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fgggtmigfrag'0 aitfr irourtualro…


fgggtmigfrag'0 aitfr irourtualro ilooto. 1 LT>NDON, JULY 11. rrjHE Paris papers of Friday and Saturday contain i no domestic news of interest. As regards the Chamber of Deputies, the Session may be considered to have closed on Friday, when they voted, in great haste, the last chapters of the Budget of expenses for j 844.—Xjip oiil v despatch which had reached the French Government stntrs, that Madrid was quiet on the 4th. although the Post Office bad refused to receive the Opposition Journals of the preceding day.—There are no later accounts from Albacete, either in the Paris papers or bv telegraph, but the following extract of a letter, gives favourable accounts from that quarter, which we shall rejoice to see confirmed Informa- tion was given yesterday at Gibraltar, by the com- mander of a French man-of-war steamer, which had arrived shortly before the departure of the Latly LlJarll Wood, that Rspartero had reached Valencia, and been received with the greatest enthusiasm at every place he passed through; and at the latter, the troops who had gone over to the insurgents, had again returned to him and the existing Government -The Paiis Corres- pondent of a Morning Paper has collected some facts, which prove the active part taken by the King of the French in the affairs of Spain, and the use made of Christina in exciting the Spaniards to rise against their Governors. Even the Spanish Government now openly assert the fact, and impure the insurrections to the ma- chinations of France.- The Constitutionnel states that M. Lange, who has just terminated so happily the im- portant mission to London with which he was charged for the regulation of the rights and duties of Dshermen, both English and French, in the Channel, has been pro- moted to the rank of Commissary-General of Marine. Accounts from Lisbon to the 3d inst. state that the sitting of the Cortes closed on the 30th ult., to re-open on the 15th November next. Before Ihe closing of the Chambers, a vote was past authorising the Government 10 raise loans on the mortgage of the future revenue, which had already been acted upon by the Finatce Minister to the extent of 1^) coiitoa. It was again reported that the King Consort was to be raised to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Army. The Anysburr/ Gazette of the 4th inst. announces that an extraordinary express had been received at "Vicnnn. livitinincr five nfi'e of the rc clcctlOQ of the Prince Alexander Kara Georgewitsch as Sovereign of Servia on the 27th u!t. The only difference between the last election and that of last September consists in the presence of Baron Lieven, the Russian Consul, Watschenko, and Hafiz Pasha, at the election of the 27th of June. This re-election, it is expected, will put a stop to the Servian revolution. The packet ship England, Capt. Bartlett, arrived at Liverpool yesterday morning. She sailed from New York on the 19th tilt., bringing advices from that city two days (a'er than previously received. The steam- ship Columbia, which took out the North American mails of the 4th June, arrived at Boston on the morning of the 18lh, and her news was received in New York early on lhe following morning. The papers brought by the England do not appear to contain any i'em of news interesting to the English reader; the principal topic was still the Bunker-hill demonstration, and the late sailor rio's in New York accounts of the latter were received by the Rochester on Thursday last. The England brings 16 cabin passengers, and has completed her passage in 20 days. Monte Video papers to the 15th of April have been received. It appears that great alarm has prevailed for some time among the British residents, on account of a proclamation issued by General Oribe, announcing that he would make no distinction between foreigners and natives who may take part with the "infamous rebels, savages, and unitarians," and that they shall be considered as rebels, savages, and unitarians," and treated without any consideration whatever. At a public meeting of the English, an address to Commodore Purvis, claiming his protection was agreed to to which he returned an answer, assuring them, that British life and property should be protected by him as long as he held the force under his command."

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