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rOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. SPAIN. # THE ttrcounufrom Madrid, both in the French an J Spanish papers, are of an agitaUn* cha- racter. The Curies hive decreed the hymn of Riego, anattonat hymn, and that the 13th May, -the day of the King's return to MadfM, shaH ba a day ot mautniag to all Spaniards, and the Court is forbidden hereafter to celebrate it., In aa exiraardinary Sitting on the 18th ult. it- was resolvedj after a long debate, to declare the {wovinces which are in insurrection/ and particu- arly Cataloni*, in a state of siege This measure, it is added, extend* to every othw province where the same itioveineiits may be demonstrated. By-a late act, disbatii/ing the Royal Regiment of Carabineers, the King tta? been, stripped of even the pa«y protection .tif bra bojdy gp*rd. RUSSIA, Accounts from Sr. Petershargh, of the 10Hi of May, iiifunn us, that his Imperial IIigbnesis the Grand D«ke Nicola-s had left that;ciry du the night uf the 3d uf May, iu order to repair to the atmy which is aisetHbled ia the Grand D4chy of Li- Khtiaiiit. • RUSSI AN contract has been con- cTu Jed with Mr. Ro\hschUd, attd the amount árl- r ilqr a Vi'jced to- tlirf. Goyeronieol, is about. 9 500,0001. sterling >; & anwatvRt of; debt which will be created 4>y it is S3yU00,000 silver roubles, -which, at the fixed exchange of; the rouble, I be equivalent to n^<irly &.SOO,0OOl. in stock.— The rate of interest is 5 percent, payable half- yearly. -■ TURKEY AND RUSSIA. THurstfay, anAustrian XJbseryer paper, of the 20th,of M^'y, was an article which states, that the Porte has not only agreed to tli$demands of Russia, for lite evacuation of Wal- Uehia and Moldavia, but has proceeded to carry tHera. into execution. On tire 1st of May, it is asserted, a courier arrived at Bucharest, with or- dfrra for the Turkish troops to retire from the pro- vincesin question, and on the 8th they began tlieir ,!tftàt'ch"bumèwards. A similar order' for the depar- ture of the Ottomans way received at J assy. Tiie Same article further states, that at Constantinople --thit-religiotis festivals of the Greeks, during Easter, were conducted with the must perfect order, under > the special protection of the police. An express from Paris on Monday brought the .Constit *utiutitiet of Saturday last, containing an aljegej Manifesto from the Emperor of Russia to tiie Allied powers ot Europe, developing the prin- ciples upon whtcti the recent negociations with the I Ottoman Government had been conducted, and ^announcing the nrm deterrmnatto't of his Imperial -Majesty to obtain liy (prceoi arms, if other methods •. the objects for which he had cuntend-ed. That it will turn out to be a fabriration is extremely fvb fr "i, -n e probable, bn)E (fu<M interne evidehce alone, we >hould not feel ourselves warranted to pronounce i. CHINA. ".v £ *fract of a letter dated i>ri board the ship far- Qiiarson, in the Chops, of the Citannd, 2Tth M *y, IttSS;—" The cause of otir detention (which has, v tiottbilvs*, by this time; created some anxiety) was occasioned by an unlortunatc quarrel which took place between tiier seamen of his Majesty's ship t Topaaejand the inhabitants on the island of Lentin, in which three of the Chinese were killed. The Chinese insisted that three of the sailors should be <Uliv«red up, which Captain Richardson could not ^*16^ As their law is positive that Irfe shall be for- feited for life, whether the death be accidental or iatentiotfaj, they put a stop to all trade with the English, in oriler to force compliance. We, fortu- nately,happened to be r|adyfor »ea; and, after betl11. detained for four or five weeks, in order that we uiight bring home favourable accounts, were dispatched, as things daily assumed a more serious appearance." It would seem, that in case of violent death, the Chinese acknowledge no distinction. The dor- • tfines of manslaughter, justiifable homicide* &c. all those*niceties ot' the English iaw are unknown j to them and every case.of viulent death by the 1 "hands of a foreiguer Is in be treated and piirVislied as wilful murder. This was: the law lately dealt out to a poor American sailor. A pot was thrown overboard by the unfartunite man, by which a Chinese womm was killed, and he Was given up bv his captain, and expiated his offence with bis Ide." The price of tea has risen, in- consequence of the the Chi^a trade;,

;;/;;'IRELAND.-' .


