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The late calamitous shipwrecks on our coasts have **Hed forth the sympathies of the benevolent to alleviate the distress of the shipwrecked mariner. None, however, 8tands more prominently forward worthy of public approval, than the efforts of the agents tothe "Shipwrecked Mariners' Societies" in the various parts of the kingdom. By their Praiseworthy aDd philanthropic exertions many of our nn- fortunate tars have been supplied with food and shelter, enabling them thereby to reach their respective homes in comparative comfort. In concluding these few brief re- marks, we beg to call the attention of our readers to a well- hlll(ld ietter on the subject, in another column, written by a Ssntleman whose efforts to alleviate privation, distress, and 8otrow, are among the most prominent traits of his humane '"d amiable character. The Rev. Dr. Ollivanf was elected Regius Professor Divinitvof Cambridge University on Wednesday se'nni»hf, e votes being for 0. Ollivant 4, Rev. Dr. Woidsworth 2, ?"d the Rev. Dr. Mill 1.—Dr.Ollivant took bis M.A. degree 1824, and was created D D. in 183C. Until very recently e held the office of Woe-Principal, Professor of Hebrew, ItQd Junior Professor of Divinity in St. David's College, j?ampeter. • The professorship to which he now succeeds was oUnded by King Henry the Eighth, 1540, and is of the Nearly value of 1,7701. The remains of the late Wm. Henry Scourfield, F-q., the Mote, Pembrokeshire, were, on Wednesday last in- *frred in the family vault in the Parish Church of New Moat, he funeral was attended by a great many of the relatives the deceased, and a nnmprons body of the Mote tenantry, '°f?ether with a large nn-nher of the gentlemen of Perohroke- and the adjoining counties. The splendid steamer Victoria end Albert, now huild'ing at Pembroke yard, is planked nut-tdc, and is nearly *^ady for laying down the decks. Almost the whole ot the shipwrights in the yaid ar« employed upon her. There can no r'onbt of her being fully ready tor launching iu ;lie c°urse of next month. A part of the v. re^k of the Jessie. rogan. East InJia- lian, lately wrecked near Padstow, has come on shore at freshwater West Day, a few miles to the east of Milford harbour. The Falcon. Campbell, master, from New Culabir to Liverpool, has arrived at Miltord in a leaky state, after a Passage of 47 days, having her toreyard andneariy all her "ails ca ri* d away She had been as tar up channel as Holyhead, and obliged to bear up and come to an anchor St. Ann's Head. On Monday moaning last, the Atgus, Trinity House steamer, went to hei assistance, and brought "er in safety up to Milford town. Sin- is laden with palm Oil and ivory, a part of which must be discharged before the tepai rs can he effected. The opening of the splendid ne v Town-ball at New- feort was celebrated, on Tuesday wf. k, by a ball, at which 160 ladies and gentlemen were present. A novel, but rather agreeable method of Itelpiner a •"an out of his difficulties has been adopted at Monmouth, "bere an old and respectable trnl^-mao having been milch J^duced in circumstances, a public tea-party WMS held at e lJew market hall on Mondav bv permission of the .VJayor, the profits were given to tb^ deserving object of 'tis J^low-townsinen's bonnty. This is CP:t inly «n agreeable r°de of spending the evening, and promoting the cause of eievolence at the same tim^, SUDDR.V DEATH.— An inquest, was held, on Satnr- v?y last, be'bre C. Collins, Esq. Coroner, on the body of John Bidder, of Newton, who was found dead in his on the prec-dinw Thursday mr.rning. T he deceased complained of being rather un« HI a few davs before hi« *a<h.—Verdict, Died by the Visitation of God. CU TION ro MOTHERS. —ON Monday last, a ) inquest s as held on the body of,John Stratten, aged tour years, the of a bargeman residing in Swsn-row, in this town. The mother deposed, that on Hie pieceding Saturday,she "'d Ipft ||)e child alone in the house, while she went to a j''ShbonrV, that she returned so'>n after, in consequence of the cries of the fhild, wltn>e clothes were !n flames, ''°h she immediately extinguished. On exami* ition the ,teQeased was found to be much burned about the face, ^aeh, and other parts of the body, in consequence of ijch death ensued.—Verdict, Accidental death. T THE IRON TRADK.—The prife ot iron still continues ,c 0v* the average cost of manufacture Welsh Bars, by the to^0' being quoted as low as from 41. 10s to 41. 