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PRIZE DAYS LLANDOVERY COLLEGE. DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. SPEECHES BY BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S, GENERAL SIR HILLS-JOHNES, MR. B. EYANS, J.P., AND OTHERS. The annual "Prize Day," Tuesday, August 1st, of Llandovery College was a groat success, The attendance was much larger than usual, and the proceedings was most enthusiastic throughout. General Sir Hills-Johnes, G.C.B., V.C., presided, and among those present we noticed Lady Hills- Johnes and Mrs. Johnes, the Lord Bishop of St. David's and Mrs. Owen, the Wardep and Miss Evans, his Honour Judge Bishop and Mrs. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Tracey and Miss Lewis, Capel Issa, the Rev. and Mrs. Bebb, Mr. and Mrs. B. Evans, Mrs. J. Aeron Thomas, Col. Gwynne Hughes. Major and Mr". Lloyd Harries and Miss Lloyd Harries, Dr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Jones (Mumbles), the Vicar of Llandovery, Mr. and Mrs Brunei White, Mr Langman, Dr and Mrs Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, the Misses Whitehead, Miss Ethel Evans, Miss Swit and Miss Ranee, Rev. John Titus, Rev. W. and Mrs. Rees, Rev. Mr. and Miss Rees, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McClellan, Revs. T. Nicklin and D. E. Roberts, Messrs. Richards, Winter, Brabant, Calcott, Gregory, Knight and Williams, (College Staff), &c. In opening the proceedings. Generally Sir Hills-Johnes said he was particularly pleased to be present on this ocasion so that he might do honour to one who had the welfare of Llan- dovery College and of education in general very much at heart. He referred to Mr. B. Evans— (loud applause)—who had made a very handsome donation to the building fund, and who, he was glad tJ know, was to distribute the prizes that day. (Applause.) Such a man as Mr. Evans they could not fail to honour. By steadfast purpose and good work he had amassed wealth many men did the same, but comparatively few utilised the wealth as Mr. Evans did. (Applause.) Referring to the progress of the movement started last year for providing funds to provide the addi- tional accommodation required to enable the school to retain the proud position it had attained amongst all the schools of Great Britain, Sir James said the general and the old boys' funds had increased by rapid strides. Of late. how- ever. there bad been a check in the receipts, and he could but trust that when the work was started the funds would again go up by leaps and bounds, for he believed there were many who would subscribe their quota as soon as they knew that the work was realiy in hand. (Hear, hear.) Of the £19,000 required £5,500 had been subscribed. Tne plans and estimates were ready, and the completion of the contract could be confidently and speedily looked for. (Hear, hear.) THE WARDEN'S REPORT. The movement for new buildings—started at the Jubilee Celebration in 1898—has progressed favourably during the year. The promised subscriptions now amount to nearly £5 500 The Trustees have instructed the celebratedjfirm of architects, Messrs. Paley and Austin of Lancaster, who have built over worth of buildings for English public schools, to draw up the plans. These plans are now almost ready for the work which it is proposed to undertake first-the extension of the present buildings which will include & new dining hall with new kitchen, from the cla-s rooms with additional dormitories. The architect estimates that the cost of this work will be from £5,500 to £6,000. He hopes that it can be started in October and that it may be completed by next September twelvemonth. Besides this, there are urgently needed a new laboratory and a new sanitorium and to complete the architect's scheme, new fives courts, and gymnasium with swimming baths attached. These would cost another £ 3,000. When it is fully realised that the five trustees of the school have so strikingly empha- sised not only their confidence in the school, but al-o their sense of its imperative need of enlarged and improved buildings by themselves subscrib- ing £1,708 towards this object, I cannot but think that the remainder cf the money required to provide the schools with these additional build- ings will be forthcoming. And here I should like to mention particularly the great debt of gratitude which the school owes to Mr. Benjamin Evans. Four years ago, Mr. Evans came to me and said that he had been much interested in the work which the school was doing, and wished to help it if he knew how. I told him ac once that we were sadly in need of additional buildings and he there and then promised £500. It was that spontaneous offer of £500 which first inspired me with the belief that new buildings were possible. And when I last year reminded Mr. Evans of his promise, he multiplied ,£500 by two and made it £1,000. (Applause.) It is with very sincere delight that I welcome him here to-day to give the prizes to the boys as one of the school's great benefac- tors. (Applause.) The year's distinction list inclndea :—T. Price, mathematical a year, Jesus College, Oxford F. R. Cbilver, open classical I scholarship, JE80 a year, Keble College, Oxford I J. C. Crocker, prizeman in May examination, St. John's College, Cambridge W. B. Hughes, classical exhibition, £50 a year, Josus College, Oxford D. J. Richards, first of his year in May examination, Trinity College, Cambridge F. N. Menzier, M.B. University of Edinburgh, in the shortest time obtainable; W. J. Williams. 