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M-tggrtmegfrag'g a I'll trfJutØ1Jap'ø…


M tggrtmegfrag'g a I'll trfJutØ1Jap'ø lIoøtø. LONIION, DEC. 12. THE Paris papers of Friday and Saturday are Jt- uuerly destitule of news. Prince Polignacpassed through Strasburg on Monday on his way to Munich. The intelligence from Madrid is to the 3d inst., and is almost exclusivelv confine'! to a debate in the Cortes on the Olozago affair. The ex-Minister vindicated his conduct at great length, denying that he had been guilty of the violence imputed to' him (see our first p ipe.) He stated that on the evening of the 28th he wared on the Queen, carrying with him several de- crees for the Roval signature. All these decrees were signed by her Majes'y in the usual order, without any repugnance on her part, and in the space of time ne. cessary for: he transicir>n of so much business. It was needless for him again to declare that he had simply performed a duty in obtaining the signature of her Majesty, and that no other means were iaken by him to induce her Majesty's approbation than the re- gular explanation of the circumstances under which each particular decree was required. He challenged contradiction when he asserted that all the signa ures were made in the same manner, and the inspec ion of the decree which it was asserted he had obtained by force would prove that no difference existed in the form or manner of writing from that which was appa- rent in the other papers He asserted this-nay, more he would say, he never was received by her Majesty with more kindness, with more marks of benevolence and esteem, than on the very evening in question. In allusion to the declaration of the Queen, he con- tended that the language did no' resemble that she habitually used, and concluded that the words had been suggested to her. and that the style was not hers. The fact was, an intrigue had been formed against the li- berty of the country, and he was made the first victim, because he refused to join in a plot to bring Spain under the power of Don Carlos, by marrying his son to the Queen. (This was followed hy loud shouts of No, no," from the public tribunes, and a general hurst of indignation, which the President with difficulty repressed.) He repeated his assertion with great iirmness, and then attacked those enemies of the country who had thus endangered the stabilily of the throne. With regard to himself, he demanded an inquiry; and would vote for the address, as the most effectual way to place him at the bar of Congress, and elucidate the truth. The President (Senor Pidal) then left the chair, and, mounting the tribune, said the speech of the Hon. Member only tended to con- vince him of the truth of the declaration made by the Queen He blamed Olozago for receding Irom a system of conciliation, and choosing the members of his Cabinet from the Progresista party alone. It was the inconsis'ency of public men which ruined the country and if Olozago had remained true to his principles, fhit unseemly discussion never would have occurred For his part he fully believed the declara- tion of the Queen, and was not ashamed to say he shed tears on witnessing the candour, truth, and inn cence with which she narrated the facts. The debate was then adjourned, and although resumed on the following day had not arrived at a conclusion.—The decrees ap- pointing the new Ministry were communicated to the Chambers on the 5 h. It consis'ed entirely of Mo- deradoes, and was not considered likely to last many õays. M. Gonzales Bravo assumed the Presidency of the Council, as well as the direc ion of the Foreign Department; the Marquis de Penaflorida was nomi- nated Minis'er of the Interior General Mazzaredo, Minister of War; M. Mayans, Minister of Jus ice; M. Partillo, Minister of Marine and M. Carasco having refused to accept the Ministry of Fiuance, the- direciion of that department was to be intrus'ed ad interim to M. Sarralde, Chief Clerk of the Treasury.

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BANKRUPTS from Tuesday's Gazette.


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