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COUNTY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS. RESULTS OF THE POLL. Swansea, has now entered upon a new phase of electoral experience. For better or for worse, the Borough has been extended, and henceforth we are to be governed by a Council of 40 instead of 24 members. There was no paucity of candidates, and all the vacancies were spiritedly contested on Friday last. As on previous occasions, little or no political feeling was introduced into the contests. In the Victoria ward, it is true, Mr. S. P: Wills (Gladstonian Liberal) opposed Mr. T. P. Martin (Conservatire), but even in this ward Imperial political considerations were entirely eclipsed by the local questions which Mr. Usher brought to the front. In the Bryuniblin Ward Mr. G. Morgan placed himself before the electors as Home Ruler, and the Irish, almost with- out exception it is said, voted for" the man with the green cards. All over the Extended Borough, there was a goodly amount of public interest manifested in the electoral proceedings, but generally there was not much excitement evinced or temper evoked. At each of the polling places, fdends of the various cliudidatea were a* busy all they could be solicitingltbe votes of the rateDayers as they came to the poll but it is questionable whether house-to house canvassing, or personal solicitation are productive of as much good as will counterbalance the amount of evil they cause in the shape of lying promises. The private vehicles of the town were actively engaged conveying electors to and from the polling places, but it is jubilantly stated by some candidates' friends that hired vehicles were used for other candidates in such a way as to raise questions of illegality. Of course there was a great deal of confident assertion as to how various candi- dates stood at each hour of the day but it was little more than rain guess-work. As soon as the poll was closed, the ballot boxes were brought down to the Town Hall, and the counting commenced in the presence of the Mayor (Alderman James Jones) and the Town Clerk. The figures were declared by the Mayor as each ballot-box was disposed of, and the following are the results MORRISTON WARD—(Two Vacancies).—David Harris 526; Edward Thomas, 449; Edward Rice Morgan 430- Morgan Hussey, 172, Total number of voters, 1 943. LANDORK WARD—(Two Vacancies).—James' Naysmith 489 William Williams, 425; Rees Janes, 404; Benjamin Roberts, 275. Total number of voters, 1,984. ST. JOHN'S WARD (Three Vacancies), Herbert Monger, 648 Edward Rice Daniel, 557 James Howell' 434; John Griffiths, 420. Total number of voters, 2,053: BRYNMELIN WARD—-(One Vacancy;.—Gilym Morgan, 406; Charles Davies, 390 Philip Jenkins, 194. Total number of voters 1,608; FFYNONE WARD—(L^o Vacancies-Morgan Tutton, 470; John Viner Leedsr, 436 Thomas T. Pascoe, 417; Richard White Beor, 19. Total numbar of voters, 1,340. ST. HELEN'S WAKD-(T"° Vacancies).-Will,am Pike, James Matthew Mayne, 407 Richard White Beor, VirTotal number of voters. 1,26 VICTORta \vARTl (One Vacancy).—William Usher, 309; T. p Martin 248; Stephen Prust WIllø, 239. Total number of vot- CASTLE Vacancies)—Albert Mason, 290; Frederick BradfordV V' Tulloch, 168; William Bonfield W-UjW ^1 Tjjof ">'«'■ ™ ALEXANDRA WASd_(Twq Vacancies)-Abram Francis, 505; John Griffiths, 32- Thomas 312; George Thomas 8> A al number of voters, 1.376. EaST WARP-(One Vacancy)._St h#n L,oyd Francis, 680 Rof TVX> ballot ^°tal nnmber of voters, l,5o9. The whole Reached the Guildhall before 9 °mcllock' in2 be7ai? as an anxious company waiting. The coU^g wfs In the Brynrael a Ward it appears + beer flowing so freely that many Pe?^ head thpZy' lf not drunk, and the result was a broken hea. he owner of which had to be taken to the hospital to be attended to. Speaking* generally, however, the contests were quietly conducted, and thanks to humour the incidents to be r^retted are few indeed although the excitement was P>*ny were aggravated not a little by the pertinacity of injudicioug Pagans The Guildhall was besieged by a iarj?e ^ich increased to enormous dimensions a8 the v declaration of the poll ^ew^r, and the interest taken was almost eaual to that of a general waa another large crowd congregated outside le, pambrian Office, attracted by the announcement that the results of the elections would be made known In a supplement to The Camhian newspaper. Here alao much excit«ment pre- vailed the supplements which contained the results of the elections before they were officially announced, were eagerly sought after, and fought for, and in the press three or four panes of glass were broken. The attention of the ratepayers, who turned out en masse, was about equally divided between The Cambrian office and the Guildhall. When at the latter place, the poll was declared, there were many shouts of jubilation, and a very few hisses, and some amount of J^ughtor was indulged m at the expense of the least successful 0f the candidates. When the results all \jeen ma<je known, Usher, Bradford, didafa1"' L* Francis, and other successful can- and o8' Were shouldered by enthusiastic supporters aeclama?*led thr°u?h the crowded streets, amid the' 8ucce^f i°ns of the multitude. The names of the support th» cuandidates, and the measure of the i,. y had received, were soon common property vard ». "f i8inf1y 8l»ort scaca of time, the Guildhall norma7aLieserted' streets had assumed their The nolicp the excitement had subsided, e-ood temripi- complimented upon the extreme Guildhall and nt 7ij.C0ur^esy they exhibited both at the throughout ihm a ^ambrian office, and their conduct make as pleasant as a memorable one, inau j f +Wl11 ever be loo¥d UP° a? life. uguratmj a new era of municipal




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