pugh God save the Queen." The singing, &c., was a decided success. The duet by Lady Annora and Miss Williams Wynn was well suntr, and richly deserved the encore, to which they kindly responded. Miss Fort sang very sweetly and tastefully "The Red Crosp," and received an encore. Miss Williams Wynn sang very correctly and powerfully, "The Storm," and was highly applauded. The songs by Miss Williams and Miss Pugh were very nicely sung. The playing of Mis3 and Miss Mary Hayhurst were extremely brilliant. The Newtown Glee and Madrigal Union sustained their part in their usual effective style, and were iapturously encored, while the singing of Mr G. D. Harrison quite took the house by storm, and was vociferously re-demanded. Mr R. H. Sturkey sang in his usual humorous manner. The singing of the" N atiunal Anthem" brought the pleasant evening to a close. Before separating Air C. W. W. Wynn, M. P., on behalf of the parishioners, in a telling speech, thanked the performers. The arrangements were under the care of the Rev. E. M. ,:ones, Mr R. H. Stur- key, and Mr T. Radmore and we happy to state that everything passed off very agreeably. The proceeds amount to over £15. Among those present we noticed the following:—Mr C. W. W. Wynu, M.P., the Misses Wynn, and Miss Mallandine, Coed-y-main, Mr, M's, and Miss A. Hayhurst, Ystyrccolwyn, Mr G. and Miss Trevor, Penylan, the Rev. Canon. Mrs, and Miss Wynne Edwards, and Miss Tibbet, The Vicarage, the Rev. J. and Miss Rowlands, Bivlchycibin, Mr B. Jones and Mrs Jones, Bronygarth, Mr and Mrs Richards and Miss Jones, Matherafyl, Mr and Miss Lloyd, Miss Tudor,Ceunant, Mrs and Master Rudge, The l'entre, Mr George, Tanyfwri, Miss Theodore, Mrs Radmore, Miss Richards, Lower Hall, Mrs Griffiths, Mr E. Deeds, Welshpool, the ReF. E. Griffiths, &c.-The thanks of the parishioners are due to the landowners and other friends who have subscribed so hand- somely to the rest oration fund, &c. The restoration hds been very satisfactorily carried out by Mr B. Terry, architect, London, and by the contractors, Messrs Thomas, Garland, Eaton, and Pickstock. The tower has been resti,red at the sole expense of the Misses Hawker, of Reading, to the memory of their mother, who was a daughter of the late George and Elizabeth Downes, of Main, in this parish.
LLANFAIR CAEREINION. FAIRS.—The first of the monthly fairs were held here on Thursday and Friday, the 6th and 7th February. The pig fair, which was on Thursday, was moderately attended, prices not so high as usual, excepting cart pigs which were much in advance. At the cattle fair, which was a large one, there was a good attendance of buyers and dealers and very good prices were given for barrens and bullocks. Only few horses exhibited. It was scarcely expected that this fair would have been so large, only three weeks having passed since the last was held, but we are glad to state that it proved a decided success, considering the pre- judice which several entertain against t liem, and tticre is every reason for thinking that the alteration was a step in the right direction, and as they become better known, we have no doubt the attendance of dealers and farmers will increase. SCHOOL BOARD.—At the meeting on Friday, February 7th, present: Mr J. Jehu (Chairman), the Rev. E. Jones Vicar, and Mr F. B. Jones.—It was resolved that the Clerk be authorized to order books, &c., as per list, for selling to the children in the Board school, from the depor., Borough-road.—It was also resolved that the Board meet in future on Saturday, after the first Friday in each month. After some correspondence had been read, and other un- important business gone through, the meeting was brought to a close. Soup KITCHEN.—We unintentionally omitted to men- tion in last week's report that in addition to the coal dis- tributed to the poor of this parish, the sum of JE12 was voted by the committee to the soup kitchen, which has been open for several weeks at the 's Foxes Hotel, under the sup Tintendence of the following ladies :-Nfri; Hughes, Foxes Hotel, Mrs Jones, Vicarage, Mrs and Miss Jones, High-street, Mrs Davies, Market place, Mrs Jehu, Dolgoch, Mrs Jones, Tanhonse, Mrs Jones, Pentre, and Mrs Thomas, Bodeinion. It proves to be a great boon to the poor families, who are provided weekly with a good supply, in quantity as well as quality, according to the numbei and destitution of each family, bread being also given with the soup. Special praise is due to the vfry kind and generous landlady of the hotel, who has this year again undertaken the great labour and responsibility of providing and getting up this charitable institution in so successful a manner.
