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ST. UBE'S ORAAGES. We have received our first parcel of finest St. Ube's Oranges. Price, Is. per dozen. Finest Valencia Oranges, Is. 3d. per dozen. TAYLOR & COUPAJSY, Ageats for W. & A. GILBEY, 6,. Castle SqUarC) Wine and Spirit Importers and Distillers, London. Swansea. 19, WATERLOO STREET, SWANSEA. E. NICHOLLS & SONS, Bakers, Groccrs, and Flour Factors. PBICES- FOR CURRENT WEEK — BREAD, 8d. per 41b. BEST FLOUR, 4s. Od. per Score. W M E V A Begs to announce that his PRINCIPAL SHOW of all the LEADING PRODUCTIONS in MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, &c., will commence on SATURDAY, APRIL 21st. GLOVES, TIES. TRIMMINGS, LACE GOODS, &c., WM. EVA, Draper and Silk Mercer, 74, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. tADIES' PRIVATE MILLINERY ROOMS, 43, Henrietta Street, Swansea. » MRS. ROE, (UATE MISS MORRISH) DEGS respectfully to announce that she is now prepared to show a Choice Selection of STRAWS, FLOWERS, and SILKS, in the Newest Shades, suitable for the Season. CHARLljJ8 J. ANDREWS, TAILOR & HATTER, Respectfully invites au inspection of his LARGE and VARIED STOCK of the NEWEST AND CHOICEST PATTERNS, FIR T QUALITY ONLY. PERFKCT FIT GUARANTEED, BEST WORKMANSHIP, GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR CASH. COMBIVED JfirH PUNCTUALITY AND PERSONAL SUPERVISION. 1 6 -vv I 33 T R R E T S W ANSEA. (OPPOSITE CASTLE BUILDINGS), FISHER STREET DYE WORKS, SWANSEA. MRS. M. POOLE, IK "■■■- king her many friends for past favours, begs to announce that these Works being the oldest and now th J, r r, st in the town, alteiationi having 'n-t-n made for the purpose of extending the business, and experienced •wov-. being on the premises, all orders will be strictly attended to. i Ifular attention is rtspectfully invited to Lace, L^no, and Muslin Curtains, cleaned and finished like new, froi ■ J Oil. per pair. Ascriptions of Ladies' Cloaks, and Gentlemen's Overcoats, cleaned, dyed, and waterproofed, without ripi I i;j Jackets, Muffs, and all descriptions of Pur cleaned, altered or relinel Kid Gloves cleaned. Bill an I Evening Cos turn* cWnel without rippi ig, and finished in a superior style. Cbi'. z, Dimity and Cretonne cleaned and finished on the premises with despatch. All i'e-'criptions of Carpets, Hearthrugs an I Mats cleaned or dyed. Wo vlf-n and Cotton Mixed Costumes dyed without unpicking. Ostrich and other Feathers cleaned, dveltlnd curled to any thade of color. Hi!!Satins, Crapes and Laces cleaned or dyed. Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned or dyed. M. P. wdl not u-i answerable for Goods left at her Establishmmt over Six Months. NOTE THE ADDRESS:— 2, FISHER STREET, SWANSEA. -_J. (ESTABLISHED 1839.) GOOD FURNITlJIiE, MODERATE IN PRICE. LEWIS LATE BENNETT, (MB1NKT MANUFACTORY, i 3 9 H XG- J=-i STREET, S W ANSEA. Carpets, Medline, Ilurial :IS, !rm and Brass Bedsteads. THOMAS HEARD, Manager. To Shipowners and Masters of Vessels. G MARTIN, CHRONOMETER AND WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &c., T>"> r to inform Shipowners and Ma ter" of Vessels that from his long experience in CLEANING, RATING, and Kin'AIRING CHRONOMETER*. he is enabled to Execute all Orders entrusted to him with Despatch. CSKONOMETERS, SEXTANTS, QUADRANTS, BINOCULAR GLASSES, TELESCOPES AND ANEROID BAROMETERS. &c., KEPT IN STOCK. 14, w I D <TKEET, SWANSEA. "Ipswich may be described as the bvr h place of Chemical Manures.* JOSEPH I'IS(^R,RT0,, IPSWICH, ZF JLLM [ rU T .MTITY f MANUFACTURERS OF ImTTTAT ITY^ I Sulphuric Uid an I hemlcal Manures. WJMjl (One of >he oldest Firms in the Trade). -m TESSRS. JOSEPH FISON & CO h**n established a Depdt at Swansea are now prepared tTddiver their J3i Manures free by Railway at. any Station in South Wales. 