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House School» TyANTED, at the above Establishment, v immediately after the Midsummer Vaca tion, .in experienced WRITING-MASTER and ACCOUNTANT. experienced WRITING-MASTER and ACCOUNTANT. He must be well acquainted with the Commercial Depart- ment or a School, and well versed in English Composition, it is also requisite that he should possess a persuasive man- ner of teaching, and delight in the improvement of the ioung Gentlemen placed under his tutelage. It is an ob- ject ot paramount importance that he should be a correct English Scholar, whereby the Pupils may acquire a correct pronunciation and emphasis. Those to whom domestic comforts form an object of soli- citude will find the above a very desirable situation. AppJy -if by letter post paid) addressed to the Principal, ..with reterence for, testimimials of abiiitics and moral con- duct. Swansea House, May 28, J822. 1 CARDIFF SUBSCRIPTION THE EELIEF OF THF/DISTRESSEO IRISH. A T a MEETING of the INHABITANTS iT { £ »% ,T,n aJd ^E'g'ibourhood of CARDIFF, held Ma* igaf Cardiff, on Saturday, the 25th day of PMCHARD 4-JOHN 13LRD, Esqrs. Bailiffs, r> IN THE CHAIR; K^otved unanimously, That Subscription be immediately entered into for the ^le Distressed Poor in Ireland. Th.tlt the Rev. Thomas Stacey, John Homfray, Thomas Charles, and Edward Priest Richards, Esqrs. he appointed a Committee, for the purpose of receiving and collecting oubscnptions, and of remitting the amount to the General Tl>m,Uee 'n London. \liese Solutions be printed and circulated through-. ut the lown sind Neighbourhood, and that they be inserted II). the next Cambrian, with a List of Subscribers. WM. PRICHARD, JOHN BIRD. Ine Bailiffs having left the Chair, Resolved unanimously, that the Thanks of this Meeting are due to them for their attention to the business of the day, and for the promptitude eviuced hy them in convening (he Meeting. SUBSCRIPTIONS. o „ « £ • s. d.. of.sil torpotatlon of Car- Mrs. Daniel. 0 10 0 *d«ff 5 5.0. T.W.Booker,'Esq. Wtn. Priehard, Esq. 110 Velindra l 1 0 John Bird, Esq 1 10 Mr. David Evans 0 5 0 John:Richards, Esq. 2 2 0 J. II. Smith, Esq.1 10 John Honifrav, Esq. 2 2 ,0 Mr. C. Vachell, jun. 1 0.0 S,e^TIios. Stagey.. 2 0 Mr. Edw. Bird 0 10 0 *tV ^'chards, Esq. 2 2 0 Thos. Thomas, Esq. 10 0 Ihoa. Charles, Esq. 2 2 0 Mr. N\ French 0 5 0 J. M. Richards, E»q. 1 10 Dr. Moore, Roath., 1 10 James Lewis, Esq. 1 1*0 Rev. Thos. Davies, Miss Hill. l 10 VVe'nvoe 1 10 Mrs. Miers g 2 0 Rev. T. Davies, jun. 1 1 0 l-fayJLynch Biosse 1 1 0 ■Capt. Davies, R.N. Mrs. Coles 1 0 0 Wenvoc .1 l 0 Mrs. Ashwell 1 0 0 Mr. John Edv .0 1<W> Mr. Joseph Wfteeler 0 10 0 Mr. Thos. Hopkins.. 0 10 0 Henry Wil^ms, Esq. -Mr. Wm. Thomas 0 10 0 Boffp-nFrwd. 1 1() Richard Hill, Esq. J. W. Bennett, Esq. 1 Ml Landaff House 5 (1.0 Mrs. Bennett l 1 0 Mr. Samuel Dimoud 0 10 0 r. E.G. Flight ..1 10 Messrs. Savery,Tow- ■Lteut.-Cid. Brown, good & Co 2 S O Landaff i 1 () Thos. Bourne, Esq. 1 10 Major Bourne .1 10 Mr. Charles Vachelll 10 Misses Ba««ett. 1 10 Mr. Wm. Vachell 0 10 0 Messrs. Lloyd l 1 Q Subscriptions continue to be received by the Rev. Thos. Stacey, John Homfray, Thos. Charles, and E. P. Richards. Esqrs. Cardiff. SUBSCRIPTION for the RELIEF of the STARVING POOR of IRELAND having been entered into at COVVB RIDGE and its Vicinity, the fallow- Sums have been receded: t> t .■ £ •s- £ •s• d. nV' (Thos. Bassett, Esq. t;e,nWr^geM s 0 Welsh St- Domit'8 0 10 6 T t Major TayHton, Cow- Landough Gastle 2 2 0 bridge. r> -in r Miss Nidi oil, Ham 2 o V TSt V 10 6. Two Friends to the f ^vnton, Esq. do. 0 10 6 2 00 Uteris isl 1 1 •'■ °1 ° mann, Peniline 1 10 Mr. Tamplin, ditto 0 5 0 A. D.. s 1 0 0 Mrs^ Salmon. ditto*'» 0 so Mrs. Powell, Cow- i Mrs. Davies, White- J bridge 1 0 0 Hart inn, ditto o 5 0 Kev. Edw. Morgan, Miss Bevan, ditto •• o 5 0 J bridge 1 0 0 Hart inn, ditto o 50 Rev. Edw. Morgan, Miss Bevan, ditto •• o 5 0 Lanbletbian .1 0 0 Mr. Kennedy, ditto 0 5 0 Robert Savours, Esq. Five Farmers o 5 0 Aberthin 1 0 0 By contributions in The Servantsjof Lieut. sums of Jess than C»l. Morgan 0 12 0 5s. each' g 5 g Subscriptions will be received by. FriiiicisTaynton, Fsq. .;t tend