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i-aturDay to Moltbat),o Voote.1


i-aturDay to Moltbat),o Voote. LONDON Nov. 27. THE Paris papers to Thursday's date have reached Jt- town. France, it appears, has sent counter-orders to the troops which were 'o form a cordon sanitaire on 4e side of Belgium. This is in consequence of re- monstrances addressed to the French Cabinet by the Belgian Ministry, supported, as it is believed, by a strong remonstrance on the part of England. The Siecle asserts the following to have been the cause of the recent assembling of French troops on the nor- thern frontier The King of the Belgians was at his seat of Ardennes, when he was informed of the con- spiracy at Brussels, in which the democratic party was "l'o believed to be engaged. Before entering inlo any further inquiries his Majesty despatched M. Van Praet, his Secretary, to Paris, to desire the French Govern- ment to prepare a military demonstration on the frontier. Such was the orgin of the assemblage of troops at which the Belgian Minister showed so much surprise, to the great astonishment of all who knew how affairs were managed between the Courts of Brussels and the Tuileries." From the amicable terms in which the French Ministerial Journals now speak of the Regency of Espartero, we anticipate an early with- drawal of the French troops now assembling on the Spanish frontier. The Constitutionnel, and the Courrier Francais comment on the report now current that a conference of the great Powers of Europe on the affairs of Spain has been seriously under discussion. The former of these journals regards the report as true, and censures the proposal as an infraction of the non- intervention principle, and an arbitrary attack upon the rights of a free State. The Courrier says, the idea of such a conference is so unjust and unreason- able that it will not, in the absence of proof, believe the report of its having been entertained—The right of search, which the principal European Powers have mutually conceded to ships employed in the sup- pression of the stave-trade, is again denounced in the Paris Globe of Tuesday. That Journal will have it that the French flag is dishonoured by permitting an English officer to overhaul it, even when it covers a slaver.—The French journals announce with an air of triumph the accquittal of the National by a Jury for -an alleged libel upon the Government. Nothing can be more preposterous than the conduct of the Govern- ment in authorising prosocutions of the press in cases where an acquittal is within the limits of a possibility. By so doing it degrades itself, and draws down ridicule upon the Royal authority. The journals of Thursday devote their leading columns to comments upon the trial of M.'Ledru, ;the Deputy, for a libel upon the Government. The libel was contained in a speech made at a meeting of his constituents. The Jury acquitted him of the delivery of the speech, but found him guilty of authorising its publication, for which -very questionable offence the Court sentenced him to three months' imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 francs (120/.), and the publisher of the speech, to two months' imprisonment and a fine of 2,000 francs (80/.) The Liberal press is indignant with the Government for prosecuting a Deputy for faithfully discharging his duty towards his constituents. Their Majesties the King and Queen of the French gave a distinguished reception on Monday to the Marquis and Marchioness of Clanricarde on their return from St. Petersburgh. Madnd journals are to the 20th inst.; the Regent has issued a decree raising the blockade of the Cantabrian coast, and has marched from Sarragossa on Barcelona with an imposing force the latter city remained in a state of siege. The Provincial Deputation, the Muni- cipality, and National Guard of Tarragona, had en- tered a protest against the measures adopted at Bar- celona, which they presented to the Regent. A "decree of the Intendant of the Rents of Barcelona has abolished the decisions of the Junta of Vigilance suppressing different taxes.—The rebel Brigadier Nor- zagaray arrived in Cordova on the 12th inst.; a band of brigands, who made their appearance between Monetro and Villa del Rio, had formed the project of rescuing the prisoner but after remaining some. time on the road, and robbing a respectable merchant of a considerable amount, they retired to the mountains. The Regent was expected in the capital, and a triumphal arch was erecting for his reception in the street of Alcala. Don Rafael Garcia Hidalgo, Chamberlain to Queen Cbris'ina, has been arrested and placed in solitary confinment, The Gazette publishes a decree convoking the Cortes on the 26th of December.—There was no intelligence of importance from the Basque provinces or Catalonia. General Rodil has ordered all the fortresses in the Basques to be dismantled within fifteen days, except that of Pampeluna. The Levant Mail has brought the important intelli- gence that the Porte has officially addressed the Go- vernments of England, France, and Russia, on the sub- ject of the machinations of Greece.—The Constan- tinople letters observe that, notwithstanding the so- lemnity of the Remazan, there reigned for some days great activity at the Porte, and councils were held almost daily under the Presidency of the Grand Vizier. "This movement, so unusual at this period," says our correspondent, "is ascribed to the Stale of affairs in Greece, and to the conduct of its Government in re- fusing to give satisfaction to Turkey for atrocities com- mitted by Greeks upon Ottoman subjects at Chalcia, ■and to settle the question of the Turkish property il- legally seized nine years ago by Greek agents, who have detained it ever since." Towards the latter end of October, the representatives of Great Britain, France, and Russia assembled at the palace of Rifaat Pacha, on the inviradon of that Minister, who laid before them the grievances of the Porte against Greece. Subsequently to that conference, Rifaat Pacha ad- dressed to the three Ambassadors an official note, in which, after recapitulating those grievances, he mani- fested a desire to see the differences pending between the two governments amicably adjusted by the inter- ference of the three courts. The Minister then added, that in case the Greek Government should decline, not- withstanding the advice of the protecting powers, to do justice to the claims of Turkey, the Divan would find itself under the necessity of resorting to reprisals. The reply of the Ambassadors to that note had not been made public. In the meantime, the irritation against Greece was at its height in Constantinople, and the ac- counts received daily from that country were not of a nature to allay that spirit. A small squadron of four frigates was then fitting out with all haste for the coast of Greece.—The advices from Syria, under date the 20th ult., announce that country to have again become the scene of bloodshed. The Druses have assailed the unsuspecting Christian population whilst assembled to deliberate on the affairs of the Mountain, and old men, women, and children have been put to the sword. The Christians then took arms, and civil war raged throughout the country. Not fewer than one hundred villages had been sacked, and Beyrout was crowded with families who had fled from the fury of the com- batants. Colonel Rose, Selim Pacha, and the Emir Beshir had vainly interfered to allay the insurrection.


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