PONT-ROBERT. SEARONABLS BENEVOLENCS.—On Wednesday, Feb. 5th, Miss Davies, of Penmaen-Dovey, Machynlleth, with her usual generosity, sent between three and four tons of coal to bs distributed among the poor of this neighbourhood. Mr John Gough kindly and readily gave the carriage gratis; and, assisted by Mr David Howells, divided the coal among the poor in portions varying from one cwt. to two and a half cwts., according as there was need.
COEDWAY. PRESENTATION To P.O. 13RFESH -On Thursday evening, February (iUi, a testimonial was presented to P.C. Breese, of Llandysilio, in the sh tpe of a purw containing E5 5s. by the inhabitants of the township of Bausley, for his ener- getic services during the prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease in their township, and for the conscientious dis- charge of his duties at all times. There were present: Mr Williams, Bausley, Mr Vaughan, Crewe-Green, Mr Davies, Pecknal, Mr Derwas, Bausley, Mr Brown, Gwernnavey, Mr Bufton, Brook House, Mr Brown, Coed way, Mr Wynne, Coed way, Mr Humphreys, Calcott Hall, Mr Davies, Gweruowddwv, Mr Roberts, Pinfold, Mr Turner, Llan. driuio, Mr Ttiomas, inland revenue officer, &c. Mr Williams, of Busley, was voce 1 to the chair, and in pre- senting the purse, said their township was only a small one, but there was not one person whom thy called upon but felt a pleasure in giving, and hoped P.C. Breese might live long amongst them. P.C. Breese thanked them for their kindness in presenting him with such a testimonial, and tvery one who subscribed towards it. Nothing gave him greater pleasure than to know that he gave them satisfaction. Each person present. expressed their bejt wishes towards P.C. Breese, and the proceedings then ended.
LLANRHAIADR. CHURCH CHOIR TRRAT.-Orl Tuesday, February 4th, the members of the church choir, thirty in lumber, were entertained by the Rev. \V. Williams and Mrs Williams. at an excellent supper. Dr Williams, Llanfyllin, and Mr Wvnn Williams were also present, and added materially to tLe harmc-ny of the feast. After supper, the was pleasantly spent in singing anthems and songs. Mr Jones, National School, in a neat spetch proposed the healths of the Vicar and Mrs Williams and returned the thanks of the singers for the enjoyable treat which they had re ceived that evening. The Vic*r, in replying, congratulated them upon the marked improvement which he perceived in the singing he also impressed upon them the duty of responding more heartily in the services.
LLANFYLLIN. COUNTY PE TTY SESSIONS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH. Before C. W. W. Wynn, Esq., and Thomas Gill, Enq. Ass(yptlt.-Sarah Junes charged Margaret Hayes, both from Llangynog, with assaulting her by striking her with her fist in her mouth, and threatening to throw a stone at her, on the 24th January last, in consequence of some quarrel amongst the children of the parties, who werd neighbours.—Ntary Jones corroborated the evidence, and defendant was fim d 5s., and 9j. 6d. costs. Breach of the Pectce.-Evan Evans charged John Roberts with this offence.—Case admitted, and defendant ordered to pay 10s. fid. costs, and to be bound over to keep the peace in the sum ofc5. Assault. -Thomts Lewis wis charged by Edward Pughe with assaulting him on the 8th January last.—Mr Oliver Vaug-han Pugh- appeared for the complainant. The defen- dant did not appear, and P.C. Edward JdniS proved ser- vice of summons. -The Complainant, a cattle dealer at Winllan Llansaintffraid, said Between five and six o'clock on the evening of the 8th of January last, I was passing through a field belonging to the defendant, who came to can and told me there was no road there. He damned my eyes and raised his hand as if to fight me. I am now afraid that the defendant will commit a breach of the peace. I have travelled along that way about twenty-four years. —After some remarks had passed between the Bench and Mr Vaughan Pugh, the case waa adjourned to next sessions at Llan saintffraid. Assault.— Jane Jones charged Owen Roberts with this off aiiee.-Coaiplain,-ttit, the wife of Robert Jones, Pentre, Llanfechaiu, said defendant was, on the 5th of February, in our employ. He went to Oswestry fair, and came home drunk. He was like a raving madman, and rati after me to the garden. I had gone inside the garden, when he slammed the garden door in my face, which caused me to have two biack eyes.—John Pugh corroborated this evi- dence.—The Bench considered it a very cruel and aggra- vated asjault, and committed the defendant to fourteen days' imprisonment, with hard labour.—The same defen- dant was then charged with assaulting John Pugh at the same time and place. Offence admitted. Committed to fourteen days' imprisonment, with hard labour, to com- mence at the expiration of the other fourteen days. Poaching.-A charge of poaching on Sir Watkin's estate was, through Sir Watkin's kindness, settled out of court, on defendant's paying expenses.