'la Farmers:— These Manures have been found not.onlyto pro luce a large yield, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which ihey are applied, to strengthen r.he^oi ;md to benefit succeeding crops. Full particulars may be obtained upon application to any of the Agents of 'he Mnn, or to the Head Offices. 1r M> rchants and others having a connection with barmers: MESSRS JOSEPH FISON & Co. are pr p < — > t-o tppoint Agents for their Manures in districts in which they ar,. in r a1 ready represented, and geotleme' pos'.ti »n and influence, who may wish for such agencies, are re- quest to apply by letter to the Head Offices, 1 I,. enclose a bankers reference. V. Rua IPSWICH AND BRAMFORD HFIAD OFFICES: EASTERN UNION MILLS, IPSWICH. N.B.—No SUB-Agents are appointed, Uf •> ^nts b ing in direct communication with the Firm, orders receive, through them will have the same attention as it°h,inded to the principals. ":1- LCARD.] K ROBERT T H O "M AS, SURGEON DENTIST, REMOVED FROM 3, CRADOCK STREET, To 5, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA. 3 Doors below DB. PADLEY. 11 ristol House, 18, College-street, Swansea. CHAS. COOX, I Trunk, Box, and Portmanteau Maker, t BROS to announce to the Public that he ha.s the largest Stock in South Wales of TIN BOXES, LADIES AI.D GENTLEMEN'S BAGS J also of FANCY JEWELLEBT. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. HENRY A. CHAPMAN, 235, HlGH STREET, SWAJVSEAm Photographer to the County of' Glamorgan, BY APPOINTMENT; Wishes to contradict the statement that has gone forth to the effect that he has augmented his scale of charges. The extensive patronage that he is receiving, and which he is proud to say is constantly increasing, enables him to produce the highest class work at a price that defies competition, even from those who produce inferior work. As Mr. C. does not wish that any one should suppose that this is stated in a boastful spirit; those who think so will find the truthfulness of it by turning over the albums belonging to themselves and friends, and noticing the great disparity both with regard to number and quality in his favour. ALBUM CARTES, any position-Three, 2s. Six, 3s. Twelve, 5s. 6d. Vignettes, Medallions, Rembrandts, Plain and, Triptographic Cameos and Stiptographs, are finished by the Berlin re-touching, a process that greatly beautifies without detracting from the portrait. An extensive Gallery of Oil Paintings, Carbon Opals, Enlarged Photographs, &c., always on view free. Please call and see the most beautiful Novelty ever produced by Photography, it really is the Ne Plus Ultra. Mr. C. apologises for all delays in executing orders; if a post-card is sent mentioning the need, prompt at tention will be paid to it. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, ^»TT*IQ| 8 & 9, OXFORD STREET, < *5/ Sif/ SWANSEA. I!/ AGENT FOR \J 1/1 ALLSOPP AND BASS'S PALE AND ><<1. BURTON ALES, 1W, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. 0"8 ° C AT" LONDON AND IRISH STODT. /v ^miiie, AND THE an 6 Trade to his ex- ALTON COURT BREWERY v' tensive and well-selected Stock CO.'S CELEBRATED S&L, of FAMILY ALES, :0.. In 9, 18, 36, and 54 PORTS, SHERRIES, Gallons. 