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LOST or STRAYED, from Mr. William Price's1 Fie'd, at Yniscedwin, a BLACK PONY MARE, about 13 hands lkivli and 6 years old, has a mark in grey hairs like the letter S under the mane Whoever will bring it back either to Mr. Price's, or Mr. Starbuck's, at Giant's Grave, shall be hand- somely rewarded. Mr. CHARLES SPENCE BATE, Surgeon- Dentist, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the Public generally that lie intends residing at 43. WINO STREET, SWANSEA, where he can be consulted in all cases relating to his Profession, and feels cotili i nt of being able to ensure the approbation of those who may honour him with their commands. Teeth extracted for the Pour gratuitously. Swansea, Sept. 24, 1840. Ioalsiii'; 31*53 St Picture Frame Manufactory, Carving and Gilding Establishment, No. 40, WIS D-ST REE T, S IV A N SEA. SARAH HARRIS BEGS to announce her annual return from the leading manufactories wilh a selection of all the most modern and approved P.\TTKR ns and in returning thanks to her numerous Friends in S « allsea and I hrou ghoul the Principal it v. for the main favours she has been honoured with, ventures to assure them that it shall be her continued study by constant attention, and the use of the very best materials, to execnte all future orders so as to merit their kind preference and patronage. Rosewood, .Maple-wood, and other fancy Frames finished on an entirely new plan; Old Paintings carefully cleaned and lined; Maps and Prints strained and varnished Frames re-gilded and Looking glasses re-silvered. 13. A respectable Youth wanted as an Apprentice. To the Burgesses of the Lower Ward of tlte Borough of Swansea. GEVTI.niF.N, AS the allotted term of my continuance in office as one of the Councillors of your Borough will shortly expire, I beg to declare my intention of being re-elected should you I beg to dcclare my intention of being re-elected should you again deem nie worthv of ihe high privilege of representing your interest at Ihe Council Hoard. Having been before vou duiing the last three years in the ca- pacity 01 a Member of that Board. I feel no doubt but that my jmst conduct will be the standard hy which YOIl will decide upon the propriety of my future re-election. Instead, therefore, of making promises for the time to come, 1 beg resp ctfully to refer you to-the past. Always actuated hv the desire of furthering the true interest and prosperity of the Town and Trade of Swansea, I place m, self in your hands, conscious of having performed, to the utmost of my ability, the onerous and responsible duties imposed upon me 0\ you, uninfluenced by party motives and unfettered by individual interest. I am, Genntlemen, Yours, very faithfully, Union-street, Oct. 8, 1840, W ATKIN MORGAN. To the Municipal Burgesses at Swansea. GENTLI-.MKN, A Requisition has just been presented to me, signed by upwards of one hundred Burgesses, calling upon me to olrer myself as a Candidate to represent the Lower Ward in the Town Council at the ensuing eleclion of Town COllllcillurs; and, in the event of my acceding to their wishes, offering me their voles and interest. Such an application, unexpected on mv part, I must certainly consider highly complimentary, and I car; sincerely say, will ever be considered by me with feeiings of the greatest gratification. The honour proposed to be conferred upon me proves that— how much soever may be overrated my power to be useful in the council- it] v zealous desire to promote the welfare and prosperity of the Boiough, has been known and generously appreciated by a large and most respectable body of my fellow-townsmen. Were 1 at liberty to consult inv own interest and taste at this moment, I should respeclfully dec.ine the flattering distinction offered by the requisition. But the neculiar and unusual circum- stances under which I have been called forward, induces me without hesita ion to waive all personal considerations, and to assure you that, in the event of my being elected into the Town Council, il will be my pride, as 'well as my duty, faithfully, L lioneslly, and independently to promote the growing interests of the town and the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants generally I have the honour to be, Gentleman, Your obedient humble Servant, Swansea, Thursday evening. W. H. SMITH. To the Burgesses of the Lower Ward of ihe Borough of Swansea. GENTLEMEN, —— MR. SAMUEL JENKINS, one of yotir Repre- sentatives in the Town Council, having intimated his in- tention not again to solicit your suffrage, 1 respectfully offer myself to vour notice as a Candidate to supply the vacancy which will be occasioned by his retirement on the Ist or Novem- ber next. In the event of your conferring upon me the honour I thus seek, you may rest assured that I shall anxiously endeavour to fulfil the duties ol the Office with zeal and independence, having no other object in view than the local improvement of your Borough and the extension of its Trade and Commerce. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant, Swansea. 21st Sept., 1840. R. WALKER. THEATRE SW ANSEA.-By Authority. By desire and under the immediate Presence and Patronage of Mrs. C. H. SMITH, of GtcemUicynicith. Mr. and Miss MARY WOULDS Have the honour to announce 10 the Nobility, Gentry, Patrons of the Drama, and Public generally, that THEIR BENEFIT IS fixed for the Evening of MONDAY, OCTOBER t 12th, 1810, on which occasion (by general desire) will be performed, for the second time in Swansea, the grand Romantic Fairy Opera, in Three Acts, called CINDERELLA: Or, The LITTLE GLASS SLIPPER. Piince Felix.. Mr. H. B KDFORD.