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~aturt>ay to -ftiottzlll).


~aturt>ay to -ftiottzlll). LONDON, Nov. 25. THE Paris journals to Thursday's date inclusive have been received On that day, the l'rench Government received a telegraphic di^tcli, dated Perpi 'u r.i Nov. 21." announcing that Barcelona had oil the 19th, and that the Qneen's troops had taken possession of all the gates. Nouvithstand- ing tlie numerous victories obtained ov the rrenc.i armv over Abd-el-Kader and his brave countrymen, the French-Government seems as far from lis object as the French-Government seems as far from ils ohject as ever No confidence can he placed in the Mibtmssion of anv tribe, for as soon as the French leave them, or thev have a chance of expelling 'he invaders, they rise in a bodv and throw off their forced allegiance. Ac- cording t'o the National of Tuesday, letters announce that the Agha of Tlemcen, appointed by France, had revolted suddenly, and retired into Morocco, after committing several acts of pillage, and surprised a French convoy with stores for the army. This chief, it would anoear, had hitherto been faithful »o the French Government. The defection of this Chief has given great uneasiness to the Government, as fears are en- tertained that the example may be contagious Under all circumstances, the defection of the Agha, says that journal, is calculated to cause serious apprehensions, by diminishing the confidence which the Government had in the other tribes that had submitted. It also attributes to this cause a Royal ordonance, published^ in the Monilcur of Monday, by which the Minister of War is allowed an extraordinary grant of 900,000 flails for nr-:r:nt mill unloohNl- for expenses in Africa. -It is ,iid that the pretext for invading Tunis and •Morocco has at leng h been afforded in the shelter offered in those States to Abd-ei-Kader and his fol- lowers.—The application of the Duke d Aumale for the hand of the Princess Marie Terese, sister of the King of the Two Sicilies, has been accepted. The Journal des Debats in the course of a notice on the plea set up by Mr. O'Connell against the Government prosecution, says If Mr. O'Connell can advan- tageousty extricate himself from this struggle, it is not we who shall reo-ret it. All danger of blind revolt, and of a fruitless shedding of blood, is now passed, and, from the moment that the question becomes only one of a prosecution, we should rather see an acquittal than a condemnation. It would be better perhaps for both parties that the matter should rest as it is, but unfortu- nately the thing is difficult. Lord Grey's Government could", in 1831,"abandon the^prosecution, because Mr. O'Connell was its natural ally; but Sir Robert Peel's Government cannot enter into terms because Mr O'Connell is its natural enemy. Whatever may have been said of the affair, we are inclined to think that the prosecution will go on to the end. We are obliged to allow that Sir R. Peel has not written us word to say so, but the journals, which are most constantly his organs, state it clear enough. —The Moniteui has published a return of the foreign commerce of France for fifteen years, namely, from 1827 to 1841 inclusive, of which the following is an outline :— Of the general commerce the annual imports were upon an average, 769,000,000f., and the exports 785,000,OOOL, Tiaking the sum of both 1,554,090,OOOL Of the special commerce, the imports were 548.500.000f.. the exports were GCi8,000,000f., and the total 1,1 lG,500,000f. In the special com in e ice thp principal imports were cotton, silk, colonial sugar, and common woods; the export", silk, cotton, wool. lpn, alllt linen manufactured goods, wines, and dressed skinK. England, during this period, received 94.000,000f. worth of French merchandize, and returned oflifi own t.) the amount of 70,00i).000f. The balance of trade with Spain was in favour of Franre 10 the amollnt of 34,000.000f., and viiili Switzerland 17,000,OOOf. The interchanges of commerce between France and America, the German Ullion the Netherlands, Tuscany, and the Roman Stales, were very nfMcIv upon au equal balance. It with oelgitim, Sar- diuia; Russia, and Btitisb India, tlmt the imporis exceeded the exports. From 1827 to 1841 the receipts of the customs amounted, upon an average, to the sum of 109,967,3U6f. and since 1836 this sum has uniformly been exceeded The amount in 1841 was 137,000.000f. In the first five years of the fifteen the average was 107,000.OOOf. only in the second five years it was 120,500,0001. The annual re- ceipts for duties on imported threads amount to nearly 55.000000f. The customs and salt duties jjave an annual average of 101,873.095f., taken upon the whole petiod." These papers state that Prince Polignac was on the eve of quitting Paris, having received an order to that effect from the French Government.