15S, per J,J1' It is our painful duty to siate that several miners | \yVe been discharged from Dowlats and I lymonth Iron 3f0,.ks> within these Ir.st nine days. Cheap as provisions t|>e 'n comparison to what they have been, still where can 1 fQ^Se unfortunate fellows get the means ot providing any themselves and families 1—Silurian. hia '^Y• — O" Sunday se'nnight. whilst a!1 its in- fji *es were in Church, a cottage in the pari.-h of Llan- frQ.^Sel-Geneu'rglyu, Cardiganshire, was broken open and "'in The principal object of the tobbery is jj^posed to have been the box belonging to a Itechabite t^i'f)efit Society, which was held in the house; this con- about 301. and escaped the search of the rubber-, °,f?h every place in the cottage was broken open (not ex- 'e wooden clock-case) in the search for the ^J'abite treasure. The robbers are not yet discovered. II^'SCOVKRY OF THE DKAD BoDY OF A CHtt.D. —Of) f)0 horning of the 8th iustaut, two men were employed to raft of timber from a place called Hook Quay, on tj0^"t»ngleddv titer, up to Haverfordwest. On their going tJie to the river to commence their wcik, they found th;4 ho ''de had not floated the raft, which, together with their «i|j0 • Was aground; they then It ft, and returned again in a quarter of an hour, and were just about pushing off t|,e raft, when one of them discovered a substance under i|hj ?,ern of the boat wrapped in a flannel apron. On pick- of a It lip and opening it, they were horror struck at the sight "y born iu!a:,t, wirh the apron -triiii: bound iig'itly ho^he throat, and bleod flowing from its nose. The y felt warm, as if it had been recently placed there the 'Mmediaieiy conveyed it to a house close by, where it the coroner's inquest. SWANSEA POLICE, Feb. 6.-Before the Mayor.—Ben- jamin Walters of this town, tailor, was convicted, on his own confession, in the penalty of five shillings, for being drunk. There were several other petty charges brought forward, for which the offenders were reprimanded and dis- charged.—Feb. 9.—One of the privates of the 73d Regiment of Foot, stationed' at this town, was brought up and charged by policeman, Wm. Webb, with having assaulted him, but the Mayor ordered the prisoner to be delivered up to the Sergeant (who was then present) for the purpose of being dealt with according to the military law. SWANSEA PUTTY SESSIONS, Feb. 7.— Before the Rev. J. Collins, the Rev. S. Davies, the Rev. W. Hewson, D.D., W. I. Jones and T. Edw. Thomas, Esqrs.—John Williams, of the parish of Swansea, labourer, was convicted in the penalty of five shillings, for being dnmk. William James, of SKetty, was charged by Jeremiah Cox, with pursuing game without a certificate. Benjamin Bevan, of the parish of Llani hidian, gave evidence, to the effect that, on the 10th of December last, he saw the defendant Jaiues in pursuit of game, in Wernhalog Wood, part of a farm occupied by wit- ness that he had three dogs with him, and that he saw him shoot a pheasant—that after he had picked up the bird, and put it into his pocket, witness went up to him and asked him for his certificate, which he did not produce. He said his name was David Jeremiah, of Longhor. John Kosser, of Sketty, was called to give evidence on the part of the de- fendant. His evidence contradicted that of the preceding witness in every particular. He said that he saw the de- fendant ploughing in the next field to him (witness) on the 10th of December, during nearly the whole of the day-he knew it was the 10th of December, because his brother told him so—he thought the present inenth was December—and that there were five Saturdays between the 10th of Decem- ber, the day on which he saw defendant ploughing, and Christmas day. John James, the defendant's biother, swore that his brother was not from home, on the 10th of Decem- ber last. The defendant, William James, was then charged with a second offence, of having pursued game, without a certificate, on Killebwa farm, in the parish of Llanrhidian. Mr. Grose, the occupier of the above farm, swore that he saw the defendant shooting game on his farm on the 24th of December last; and his evidence was corroborated by David Jones, labourer in his employ. Edward Rosser, of Sketty, farm-servant, swore that the defendant was in com- pany with him at Swansea on the same day, and at the same time on which the witnesses for the prosecution swore that he was unlawfully pursuing game in the parish of Llan- rhidian. John James gave evidence to the same effect.— Other offences of a similar nature were proved against the defendant. The Magistrates having severely censured the defendant's witnesses for their contiadictory evidence, fined the defendant in the sum of three pounds and costs in each of the two cases for poaching, and two pounds and costs in each case of trespass.