LLANGYNOG CHARITY.—The Earl of Powys, with his accustomed liberality, has stnt 25 to the Rev. J. L. Davies. Rector of Llangynog, to be distribu'ed in coal amongst the poor of that parish, and the worthy rector himself, who is always prompt and ready to relieve the wants of the needy, has contributed E3, making a total of 28. These are timely gifts for the poor, for coal is sold at 2s. 6d. a cwt. Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. "-Communicated.
LLANDISILIO. ALARMING FIRR.-On Thursday, Fe). 6th, between nine and ten p.m., a fire broke out in the stackyard of Mr Fran- cis Evans, Cae Hen, LJandisilio, and a large stack of straw was consumed. An alarm was speedily given, and a great number of people were soon on the spot, with buckets, and rendered every as-istance. Had it not been for their ser- vices a large stack of vrheat and another of clover could not have been saved. It was near three a.m. before the fire was extinguished. Up to the present time it is not known how the fire occurred, but P.C. Breeze is making every possible inquiry.
LLANSILIN. HIGHWAY BOARD.—A meeting of the Llangollen Highway Board was held at the Court House, Llansilin. on Friday, Jan. 31st. The Surveyor's estimate for the current year was considered, and sums for the several parishes agreed upon. The Surveyor also reported upon the several roads in the district. The Clerk applied for an increase of salary, and it was unanimously agreed to raise his salary to £40 per annum.
WILCOT. PENNY READINGS.—Cn Thursday evening, Feb. 6. penny readings were given in the Independent chapel. The Rev. L. Weaver, Mr R. Parry, Miss M. Rogers, Miss Thomas, and Miss E. Thomas, gave several readings and recitations which were well received and applauded by the u udince. Mr E. Hanmer performed upon the har- monium, avid several pieces weie sung between the read- ings. The audience seemed to enjoy the meetin and to appreciate the efforts to afford them, occasionally, a whole- some entert tinmerit during the long dark winter nights.
LLANSAINTFFRAID. THE ANNUAL CONCERT.—The annual concert in con- nection with the New School was held in that convenient room on Tuesday, Feb. 4th, and a full house was the result, of the announcement that Eos Morlais, Mynvddog, and others, would contribute their quota. to the programme of high class music. Mrs Davies and Miss Tannatt con- tributed largely towards the treat enjoyed. The concert was under the able conductorship of Mynyddog. The Rev. H. James filled the chair to the satisfaction of the entire audience, and a very cordial vote of thanks was proposed to him at the close. In seconding, Mr T. G. Jones said that the thanks of the meeting were doubly due to the chairman, not only from the audience for his duties on the present occasion, but also to him from this patish generally, and many of the surrounding parishes, for the rev. chairman was also chairman of the School Committee, which had done its work so quietly, cheaply, and efficiently, for over six years. Mr Jones was certain that this parish had been saved some hundreds of pounds by the disinterested efforts of the committee which their present chairman was at the head of.
MORTON. BETHEL CHAPEL.—On Friday, Feb. 7th, an instructive and telling lecture was delivered in the chapel by the Rev. J. Titnmins on "Man and his Capabilities," The lecture was much appreciated by a large and attentive audience. Votes of thanks were accorded to the lecturer and chairman, and the meeting concluded with singing and prayer.
