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LONDON, MAY 19. LETTERS and pupers from Madrid to the 10th inst. reached town yesterday. Their contents are of more than ordinarv interest. The letters from the North of Spain state that Don Carlos has been com- pelled to change his head-quarters and his Cabinet- to order Villlareal from confinement, and entrust him with the War Department, and to place the Infante Don Sebastian at the head of all his forces, in consequence of mutinies at Aoiz, at Estella, and at Manera, on the ant* fact' bulk of the Carlists, officers and men, are weary of the war, and insist upon either abandoning it altogether, or pursuing it offen- sively. Don Sebastian, Villareal, and Cabrera are for the latter course; whereas Don Carlos and Guergue are for continuing the present system, in the hope of wearying out the Queen's Generals, and exhausting the resources of the Constitutionalists. But this would require constant subsidies; and the mischief of it is, as regards the Carlists, that the King of Sardinia has already exhausted the funds placed at his disposal by the Holy Alliance, for the use of the Pretender. In the capital itself the aspect of affairs are brightening. The Banking Houses of J. Lafont and Co. of Madrid, and Messrs. Laffitte and Co., of Paris, and their friends, have submitted to the Government, a new Financial project, authorized by the Law of the 17th ult., which it is stated has come most opportunely to the rescue of the Constitutional cause. Last, not least, a valuable quicksilver mine has been discovered near Castile de Campos and FuneteTojar. The mines are richer than those of Almaden and lie quite on the surface. This discovery brings instantly a vast addition to the re- venues of the Spanish Crown. The Paris journals to Thursday's date have been re- ceived. Those of Tuesday contain the report of a debate in the Chamber of Deputies on Monday, on a Bill for granting certain sums demanded by the Go- vernment for carrying on public works. The Oppo- sition succeeded in reducing several of the items but one for erecting a statue to Napoleon was voted with acclamation. Who, after this, will prate about the cessation of miracles? Raise a statue to Napoleon for acts for which his ashes and his family are expa- triated But French statesmen have a way of their own for reconciling such moral discrepancies. The trial of Hubert and his accomplices was resumed on Tuesday, but the report contains no new fact of any interest. Prince Talleyrand was so dangerously ill on Wednesday that his life was despaired of. The shock of his brother's death is said to be the remote cause of his illness. Early on Thursday, the King and Queen of the French paid a visit to the Prince, and were greatly shocked at finding that he did not recognize them. We despair of Talleyrand's recovery. His worst symptom is his non-recognition of Royalty. In the Chamber of Deputies, on Wednesday, the expense of the Extraordinary Embassies to assist at the Coro- nations at London and Milan, were voted by a large Majority. The Temps announces that the rejection of the Ministerial plan of railroads has created a fever for railroad companies. The Minister, in his project, contrived to array against him both the great capitalist and the mass of less wealthy subscribers in the metro- polis and along the projected lines The Minister, llOwever, has made his peace with the capitalists; and though the great lines are to be opened to companies and subscriptions, these latter will be found in the hands of the monied giants of France. M. Rothschild is to be lord of the Belgic line; Aguado, Humann, Roy, D'Aligre, of the Havre one, &c. The news in these papers from the North of Spain is coroborative of the defection" in the Carlist bands referred to in the letter and papers from Madrid noticed above. The latest intelligence from the seat of war is dated Bayonne, May 14:— The Carlist troops which, under Gnergne, menaced Bilboa, and reduced Los Banderos and the Capucines, have been recalled to march against Estella. Things grow worse in that town; there is nothing but mutiny and disturbance. Los Valles, who escaped with difficulty from the French custom house officers, and got into Estella, tried his hand at repressing the insurrectionists; but he was beaten and wounded. Villareal, summoned by Don Carlos to return to Biscay, has refused." The intelligence from Portugal brought by the Transit' steam vessel continues to be cheerful, and altogether satisfactory. The arrival of M. Carvalho, who went out in this packet, and many other Portuguese who had absented themselves from their country, had inspired confidence, and all had been extremely well received. The strong paity feeling which so long dis- tracted Portugal seems, in fact, to be fast wearing away, and all parties appear desirous of uniting them- selves as much as possible with a view of maintaining perfect tranquillity throughout the country and placing the affairs of the State in a proper position. To shew the extent to which persons of all ranks appear willing to set aside all party views, and as an instance of the changed feeling in Portuguese matters generally, it may be mentioned that letters from Paris, where he is now residing, state that the Duke of Palmella has ac- cepted the appointment of Ambassador extraordinary to Engwnd to compliment the Queen at the Coronation, f1 i Lhat *'ie arrangements for completing the Embassy iad been left entirely to himself. Baron de Lagos, the ^rtlu's Fayal (the Duke's son), M. Sampayo, and other Members of the Duke's family, were to form part of the suite. A portion of the dividends upon the Home Stock had been paid at Lisbon, and measures were under consideration, it is said, in reference to the oreign creditors, with a view of placing them in a more satisfactory position. All the Stocks at Lisbon were rising considerably, and everything, in fact, bore a niore favourable appearance than they had done for a long time. Brussels and German Papers of the latest dates have been received this