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^atursay to fWon&ay'MiJosrt*.…


^atursay to fWon&ay'MiJosrt*. LONDON, AUG. 12. rf^HE Paris papers to Thursday's date inclusive have 1. been received—An opinion is said to be very con- fidently entertained, that the Duke d'Aumale will he selected as husband f"r Queen Isabella the Second. Much activity prevails at the hotel of the ex-Queen Christina messengers are dispatches almost failv thence to Spain, and constant communication is main- tained..The Count de Torreno. it is said, will be the new Ambassador to the Court of France, an appoint- ment which is looked upon as in a great degree con- firmatory of the intelligence which subsists between the Tuileries and the ex-Queen.—The Moniteur contains a Roval ordinance raising Lieut.-General Bngeaud, Governor-General of Algeria, to the dignity of INlarshal of France.—This promotion has excited almost general reprobation from the Opposition press.—Notwithstand- ing the temptation the subscription list presents to vanity, the entire sum raised in France in aid of the Repeal fund is little more than 1001. Madrid journals to the 3d inst. profess to give a detailed account of the Regent's flight, and state that on the siege of Seville being abandoned, General Figueras dispatched a body of troops in pursuit of Espartero, whilst Concha, at the head of 500 horse, hastened towards Cadiz to cut off the Regent from his last place of retreat. On reaching the bridge at Suazo, wlticli lUiitfiS the continent with the bla;w.of Saillt and C»dij»^oncha *jre-received, with discharges of cannon from *1 he TTsfVar'eYists, who guarded the passage for the Regent. He then hurried back towards Puerto Real, along the border of the Bay of Cadiz, and thence taking the road to Puerto Santa Maria, marched rapidly on to meet Espartero. A rencontre took place between Puerto Real and Puerto Santa Maria, and whilst Espar ero's troops made good the bridge, the Regent reached he Malabar, which immediately fired • a -salute and sailed. General Van Halen escaped with Espartero, but his brother Don Juan has been taken prlsoner.- N ot,vithstandiog the success that has hitherto attended the new Government, various parts of Spain are in npen rebellion against their authority. Accord- inn- to letters, of the 4th, from Barcelona, the Junta (the Lopez Junta) had refused to obey the orders which had been given to it by the Lopez Cabinet, to suspend the demolition of the ramparts and the work of des- truction, in defiance of the Provisional Junta of Madrid, was carried on without interruption. It would appear also that the Province of Arragon is about to imitate the example of Barcelona. A r, provisional Junta had already been formed at Carinena for all Arragon, of which the Depu'y Ortega h&d been appointed President. —A protest against the usurpation bv the Provisional • Government of the authority of the provincial juntas, was received from Galicia on the 2d, and caused so great a sensation that the Government immediately issued orders for twenty battalions and four batteries of artillery to march upon that province; battalions of the Regiment of the Princesa left Madrid for that destination the same evening —It was reported in Madrid, that General Zurbano was in the mountains of Toledo, at the head of three battalions of infantry and 400 cavalry. The packet-ship Roscius, arrived at Liverpool this morning, has brought advices from New York to the 26th ult. Money continued extremely abundant, and the business doing in foreign exchanges was very li- mited. The rates on London were from 108l to log A serious riot has taken place at Kingsron, in Canada. It is stated that on the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne, the Oraftge Lodges dined together. In the evening a mob collected round the hotel, and the mem- bers were compelled to seek safety in flight. Several shots were fired amongst the crowd, and a lad who was watching the proceedings was killed on the spqt. The military were called out, and they also were fired upon and three men wounded. A number of persons have been arrested.—The plea of insanity set up by Mrs. Gilmour, on the charge of having murdered her husband in Scotland, has been put aside, sufficient evidence of her criminality having been adduced to justify her ap- nrphension and warrant her being surrendered, It was -ttftnTifi'Gved on behatf of the British etfMnlV'thikt th$ prisoner be committed, to wait the decision of the Exe- cutive at Washington. The papers state that the pri. soner did not appear at all excited, but listened to the decision with apparent indifference. The opinion in America is, that she will be returned to this country to like her trial here. Private advices from Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, and Rio Janeiro of a late date have come to hand. Monte Video was still besieged, and there was a ru- mour that a Brazillian squadron was expected to block- ade the city.- The papers from Buenos Ayres are principally occupied in declamations against Commo- dore Purvis, of her Majesty's frigate A for pre. venting Admiral Brown from blockading Monte Video. The severe animadversions passed on the Commodore for this act of intervention had induced that officer to publish a correspondence between himself and Presi- dent Oribe in vindication of his conduct, but which does not appear to have had the effect of appeasing the discontent of the Argentines. Buenos Ayres was visited on the 29th of May with a heavy gale of wind. which continued until the afternoon of the 30th, and caused great damage to the shipping in port, which were principally foreign. Only two English vessels appear to have suffered, namely, the barque Fermand brig Sea Nymph, which lost masts and other spars in consequence of being run into by other vessels.-The exchange was 2.52t, and freights for the Channel 25s.

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