LLANYMYNECH. THE OLDEST INHABITANT. This individual, whose serious indisposition was reported last week, is now much better. His illness is supposed to have arisen from seeing the brilliant miettor which appeared on the evening of Monday, February 3rd, and old as he is he confesses he never witnessed such a th;ng in all his born days." It was visible abour, 945 p m. in the north cast part of the sky, and after illuminating all the heavens for a few seconds, disappeared with a report like distant thunder. The effect on his nerves was described last week, but it is gradually wearing awav and he will be able to take his part as usual at the annual hunt to-morrow. ALTERATION OF THE DATE OF THE ANNUAL HUNT.—In consequence of Sir W. W. Wynn's hounds meeting at Red- nal on Friday next, it has been thought advisable to hold the annual hunt here on Thursday (to-morrow), when no i,ubt it will be as well patronised and successful as uiu d. The dinner will take place in the evening at the Cioas Keys Hotel, under the presidency of the popular master of the hounds, Mr Lees, and of course, those gentlemen who are so much indebted to him for showing such capital sport, will rally round him on the occasion, and a very large party may confidently be expected.
HOUSEWARMING DINNER AT THE LION. A housewarming dinner took place at the Lion Hotel, on Friday, February 7th, under the presidency of Mr E." Whitfield, of Ob we-try. About fifty sat down to a repast which reflected very great credit upon Mr and Mrs Jones, the new host and hostess. Mr S. Mason occupied the vice-chair, and the remaining vice-presidents were Messrs R. Thomas, Oswestry, R. Baugh, Davies, Fords, and S. Edwardi, Dvffryd. The com >any included Messrs W. L. Asterley, The Pentre, L Baugh, Cross K>y*, E. Pryce, Livery Stables, T. Jones, Salop-road, Oswestry, John Davies, Gwernowddwy, Audrf-w Rogers, T. Rogers, David Rogers, Crickheath, J. Evans, Llandysilio, Wilde, Whittington, Kent, Berry Wood, Rednal, Pugh, builder, John Dunford, G. Gough, Oswestry, Whitfield, Trewylan, F. King, refreshment rooms, Mansfield, Llandysilio, F. Jones, Lloyd, Llanymynech, E. Roberts, Llwyntidman Mill, Roberts, Coghlan, Llanymynech, E. Bmgh, W. Davies, Plascerrig, Walter Rogers, Llandysilio, William Peate, John Griffiths, Llanymynech, Jones, The Dolphin, Roberts, Decoy, Whittington, Griadley, Whittington, &c., &c. Upon the removal of the cloth, the CHAIRMAN proposed the loval toasts. Mr ASTERLEY proposed The Bishop and Clergy. He II had had the pleasure of being acqtitinted with Mr Lux- moore for many years, and all present would agree with him when he said that he was a good, kind, and considerate pa-tor. (Hear, hear.) He was on" of the oldest rectors in the diocese, and he (the speaker) was sure that all joined in a hearty wish that he might continue "in harness" for manyvetrs to come. (Applause.) The VICE-CHAIRMAN then proposed The army, navy, and reserve forces," to which Mr E. Pryce and Mr Richd. Baugh responded on behalf of the Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry. The CHAIRMAN rose with great pleasure to propose the toast of the evening, Prosperity to Mr and Mrs Jones in their new undertaking." (Applause.) From what he knew of the host and hostes of the Lion he felt sure they would conduct the house with satisfaction to their customers, and, he hoped, with profit to themselves. (Hear, hear.) He hoped that the trade of the neighbourhood would continue in its present prosperous state, and that being well patronised, Mr and Mrs Jones might soon retire from active life. He had had the pleasure of knowing Mr Jones's family for some years, and few families m Whit- tinon were held in -nore esteem by their friends and neighbours. The Chairman concluded by expressing his pleasure at seeing so large an attendance, and thanking Mr and Mrs Jones for the good and ample dinner they had placed on the table. (Applause.) Mr JONES thanked the company for the cordial manner in which they had received his name, and hoped the good wishes which had been expressed by the Chairman would be realized. (Applause.) Mr JOHN DAVIES proposed Success to the Tanat Side Harriers," and the toast was very heartily drunk. Mr Ti. BAUGH, whose name was coup'ed with the toast, slid that although the past season had not been a very favourable one, the harriers had shewn as much sport and done as little damage as any pack in the country. (Hear, hear.) Mr Lees, the ju'tly popular master, always did his best to ensure a good run, and afford sport to those who followed the harriers. (Applause.) The CHAIRMAN then gave The town and trade of Llanymynech," to which Mr MASON responded. Mr ASTERLEY proposed, in eulogistic terms, the health of the Chairman, wh., suitably responded. The remaining toasts were The Vice-Presidents," coupled with the name of Mr Edwards, Dyffryd, and The Ladies," proposed by Mr T. Rogers, and acknowledged by Mr R. Baugh.
