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III I] [001]1] I SWANSEA INFIRMARY, SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS: The object of the Institution being to afford Warm and Cold Sea- Water Bathing, and Medical and Surgical Relief to the Sick Poor, FROM EVERY PART OF THE KINGDOM. Beaufort, his Grace the Duke of Bute, the Most Noble the Marquis of Becker, Mrs. Marianne Cameron, Lieut.-Col. Grove, John, ESQ. PRESIDENTS. I Grove, TV. II., Esq. Gwyn, Howel, Esq. Grove, W. II., Esq. Gwyn, Howel, Esq. Uewson, Rev. Dr., Chancellor of Saint David's, and Vicar of Swansea. Llewelyn, J. £ > Egg. Martin, Joseph, Esq. Smith, C. H., Esq. Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P. Vivian, J. H., Esq., M.P. VICE PRESIDENTS. Adare, Right Hon. Viscount, M.P. Blakemore, R., Esq., M.P. Clarendon, The Right Hon. the Earl of Crawshay, IV., Esq. Dillwyn, L. WEsq. Dillwyn, L. LI-, Esq. Dynevor, The Right Hon; Lord Duds, T., Esq. De Winton, J. P., Esq. Guest, Sir J. J. Bart.. M.P. Grove, Thomas. Esq. Gibbins, Joseph, Esq. Kendall, E., Esq. Llandaff, The Right Rev. Lord Bishop Morris, Sir John, Bart. | Nicson, John, Esq. Nicholl, The Right Hon. John, D.C.L., M.P. Philipps. R. M., Esq. Price, J. Jackson, Esq. Philipps. R. M., ESf. Price, J. Jackson, Esq. I Stuart, Right Hon. Lord James, M.P. Smith, W. H., Esq. Thomas, T. Edw., Esq. I Traherne, Rev. J. M. PHYSICIANS. Edward Howell, Esq., M.D. I George G. Bird, Esq., M.D. SURGEONS. William Rowland, Esq. I William Bevan, Esq. I ltfr. J. G. Hall, House Surgeon. TREASURERS- Glaworganshire Banking Company. I- SECRE-TARY-Alr. George Turton Stroud. AT the ANNIVERSARY MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS, held at the TOWN HALL, on FKIDAY, the 30ib of JUNE, 1843, JOHN GROVE, Esquire, President, in the Chain The following REPORTS were presented:- TREASURERS' REPORT from 1st JUNE. 1842. to qlmt MAY. 1843. Receipts £ s. d. Exptnditure. f g. d Balance in the bands of the Treasurer last year 111 5 Medicines 110 0 8 Annual Subscriptions received 430 18 6 Diet 226 9 11 Ditto dit;o arrears received Ill 0 b Matron s Wages and Board Wages 28 10 0 Dividend on New 3| per Cents 7a 15 6 Nurse's ditto ditto 22 4 0 Interest on Parish Bouds 17 10 « Southward and Wife's ditto 45 0 0 Ditto Exchequer Bi" 25 3 7 Ditto Gratuity 5 0 0 Collection at St. Mark's Church, after a Sermon/ 31 17 6 Barber's W>iges 3 19 6 preached by Rev. Dr. Hewson S Haulage of Coal 92 <1 Amount received for Diet Patients •• 24 19 7 Washing ## 24 11 2 Ditto Trusses 4 10 0 Repairs, Furniture" Bedding, &c 35 0 0 Ditto Baths in? *louse Surgeon's Salary 100 0 0 Bonus from Norwich Union Fire Office I u I Secretary's ditto 20 0 0 Donation from R. M. Philipps, Esq., being a fine} 2 0 0 Commission on Collection [ 27 2 3 imposed on David Howell for poaching S Sundries paid by Secretary 198 Donation from Rev. J. M. Traherne, being proceeds ( 19 1 0 Printing 4 16 0 of the sale of his book Advertising 65 9 Stationery 4 12 9 Contingencies. 7 5 5 Medical Books 280 Insurance 1 17 6 Keeping Surgical Instruments in repair •• •• 2 0 0 Surgical Instruments, Trusses, &c 23 7 6 Ground Rent • • • • • •*> 2 0 Vote—Filling up and Furnishing Matron a Room 10 0 0 Removing Pillar and Iron Gate, and repairing ditto 4 19 8 731 g 9 Balance in tbe banda of the Treasarers 125 1 4 £ 856 5 1 JE856 5 1 PERMANENT CAPITAL £ 3,200. which is invested in the following manner, viz. New 3* per Cents. £ 2,230 Seven Parish of Swansea Bonds 7. 350 One Swansea Paving Commissioners' Bond. 120 One Exchequer Bill 500 £ 3,200 We hue eumined the foregoing Accounts, and found them correct, DAVID JONES, ROGER WALKER. The Treasurers' Report having been read,-Resolved, That the Statement of Accounts now produced be passed. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. Yonr Commiltee, in making their Report for the past year, are gratified in being enabled to atate, they have every reason to bo "atisfied with the efficiency of the prevent establishment," which the regularity, cleanliness, and oomforts of the bouse amply testify Hut Ibey have still to lament that the limited state of the funds renders it absolutely necessary to exclude many deserving objects from the benefits the institution would otherwise afford. They have, however, great pleasure in reporting that a gentleman has signified his intention of defraying the expenses of one or the smaller wards at the cost of 40/. per annum, by which three in-door patients will be constantly admissible in addition to the present limited number of twenty.one. In mentioning this very beneficent act, the Committee cannot refrain from giving the name of the benevolent donor, although it is his wish that it should remain unknown. William Robert Grove, Esquire, the long-tried and firm friend of the Infirmary, has made this noble offer, and tour Committee earnestly recommend, in addition to the cordlallhanks which the annual meeting will, no doubt, tender to him that the ward be named after him, and that it he considered as more especially devoted to patients recommended by its munificent supporter. There have been one hundred and twenty-two in-door patients admitted during the last year, being twenty-two less than the pre- ceding year. This is accounted for by there having been fewer diet (or paid for) patieuts, and mmy of the others remaining longer In the boose. One thousand five hundred out-door patients have received medical and surgical attendance, medicines, &c., during the same period, shewing an increase of one hundred and forty-eight as compared with the preceding year. Your Committee cannot close this their brief report without again adverting to the comparatively small support this liberally conducted charity receives from the neighbouring counties (in which there are no Infirmaries), from some of which many individuals have been made participatorspn the benefits it affords. It cannot