00 MADEIRAS, &c. MM\ in Quarters and Octaves, supplied direct from his new and rcrtb |J[B1 commodious BONDED VAULTS AND ^TORiiS, Nos 50, 51, 52, and 53, WAlERLOO STREET. V FJF OFFICE: 9, OXFORD STREET, Where Price Lists of Duty-paid Wines and Spirits may be had on application. LIST OF PRICES OF THE ALTON COURT BREWERY CO.'S ALES. vvvP«Sie AIe* Is. 6d. per gal. S. Stout Is. 4d. per gal. XXX Strong Ale 1S. 6d. „ P.Porter. Is. 21. „ Y ls" 4d- » XXX Mild Aie Is. Od. X » Is. 2d. „ XX 10d. „ DIAMOND PALE ALE Is. 2d. and ls. 4d. per Gallon. It is generally acknowledged that the Ales supplied by this Brewery are of a superior quality. CHEAP BEDDING PLANTS. THOUSANDS OF BEDDING-OUT PLANTS OF ALL THE BEST VARIETIES, From 2s. 6d. per dozen, 8s. per 50, 14s. per 100. CATALOGUES NOW READY-FREE ON APPLICATION. W. HEATH & SON, NURSERYMEN AND SEED MERCHANTS, &c., &c., CHELTENH A 3VC. NOTICE, MANUFACTURE OF SPOONS AND FORKS. Messrs. ELKINGTON & Co. Beg to announce that having succeeded in carrying out several important improvements in the above Manufacture, they are now enabled to offer their guaranteed qualities at such prices as, while fully maintaining their high quality, place them within the reach of all classes. REVISED ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS CAN BE HAD ON APPLICATION ADDRESS-ELKINGTON & Co. LONDON-22, Regent Street, W. 42, Moorgate Street, E.G. LIVERPOOL-25, Church Street. MANCHESTER-St. Ann's Square; or to the Manufactory-Newhall Street, BIRMINGHAM ==================================================^^ t PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT "The Cambrian" Newspaper Steam Printing Works, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. Posting Bills of all Sizes and in every variety of Tint. CIRCULARS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ADDRESS, BUSINESS, MEMORIAL AiND OTHER CARDS IN JivliiKY SHADE AND FORM. BILL-HEADS. SHIPPING FORMS, INVOICES, MEMORANDUMS, AND EVERY OTHER KIND OF PRINTING DONE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ESTIMATES FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. SWANSEA & SOUTH WALES INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1866. PATRONS. The Right Revd. THE LORD BISHOP OP ST. DAVID'S. P. ST. LEGER GRENFELL, Esq. H. H. VIVIAN, Esq., M.P. TRUSTEES. CHARLES BATH, Esq. I C. R. M. TALBOT, Esq., M.P. L. L. DILLWYN, Esq., M.P. H. H. VIVIAN, Esq., MP. CHARLES BATH, Esq. C. R. M. TALBOT, Esq., M.P. L. L. DILLWYN, Esq., M.P. H. H. VIVIAN, Esq., MP. J. CROW RICHARDSON, Esq. THE Committee are reluctantly compelled to make a fresh appeal to the public for Subscriptions to clear off the debt remaining on the buildings—about £ 800—and upwards of £ 200 due to the Treasurer on current account. Owing to the unprecedented depression in the staple trades of South Wales the subscriptions recehed during the past year towards the liquidation of the debt have been very few, and the sale of the articles made by the blind has been materially decreased from the same cause. It is found impossible to carry on the work of the Institution efficiently unless the subscription list is in- creased, and the incubus of the debt on the building is cleared off. This appeal is made to the residents in the whole of the Southern Counties of the Principality, in the full assurance that it will not be made in vain, seeing that the Institution opens its doors to the Blind from all parts of South Wales. Subscriptions may be thankfully received by any Member of the Committee, or by the undersigned. Grosvenor House, Swansea. JOSEPH HALL, Hon. Sec. