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GLAMORGANSHIRE. SHERIFFS ORDINARY. THE GENTLEMEN who purpose honour- ing THE SHERIFF with their COMPANY lo MEET the JUDGES, are .respectfully informed that there will be an ORDINARY at the CAHDITF -AUMS INN, Cardiff, on Toekday-, tire 10th instant. Dinner on the tabic at-three o'clock precisely. Cardiff, .April 3, J 821. AN APPREN TICE WANTED by an Iron- .n)oi|gex in a town in Glamorganshire, a respeciably connected yomigMaii of the age of fourteen years, or there- abouts, who can write a good hand. He will have to live with the principal, and a suitable premium will be expected. Application to he made-to the Editor of this Paper, who will givetlie necessary reference. LONDON HOUSE, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA, JL Repository for cheap and fashionable Silks, Laces, Shawls, Scarf's, Muslins, 4'C. REES~EVANS RESPECTFULLY announces to the Inhabi- tants of Swansea and its vicinity, that he has opened the above Shop with a new and extensive Stock of the above- mentioned articles; consisting of Sarsnets,' Gros-de-Naples Poplins, Bombazines, Satins, Taffaties, Gauges, Canton Cfape, Lustring mid Tissue Scarls Norwich, Scotch, Da- mask, and Zebra .SIMWIS and Scarls; Silk and Gauze Hand- kerchiefs; Thread, Blond, and Gassed Laces; Bobbinnets, Muslins and Mustin Robes, Ribbons, Stockings, Gloves, Fancy Trimmings, Irish Linens, and a variety of other articles, the whole of which he is selling at very reduced prices, for Ready Maney only. The lowest price is invariably named for every article, from which no. abatement can he made. J. HILL, Silky Woollen, arid Cotton Dyer, Presser, Furniture 4 and Calico Glazer, IMPRESSED with a deep sense of the nu- merous tavours and liberal support he has received from the Inhabitants of Swansea and Neath in particular, and of the county of Glamorgan in general, as a:so those of Monmouthshire, during seventeen years lie has carried on the Dying and Scouring Business in ad its brunches in the city of Bi-istol, iiiost 1111 feigned ly returns his sincere gra- titude,'and respectfully informs them that he is REMOVED from St. James's Barton to Ins former residence, No. 4, BROAD-MEAD, BRISTOL; "Where lie trusts he shall receive a continuance of their favours, which it will be his proudest ambition to merit by a strict attention to their commands, as well with regard to it punctuality as dispatch of business. 0 I N,. B, Country orders strictly attended to and carefully for,warded. PURSUANT to an Order made by the Right JL Honourable John Lord Eldon, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, for enlargiiu; the time for JOB BUiiALL, of.Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan, in the Principality of Wales, Cabinet-maker, Dealer and Chapman (a Bank- rupt), to surrender himself, and make a lull discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects, for thirty dilYs, to be computed from the 27th day of March instant ;-This is to give notice. That the Commissioners in the said Commission Hamad arut authorised, or the major part of them, intend to Vtoeston the 26th day of April next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at Knapp's Hotel, situate in Cfirnbourne, jn.the comity of Cornwall; when and where the said Bank- rupt is required to surrender himself, between toe hours of eleven and one, and make a full discovery and disclosure of- his Eslaie nnd Effects, and finish his examination am. the Creditors; who have no; already proved their Debts way then and .there come and prove I he same, and assent to or dissent from the allowance of his Certificate. N.BvA-M .'Persons indebted to the Estate of the said Bankrupt are required forthwith to pay the same to Messrs. Jame» and G^llins, Swansea, the Solicitors to tiie Assignees, oiheyWBse.tliey wtll be. proceeded against without further Notice. fjp IIE Creditors who have proved their Dcibts!undor