be too forcibly impressed on the minds of a benevolent public, that the doors of this institution are open for the reception of sick poor from all parts of the world; and your Committee feel assured the contributions for its support and extension would be much more numerous and ample could the fact of the comforts and benefits it offers be made more generally known They therefore earnestly solicit attention to the subject, and invite all who have the oppor- tunity to visit the establishment. and they are confident that the pitiable objects for whose relief it has been founded would be more extensively made recipients of its advantages, and that the "SWANSEA INFIRMARY" would take a respectable standing amongst those of the like nature throughout the kingdom. Copy of the Letler from IV. R. Grove, Esq., to the Committee, expressing his intention to support one of the Wards. TO THE COMMITTER OF THE SWANSEA INFIRMARY. GENTLEMEN, „ Dynevor-place, Swansea, 26th June, 1843. A perfect conviction, from long experience, of the benefits and comforts afforded to the poorer classes of 'he community by • your excellent Institution, the I, Swansea infirmary"-Iameiititig, as I do, that the stale of your funds compels you to limit the admission of lie-door Patients to little more than half the number the House would accommodate—and an ardent desire to extend tire advantages to the Sick Poor-induce me to offer to defray the expenses of one of the smaller Wards, capable of accommodating Three Patients, by which the number will be increased from Iwenty-one to twelity-foer, for which purpose I find, upon an accurate ,e,lienRie, the sum of Forty Pounds would be required annually, piovided such Ward is always fully occupied, which I shall be ready to pay as an Annual Donation. With a fervent hope that the period is not far distant when you will have the means of supporting the whole of your Wards, I remain, Gentlemen, yonrs, faithfully, W. R. GROVE. Resolved, That the most cordial thanks of this Meeting he given to W. R. Grove, Esq., for his munificent Annual Donation of *40, for the purpose of defraying the expenses ol one of the Wards, by which three additional Patients will be constantly admitted, and that the Ward be called Grove Ward.' J Resolved, That the thanks of this Meeting be given lo (he Gentlemen composing the Committee, for their attention to tbe interest of the Charity That the thanks of this Meeting be given to W. R. Grove and L. LI. Dillwyn, Esqrs., for their kind attention to the duties of the office of Chairman and Vice-Chairinan of the Committee. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Physicians and Surgeons of this Institution, for the important services they have rendered to the cause of humanity, by their attention to their respective duties. n Th.*t «he thanks of this Meeting be given to our respective Vicar, the Rev.' Dr. Hewson, who has so kindly exerted himself in promoting an increase to our funds and in the sacred cause of humanity. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Glamorganshire Banking Company, for their kind attention to the duties of the office of Treasurers to the Institution. ° That the thanks of this Meeting be given to C. H. Smith, Esq., for his gratuitous supply of Coal, the value of which being considerably above ten guineas annually, hat lie he constitmed a President, and entitled to the privileges thereof. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Messrs. D. Jones and R. Walker, for their kind services in auditing the Accounts of tbls Institution for the past year. ll"t tbe followinK Gent!eJ?ervd^.COa!,Ii,an r°r the vear ensuing, viz.Rev. G. B. Brock, Messrs. M. Mog- W'^vT* Glover' D- Jo"eSV w'p t li TV ?-* G- Eli James. 1. B. Essery, W. Walters, Bank, R. Higgs, Ca". ia-Jers' Sol)C,,or» J- W. Clark, W. Edmond, A. Jenkin, Daniel Davies, W. Stiffe, S. Morgan, W. Sibbering John Grove, and apt. Ldw Morgan. TI ..1 JOHN GROVE, Chairman. The Chairman having left the Chair, Ktsohed, hat the thanks of this Meeting be given him for bis conduct therein. An Abstract of the Cases of In and Out-door Patients wlmitted at the Swansea Infirmary, from the Ist of June, 1842, to the SIslof man. I Rtq ;1. J • (nctujiire* IN-DOOR PATIENTS. OUT-DOOR PATIENTS. Remained by last Report 21 Remained by last Report 186 Admitted since Admitted since l.iOO — 14« 1GS6 Discharged, cored and relieved 107 Discharged, cured and relieved 1439 *——— at their own request. 7 ————— for non-attendance and irregularity 7 incurable 2 incurable 4 ,ed 6 to be In door Patients 13 122 Died 35 t> 1498 Remaining in the House 21 Swans*. a j Z,ROJI Remaining on the Books 188 nsea and neighbourhood 38 England—various parts of.. 12 FROM rr?:rShire-EaS'? 30 fol;eiKners 6 Breconshire 22 Ireland 12 Brecon t.- o D I" 11 Carmarthenshire 15 North Wales 1 Carmanfc I' i« Pent,1bro.kes,"re 1 England 47 Pembrokeshire 9 "anhenshire 16 Scotland Foreigners 9 Scotland I Compre88ion of the B, ain Phthisis GlamorganShire-E..tern > g2 Swansea and Neighbour- ) lm J/^reof.heSpine. 1 Pn. u.nonia J °' DFATHS orbos Cordis 1 Retention of Urine ] Anasarca 1 Marasmus 1 Ascites Peritonitis 1 Bronchitis 1 Phthisis 10 Convulsions j Pneumonia 2 Cruup t)p:,oria!iia I Febris °RI RATI?NS IN THE PAST YEAR. A man from Ireland—amputation of the thigh for disease of the knee cured. A man from Carmarthenshire — removed a large tumour from the back—cured. Number of persons supplied with trusses at reduced prices 30 A Headed at their own residences during the past vear fits EDW. HOWELL. M.D. 1 w. ROWLAND. Surgeon. G. BIRD, M D. I WM. BEVAN. Surgeon. J J. G. HALL, House Surgeon, I SUBSCRIPTIONS. lJonalions Annual from the Subscriptions. Commencement £ a. d. £ t. cIJ ai! Ju ,,ard> E*q.110 A len Henry, E • •• ..110 Aberdare Iron Co. 2 2 0 Ashe, WilliMm, Esq. 110 Adare, R.ght Hon. VI;COUNT;'MP" V. 5 5 0 Anstey, Mr. Charles 1' 0 10 6 A.ntareW,S'5r-JosePh i 110 BWUFORT H-R ESQ" SOLIUI,OR 1 1 0 Bute Th M xTCe tb€ Duke of •- 10 10 0 Sen'on S6 Mar^lis °ft i Mrs. T. lift 5l|,d, Dr. G. G. •* '1 J Be< R. W., Esq. 1 J J Donations Annual from the Subscriptions. Commencement. £ d. £ s. d. British Iron Co., per Green, Esq. I I o Benson, Mrs. 1 1 0 Beynon, Mr. John ..110 Bassett, Mrs Elinor ..110 Becker, Mrs. Marianne .1010 0500 0 0 Brock, Rev. G. 110 Budd, Edward, Esq. •• ..110 Bonnett. Mr. F. 110 Benison, H. W., Esq." .220 Board of Guardians of the Swansea Union.. 