the Rev. H. S. Plumptre, until Tuesday evening, June the 4th, when the Accounts will be closed, and the sum collected transmitted to the Committee in London, fot the *eiief of the Poor in Ireland. Cowbridge, May 29,1822. Neath, May 29, JS^S. T-TAVIN.G received a Requisition, numerously ^sp^tably sifned, callitiz upon me to AP- J> OINT » MEETING of the INHABITANTS of NEATH txtt11?? ^'S'lbourhoofl, for the purpose of CONSIDER- «mi ■nwlF^nci^CONTRIBUTING to the RETJKF, a,'d STARVING FELLOW-STI li- •toi fcJd t.do herebv appoint a'MEETING mIS f Vlgi!l,"1c^cTOU'N*HALL. NEATH, on aioinin" e JUNE, at eleven o'clock in the D4VID MORGAN, Portreeve. NEWPORT-SCHOOL, W- MONMOUTHSHIRE, 0?e m -Mb of June, and Re-open on the PI i5t/i of juh/. 1 and Latin cLssW^Ihe0^8 Gl"^k and accuracy, the French'T an J Mtmost degree of extent the Mathematics, Navigation -ind^r' ?ntl eYer.V Branch' of introductory to the UniversitVes Accom>ts, is .i»n,. to tlJe Learned Prolesaion^ ahd .Iw r'V m<*nts of Trade "e higher depart- Mr. M'CARTHY is always assisted bv Onr^to respectable character, and superior auaPnn emHn,?110'1 neiicem their several departments. Us and exp«- 1 he Premises are spacious, airy, and remarkahlv n replete w,th every requisite for'^convenience and 1 rhy' A constant system of'vigilance and ins!,ocU?HrenM1<t' an(1 decorous conduct of the Bovs —al1fi 1 p eventuig irregularities almost entirely supersedes th» cesstty ot any rigour. BU^rbcae. tl)e ne. The best provisions of every sort that the market- nff« 1 «re served t„ them, witl.out.,Iimitnti„n or rplme. The tmpulou^ attention is paid to everv thincr rensnmKi "ected with their health, cleanliness Wt and religious deportment. 1 c<»"'orts, and With the sincerest feelings .of cratitnrlp ,1 t u r eountenance Hl»d flatterirfg.spprobation "^1, .lIl,e ,hbe1ra! been honoured (or twctveVears. Mr M'C D k"e has assure his friends and the Public, that he vvinTH^ T '"s future efforts.—References to m in, ? I -relax ,n P»»»eJtioi» of the School o- to ™° -resPe':tab!e -^ifil'buurhooti afNevipolom\ 0 '19 Glamorganshire Canal Navigation. Glamorganshire Canal Navigation. NOTICE is hereby given, that the ANN UAL GENERAL MEETING or ASSEMBLY of the COMPANY of PROPRIETORS of this NAVIGATION will be held at the Cardiff-Arms Inn, in the town of Cardiff; on Wednesday the 5th day of June next, attbc; hout of eleven in the forenoon. THOS. REECE, j Clerk to the said Company. "] Navigation House, May 21,1822. I AT a MEETING, holden at the Town-hali^ Swansea, on the 27th May, 1822, pursuant to an Ad- vertisement in the Cumbrian Newspaper, JOHN CHARLES COLLINS, M.D. Portreeve, IN THE CHAIR It was Resolved, That although the present laws relating to the settlement and removal of the poor, like all other liu- mao institutions, are not devoid of imperfecliolls, jet, when properly and humanely carried into execution., they appear to this Meeting to be the best system wliich has hitherto been proposed to Parliament lor securing the freedom of emigration to the industrious in want of employment, im- posing necessary and salutary-restraints upon the profligate and idle, and creating the most equal distribution of the expenses attendant upon the maintenance of the poor. Resolved, Secondly, That the positiun, so frequently ad- vanced—" That the parish which has enjoyed the benefits arising from the labour of a person in health and vigour should in justice maintain him in age and poverty"-— how- ever spacious and plausible in appearance, is, upon exa- niination, fallacious and untrue; the very principle of his 'emigration from his native parish being necessity f>nd want -of employment, which must otherwise have been supplied" from the poor's rates at home the benefits therefore are re. ciprocal as between the manufacturer and his parish, and it is unreatonabie in the latter to expect to cast the expense of his maintenance, not upon the manufacturer who has em ployed him, but upon the farmers and residents ill the pa- rish who have reaped no benefit from his labour. Resolved., Thirdly, That any mode of obtaining a settle- ment or right of claiming parochial relief founded exclu- 'I c e sively upon the basis of residence, would