morning. It appears that the move- Went of the French troops on the Belgian frontier has .ined Prussia, who i1!ls pU^ jier garrisons in motion with a view to support the authority of the Diet—The em"ers of the Town Council of Brussels have re- s!?ned i" a body, because the Government has de- clined to indemnify the city for the losses it sus- tallled during the Revolution which placed Leopold on the Belgian Throne. The Hamburg Correspondent has letters from Hanover 01 the 9tb, stating that the electors Of that capital have agreed to return a Member to the ^ian3'>er, under the following resolutions, mch they request may be entered upon its journals:— « ,rst> that it u by no means their intention to renounce °y this election the rights which have been secured to the cOllutryand the several Corporations by the Constitution of .'lal secondly, that they shall consider the Constitution ot- i anf* *ts enactnaents as legally existing, till something se sfiall have been legally substituted for it by mutual £ .reenie,,t; and, lastly, that they expressly reserve to them- Ve j?" l',e means of asserting all the rights justly acquired con0 nS t0 tlie Constitution of 1833, either alone, or in Th'1 V"1'1 ot',ef Corporations of the country." «t p?6 res°luti°ns are signed by all the Magistrates ait l ^e city of Hanover. Their adoption by ci a body has greatly alarmed the Government. 1 tf 6 tiaVe ^ew ^orl1 papers to the 22d ult—one day er than those announced in our last. A material change for the better had taken place in the commer- Ial aspect of New York. Business was improving; ocks rising; and general confidence increasing. The a e of internal exchanges had fallen within three days f sr0m s*x to three per cent. Bank Stock rose in the space of time from 108 to 115, and the rate of exchanges on England from] 051 to 136. The Cotton arket was firm, which was all attributable to the ar- ^Ut sPec'e> and every expectation was indulged m li the City and State of New York resume specie payments on the 10th inst., not- } "standing the recommendation that it should not take Place till January. Cape of Good Hope papers to the I0tli of March have een received. We regret to make the following ex- ^act from the Graham's Town Journal of the 2d of February: di 'ff *8- °"r Pa',nfal duty to record another instance of 1ctl0n. amongst the Hottentot corps on the frontier, tended with the murder of an officer, and an attempt to destroy every European present. It appears that in conse- 2fePce of some dissatisfaction amongst the detachment d„ Counted Rifles at Fort Peddie, Ensign Frazer wasor- *efl thither with a relief party. Having executed his H y> he was returning to head quarters, and on his march stopped for the night at the post called Frazer's Camp. The detachlllent under his charge consisted of twenty-one men; these, as he supposed,had retired,after the close of day, <y»e?.V About ten o'clock, however, as Ensigns Frazer, Keuly, and Crowe, with Mr. Cope, of the Commissariat, ?!"e seated in-doors, three shots were fired at them, one of wnich mortally wounded Lieutenant Crowe, passing through hIs body, and then striking with considerable force Mr. who sat near hira. This was followed by a volley, ucli was fjret| frora the direction of the stables by the Whole of the mutineers, but fortunately without effect. EnsIgns O'Reilly and Frazer instantly sprung out of doors, and were so entf i-getic-especially the former—in culling for •e assistance ot the troops belonging to that post, most of "oni had retired to rest, that any further effusion of blood a* prevented.-The mutineers have since been, for the 0st part, apprehended." THE MONEY MARKET.—The aspect of the Money- market during the week has been extremely good. The slight depression which took place at the close of last week, under the apprehension that Ministers might be left in a minority upon the motion brought forward bv Sir Thomas Acland, having been completely dissi- pated on the following morning, the prices of the pub- lic securities rallied to the extent of full one-half per cent. and the improvement has since been very nearly supported. The demand for stock both for speculative and in real bargains has not been extensive throughout the week. The rate of interest obtainable upon capital has not improved, there being very little increased demand for it, owing to the absence of any extensive commercial operations.—It is not considered likely that there will be any further exports of specie to America of importance from this country for the pre- sent, either on account of the Directors of the Bank of England, or by private merchants. Upon the best calculations which have been made, the quantity of gold already sent off since it was announced that the Bank were shippers, is very nearly 2,500,0001. A continental demand has however commenced for bullion. Within the last fortnight the entries for shipment to Hamburgh and Rotterdam have been for sums amounting to be- tween 70,000 and 80,000 ounces of silver, but of this not more than about 20,000 ounces have actually bfen sent off. Should the foreign exchanges not materially differ from those which were realized yesterday, there is no ground for the supposition that the stock of bullion in the coffers of the Bank of England will for a considerable time be materially diminished. The financial details which were laid before the House of Commons last night by the Chancellor of the Exchequer have formed the principal topic of conversation among the moneyed and mercantile interests to-day. The expose is certainly of a more favourable character than was anticipated and the Funds have improved nearly 1- per cent, this afternoon, affording a very good cri- terion of the opinion entertained by moneyed men of the financial affairs of the kingdom, as exhibited by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Consols both for money and account left off at 94 £ f, and for the July account (in which already some considerable speculations have commenced) at 94-21.

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