10 0 0 Buse. Mr. Nicholas 1 1 0 Baker, Mr. VVm., Bristol 110 Chesshyre. Admiral (the late) .110 Clark, J. W., Esq.220 Collins, Rex. J.110 Collins, C., Esq 110 Crawshay, W., Esq. j 5 5 0 Clydach Iron Co., near Abergavenny 2 2 0 Donations Annual from the Subscriptions. Commencement. X. s. d. s d. Cambrian Newspaper, The 16 16 0 The Crickhowell Dispensary, per W. H*. Bevan, Esq., Treasurer 2 2 0 Cambrian Lodge of Odd Fellows **110 Chambers, W., Esq. 4 4 0 Chambers. W.. Jun., Esq. 4 4 0 Collins, Miss Fanny 110 Cuzner and Son, Messrs., Bristol. 1 1 0 Clark, Mr. W .110 Clarendon, The Right Hon. the Earl of 26 5 0 Christie, J., Esq. 10 10 0 Cadwallader, Mr. John 110 Cameron, N. P., Esq. i..j 1 0 Cook, Mrs., Fisher-street 1 1 0 Cawdor, The Right Hon. Earl 10 0 0 Crown Copper Co. 3 3 0 Calland, Messrs. 2 2 0 Cameron, Lieut.-Colonel 42 15 4 Couch and Sons. 1 1 ) Cobre Mining Association, per Messrs. Poingdelltre Ilnd Rudon 10 10 0 Diilwvn, L. W., Esq. 1! 5 5 0 Dillwyn, L. LI., Esq. 5 5 0 Dillwyn, Miss 1 1 0 De Winton, J P., Esq. 26 5 0 Dawe, Mr. S.110 DEvies.D, Esq., Rutland-place .110 Dalton, A., Esq. 1 1 0 Davev.Mr.T. i i o Dodds, T., Esq. i 10265 0 Davies, Rev. Samuel 110 Davis, Rev. John .110 Dale, Mr. T., Bristol .110 Davies, Mrs. M. M., Windsor .220 Davies, Mr. J., Postmaster. 1 1 0 Dubuisson, Mrs., Glynbir .220 Davies, Mrs., The Executors of the late 180 0 0 Dynevor, The Right Hon. Lord 5 5 0 10 10 0 Davies, Mr. Daniel, Castle-square ..110 Edmond, Mr. William 1 1 0 Elliott, Dr 10 10 0 Evans, Mr. Thomas, Chemist .110 Essery, Mr. T. D. 11 0 Evans, Mr. John, Ship Agent. 1 1 0 Freeman, Messrs. J., and Copper Co.550 Franklen, R., Esq., Clemenstooe. 3 3 0 Franklen, Mrs., ditio 22 0 Franklyn. G. W., Bristol 110 Francis. Richardson, and Co., Messrs.220 Guest, Sir Josiah John, Bart., M.P. 5 5 0 Griffith, Rev. E. (the late) 110 Gough, R. D., Esq 2 2 0 Gougb.MissS. i i o Grant, H. J., Esq. 2 2 0 Gwyn. H. Esq., Neath 550 26 50 Gwyn, Mrs 22 0 Glover, Mr. T. 1 1 0 Grenfell, Messrs. P. and Sons. 5 5 0 Grouow, Rev. T. 1 1 0 Grove, John, Esq ] 52 10 0 Grave, W. R., Esq. 52 10 0 Grove, T., Esq. 26 5 0 Gibbins, Joseph.Esq. 26 5 0 Grove, Mr. John, Wind-street. 1 1 0 Griffiths, Mr. Evan, Printer. 010 6 Griffiths, Mr. David, Catvert-street.110 Governor and Co. of Copper Miners, Tai- bach r' 5 5 0 Hebrew Charity Institution 110 Howell, Mrs. C. i. 1 1 0 g.0.Mrs-M. (the'late). 4 4 0 Hill Messrs. R. AND A 3 3 0 Harford, Davies, and Co., Messrs.550 Harding, Rev. J 2 2 0 Howell, Dr.110 Huxham, G., Esq. i! 1 1 0 Herbert, Miss Rachel 2 2 0 Holford, John J., Esq., Kilgwyn, Carmar- thenshire 10 10 0 Hewson, Rev. Dr., Collection after a Ser. mon 31 17 6 Howell, Mr. George 110 Hogan, J. H., Esq 0 10 6 Hutchinson, Mr C 110 Higgs, Richard, Esq 110 James, Mr. James 1 1 0 Jones, Mrs. St. He!ens(thetate) .880 Jones.Rev.B. l l o Jones, Mrs No. 7, Fisher-street .110 Jenkins, Elias, Esq., Ty'r Gwll .110 Jenkins, Mr. S. 11 0 James, Mr. Eli eo 1 1 0 Jones. Mrs. Arthur 220 Johns, Mr. T 0106 Jenkins, Mr. W., Butcher 110 Jones, Rev. D 1 1 0 Jones, Mr. W 1! 1 1 0 Joiies, Mr. David 110 Jeffreys, J. G., Esq. 110 Janel, Col. Veranda. 2 2 0 Jones, Rev. C. W. Ireland. 1 1 0 Jones, C. R., Esq.220 Jones, Capt. W., Glanbrane.220 Jeffreys, Richard, Esq 10 10 0 Jones, The fate Daniel, Esq., Beaupre 500 0 0 Jones, Capt. John •• ..110 Jones, Mrs. C., Mackworth Arms 1 1 0 Jenkins, Mr. John, Watchmaker •• ..110 Jenkin.Mr.Atbert 1 1 0 James. Evan, Esq. 1 1 0 Knight, Rev. H. H., Neath 110 Knight, Rev. W. B., Margam •• ..110 Kendall, Mrs. E 10 10 0 Kendall, E., Esq. 26 5 0 Llandaff, Lord Bishop of 21 0 0 Llewelyn, J-D., Esq 21 0 0 Learh. F. E., Esq. 1 1 0 Leigh, C, H., Esq. 2 2 0 H(.weiyn,W.Esq.,YnispenHweh.220 Lewis, Mr. Jacob •- ..110 Loyal Briton Society .110 Leyhhon, R. P. Esq., Neath.. •• •• 1 1 0 Lucas, Miss A. B.110 Leach, J. and Co. 2 2 0 Logan, W, E., Esq. 2 2 0 Llewelyn, Executrix of the late Mrs. 100 0 0 Lucas," Henry, Esq •• -.110 Lucas, J. N., Esq •• ..110 Lindsay, Captain .110 Lowther, Capt Union-buildings .110 Lucas, Dr. Prestwood •• ..110 Liftngenneeli Coal Co. 22 0 Llewellyn, Mr. Simon •• ..110 L»dies'Bazaar •• 535 17 0 Lilandilo-fawr Poor-law Union •• ..550 Donations Annual from the Subscriptions. Commencement. £ s. d. £ s. d. Loyal Industrious Lodge of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, No. 531, at Full Moon, Swansea 5 5 0 Morris, Sir John, Barl- 5 5 0 MnyseandSibbt-ring,Messrs. 1 1 0 Morgan, Capt. Thomas, R.N. (the late) 1010 0 Maber, Rev G. M., M A 110 Murrav arid Rees, Messrs. I10 Michael, M. J., Esq 110 Moggridge, John, E*q., Gabalva 10 10 0 Moggridge, M., Esq., Swansea 10 10 0 Moggridge, Mrs., ditto 220 Mortimer,W..Esq..Ctifton. 110 Miers, Capel, Esq 2 2 0 Martin, Joseph, Esq. 5 5 0 26 5 0 Mahon, Rev. Geo., East Indies. 2 2 0 Merchant Seamen's Hospital Fund, Swan- sea, per Capt. Sanders 10 10 0 Morgan, Mrs 110 Moses, Mr. I. M. .110 Marks, Mr. Michael 0106 Madge, Mr. H. J 0106 Millward, Mr. W I10 Alichael, Air. Lewin 0 10 6 Morgan, Mrs. Watkin 1 1 0 Morris, T. Charles, Esq., Carmarthen 220 Morris, Wm.. Esq ditto 2 2 0 Morgan, Charles, Esq., Llanrhidian 2 2 0 Morgan, Capt. E. Madock-Hall. 1 1 0 Morgan,Mr.S.WineMerchant. 1 1 0 Morgan, C. R., Esq., Gadlvs, Aberdare 2 2 0 Nicholl, Rt. Hon. John, D.C.L., M.P. 5 5 0 20 0 0 Nicholl, Mrs 220 Nicol, Dr. 1 1 0 Nicson, John, Esq. 26 5 0 Neath Poor-law Union 2 2 0 Oakey, Miss .110 Owen, Mr. Thomas, Tanner. 