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED. Aberdare Lord ••• »25 0 0 Bazaar held at Music Hall, Swansea, August, 1876, net proceeds of 586 7 7 Bath, H. J. (the late) 50 0 0 Sfttli Charles ««• ••• ••• ••• v Buffaloes, Royal Institution of, part proceeds of entertainment by officers and brethren Id I y Bowen, John 5 5 0 Bellingham, E. N. 5 0 0 Bedlington, R. Biddulph, Jno « ° 0 Cory, Thomas -100 0 0 Concert at Agricultural Hall, half proceeds of, f per H. Jack 8 3 9 Canton, W. T. 5 0 0 David, David (Blaengwaur) 50 0 0 Daniel, E. Rice 20 0 0 Dynevor Coal Co. 10 0 0 DanioI.E.F. 5 f 0 Daniel, E. F., Mrs. 5 5 0 Da vies, Mrs., the late (Norwood) 5 5 0 Dawe, Miss 5 0 0 Essery, R. A 5 5 0 F. A. S. Z. 5 0 0 Gwyn, Howel 10 0 0 Grove, Rev. C. W. (Tewkesbury) 10 0 0 Gilbertson, W. 5 0 0 Gibson, Mr. W. G. (Saffron Walden) 5 0 0 Hall, Mrs. Joseph 25 0 0 Jones, Miss Calvert 100 0 0 Jenkins, John Jones 50 0 0 Jones, Rev. Calvert R. £5 5 0 Jonea, Mrs, Calvert B. 5 § 0 Jones, Admiral and Mrs. OHver 5 0 0 Jones, John, solicitor 5 0 C Lagacy per Executors of the late J. W. Clark 100 0 Moxham, Marcus 10 0 0 Mason, Jules 't 10 0 0 Michael, Miss, Picton House 5 0 0 Powis, Earl 25 0 0 Power, S. B. 10 10 0 Powell,'Thomas 10 10 0 Richardson, J. Crow 50 0 0 Rowlands, Mrs. Glyn, Clj'dach 20 0 0 Richards, T. P. JO 0 0 St. David's Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of 25 0 0 Squire, Rev. E. B. (the late) 500 Stroud, Admiral t 500 Talbot, C. R. M. (M.P.) 0 0 Thirlwall, Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop (the late) 10 0 0 Thomas, Iltid 10 0 0 Thomas, W. (Lan) V." 5 5 0 Turberville, Major 5 0 0 Tucker, W. H. 5 0 0 Vivian, W. Graham 5 00 Vivian, Mrs. J. H. 5 0 0 Williams, J. Evans, Neath 20 0 0 Wilson, C. T 10 0 0 Williams, Morg&n B. 10 0 0 Williams, W. D. (the late) 500 Wood, T. Travers 5 0 0 Yeo, F. A 100 0 0 Miss Michael 5 0 0 Colonel Morgan 5 5 0 Subscriptions under £ 5 64 3 6 47, St. George Terrace, Swansea. REV. E. GRIFFITHS is prepared to receive a FEW BOYS as DAY PUPILS, to educate with his own sons. January 13th, 1877. — — Fynone School, Constitu'ion Hill, Swansea. Conducted by Mr. G. EMERY. SCHOOL REMOVED to PENMAEN VILLA, for 0 superior accommodation. Education sound and liberal. Situation open and elevated. House contains numerous spacious, well-ventilated rooms. Terms moderate, and charged from the time of entrance. Violin, Pianoforte, Singing. MJULE^ ALLARD begs to inform his Friends • and Pupils that he has REMOVED to CLARENDON HOUSE, Walter's Road. He gives Lessons at his own, or the Pupils' Residences, and visits Neath and Britonferry. Clarendon House, Walter's Road. MBS. ALLARD receives a Select Class of Young Ladies lor thorough education and also admits Pupils for accomplishments only, if desired. The next Term begins Tuesday, May 1st. Notice of Removal. ACADEMY of MUSIC & PIANOFORTE SCHOOL, INSTITUTED 1856, Is Ramoved from 7, St James' Terrace to 3, Fynone Place, Walter Road. Terms upon application to Mr. EDWARD FRICKER. ATTACHED to the Institution is another Depart- ment, especially intended for the supply of Musical Instruments, -uch as Pianos, Harps, Harmoniums, Organs, American Organs, Violins, Violoncellos, Tenors, Flutes, -Sc., &c., of the best quality at fair prices. All enquiries c .ncerning such, addressed to Mr. Fricker, will meet wi h prompt attention. No 3. FRXONE PLACE, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. May 10th, 1877. STROUD LADIES' COLLEGE, BEECHES GREEN, STROUD, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Principals-The MISSES HOWARD. Reports Monthly. Test Examinations every Term. THI College educates Daughters of Gentlemen and Professional Men. The House is large, airy, and well situated. The Mi-ses HOWARD, having taken another House, have Six Vacancies, which may be filled (immediately) on advantageous terms. Prospectus, with references and copies of examination papers, on application. Summer Terll. will begin Thursday, May 3rd. MR. W. B. BROAD, (CONDUCTOR OF MUMBLES CHORAL SOCIETY), Oraanist and Choirmaster at St Mary's, Monmouth, YISIT> SWANSEA and the MUMBLES WEEKLY, tor the purpose of giving Pianoforte and Singing Lessons, &c. Highest references. Terms on application either to Post Office, Swansea, or Parade, Monmouth. STAFFORD COLLEGE, DARTMOUTH PARK, FOREST HILL, (Near Crystal Palace) London, S.E. Head Master—Mr. CROSS, late of Bridgend. Second Master.