LLANGOLLEN. FAIR.—The usual monthly fair was held on Tuesday, February 4th. There were but few cattle, sheep, and pigs, and no horses offered for sale. The prices were much the same as at the last fair. EXAMINATIONS.—Miss Annie Jones, Rose Place, late pupil teacher at the Llangollen Board School, his been successful in obtaining a Queen's scholarship, which en- titles her to gratuitous training in Swansea Normal College for a period of two years. We are gla,l to state that Miss Jones's name is to be seen in a very honourable position on the pass lint. We understand also that Mr John T. R. Evans, son of the Rev. J. Evans, Wesleyan minister, Llan- g-nllen, who is apprenticed with Mr E. P..J onel", :cbem:st, Iligh-st., Rhyl, has passed the preliminary examination of the Pharmaceutical S )ciety. There were 313 candidates, but only 166 passed, and we are glad to sttte that Mr Evans's name occupies an honourable position among those who were successful. FORTNIGHTLY MEETINGS.—The tenth of this season's series was held in the Assembly-rooms on Friday, February 7th, under the presidency ef the Rev. Gethyn Davies, classical tutor, Llangollen College. The programme for the evening, was, we think, the best of the season, and the attendance was very large, the room being quite crowded. The features most worthy i f note in the pro- gramme were the singing of the Llangollen Philharmonic Society, the singing of two glees by the members of the Church Choir, the singing of Miss Robins and Mrs Craven, Mr H. Hughes, Vron, and Miss J. A. Pugh. We under- stand that the committee have given Ct to the ministers of each denomination in the town to be distributed among the poor of their congregations. LOCAL BOARD, THURSDAY, FBn. 6TH. Present Messrs R. Baker, R. Griffith, T. Hughes, S. Hughes, J. Thomas, E. Roberts, S. Pughe. In the absence of Mr Fell, the Chairman, Mr Robert Baker was voted to the chair. Medical Officer's Repoi-t.-The report 0' h» District Medical Officer was read, and ordered to be put on the minutes. Estimates.—It was resolved that the estimates, which were considered at the last special meeting of the Board, be passed, and the rate made accordingly. Slaughter Housei. -The report of the Surveyor, with regard to the slaughter-houses, was read, but no resolution was passed upon it. Plan,v. -Plans of a malt-kiln, about to be erected in the end of Regent-street, by Mr R. Baker, were submitted to the Board, and passed. Notice of Ifotion.-The following notice of motion was handed to the Chairman by Mr John Thomas I beg to give notice that at the next meeting of the Local Board I will move a resolution, that the Board allow one-third of the expense of paving the parapets to the owners of pro- perty adjoining.
CHIRK. THE LATE COLONEL MYDDELTON BIDDULPH. A monument to the memory of the late Colonel R, Myddelton Biddulph has, during the past week, been placed in Chirk church. The site chosen is over the vicarage pew, in close proximity to the family pew of Chirk Castle. The monument is nine feet high, and the style is that of the early part of the fourteenth century—decorated Gothic. It consists of a richly moulded and sculptured gabled canopy, which contains a beautiful sculptured representation of the Resurrection. Our Lord is shown in the act of stepping from the tomb in the rock, holding in His left hand a crosier, with the banner attache i, and His right hand held gracefully a little in advance. On either side of Him is an adoring Angel, in kneeling po-tture. At the base of the canopy are the words, "I am the Resurrection and the Life." This canopy or pediment is flanked by richly carved pinnacles, termi- nating moulded and traceried buttresses; and these rest upon a moulded corbel, having an angel corbel- wise at either end supporting the buttresses, and in the centre of the corbel is the shield, carved with the arms of the deceased. The foregoing portions, which are of Caen stone, are a frame to the panel (which is of white llarbl", containing the inscription, and there is a border all around the panel carved with the half flower ornament, with con- tinuous stems and leaves. The inscription is asunder:— In affectionate remmbr once of ROBERT MYDDULTON BIDDULPH, Of Chirk Castle, Lord-Lieuteuaut of Denbighshire, Colonel of the Royal Denbigh Militia, Aid-de-camp to the Queen, and for many years Member of Parliament for this County. Born June 20ih, 1805. Died March 21st, 1872. Humbly prepared to meet Irs God Through the merits of oar blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. "The memory of the just is blessed."—Prov. x., 7. It is altogether a most carefully designed and elaborate piece of work; is very correctly proportioned, is well executed, and has a bold and massive appearance. The different sculptured figures, which are appropriately draperied, are cleanly wrought, as are also the whole of the traceried and ornamental work. The majestic attitude of our Lord, and the adoring posture of the two angels, are exceedingly good. The monument is from the establishment of Mr Thomas Earp, Kennington-rod.d, Lambeth, London, who loses nothing of his reputation by the work which he lias pro- duced.
