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r | CASH CO-OPERATIVE PR ICES. CROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR, Is. 9d. size for Is. 5d. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREifOUND, 3 Bottles for 2s. 3d. KAY'S ESSENCE OF LINSEED, 9^1. Bottle for 7§<3. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, Is. ltd. size for lOd. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, Is. Ud. size for 10-id. PURRETT'S MAGIC COUGH MIXTURE, Is. lid. size for 9id, 1 Sold by I TAYLOR COMPANY, I 6, Castle Square, Swansea. 1 211, High-street, Swansea, The Tea Exchange. I 99, Oxford-street, Swansea. The Dunns, Mumbles. 1 33■ Walter-road, Swansea. 20, High-street.JjAacombe. I O NVCOOASIKLIIB'S is Ladies' & Gentlemen's Hairdressing Establishment .& Fancy Repository, 12, TEMPLE STREET, SWANSEA- I I(NEXT DOOR TO THE GLAMORGANSHIRE BANK). ) WIGS and ORNAMENTAL HAIR of every description kept in Stock; Ladies' Own Hair and Combings j *» made up. Orders by Post receive prompt attention. C. McC. begs to call special attention to ( RADEZSKY PRINCE'S RUSSIA OIL, The best preparation extant for the Growth of the Hair, Premature Baldness, Thin Partings, Bald Patches, Whiskers, c-5 a Positive Cure for Ringworm, and all Cutaneous Diseases of the Scalp of the Head. 5s. per Bottle, sent secnrely packed, post free on receipt of P.O.O. i; ESTABLISHED 1856. BEDSTEADS, < SPRING MATTRESSES, BEDDING. :!4 A. NIOHOLLS & SON, 1 MANUFACTURERS OF ALL CLASS FURNITURE, GOODS MARKED PLAIN. FIVE PER CENT. FOR CASH. f UPHOLSTERERS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, &c, J 1 & 2, PORTLAND BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. A :(Corner of Portland and Heathfield Streets.) THE SWANSEA HAY & CORN STORES, IN r ORCHARD STREET. C H AS, A DAYI E S } .R, O IP IR, I -B T O I i DELIVERY IN TOWN AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 1 Irish, Welsh, and English" Corn, Gloucester, Hereford, and I Carmarthenshire Hay. TR..A.DE SUPPLIED- I Agent for Spratts Dog Biscuits. i GAS LIGHTING & VENTILATION. THE whole of the APPLIANCES mentioned by Dr. GRIFFITHS in his Lecture on the above, may -1- be obtained at 18, NELSON STREET. i A Choice Selection of Globes of the latest form and Colour. First-class Gas and Lavatory Fittings, i Picture Rods, &c., &c. JOH3ST LEGG, i Gas, Hot-water, and Sanitary Engineer, (* SWANSEA. Ita.. E.~ NIOHOL LS & SONS, Wholesale & Retail Bakers, Grocers, & Provision Merchants. CURRENT PRICES: BEST BREAD (Delivered by our Van) 6^d. (4 lbs.) OVER COUNTER (Cash 6d. (41bs.) SULTANA & CURRANT CAKS 4d. per lb. FLOUR 2s. 8d., 2s. 10d., 3s., and 3s. 2d. per score. BROWN BREAD Macle from Spiller's Decorticated WHEAT MEAL, + (Delivered by our own Van) 64d. Over Counter, cash 6d. (libs.) 19, Waterloo-street, 29, High-street, and 39, Jockey-strest, SWANSEA. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT The Cambrian" Newspaper Steam Printing Works, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. Posting Bills of all sizes, and in every variety of tint. CIRCULARS OF EV.ERY DESCRIPTION. ADDRESS, BUSINESS, ANDJOTHER CARDS. NEW DESIGNS IN MEMORIAL CARDS. BILL-HEADS, SHIPPING FORMS, INVOICES. MEMORANDUMS, AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF PRINTING DONE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ESTIMATES FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. I BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. I .i' To Contractors, Hauliers, and Others. EMPTYING OF CESSPITS. THE Council of the Borough of Swansea, as the Urban Sanitary Authority, are prepared to deceive TENDERS for the Emptyino- and Cleansing of Cesspits and Dry Ash Closets. Specification and form of Tender can be seen at the Borough Surveyor's Office, Guildhall. Tenders, under cover, endorsed Emptying of Cess- pits," to be delivered at my Office not later than SATURDAY, the 1st MARCH next. L JNO. THOMAS, J Town Clerk. f The Guildhall, Swansea, 15th Feb., 1884. A NEW INDUSTRY C^PVT ON' FT1EA The most enterprising of the rP planters in the Island of Ceylon have J T,tlv turned their attention to CEYLON MEA ™™inyg Tei on their Estates with the 1 most gratifying results. The quality CEYL0N TEA -AS fJEYLON T" rvtv