2nd das mathematical moderations, Oxford H. R. V. Bali, first class mathematical honour tinals, Oxford J. O. Griffiths, first class mathematical moderations, Oxford, and the junior University mathematical scholarship, after only one term's residence in the University. Last year we were proud that Llandovery had in proportion to its number of boys, gained a far greater number of open scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge than any school in the kingdom and this year we have the satisfaction of seeing two Llandoveriaus in two successive years taking a. very distinguished place in mathematics at Oxford—Ball, junior exhibitioner in 1893, and Griffiths, junior scholar in 1899. As you will know, the results of the recent examination of the Oxford and Cambridge Board will not be published for five weeks or so. Last year's results were very satisfactory. Llandovery gained 24 higher certificates, being sixth on the list—the first five schools were Clifton, Cheltenham, Eton, Rossal and Rugby—and 22 distinctions, fourth on thejlist—the first three schools being Bradford, Eton, and Rugby. We gained also 14 lower certificates. In athletics, we have two distinctions—T. O. Jones gained his Dark Blue for Rugby football as full back, and C. R. Thomas established a record by winning the inter-university 100 yards for the third time in succession, and represented both universities against the American team last I week. EXAMINERS' REPORTS. The following were the examiners' reports :— Mr. Hayes, the mathematical examiner said "Bowen did some excellent work and will probably improve more. The lower certificate arithmetic was very satisfactory euclid and algebra, as might be expected from comparatively young boys, less good. I have one criticism of a general kind to make which, however, would probably apply to far the greater number of the schools sending boys in for the examination, viz. That questions involving the principles of a subject were not answered as well as the others. Most of the work was done in excellent gtyle." Mr. Elton, the examiner in English, speaking of the higher certificate papers, savs: "You will have seen that two boys did well—one of them, Chilver, remarkably well Green 'was the other. The class seems to me to contain some excellent material." Mr. H. W. C. Davies, the examiner of the Higher Certificate History, says: "The standard of the Classical VI. appears to have improved since last year. I am particularly pleased with Via." Mr. G. G. Chisholm, the geography examiner, says :—" The form shows fair knowledge of general geography, the best papers shewing accurate notions on the subject of climate, more particularly, rainfall. This is important, but the application of the principles of general geography to the study of a country is less satis- factory." Mons. Barbier, of the University College of Wales, Cardiff, tha French examiner, writes :— You will notice that the answers sent in bv ¡' your candidates keep up the standard of efficiency that marked the performances of last year's candidates. In the lower certificate papers, there is a decided improvement, especially in the grammar papers. In the higher certificate, the results are evenly good—in the prose competition chiefly." SPEECH BT THE LORT) BISHOP; The Lord Bishop of St. David's was loudly applauded on rising to speak. He said he had listened with interest and pleasure to the reports read. These reports helped them to understand what avalnable thing an examination might be if properly bandied. When he (the Bishop) was Warden of Llandovery he was very materially helped by the examiners. The great virtue of on examiner was that he took a human interest in the subject of his examination, and it was very evident that Mr. Tracey took a very beartv keen and personal interest in the bov« he' rtealt with. Now he (tl^ Bishop) had two reasons for beinsr present that day. One was that the Warden s score had now attained double figures that day completed his tenth year at the school' and be should be very sorry not to be there to join them m congratulating him upon. the splendid success which had attended the school during all the years be had! been Warden. (Applause.) It was very difficuft to get him to become candidate for the post ten years ago, and his lordship took some credit for being to some extent the means of influencing him but it would be a still more difficult thing to induce him to leave school now. (Hear, hear.) Attempts had been made from more than one quarter to make him accept preferment elsewhere, but he had not listened to any seductive, whispers, and they could congratulate themselves upon having' at the head of that institution a man whose heart was so thoroughly in bis work. They had been told how generously the distinguished masters of the school had supported the Warden in his determination to provide new school buildings, and he was sure that amongst them there was no one they respected more than the gallant chair- man, who was connected wit'i Welsh education in all its branches, being treasurer of Llandovery College and also of the Welsh University. (Applause.) The second reason why he had made a special effort to attend was to mark his sincere esteem of Mr. Benjamin Evans for his generous, public-spirited character and his munificent contributions towards the new buildings. The Warden had already testified that Mr. Evans was the friend who had floated the idea of the exten- sion in his mind, and he believed a real beginning would be made next October. (AppJause.) Mr. Evans stood high in the commercial world. He hAd shewn in the most striking manner possibe that a Welshman was capable of success in business on a very large scale. He (the speaker) was glad that the foresight and intelligence which enabled him to be successful as a commer- cial man, also enabled him to employ his wealth wisely and well. (Applause.) His Lordship was glad that the success of Llaudovery had fnot been gained at the expense of Brecon, which still maintained its distinguished reputation, and