RUABON. NATIONAL SCHOOL CONCERT.—On Tuesday, Feb. 4th, a concert was given in the Assembly Rooms, at the Wynnstay Arms, in aid of the funds of the National School. The attendance was not large. Toe following was the pro- gramme:-Chorus, 0 Father, whose Almighty Power," solo, "With verdure clad," Mrs I. Lloyd; chorus, Sing unto God," solo, "O rest in the Lord," Mrs^Bryon; chorus, "Hallelujah," solo and chorus, Tramp o'er moss and fell,"solo, Mrs Lloyd duet, "Nights gentle queen, Mrs Keay and Mrs Greaves; quartet, O, who will o er the Downs," Misses Nicholas and Garside, Mrs Bryon, Messrs J. Lloyd, and W. Edwards part song, May DAV dR.t»t Two m-rry hearts, Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Slaves; P-t song, d Kn.ght," trio, "U p Quit thy bower" Mrs Lloyd, Messrs B. Knowles and Lloyd; chorus' Gipsy chorus in Preciosa, part song, Dawn of dav'" madrigal, The wintry winds," quartet,«'Auld I an" Syne," Mrs Lloyd Mrs Bryon, Messrs Lloyd and H- Edwards the National Anthem. The programme was verv creditably gone through, and great praise is due to Mr Greavesfor his management of the proceedings. PETTY SESSIONS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH.—Before H. W. Meredith, Esq., and G. It. Whalley, Esq., M.P. Keeping Horses without a Licence.—Thomas Hughes, labourer, and John Williams, both of PIas Issa, Ruabon, werj charged on the information of James Keay, excise officer, with keeping one horse each without the necessary licences.—The defendants admitted the offence, and were fined L5 each, the minimum penalty, and the Bench recom- mended a mitigation of the amount in each case. Railway Offences.— James Griffiths, farmer, Bryneglwys was summoned at the instance of Mr Brooker, superinten- dent, with traveling on the Great Western Railway on January 6th, from Chester to Ruabon, without a ticket with the intent to defraud the company.— Defendant admitted the offence.—Tabitha Jones, Cefn Mawr, was summoned for a similar offence, on the 30th December. Ellen Davies, P, nkey, a-id Jane Rogers, Stryd Issa, for a like offence on the 13'h January. The following were the penalties inflicted: James Griffiths, 5s., and 10. costs; Tabitha Jones, as., and 12s. 6"1. costs; Ellen Davies, 5s., and 8s. costs and Jane Ro 5., and 8a. costs. Exposing UILié'hole,()lne Mccit for S(gle.-Edward Jone- butcher and farmer, Llanarinon, WAS summoned for exposing uuwholes <me meat for sale. Mr Buckton, Wrexham, ap- peared for the defendant, and Mr Hugh Davies, inspector of nuisances, progecute(I.-P.C J hii Jorns stated that on the 16th January he received information that a strange butcher had brought a quantity of bt-ef to the Ithoi not fit for human food, which had be<.n offered for sale. He went to Edward Edwards the grocer's shop, and saw two baskets of the beef there, and it was quite unwholesome. He took possession of it, and told the defendant that he would have to report the case. Witness subsequently showed 701b3. of the beef to Mr Meredith, who ordered it to be destroyed. Defendant said he had tried to sell the meat at Coedpoeth and Wrexham, but as he could not meet with customers except a few in the latter town, he had brought it to the Rhos for the purpose of jsinw of it to the colliers.—Mr Buckton remarked that. ? rtion of the meat had been sold to some very respectab-V people in Wrexham, and no complaint had been made about it.—The defendant was fined 10s., and 13s. Gd. cost", the Cnairmaa (Mr Meredith) remarked that the small tine was merely as a warning to others, for the defendant's advocate had even informed the court that there were sad misdoings in W rexh am. Mr Whalley and Drunkenness.—Robert Jones, collier, Penvcae, was charged by P.C. Price with being drunk on Sunday, the 5th Feb., at Penycae. The otficer said that defendant was intoxicated, but he was n)t disorderly. Defendant admitted the offence.