Tea without its astringency 1 f „ EYLON rpEA Teas are almost exact cou A parts of the old-fashioned Kaisows C1EYL0N MEA and Souchongs of China, so mucn | appreciated by connoiseurs in (WLON mEA cii,t.v<tion very ,a,y |-(ETLOS mEA Io.e JL no time in advising the public of tnis CEYLON rjlEA new Tea district. CEYLON rpEA E. D. & C°.'S CEYLON rpEA PURE (jEYLON rpEA Ceylon Teas. ^~iEYLON mEA Write for Samples. EYLON MEA PRICES /^EYLON MEA -A. Carriage paid to all parts. ELL I S D A V I E S & CO., 44, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL. A Fortune for a Trifle— £ 20,000 for JE1. FULL PARTICULARS of this most advantageous money specula ion, guaranteed by Government, will be sent free on application, enclosing a stamped directed envelope to JOHN FOSTEB, Esq., 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, London, S.W. V Swansea Union. TO BAKERS, GROCERS, AND OTHERS. PERSONS desirous of CONTRACTUSG for the SUP- PLY of BREAD, (made in 41b. loaves,) at per loaf; TEA, at per oz.; and SUGAR, at per lb., for the use of the Out-door Poor in the Swansea District, for Three Months, commencing on the 27th March next, are re- quested to send Tenders and Samples to the Work- house, on or before TUESDAY, the 11th March next. The Tenders may be for the supply of Bread, Tea, and Sugar together, or for one article only. All further particulars required may be ascertained on application to the undersigned. By order, G. B. HAYNES, CLERK. 8, Fisher-street, Swansea, 21st February, 1884. Swansea Union. TO TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. THE Guardians of the Swansea Union hereby GIVE NOTICE to persons desirous of CONTRACT- ING for the SUPPLY of the undermentioned PRO- VISIONS, &c., to be delivered at the Workhouse, Swansea, and also to persons desirous of CONTRACT- ING for the supply of the undermentioned Pro- visions, &c., to be delivered at the Cottage Homes, Cockett; and also for the FUNERALS of Paupers for three months, commencing on the 27th March next, to de- liver to the Clerk of the Guardians Sealed TENDERS for the same on or before TUESDAY, the 11th March next. Flour, Bread, Salt, Butter, Cheese, Beef (fore-quarters), Mutton, Suet, Australian Mutton and Beef, Tea, Sugar, J^eas, Oatmeal, Currants, Pepper, Mustard, Tobacco, fenuff, Soda, Starch, Vinegar, Treacle, best Bristol Soap, oot8& Shoes, and also for the Repair of Boots & Shoes 'arge and small Wheaten Straw, Leather, &c. nmongery and Brushes Fire wood Paints, Oils, &c. reau?iwinents as to the estimated quantity likely to be *nd conditions of contracts and forms of Tender, on applicat"rm alone wiu- Tenders be received) may be had SeDaratp1^,4 J the undersigned. Homes Tenders must be sent in for the Cottage riork Ind^nn delivered at the office of the W the Clerk rni6" he considered if not received %he GuarLnslbef0/e day named. Tender, and reserve^o^ ^emselv,es to a°cePt its entirety or any portion of any Tender^ Ar"C,e- '» be .»« p-*™— c £ rTod:7J"^e Conlra"" — then due for goo s supplii-d. By order, G. B. HAYNES, Clerk to the Guardians. 8, Fisher-street, Swansea, 21st February, 1884. "DECKITT'S XV Has the Name on Every WVorrrr OEE THAT yOCT GET Illeckitt's Blul O Reckitt's Blue DON'T accbptXN^UT-— 10 g^WASE OFImTATIONS^Op- B ,A. Blue. SALES BY AUCTION. Victoria Auction Mart, Oxford-street, Swansea. Messrs. BEYNON & LEWIS, WILL SELL BY AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 27th INSTANT, A LARGE and Useful Assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other EFFECTS. Sale at 11 a.m. 1 Offices-Victoria Chambers, Swansea. LLANGENNECH, CARMARTHENSHIRE. Sale of Valuable Leasehold Iron and Tin-plate Works, By Order of the Mortgagees. Messrs. TRIBE, CLARKE & CO. Have been instructed to offer FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. At the MACKWORTH ARMS HOTEL, Swansea, On TUESDAY, 11th day of MARCH, 1884, At Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to such Conditions as shall then and there be produced), ALL those WORKS, known as the LLANGENNECH IRON AND TIN-PLATE WORKS, situate at Llangennech, in the county of Carmarthen, about five miles from the Port of Llanelly, and 11 miles from the Port of Swansea. The Works comprise- FORGE. 