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-œi. 7' sjamitiay to jrWoirtW!?'* t!JOøtø. LONDON. Nov. 18. THE Paris journals received are to Thursdays date. The meeting of (lie Chamber of Dpputies ^ave been fixed for Tuesday, the 2Gth of December.— The Courrier Fran^ais announces that the Prince de Joi nville is about to undertake a long crijise in January, ^hen he will sail from Tourlon in command of a La, France gives a most unfavourable ac- count of the colonization system i:, Algeria. Notwith- standing the official accounts of the alleged prosperity 01 the colonists, no fewer than 150 returned to Joulon from Algiers on the 28th ult., all of whom are said to nave been completely disheartened by the sys em.- J' is stated that dispatches have arrived from Tunis, ^orn which it appears that the differences between ■Prance and the Bey are beginning to assume a more Serious aspect. General Randon was still encamped ^vith 4000 on the frontiers of the Regency. The opi- nions put forth by some of the Government papers relative to the importance of declaring Queen Isabella ?f age, are attacked by the Quotidienne, with some Justice. "When Christina was Regent, says that Journal, "Spain was to be saved by her; and when failed to regenerate the country, and was succeeded Jy Espartero, the cry was that only a man and a sol- Q'er could save Spain And now the same journals pretend that the sceptre of Spain is to be wielded with vigour and effect by a child of thirteen —A^ Corros- Pondent of the Debats who writes from Madrid on the Oth, gives the following account of the reception given hy her Majesty to the deputations of the Chambers The name of the Queen is in every mouth hzr words, her °oks, even the most minute circumstances relating to her, aie sought for, and used as auguries on the futurity of t.ie country At one o'clock to day all the deputies assemble it; the hall ot *he ambassadors to present lljeir congratulations to her Majesty. *n half an hour the Queen entered, and ascended the throne, ^•ound which the Ministers and officers of the palace and Royal Household stood. The Infants, her sister, was seated on the Queen's left, a little below the throne. The deputies, who had a,l risen on her entrance then resumed their seats, as m every age the members of the Cortes have had the privilege of being 8:a<ed in the presence of their sovereign. M. Olozaga imme- diately afterwards rose, and advancing towards the throne, de- livered an address nearly in the following words Madam lhe Deputies have the honour of presenting themselves before jour Majesty to offer the homage of their respect and devotion. After having freely, solemnly, and maturely discussed the grave question of the majority of your M iiestv, they voted upon it each according to his conscience, but they have all unanimously de- manded to come into the presence of your Majesty, and offer to Jou their loyal co-operation as deputies and ns Spaniards. This co-operation is the more necessary, as recent events have proved how dangerous it is in States ruled upon the representative svs- tem, for the Supreme Government not to be in accordance with the majority of the Chambers.' The Queen read her answer, of JT"'ch 1 can only give vou the sense, as the Gazelle will not pub- lish the text before to-morrow. At the beginning she showed "Hidity, but soon became more assured, and delivered it with an e*pression and gravity truly remarkable. The purport was—- happy at seeing myself surrounded for the first time bv t le Representatives of the nation, and to receive the homage o( their ?evot'on. To-morrow I shall take the oath before the Cortes. • °Pe that, with their loyal concurrence, I may contribute to t le Happiness of the nation, which it so well merits by ail tbe sacri- «ces it has ftiade in favour of my constitntional throne. Having concluded her speech, the Queen descended from the throne. Mr Olozaga and the Deputies in a body advanced towards her, and an interesting scene ensued. The Queen first spoke to M. <>!ozaga> desiring he would present to her several Members of he Congress. The first named, M. Martinez de la Rosa. Presi- dent of the Committee on the majority question; then M. Gon. 2alez Bravo, the Secretary, and several other of the most influ- ential Members. The Deputies formed a circle round her Ma- jesty, who conversed with them in the most simple and uncon. 