-—William Davies was then charged with pursuing game unlawfully, and with trespassing, in com- pany with Wiliiain James, the defendant in the preceding case. He pleaded Guilty, and on his promising not to repeat the offence, he was fined in the mitigated penalty of ten shillings and costs tor shooting without licence, and five shil- lings and costs for trespassing. NEATH.—On Wednesday last, the Mayor of Neath (Howel Gwyn, Esq.). Frederick Fredricks, Esq., and Mr. Coke, the Town-Clerk, proceeded to the market-place, ac- companied by Mr. Taylor, the inspector of weights and measures, to test the accuracy of the weigjits of the several butchers and other parties. The inspection continued for upwards of two hours, and we are glad to sav, that, taking into consideration the number of weights weighed, compa- ratively speaking, few were found wanting. We, however, would caution the butchers and others to provide themselves with the proper weights without delay, as we hear the Mayor is determined to inspect again, and in case of deficiency being discovered, to fine the parties. Tnis inspection has been the first which has taken place here for some years, and the Mayor therefore did not fine the parties, but con- demned the weights only. NEATH TOWN-HALL, Feb 3d,-Magistrates present, F. Fredricks, Howel G" yn. and Griffith Llewellyn, Esqrs. —John Sambrook, charged Morgan Isaac, of Skewen, with assaulting him.—Fined five shillings and oosts. Paid.— Sergeant Bowyer, G. 10, charged David Williams, with stealing un ierwood, the property of Winiam Jones, Esq. David Davies said, I went on Thursday, the 26th day of January, with Sergeant Bowyer to search the bouse of David Williams, for some oak boards which were stolen from my master's premises, but did not find any of them. I saw a piece of underwood in the yard, which I thought belonged to my master. I asked him in the presence of the police- man where he got it from; he said his son had cut it on the farm. I said, will YOII show us the place. His son came with ns and took tu a long distance, and showed us a stump tlfcit had been cut a long time, but this was quite fresh. I took it to my master's farm, and it exactly fitted the piece which was left behind there were notches in the hatchet, aud the ivy which twined round corresponded. (The pieces were produced in Court.) Sergeant Bowyer proved the above statement. Williallls was reprimanded by the Magistrates, and fined twenty-one shillings damage, and fory shillings in- cluding costs. Paid.—Ann Besley assaulting Ann Thomas, dismissed. Costs divided between thenu—William Morgan, policeman, charged David Hill, William Gammon, Isaac Gammon, Thomas Thomas, and George Edy, apprentices, with refusing to work and obey the orders of their masters, Messrs. Allan and Lilly, Neath. After a suitable admonition by the Magistrates, and they promising not to offend so again. George Edy was fined seven shillings, and the others five shillings each. Paid. NEWPORT EXCHANGE AND READING ROOMS.—On Thursday se'nnight, the adjourned meeting of the gentlemen desirous of establishing a Commercial-room in this town, took place at the New Council House, at which the Mayor presided. The Provisional Committee submitted a colle of rules for the regulation of the institution, which gave very general satisfaction, and elicited the thanks of the meeting; and these rules were adopted, with one or two exceptions, nameiythal of substituting, on theamendmeutof Mr.Dowling, a committee of twenty with the treasurer, five to form a quorum, for the originally proposed numbers of twelve, and three for a quorum. Considerable discussion took place also, astowhethertheroomshoutd be entirely closed on Sundays; and it was uliimHtelv determined (the Mayor and two other gentlemeu dissenting), that the reading-room should be opened after divine service, until five, o'clock iu the evening. The thanks of the meeting were given to the Mayor, aud the meeting shortly after broke up. A beautiful specimen of the Goosander (Mergus Merganser—Linnaeus) was idiot on the river Wye, last Wednesday, by the gamekeeper of J. Clutterbiick, Esq., Broughrood Castle, Radnorshire, and which is now being preserved by Mr. Leadbeater, Brewer-street, London. EXCLUSION flF ATTOKNIKS FROM PoLICE COUKTS.— The Magistrates of Cheltenham have just passed an extra- ordinary resolution, excluding attoniies from appearing in the Magis rates' Court except in cases of summary juiisdic- tion tor either the complainant or defendant! FIKB AT Pawls CASTLE.