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TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UpoN IMMEDIATELY OR THE LEASE SOLD. THE POTTERY GRIST MILL, in the town of I. Swansea, working Four Pair of Stones. The whole of the Machinery in excellent repair. Apply to Mr. W. P. Strove, Civil Engineer, Swansea. TO BE SOLD, Cheap, (The Proprietor having no farther use for it) A Good STANHOPE, with Lamps and Patent Axle. Also, a Second-hand PHOTON, nearly new, to carry four persons, under dnty. May be seen and particulars obtained at Mr. France's Carriage Manufactory, Swansea. Swansea, Picton Place. TO BE LET, AN excellent modern-built and commodious FA- MILY RESIDENCE, highly finished, and partly detached. br,V,lu ,IOn 18 mo*t e''gible,and commands a view of the Bay. 1 lie House contains entrance-hall, dining-room 20 feet bv 15 feet 6 inches, drawiag-roons 22 feet by 15 feet 6incbes, breakfast- parlour, five bedrooms, and commodious attics. Tbere are good kitchens, brewbouse, wine cellar, and every convenience for it respectable family. Good Garden, with small Lawn and Shrub- bery, in front; a plentiful topplv of soft and spring water and now in the occupation of Miles Smith, Esq. Apply to Mr. D. David, Solicitor, Castle-street, Swansea. FARM TO LET. TO BE LET, For a Term o/18 Years, and entered on at Michaelmas nett, ALL that FARM called TYRCENOL, in the parish of Llangefelacb, being about 80 Acres, and within about three miles of the town of Swansea. Sealed Tenders, xtating the almost rent, will be received at the Swansea Coal Company's Office, on Tuesday, the 26th inst. Tbe above Farm is in a high state o/ ro'tivatinn. For farther particulars apply to Capt. Gregor, Morriston. Eligible Investment. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, TWELVE LEASEHOLD HOUSES, situated in 1. vve&nkt "et, Sw«Mea, respectably occupied by quarterly Tenants, at JE75 per aanorn, held for an onexpired term of about 80 vears, subject to a ground-rent of £9 a year. For further particu ars apply to Mr. JolinWillianis, or Mr. Davids, Solicitors, Swansea. BOROUGH OF BRECKNOCK, SOUTH WALES. To Curriers, Leather Factors, and others. TO BE, DISPOSED OF BY VALUATION, (Under an Assignment for the general benefit of Creditors), with immediate possession of the Premises, in which the Business has been carried on for more tban half a century, and which are most conveniently arranged for the purpose, npHE whole of the STOCK-IN-TRADE of Mr. I THOMAS DAVIES, Corrier, conaislingof Saddle,'Harness, Shoe, Sole, una other Leather, Oil, &c.; together with the Shop Fixtures and Counters, Tools, Tables, Beams, Cisterns, Vats, Stoves, FarMoe", &c. &c., comprising every convenience for carrying on an extensive Wholesale and Retail Trade. The Stock having been reduced to a very small antoont affords an easy and most advautageoa* opportunity to any person wishing to take to the business. Apply personally (or if by letter, pre-paid) to Messrs. Maybery, Williams, and Cobb, Solicitors, Brecknock, or to Mr. D. E. Davies, Wheat-street, Brecknock. STSAM TUGS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. LILLY. At the ROYAL CLARFNOB HOTEL, 'BRIDGWATER, in the coonty of Somerset, 011 WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of SEPTEMBER instant, at five o'clock in the afternoon (unless previoaslj dis- posed of Private Contract, of wbicb due notice will be given, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced), IN TWO LOTS, TWO Superior STEAM VESSELS or TUGS, 1 called the •• ENDEAVOUR*] and '« PERSEVERANCE," of the port of Bridgwater, with their Tackle, Boats, and Stores. The Endeavour" was built at Gateshead, in 1837, is 68 feet in lenitth, 17 tons burthen per register; had her Boilers very sub- stantially repaired by William Rogers and Co., of Bristol, in December, 1840, when the vessel was pot in complete order, at an expense altogether of upwards of fMO. The Perseverance" was built at Glasgow, of iron, in 1840, by J. and W. Napier, and Co.; is 58 feet iu length, 15 tons burthen per register, and is a werw- strong, vessel. They are propelled by Engine* of 30 and 35 horse power, a re of light draft of water, in good condition, and now employed as Tag Boats on the river Parrett. Persons desirous of purchasing, may have frequent oppor- tanities of witnessing tbeir power and speed, and they may be inspected by application to Messrs. Sally, Ship-Brokers, Bridg- water. Farther partioalars nay be obtained on application to Mr. 6. H. Farther partioalars nay be obtained on application to Mr. G. H. Pain, Solicitor, Bridgwater. TO BE SOLD, A SINGLE-BARREL GUN, by Joe Manton, with Mahogany Case and Fittings, most complete. Tbe Gun, &c. has been but little used. Enquire at the Cambrian Office for particulars. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED t'POS AT MfCAAKLMAS NF.XT, TjTJPPEK. FOREST FARM, contrtinmg a large "U Dwelling-house and exlens-ive Oulhaiid ngs, within three miles of Swansea, containing about 225 Acres of excellent Arable, Meadow, tincl Pasture Lanli, and situate in the immediate neigh- bourhood of Manufactories and Collieries. For further particulars.apply to Vlr. C. B. Mansfield. Solicitor, or to Ili-, W. P. Strnve. Civil Engineer, Swansea. GLAMORGAN SHIRE. TO BE LET, And entered upon rrt Michaelmas, 1S44, UPPER FOREST COPPER, ROLLING, and GIt 1ST rvIILLS, worked bv water from the Itiver Tawe. The above valuable Mills are now in the occupation of Messrs. Vivian and .Soils, and are situate near the port of Swansea, and within a short distance from the Swansea Canal, comprising the necessary Machinery lor Rolling Cupper. The estimated power is 40 horses, and any quantity of Land may he obtained for the erection of Furnaces. The situation is most eligible for the esta- blishment of a Copper Manufactory, there being an abundant supply of cheap coal, and un easy transit by the Canal to the port of Swansea. For further information apply to ]\lr. C. B. Mansfield, Solicitor, or to Mr. W. P. Struie. Civil lingineer, Swansea. To Capitalists, Copper Smelters, and Colliers. To be SOLD IJlI PIUVATE CONTRACT, ONE-THIRD of the GARTH COLLIERY, ex- tending under a surface o f upwards of 400 Acres, situated ill the immediate vicinity of the Copper, Zinc, and Tin Works, and connected bv Tram road with the Canal. The Coal is of the most superior quality for Smelting, Steam, and Smithcry purposes. Further particulars may he obtained on application to C. B. Mansfield, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea. I Extensive Sale of Corn and Hay, with a few Head of Live Stock. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Bv Mr. J. G. HANCORNE, On MONDAY, the 25th of SEPTEMBER instant, on the Premises, at ILSTON GLKBK, situate near Cartersford Gate, 7,1 mi:es from Swansea, 011 the Gower Road, rPHE undermentioned Quantity of CORN and H RAY :-Fourteen moderate sized Mows of Wheat, con- taining from six to seven \Vdsh boshels each one large ditto, on a frame, twelve to fourteen bushels twelve or fourteen Mows ol Barley, six to seven bushels each four Mows of Oats, six to seven bushels ditto eight Ricks of Hay, of two tons each; one large ditto, of eight to ten tons. The whole of the Corn and Hay is of excellent qoality, well harvested and secured, having had little or no raiu on il; and it may remain on the premises nntit the 25th of March, and will be taken all possible care of until removed. The Live Stock consists of two good fat three-year-old heifers, three milch cows, three useful horses, and four pigs. Nine months'credit will be given on approved joint security for all sums under two pounds. Sale to commence at eleven o'clock SALE POSTPONED From the 2d to the 9th of October, 1843. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Mr. WILLIAM DAVIES Respectfully begs to announce that he is fa»oured with instructions TO SUBMIT BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ( Without Reserve), On the 9th day of OCTOBER, 1843, and the following days, until tbe whole is disposed of, rr,HE STOCK and CROP, IMPLEMENTS of I HUSBANDRY, DAIRY and BREWING UTENSILS, together with the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the pro- perty of Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, of Geffywernen Park. Llanelly, who is going to leave Wales. The Stock consists of 24 prime milch cows, of the real Castlemartin breed, ten cart horses, with sundry nag horses and colts, 40 sheep of the pore Leicester breed, with rarioan sorts of sows »nd pigs, and other things too MOtM- roos to mention in an advertisement. Bills and Catalogues of the above sale will be furnished in due time. The Fanning Implements and Household Furniture are of the roost modern description. Six months' credit will be giren upon approved seenritr. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the WYNDHAM ARMS, BRIDGEND, on SATURDAY, the 30th day of SEPTEMBER instant, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be then produced, unless disposed of it, the meat) time by private con- tract, of which doe notice will be given, CLEVIS HOUSE, in th« parish of Newton Nottage, consisting of dining,drawiig, and breakfast rooms, six bed- rooms, and two dressing room!; with Coach-hou«e, four-stall Stable, Conservatory, two Kitchen Gardens, with other necessary conveniences; pleasantly situated near the sea, commanding a delight'ul view of the Bristol Clftnnel from the Nash Poiotto the Mumbles, and the opposite Coait of Somerset and Devon, within five iniles of the market-town o' Bridgend, and one mile from Portb Cawl, where coat of the best quality may be had at 8s. per tall. The situation is remarkaUe for its salubrftj. Also, about 84 Acres of PASTURE and ARABLE LAND, in the occupation of responsible tenants, the greater part of which is a good preserve for pheasants and other game. The House and Appurtenanets, with a. Field adjoining. are ill the occupation of the Rev. Robert Knight, for a,term, of which nearly two jears are unexpired; and has 9 Acres more of good Panture contiguous thereto. Also, FIVE COTTAGES, vith Gardens attached, in the vil- lage of Newton. > The property will be )ut up in suitable lots. For farther particulars appli<atiou may be made to Mr. Cuth- bertson, Solicitor, Neath; J. Ii. Allen, Esq., Porth Cawl; and Evan Jone*, Esq.. 5, Uaion-stret, Soutbwark, London. BRQMBILL FARM, In the parish of Mirgam, Glamorganshire. Mr. M. WIiITTINGTON Has the honour to announce u the public, that he has received instructiiiis to submit FOR SALE BY AUCTION, THE whole of the PiRMINO STOCK, CROP, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, and other Effect*, of the above Farm, the property of GlMFflTH LLF.WELLYN, Esq. The Sale to take place on the premises, on THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, the 28'h and 29th of SEPTEMBER, 1843, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon «f *acl day. The Stock consists of JGO mountain sheep, 60 mountain lambs, 35 large breeding ewes, 1 rain, 40 large iambs, 25 fat ewes and wethers, 25 mountain do., 6 fire-year old fat oxen, 2 four-yearold heifers. 