'trained manner. Many ventured to utter a few words, protest. ing their devoted attachment to her person. On perceiving M. \onina, her Majesty addressed him very cordially, inquiring ^,er his health. The leader of the Progressives, taking M. Crooke by the hand, introduced him to the Queen, saying, • Ma- dame, this is M. Crooke, who, obeying his conscience, voted yes- terday against the law declaring your majority but afterwards Rratitied the assembly bv demanding to be one among those of the Congress who were to come and present to you its homage congratulations.' Upon this, Mr. Crooke said, Your Ma. jesty can never have a subject more faithful than I shall be The Marquis de Tabernigna then approached, and equally protested his fidelity. The Queen then bowed to the assembly, and re- tired to her own apartments. The Senate, at a later period of the day, wailed upon her Majesty, and delivered the like testi- monies of its homage. The Queen conversed with M. Onis, the "resident, with the Duke de Rivas, the Duke de Frias, General Narvaez. and such other Senators as she was previously acquainted with The President demanded permission to kiss her Majesty's "»«d." Madrid Journals are to the 11th inst. The Infant Don Francisco de Paula, his wife, and their two sons, have offered their homage to the Queen.—The Heraldo contains brief details of the attempts made by Nogueras. "id others, to get up a movement at Altjesiras, ban Roque, and other places in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar, all of which failed -The Gazette contains a document, drawn up by Senor Salamanca, in which he gives lip the contract of 400,000,000 reals, and asks the Minister of the Interior to exonerate him from his engagements. The request was granted, and a new adjudication thereof for a contract to repair roads, canals, &c., will be made forthwith.—The authorities Wflre making every exertion to discover the assassins who fired at Narvaez and his friends, but without effect. Several persons, however, had been arrested on sus- picion—among others, the editor of the Eco del Co- "tercio. Several individuals also connected with the Espectador had fallen under suspicion. They are not accused of being accomplices, but of having published doctrines which may have led to the crime. It is not Belpiposed their detention will be long, but other persons Are taken who are supposed to be more immediately connected with the crime, amongst whom is a lemonade- seller, who is said to have been implicated in the murder of Quesada in 1836. —Letters from Saragossa 'nention that General Concha has disarmed a part of the National Militia, in direct opposition to the tprms Of the capitulation entered into. The General was remonstrated with upon this breach of faith, but his only reply was, that his instructions were from Madrid, which he was commanded to see duly enforced—The troops of Prim are reported to have entered Girona and Hostalrich, and part of his force is said to be marching along the right bank of the Fluvia, in the direction of Rosas The insurgents of Barcelona had solicited the French Consul to receive them on board the vessels on that station. The Lady Marg Wood, arrived at Falmouth, has brought intelligence from Lisbon under date the 91h inst. Tranquillity prevails throughout Portugal. The Cortes were to assemble on the 15th inst. and take into consideration measures for the reduction of the deficit on the current financial year.—Vigo was to capitulate On the llih inst. and to be taken possession of by the National Guards and the regular troops. General Yriarte, with 1000 men, had escaped into Portugal, where they were disarmed. Twenty officers took re- fuge on board the Lady Mary Wood. Letters from Buenos Ayres to the 30th of August have come to hand. Official advices had been received there on the 28th of the defeat of Medina, the Monte Videan. by Nunez, the Buenos Ayrean General. The greatest anxiety prevailed respecting the acknowledgment or non-acknowledgment by the British Government of the blockade of Mon'e Video, and the letters express much regret that the advices from England contained no in- formation on the Rubject. --The Prince of Aquila, brotherof the new Empress of the Brazils, has officially demanded the hand of the Princess Januaria, eldest Sister of the Emperor and of the Princess de Joinville. MONEY MARKET.—The cause which led to a partial reduction in the value of the Public Securities noticed in our last week's summary, namely, a more extensive demand for money for commercial purposes, has con- tinued to benr upon prices since, notwithstanding the continued purchases by the Government brokers for the Savings Banks, and on other accounts These investments ha.ve not exceeded 80,OOOt. in the Reduced Si and in the New 3t per cents. The principal tran- sactions privately have been for stock in sums from 3O,OOol. up to 40.0001. and 45.000/. It is rather re- markable that the unfunded securities still maintain bigh premiums, 64s. having been realised for the old 11 IOOOt. bonds, and 60s. for those bearing the reduced rate of interest.—The Government Securities had a very quiet tone, and there was less business doitiz than on this day week the chief operations being in the heavy stocks, in which the investments were just suf- ficient to support the quotations of yesterday, the Reduced I! per cents, being at 1021 to f, and the New 2 at 103J to 103. The 3 per cent. Annuities were 95J to f. East India stork was firm at 271 J. Exchequer bills continued at the premium of 60s to 62s and East India bonds were at 74s. to 76s. For the first transff r-day next week, and for time. Consols were 961 to i.