be the means of collecting such an overwhelming concourse of paupers in the districts adjoining large manufactories and works, that the increase ol poor's rates would become absolutely insup- portable, and exceed in some ca-ses the amount of the fee- simple of the several parishes and that the town of Swan- sea, irom its situation in this respect, would be peculiarly exposed to snch ruinous consequences. Resolved, Fourthly, That this Meeting is fufty aware of I the great proportion of the poor's urates expended in some parishes in removals and appeals but they are disposed to attribute such circumstances rather to the inattention of their respective officers than to any radical defect in the existing laws, as in the town and franchise of Swansea, con- sisfinn of about 12,000 soul". t!K:re has been no money ex- pended in law, and only c £ 7% for removals, in the space of four years last past. Resolved, Fifthly, That for the reasons above expressed, this Meeting has heard wiihtilarnvand disnray, that a Bill has been introduced into the House of Commons abrogating the Laws of Settlement, and substituting aright of Main- tenanCe in Paupers, without even a temporary residence in a Parish, thereby giving great encouragement to vagrancy -and deception, by permitting persons of such habits to select the parish to be charged with their support, imposing unjust and insupportable burthens upon particular districts, ope- rating most powerfully tro) the detriment of the really unfor- nate and impotent, by holding out inducements to fraud, oppression, and cruelty, as the means of driving them else- where, and at the same time throwing the whole kingdom, as far as concerto the maintenance of the poor into inex- tricable confusion. l§Resolved, Sixthly, That the third ctause in the said Bill, proposing to relieve parishes wherein workmen reside, but who are employed elsewhere, and become chargeabte for want of work, is futile and inefficient, as it leaves the aged and Impotent, with their families, to be supported where they reside and in the indemnity proposed in the former case, by application to the Sessions for the taxation.of other parishes 111 aid, the power of inspection of overseers'ac- counts, and the ultimate appeal against their propriety and accuracy, it opensa more fruitful and inexhaustible source ot dissention, Htigati-on, and expense, than a combination seltlcjiuent cases whick can arise under those laws which it proposes to supersede. Resolved, Seventhly, That a Petition to the Honourable the House of Commons, formed upon the basis of the above Resolutions, praying that the above Bill may not pass into a Law, and that no Bill be enacted giving a right of Settle- I, ment to Paupers, grounded exclusively upon residence, be prepared by the Portreeve, the Rev. Mr. Hewson, and Mr. Sockett; and thai the same do remain for signatures at the I own-Hall until Wednesday evening, and that tie said Pe;ition be then forwarded to the Member l«r the County, with a request that he will be kind enough to pre- I sent It to the House of Commons; and that the Membets for the County and Boroughs be respectfully solicited to give the prayer of the Petition their utmost Parliamentary support. Thatn copy of these Resolutions be sent to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, and that he be respectfully solicited to support the prayer, of the Petition, if the Bill should arrive at tlie Upper House. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Member for the Boroughs, for his attention in sending a copy of the Bill to the Portreeve. That the above Resolutions be inserted in the Cambrian, New Times, and Morning Chronicle Newspapers. „ f JOHN CHARLES COLLINS. llesolved, That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Iwrtreeve, for his early attention to the Requisition, and tor his able and impartial conduct in the Chair. THE ■M '-LONDON -<•-GENUINE -TEA" | .COMPANY- 1 23, ] XlTDG ATE-H II4 L, LONTJON, To prevent the Impositions daily practised on the Public, acquaint their Friends, that the following are their only authorized Agents in this vicinity, who have the East India Company's Teas on Sale, in pounds, halves, and