17 puddling and balling furnaces (10 working into boilers), 8 charcoal fires, 4 lumping fires, oneoU cwt. double action steam hammer, one 40 cwt. do. 24 in. horizontal condensing engine bar train iron shears and Cameron's bar cutting machine. In a se1Hcl^,a building is a condensing blast engine, lo in. cy n e 5 feet stroke. » FORGE SMITHY.—2 hearths taking blast ttom engine, and 8 boilers, and Green's patent economizer. MILL8.-6 boilers. 2 ot Green's patent Economizers rlriveu by small engine, double action steam Pump, hori- zontal condensing engine, 28 in. cylinder, 4 feet stroke; horizontal condensing engine, 34 in. cylinder, 4 feet stroke vertical condensing engine, 37 in. cylinder, 4 teet stroke horizontal engine, 6 in. cylinder, 12 in. stroke horizontal engine. 4Q in. cylinder. 10 it), stroke vertical engine, 412 in. cyliuder, 12 in. stroke 8 mills, doublers, and shearers' shears and furnaces. COLD ROLLS.—3 boilers, horizontal condensing engine, 24 in. cylinder, 5 feet stioke 6 pairs of cold rolls. BLACK PICKLE RomI.Hu' chings' patent pickling machine, and horizontal engine driving same. WHITE PICKLE ROOM.—Annealing room with 3 fur- naces. Two TIN HOUSES,—18 tinning sets, and 2 horizontal engines driving same. SORTING ROOM.—Scruff room, grease house, pslrn-oil stores, copperas-house, engine-shed, weigubridge-house, with 15 tori machine, wood-shed, offices. GAS WORKS. -3 retorts, purifier, gas holder. On the other side of the road from the Works there \s a large yard with time-keeper's cottage, carpenter's shop, smithy with loft over, six-s:all stable with loft over, and saw pit. The whole of the Works are enclosed by a substan- tially built wall. There is a plentiful supply of water, as the vendors have a right of tapping the Morbus River on payment of B15 a year. There is a large pond inside the Works, which is fed from the river. The above-mentioned premises are held for a term of 99 years, from the 29th September, 18()5, at the annual ground rent of £100. There is also a piece of ground enclosed with the Works, upon which there are no erec- tions, and held for a term of 99 years, from the 25th March, 1872, at the annual ground rent of £ 12. Also, all that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELL- ING HOUSE cille(t I'LAS-ISSA HOUSE," suitable for the residence of proprietor or mauager, having a large garden, well stocked with fruit trees and vinery. Held on lease for a term of 92 years, from the 29th September 1872, at the annual ground rent of kloo. Also, 35 LEASEHOLD COTTAGES, of which the following are the particulars, viz 12 COTTAGES, situate in the New Road, immedi- ately adjoining the Works, each let at 3s. per week. Held on lease for 89 years, from the 25th December, 1871, at the annual ground rent of £ 12 7s. 8 COTTAGES, situate in the New Road, immediately adjoining the Works, each let at 3s. per week. Held on lease for 99 years, from the 24th June, 18GS, at the annual ground rent of t7 10s. 6 COTTAGES, situate on the Pontardulais Road, near the Works, each let at 3s. per week. Held on lease for 99 years, from the 24th June, 1865, at the annual ground rent of £3 10s. 3 COTTAGES, situate on the Pontardulais Road, adjoining the lust mentioned, each let at 3s. pel week. Held on lease for 60 years, from the 25th March, 1863, at the annual ground rent of £3. 3 COTTAGES, adjoining the last mentioned, each let at 3s. per week. Held on lease for a term of 60years, from the 25th March, 1863, at the annual ground rent of £:3. 3 COTTAGES, nearly adjoining the Works, situate on the Pontardulais Road, each let at 3s. per week. Held on lease for a term of 99 years, from the 24tli of June, 1865, at the animal ground rent of £ 1 10s. The Works can be viewed at any time. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale can be obtained of the Auctioneers, 11, Temple-street, Swansea Messrs. J. D. Pain & Son, Solicitors, Newport, Mon.; Messrs. Colborne & Ward, Solicitors, Newport, Mon. Messrs. Stricks & Bellinghatn, Solicitors, Swansea or Messrs. Bateson, Bright 'and Warr, Solicitors, 26, Castle-street, Liverpool. JMonthly Sale of Horses, &c. Mi-. CHARLES HUG H E S WILL SELL BY AUCTION, At the CAMERON HOUSE REPOSITORY, CAMERON ARMS HOTEL, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA, ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1884, THE following Useful and Valuable HORSES CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c., comprising LOT I.