1 1 0 Owen, Mr. Thos. (the late), Bethesda-street 110 Owner of the A Iderman Perie .110 Oakshot, Mr. John 1 1 0 Phillips, Executrix to the late R., Esq. 200 0 0 Powles, R., Esq .110 Page, Allen, Esq. j* ..220 Padley, S., Esq.110 Price, J. T., Esq. 2 2 0 Phillips, Rev. S.) .220 Price, J. J., Esq 26 5 0 Parsons, Hurles, and Co., Messrs. 2 2 0 Pllxley, J. L ,Esq. 2 2 0 PigottandThompson.Messrs. 1 1 0 Philipps, R. M., Esq. 5 5 0 Philipps, R. M., Esq.. being a Fine im- posed on David Howell for Poachinff 2 0 0 Poyntz, S., Esq Milford 15 I5 0 Poyn)z,Capt..R.N.,Mi!fbrd J 10 0 0 Phillips, Mr. Henry, Ironmonger 0106 P. eo Pollard, Mr. W., Castle-street 0106 Poigndestre, James, Esq. 1 1 0 Palmerston Steam Packet Co.' ..220 Penydarran Iron Co., Merthyr 220 Parsons, John. Esq. 2 2 0 Powell, Mrs. Rice, Kilybebill 2 2 0 Rotely, Mrs. E 0 10 6 Rowland, J., Esq., Neath 110 Rowland, W Esq 110 Ritchie, F., Esq. 1 1 0 Rolls, Geo., Esq. 0 Richards, Mr. R. I 1 0 Richardson. Mr. J. C. Io Rees, Mr. David, Oxford-street 1 I 0 Roderick, Mr. David .110 Rotely, Major. 10 0 0 Reece, Mr. Rees l 1 0 Stuarl, The Right Hon. Lord Jam'es. M.P. 26 5 0 Sockett, Henry, Esq. 11 11 0 Strick, Mr. W ..110 Smith, Atorgaii Price, Esq. 10 Smith, W. H., Esq., Parkweru .550 Stroud, Mr. Geo. T 1 1 0 Sims, Willyams, Nevill, Druce, and Co. 550 Swan sea Gas Light Company. 1 1 0 Sanguinetti. Mr. F. B. 1 1 0 Stroud, William, Esq. \'m 1 0 Simpson, Mr. John 1 1 0 Samuel Wm. Esq., Surgeon, Llandilo 110 Secretan, Miss .100 Stifle, W., Esq ..110 Talbot, C. R. M., Esq., M.P. 10 100 Talbot. Aliss 220 Tennaot, Mrs.. Pantgwydir ..220 Turner, Capt. John, R.N. 1 1 0 ThortM^Jolins. Sons,and Co., Messrs. 2 2 0 10 10 0 Thomas, M. Esq Tregros 2 2 0 Tregelles, N., Esq.220 Thomas, T. Edw., Esq 36 15 0 Thomas, Thomas, Esq. 10 lO^O Traherne, Rey. J. M. 26 5 0 Taylor. Mr. H. E. 1 1 0 Thomas, Mrs Rose. A. 2 2 0 Thomas, James, Esq Solicitor, Llandilo ..220 Thomas, Rees Goring, Esq ..220 Vaughan, N. E., Esq. 3 3 0 Vivian and Sons, Messrs.550 Vivian J H.,Esq.,M.P I". Id 10 0 ltflO 0 Voss, J. M., Esq.110 Voss, W. Esq. *110 Walters, J., Esq. 1 1 0 Walters, Mr. T *110 Williams, Foster, and Co., MeMrsJ JJlOlO 0 Williams, J., Esq., Solicitor 110 Williams,W.,Esq. J 2 2 0 Williams R Esq. 2 2 0 Wilson, Mr. C. T. 110 Wood, Col M.P. o 9 0 Walker, Mr. R. 1 1 0 Webber, Miss M. E 10 10 0 Webber, Alrs. A. I10 Welsh Brothers Friendly Society. Rhymney per Mr. J. W. Hughes 1 1 0 Woulds, Mr. J., late Manager of Bath and Swansea Theatres 15 0 0 Wallers, W. Esq Bank .110 Williams, Mr. John, High-street, Grocer 0 10 6 Whittaker, Mrs. 110 Walters, W. Esq., Solicitor!! 1 1 0 Walters, Mr. David 110 Walters, Mr. John, Undertaker. 1 1 0 Whttehoase.T.L.Esq. 110 Woodhouse, Mrs J. 1 0 0 Wilkinson, Mrs. 110 Williams, O G., E8q. J.* J J J.* I0 l0 0 Williams, Mrs. O. G 110 Young, Mr. j 110 Yniseedwyn Iron Company 2 2 0 Subscriptions and Donations received since Slot May, 1843, consequently not brought into the Account. Antiual Subscriptions. Donations. Grove, W. R-, Esq Annual Donation for the support of one Ward ii\ *o 'o Jones, Rev. C. W. Ireland 5 5 0 Philipps, Major. •• 1ft ,0 n Weir, John James, Esq. •• j j 1010 SWANSEA BAY. Building- Ground to be Let, A IN ALLOTMENTS. BOUT EIGHT ACRES of GROUND, sitnafe on the Burrows, adjoining the road leading from the Swansea Koyal Institotion to the Mumbles, and adjoining the Sea-side, commanding a view of the much-admired Bay of Swansea, the linmbles, Somersetshire and Devonshire Coasts, Briton-feirv, Bag I an, and Margam Hills. Architects, Builders, and Contractors, would find the above well worthy their attention Any Party disposed to treat for all or any part of the above, and willing to introduce a new and improved Style of Building, will meet with enconragement. For further particulars apply to Mr. Thos. Thomas, Solicitor, Swansea. BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. TO BE LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, T H It B E- S T A L L E D STABLE. 2.-A COACH-HOUSE, capable of holding four Ca-riages, and Harness-room, with fire-place. N.B. There is a strong-built Loft above these, and the Stable, capable of holding a large stock of Grain. 3.-Anotber STABLE, with a Walled-in Yard, and separate entranoe. 4.-A COW-HOUSE and CART. HOUSE, capable of being Converted into two good Cottages, or Cottage and Workshop. The above Premises may be taken separately or in one or more Lots. Apply for further particulars to Mr. David Michael, Cabinet- maker, Fisher-street, Swansea. SWANSEA AND LIVERPOOL. THE FlltST CLASS POWKKFUL Steam "tfcMet, TROUBADOUR, JAMES BECKETT, COMMANDER, ITS intended to Sail between SWANSEA and LIVER- POOL, with Goods and Passengers, calling at BRISTOL in her way from Liverpool 10 Swansea, in the Month of JULY, on or about the-followinir days, Wind and Weather nprmiltiiic — From SWANSEA lo LIVERPOOL, July, 1843. o'clock. 5, Wednesday » morn. 12, VVfrfnesriHy 4$AFLER. 10, Wednesday morn, 20, Wednesday 4 after. I Prera I,IVGRPOOL to SWANSEA. 8«- o'clock. I, Saturday morn. 8, Satnrday 6 morn. 15 baiurday M(JRN 21, Saturday 5 after. ?9, Saturday JQ n,()rn< From MILFORD to LIVERPOOL, about live hours after leaving SWANSEA. From MILFORD to BRISTOL, about eighteen hours after leaving LIVERPOOL. FARES:—Swansea lo Milford. -— Best Cabin, 10s. Deck, 5s. Swansea to Liverpool: — Best Cabin, 2011.; Deck, 7s. 6d.; Horses, 205.; Four-wheel Carriages, 40s.; Ditto oneHoroe, 25s.; Two-wheel Ditto, 20s.; Dogs, 5s. Pigs, 2s. 6d.; Sheep, 28.; Lamhs, Is.; Horned Cattle, 12s. 6d. Horse., Cattle, and Carriages, at Shippers' risk. For further particulars apply to Mr Win. Moyse, Sleam- Packet Office, Swansea Messrs. Robert Bruce and Co., Bristol Mr. Thomas Al'Tear, No. 25, Water-street, Liverpool; Mr. David Propert, Milford or to the Captain on Board. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, T^HE Brig DADDON, together ivjth ajj t^i iTm JL her Materials, as she now lies at Giants'Grave, near Neath. She has had recentty very extensive repairs at a", of upwards of £ 400, and is remarkably well found, ?«<?!? for sea at 'he shortest notice; burthen per Register 102 Tons, N. M. For particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Allen, Giants' Grave. TheLaunct. of that magnificent STEAM-SHIP, the WEEAT BRITAIN, the largest in the werld, will take place at B istol, on the 19th of July, on which occasion PBINCB ALBERT is expected down; and for the convenience of Parties wishing to be present the Fares will he reduced (for that occasion only)-for those taking Tickets to-and-fro, 18s.Cabin (Steward's Fee, h. 6d.); and 8s. 6d. Deck. LLANELLY AND BRISTOL. ALTERATION OF DAYS OF SAILING. INCREASED ACCOMMODATION. The New and Powerful, Fast-going, Copper-bottomed Steam Dacftrt, HERCULES, WITH tiNGtNES 70 HORSK POWER, EDWARD ROBERTS, COMMANDER, JVith or without Pilots, and with Liberty to Tow Ve18el.. WILL Ply regularly, for the conveyance of Goods and Passengers, between the above Ports (Wind and Weather permitting), THREE TIMES A FORTNIGHT, instead of Once a Week as heretofore. By this arrangement, Goo Is sent per Great Western Railwav for Llandilo, will be delivered the third day after leaving London. ORDRR OF SAILING DURING THE MONTH OF JCTLT, 1843, TROM New Dock, LLAN ELLY. July IS43. o'clock. 3, Monday nnmrn. I 7, Friday :2 noon. I 18, Wednesday mnru. 17, Monday 9 morn. 2f, Fiiday UJ worn. 26, Wednesday < £ iHorn. 81, Monday G morn. From Cumberland Ba?IN, BR ISTOL. July 1843. O'I lock. 5, Wednesday 11 morn. 10, Monday 5 morn. 14, Friday 9 morn. 20, Thursday 11 morn. 21, Alonday 4 100111. V8, Friday 7 morn. Wednesday, Aug. 4, LL>4 mom. r A RES.—After Cabin, 10s. 6d. Deck Passengers, 5s. 6d Steward's Fee, Is Children under twelve years of age, Half- price. Pigs, Is. 6d. Sheep, Is. 6d.; Dogs, 2s. each. Refreshments mtiy be had on too) J on moderate t -rms. Every description of Goods conveyed on reasonable terms; and the Public are requested to order their Goods for the HER- CULEs to be directed accordingly, and sent to the Bell Avenue, Welsh Back, Bristol. Goods forwarded to Carmarthen throagh Kidwelly by Charles and Son's Waggons, and thence by the regular Carriers to New- castle Emlyn, Cardigan, Newport, Lampeter, Aborystwith, Saint Clears, and Laugharne. Goods for Llindilo, Liangsdock, Uan- dovery, and places adjacent, are forwardad by Railway to CroslI Inn, and then by Nathaniel Rees's Wagguns to their destination or sent (via Llandoverr) to Lampeter and Aberystwilh.— All Freights to be paid on delivery. For further information apply to Mr. Charles Glascodine, New Dock, Llanellv Mr. A..1. Statham, Bell Avenue, Welsh Back. and 2, Queen's Parade, Brandon Hill, Bristol: or to Nathaniel Rees's Waggon Office, Llandilo, TO BE LET OR SOLD, A Large BUILDING, lately used as the Gasometer House of the Swansea Gas Works, fit for any purpose re- quiring room, together with the Yard and Shed attached. Enquire of Mr. George Jones, Florence Cottage, Belle Vue Terrace, Swansea. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Commodious modern well-built HOUSE, situated in a dejigblful part of the Vale of Neath, within two miles of a post-office. The House is replete with every convenience, and is well soiled in every respect for the residence of a small family with a productive Garden, a plentiful supply of excellent water, and a two-stall Stable. The Ground Rent is very moderate, and held ander-a Lease for the onexpired term of 9.5 years. For particulars enquire of iMr John Thomas, Post-office, Glyn Neath. J THE CARDIFF AND BRISTOL Steam lJacketø, PRINCE or W ALES, MATTHEW JONES, Commander, ANI) LADY CHARLOTTE, HEJsRY JEFPERY, Commander, ARE intended to Sail during the Month of JULY, from the Bute Ship Docks:— frtneeof Irales—Mondays, Wed I nesdays, and Fridays.— Lady I Charlotte—Tuesdays, Thursdays, > and Saturdays. J From CARDIFF. | Jnly, 1813. o'clock. I, Saturday fl moin. •J' Monday 7J morn. 4, Tnesday MORN, a, Wednesday g „)orn. 8, Thursday ],> £ lnorn- L' 114 morn. 6, Ti.r-day job lnorn- L' 114 morn. Saturday I after. 10, Monday 3 Rf,er> il' T,Ve!<1i,y 4 after. WEDNESDAY 4* after. 10, Monday 3 Rf,er> il' T,Ve!<1i,y 4 after. WEDNESDAY 4* after. 13, Thursday 5 !!• SJ after. Saturday « ]L' ~ONF!A>' N morn. «' w"S 7h morn- Io'TT T ay- 84 raorn- I pT ay morn- 00' X morn. ?*• F,»"'«tay ||| MNRN. £ < U after. y *4 after- SI after. 28' FHD Y 4 AF,ER- S'T"? 5 'FTER. »?: h =;• fMiip r'Aar!orre—Mondays. Wed. nesdays, and Fridays.— Prince of If"'aits—Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sainrdays. From BRISTOL. Jnly, 1843. o'clock. 1, Saturday 7 morn. 3, Monday <J morn. 4, Tuesday FLJ morn. 5, Wednesday 10 morn. 6, Thursday 11 morn. 7, Friday 1 after. 8, Saturday TJ after. 10, Monday 34 after. 11, Tuesday after. 12, Wednesday 6 morn. 13, Thursday 6 morn. 14, Friday 7 morn. 15, Saturday 7 morn. 17, Monday 8 morn. IS, Tuesday 9 morn. 19, Wednesday P morn. IO, Thursday 10 morn. M, Friday ]0J moin. 12, Saturday 12 noon. 14, Monday 21 after. 25, Tuesday rafter. 26, Wednesday 4 after. 27, Thursday 4J after. S8, Friday 6 morn. i9, Saturday. IIi morn. tl. Mundav R morn arrtages and Horsesmust be alongside an Hour-and a-half previous arrtages and Horsesmust be alongside an Hour-and a-half previous to passing through the Bute Locks. ARES :—After Cabin, 6s.; Fore Cabin, 3*. 6d.—Children 0nder twelve years of age, Half-price.—Dogs Is. each. Refreshments may be had on Board on moderateterms. I'our-wheel Carriage, 21 s.; Four-wheel Pheaton, or Gig, 10s. Two wheel drawn by one Horse and Driver, 19s.; Horse and Rider, After Cabin, 10s. Fore Cabin, 8s. 6d. Sheep, Pigs, and Calves,Is.