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LONDON. FEB. 13. ACCOUNTS from Madrid of the 5th, leave no doubt A that Carthagena had followed the example of Alicante, aud that the movement had been successful. The garrison, together with about 1,200 military prisoners, who had been marched to the place from Catalonia, for safe custody, had joined the insurgents. Reports prevailed at Madrid, and supposed to be well-founded, that similar risings had taken glace in Valencia, Murcia, Jareda, Elche, Santander, and Bilboa. According to the Government papers, however, Murcia, up to the 3d remained quiet.—OB the 29th nit., an attempt at insurrection was made at Alcoz, which was sup- pressed by the troops and the National Guards. A collision ensued, when some persons were killed, and thirty of the insurgents captured. At Elcho, Cocentanyo, 0 I ihuela, and Maro, simiiarmovements had been repressed. The Governor of Murcia had blockaded Alicante with the coast-guard boats. The citadel of that place, which is strong, had been delivered into the hands of the insurgents by a lieutenant of the garrison. The Government, however, are determined to make an example, by shooting a!! those captured, as appears from all order of the Minister of War to General Boncali, published in the Madrid Gazette, directing him, in the name of the Queen, to shoot the thirty insurgents taken prisoners at Alcoz. The Minister requests him to forward to his department an account of their execution for the information of her Majesty, and enjoins him not to allow himself to be stopped by the fear of any acts of retaliation which the insnrgentsof Alicante might threaten, for although her Majesty should view with grief the victims that thefnry of the rebels might sacrifice, yet the absolute necessity that the law and public vengeance should be a reality weighed still more in her Royal mind." The intelligence in the French papers, of any in- terest, relate chipfly to Spain, bnt it furnishes no new facts. The Journal des Debats infers, from the preparations of the Spanish Government, that a vast conspiracy extends its ramifications throughout the south-east of Spain-a con. spiracy directed by M. Linage and other Esparterists re- siding at Gibraltar, and acting in concert with the Exaltado party against the common enemy, which is the Government. The Commerce states that the French and English Ambas. sadors at Madrid had applied to the Minister for Foreign Affairs for explanations relative to the arrest of the Deputies, and the reply was, that letters had been seized which com- promised them but it is not said whether the letters had been written by the Deputies. According to a letter in another paper, Lopez and Madoz had made their escape from the Bravo Government, and numerous arrests had taken place in the provinces. Great complaints are made against the French Ministers for delaying the publication of the telegraphic dispatches, and well-grounded suspicions are excited that the state of affairs in Spain is worse than they would lead the public to believe.—Queen Christina has lately had frequeut interviews with the leading men of the French Government. Lisbon papers of the 5th inst., with letters of the 7th, have been received. These papers contain very important intelli. gence. For some time past, the Septembrist party have been collecting money, for the purpose of bribing the troops, in order to effect another revolution. News was received at Lis- bon, on the 6th inst, of the revolt of the 4th Casalry at Torres Novas, who have declared against the present Ministry. It appears that the revolted troops have left that town, headed by Cezar de Vasconcellos, and proceeded in the direction of Fundoo. It is reported, too, that the garrison of Elvas have revolted, and killed the Governor, and similar rumours are in circulation respecting the troops at Santarem Abrantes, and in Algarve, hut all these want confirmation. Last night the troops in the city were under arms, and an extra number of sentinels were posted in different places, who loudly cha!. lenged every passer-by, and obliged him to walk on the other side of the street. During the night a number of arrests took place. Amongst the persous arrested were Rio Tiuto (lately the editor of the National), Baron da Foscoa, Leonel Tavarez (formerly a deputy, and a. leading man of the Septembrist party), and the Colonel of the 5th Cacadores, all of whom are now secured on board the Diana frigate. As a measure of precaution, all the arnns in the naval and military arsenals have been removed, and placed on board the ships of war. The Government are taking the most energetic measures to suppress the revolt.




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