2 fat cows, 3 tbree-jearold steers. 1 fat heifer three years old, Glamorgan bull four tsars old, milch cow, ditto in calf, 4 steels rising three years old. 6 heifers rising three years old, 8 yearling sleers. 2 yearliag heifers, very tine yearling hull, 5 calves, 3 colts three years aid, 4 yearling colls, sucking ditto, 2 fillies, bay carriage mare, 15 bands high, rising four years old, steady in harness, 7 draught lorses, 9 store pigs, sow in farrow. The Crop consists of the produce of 12^ acres of wheat, 12 acres of barley, 5 acres of oats, 6acres of Swedish turnips, 5 acres of white ditto, 2 acres of mangel wurzel, one quarter of an acre of potatoes, and about60 tons of hay together with the Implements of Husbandry, consisting of waggons, carts, hay cars, rollers, sowing, winnowing, chafi, aid weighing machines, iron ploughs, drags, harrows, yokes, sett of suaft, leading, aud ploughing harness,&o.&o. Six months credttwutbegitenonapprotedseotnty. Catalogues will be ready fourteen days prior lo Sale, mud may be had 011 application to the Auctioneer, Post-Oflice, Neath. COUNTY OF THE BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. FURNACE LODGE. The Modern Household Furniture, China, Glass, Paintings, small Cellar of very choice Wints, capital Four- wheel Pliaton, Carriage, Horses, Harness, te. lfc, Mr. GEORGE GOODE Begs respectfully to announce, that he is instructed To S ELL by PU B LIC A UCTIO N, On the Premises, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 20th, 27th, and28tb days of SEPTEMBER, 1843, commencing each day at eleven o'clock, ALL the very Neat and Modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FINE- i*AI>mNC&T«lt»g»ot Services of CHINA and CUT GLASS, WINES, CARRIAGE, HORSES, HARNESS, and other valuable Effects, the property of H. R. DOWNMAN, Esq., who is going to reside at Clifton. Ci^uiprisitrg handsome mahogany four-post French and tent bedsteads, tastefully furnished in moreen and chintc fornilure, superior .feather beds, best Whitney blankets, Marseilles and cotton quilts, mahogany aud other chests of drawers, dressing tables and wash-hand stands, swing looking glasses, very hand- some mahogany child's crib, with every other article of bedroom furniture, essential for comfort and convenience. Handsome Drawing-Room snite, mostly in rosewood, com-, prising loo, card, and other tables, chairs, winged cheftioneer, splendid chimney glass in rich gilt frame, beautiful French lime- Iiiece, a splendid and brilliant toned cabinet piano hy Tomkinson, landsome Brussels' carpet, set of elegant arranged damask moreen (uiílilore. Lushe and Dresden ornaments, &c. &e. In the Dining-Room is a splendid mahogany sideboard, deep railed chairs, set of extending dining tables, damask and utoreen window curtains, handsome Torkey carpets, &c. &o. The collection of PAINTINGS, about 20 in number, are all elegantly framed, and are exceedingly choice and inviting, and comprehend many valuable specimens of first rate Masters also, a small collection of valuable ENGRAVINGS 200 volumes of neatly bound BOOKS, containing many or the standard Works of the day rich and elegant sets of Dinner, Dessert, Tea and Coffee Services a quantity of rich Cut Glass a large <|uanlity of Plated Goods; handsome Tea Urn, Wine Cooler. Bottle Stands, Candlesticks, Dinner and Desart Knives and Forks, with a full complement of Kitchen and Culinary Articles; also, a variety of Brewing; and Dairy Utensila, all of which are in the best oondition about 30 dozen of very Choice Wines of the best vintages together with a very neat and light Phseloii, with head, catcatatedT for one or two borAeIl. sets of double and single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, and three exceed ngly useful and well bred Horses, remarkably steady and clever in Harness, and good Hacks, with Horse Clothing;, and a multiplicity of other Valuable Effects. Mr. GOODE Is also instructed by Mr. DOWNMAN to offer for Public Compe- tition, early in the month of OCTOBER, in consequence ol his giving up the lease of the Carmarthen Tin Works at the first seven years, and removing the Iron and Tin-Plate Trade to his reoentiv purchased Works at Kidwelly, All the SHIPPING IMPLEMENTS or TRADE, spare MACHINERY, valuable TEAM of HORSES, WAGGONS, CARTS, TROLLIES, two RICKS of exceedinth well-bar- vested HAY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Stock of large Manufactoring COAL, CANNEL COAL, TIMBER, &c. &c., over and above that required for the Kidwelly Works. Catalogties,are now preparing, and may be bad one week pre- vious to the Sale, at Messrs. White and Sons, Stationers, and at