—" Prince Po- liguac," says the CCommerce, having been ordered to <piit Paris, at; implication was made to oblain.the revo- I cation of that order, but the conditions required were deemed unacceptable, and we Hie informed that M. de Polignac, is on the eve of leading Paris and France.— The Government." observes the Courricr Frangais. lias just been guilty of a new and deplorable error. Prince de Polignac has resided (or some lime in Paris, "here he exclusively attended to family affairs. We are assured that the presence of the Prince in the capital has alarmed the Government, and that it was decided at a private" Council held at St Cloud, that M Gabriel Delessert and VI. Sebastiani should wait on him and remind him lhat he had violated the Ordi- nances and police regulations respecting amnestied political offenders Those gentlemen accordingly paid the Prince a visit, and told him that he should either titlit lal-is in twenty-four hours, or write to the King tor permission to prolong his stay in the eapisa'. M. <le Polignac is said to have replied. that he would wil- lingly address Louis Philippe as Duke of Orleans, but never as King of the French. Consequently, on Wed- nesday morning, a notification was served on him to leave Paris in twtntv-four hours, and retire to a dis tance of forty leagues." The accounts from Madrid are to the 17ili inst. All is uncertrlillty respecting the formillion of a new Cahinet. Olozaira, who had been commissioned to form a new Ministry. and the Lopez administration tor the present remains in office. At the meeting of the Chamber on the 16th a short couversalio.i took place on the subject. H hen Lopez, in answer to a question, said die members of die Provisional Government had ceased t;) (orin part of it on die Queen's majority being declared under all circumstances however, he and his colleagues bad re- solved for the time being to hold their portfolios, but the Ministry was still incomplete and it was also Ills nnxious wish to resign, both on account of bad healdi Hnd a dislike to the responsible duties of office Tbe question, dierefore, remains as it was, and will not be settled tiinl Olozaya and Cortina come to a mutual Understanding. I'lie toriiiritioii of lie Ministry, in fact, rests wiih these two leaders.— The Madrid Gazette of the Inl:1 contains a decree of the Queen, conferring on General Narvaez the Grand Cross of the Order of Chadcs f I l. Other nominations have also taken place to different honours to officers who have distinguished themselves in the late events in the Peninsula. Barce- lona had at last surrendered, as will be seen from the French intelligence A letter from Warsaw, in the Treves Gazette, gives some details of a late batde between the Russians and Circassians. The latter, with about 1,200 men, attacked with great resolution two Russian battalions, when marching to relieve other troops The Russians (ollght bravely, but were obliged to retire before the great numbers of t))e enemy. Six Russian officers were killed, and the loss on that side was in general great. A re- giment of Chasseurs came to the aid of the Russians, and forced the Circassians to give way. The Royal mail steamer Tweed, arrived at South- ampton, furnishes intelligence from Jamaica to the 24th u't., and the other islands to corresponding dates. -The Legislative Assembly of Jamaica met on the day the steamer left. The weather had been favour- able, and the arrival of more emigrants had afforded encouragement to those planters who were apprehen- sive of being compelled to abandon the cultivation (if their estates. — In iiarhadoes the weather has been very dry. and the hope of a larue crop next year is said to have been abandoned.Trinidad is still re- ceiving emigrants from the neighbouring colonies.— In Denje.ara the weaiber had been good for sugar- niakiiiir, but far too dry for the crops. Dry goods Were in Oetier request Exports continued abundant, and thrre was a good supply of most articles of import The Gazette of veslerdav afternoon announces that the Queen has been pleased to nominate and appoint Chai les iJankbead, Est)., now Secretary to her Majesty s Embassy at Constantinople, to lie her Majesty's Mi- nister Plrnipoien iary to the Mexican Republic; John lialpli Millbanke, Esq, now Secretary to her Majesty's tinbassy at Vienna, to 1>e her .Majesty's Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of iJavaria the Hon. Henry Richard Charles YVel- lesley, now Secretary to her Majesty's Legation at Stuitgardt, to be Secretary to her Majes'v's Embassy at Constantinople; and Sir Alexander Mulet, i»arl., How Secretary to her Majesty's Legation at the Hague, to be Secretary to her Majesty's Embassy at Vienna. The Queen has been graciously pleased to confer Upon Sir Augustus Callcott, R.A., the appointment of keeper of the paintings by the old masters in the National Gallery, Trafalgar-square, vacant by the decease of M. Seguier. MONEY MARKETS.