—J. C. STRACHAN, Esq., London University. French—Monsr. A. BRUIN, Leydea University. German—Dr. EUPHRATE, M.A., Ph.D., &c. Drawing, Painting, &c.—J. L. KENWORTHY, Esq., F.S.A.,F R.G.S., &c. Assistant in ditto-J. ROLFE, Esq., Medalist of the Royal Academy. Professor of Dancing-.J. SEATON, Esq., Royal Italian Opera House. Present number of Pupils, 70. THE NEXT TERM will COMMENCE on the 21st of APRIL. Tuning and Restoring Pianoforte. JOHN BISHOP intends being in Swansea MAY 19th I (being his 45th quarterly visit) for the above pur- t o-e Those w hoarf desitous of having their instruments properly attended to will ple>«se send their addresses to the Huils n Temperance Hotel, St. Mary-street, where orders will immediately meet with prompt attention. Now in practice of over 1000 tunings yearly. WEDDING CAKE MANUFACTURER. Established 1840. JOHN FIDDLE, 14, GOWER STREET, SWANSEA, (OPPOSITE MOUNT PLEASANT CHAPEL.) WEDDING BREAKFASTS, BALL SUPPERS, &c., SUPPLIED. PLATE, KNIVES, FORKS, &c., ON HIRE. SCHOOL & OTHER TEA PARTIES LIBER A LL Y TREATED WITH. BRITISH WINES. CLIFTON. St. Vincent's Rocks Family Hotel. "VTEAKESr to and directly facing the Suspension Bridge ami the far-famed Leigi Woods. Every couatort and moderate terms f..r Bearding. Address Manager. Very Powerful Telescopes to Show Objects Distinctly at Ten Miles Distance, AT 1 Os. Ode ONLY. To BE HAD AT G MARTIN'S, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN 14, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. Also POCKET BAROMETERS at 56s. warranto cor-act. With MOUNTING SCALE. 63s. Berlin Wool and Fancy Repository, 12, Wind-street, Swansea. MRS. OH \MINGS, at the request of a large number of Ladies residing in Swansea and Neighbourhood, has conse ted to open a select REGHSTRY OFFICE for Governesses, Lady He!ps, and Servants. Several good servants required. NATURALIST. T a ^DRE"WS, GORSE LANE, SWANSEA, STUFFER OF RIRDS, ANIMALS, &c. KINS OF ANIMALS MADE INTO RUGS O FOR THE CARRIAGE OR HOUSE. Specimens Cleaned and Remounted. W. H HEADDON, PASTRY COOK AND CONFECTIONER, 21, UNION STREET, & 3, TEMPLE BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. Soups, Entrees, Jellies, Ices, Creams, Savory Pies. ALL KINDS OF ORNAMENTAL CAKES. DINNER AND EVENING PARTIES SUPPLIED. WEDDING BREAKFASTS, BALL SUPPERS, &c. WEDDING CAKES OF ALL SIZES. WINES; Biackpill Nurseries. PROPRIETOR-ROBERT CROOK. 20,000 BEDDING PLANTS FOR SALE, AT the a*>ove Nurseries, from 2s. to 3s. per dozen, accoi'ting to quality including a large quantity of very fine P" nts of Helitropes, Fuschias, of the very best soi t s. Shrubs, Fruit Trees, and Seeds of every description, may be ha<: on application. DENTAL SURGERY. W. R. M'DONOUGH, (Late H. M. Jones t1: Son) SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, 19, NORTHAM1 TON PLACE, SWANSEA. COUPON TRADING SYSTEM. THIS is a System instituted by THE GENERAL EXPENDITURE ASSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED), London, for the purpose of assuring the return of all money expended with the Trade Members of the Company. —— SWANSEA. The following conduct Business on this system :— ANDREW, JOSEPH, Ironmonger, &c., 47, Oxford-street. ABKELL, CHARLES, Boot Manufacturer, Island House, Wind-street. BONNETT, F., Chemist, 