-Bay Pony, rising 7 years, good in saddle and harness. 2.-Bay Pony, 12 hands, rising 7 years, good in saddle and harness, and warranted sound. 3.—Chestnut Mare Cob, 14'1 hands, 3 years old, quiet in saddle and harness, good action, and warranted sound. 4—Bay Cob, 13 hands, 9 years old, a good worker. 5.—Bay Cob, 13.2 hands, good in saddle and harness, and fast. 6.—Brown Cart Horse, about 15.2 hands, staunch m 7.—Ba^ Horse, 14.2 hands, suitable for general pnr. poses 8.-Brown Cart Mare, about 15 hands, warransed staunch in harness. 9.-Bay Horse, 15.3 hands, goes well in single and double harness. 4-Wheel Dog Cart, by Thompson, of Perth, Sprjjjg. Cart equal to new; Bread Cart, in good condition 2 Stone Carts, severol sets of silver-plated single and double Harness, Cart Harness, Saddles, Bribes, &c_ Each horse to be in the yard by 10 o'clock morning of Sale, provided with a halter Sale to commence at half-past rwo p-m. Future Sales—The last Tuesday in every Month. Auctioneer's Offices, Brick Buildings,JSwansea. KilHy Brick: Works, near Klllay Station, on the L. & N. W. Railway, Messrs. H. H ILL & CO. Have been instructed by Mr. Frederick Pinn, TO SELL BY AUCTION, 'At the above Works, On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1884, rpHE whole of the PLANT, MACHINERY, &o.,&e., I comprising a portable engine, 83 cylinder (by Cambridge & Co.. of Bristol), semi-dry brick-makiiag machine (by Clayton, Son, and Howlett), double brick and pipe making machine (by Whitehea single do. (byMirch & Co., Bridgwater), pipe dies rom is in. to 9 in., 5 culvert brick dies, pug mill for grinding clay, also for brick making, which will turn 0 "000 bricks per day, pair of crushing rollers ( y JH-i n and Co.), brick press (by Clayton, Son, » £ d Howlett), a variety of tile and crest moulds, 6 hrick an pipe cutting-off tables, also a large quantity of bricks, draining pipes, about 3,000 pantiles, a large quantity of lead pots, flower pots, flooring squares, &c., &c., wheeling planks, flooring boards, wheelbarrows, &c. Terms, Cash.—No reserve. Sale to commence at One o'clock in the afternoon. Auctioneers' Offices, London House Auction Rooms, 10, Castle-street, Swansea. ~VT"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership xN hitherto existing between me, JOHN PALMER AND CHARLES CHEEK TRA W^1(. J*ER THE style or firm of Palmer and Cheek, ^lfer s-road, Swansea, in the County of Glamorgan, a > Pint, Ale, and Porter Merchants, was, on tne ^na day of February instant, dissolved hy mutual co I, the said John Palmer, will still carry on the BUsi. ness at the above Address in my own n n°w take the opportunity of thanking my s aQd friends for their past support, and hope to met it a con- tinuance of the same.. Dated this 19th day of February, 1884^ Witness, G. HARTLEY EATON, clerk to Henry D. Woodward, Solicitor, 57, Wind-street, Swantei. SALES BY AUCTION. 15, Herbert-place, Swansea, Messrs. EDWARD ROBERTS & SON Have been instructed by Mr. T. W. Morgan, who is leaving Swansea for London, TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the above address, On FRIDAY NEXT, the 29th FEBRUARY, 1884, r|HHE whole of the well-preserved HOUSEHOLD i FURNITURE, PIANOFORTE, and Effects, comprising rosewood loo table, walnut cheffioneer with marble top and plate-glass back and panels, drawing- room suite, pier glasses,carpets, hearthrugs, engravings, oleographs, handsome mahogany dining table with extra leaf, mahogany sideboard, solid mahogany dining- room suite, walnut pianoforte (byCollard and Collard), solid Spanish mahogany pedestal writing table with 17 drawers. Iron French belsteads, with brass ends, paillasses' wool mattresses, wardrobe, mahogany marble top washstand, dressing tables, ware, swing glasses, maho- gany chests of drawers, cane-seat chairs, sponge and hip baths. Kitchen tables, chairs, cupboards, filter, and the usual kitchen requisites. Goods on view morning of Sale. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock. Auctioneers' Offices, 40, Oxford-street, Swansea. Leasehold 'Property for Sale at Dunvant Mr. T H. D A V I E S Has been instructed TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the DUNVANT INN, near Dunvant Station, L. & N. W. Railway, On WEDNESDAY, the 12th of MARCH, 1884, rpHE whole of the TWELVE well and substantially -1- built HOUSES, known as the COMPANY'S ROW," Dunvant, in the parish of Swansea, in the occupation of ^r. D. Rees and other respectable tenants, at the low gross rental of £78 a year. The Premises are held for an unexpired term of about SO years, at the low ground rent of Bl year each house. This property is situated near several important works, where houses of this class are in great demand, and wirhin a few minutes' walk to the Dunvant Railway Station. Three fourths of the purchase money may be had on mortgage. Sale to commence at 4.30 p.m. For furtter particulars apply to Messrs. Hartland, Davius, and Is iac. 7, Rutl >nd->treet, Swansea, or to the Auctioneers, 18, Union-street, Swansea. Carm arthenshire. THE TALIARIS ESTATE. To Timber Merchants and Others. I Preliminary Announcement of a highly important SALE o\ FIRST-CLASS TIMBER, chiefly Oak, of rare quaf/v, comprising also some splendid Ash, Alder, Elm, aniiother Trees. Messrs. J. HUfiZLL THOMAS & THOMPSON Have been favoured W,:I¡ instructions ';o prepare FOR SALE B\ AUCTION, To take place at the CAWDOR A.RVO HOTEL, in the town of Llandilv. On WEDNESDAY, the 12th M.RCH, 1884, "VTINE LOTS of TIMBER, no> standing and J3I growing on the above estate, notriously the best wooded in all Wales. The Lots now to be Sold comprise scne fine specimens of Oak and Ash, and the Auctioneers invite the special attention of Timber Merchants from distance to the Sale, and assure them that they will ntz be disappointed by any false description. All the Lots are situate contiguous o good roads, and particularly easy of haulage over .he curnpike-road leading to Llandilo, the average distace being not more than four miles from the Llandilo Railway Station, connecting, by the London and North Western and the Great Western Railways, through cotmunication with all parts of the kingdom. The Lots may now be viewed and shovn on application to Mr. Pyper, estate steward, at Taliari Park, and full particulars may be had from Messrs. J Howell Thomas and Thompson, Estate Agents and Valters, Carmarthen. BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. Corporate Estate. THE Corporation of Swansea are pr.pared to receive Tenders for the letting (subject t» conditions), of in able TRADE OFFICE, ind STORAGE all those valuable uri iv PREMISES known as Nos. 97, 98, 99, IV, luj, ±u^, J. 104 105" 106 107, 108, 109,110, on the ftrand, upon re- buiidinV leases for terms of 99 years. Tie conditions of letting and plans of property tnay be inspected at the Tnajn°P1prk's Office, Estate Depaitrnent. All tenders to be sent in on or before 25 h March next, undercover endorsed, "Tender for Straad Property," to Peter Addie, Estate Superintendent, from whom any further information may be obtained. BOROUGH OF SWANSEA, TO ARCHITECTS AND OTHERS. THE Swansea Corporation will be prepared to receive and consider DESIGNS for the ERECTION of a BUILDING, to comprise PUBLIC LIBRARY, Art Gallery, and Schools of Science and Art, on a site in the Alexandra Road, Swansea. A lithographed '.c of the site, and general particulars may be obtal"w 011 application to the Town Clerk, Cnildhall, Swansea. Plans bearing a motto, together with a general descrip- tion of the plans and enclosures, containing Architect's name, to be delivered at the Town Clerk's office on or before the 25th of March, 1884. A premium of JE30 will be given for the selected design. The designs and plans to be the property of the Corpo- ration, The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept any design. JNO. THOMAS, Town Clerk. Guildhall, Swansea, Feb. 20th, 1884- _— The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. IN BANKRUPTCY. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thai»giving IN dated the 20th day of February, 1884, a receiv g order against GEORGE ACE, ofSwANSKA, wa8,emandf by the County Court of Glamorganshire, holden at Swansea.on the ^.February, .8 -STliMF OFF^CIAL'RBCSER'S Offices. 