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I-Dal) to Jr!:\onDtt!,)'f)


I-Dal) to Jr!onDtt!,)'f) LONDON, April 6. THE Paris journals to Thursday inclusive contain verv little information of interest.—The ad- journed debate on the proposition of M. Garnier Pages relative to the conversion of the five per cent. stock into four and a half was terminated on Wed- nfcsday by its rejection by a majority of ten.— The Aloniteur publishes an order of the day addressed bY the Minister of War to th#»Hicers, non-commis- sioned officers, and soldiers, relative to the sub- scription for the Sword of Honour to be presented to Admiral Dupetit Thouars, informing them that no Subscription can be opened in the army under any Pretext, without the previous approbation of the superior authorities, and that those who should fail In that duty will expose themselves to punishment. These papers contain nothing new from Italy, and In general they seem to anticipate that. the move- ments that have taken place, or are threatened, in (llat country, will have been repressed without fo- reIgn aid. Private letters, however, state, that the Matter was still regarded as menacing, not so much because of the present or impending revolt "eing as likely to become formidable, as because, tha.t, if the root of the evil, rnisgovernment, re- mained untouched, revolts and insurrections will be -Perpetually recurring."—"Thereis," a private letter °Wrves, "a gleam of hope to be found in the re- J*paiiUion of Queen Isabella by the King of Naples. wise Monarch who suggested that measure (King Louis Philippe) will hardly stop there. He ^'ill no doubt point out to his nephew the necessity r giving something like a Constitution to his People, and this may put a temporary stop to the Srovvititr discontent and disaffection." The Madrid journals are to the 29th ulL-On the 27th, an Officer, who rode courier from the 'e*ul-quarters of General lloncali, arrived in the Spanish capital, with the intelligence that Cartha- S^na had surrendered on the 25th. It appears rpni a bulletin of the General, that in the morning the 22d the revolters had opened a tremendous re against the line of blockade, which they kept *JP briskly, but with little effect, until 3 P.M. The re was returned bv the batteries of the besiegers, and several shells fell and exploded in the town. A Cabinet Council was held immediately after the arrind of General Roncali's Aide-de-camp, and a ri"nour had got abroad, that, peace being now re- stored all over the Peninsula, the laws and consti- tution would soon resume their accustomed sway. -An amnesty was still talked of, and it was even affirmed that orders had been sent to Gen. Roncali not to display too much severity towards Cartha- gena, and not to molest such as should quit the tOWIl. Advices from Hamburgh, dated March 2G, an- nounce the sudden death of Thorwaldsen, the etm- ,le"t sculptor, at Copenhagen, aged 74. He was aken ill iu t|)e theatre, taken out, and died immedi- ately. In allusion to this event, the Hamburg Journal says:—" 1 lie death of Thurwaldsen, the greatest sculpt or of the age, which event occurred at I °Peuhagen, a few days ago, is universally regretted lei'e, where the unrivalled artist was well known and highly7 respected. It may, perhaps, not be Seiicraliy known, that tor years Thorwaldsen lan- guished at Rome in obscurity, until he chanced to attract the notice of an English Nobleman, who ap- pelated his talent, and did homage to his genius; antj to this even the great cetebrity which the Danish a'tist enjoved during the latter part of his life is in 'j.&reat measure due, for Thorwaldsen had become 'sS"sted with the neglect of the public, and was bnut to relinquish his noble profession, when a for- mate circumstance brought to his studio an indi- .duat who could appreciate his merit, and who had the means of extending to him real and valuable j^ti'Jiiage."—To the last day of his life he preserved lls activity and cheerfulness of spirits, and he was j^gagcd on some important works, among which may e mentioned the colossal statue of Hercules for the 1)i\lace of Christianburgh. All he died possessed of le has bequeathed to the Thorwaldsen Museum; )1't, with the exception of his works of art, 4lis pro- J)er'y is not so great as was imagined. He had Jeen working on a bust of Luther on the day of his ('eath. 3 ,One of the finest and swiftest of the American Packets, the Monte zuina, Captain Sowerbv, with ates from New York to the 18th ult. being seven in advance of the previous arrival, reached ] "'Vre/P°°l on Saturday afternooon. The annexation 'exas, a subject which was touched upon with j(n feeling of satisfaction by the President his last Message to Congress, was again promi- v!e!ll|v before the public, from a rumour which pre- ■MleiJ that a treatv for carrying it into effect has s^e" Actually signed by the President, and will jy,?'% be laid before the Senate, with every proba- being favourably entertained. lhe| ^la(^ 'leen ineidentally mooted iu the House el)resentatives, but nothing was elicited to con- Op111 °r Coiltru< 1 ict the statement. Mr. Webster has tl0l,"ced the annexation as a project likely to ju°Ve injurious to the stability ot the United Stales, a 'etier which is going the round of the news- —The affair of the Princeton, and the me- tile tesult which accompanied the explosion of 8^,5, °'i board of tliat vessel, has been investi- a Committee of Naval Officers appointed StoVat Pl,rpose. Their report exonerates Captain to "*°11 tiom all blame, and at tributes the sad event ffUCa?Ses ^bich could not have been foreseen or a?fiinst.