—Mr Whalley said he felt a little difficulty in this cise, for it was a matter of opinion as to when a man was druak. If every man the p dice condemned to be drunk were to be brought before- the Bench, merely upon the opinion of the officer that he- was drunk, he thought that would be carrying the law too- far.—The Chairman said the defendant admitted that he was drunk.—Mr Whalley sail he must confess that he was quite uneasy as to what was to be done with the law. —The Chairman said many a man had been taken into- custody and had died in his cell, not from drunkenness but from illness. Therefore the police should be very cautious.—Mr Whalley said if it rested with him, be would not, unless there was some evidence other than the opinion of a single policeman that a man was drunk, without there being any annoyance or something approaching to disorderly conduct, convict tin man in such a case.—The defendant was fined 5i., and 8s. costs. Drunkenness.—'The following persons were charged with this offeiiee :Robert Angel, fined 10s, and 8s. ceits Philip Williams, 8. and 8s. costs. Joseph Rob rts, Ta and 8s. costs. John Roberts, 2. 6d., and 8s. costs. IJbt. Jones, 2s. 6d., and 13;. 6d. costs. Clt ii-ge Aqatnst a Publican.John Philip Jones, landlord of the Sun and Dragon," Rhos, was summoned f r hav- ing his house open at half-past eleven o'clock on the night of the 20th January.—P.C John Jones deposed that on the Monday in question he visited the defendant's house, at half-past eleven, and in the doorway he met an engine driver coming out, whom he knew. Inside, there was the defendant's son and another young man, who lived with his father at the Ponkey. The latter had a full jdass of ale before him, and he was three parts drunk. He spoke to the defendant, and on going to look at the clock in the par- lour, the fingers indicated that it was a quarter to twelve. -The defendant contended that the youug man bad agreed to stay with his son all night, the latter having come home after an absence of two years. The young man was served with a glass of ale, the defendant thinkiug that he was jus- tified in giving a glass of ale to a visitor staying all night. The case was dismissed. ° Alleged Poiching.—Nathan Williams, collier (for whom Mr Buckton appeared), was summoned for trespassing in pursuit of game. George Tomkins, gamekeeper, proved he had seen the defendant, on Sunday, the 12th of January, beating a bank with a dog on land at Penbedw, belon<dn<» to Sir Watkin W. Wynn.—John Tomkins also g4ve°evi° dence in support of the case, after which Mr Buckton urged that the defendant had simply taken a shortcut across the bank to save going on the dirty roads, and he had a sheep dog with him.—William Williams a brother of the defendant a. corroborated this statement, and eventually the case was dismissed.
CEFN. FOOTBALL MATCH.—A friendly match at this exciting game was played in Plasmrutoc Park on Saturday, Feb. 8th, between members of the Ruabon Volunteers and the Ruabon Rovers Football Club. However well up the volunteers were in "ball" practice they could not com- pete with the rovers, as the latter gained an easy victory, although the volunteers numbered eighteen to eleven of the rovers. FATAL ACCIDEXT.-An inquest was held at the Eagles Inn, Acrefair, on Monday, Feb. 3rd, on the bo iv of I'hno. K/hU P,' who from th. effect „f i„j,lries £ ° at the Plaskynaston Colliery on Jan. 27th. -uu the same day an adjourned inquest was held on the body of Owen Edwards who met with his death under similar circum- stances. A verdict of Accidental death was returned in both cases. THE MESSIAH.—We have much pleasure in reminding our readers of the performance of the Messiah next Tuesday by the Cefn Choral Union. The Union has established a reputation which makes it unnecessary to commend them to public support, and on Tuesday, when they will be sup- ported by artistes from a distance, no doubt It very enjoy- able evening is in store for those who are wise enough to avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing the first of oratorios.