quarters, packed in Lead, and sealed Miss J. GEO VE, Wind-street, SWANSEA ABERYSTW [ III P. A. BOWLER; ABERY5TWITH T. GRIFFITHS; BEAUMARIS II. LLOYD; BRIDGEND D. THOMAS; CARDIFF W. Bird; CARDIGAN C. LEWIS; CARMARTHEN J. BAGNAIL and Co. CARMARTHEN M. RusnFORTit; CARNARVON W. Ov. fs COWBRIDGE T. LLEWELLYN, Jun. CRIClfHOVVELL. M; DA VIES; DENBIGH VV• EDWARDS DOLGELLY WILLIAMS and DAVIES HAVERFORDWEST J. POL-TER; HOLYWELL .I.JONES; LLANELLY D. DAVIES; LLANFYLLIN •• J. DAVIES; MEilTHYR-TYDFIL II: JONES.; NEATH J. BSNTI-EY 4 NEWTOWN .T.JONES; PEMBROKE WiLjior and BARCLAY; PWLLHELI W. HUGHES; SOLVACH J.HOWELL; TEN BY J. STEVENS WREXHAM .> A. TYS. I WANTED immediately, a YOUNG MAN, who I;as- a thorough knowledge; of the LINE'N and WOOLLEN D R A P E R Y BUSINESS;—likewise, an APPftEN l ICE. with whom a small Premium will be ex- pected. Apply (if by letter, post-paid) to J. and E. Jones, Cam- brian House, Neath. .A N G EL-l N N,'C.ARD IFF. william" DAVIS BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his HOUSE-WARMING is fixed for PuESD.AY the 4th of JUNE, when hèmosl respectfully invites the honour of their attendance to Dinner at four o'clock. • W. D. will feei obliged to those who intend dining by taking their, 1 ickets on orbcfore the Saturday preceding the Dinner. Tickets, One Guinea each, to be had (it the Bar of the Angel. Wick Tree Bridge Tolls. lVTOTlCE is hereby given, that the TOLLS i-arising at the TOLL GATE on the Bridge across the River Tawe, called the WICH TREE BRIDGE, wil! he LET by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the Guiid- hail, in Swansea, on Monday, the 3d day of June next, be- tween the houis of twelve and two, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his Ma- jesty King George the Third, For regulating thfe Turnpiike Roads." Whoever happens to be the best bidder must. at the same time, give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfac. tion of the lrustees of the said Bridge, for the payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. THOS. GROVE. Clerk to the Trustees of the said Bridge. Swansea, 6th May, 1822. Aberdare Turnpike Trust. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS due and payable at the several GATES on this ROAD (and at the Toll Gate, Bar, or Chain, intended to be set up, or erected, at or near the Navigation-House, situated, lying, and being at, upon. or near Craig Evan Lteyson) will be • LET by AUCTION, at the dwelling- house ot Mr. Levi Thomas, commotdy called and known «rC Par°j l',e ^'ac'Lion, in the village of Aberdare, 011 Wednesday tlie 12th of June next, between the hours of twelve and one o'clock. for such a term and subject to such conditions as shall be then and there agreed upon. WATKIN POWEL. Clerk to the Trustees. 2.*)th May, 1822. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, OR TttÉ FREEHOLD AMD INHERITANCE TO BE SOLD, IF PREFERRED, A Very neat DWELLING, delightfully situ- r^ a(ed on an eminence, called NEWCASTLE COT- r ■» c'Qse t° ll'e market-town of Bridgend, in the county ot Glamorgan, in a sporting country of great celebrity, the neighbourhood affording two packs of excellent hounds, and coal and provisions of every description very moderate; consisting of a parlour, drawing-room, and large pantry, kitchen, laundry, and five bed-rooms, with a spot of ground behind, and a garden in front of the House, and within a 1 11 couple of hundred yards of the parish church, and not more than four miles from the sea, and a quarter of a niile of a capital (rout stream. Further particulars may be known by application to Mr. Thos. Morgan, Soiicitor, Neati); or Mr. Griffiths, Solicitor, Bridgend. No letters attended to unless the postages are paid. ->- FREEFTOLD E-STATE, NEAR SWANSEA. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A Most desirable and commodious MARINE VILLA, called VERANDA, with Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, and 44 Acres of Land, in a high state of cultiva- tion, silllale at the short distance of two miles west of Swansea, half a mile from the sea, and commannmg an entire view of Swansea Bay and the Coasts adjacent. The Edifice constructed in the cottage style of architec- ture) is spacious and replete with every convenience 5 it comprises, in tlie basement, good cellaring on the principa) story, a vestibule entrance, circular staircase, private and servants' stnircates. breakfast, dining, and dfawing-rooms, gentleman's dressing-room, servants'-hall, housekeeper s and butler's rooms, kitchen, scullery, pantries, and store- room. washiiouse, laundry, brewhouse, &c. the bed-room r story consists of a lady's room, 9 bed-rooms, with dressing- rooms; a water-closet, and five bed rooms for servants, j The principal Stable is stalled for six horses, with harness- I room adjoining. The common Stable contains three stalls, J arid has a loft over it. A Coach-house to contain two Carriages; and a Barn and Cart-house. The pleasure-grounds, plantations, and gardeits, are ju- diciously arranged. The garden is walled and has two hut- houses* each 83 feet in length; Adjoining the garden is an d d Orchard. The hothouses, gardens, and orchard are ex- tremely well planted with vines and fruit-tree, of superior classes, The premises have a constaiit supply of water, both by spring and punil). Further particulars, and Tickets to viev the premises, may be obtained bv applying to Messrs, Berriugton and Jenkins, Solicitors, Swansea.. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, For a term of years, and entered upon immediately j THE FOLLOWING PLR E V lJESIRABLE PREMISES: AN excellent well-'bUilt modern HOUSE, called KILVEY MONT, with about 83 Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, within a ring fence, situated in the parish of Lansamlet, and about two miles and a hatf irom the town of Swansea. The Land isJwell situated 011 a gentle declivity* and is easily capable of very great improvement. ,) Also, the COLLIERY, now working under the above Estate. The quality of the Coal is so well-known as to render it superfluous to say any thing in its praise-• the quantity raw raised finds a ready market in Swansea, and the Coal Work may be opened on a larger scale, and worked above-level, at a trifling expense, to great ad- vantage. It would be preferred to let the above as one concern, to the same person. Also, EAGLE'S Bt.lSM COLLIERY, situate near the Town, Canal, and River of Neath, now working, and partly supplying Neath, with Coals. A Rail or Tram-road runs from the Pit's mouth to the Neath Canal, and there is an excellent Wharf or Shipping place at Britoii-ferry, near the mouth of the river.—This Colliery also possesses the advantage of being easily worked above level, at a compa- rative trifling expense.—Any quantity of Land will he let with it. Alio, Several HOUSES and a large COURT of PIECE of GROUND, eligibly situated for building purposes, in Neath, and at Melincrythan, an adjoining vijjage. No persons will be treased with whose characters, re- sponsibility, and references are not, in the first instance, of undeniable respectability. For further particulars and to treat for any part of the Premises application may be made, post-paid, to Mr Herbert Edward Evans, Solicitor. Eagle's Bus]) and to Messrs. Berrmgtonand Jenkins, Solicitors, Swansea- Messrs. Deere and Cook, Solicitor Cowbridge and Robt] Price, Esq. Solicitor, 8, New Inn.London.atwhose Offices I Maps of the Estates may be seen. 1 I TOWN OF SWANSEA. TO BE LET, AFTJ> ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY ^pwo newl>-built DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in Wa-sal-street, in the town i)f Swansea, each comprising a well-proportioned drawing-room, parlour, and three bed-rooms; two kitchens and other domestic accom- modations with a small garden and pump fit excellent water, i lie above premise? are pleasantly situated,. and command an extensive view of the Bflyalld Harbour of Swansea. For particulars apply to Mr. Price, Solicitor, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE* TO- BE ANfew-buiH COTTAGE, in the* vilfagg of NORTON, fit for the reception of a small genteel family, with a large Garden, and good Water convenient, very favourable for sea-bathing, being within 300 yards of the shore, and where a coach passes twice a day between Swansea and the Mumbles. The view of the Bav and