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Wednesday and Thursday's Posts.


Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, JULY 29. PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT. PARLIAMENT was prorogued yesterday, by Commission, to the 28th of August, the state Jt of his Majesty's health not enabling him to go through the ceremony in person. At two o'clock, the Lords Commissioners being robed and srated on the Woolsack, the Usher of the Black Rod was sent to the House of Commons to command the attendance of the Speaker and Members of the House. As soon as the Speaker appeared at the bar, the Royal assent was given to several bills. The Lord Chancellor, one of the Commissioners, then proceeded, by command of his Majesty, to deliver the following must gracious SPEECH:— My LORDS AND GENTI.EXES, — We are commanded by his Majesty to acquaint you, that the Business of the Session having been brought to a close, his Maje>ty is enabled to release yoti from your attendance in Parliament. His Majesty commands us at the same time to return to you his warm acknowledgments for the zeal and diligence with which you have applied your- selves to the consideration of many subjects of great importance to the public welfare. The provisions which you have made for the regulation of the import of Corn, combining adequate protection for domestic Agriculture, with due precaution against the consequences of a deficient Harvest, will, in the confident expectation of his Majesty, promote the inseparable interests of all classes of his subjects. We are commanded by his Majesty to acquaint you, thnt his Majesty continues to receive from his Allies, and from all Foreign Powers, assurances of their friendly disposition towards this country. The endeavours of his Ma- jesty to effect the pacification of Greece, in concert with his Allies, the King of France and the Emperor of Russia, have continued unabated. His Imperial Majesty has found himself under the necessity of declaring War against the Ottoman Porte, upon grounds couceming exclusively the interests of his own dominions, and unconnected with the stipulations of the treaty of the 6th July, 1 827. His Majesty deeply laments the occur- rence of these hostilities, and will omit no effort of friendly interposition to restore peace. The determination of the Powers, parties to the treaty of ihe Oh July, TO effect the objects of that treaty, remains unchanged. His Imperial Majesty has con- sented to waive the exercise, in the Mediterranean Sea, of any rights appertaining to his Imperial Majesty in the character of a belligerent power, and to-recall the separate instructions which had been given to the Commander of his naval forces in that sea, directing hostile operations against the Ottoman Porte. His Majesty will, therefore, continue to combine his efforts with those of the King of France and his Imperial Majesty, for the purpose 01 carrying into complete execution the stipulations of the treaty of London. His Majesty commands us to acquaint you, that his Majesty had every reason to hope, when he last addressed you, that the arrangements which had been made for administering the Government of Portugal, until the period at which the Emperor of Brazil should have completed his abdica- tion of the throne of Portugal, would have secured the peace, and promoted the happiness of a country, in the welfare of which his Majesty has ever taket. the deepest interest. The just expectations of his Majesty have been disappointed; and measures have been adopted in Portugal, in disregard of the earnest advice and repeated remonstrances of his Majesty, which have compelled his Majesty, and the other Powers (If Europe acting in concert with his Majesty, to withdraw their Representatives from Lisbon. His Majesty relies upon the wisdom of the august Sovereign, the Head of the House of Braganaa, to take the course which shall be best calculated to maintain the interests and honour of that illustrious Family, and to secure the peace and happiness of the dominions over which it reigns. GENTLEMEN OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS,—We are com- manded by his Majesty to thank you for the Supplies which you have granted to him for the service of the present year. His Majesty will apply them, with the utmost regard to economy, and will continue a deliberate revision of the several public establishments, with a view to any further reduction -.h¡clJ may be compatible with the dignity of the Crown, and with the permanent interests of the country. My LORDS AND GENTLEMEN', — His Majesty commands us to congratulate you upon the general prosperity of the country, and upu.) the satisfactory state of the Public Revenue. His Majesiy contemplates the increase of our Financial Resources Wit;, peculiar gratification, on account of the decisive proof which it exhibits, that the condition