the generous rivalry existing between these two Church schools in studies and athletic s was bound to do both good. About eight years ago he ventured to prophesy that Llandovery would not suffer from the establishmentof Welsh intermediate schools, and they were now able to see how far thnt prophesy was correct, notwith- standing the splendid success of those schools, which tuey were all so pleased at. (Applause.) In eoncluoion his Lordship dwelt upon the im- portance of character, and he sought to impress on the boys the fact that character was as essential to success in life as learning. SPEECH BY MR. B. EVANS, J.P. Mr. B. Evans, J.P., was enthusiastically applauded on stepping forward to distribute the prices. Before doing so, he said —Mr.Chairman, my lord, ladies and gentlemen, it is my first privi- lege to thank General Sir Hills-Johnes, the Lord Bishop, and the warden most sincerely for the too kind references they have been made to me for the little I have been able to do for this grand old school and I also wish to thank all present for the enthusiastic manner in which those kind remarks have been received. But I assure you tnat the satisfaction of having been of some service to tnis College has beiu ample repayment to me. (Applause.) In rising to discharge the pleasant duty that falls to my lot to-day, I need not say that it is one which gives me the greatest delight. Nevertheless, it is a trying task for me, because, unlike so many others I see around me, I can lay no claim to that knowledge in whose Temple we stand. When I remember that the reward and promotion of learning form the chief object of our gathering here to-day, I am strnck by the far greater opportunities for learning in the present time, as compared with those I enjoyed in the long distant past. (Hear, hear,) I might almost say to you that I wish I were a boy again in order to take advantage of them, but I won't, for it would be insincere. I always doubt the man who tells me he prefers travelling third- class—(laughter)—or that he likes being at sea when it is rough and it would be equally insincere of me to say I would like to b a boy again. Perhaps some of you have read Mr. Anstey's book, "Vice Versa," and how such a wish was realised to the pain and consternation of the unfortunate wisher. And beiring that warning in my mind, I do not welcome th3 idea at my age, after a long experience of freedom, of going back tinder tutors and masters, who, perhaps, would not treat me quite as cordially as they do now and it would also b9 insincere—my whole life would give the lie to it—if I told you that I attach no value whatever to success in commercial pnri-nits. (Hear. bear.) But this I do say, and I beg of you to think me sincere when I say it, that I am a thorough believer in your school motto Gwell dyg na. golud." (Applause.) I believed in that motto when a boy, no le-s sincerely than I believe in it now. (Hear, hear.) When one after another of my schoolfellows, at the little school of Llanwrda. moved on to Llan lovery, it was my wish I could do so too. I could not help thinking at the time that their lives were cast in more pleasant places mine. Some of them went further than Llandovery and gained distinction at the English Universities. (Applause.) Though I could not follow them, my heart was with them. I knew every scholarship they got, and every step forward they made. Gwell dysg na golud I said then, and Gwell dysg na golud" I say to you boys now. (Applause.) And it is not my voice alone. This is the conviction that has brought together all those who have come to honour your prize- giving to-day. What pise is the secret of the presence here of all these distinguished visitors. This is the reason why your College has the services of General Sir Hills-Johnes, who has won the greatest distinction a soldier can earn on the field-the Victoria Cross. (Applause.) This is why you have the patronage of Bishops, some of them formerly able Wardens of this College, and en passant 1 would predict that your present most able and successful Warden wil', in due time, be numbered amongst their lordships. (Applause.) This also is the reason why you have the patronage of Members of Parliament—like Sir John Llewelyn who is always to the fore in every good work. (Applause.) That is the reason why your great and farseeing founder—Dr. Thomas Phillips— set this College and this motto, Gwell dysg na Golud," in the heart of Wales. But, on the other hand, if some of you boys have sadly to look on while others with superior advan- tages proceed to Oxford and Cambridge— yourselves forced by circumstances, early in life, to enter the busine-s world, do not forget that every useful career is also honourable. (Applause.) Let your motto te: Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might." (Applause.) And whatever you may be put into, practice those great tra- ditions of manliness and truth which, are not the least precious lessons of a college life. (Applause.) In conclusion, it goes without saying that the continued success of this school speaks louder than I can of the merits of your able and successful Warden and his loyal colleagues. And I congratulate you boys on the excellent work you have put in, and also for that courage and energy which have won for you an enviable reputation in the cricket and football field. (Applause.) Mr. Evans then distributed the prizes. The Welsh prizes were given by Mrs. Johnes, and the prizes for athletics by Lady Hills-Johnes. Principal Bebb (Lampeter College) addressed the meeting and congratulated Llandovery College I upon its continued success. The Warden thanked the company for their presence, and the proceedings terminated,




-----"BEN DAVIES."





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