-The following are the davs appointed for the closing and re-opening of the Transfer Books at the Bank of England LL- Shut. upen. ILper Cent. Consols Friday, Dec. 1. Wednesday, J»n. 17. 3 per Cents. (1726) Thursday, .„ 7 Wednesday, 10. New 3| per Cents Friday, ..1 Titesday, i,e Kew5perCen<ft. Friday, ..8..Tuesday, 9 A7^ie8 /0r ^n; Tuesday, 5 Friday, 19. India Stock Tuesday,5..Tuesday, ..t6. Soath Sea Stock Monday. Mond"y, 15. Ditto new Tueeday, 5 Tuesday, I r). S par Ceots. (1751) Tuesday, ..5 Tuesday, ffi The Queen gave a state dinner on Wednesday to which several illustrious guests were invited expressly to meet their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess de Nemours. The party included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. their Serene Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe, the Duke of Wel- lington, the Earl of Aberdeen, and the Conor and Countess de St Aulaire.-The Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe took leave of her Majesty and Prince Albert Thursday morning, and proceeded to Slough, whence they were conveyed in royal carriages to the South- castern Railway station at London-bridge, travelling by special train to Folkestone, and thence to the York Hotel, Dover, where their Serene Highnesses were to sleep on Thursday night, on their way to Belgium on a visit to their Belgian Majesties. The Duchess of Kent arrived at the Cas le to breakfast, and took leave ofher illustrious relatives. |Admiral Casv, in command of the Arcliimede, which conveyed the Duke and Duchess de Nemours to this country, also arrived at the Castle on a visit to the Queen. It is confidently stated that her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess de Nemours, will shortly pay a visit to the Duke of Devonshire, at Chats'vorth. The late decree of Santa Anna prohibiting foreigners from carrying on retail trades in Mexico, has led, it is believed, to serious representations from the Earl of Aberdeen; and Mr. Murphy, the Plenipotentiary of the Republic, has been in frequent communication wi:h his Lordship during the present week. Accord- ing to the opinion of some parties, this act of Santa Anna is a violation of the treaty existing with Great Britain, and which permits the subjects of either country to exercise their callings or professions wi'li- out imppdimpnt. It is conjectured by many persons in the City that the delay of six months granted by Santa Anna with the ostensible object of enabling the parties concerned to wind up their affairs, may, in reality, have been intended to give time for the receipt of dispatches from Europe, announcing how the mea- sure may have been received. The French Mint has just struck a very fine medal, in commemoration of the visit of Queen Victoria to the Chateau d'Eu. On the obverse is the profile of the young Sovereign of Great Britain, and on the reverse the following legend:—" S. M. Victoria, Reine d'Angle- terre, visite S. M. Louis Philippe, Roi des Fraucais, au Chateau d'Eu, en Septembre, 1843." The die was cut by M. Bo r re I. Accounts from Gibraltar state that application had been made to Sir Robert Wilson by the Spanish Go- vernment to send away the followers of Espartero. Sir Robert Wilson, in his reply, says, this comes with a peculiarly bad grace from the friends of Narvaez —Nar- vaez having, under other circumstance, been himself for a considerable time an undisturbed refugee within the same fortress. The King of Belgium opened the session of the Legislature on Tuesday, with a speech, in which he congratulated the Chamber on the recent visit of the Queen of England, and upon the political and neigh- hourly relations with foreigu states, and upon the pro- gress made and making in railway and canal improve- ment. Among the subjects to be brought before the Chamber were projects for improving public education and to reclaim uncultivated territory. A very pleasing piece of information was communicated by his Majesty, and which may be usefully studied in England, namely, that it was intended to equalise the revenue and ex- penditure of the country, not by increased taxation, but by diminished expenditure. One paragraph in the speech seems to point to the intended establishment of a large trading association similar to our East India Company. Mr. Fox Maule has been re-elected Lord Rector of Glasgow University, by a majority of 246 to 187 over the Earl of Eglinton. Lieut. Munro, of the Royal Horse Guards, and Lieut. Grant, who are alleged to he implicated in the death of Colonel Fawcett, have signified their intention of sur- rendering to take their trials at the next Sessions of the Central Criminal Court. Mr. Peake, one of her Majesty's messengers attached to the Foreign Office, was found dead at the door of his own residence, in Lambeth, on Wednesday. The deceased gentleman had that day attended to