—Many bargains, and for large amounts in very many instances, have been the rule as regards the operations of the Stock Exchange during the current iveek-tiine bargains the exception. A most healthy demand, in fact, prevnih for capital, and why this change?—Political professors of all creeds believe that the Premier must offer to Parliament in the coming session a plan to get rid of the sliding scale. Were but capitalists now informed of the Hal inTcn- tiolls of the Premier, the amount of business that would be done in exports, even at thisdull season of the year, in all probability would be comparatively immense; and as millions of money await the fiat of the advisers of the Queen to be employed in commercial, manufac- turing, and trading transactions, most earnestly is it hoped that an official announcement of I'ne resolves of the Government on the subject of the Corn-Laws will be oiveil on the very first day that Parliament meets for the dispatch of business The Commissioners having ceased to purchase for the present on Savings' Ranks account, the announcement of a decline in prices is not by any means extraordinary, but still a reduction of oniv one-half per cent. has taken place. Amply suf- ficient grounds have been above stated to account for this retrograde movement, without importing any feel- ing that may and does exist of the Minister of Finance holding to the scheme for the reduction of the 3J per cents. A marked fall has occurred in Exchequer bills. The Government Securities have to-day been at prices much the s,me as were realized yesterday, and the tone of the market is expected to depend next week very much upon the manner in which the settlement of the account may be effected, as sales of stock have been made lor Tuesday uevi. Tl,c Cotisals to the opening is about J per cent, at present, or at the rate of only 2 per cent, per annum. For next transfer day, therefore, Consols realized 95k to 96 and 9GJ, 21 closing at the two first-mentioned prices, and for account they were called 961 to t. Exchequer bills were dull at 51s. to 5Ôs, and India Bonds at G9s. to 70s. premium. The new 31 per cents, were 102J to 103 the reduced 102J i and the three per cents, 95J to Bank stock rallied to 181 and 181 —The Bank of England gave no'ice Thursday that they were ready to receive applications for loans of not less than 20001. at the rate of 3 per cent. on approved bills of exchange, Exchequer Bills, or India Bonds—the borrower in every case to give a promissory note for the amount. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester was attended yesterday by Dr. Hawkins and Mr. Keate. The Duchess of Kent and other members of the Royal Family sent in the forenoon to learn the str'e of their illustrious relative Several of the Diplomatic Cotps and most of the nobility and gentry in town called at Gloucester House in the course of the da- to inquire after the health of the Royal Duchess. The answer given was, Her Royal Highness is goi"g' on well." Advices received from Rio Janeiro Thursday state, that the rejoicings consequent upon the marriage of die young Emperor had suddenly changed into a gene- ral manifestation of gloom, arising from the subsequent indisposition of the Princess Januaria sister to his Im- perial Majesty, who had been attacked with an inter- miitent fever, which, according to the latest bulletins issued on the subjec', was upon the increase, with re- newed symptoms of irritation. The result of this attack was looked forward to with much anxiety, though, from the youth of the sufferer, not without a strong hope that it might not prove unfortunate. A subscription has been set on foot amongst the students of King's College, for the purpose of pur- chasing a service of plate for presentation to the Right Rev. Dr. Lonsdale, Bishop elect of Lichfield, in token of the esdilution in which his character has been held during the time he has been principal of that insti- tution. Yesterday, in the Common Council, a vote of thanks to the late Lord Mayor, Alderman Huinphery, having passed unanimously, and amidst great cheering, a dis- cussion took place upon the proposition to present a piece of plate, instead of a sheet of velium, with the inscription of the vote of thanks, but the latter mode was adopted as the one from which there had been no deviation. Commercial men who have just visited the large manufacturing towns in the northern and midland counties report a state of activity such as has not been seen in them for some time. Wages, however, con- tinue low. The Directors of the Paris and Lyons Railway, prin- cipally subscribed for by British