6, ROTLAND-STRBHT, SWAN- SEA, on tbfsth MARCH, 1884, at 11 0 clock in the fprenoon. to used at 8UCh Meeting must be in?ro?fs °f D onor before the 3rd day of March, 1884. lodged with 3rd day of March, 1884. The^ublfc Examination of the Debtor is to be held on the 20th March, 1884, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the County Court, Swansea. WM. ROSSER Official Receiver. The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. In the County Court of Glamorganshire, holden at IN BANKRUPTCY.-NO. 2 of 1884. RE. CHARLES HIBBERT. TTTTO Tq TQ CERTIFY that JOHN FRANCIS HARVEY, TTiaher-s'reet, Swansea, Chartered Accountant, and ALGEBVON OSMOND MILES, of 28, King-street, Cheapside, London, Chartered Accountant has been duly appointed and approved as Trastees of the Estate of CHABLES HIBBERT, of the American Meat Market, 32 High-street, Swansea; also Brynhyfryd, Swansea, and Gower-roadL&ear Swansea, all in Glamorganshire Grocer Provision Jfcercliant, and Draper, who was adjudged bankrupt on the 29th January, 1884. Dated this 19th day of February, 1884. B, the Eo.,d of Tr.de, SMITH_ Inspector General in Bankrnptcy. ON THE USE OF THE MICROSCOPE in detecting various compMats 0f the Blood and Nervous system sent free for 2 st amp-Addriss SECRETARY, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. PUBLICATIONS. Second Edition, Revised, 18. THE NEW PATENT LAW, Being the Sections relating to Patents of the PATENTS, DESIGNS, & TRADE MARKS ACT, 1883, With the Patents and Law Officers' Rules and Intro- duction, Notes, and Index, BY JAMES JOHNSON, Barrister-at law, and J. HENRY JOHNSON, president of the Institute of Patent Agents. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., Paternoster-row. JUST PUBLISHED, OCTAVO PAGES 363. PRICE 8s. 6d., The New Law of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, BEING the Principles of the Law, the New Act fully annotated with Cases, &c., the Rules and Forms, a Time Table, and Copious Index. A Complete Practical Treatise. By E. MORTON DANIEL, Barrister at Law, &c. London STEVENS & HAYNES, 13, Bell Yard, Temple Bar. EDUCATIONAL. UPLANDS SCHOOL, 9 & 10, Glanmor-Terrace, Swansea. Principal—Rev. J. E. MANNING, M.A. Terms on application. THE next Term commences THURSDAY, January 1<, 1884.. fa/fTSS ISACKE has TWO VACANCIES for 1VL PUPILS in her Training College for Governesses, which she is willing to fill on reduced terms. Address PRINCIPAL, Queen's Medallist, Stafford Collhge, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Art Classes. THE CLASSES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mrs. J. C. VYE-PARMINTER, WILL RE-COMMENCE the Third Week in JANUARY. Oil and Water-Colour Painting, including Painting from the Costume Model, Miniature, Tapestry, Art Pottery, Screen and Fan Painting, kc. Also Classes for Dr-twing. Students may enter at any time. Broadway Villa, Walter-road, Swansea. Tremont House, 6, Walter's Road. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CONDUCTED by Miss HIGGINSON, and Miss SCHII.D. of Hanover, Diplomee. Beginning of First Term, 1884, January 17th. Prospectuses on application. Collegiate School, Swansea. (6, ST. JAMES'S CRESCENT.) Head Master Rev. GIFFOKD WOOD, B.D. SCHOOL COMMENCES on TUESDAY, JAN. 15TH, s 1884, at 10 a.m. Examination Reports for last five years may be had. Mr. C. M. BILL, ASSOCIATE OF THE COLLEGE OF ORGANISTS, LONDON, ORGANIST <t- CHOIR MASTER OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Formerly Assistant to the Organist of Llandaff Cathedral, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, 51, MANSEL TERRACE, SWANSEA. MR. BARGEER WALL, SOLO VIOLINIST (Pupil of Herr Polonaski). Lessons given in Singing, Violin, and accompani- ments. Pupils attended at their own residence. Mr. WALL visits Swansea daily Neath on Mondays. For Terms, &c., apply" Wye Cottage," West Cross. ACADEMICAL SCHOOL, NEATH. Principal-J. SWIFT HUMPHRY, Esq. 4 BOUT a Dozen Boys prepared for Royal Naval Cadets and Engineer Student Examination, Woolwich Entrance and Public Schools. Middle-Class Boarding School, KINGSHOLM ROAD, GLOUCESTER. OCCUPIES a healthy site in the outskirts of the city, commanding' a splendid view of the Cathedral and Cotswold Hills. The School, situated in its own grounds, affords every facility for football, cricket, and other invigorating recreations. Pupils taken at any time during the term and special attention is devoted to backward, but earnest boys. Fees, JE18, JE20, X24 per annum. Principal, Dr. MACPHERSON, L.L.D., &c., author of the "Battle of Agincourt," Geographi- cal British History, &c., &c. Swansea Harbour Trust. ELECTION of FOUR PROPRIETARY TRUSTEES, Under the Powers of The Swansc^Tarbour Act, 1854.' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a MEETING J\ of the PERSONS entitled to Vote at the Election of ProDrietary Trustees, under the above Act, will be held on SATURDAY, the FIRST day ef MARCH, 1884, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the HARBOUR OFFICES, in the Borough of Swansea, for the ELECTION of FOUR PROPRIETARY TRUSTEES, under the provisions of the said Act, in the place of those who go out of office by rotation. NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN that Voting Papers in the form provided to be used at such Election, may be procured by Electors upon application to the Clerk of the Trustees at the Harbour Offices, in the Town of Swansea. Dated this 20th day of February, 1884. F. A. YEO, Returning Officer. FRANCIS JAMES. Clerk to the Trustees. Harbour Offices, Swansea. To the Electors of Proprietary Trustees of Swansea Harbour. THEtom ft?'which you did us the honor to elect us Proprietary Trustees of Swansea Harbour is PXl)ire, and we seek at your hands a renewal of fhn confidence which you have been pleased to place in « If re-elected, we will bestow the same thought and attention on the affairs of the Trust as we have hith erto devoted to them. de We are, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servants, T. CORY, L. L. DILLWYN, JOHN J. JENKINS. H. HUSSEY VIVIAN. Swansea, 20th February, 1884. THE WIND-STREET SW ANSEA COFFEE TAVERN AND RESTAURANT, 41, "W I 3ST JD STREET. NOW OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, TEAS &c. CHARGES VERY MODERATE. Excellent Accommodation. Re Sir R. Mansel Mansel, Ba.rt. THE CREDITORS of this Gentleman are informed that ARRANGEMENTS have been MADE for immediate PAYMENT of their respective DEBTS in full ,with interest and expenses, on application to the undersigned, his present solicitor. They are also requested to take notice that Mr. Norton, of Swansea, no longer acts for Sir Richard Mansel Mansel. Dated this 18th day of February, 1884. JOHN COLE STOGDON. 18, Clement's-mn, W.C. Solicitor for Sir Richard Mansel Mansel. HOTELS. THE SHERWOOD HOTEL ADAM STREET, ST-RAND (Near Charing Cross,) LONDON, W.C., HAS just been entirely RE-DECORATED AND ENLARGED. Private SittinglRooms. Tariff on Application. PROPRIETOR-W. H. PRUST (LATE OF SWANSEA). Aberystwith THE QUEEN'S HOTEL, ON the Marine Terrace facing the Sea, contains Coffee Rooms, Ladies' Drawing-room, Library, and nearly 100 Bedrooms. Special Arrangements during the Winter Months. Boarding Terms by the Week for Families. W. H' PALMER, Proprietor. Dressmaking and Millinery, MRS. NASH, Clifton House, 21, Walter's Terrace, Walter Road. LADIES' Own Materials Stylishly and Fashionably Made. Fit Guaranteed. Charges Moderate BIRDS A. SSTJD A.-IMIM PRESERVED SCIENTIFICALLY, ANIMAL SKINS and Furs dressed, Rugs Lined and made up, Hand and Fire Screens, &c., by J. CORDING, NATURALIST, No. 42, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. Glass Shades, all Sizes, for Clocks, Statuettes, &c. FLO "W B R iS THE BEAUFORT NURSERY COMPANY, BLACKPILL, S WA NSEA, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BOUQUETS, WREATHS, &c., SUPPLIED TO ORDER PALMS FOR DECORATIONS OX HIRE OR FOR SALK. Orders up Post Rcceive Prompt Attention. Visitors are respectfully invited to see the Beauti Flowers. SWANSEA HOUSE COAL DEPOT, LOW LEVEL, SOUTH DOCK. Entrance Opposite Swansea Gas Works. Officcs -23, BELLEVUE STREET. PROPRIETOR—THOMAS WILLIAMS LIST OF PRICES. Per ton Delivereo. Best Large Red Ash Coal 14s. 6d. Best Thro' lfe. 6d. Best Smiths' Coal 8s. 6d. Mount Pleasant and beyond the Tol: Gates, Is. per ton extra. Manager, Mr. W. MANATON, 69, St. Helen's Road Swansea. TERMS OF CREDIT—OVF MOUTH. THE NEURALGIA MIXTURE. Prepared by JOHN T. WILLIAMS, Pharmaceutical