of his subjects is one of progressive improvement. His Majesty commands us, in con- clusion, to assure you, that his unabated exertions will be directed to inculcate among Foreign Powers a spirit of mutual good witt,—a).J to encourage the industry, to extend the com- merce, and advance the general welfare of his own dominions. With a view to a more rapid system of operations, the Emperor of Russia has ordered the Imperial Rus- sian Guards to join the army of Prince Wittgenstein by forced marches. This i <itorroalio» has been com- municated in an article from the Banks of the Danube of the loth inst. inserted in a Paris Paper of Saturday. \t a Council of War held at Karasson, it was decided, hat as the Porte was preparing to make a serious re- stance to the Russian Army, ail means should be nploycd to penetrate as soon as possible to Con- ir>ti;uip!e. It is stated in an article from Vienna, that the Em- erur of Austria is now seriously bent upon putting ;s army on a warlike footing. A levy of 100,000 men confidently spoken of; and it is also said, that nssia has invited Austria to ttikemiiitary possession i Bosnia and Servia pro tempore. If this be true, we hink'Russia is playing a deep game with her friends at the expense of her natural foe, the Porte. If Austria can overcome her scruples of conscience, and take /advantage of this invitation, Russia will thereby be eti- abler! to concentre her armies towards Constantinople, leaving the Aiistrians to keep w.itch on. their right. I el By this means the Turks will be driven out of Europe, and Russia remain mistress of Constantinople. The Governor of Madeira, Valdez, has committed himself against Don Miguel. He issued two proclama- tions at ?i>e capital (Funchal), on 22d June, in which be denounce Don Miguel as a traitor, and after recapi- tulating Ms military services, declares that he will lay down his brad sooner than surrender the Island. He uses every Tort to rouse the energies of the inhabitants to preserve their faith to Don Pedro and the Constitu- tion. The garrison consists of a part of the 2d regiment artillery; and,if theGovernor is faithful and courageous, he can, with the greatest ease, defend the island against any force, as there is only one place of landing, and the fort completely commands it.—Terceira, one of the Azores, has declared for Miguel. The Russian squadron destined for the Mediter- ranean has at length made its appearance on our shores. Yesterday afternoon seven large men of war were seen in the offing, steering for the Downs, but it is probable they will proceed to Portsmouth. They may arrive to join Admiral Heyden, by the 20th of August, before which time the Russian army will be near Constanti- nople. It has been most distinctly and officially stated— That every individual Member of King's College, Lon- y don, will be required to attend Divine Service accord- ing to the rites, and to receive instruction in conformity with the doctrines, of the Church of England. The Annual Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Ministers is now being held in the New Chapel in the City-road—a measure of great importance is to be pro- posed at the present assembly; that of the appoint- ment of three Bishops—this, and the recent division of the society at Leeds, wilt form the principal business of the Session. Mr. Justice Park has decided, that, by the laws of England, no man, on any pretence whatever, has a right to inflict personkl chastisement on his wife. Charles Baxter, found guilty at Norwich Sessions of a conspiracy to procure a commission of bankruptcy against his brother William, for the purpose of de- frauding his creditors, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. There is a report that some of the Irish Catholic Bishops have expressed themselves in terms of indig- nation at the conduct of the Parish Priests, and have threatened to suspend some of them from the exercise for a time, of their clerical functions. The Catholic Association met in Dublin on Saturday last: Mr. O'Cortnell was present, and addressed the meeting at considerable length. He alluded strongly to the tranquil state of Ireland, as falsifying the reports which had appeared in the English papers, and defied the Government to pass any Act of Parliament which rould effectually put down the Catholic Association. A Mr. Roberts, who isdescribed as the son of a Member of Parliament, and a nephew of one of the Ministers, addressed the meeting in opposition to Mr. O'Cohnell. Notwithstanding the line of argument which he adopted, he was heard with great patience, and was afterwards replied to by Mr. Lawless. The rent list for-the week was stated to be 23021. 4s. A person who has been at the pains to ascertain the fact, states, tint of the persons who entered a celebrated gin-shop in Westminster, within a given time, the WOMEN were in the projiortion of 19 to one! r