—Damlini Mr. J. BEDFORD. Pedro Mr. WOULDS. Cinderella Miss MARY WOULDS. After which the admirable Pciite Drama of MATRIMONY: Or, The CASTLE OF LIMBERG. Baron de Limber*, Mr. TILBURY. Deleval Mr. JOHNSTON E.-O'Cloghorty Mr. NORMAN. Clara M [s. COLEMAN POPE. In the course of the Evening, Miss M.WOULDS will sing Bellini's celebrated Scena, Dearest Companions," from the Opera of La Sonnambula. Mr. J. BEDFORD his popular Comic Song of "JOLLY NOSE." A New PAS SEUL by Miss EARNSHAW. The whole to conclude with the laughable Farce of THE DEVIL TO PAY: Or, The Wives Metamorphosed. Sir John Lovernle Mr. H. BEDFORD. Jybson Mr.WOUI.DS, With the Cumii: Songof I- BUBBLES & SCHEMES." Lady Lovernle Mr. G. NORMAN. Net, Johson's Wife. Mrs. ROYER. Tickets to be had of Mr. WOlllds, 5. York place, at the Mackworth Arms, Cambrian Office, and at the Misses Jenkins's Library, Wind street, where places for the Boxes may be taken. THEATRE, SWANSEA.—By Authority. Mr. and Mrs. G. NORMAN's Night. THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 15, 1840. AT the request of several influential Families re- siding at a distance from Swansea, the Performance will terminate as near eleven o'clock as possible. Fllder the immediate Patronage of The ANCIENT ORDER of DRUIDS, Who on this occasion will appear upon the Stage in full Costume, as at the late Eisteddfod. Tickets may be obtained at all the Lodges. Grand CHORLS by the BROTHERS.—An ADDRESS on DRUIDISM by Brother G. NORMAN. A celebrated WELSH HARPER will appear. During the Evening, (by the kind peiiiii-sion of the A. O. D. Lodges), the bealltiflll Composition, eniiiltMl "The MISTLETOE BOUGH," For which a Prize, was awarded at the Swansea Eisteddfod, will he SIIIII! A Fashionable" COMEDY, Which will be supported by the whole strength of the Company. To be followed by the laughable Farce of the CHRISTENING. SINGING and DANCING. To oonclude with (first time these twenty years; the good old English Opera of MIDAS. WITH ALL THE ORIGINAL MUSIC. Tickets to be had of Mr. Norman, No. 3, Conch's buildings, anf) at the Misses Jenkins's Library, Wind street, where places for the Boxes may be secured. UNIOK pias-rpncs, NORWICH. CAPITAL £ 550,000, TATRONS. The Duke of Beaufort. The Duke of Ar^H. The Earl of Orlord. j The Earl of Rosebery. Right (Ion. Lord Saltoun. The Earl of Darlington. occ.. ccc. Tli t'STELS. The Right Honourable Lord W oodhouse, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk. Lord Walpole. Sir Jacob .Astley, Barl. Sir Henry Jardine. Charles Savill O.'iley, Esq. John Wright, Esq., Elenrieila Street, Covent. Garden. &c. &c. &c DIP. t.CTORS. PRUDENT,—Ed«ard T. Booth, Esq. ICE-Pk i S] DENT,—Lieutenant Colonei Harvev. Anthony Hudson. Esq. Geor-e Morse, Esq W illirim Herring, Esq. Colonel Sir Robert John Hart ey, C. B. George Seppinus, Esq. Isaac Jenny, Esq., Recorder of Norwich Charles Evans, Esq. Edward Steward, Esq, Lewis Evans, Esq., M.P. Thomas BUikislon, Esq. R.N. J REASCRERS, Messrs. Gurneys, Tiirkbeck,& Martin, Norwich. SECRETARY,-Samuel Bignuld, Esq Surrey-slrei I, Norwich. Quay Parade, Swansea. ■PERMIT me to call yottr attention to the above %oti JC Institution, which you will perceive is established on the soundest principles First. It is provided that the insured shall be free from all responsibility. Secondly. —To guarantee the engagements of the Oflice, a fund has been subscribed lo the amount of £ 550,000. Thirdly, Tbe Premiums received are applied in the first instance to the payment of losses and expenses; and of the net residue, three-fjths yvill be returned to the insured every five years. Fourthly.—Annual Insurers will be entitled to their full pro- portion of returns, and no forfeiture takes place in the event of the pari, becoming a claimant for loss thus are the benefits of insurance secured to the public upon the most liberal basis. Fifthly. Persons paying in advance for any term of years, will be allowed the usual Discount, and due allowance will be made for the removal of Goods in case of accident. I am, very respectfully, yours, GEORGE T. STROUD, Agent for Swansea and its Vicinity. In proof of the public confidence in the principles and conduct of this Establishment, it may be sufficient to state, that the Total Business of the Society now amounts to upwards of Fifty-five Millions. This Office has a Fire Engine, the only one in this town or neighbourhood. Medical. WANTED, by a SURGEON in Swansea, a well- educated YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. Apply to 31r. W. Bevan, Surgeon, Swansea. WANTED, by a practical and experienced AC- COUNTANT, the SITUATION of superior CLERK at a WORKS. Address (prepaid) A. A., Bush Hotel, Swansea. TO TALLOW CHANDLERS. A N excellent opportunity now offers to any enter- /~lL prising and industrious Man to commence a profitable Trade in the above line. The Proprietor of a concern in the im- mediate neighthourhood of the Alaesteg and Cambrian Iron Works and Collieries, wishes to DISPOSE of the STOCK and MATERIALS immediately, which he is inclined to do on reason- able terms. Satisfactory reasons for parting yvilh the business, an,1 any further information can be bad Oil application (if by letter pre- paid) to Mr. William Bowen, Talbot Inn, Maesteg.


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To the HDITon of The CAMBRIAN.

----------To Mr. J A CO R…

Family Notices