Chemist; 19. NELSON-STREET, SWANSEA. DURING the last twenty years this remedy has relieved hundreds of persons suffering from the excruciating agony of "Facial Hheumatism," commonly known as "Neuralgia." Acting on the system as a powerful" Nerve Tonic," it gives al- most Immediate relief, is perfectly safe, aud has proved itself to be most effectual. Price, 2s; ESTABLISHED 1866. LD. LEWIS k CO., Auctioneers, Sheriffs' Officers, Rent Collectors, and General Bailiffs, Life, Fire, Plate Glass. Guarantee and Accident Insurance Agents, 4, Calvert-street, Swansea. Removed to Worcester Place. Mr. ALFRED BUCKNALL, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, PLANS supplied on approval if desired. Terms f> pet JL cent. for plans and superintendence, or 216 per cent 2 for plans only. A Vacancy for a.n Â.n.l",ù mpil. Foot and Mouth Disease, 1883. THE Foot and Mouth Disease having broken out in this town, and the first case having come under my care, I respectfully call the attention of Cattle Owners to the great Success attending my labours during the outbreak in 1871, when I had no less than 700 cases, and was successful in every case. In contradiction to statements made, I beg to inform the public that I am registered at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London. J. C. LONG, VETERINARY SURGEON, 39, New Oxford Street, Swansea Army Service. YOUNG MEN wishing to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY will, on application at any Post Office iu the United Kingdom, be supplied, without charge, with a Pamphlet containing detailed information as to the Conditions of Service and advantages of the Army, as to Pay, Deferred Pay, and Pensions. Great Prospects of Promotion are offerel to eligible Young Men. Applications can be made, either personally or by letter, to the Officer commanding the Regimental District at Cardiff, or to the nearest Volunteer Serjeant Instructor or other Recruiter. Recruits, if eligible, can be enlisted for any arm of the Regular Service they may select. National Bank of Wales, Limited. Nominal Capital £2,000,000 in 100,000 share? of jE20 each. Capital paid up, £ 105,230. Reserve Capital. £ 105.230. Thomas Cory, Esq J.P., Chairman (Messr Cory, Yeo, & Co., Swansea). F. R. Crawshay, Esq.. J.P., Deputy-Chairman, Forest Isaf, Pontypridd. John Cory, Esq., J P. (Messrs. Cory Bros., Cardiff). Major Hair, Trosnant House, Pontypool. F. R. Howell, Esq., The Oaklands, Aberdare. H. Woodburn Kirby, Esq., 2, Coleman-street, London. W. Thomas Lewis, Esq., J.P., The Mardy, Aberdare. HEAD OFFICE—CARDIFF. H. ELLIS COLLINS, General Manager. A BRANCH of this Bank is now Open in Wind Street, Swansea, for the transaction of business. J. PERRY MORGAN, Manager. The Subscription4|k N.B. — Applica" Meetings will be tions for Shares held at Messrs. can be made to HILL and Co.'s JTCi the Officers or Offices, London Secretaries. House, Castle st., i2\ Pi Swansea, on the £ 1,000 and up- THIRD FRIDAY in wards ready to be every month. advanced. SWANSEA BOROUGH PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIEITY Shares, £100. Monthlv Subscription, 10s. per Share. CHAIRMAN—Mr. THOMAS HARRIES, Heathfield. TREASURER—Mr. WILLIAM DAVIKS, Bank Villa. SOLICITOR-JENKIN JGNEB, Esq., 5, Fisher-street, SURVEYOR-Mr. WILLIAM WATKINS, Bussell-street. BANKERS-THÉ GLAMORGAN BANKING COMPY. ( Mr. T. B. JOHNS, Uplands. SECRETARIES'! MR JJ HILL, Castle-street. Swansea Rock Permanent Building Society. ESTABLISHED 1877. Head Office-1S, UNION-STREET, Swansea. THE above Society is prepared to ADVANCE MONEY on the Security of Freehold, Leasehold, or Copyhold UDdJ^0USe8''payable by easy instal- ments, to suit borrowers, at any time from One to Twenty Years Interest charged £ 6 the amount of which is reduced every year m proportion to the amount of principal refunded. SHARES £100, issued daily. DEPOSITS of f and upwards received at any time, bearing interest of £ 0 payble half-yearly. MChT«rm^rSV- B" WlLLiAMS, Canaan. Treasurer- Mr. THOMAS ROBERTS. Managing Secretary— T. H. DAVIEg, Blue Lias Lime, White Lime, Limestone and Silicious Fire Cement. B DANIEL JONES and Co. are prepared to • Supply the above-named articles at all Railwav stations. J Stormy Works, Pyle, near Bridgend.