sur- rounding country from the house is remarkably grand. For further particulars apply (if by letter posl-paid) to Mr. J. Morgan, Land surveyor, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE LEASE (of which 19 years are unex- A pired) of a STONE COAL & CULM COLLIERY, called The VENALT COLLIERY, in the several parishes of Glyncorrwg and Lantwit, near Neath. contiguous to the Neath Canal; together with the Roads, Tram-plates, Wag- gons, and other Effects. ? This Colliery has been opened at a considerable expense by a level; distant from the Giant's Grave Wharfs, on the River Neath, about eleven miles, and extends under a sur- face of many hundred acres, containing a great supply of coal. well worth the notice of persons wishing to embark in the Coal and Culm Trade. For particulars enquire of Mr. John Hay, Lamb and Flag, Cwm Neath; or at the Office of Mr. Lewis Thomas, Solicitor, Swansea. All letters post-paid. j PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE SOLD RY PRIVATE CONTRACT rrHEFREEHOLD MESSUAG E, FA IIM, i. and LANDS, called GREAT HOOK. situate in the parish of Brawdy, in the county of.Pembroke ctnnprisinr a substantial Dwelling-house and Office' with 9(1 A. Ill 10P. of excellent Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Lands. The Premises have been fur many years in the occupa. tion of the present Proprietor, and are within a short dis- tance of lime, coal, and sand. The Dwelling-house was erected about ten years ago, is in good repair, and very commodious in every respect, and fit for the residence of ageiiteel family. A constderabfe part of the purchase money may remain on Mortgage, if required, and possession will be given at Michaelmas next, or sooner if desired. For further pnrticulatsapply (if by letter, post-paid), to the Proprietor, John Roberts, Esq. who will shew the Farm; to Messrs. Goode and Son. Lawisuf\'evors, Haver' fordwest; or to Thomas Mathias, Attorjiey-at Law, Haver- fordwest, at whose Office a Map of the Premises may be seen. MERTHYR-TYDFIL. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, t> c ,By J9hN LLEWELYN, By order of the Assignee of the Estate and Effects of Daniel Wu.iams, late of the parish of Vaynorj in the county ot Brecon, Miner, an Insolvent Debtor, at the Castle-inn, in the town of Merthyr-Tydfil., in the county of Glamorgan, on Wednesday the 19lh day "f Tune, 1821, between the hours of three and six o'clock in the after- 11 noon of the same day, subject to such conditions ot sale as shall be then and there produced, A LEGACY of £ 100, charged on a Free- hold Estate, in the parish of Llauvetherine. in the county of Monmouth, and payable in twelve months'after the decease of u person who is now about 70 years of a'te. For particulars apply to Mr. W. Perkins, Solicitor, Mer- thyr-lydfil; or to the Auctioneer, at the same place. Any application by letter must be post-paid. SOUTH WALES. BRECONSHIRE and GLAMORGANSHIRE. SlOST KI.IOI13I.E FREEHOLD ESTATES FOR SALE. rFMlE GLAMORGANSHIRE ESTATE and part 1 of that in BHECONSHIEB, consisting of the under- J meutioned 1 FARMS and LANDS Witt BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION, By Mr. HOWELL W ILLIA LIIS, At the Castle-inn. Merthyr-Tydvil, on Monday, tfie 8th day of July, 1822, between tlie hours of three-fcind four o'clock in the afternoon, in the following or 'suctt ether lots as shaH then arranged, and subject to certain conditions of sale to be then produced j Lots. Names of Farms. Varishes, Quantities. j A. U P. 1. 1 nys-y-gamlyn .*• Abertlnre 67 0 19 r 2. ^art of Tir-y-Cwm Farm ditto 9% (t 6 3. Remainder of ditto (tttto r6 '() 16 l ,4..Gelly Tarw. Penderin H3 0 22 5. ditto l £ 5 3 ill 6. Part of Pontstikill Vayuor 40 0 19 7. A- Cottace, Garden, and part ) of ditto diUo 0 1 9 8. A Cottage, Garden, Laud, i called Tirbach* t- j ditto 0 2 25 9. ACh seot'^ou'l Meadow Land ) part of Erw'r Eglwys 5 ditto t 2 28 10. A Croft, part of ditto ditto 0 0 38 S3* The property comprised in the above lots is situate tonty five miles Iromthe great Iron Manufactories at Merthyr Tyd vil; and lots 1 and 2 contain V eins of Iron Ore. THE It EM A lis BER OF THE BRECONSHIRE ESTATE j Will be otferedfor