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CggeftitartFsg'g .'dr CfturaWg…


CggeftitartFsg'g .'dr CfturaWg lIoøfø. LOtfEON, Nov. 21. rrHE Paris journals to Saturday's date inclusive A have. been received. The opposition journals declaim against the visit of the Duke of Nemours to Queen Victoria. Most of the other journals, except those in the in'erest of the Legitimatist«, condemn as strongly the visit of the Duke of Bordeaux. It was reported on the Paris Bourse, on Friday and Saturday, that the-French Government had received accounts from Naples of a serious nature. Disturbances were said to have broken out in the neighbourhood of Naples. and in Calabria. The effect of the rumour was a fall in the price of French Stocks, on Friday, to a small amount, but on Saturday they had recovered their pre- vious position, and prices were firm.—The Paris, Com- merce contains a Ions; article on the decay ol trench commerce, which that paper contends will end in [he total loss of all the foreign trade of France, and calling upon Ministers to apply a = i instantaneous remedy to the evil. The Government, it also says, has directed soundings and suweys 'o be made along Ihe whole of the coasl of Algeria," with a view to ascertain all the resources it may ofTer either to the navy or to maritime commerce. Lieut. Bonfils is appointed to this important service. His instructions are to search for and point out sites for villages to be formed on the shores; for the formation of ports in situations where they may be wanted for the organisation of the coasting trade for the extension of the coral-fishery for reglllating- the general fisheries; and for the nautical education of the -voting natives, of whom there are said to he 20,000 fit for this line of life. According to the same journal all the Constitutional ceremonies which take place in Madrid are repeated at the Hotel de Cottrcelles, the residence of the ex-Queen Regent, in Paris. ThllS, the day on which the telegraph announced that the voting Queen had been declared of age, 'he ex-Queen Christina held a grand levee and gave a grand dinner. On the other hand, however, it would appear, that the aspect assumed by Spanish affairs is not deemed fa- vourable to the immediate return of the Dowager Queen to Madrid, for all the preparations in progress for her departure had been suspended."—The Indicateur of Bordeaux, of the 17th, announces the arrival in that city of two French merchants, from Monte Video, with a petition from the French residents of that place, praying for the immediate protection of the French Government. The Madrid papers of the 12th inst. announce, that the Lopez Ministers had presented their resignation to Queen Isabel II-, and that the seals of ohice were immediately returned to (hem by her Majesiy. Con- gress had also passed a resolution, "that the Provi- sional Government deserved well of the nation for having preserved the Throne and the Constitution, and accomplishing the reconciliation of all goocl Spa- ttiards" General Narvaezs Aide de-Camp Baseti died of his wounds on the 9lh, and his funeral took place on the 11th. amidst an immense concourse of people—Advices from Perpignan of the 13th inst. announce that the last accounts received from the head-quarters of General Sanz, induced a hope that the Queen's troops would enter Barcelona in a very few days. The insurgents at Figueras were, in the meantime, making the most active preparations for placing the Castle in a formidable state of defence. The packet-ship Oxford, Capt- Rathbone, arrived last night at Liverpool, with New York papers to the 2d inq. The general business in New York continued unchanged since the last acconnts. Exchange on England was 3J. The New York Cotton Market was firm, and a good demand existed for cotton. The sales for the three days preceding the sailing of the packet were nearly 4000 bales. General Bertrand had ar- rived in New York, and was complimented by the French residents in the city with a magnificent dinner at Astor House. He also inspected the vessels of war, naw yards, and forts in the harbour of New York. He appears to have been very cordially re- ceived and much gratified at his welcome —The efforts in favour of the Irish Repeat movement in the United States, sa: saN ew York paper, appear to have slack- ened very much of late. Just before the elections, bv wav of conciliating the Irish voters, we had ex- pected a verv general demonstration, but with the ex- ception of an isolated effort in Albany, we have seen nothing worthy of notice.—Intelligence from Lagun i to the 4th inst., was received in New Orleans on the 23d. Active preparations had been for some time making, and hostilities were about to be recommenced between Mexico and Yucatan.—The latest acconnts received at Lacuna from Vera Cruz, stated that there was no probability of the Yucatan Commissioners coming to any amicable understanding with the Mex- ican Government. We may now look for a renewal of the warfare that made up almost the sum total of the reports from that country during the last six months or a year.—The State of Tobasco, at the last sitting of its Junta department, had proclaimed for Santa Anna, the well deserving of his country, the virtuous and talented man, the hero of Vera Cruz and Tampico, as their choice for President of the regenerated Mexican Republic."

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