7, Heathfield-street. CRAIG & Co., R. B., Coal Merchants, 1, Mount-street GRIFFITHS & Co., W., Tailors, Outfitters, and Hatters, 41, Wind-street. LEWIS, J., Hosier,flatter, and Outfitter, 2, Temple Buildings. LoxTON, CHAS Boot Maker, 30, College-street. PATON & SON, A., Ironmongers, &c., 34, Castle-street. BENEFITS TO CUSTOMERS. The great Benefits which the Coupon Trading System" offers to the Public are, that by simply paying ready money, and dealing with the Trade Members of the Society, any person may, without cost, trouble, or liability, secure the ultimate return of every shilling spent from day to day. Explanatory Books, containing full information, may be obtained gratis from the above-named Trade Members. Glamorganshire Canal Navigation. XTOTrcE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ANNUAL J3I GENERAL MEETING or ASSEMBLY of the COMPANY of PROPRIETORS of this Navigation will be held at the CARDIFF ARMS INN, in the Town of Cardiff, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of JUNE next, at the hour of Eleven in the forenoon. THOMAS SHEPHERD, Clerk to the Company. Navigation House, 17th May, 1877. Swansea Union. INDUSTRIAL COTTAGE HOMES. SUPERINTENDENT & MATRONS WANTED. THE GUARDIANS of the above Union require the services of a SUPERINTENDENT and MATRON (a married couple without encumbrance) to take charge of a Cottage Home containing 20 children, and the General Management of and Supervision over three other similar Cottages. Joint Salary, £50, with Furnished Apartments, Fael, and Rations. The Superintendent will be required to keep the neces- sary accounts in respect of the four homes, and must be competent to instruct the Boys in General Garden Work or other Industrial Training. The Matron must be able to Cook, and instruct the Girls in Household Work, Plain Sewing, and Knitting. The Guardians also require a MATRON for each of the other Three Homes. Salary, £ 15 each, with Furnished Apartments, Fuel, and Rations. Widows without encumbrance preferred. Must be able to Cook and instruct the Girls in Household Work, Plain Sewing, and Knitting. The highest testimonials as to character will be re- quired. The duties to commence on or about the 24th June next. Applications, stating age and occupation, accompanied by testimonials, to be sent in to the undersigned on or before the 6th June next. The Candidates selected will have notice sent them to attend the Weekly Meeting of the Guardians on THURS- DAY, the 21st JUNE, the day fixed for making the appoint- ments. Any further information required as to the duties, .&c., may be obtained from the undersigned. By order, G. BAKER HAYNES, Clerk. 5, Fisher-street, Swansea, 17th May, 1877. Bristol United Gas Light Company. SPECIFICATION AS TO SUPPLY OF COALS. THE Directors of the Bristol United Gas Light Com- pany invite Tenders for the supply of from 90,000 to 100,000 tons of Gas Coals, during the Twelve Months between the 1st of July, 1877, and 1st of July, 1878, for use at the Works, situate respectively at Avon-street, St. Philip's—and Canons Marsh, Bristol. The Coal to be partly small and partly large or brush, and to be delivered in such monthly proportions as rcay be required in accordance with the season. The quality of the coals must be good, dry, and free as possible from sulphur, bats, binds, refuse and dirt. Full particulars required of the Coals for which tenders may be submitted and the Directors will be glad to re- ceive chemical analyses thereof, and any information in relation to their properties for the manufacture of Gas. Parties tendering must state the maximum quantities of either small, large or brush coal