Sale at the Old Lion inn, in the town of Brecon, on Wednesday the toth day of July, 1822, be. tween the hours of three and four o'clock in the after- noon, in the undermentioned or such other lots as sit-ill be then arranged, «iui subject to Certain conditions of sale to be then produced Lots. Names of Farms. I Parishes< Quantities A- R P. 11. Errwd Farm Crickadarn 32 2 1 12. A Close of Meadow Land, f !eri! part 'of U»'' Hii'ne fprm '(j 13. Blaenniitil Maimio.i-IIimsc & > Demesne < Llanvigan l.»l 1 27 14. Cwrabiiiiw ». ditto 312 0 28 15. Plaes-y-Gare V. Cantreff" it,} 3 7 This Estate forms in every respect a naost desirable in- vestment. The Mansion-house of BLJcnnantis situate in a most picturesque part of the country, comrnarlding a viev of part of the celebrated vale of Usk, and is well adapted for the residence of a genteelfalllily within four miles of the excellent niarket-to.vn of Brecon, aud within two of the great road from Milford to London. The respective Tenants will shew the several lots; and for further information apply to Mr. Lewis M n ris, at Blaen- nant; or at the Offices of Mr. Davies, Land Asent, LlJn- gattock, near Crickiiowen; or of Messrs. Powell, J<,nes,' and Powell, Solicitors, Brecon, where printed particulars ¡' w'il! he delivered/and at the latter place tlie Maps may be seen. The postage of all applications by letter must be paid. 1 1 SWANSEA. To BE L E% And may be entered upon on the 29lh September next, ALL that very desirable MESSUAGE, si* » t",a'o "A 90at*street» now in the occupation of Mr. Rowiaud, Solicitor. c Apply to Mrs. Manne, Burrows. Swansea, May 29, 1822. I: — ■ | COWHRtDGE. TO BE LET, A SITTING-ROOM and One or Two BED-» ROOMS, neatly FUSNISHED, with the uss of the Kitchen. For particulars apply to Mr. H. Davies, draper, &c. Cowbridge if by letter, post-paid- > FAT CATTLE AND SHEEP. TO BE SOLD, At Arlington, FIFTEEN Head of very superior CATTLE* that have been feeding ever since May 18'21 • aJso Twenty-four very FAT SHEEP, about lPib. a quarter, by Survey, at Coulshead, parish of Arlington, at three o'clock T,j r., oh Thursday, the sixth of June. Arlington, near Barnstaple, May 2.5, 1822. TO BE LET. EJflSflED TJPON IMMEDIATELY, PARI MEN IS, coosisting of one dining- XA. room, two bed rooms, and one drfessing-room, sittats at Aberdvlais, in the parish of Cadoxton, .about two miles from Neath, and ten miles from Swansea, commanding a most beautiftt) prospect of the vale of Neath. io .t pleasant situation for sporting and fishing, the rivers Neath and Dylais meeting within a few yards of the premises, and lately occupied by three gentlemen; For particulars apply to Mr. John Bakery at Dylais of Neath. J CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (By virtue and in pursuance of the Gerneu'r-glyn Inclosure Act), At tire Gogerddan-Arnis-inn, in the town of Abervstwith, it, the said county, on Monday, the loth day of June. 18^?,-between.tlie hours of I hree and six in the afternoon, subject 10 coudinons to be then produced, SEVERAL PIECES or PARCELS of va. luable MARSH LANDS, adjoining or near to the navigable River Dovey, in the several parishes of Llanfi- Itangel Geneu'r-glyn and Llanganfelin, containing together byadmeasurement 293 Acres, a little more or less, nnd divided into IS different lots for the convenience of pttr. chasers. 1 and particulars of such lots are left for inspection at the Office of Jolm Jenkins, Esq. 14, Red-Lion-square, Lon* don and at the Office of James Morice, Esq. North Parade, Aberystwitli, the latter of whom will on application direct a person to shew the said Jots; PANTGLAS HOUSE. And valuable extensive EST AT ji of nearly 1700 Acres At Llanf ynijdd, near Llaiidilo, hi Carmarthenshire. .1 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. DRIVER, At the Auction Mart, London; 011 Thursday, the 20th of1 June, 1822, at twelve o'clock, unless previously disposed of by private contract. HP HE very desirable and capital FREEHOLD J- ^NTGLAS consisting of a commo- dious Mansion-house, seated in a Pnddock of about 60 Acres, with good Garden, Orchard, Plantation and Lawn, excellent Farm Buildings and Domestic Oiffces, and sundry tenements and Farms, containing together above SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN AC!tF.s, in the occupation of divers persons. .