—About three o'clock on the morning of Saturday se'nnight, an alarm of fire was con- veyed to Pool, that a part of the office* of Powis Castle. were in flames, which threatened the destruction of one of the finest Baronial ■ evidences in thr kingdom. Every man who could w dk, fort with betook himself to the scene of the confirtgrati '11, when it was discovered that a shed or Iumhei-room for woo l was on fire, aud the flames were rapidly making their way towards some of the most beau- tiful parts of the Castle. The powerful engine stationed in Pool by the Salop Fire Office was soon at work, and with the willing assistance of an enthusiastic people, the flames were speedily overcome, and the vcner-ible pile rescued from destruction. The dannge to the building was trifling. The fire was IItnely accidental, and was providentially dis- covered by some waggoners passing on the road, in time to stop its I ahgts. SHETY OF THE CAPTAIN AND CREW OF THE BRIG CAROLINE.— Captain Gray, master, the carpenter, and three apprentices (the remainder of the ciew having proceeded forLiterpoot), belonging to the b;ig Caroline, repoi ted to have bet n loiiin! "I sea, abandoned i,y the crew, and towed into Holyhead, hy lis0 schooner Emily, were landed at Holy- head ori Sundav. The master reports thit the vessel struck on the Wicklow Banks, about four o'clock on Friday, the 28th nit.; remained with her tiil eight o'clock, when they were forced to leave her, having seven feet water in the hold. The owner of the Caroline sent a steamer to her from Liverpool, ;1111 the master of the schooner refused to give her up, until (settlement had been made with him. — Car- narvon Iier„ld. CAKBOMFF.KOUS IKON-STONE.We are glad to hear that the Cwm Celyn Company participate in the success wli ch has attended iheir wo. thy and wealthy neighbours, in reference to the hlack-b-tnd mineral, tI rich anil valuable bed of carboniferous iron-stone,or black-baud, as it is geologically called, ha-ing been recently found at CWITl Celyn. We nude1 stand that 'hree levels are already bfing d'ivpu, and that every effort will be made to turn this mineral treasure to gCwd account. As wef-wisheis to the party, from a dis- tance, aud other*, who have so spiritedly invested a large cap'ta! in the above Works of our county, we sincerely hope that :his fortunate discovery may tend materially to advance and benefit the interests of a'l concerned. — Merlin. BUI.STOL AND ExBTKtt RAILWAY—As a proof of the confidence of capitalists in this undertaking, we can state that, the whole sum proposed to be borrowed having for some time past been subscribed, the loan notes (paying in- terest ar 5 per cenl per annum) are now eagerly sought at II premium. The shares, too, have incre.sed in vaine, it beiug now ascertained, beyond all doubt, that the income, tinder the lease, will enable the Directors regularly to declare dividends equal to at least four per cent. per annum, Oil the paid-up capital. The shares (701. each) are now quoted Sit to 52 at the latter price they yield a lefurn of Gi per cent., but they must advance. — Bristol Mercury. CLIFTON SUSPENSION BKIDGE.— A meeting of the ] snuscrihet's took plale on Thursday last, to take into con- sideration a plan to he proposed for the completion ofthts undertaking. It is now nearly six years since the fottn- dation of the Asliton (or Somerset) side buttress was laid and during agre.it portion of that time have the huge masses of masonry which deforin that beautiful spot being standing, an eyesore and oiit>age on the picturesque. The question to be decided was, wheliier they should be appropriated to theii original purpose, and become ornamental at a further outlay of about 30.0001 (the sum of 45,0001. having been al- ready incurred) or be removed altogether. After some dis- cussion, a proposition for raUitsg 15,000/. as security to the Exchequer Loan Commissioners for a loan of 30,0001. for the above objrct was agreed to. Those parts which remain to be executed co .sist of the ornamental additions to the Piers—the remaining half of the chains and other i on works, the suspension and fixing of the chains and SitS- pending rods, the construction of the flooring of the bridge, the arecii >n of toll-houses and gates, an:1 the completion of roads of approach. AN AUTHOR.— fellow passing under the name of Alfred Moore, and who described himself as an author, lately decamped from Bristol, leaving his lodgings unpaid, and taking with hi.u about 301. ill bank-notes, the property of h s landlord. Mr. William Thomas, of Prince-street. He is described as about six feet high, dark brown hair, fair complexio n ( ue eyes, red busby whiskers, and about 30 years of age,







j To the EDITOR of The CA3IBRIAN.



Family Notices

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