capital, l«r-e resolved on the dissolution of the old Company and i!. > forma'ion of a new one, comprising all the most influential names among the present shareholders. Clara Novello was married yesterday to the Count Gigliucci, of Fermo, in the Roman States. It is un- derstood that, on her marriage, she quits the pro- fession of which she has so long been a distinguished ornament. The Norfolk Chronicle contains the details of four extensive fires, all the work of incendiaries, which have taken place on different farms in Thetford and its vicinity, since Saturday last. This diabolical and de- structive spirit is said to be rife in that district. The Nenat/h Guardian announces the death, on Tues- day last, of Miss Vereker, one of the victims of the sanguinary outrage at Finnoe, Ireland. An inquest was held Oil the bodv on the same day, which was at tended by several magistrates and gendeitien connected with the family. The jury returned a verdict of died in coitsequancc afmounds inflicted by sonic person or per- sons unknown.— Mr. Waller still continues in a very precaroits state; but Mrs. Waller is nearly convales- cent. The aged and faithful butler. William Larkin, is still confined to his bed, and suffering severe pain from his wounds.— A meeting of Magistrates was held on Monday in the grand jury-room of the Court house, Nenagh, for the purpose of into consideration the above outrage. The meeting was well attended, there being twenty-four magistrates present. A reso lutiou of sympathy towards the family of Mr. Waller was adopted, and a subscription list opened, with a view to forming a fund as a reward for tll orosecution of the parties concerned in the fatal outrage. The election for the borough of Salisbury took place on Thursday. The candidates were Mr. Campbell, in the Conservative, and the Hon. H. P. Bouverie, in the Liberal interest. The numbers at the close of the poll were-for Mr. Campbell 317, for Mr Bouverie 270; majority for Mr. Campbell, 47.—The Sun newspaper, in speaking of the result, says —" This is no more than was to be expected, although not such a result as we had hoped for. But it is neither a Tory triumph, nor a Liberal defeat; no glory accrues to the cause of monopoly, nor does any disgrace attach to the friends of free trade. The battle has been well fought, and purely fought Oil the one side; whilst, although fought with equal eagerness on the other, their triumph has been gained by bribery, by corruption, and by the ap- pliance of the most unjust means. Mr. Campbell is returned for the present as Member for Salisbury he w ill sit for a few weeks in the next session, to follow Lord Dungannon in redremen from Parliament. The League fought Durham, and were defeated—they peti- tioned against the return on the score of brihery-they turned Lord Dungannon out, and on the second con- test .\1 r. Bright was returned. So will it be with Sa- lisbury. Mr. Bouverie's defeat is only the precursor of Mr. Campbell's rejection by a Committee; and the Member for Salisbury in a few short months will yet be Mr. Bouverie, the free trade candidate." An impression seems to be gaining ground in the Agricultural districts (says a London paper) that there will certainly be a change in the Corn-Laws next Session, and our private letters from the leading pro- v inces mention that the farmers have put very generally a smaller breadth of land under wheat than last year. I' is also pretty certain, as the stocks of old grain on hand of home produce are light, that a very consider- able importation of Corn from abroad and Flour from America and Canada must take place. To pay for the arrivals from the last-mentioned part of the world British manufacturers will be almost exclusively taken but bullion will be required to pay for the arrivals of broad stuffs from Europe and the United States. A diminution on the present immense stock of the precious metals in possession of the Directors of the Bank of England may therefore be calculated upon almost as a certainty. At the present moment the quantity of foreign eraiii in the bonded warehouses throughout the United Kingdom is very small, nor were the de- liveries for home consumption in the month ending the 5th inst., as appears from the Report ade by the Commissioners of her Majesty's Customs, by any means extensive. The deliveries were as follow:- 26,175 quarters of foreign, and 1799 quarters the pro- duce of British possessions out of Etfope. The quantities that remained under lock at the same date were 293 421 quarters, and 959 quarters of Colonial wheat Of meal and flour there were in store on the same day 50,930 cWls. The total imports from abroad ill the past month were only 86,369 quarters of corn and grain, and 67,907 cwts. of meal and flour.


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