MURDER AND EDUCATION. When my miner-friends came to see me the other even- ing I noticed that on>? of the most attentive listeners was not present. On enquiring where he was one of the men told me that he had met with an accident. Dout Lux-This evening we shall have some conver- sation about those dame schools-which are so badly ventilated that the poor children who attend them must be hurried into the grave—literally murdered. Before how ever, we take up that point I should like to ask how it is that every week there are 1>0 many fatal accidents in this district. Of course where there are so many colliers accidents are to be expected; but it is sad to think that lives are sacrificed needlessly* without giving rise to the least excitement. Miner—We are used to it. Dout Lux-Do you think many of these accidents might be avoided if the men were more careful ? Miner-I dure say they might; but you know sir beincr a ramer is like working on the railway. ° Dout Lux—How ? Miner—Why, you know on the line you have no rifrht to do this and that and the other, and there ate printed re^ !w"f fSamStirU'j at the 8ame tim' the m3n know v.» t J ,'7 <ylht,re/1 to the regulations there would soon be a dead lock, and we are all aware how impatient the public become if there is a little delay on the line. Dout Lux-I don't see how the iisks of railway officials affect rniners. Miner -Well you see there are rules which we know we cannot break, without great risk, but we are used to nskfrmn morning till night and we get careless. Death is on every side of us, and a false step or a moment's dizziness may result in our being wiped out as clean as the ifgures from a child's slate. When a stranger comes down°a pit he is always thinking of being bloivn up, but we are used to the pit and feel as safe there as on the surface. Dout Lux-l think I understand what you are olivine- at, but still, as I said before, it is a sad thing that two or three men should lose their lives in this district every «ciliintrC 7 »• "«• '» accll1ents. Miner-Nothing will do it but education. I)out Lux-That brings me to the question with which we started and I must express the opinion that the svSLm of dame schools is something like murder and educating It is monstrous to think that little ch.ldren should be left to perish miserably in these stifling dens, because the mem- bers of the sanitary authority desire to maintain appearances. Miner—We don't feel much interest in this question Dout Lux-Then you ought to be ashamed of v ourselves Do you think of those members of the sanitary authority who are so much :afraid of appearances would havfl agre2d to do nothing if their owu children were attending these schools. Miuer—Perhaps not; but we don't care much about things of that kind. Dout Lux-Well, next week I shall see if I cannot say something on this subject that will interest you Miner—Have you heard anything about the South Wal-s strike ? Dout Lux-Yes; it is thought that the men will c,)rn- mence work soon, but I want to stick to this question of the children. Miner—Well, we must be going. DOCT Lux.
CORWEN. GWTDDELWKRN SCHOOL BOARD.—At a recent me^H™ of the Board held at the offices of Mr J. Hughes, solicitor there were presents-Mr J. Jones (in the chai^, Mr D Davies, the Rev. H. C Williams, and Mr J. Hughes* clerk. The Clerk reported that bp Wl u "Iles» thing from the Education Department, with regard to the -a" of mmey applied for to build hT new& hooi a? Grwyddelvvern. Ile vvas ordered to write again and en- deavour to secure the attention of My Lords." In tbe i eantime it was resolved to borrow from the bank for a few weeks. It was resolved that the clerk write to the Education Department that Mr White has absented him- self far six successive months from all meetings of the Board, a>,d so has disqualified himself from bein a n1Pm ber of the Board. = a
WREXHAM PRESENTATION.-On Wednesday, February 5th two SS in ch.Pe? • Just terminated her term as pupil teacher in the Jlritish School, and having S Queens scholarship at Christmas, is about to eft "r the 1 raining College at Stockwell. The Rev. T. FXathan counsel and enp'"8^511"' and 9P°,ke a few k^d words of ?bp R^ni1 # encouragement, and expressed on behalf of the Band of H„pe) the School, and the Church, regret at SItn! VVIt £ Parsonage, but at the same time con- gratulating her on her success. The presentations were made by Mr Dodd and Mr Olip'nant, and suitably acknow- COUNTY COURT, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5TH.-Before R Vaughan Williams, Esq., Judge. tfetore K Samuel Parsonage v. Thomas Stronn -Plaintiff W'fI formerly parish clerk of Holt, and he now sued the ( fendant who last year was' churchwarden, for £ 2 9< balance due for salary—Mr Chaloner said the defend,nV had collected wha1, was called a voluntary rate nr «,,na tion, out of which was paid the cS ? larv himself given the deleft men had given him similar amount „ fa en tie •- been rendered, and the clerk was lX\ T had I acknowledge I <ro<- j?1 f eft unpaid.—Defendant: I acKnowiea^e i got il from you, and I save the clerlr Pl^intiff^ as voluntary subscriptions — Plaintiff said he had been parish clerk for twenty four jears and his salary was £ 7 10s. per annum. He had re- ceived from defendant £ 4 1515s. for the first half of hisj^arof office as churchwarden, and £ 1 on account tf tht: halt year due at ter.-D.,fendant produced dcci-