(id. each. Carriages, Horses, Cattle ■Jid Goods, will be subject to Landing and Wharfages at Bute Docks. J Not accountable for any goods without Shipping Notes. freighters are requested to order all Goods intended for the rkiNCE OF WALES to be sent to No. 12, Quay-street, or to KobertChaplin,Cumberland Basin Locks; and for tbe LADY J^HARLOTTF., to Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol.— oods will be hauled from the Warehouses to the Packets, at the expense of the Companies. Merthyr, Newbridge:, Aberdare, Cambridge, Brid>fend, Llautris- and Caerphilly.—Goods forwarded to these places in Spring a.RRons, Railway, and Lock-op Canal Boats, immediately on arrival, unless ordered by any particular convevance, in which ca^e e-v w'" deposited in the Steain Packet Warehouse till on dF °r' 81 r'S'' aD^ Consignee. Freight to be paid Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c. forwarded to all partsof the Kingdom without delav, wtfeen sent to either of the Steam Paoket Ulhces in Cardiff or Bristol. Further information as to Freight, tie. will be readily ob. lainea by applying to the Agents, Mr. Woodman, Agent, at the l acket-olfice on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr, G. C. Glasson, Agent, No. 12, Qnay-street, Bristol, for PRINCE OF WALES ACKET; and of Donovan, at the Packet-Odice, on the Wharf, Cardiff; or to Mr. W. B.Owen, 29, Avon Crescent, Hot* wells, Bristol, for LADY CHARLOTTE PACKET. NOTICE.—The. Proprietors of the above Steam Packet give Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Pasxengert' lAtggage nor will they be answerable for any Goodt, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged bp fire, leakage, or otherwise J, unles* booked at either of their Offices at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value tif forty shit. tings, unlets entered at its value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not eaken atpay beferesix o'clock in the evening oj the day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All goods to be considered as liens, not only for freight and charges due thereon,but ulsu fitt all prtrviuusly unsatisfied freight and charges due by consignees to Me Proprietors of the said Packet*. tMsputed weights or men. surement, claims for loes or damage, cannot be allowed unless a written notice of the same be sent to the effice on the d." of delivery THE GREAT BRITAIN" irill be Launched on the 19th instant. SWANSEA AND BJUSTOL. THE FAST GOING =le.1111 lIilcketø. BRISTOL, ROBERT DAVIES, Commander, AND CO-UNTY Or PEMBROKE, Lieut. H. G E RRA RD, Commander, For the conveyance of Goods and Passengers, ,4 RE intended to Sail as follows during the Month r\ of JULY — ORIS IT,, J uesitays ann rriclays., County of Pembroke, Thursdays and Saturdays. PBOM SWANSEA. July, 1813. t'ctoch. 1, Saturday IIA morn. 4, Tuesday 10. II.unl, 6, Thursday I after. 7, Friday 2 morn. 8, Saturday 4 morn. II, Tuesday 61 1 13, Thursday 84 morn. 14, Friday 8 mor 11. 15, Saturday FLJ moru. 18, Tuesday lll| morn 2", Thursday 12 noon. II, Friday 124 after. 21, Saturday 2A morn. 25, Tnesday morn. 27, Thursday 7A morn. 28, Friday morn. 29, Saturday 9 morn. _e Iffrtstol, I htirsdays and Saturdays. -County of Pembroke, Tiiesdajs and Fridays. FHUM BRISTOL. Jnly, 1843. o'clock. I, Saturday 8 morn. 4, Tuesday II morn. «, Thursday 12 noon. ?, Friday I alter. 8, Saturday 3 morn. Ill, Tuesday G morn. 13, Thursday 7 morn. 14, Friday 8 morn. 15, Saturday 8 morn. IS, Tuesday I(>4 morn. 20, Thursday It inorn. 21, Friday IS noon. 22, Saturday 2 mom. 24, Tuesday f morn. I 27, Thursday 6 morn. 28, Friday 74 morn. 2a, Saturday 7 moru. Steward s rees jor Ladies and (ientlemen, Is. each, Children and Servants,tid. Female steward tint tend the Ladies' Cabins. CarriaJeslllld Horses shipped with the greatest care.— Horses and Carriages to he shipped two hourh beforesailing. The LLANELLY MAIl, COACH leaves Ihe JUACKWORTIf ARMS, Swansea, at fonr every evening, retnrnir.g the following morning at seven. A COACH leaves the MACKWORTH ARMS every Morning (Sundajs excepted), through Llanelly and Kidwelly, for Car- marthen, and returns the same days. From SWANSEA to ILFRACOMHE, and 1LFRA- COMBE to SWANSEA. The BRISTOL,-MoNDA VII. From Swansea to llfrarombe. July, 1813. o'clock. 3, Monday 7 morn. 10, Monday > morn. 17, Monday 7 morn. 24, Monday 2 morn. 31, Monday 6 m> ro. From llfracombe to Swansea. Jnly, 1«43. o'clock. a, Monday 5 after. 1", Monday 2 after. 17, Monday r, after. 24, Monday 12J after. 31, Monday 4k after. -» COUNTY OF PEMBROKE,—WEDNESDAYS. From .Swansea to llfracombe. July, 1842. o'clock. 5, Wednesday. 10 morn. 12, Wednesday. 5 morn. | 19, Wednesday. 8 morn 2fi, Wednesday 4 morn. I Frorn llfracombe to Swansea. July. 1842. o'clock. | s, Wednesday 3 nfter. 12, Wednesday 3 after. ,3' •••• 12 noon. Wednesday « afipr FAR Ell: Besl Cabin, t Os.; Fore Deck, 5s.Gd Forward and back the same dav ,Cahin,I:!Ii. Fore Deck ,8s. Children tinder twelve vearsofage,half-fare Four-wheel Carriage £ 2* One Horse-i-wheel Carriage,30s.; Gig, 20s.; Homes,20s.; Dogs 2s. (id. Pigs, Is 9d. Sheep, t& Lambll, h. Fat Callie, 12s., Store ditto, 10s. Steward's Fees for Ladiesand Gentlemen, 1».EACT, Children and Servanls,6d.. Carriages and LiveStockShipped with the greatest care. Horses arul Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. A large and convenient Boat always in attendance at llfracombe for Landing and Shipping Horses, Carriages, &c. n 4G,;NTS • — G* C Glasson, 12, Vnay-street, near the Stone L>ridge, IJristol Terrell and Sons, S3, Hack, and the Bristol Steam Packet Company, No. J, Quay, Bristol Mr. John Barber, 8, Bath street, Bath; Mr. E. T. Turner, 9 Nelson Terrace, AND Mr. John Naisli Smart, I, Quay Parade, Swansea; Mr. .Martin, Britannia lIold, IIfracumhe; Mr. W Con Fnrtescue Anns, Barnstaple and Mr. W. Morris, While Hart, Bishops- gate street, London. All Goods, Packages. Parcels, SEE., forwarded to all parts wiibout delay, when addreffed to either of THE Steam Packet Offices, B: ¡siu!. NOTICIZ. — Th'' Proprietors of the tihore Steam