they will undertake to deliver monthly, and it must be understood that the Directors are to be at liberty to accept the terms offered for any lesser quantities they may think fit. Tenders to state the prices per ton f.o.b. (port of ship- ment to be named), or delivered at Railway Station, Bristol, or at the Comnpay's Gas Works, Avon-street or Canons' Marsh, and Discount for Cash monthly payments. Payment will be made in accordance with the weight (20 cwt. to the ton) as weighed upon the weighbridge of the Gas Company at their respective stations. Sealed Tenders te be addressed to the Chairman of Directors, Bristol United Gas Light Company, Canons' Marsh, Bristol, marked Tenders for Gas Coal," and delivered not later than Tuesday, the 5th June next. HENRY H. TOWNSEND, Gas Light Offices, Bristol, Secretary. May 11th, 1877. Morgan Jones, deceased. PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 45, intituled, "An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees," NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Persons being Creditors of, or otherwise having Claims upon or against the Estate of MORGAN JONES, late of Cefnllan, in the parish of Llanguicke, in the County of Glamorgan, Farmer, deceased (who died on the 22nd day of December, 1876, and whose Will, together with a Codicil thereto, was proved on the 19th day of April, 1877, in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, at Carmarthen, by Morgan Morgans, of Pit Farm, in the parish of Penrice, in the County of Glamorgan, Farmer Morgan Powell, of Nantmole, in the said county, Farmer David Jones, of Dantwyn, in the parish of Llandilo- Talybont, in the said county, Esquire; and the Rev. David Jones, of the Vicarage, in the parish of Llan- guicke, in the said county, Clerk, the Executors named in the said Will), are requested on or before the 23rd day of June next, to send particulars of their debts, claims, or demands, to me, the undersigned, the Solicitor of the said Executors after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Testator amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims, and demands of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for any part of such assets to any person or persons of whose debt, claim, or demand, they shall not then have notice. Dated this 15th day of May, 1877, D. BEVAN TURBERVILLE, Herbert-street, Pontardawe, Swansea Valley, Solicitor for the said Executors. Courtenay Mansel, Esquire, deceased. PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament of the 22nd Mid 23rd Vict., cap. 35, intituled ''An Act tofurther amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all persons being creditors of or otherwise having claims upon or against the Estate of Courtnay Mansel, late of Wimbledon, in the County of Surrey, and of Swansea, in the County of Glamorgan, formerly a Major in Her Majesty's 15th Regiment of Hussars, deceased, who died on the 9th day of September, 1875, and whose Will was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Ma- jesty's High Court of Justice, on the 4th day of April, 1877, by Charles Norton, one of the oxecutors named in the said Will (the other executor, John Trevillian Jenkin, having renounced the probate and execution thereof), are hereby required to send in the particulars in writing of their claims or demands to the said Charles Norton, at his offices, at Swansea, in the County of Glamorgan, on or before the 30th day of J une next, after the expiration of which time the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 11th day of May, 1877. NELSON, SON & HASTINGS. 18, Bennet's Hill, Solicitors for the Executor,