theoffieesof Mr. Geo. Goode, Land-Ageut and-Auciiooeer, Upper Market-street, Carmarthen. N.B. The Furniture may beviewed on Monday, the 25th, from tea o'«l0ck in Ibe forenoon, till four o'olock in the afternoon. Credit vill be given on approved security. ( Ons Concern.) ALBION HOUSE, 1, Temple-street. H. & T. HURNDALL RESPECTFULLY inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants generally of Swansea and its Vicinity, that they have just visited the London, Manchester, and North of England Markets, and 'hat their Purchases in AUTUMN GOODS have been on a most extensive scale, and c unprise every uoveltv the Trade has produced. IN THE DRESS DEPARTMENT—will he found a most varied and elegant assortment of Anglo-Genoa Velvets, Cashmere, D'Ecosse, Ordine Cloths, and Mouseline de Laines, adapted lor morning or evening Dress. THE SHA WL DEPARTMENT —comprises some beautiful specimens it, Paisley manufacture, together with every new pattern, in Woollen and Bordered Shawls. THE FANCY DEPA RTM K.NT — consists of Plain and Fancy Bonnet Velvets, wi:h Ribbons to match, in all the prevailing shades and styles liionds. Flowers, Neck Ties, Turnovers, Gloves, Silk, and other flosiern also a very large lot or neIV patterns in Muslin and Lace Collars, and Habit Shirts, particularly cheap. A great variety ol Plaids, Velvets, &c., f-»r Children s Dresses. H. & T. HtlliNDAU. parlicularlv invite lie attention ui GtiNTLKM t'.N 10 I heir S TOt. K. ot BROAD ('LOTHS, V/ A E K P KOO l' BEAVERS. PILOTS, TWEEDS, DOESKINS, WAlSTCOATINUS, HATS, &o., feeling lull r persuaded that in tiiese Goods they can effect their customers a decided saving. H. & T. H. in returning their thanks for ilie large share of patronage conferred upon them, cotfidenUy solicit an inspection of their present STOCK, which, from its extent, variety, and price, cannot but ensure the fullest satisfaction or eser), purchaser. Swansea, September 2Jtb, IS 13. t,;¡iI$pf To PA RESTS and (i U A HDl ASS. )I To PA RESTS and GUAXDIAXS. WANTED, a respectnbio YOUTH, as an AP- PRENTICE to the GENERAL GROCERY BUS!- NESS. As he will be treated as one of the Family, a small Premium will be required. Apply to Mr. J. Parsons, Cowbridge. MURD:EB.-£5CC aEWARD. Carmarthen, Sept. 19, HE RE AS SARA. II WILLT A MS, wbpn residing- vV at the Hendy Bridge Toll Honse, in the Parish of Llatiedy, in the Countv o! Carmarthen, \>as, Oil the night of the Ofh instant. Shot by some Person or Persons unknown,— a RE- WARD of FIVE'HUNDRED POUNDS is herehv o!I'red, and will be paid 10 any Person or Persons who shall give such Information or Evidence as sha'l lead to the Apprehension and Conviction of any of those by whom the Murder was committed and her Majesty's most gracious Pardon will be extended to anv accomplice, who may give the necessary evidence, so that sucii accomplice suallllot be the person who fired the shot by which Sarah Williams was killed. CEO. RICE TREVOR. Vice-Lieutenant County Carmarthen. r.JOHN DAVIES. formerly of No. I, Victoria- 5 street, in the citv of Bristol, Commercial Tra« e'ler, afl«r- wards of the town of Newport, in the countv of Monmouth, Dealer in Beer IIlId Porter, and now of the to. of Cardiff, in the coonty of Glamorgan, Beer Agent, at present and for six months last past residing at the town of Cardiff afor. said, and being a Beer Agent, do hereby give Notice, that I intend to pre- sent a Pelition to the Commissionerll of the Bristol District Court of Bankruptcy, praving to be examined toaehing my Debts, Estate, and Effects, and to he protected from all process, upon making a full disclosure and surrender of such Bstllte and Effects for payment of my just and lawful Debts. And 1 hereby further give Notice, that the time when the matter of the snid Petition shall be heard is to he advertised in the London Gazelle and in the Cumbrian newspaper, one month at the least after the date hereof. As witness my hand this twentieth day of September, in the Jear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fortv-three. JOHN DAVIES. Witness-HENRY MORGAN, Attorney- al-Law, Cardiff. TO DRAPERS, TAILORS, AND THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. J. H. ROBERTS, On FRIDAY, SF.PT.22d, 1813, and rollowitim dais, u n til the whole ill dillposed of, at 37, WIND-STRF.ET, SW ANSEA, AN extensive and well-assorted STOCK of WOOLLEN CLOTHS, of different colours, BEAVERS, and PILOT CLOTHS, and all descriptions of TROUSERING, handsome WAISTCOATING, and also, a large Assortment of MERINOS. Sale to commence each day at twelve o'olock, and at six in the evening. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. D. HOWELL, On TUESDAY, the 26th of SEPTEMBER in-.tant. ALL the TITHE and GLEBE L<\ND CORN of ihe PARISH of KNELSTONE, Gower. Credit will be given on all sums above £ 2; and the sale will take place at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at Knelslotie. GLAMORGANSHIRE. Mr. D. HOWELL HAS BEEN INSTRUCTED TO SELL BY AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY and THtIRSDAY, the 27tb and 28th instant, at Cot1 RT HERBERT, near NEATH, ALL the superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, LINEN. PLATE, CHINA, GLASS. BOflKS, PIC- TURES, DAIRY and BREWING UTENSILS, GARDEN STOCK and CROPS. Also 305 SHARES in the CAM- BRIAN IRON and SPELTER COMPANY. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneer a week previoos to the sale. The sale to commence each day at ten o'clock in the forenoon. There will be no reserve or auction duty. Important Sale by Auction, Of superior Household Furniture, a choice Library of 700 Volumes, and 150 Oil Paintings by eminent Masters. J. DAVIES RESPECTFULLY announces that he has received iiixtruciious from MILKS SMITH, Esq of Soutbhal)- place, Picton-place. Swansea, to dispose of all his Valuuble and Modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLATED GOODS, GLASS, and CHINA, BY AUCTION, On the 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th daya of SEPTEMBER inst.; Consisting of solid rosewood dining-room chair* and settees, with rich damask moreen seats and covers, elegant window curtains, with burnished gilt cornices to mttoh rosewood cbeflioneer. loo and watnot tables, morocco reclining andeany chairs, best Orllsllel. carpets and Turkey rugs, curious and ornamented china, fine- toned pianoforte, by Broad wood, quite modern, six octaves substantial maboganv dining chsirn and carved sofas, with mohair seals handsome mahogany sideboard,cbeflioneer, card, loo, and library tables; hall and stairs Brussels carpets, and oil floor- cloth hall tables, cbairs, and lamps mahogany handsome four- post and French bedsteads, with moreen furniture excellent feather-beds and mattresses mahogany and painted wardrobes, chests of drawers, secretaries, toilet tables and wash hand stands, dresning glasses, and Kidderminster carpets, &n. &c.; plated hard ware, china, and glass together 4*h excellent Kitchen Requisites, and Garden Roller. Alsn. • fine collection of One Hundred and Fifty OIL PAINTINGS, IN VALUABLE GILT FRAMES, including capital specimens by the late George Chambers, J. B. Pyne, late John Constable, R.A., Thomas Creswick, A.R.A., P. F. Poole, Thomas Baker, of Bath, J. M. W. Turner, R.A., and the late j. P. Bonnington, &o. a's0 a ""mher of Sketches and Pictures of tbe neighbourhood of Swansea, the portfolio con- taining Lithographic Draw inifs by Harding, Stanticld, Roberts &o. &c.: Old Prints, and Landseer s latest published works. A Magic Laiithorue complete, and Beards best Photographic Camera, with dark boxes for prepaired plates. Also, AN EXCELLENT LIBRARY of standard works in Chemislrv. Medicines, the Fine and Useful Arts, &c. &c consisting of 700 volumes. The whole will be arranged tor inspection, and may he viewed on tbe Friday aud Saturday preceding the Sale and Catalogues, wiih particulars, may be had at the OlEce of the Auctioneer, Post-Office, Swansea. Important Freehold Property for Sale, In the Town uf BRECON and its environs. Mr. GOODE HAS BEEN HONOURED WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the CASTLE HOTEL, BRKCON, on MONDAY, the 16th day of OCTOBER, 1843, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, THE FOI.I.OWING VALUABLE FREEHOLD HOUSES, GARDENS, AND LANDS, Situate in and near to the rapidly improving Town of Brecon, IN NINE Lors, AS FOLLOWS, VIZ.: Lotl-ALL ,hat *,ANs'.ON-HOUSE, with i's fl convenient and extensive Premises as now occupied by Thomas Ball, Esq., Surgeon, held by him, with a Garden (part of lot 2), for a term which will expire at Michaelmas, 1844, (part of lot 2), for a term which will expire at Michaelmall, 1844, at the verv low apportioned rent of £ 42 1011., situate in Ihe Bull- wark, a wide, spacious, aud principal street and thoroughfare, comprising extensive underground wine, beer, and coal cellars, large dining and breakfast parlours, entrance and servants'-hall, pantries, kitchen, a splendid drawing*room, and nine bedrooms also a Coach-house, four-stall Stable, Surgery, Back Kitchon with Lofts over, fronting Glamorganshire-street, the whole form- ing a spacious slid, convenient residence of a very comllJilndillg appearance. Lot 2.—A moderii-hoill and remarkablv convenient arranged COACH-HOUSE. STABLE. SADDLE AND HARNESS ROOMS, and YARD, with Hay and Oat lorts over, situate in Lion-street, now held by Mr. Joseph Bryant, under an agreement, which will expire in 1844. at the low rent of 1:15, including also Ihe Garden adjoioing, beld with lot 1 for the same term, al the apportioned rent of £;j, having two valuable frontages, one to the Bullwarks and the other to Lion-slreet, of about 80 reel each. This is a valuable building site, either for genteel private resi- dences or houses of business, being in the centre of the town. Lot 3.—THREE HOUSES, situate in High-street, at the junction of that street with tbe Bullwark, se»erallv occupied hy Win. Matbias, John Thomas, and Philip Vmiglian, Esq., and his undertenant, at aggregate renis amounting to Jt'^8 1011.; also a CELLAR, now in hand, but recently let for £ 2 per ann. These Houses are also in the very centre of the town, and in the prin- cipal thoroughfare. Lot 4. —FIVE HOUSES, with a Yard and Urge Gaideo, situate on the south-side of the street called the Walton, severally occupied be Richard Blaiuy, Win I,ewis, Mary Worgin, Margaret Thomas, Drusilla Morgan, and John Jenkins, at rents amounting together lo £ 23. Lot i—A l<«rge STAKIJE, with Harness-room, also a v«-rv rich MEADOW attached, calledjlie Church "ielct contHiiiing a | frontage to the Walton of about 3-SO feet, and immedintelt olilio site the new Barracks, a/j extremely eligible lot for building on, now held bv Mr. Willi*"1 Powell, at the nominal rent of £ 11, as tenant from year to year. Lot6-A CELLAR under the Turnpike Toll-house, also a GARD-EN attanhf d to the Toll-houae, now held bv Mr. Joseph Bryant, al the low *earlv ren''of 15s. Lot 7.