Packets yioe Notice, that they will not he accountable for (lilY Passenger's Lllg" 9"V, nor wilt tliey be answerable for any Gaods, Packages,or Par- cels (ij 10," or dantoged bii fire, leakage, or otherwise), unless boohed at either .if their til Jtrislol or Swansea, if above the value of 40s.. unless entered at its value, and carriage in proportion paid fur the same at the time of booking. Crouds consigned to order, or not taken aic.ii/ he/ore six o'clock in the evening of the dm) of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense 01 the Consignees. All (roods to be considered as liens, not only for freight and charges il,le thereon, but also for oil previously uusatisfied ft eight and chargft due by the Consignees to the Proprietors oj the said Packets. Jits- outed weights or measurement, claims for loss or damage, Sfc., cannot • i* allowed, unless a written notice oj the same be sent to the office on the ilap of delivery. — Freiaht to be paid on delivery, ana ail irouus fit tne rut 0/ the Consignees us soon as landed, SOUTH WALES. PEMBROKESHIRE AND CARMARTHENSHIRE. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF Freehold Estates, with Mansion-House, AN-D SUNDRY FARMS, Containing together about 630 Acres of very rich productive Land. Mr H. P. GOODE Begs respectfully to announce, that he will offer for Public Competition, by Auction, At the RCTZEN ARMS INN, in tbe town of NARBERTH on THURSDAY, the 13th day of JULY, 1843, THE very beautiful MANSION and ESTATE TYGFTNNTDD, with the verv capital Farms, EITHIN MAIN LLANEIRON RHYTALISCOB, CLOGYFRAN, PANTLLYM, DDOL- PWLL, qnd WAYNFACH, situate in tbe several parishes of Llandissilio, Llanvallieg, and "enrit in eight lots, as follow*: Lot I.-Tite MANSION & NE f TYGFYNNYDI), the seat of the late John Howell, Esq., M.D., delightfully situate on a Mount, in tbe centre of a beautiful and pictaresque vnllev, commanding a splendid prospect of surrounding country, skirled on one side by the River Tave, Proverbial lor its abundant supply of salmon, sewin, and lroatf8nd encircled by a coonlrv well pre- served, and abounding with game. The House comprises exten- sive underground, wine, and beer cellars, two front sitting-rooms back breakfast parlour, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, ex- tensive range of kitchen*, sculleries, pantries, eight bedrooms and two dressing rooms; with a five-stall Stable, Coach-house' and Storeloft over. Also Gardens, an extensive Farin-vard, and well arranged newly erected Premises and Cottage, a'valuable Corn Grist Mill in s'ubslantial repair, with a comfortable Dwell- ing- hoose-and suitable premises attached, and Four other Cot- tages for labourers The Mansion, La«-n, and other Lands, tale in the occupation of the Rev. John Hill, are in hand, and the rest of Ibis valuable property is now occupied by highly respectable Tenants at very low yearly rents, as follows: — Tenements. Tenants. Qnanti served Nature of *■«»- Rents. Holdings. Mansion house, A" *• p- £ • "• Uwii, and other C In hand 30 3 26 0 0 Lately let to the s 3 Rev. John Hill, Farm Building, 7 „ £ 63 p" „ and Lands .f Mr. Wm. Thomas 115 l» 3 105 0 Year to year. Cottage and Land John Davies 5 2 10 4 0 Ditto. ^a,"u Mr. Bnshel 61 I to 34 0 Ditto. Cottage and Lands Isaac Thomas. 15 0 18 10 0 Ditto. Cottage and Garden John James OHM 11 Ditto. Cottage, Garden, > „ and 4small Fields ) Johhn Evans TOO 4 0 Lease for an un- expired term t»f J I yeUI. Lanlil. Rev. Mr. Hughes 131211 8 0At will. Mill and Linds Thomes Lewi. 41 I 7 41 0 Agieement for 21 years, from 29th Sellt. 1813, de- terminable by either party at the end of the first I t years, on a six months, PtantedCronnd.. In hand 15 0 32 notice. Roadt.&c. 70 0 >, 311 3 28211 10 The Timber on this Lot has been valued at f300, which sum will be added to the amount of tile purchase-money. Lot 2.—A small compact FARM, called EITHIN MAIN, consisting of a Farm-bouse, Barn, Stable, and other convenient Outbuildings, with 22 Acres and 36 Perches of Arable and Pas. ture Land, situate in the said parish of Llandissilio, in the count r of Carmarthen, in the occupation of Thomas Evans, as tenant from year to year, at the yearly Tent of JEK). Lot 3.-A small compact lot of LAND, with COTTAGE and GARDEN, called LLANEIRON, containing 3 Acres, 3 Roods, and ti Perches, situate in the parish of Llandissilio, in the said county of Carmarthen, in the occupation of Stephen Phillips, as tenant from vear to year, at tbe yearly rent of £ 5. Lot 4.-RHYTALISCOB, a small compact rich Farm, com- prising a Farm-house, Buildings, Garden, and Land, together 11 Acres, 3 Roods, and 19 Perches, situate in the parish of Llan- valteg, in ibe coonty of Carmarthen, in the occopation of Edward Mathias, under a lease for one life aged 70, at the low vearlv rent of £14. Lot 5.-CLOGYFRAN, comprising Farm-house and conve- nient Offices, double Cottage and'Garden, with 11 Acres, S Roods, and.l9 Perobes, ot Arable and Pasture Land, situate in the said parisbjof Llanvalteg, in the occupation of Thomas Harry, as tenant from year to year, at the yearly rent of £ 10. Lot 6.—PANTLLYM, comprising a Cottage and Lands, to. gether 2 Acres, 2 Roods, 37 Perches. situate in the said parish of Llandissilio, in the county of Carmarthen, in the occupation of Levi James, as tenant from year to year, at the yearly rent of £ 4 4s. LotT.—TnesmattFARM, called WAYNFACH, comprising a Farm-bonse, Blacksmith's Shop, and other Buildings, and 12 Acres, 2 Roods, and 36 Perches, of Land, situate in the parish of Killymaenllwyd, in the coonty of Carmarthen, in the occupa- lion of Jobn Lewis, as tenant from year to year, at the yearly rent off-. Lot 8.