[■? "bnve is in the parish of Llanfynydd, commanding trn iV ytews of the beautiful vale of Towy. Grongar H'M. Drus ,wVn Castle, and the Grounds of Golden Grove and Middleton Hal, about six miles fiom IJandiio. nine from the capital town of Carmarthen, and a short distance Irom the main turnpike-road leading from London to Mil- r,j r a exceedingly compact, within a rin £ r-fence* and forms a most desirable properly either for the Capitalist or as a-lleai'dence it abounds with a great variety of game, and is in a fine sporting country. »nd will he sold in one lot. or together with the whole or any part of sundry other TENEMENTS and FARMS, part of the.same Estate, containing about nine HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT ACRES, in the occupation of sundry other Tenants, lying also in the same parish and in the parish of Llanegwad, but detached from the bulk of the Estate. yet offering a good opportunity for an investment, and affording great amuse- ment to the sportsman The Mansion-house and principal lot may be viewed on appliciAiori to Nicholas Burnell Jones. Esq. at Pamelas House; and the remainder of the Estate upon application to the respective Tenants. Printed Specifications may be had at the Castle. Brecon Whiie-Liou.Carmarthen; Wet-inn. Abergavenny Bear; yvind.fo; at the Auction-\1 an, Loudon of Messrs. Ber- rmaton aiid Jenkins, Solicitors, Svfansoaatid of Messrs. Uriver, Surveyors and Land Agents, New Bridge-street. London, where Plans of the Estates mav be seen, and who are:awlhorisedtu Ire;lt for the same by private contract. DILIOIJS AND LIVEU. COruPLAINTS /V S a mild and effectual re'iisdv for all those i- disorders which originate in a vitnred action 'of the Lifer and Bilian Organs, name!Y, in-DIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE, If fio-ACUE. HEA.RTB'JRN. F L A TO t,E{JCI E8» SPASMS, COSIlVKNESS. AFFtCTlONS OF THE LIVER, &C. DIXON's ANI 1 BILIOUS PlLI.N have titei v-iti) more general approval that) ,any othcf Medicine whatsoever, they unite every rPCOitMnendanon o| mild operation with successful effect, and require no restraint or Confinement whati-ver during their use. Ir. tropical^chiiiates, where Hie consequences of redundant and vitiated bile are so'preva- lent and alarming, they are an invaluable and efficient pro- tection. They are likewise peculiarly calculated to correct disorders arising from excesses of the table, to restore the tone of the stomach, and to remove most complaints oc- casioned by irregularity of ihe bowels. Sold in. boxes at 2s. 91., 6 s, Is and 22s., by Rot let's Chemists, No. 4, Cheapside; London; 20, Waterloo-place' Edinburgh, and :i4, Sackvi lie-street, Dublin and bv the principal Medicine Venders throughout the Untied Kine- dom. FOR CORNS, BUN IONS, &c. MORRfS's ROYAL BRUNSWICK CORN- PLASTER, prepared from a Recipe belonging to iter tote Majesty, given to the proprietor by his late Houal Highness the Unke of Kent, avd now in general use by the onw I It liOijQltamdy. It is tin excellent remedy for eradicating the corns without the least pain or inconvenience. «»id" will prove a very, nseiul fMIDI: y plaster for fresh wounds and scatcts, likewise for bunions. The efficacy of this plaster of,ii,iri plaster answers beyond all expectation, of which numbers are ready to testify, ?jnd those of the' first respectability, wiierein its utility has been proved in emir-ly «r«tiicat:iyg the corns and giving relief to those who have hard lleshy substances at tlie bottom oftheir feet. Prepared by G. Morris, Chemist to tlie CLo\ a! Family, Kensington, and sold in boxes at 1s. ttd.- and'ss. 9d. by Butler's, Chemists, No. 4 Cheapside, London y(). Wa- terloo place, Edinburgh, and 3L Sackviile-street, Dublin and by the principal Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom. N. 13. Purchasers are requested to ask ld"Mhtt It 'IS' Brunswick Corn Plaster, and to observe the name and address of ''Butler, 4, Cheapside," are engraved on the stamp,at- tached to each box, to distinguish tJie Genniuq front IMI- TATIONS unde-r similar titles.