—A valuable WALLED GARDEN, and the M EADOW attached, called the Turnpike Meadow, situate ntl the north-side of the London road, 111111 extending eastward from llir turnpike- gate aloog the said road for upwards ot feet. a valuable tfom. age for building ott, now hel,1 !'V Mr. fhoma. Griffith as tenant I from tear to vear, at the very low annual rent of <)ts. Lot 8.—All that Piece of very rich MEADOW GROUND, called Cae Wear, skirted on one side bv 1 lie River Usk, contain jog by admeasurement 9A. '2K. 3(H\, or the 1eabnuis. now held bv Thomas Prolheroe Price, Esq., as tenant Irotn ve;<r to year, at the low vearl" rent of t:32 10s. Lot 9."—TWO remarkably RICH MEADOWS, also in the occupation of Thomas Prolheroe Price, Es; a, the very lo* annual rent of £ 30. These Meadows are ciose 10 the town, ami extend from the Canal Towing-path 10 file River, and extreinelv convenient. The above property is rendered especially valuable from the peculiar eligibililv of their situations ;is building Sin-s, 111111 ihe propinquity of some of them to the extensive Barracks now >»> course of enlargement. Mr. Rvan Abraham, of the Priory, Brecon, will shew the se- werat tots; and further particulars may be ha.1 or" fvlw*rd Pri. Richards, Esq., Solicitor, Csrdifl Edwaid Bradler, Treguff-plaoe, Cowbridge or Messrs. H, P, Goode and Pin;- Jlott, Surveyors, Haverfordwest. "¡. TZS.XSJTT'ST CE2U3.GSS, SWANSEA. A S it is expected tluit 11se above-named NEW CHURCH will shortly be OPENED for DIVINE WORSMiP^ PersOlls desirouse of securing convenient PEWS or SITTINGS call do so by application either lo Mr. J. Maher, ;\I.A., Burrows, or lo Mr. Herbert Jones, Stationer, Oxford- street, where a Plan of the Pews c:-in be sten. Swansea, Sept. 21, 18-13. TESTJi:1\IIONIAL To the. Reverend CHANCELLOR KNIGHT. npHE PRESENTATION of this TESTIMONIAL will take piace in tht. CtfAPFEU HOUSE at LLAN- DAFF, 0:1 Tpr.SDAY, the 3d day of OCTIIEI'{ next, "ben a 1) IN N E ti will he give« to 'he Cliarcellor b v the Subscribers. The Loid Bishop ol Ilie Diocese will preside on the occasion. HUGH WILLIAMS, S(,prplar:p, THOMAS EDMONDES, >' SccreUr,es- Those Subscribers who intend to dine are requested to send their Names to Mr. Joseph Huckwell, Registrar's OlTice, L!an- datl, on or before Thursday, tbe'JSlh inst. Dinner will be 011 the table at three o'clock. Tickets, 10s. 6d. each. Cardiff, September 13, 1813. UBSCRIPTIO N for procuring «ti ORGAN lor C5 COWBRIDGE CHURCH. f. s. d. Auioont of Subscription already advertised.. 115 16 0 J. B. uce Pryce, Esq., Dull'ryn 2 2 0 R. II. Jenkins, Esq., Lanhnrran 2 0 David Hopkins, EMJ., Ely Rise 10 0 Miss Traherne, St, Hilary 1 0 0 Miss L. Traherne 100 Mrs. Gwynnet, Penlline Castle 1 0 0 The Rev. Evan Jones. Colwinstone 2 2 0 Capt. Ha»»eil, R.A., Beaupre 1 1 0 The Rev. Roht. Carne, Dimland House 5 0 0 J. F. Gwyn, Esq., Furd Abbey 20 0 0 Mrs Thomas Dunne, Welsh St. Donats 1 0 0 Lord D^nevot, The Barriiigions 5 0 0 A Gentleman 1 1 0 Sums under 10s 0 19 6 The Committee beg to return their best thanks to the Sub- scribers for the generous manner in which their appeal has been met, and take this opport unit v of announcing, that ttie Organ will be opened on Sunday, the 8th of October, accompanied bv an efficient Choir Divine Service will oommen t> at eleveu o'clock in the morning, and six o'clock in the evening. THOMAS EDMONDES, Vicar. WM. EDMONDES, > G. VV. TOWGOOD, Churchwardens. Cowbridge, September 20, 1843. Commercial and Classical Academy, No. 2, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. MR. COMES BEGS to inform Parents, that he has, at the request of several ol his Friends, decided upon commencing (he above SCHOOL, for the Instruction of a limited number ol DAY SCHOLARS. His aim will be, hy strict personal atten- tion, lo prepare his Pnpili for an entrance upon the Proiessional and Commercial Pursuits of the World; and, iu addition to the osoal routine, to be careful that their tiewsof men and things are correctly formed: but, wliiLt auch is his principal object, the finer studies will not be neglected and, above all, their morals, health, and respectable behatiour, will be paid parti- cular attention to. The situation chosen combines the advantages of being extremely airy and healthy, and of being in the centre of the town. Mr. C. would also state, that it is his inten ion to devote his entire attention to the Pupils placed under his care, and that he is determined that, when they leave his Establish- ment, thev shall be enabled to give the most perfect satisfaction lo their parents. The Course of Instruction pursued, will be the Latin, Greek, and English Languages, History, Geography, Anting, Arith- metic, Geometry, and Algebra. TERMS MAY BIC KSOWN ON APPLICATION. Music, French, Drawing, and oilier accomplishments, by pro- fessed Masters, on the usual