—Tbe FARM of DDOLPWLL, comprising a Farm- house, Premises, and Land, together about 252 Acres and 2 Roods, situate in the parish of Penrith, in the county of Pembroke, in the occupation of Benjamin Lewis, under a lease for three lives, aged respectively 75, 70, and 2b, at the low yearly rent of JC50. All the above Estates are situate III excellent neighbourhoods, intersected by good roads, in a capital Sporting and Fishing coun- Iry, and in aspects where Plantations thrive rapidly; and they offer in every respect temptations to investment seldom to be met with. Several Paoks of Fox Hounds are kept in the neighbourhood, rrinted Particulars, with Lithographic Plans, are in course of preparation, und may be had of Messrs. Brightwell and Son. Solicitors, Norwich; Messrs. Sharpe, Field, and Jackson, Soli- citors, 41, Bedford-row, London; Messrs. Jones, Trinder, and 1 udway, Solicitors, No. t. John-street, Bedford-row, London- Bt the principal Inns in Carmarthenshire and adjoining Counties- of Messrs. Wm. Evans ar.d Powell, Solicitors, Haverfordwest • and Messrs. H. P. Goode and Philpott, Laud Agents and Sur- veyors, Haverfordwest. THE AMERICAN MEDICINE. Dr. Moffat's Lift Pills and Phcenix Bitters. THESE Medicines have long been known through- out the American Continent, and appreciated for their ex- Iraordillary and immediate powers of restoring perfect health to persons suflering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. In many hundreds of certified instances, they have even rescued sufferers from the very verge of an untimely ffrave oftcr at) ii.~ decepuve nostrums of the day had utterly failed and to many thousands they have permanently secured that uniform eniov- merit of health .without which life itself is but a partial bleasine. So great, indeed, ha, their e hcacy invariably and infallibly proved that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were unacquamled with the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they are compounded, and upon which they conse- quently act. J The first operation is 10 loosen from the coats of the atomach and bowettthe various impurities and crudities constantly settling- around them; and to remove the hardened (seces which collect ia the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind as to produce habitual costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. This fact is well known in all regular anatomists, who examine the human bowel. after death, and hence the prejudice of these well informed men against the quack medicines of the age. The seoond efl'ect of The VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS is to cleanse the kidnevs and the bladder, and by this means the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red colour from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being that purified by the-, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills are well known to be infallible — DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing tbe first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, iitotead of the state and acrid kind;—Flatulency, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn and Headache, Restlessness, fM teMper, Anxiety, Langour, and Melancholy, which are the general SYMFOM* of Dyspepsia, will vanish a-> a natural consequence of its care, Costioeness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhao and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secretions of the mucous membrai.e. Fevers of all kiiuls, bv restoring the blood to a regular circulation through the process of perspiration in some cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstructions in others. The Life Medicines have been known to core Rheumatism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time, by re- moving local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by fteeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on those important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy fur the worse cases of Gravel. Also Worms, by dis- lodging from the hottings of tbe bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air vessels 01 the lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds will ocoasion, which, it not removed, becomes hardened, and pro- duces those READ I u I diseases Scurvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity WHICH these Life Pills give to the blood and all the humours; Scoibutic Eiuptions and Bad Com- plexions, by 'BUR alterative efl'ect upon tbe fluids that feed tbe skin, ibe morbid state of which occasions all Eruptive complaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions. The use of these Palls lor a verj short time will effect an entire cure of Salt Rhetuu, Erysipelas, and a striking improvement in the Clearness of the akin. ( nmmon Colds and Influenza will always be cured by oneoose, or by two, even in the worst cases. Piles-as a remedy IJMI "F N'OS, distressing sud obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life 1 ills dest-R VE a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well known to hundred* in the city of New York, that the originator of these invaluable Pills was himself afflicted with this complaint for IIpwards of thirty-Jive years, and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the Materia Me- dica. He however, at length tried the medicine which is now oflered to the public, and he was cured in a very short time, after his recovery bad been pronounced rot only improbable, but ab- solutely impossible, by ao» uinau means. The Lije Medicine will never fail to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful pre- parations ..r Sarsaparilla, and will immediately cure the determi- nation uf BLOOD TO THE HEAD; nner fail in the sickness incident to young females; and will be found a certain remedy in all cases of nervous debility and weakness of the most impaired constitutions. The PH(ENIX BITTERS are sold in bottles at 4s. 6d. and 9s. each; and the LIFE PILLS in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. Sd.. and 4s. (id. each. SOLB ACKNT FOR SWANSEA: Mr. €. T. WILSON, Castle-square,