—The New Orleans papers contain a'toUnt of a steam-boat collision ot a most fatal r^<ter which took place at Old River. I he col- Pa.0'1 'lal'Pened at night, when the majority of the ateiSen*e,s were in bed. One of the boats iminedi- Th Su"lt, and nearly eighty persons were drowned llf) °ther boat was comparatively uninjured.— (he Stat^ xvhieh were entertained that the delinquent the;?S. xv°uld make an effort to pay the interest on ebts, from the strong feeling which had been at h J"e(' on the subject not only in hurope but, also i>?>e' s<?em likely to prove fallacious. T he State iii<?^ atu,'e.of Man land has separated without mak- andW»ky t^0l t to retrieve the charactei of that, State of c °f Pennsylvania has done nothing woit.iy fleni!!nS'('eia,i()n beyond passing a resolution con- the »>at.°rv of free trade, as being likely to inflict on brisk n,0n a "pauper population."—Business was t a'Ui n,0|iey abundant. The Cotton-market, accoii "l"'1' a"<f all speculation at an end. 1 he W i0tS ,Vom Domingo state that disturbances office* J)lten out there, in which several Government *erj0lJ* hav« been killed, and that further and more Th J^°nvu'sio'>s mav be anticipated. WC;°Verla"d Mail 'has arrived, bringing^news The aftlr P°ssessions in the East and from China. the :s cl"'s of Gwalior had been finally arranged to SoVr,. •1S^:u'|i()n of the Governor-General, the of j had been formally installed on t..e '-Oth t|le r. '» the presence of Lord FJlcnborouga civil a0,lVllander-in Chief, and all the military and Was fborities. On the 22d the army of Smdiah ehit,feMe;vetl in the presence of the Maharajah and Proof' UlUl 0,1 the same dav it. was dissolved l>> diie,0]'^1011' the troops composing it having een siSneH U> l1IO(,eed to the several destinations as- 0 thern. The Mahratta soldiery, to the ^.id"' ° ^.000, had laid down their arms and Oi, tl,ei,he,r services to the sovereign <>f Gwalioi. *°r C»^ ^0,*d Ellenborousih-took h's dej>artuie k-ftw tUU3' accompanied by General Grev and the Uutj| II 8 °* ttle ar,»v. A division was left behim con»wJe.new army "should be organised under the fotin 1 1°' British officers, and other arrangemen s letian,f et<- so as t(> ensure tranquillity and the main- e°'paramouui British iuflueiice. At Lahoie, I the prime minister, Heera Singh, was busy plunder- ing the royal treasury, and is supposed to have possessed himself of the celebrated royal diamond. It was thought probable the poor boy-king, Dhuleep Singh, would be sacrificed by the unscrupulous minister; and in order to act as circumstances might suggest, British troops were collecting in consider- able force on the banks of the Sutlej. The Go- vernor-General had issued a proclamation announc- ing that an augmeuation of nearly 10,000 men would be required, ostensibly for Sinde and Gwalior, but in reality, no doubt, to watch the movements in the Punjaub. A rather serious spirit of insubordination has broken out, in the native regiments, who have a repugnance to serve in Scinde,-which they regard as a foreign country, and frightfully destructive to life. The health of the Scindeariny was greatly im- proved. The gallant Sir Robert Sale was expected to reach Bombay in the month of March, accom- panied by his devoted wife, and her daughter, Mrs. Sturt, whence they were expected to embark for Eng-Iand.-The news from China is of the most pacific, and therefore satisfactory, description. The con mercial arrangements between the two authori- ties of the two countries were proceeding, and pro- mise to effect vast advantages to both nations. We regret to state, that the massacre of the bishops Jinbert, Messrs. Chastan and Mauban, with 70 Christians, all Roman Catholics, at Corea, is con- firmed. In addition to the above, who were all be- headed, 180 other Christians were put to death by strangulation. Money Makkkt —The Fnslish Stock-market was to-day exceedingly firm, and on one occasion there was a bargain in Consols at the advanced quota ion of par. This however was not the general price, 991 to J being the range both for money and time. There was all iiiiprovernetitazaiii iii the t,altie of the unfunded debt, which realised 72s. to 71s. premium. East India bonds under lOoof, also improved, being 87s. to 9'Js. premium. To-day'bnsiness was resumed in the Stocks for which the transfer-books have been closed pre- paratory to the payment of the dividends, which wil 1 take place next week. The Reduced a} per cents. were I02 £ 'o |, the Three per cents. 99 to the old 3^ per cents. 102 to -J, Lotm Annuities 12 7-16(hs 'o f, and Bank-stock 198i to 19:) ex- div. It certainly is a feature worth recording, that the new 3^ per cents. continue to rise, notwithstanding the certainly which now exists of their reduction in October next to 3-J per cent. annuity. This is a strong indication of the opinion en ertained by the holders in favour of the plan of Government, which may now be said to have been accomplished for the reduction referred tt), A point equal JU 3-L per ceiit above par has this week 4 been paid for the new :H per cenls, --A favourable Return as respects the Revenue for the pasr quarter was calculated upon as a certainty and without question the state of the Customs department, showing as it does so large an increase, has afforded much sa- tisfae'ion in commercial circles, where for so long a period depression had universally ruled. However acti\e the demand may become for money for mer- cantile purposes, it is not expected 'hat any serious influence wii) be worked upon the quotations of stock, so rapidly is capital accumulating in the hands of pri- vate and public associations.—There have not been any very lare;e opera!ions in he British secllritles this week. Bank stock has a tained a high point. I

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