terms, if required. No Extras, except for Books. The School will be opened on Monday^ Oct. 2d, 1843. The BERLIN REPOSITORY, under the superintendence of Mrs. COATKS, will also be Removed to the same plaoe, being the Shop now in the occupation of Mrs. CROLB, where she trusts she will be the recipient of those favours hitherto so liberally bestowed on her by the Ladies of Swansea and its Vicinity, to whom she takes the ptetient opportunity of returning her sincere thanks. BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. THE TOWN COUNCIL are desirous of ERECT- ING a CRANE, equal to 10 Tons, on the Public Quay ..I.u ,1,(. ",t' and (heijuay Committee wIll meet on rnoay, me October next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving Tenders from any parties who may be disposed to Contract for the Erection of ,sa^h Crane. Anv further particulars maybe known on application to Mr. James Hall, Swansea. Swansea, September 21, 184V Neatb Barbour. TO CONTRACTORS FOR PUPLIC WORKS. HPHE Cotnmi-asioiiersof Nealli Harbour are desirous of CONTRACTING for the execution of WORKS re- quired for the improvement of the IHVER NEATH, by Deep- toingand Regulating the Channel thereof. Peisons willing to Tender for the same may see the Plan and Specification, between the hours of ten and four, at the Office of Mr. Cuthbertson, at Neath. Tenders to be delivered on or before the 4th October next. Neath, 21st September, 18:13. LLANELLY. AT a MEETING of MEMBERS of the SOCIETY of ODDFELLOWS, held on Tuesday evening last, at the TOWN-HALL, LLANKLLY, the lollowing RESOLUTIONS were agreed to:- Moted by Mr. Ridley, seconded by Mr. Lewis- 1.- Resolverl, That this Meeting of Brothers of the Order or Oddfellows belonging to the Llanelly District, views, with feelings of deep regret, the nightly outrages and destruction of Private Property that have taken ptace i" the neighbourhood. Moved bv Mr. Jones, seconded hy Mr. J. Criffillis- 2.— Resolved, That the Llanelly District of Oddfellows now come forward to express publicly and fearlessly their entire dis- approbation ol auch proceedings Moved by Benj. Thomas, Esq., seconded by Mr. Lucas— 3d.— Resolved, Not hazarding at, opinion upon the qui-siionof grievances which all admit toexiitt, this Meeting oonsider it at the same time their duty to denounce all acts and outrages against Persons and Property. Moved by John Cook, Esq., and seconded by Mr. Evans — 4.—Resolved, Th«t the District pledge themselves lo use all tbeir moral influence lo prevent those nighliv outrages. Moved by Win. Chambers,Esq.,seconded bv John Biddnlph, Ellq., IIndsuPllorled In J. H. Rees, Esq.— 5.—iResol.ifed, TIIHI' these Resolutions be iuserted in all the LOCIXI IVDI)Cis find Weisli Periodicals. Tithe Commutation. NOTICE. rpHE MAP and DRAFT APPORTIONMENT JL of the Parish of BAGLAN, in tbe county of Glamorgan, )tXtebeentdep«)iit<ed at pentwyn Fareii House, Mr. George Key's, in the said parish, for the inspection of all Parties interested therein, and a MEETING to hear APPEALS against the same will be held at the Globe Inn, in the town of Aberavon, in the parish of Ahfratott.ott Thursday, the^Sthday of September, 1843, at twelve o'clock- at nomi. Willi the view of preventing protracted litigation, and the necessity of adjournments, and for the purpose of saving expense lo the Parties, the Comiu ssioners would recommend that the Landowners should examine the Apportionment as soon its do- posited, and that those who intend to appenl should give early noti(J#'if" sdeh'intention, both tn the Valuers and the Parlies 'agaimt'Vtinit fttvevnpiveaiv^ If obfeotians be brought berpre Thell Assistant Curnmillsioller at the Appeal Meeting without pretfouil notice, and an adjournment thereby rendered necessary, the Appellants will be liable to the whole of the additional expenses occasioned hy such adjournment THOS. L. MARTIN, i A„ LEWIS GRIFFITHS, Apport'oners. Ynistawe, Sept.6, IS43. Ynis* gi-rwn, Sept. G. 18.13. Tithe Commutation. NOTICE MpHE MAP attd I)II\FT APPORTIONMENT JL of the Parish of A BERA VON, in the county of Glamorgan, have been deposited at the Glob? Inn, in the town cf Aberavon, in the said Parish, !or the inspection of all Parlies interested therein, and a MEETING to he:ir APPEALS against the same will be held at the Globe Inn, in the said Town and Parish, on Thursday, the 28th day of September, 1843, at ten o'clock in the forenoon: With the view of preventing protracted litigation, nod the ne. cessity of adjournments, and for lie purpose of saving expense to the Parties, the Commissioners would recommend that the Landowners should examine the Apportionment as soon as de. posited, and that those who intend to Appeal should give early notice of such intention, both to the Valuers and the Parties against whom :hey appeal. It objections be brought before the Assistant Commissioner al ihe Appeal Meeting without previous liOlice, and ail adjournment thereby rendered necessary, the Ap- pellants will be liable to the uhole of the additional expenses occasioned by such adjournment. THOS. L. MARTIN, ) LEWIS GRIFFITHS, Apportion, rs. Ynislawe, 6, 1813, Ynisvgerwn, Sept. 6. 1843. Ltmdon Hospital Medical and Surgical School. LECTURES will commence Oil MONDAY, the 2d of L OCTOBER. 