his official duties. A respite was received at Newgate yesterday from the Home Office for the Germall Stolzer, who was ordered for execution on Monday next, for the murder of Peler Keim, his countryman. It is stated that Stolzer will be transported for life. The annual hall for the benefit of the Polish Refugees in this country took place last night in the Guildhall, the splendid fittings up for Lord Mayor's day remaining for the occasion. Jullien's band was engaged for the dancing, which commenced at nine o'clock. The at- tendance was very numerous, the visitors filling the large area of the hall and also the concert-room. Among the vocalists who assisted in the amusements of the evening were Madame E. Garcia. Miss Novello, Mr. H Chatfield, Miss Dolby. Miss Steele, Mr. John Parry, Mr. Stretlon, and Mr. Ferrari.—Lord Dudley Stuart was present, and appeared to take much interest in the proceedings. Dancing was kept up with great spirit until a late hour. Meetings are in contemplation, in various parts of the country, in aid of the exertions at present being made to extend education on the principles of the Es- tablished Church in the manufacturing districts. On Tuesday the Clergy, and a large number of influential laymen, assembled at the National Schools, Wolver- hampton, when resolutions were passed, deploring the want of religious and moral education which exists in the mining and manufacturing districts, and inviting the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood to co- operate with the National Society in promo'ingits laud- able designs. About 41JOl. was collected. At a meeting of the Roman Catholic Prelates of Ire- land, held in Dublin, on Wednesday, it was unani- mously resolved that they would resist, by every influ- ence in their power, any attempt to make :iny State provision f,)r the Catholic clergy, in whatever shape or form it may be offered. The arguments in the Dublin Court of Queen's Bench, for and against the reception of the pleas in abatement put in by Mr. Daniel O Connell and his friends, were resumed on Wednesday last, and occu pied the whole of the day. The arguments turned upon the point whether or not the parties accused have not been late in filing- a plea in abatement, which the Coun- sel for the Crown contend should have been done when the parties were first charged, and not after the rule to plead had run —The Court ruled that the plea of abatement was pleaded in sufficient time, thus making a most impor ant decision against the Attorney-General -The Counsel for the Crown then demurred to the plea, and contended for their right to proceed forth- with with the argument. The Counsel for the tra. versers, however, refused to argue the question without due notice having been given and the Court agreeing in the fairness of the proposal, a four-day rule was granted, and the matter stands for argument on Monday next. The Post, alluding to the question of the Repeal of the Union, makes the following remarks Beyond the collection of large funds to be spent bv Daniel O'Connell, or invested in his sole name, the whole affair of the Repeal agitation is as yet an unfathomable ab- surdity. There has been not the slightest rational account given of the mode by which the object can possibly be effected, if not by intimidation or force, and though those methods were freely hinted at during the progress of the agitation, they are now not only abat> doned, but repudiated with almost convulsive earnest- ness. What, then, is the meaning of Mr. O'Connell's present dissuasion from violence and promises of Re Deal, or have they any meaning beyond that of the jabber with which rhe jug-gler amuses his audience while preparing his tricks ? For a solution of these questions we must wait" The Dublin Evening Post savs—" Accounts have reached town of a most desperate outrage having been perpetrated in the neighbourhood of Borrisokane, in the county of Tipperary. 'It appears from a tettel we have seen. that Thomas Waller, Esq., of Finnoe House, a magistrate of the county, and his family, were just sitting down to dinner on Sunday last, when eight or nine armed men entered the dining-room and at tacked them all. The gentlemen of the party, promptly assisted bv the ladies, seized the carving and dinner knives, and made a most resolute defence. One ruffian levelled H pistol at VI r. Waller, which was struck down by Mr Vereker, who was present, and after a scene that it is impossible to describe, the assailants were beaten off, but not before the inmates of rhe house were severely injured. Mr. Waller's arm was broken, and he also received a bad injury in the head, and it is rumoured that Miss Vereker is not expected to stir vive. The assailants themselves must also have fared badly, as the ear of one was left behind, with other re- lics of the determined nature of the defence. The police were out in search of the delinquents, but nothing more specific has yet reached town upon the I I,U bjed." I
