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-!-Wednesday and Thursday's…


Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, MAY 29. THE French papers of Saturday have beefl re- ceived. The intelligence from Madrid comes down to the 15th, and States that the Com- niamier-in-Chtef of the Army of Observation had sent an emergetic rejiresentation to the King, requiring him rither to Jet the army enter Portugal at once, or to re- move it to Taliiveyra de ia Eeym, lest it should dwindle* away to nothing by desertion. The cele- brated Silveira, uncle to the Marquis de Chaves, who SCF longmaintained the contest in Portugal, has also been sent to France, and had arrived at Bayonne, where his nephew had ior some time resided. The banishment of all the rebel Portuguese Chiefs out of the Peninsula certainly proves that there is no inten- tion on tlio part of Ferdinand to disturb the peace of that country by actual invasion, as otherwise he would no depr've himself of the services of the men best calculated to aid his views. The Princess Regent of Portugal, according to Jelters received from Lisbon, is likely to recover.—A considerable sensation has been created in that capi- tal by the sudden death of M. Agniar. Lie was the sole representave of the Emperor of Brazil at Lisbon, and was a great friend of the Charter. His physicians have let fali indications of their couvictioii that lie was poisoned Yesterday the anniversary of the Pitt Clnh was held at the City of London Tavern, Sir Thos. Gooch, Bart, in the chair. The attendance was larger than has been known formar.y years, and included 2 Dukes, 4 M*T<piisses,8Earls,6 Barons,14 Bilronets, 9 ilonuur- ables, 4'2 Members of Parliament, &c. &c. Mr. Brunei has no doubt of finally overcoming all difficulties with the Thames Tunnel. Thirteen persons in attempting to cross the Shan- non river, during a tempestuous day last week, in a crazy boat, were drowned. Eleven others, who saw the danger they were in, had a few aiiiiiitapreviously disembarked. 01 This morning John Pagtes, a letter carrier, for stealing a letter containing 4001.; Geo. Williams, for horse and sheep stealing; and Benj. Saunders, for highway robbery, attended with cruelty, were exe- cuted in front of Newgate. The price of poultry in London was perhaps never Sa high as during the past week, owing to the very lull state of the town and the unfavourableness of the season. Young fowls have been selling at 9s. each, and ducks are equally dear. MR. MACREADY.—In the New York Albion, of the 24'h March, we find the following tribute of praise to Mr. Macready, also his farewell address to the audience This gentleman has finished his Boston engagement, and on Friday last appeared for the last time in that city. His success there as an actor was beyond all precedent; and the warmth with which he was welcomed in society proves the universal respect entertained for his personal character. On the occa- sion of his benefit he was called for by his friends, and he delivered the following gracefully turned ob- servations "tidies and Genttemcn,—Ttus is the last time I can ever promise myself the pleasure of appearing before you, and I am your debtor in too L-irge an amount of kindness to pass by such an occasion with indifference or in silence. Were I insensible and vain enough to account my professional exertions exactly balanced by your liberal appreciation of them, there would still remain against me a long arrear of individual courtesy and attention; but I offer no such esti- mate of r.iy humble labours. Your approbation and patronage, deliberately accorded', and since continued tome with such unwearied' constancy, will be the frequent subjects of my proud and grateful recollection. The numerous personal kindnesses with which I have been honoured in this city, I can but adequately acknowledge, but may with confidence affirm I never can forget them. I have not sought this opportunity, Ladjes and Gentlemen, to offend your judg- ment with the empty words of adulation or compliment, but in simple truth to discharge the duty that my own feelings have made imperious on me—to tender you my parting thanks; and with the expression of every good wish that a grateful estimation of your favours can sug- gest, to bid you, respectfully, farewell."


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