1843, at half-past two. Pnnciples and Practice of Melhcioe- Dr. Cobb and Dr. Little. M ateria Medica.&c.-D.. Pereira, F.R.S. Mi iw fert, &c.— Dr. F. H Kamsbotbam. Chemistry—Dr. Pereira, F.R.S. Forensic Medicine Dr. F. H. Ramsbothan & Dr. A. Framplon. Anatomy and Ph-.siology —Mr. Adams. Surjery — Mr L.ike and Mr. Curling. I'rai li.'al Anatoiiiy -.VIr. Adams and Mr. Critchett. Boiany Mr Quekelt, F.L.S. omptrawe An ttomy— Dr. Litleby Anaiomy of the Teeth «nd DeniHl Surgery—Mr. Craigie. liuical Lectures—D.. Gordon, F.R.S., Dr. A. Fraiapton, Mr. Scot), arx) Mr Luke. General Fee for the above Lectures, qualifying for the Hall and College, fM. The late Fire at Mr. Hanson's. THE JOURNEYMEN CABINET-M AKERS em- A ployed by Mr. THOMAS HANSON, return their grateful thanks to those benevolent Individuals who so kindly contributed to a Fond to purchase them TOOLS, instead of those desiroyed b-v the'.Kte Fi,e They also feel Jhemselves called upon to ac- knowledge with their best tlnnks, the very kind and indefatigable conduct of Capt. Tt!itNKK, R.N. for his prompt and elfectual aid in furthering the charitable object 01 the Undertaking. Swansea, Sept. 21, 1843. PGOSV-RilTSS. 1 ^c enormous increase of the S Poor Rales charged upon the District of Gower since the establishment of Ihe Swansea Union, a M EETI NG of the RATE- PAYEKS will BE held a) the RISING SUN, at RKYMII.USTOV, on Tt't'SDA V, the :id of OCTOISF.K. at eleven o'clock in ihe forenoon| with a view of Petitioning (lIe Poor- Law C.iintnissinners for a separation of the several Parishes of Cower from the Swansea Union lfitli Sept., 1843. I. J A 0 O B, C f-ate E. Jonex), CHXI7A AND G £ .ikSS-2lQOSS:3, 33, Caatle-st'eet, Swansea, HAS tiie honour to announce to the Nobility. Gen- try, Inhabitants of Swansea and its Vicinity, that he has succeeded 10 the above old and yvell-known CFMNA alld CLASS ESTABLISHMENT, successfully carried on by Mrs. ELIZABITII JONES, and her late Husband, fur a period of nearly twenty years. To the above Business will be added a neat and well-s lected Stock of Plate, and Shellield Plated Goods, Cutlery, Papier Mauhie, and other Tea Trays, London-made bronze Tea Urns Fanc\ Cabinet Goods, &c. &c. By keeping Goods of the b'-st quslilv and newest patterns, r. J, solicits a continuance of that kind patronage and support the House has hitherto received. Every article marked the lowest price in plain figures. In consequence of holidays, the Business will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, 25th and 26th September. Monsieur L. BUTEL, Professor of tlte French and Italian Languages and Drawing, EI-bPECTFULLY begs to inform the Families of Swansea, Neath, Llanelly, Mumbles, and their respective Vicinities, that he continues giving Instrcctions ill the above Branches, and trusts, while soliciting their kind patronage, that hischangeof residence to No. 6. FISHER-STREET, SW AN- SEA. will prove a srreater accommodation to his Pupils. Mons. B. s DAY and EVENING CLASSES are fixed as follows;- French Day Class for Young i Ladies i Mondays and ednssdayg. Drawing ditto, ditto Taesdavsaml Fridays. French Evening Class for ) Younir Gentlemen < Mon(,a)'8 and Thursdays. Drawing ditto, ditto Tuesdays and Fridavs, Attendance III the Mumbles, every Wednesday IJanelly, Thursdays; Neath, Saturdays. MONS. B. also intends Opening AN ITALIAN CLASS for YOUNG LADIES. Farther particulars may be obtained on application to Motis. Butel, 11, Dvnevor-place, Swansea. Sept. 21, 1843. THEATRE, SW ANSEA.-lly Authurity, MR. JAMES BENNETT Ha« the honour of acquainting the Nobility, Genlrv, and the Public of Swansea and its Vicinity, that HIS BENEFIT WILl. TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY Evening-, SEPTEMBERS, 1843. on which occasion the performance will commence with popular and admired Plav of LOVE. Doke of Corinthin.. Dr. BARRY. Hnon (n Serf) Mr. JVMES BENNETT. Coont Ulric, Mr. J. DAVIS—Sir Rupert, Mr. F.CONWAY, The Empress.. Miss E. BROWNE Countess Eppenskin.. MissS VKER. Catherine.. Mrs. T. CUNNINGHAM. In the course of the Evening, A PAS DE DRlTX by Mr. A. Welisltr and Mr*. J. Davis. SONG, The Death of Abei-crointie," hy Mr. BARHAM. The whole to conclude with the interesting and pathetic Drama, entitled LUCILLE; or, The Story of a Heart. Adapted to the Stage from Sir E. L. Bulwar's popular Novel of the Maid of Malenes." Act lst.- LaV E -Time, 1799. THE BLIND MAN AND HIS BETROTHED. St. Cyr (a young blind Emigre).. Mr. J. BENNETT. Vernet, } (Mr. HARRY. Andre Duboise, 5- Farmers—his Friends Mr. F. CONWAY. Tzak Schuvp, J Ni r. WOU LDS. Lucille (betrothed to St. Cyr).. Miss S\K ER. Julie (her Friend).. Mrs. T. CUNNINGHAM. Act 2d.-i\ M BITION. The REPUBLICAN and his CHIMERA.—Time, 1799.. De Vavasour (the Emigre restored to sight) Mr. J. BENNETT. Lucille (abandoned bf de Vavasour) MissSAKER. Act ad.-RETRIBUTION. The SOLDIER and his RECOMPENCE.—'Time, 1801. Colonel de Vavasour (blinded by the sands of Egypt), Mr. JAMES BENNETT. Lucille (engaged to Andre).. MissSAKER. Affecting Denouement!! I Tickets to he had of Mr. James Bennett. No. 15. Carr- street al tbe Cllmbrian Office; and at the Misses Jenkins's Library, where Places for the Boxell may be secured.


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