a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JOB BURALL, of Swansea, in the eotjfllj? of Giaujorgau, in the Piincipility of Wales, Cabi- Hgt Makvf, arfi; requested to meet the' Assignees of the Estate and E^ects of the said Bankrupt, on l'uesday, tile 17th day;«f April next, at eleven o'clock in t ie forenoon jWecisely, at the Office of Messrs. jame* and Collins, Soli- Citors,.situate.in Ciistle-street, in the said town of Swansea, e of assenting to or dissenting from the said Assignees confirming and earn mg into effect, or annulling »i)d vacating a certain Contract or Agreement entered into ^yjjtlj^ ga+4 Baukr.up< with Mr. William Jones, of Swansea, Innkeeper, for thesale to the said Willi MI Jo nes, (subject to a certain Mortgage of £ 780, now a lieu uu the same Prcipisffsi) of ail that capital Messuage, Burgage, or D\vel ling-House and Garden, with the Appuitenances, called the Oxcat House, in Fisher-street, situate on the west side ol Fisher-street, in the to^'i'i of Swansea aforesaid; late in theoceanation of Mrs. Mary Smith, wido. and now of tire Reveretid Mr. Vaughaii and to assent to or dissent from, and to. authorise and empower the said Assignees, eititer to pay off'and discharge any Mortgage/or Mortgages, Annuity or Annuities, or other incumbrances affecting the Freehold and Leasehold Estate or Estates ot the said B'ankrnpt, and to sell and dispose of the same freed and discharged therefrom, or to tell and dispose of the same and, also to assent to or dissent from the said' Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defending any euit or suits at la\v orinequity, fir the recovery ofaiiy paft of the said Bankrupt's Estate anil Effects, or to the com- frounding-, <nbmitting to arbitration, or otherwise agreeing- any mutier or thing relating tlijtreto; and on other special wfairs, JOHN BULL.—The effect which the Lo YA T, WEEKLY PApm. called JOHN BULL. established on the l?th of-December fast, has had upon the minds of t tab poo pie,is.-su stn-kiiig as-to need no comment. 1 he statements of facts mitcle in that Paper—itsexposition offalsobn<xfJL~ its detection of base and unworthy motives mukI pRreti«es, and its course of conduct from the commenct- iu>Mit,-hw«iopeiyedj tiie eyes of thousands, who were before wiJftmy, or from ignorance, blind to tlie truth, and JOHN Uufkii has'idwie mofettowards tlie restoration of reas..nabte and fair discussion of political matters than any periodi- ca4 '*vork' ever established Thfe best proof of its success is its vast sale. It appears; however, most important, that its circulation should be increased intlfe greatest possible degree and every friend to the Constitution is must ean.e-tl v solicited to take it in, and-recommend it as far as niiiy be found convenient. The Paper, which contains at) New: &c. is published every Sunday Morning, price Sevenpence, at No. ]j, John- ton's, Court, Fleet-street, London,—to which place, or to any regular Newsvender, Clerk of theRoads, or Postmaster, it is requested that orders may be sent, with a reference for payment. A, Monday Edition is also published, containing the latest Nejvs.- Price of Slocks, Markeis, &c. &c particularly adapted for circulation amongst the farmers and others interested in knowing the Prices of Grain, Seeds, &c. &c. throughput England. At lht'OJfict of John Bull, will alS;) he published} on the rith of May next, iVo. J. 0r Tf!^ .TOUUNAL OF LITERATURE; Conducted.by persons of first-rate ability, and »n principles .-of perfect independence. It will b« published weekiv, aiul comprise a review of all new books, Foreign as well a* English • strictures on-the, arts ;crilic,ism on the theatres •; %Vlki e nnd, trillion, all stibjec.is which can render it valuable to men of'science and genius.—Price or stamne.i to he •se.-t by, Is.—To'-be had of aJl GlcrWof the .(;,a. | Jberdare Turnpike Trust. I NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLL BAR or GATE, intended to be erected on CIlAtG EVAN LEVSON. in ti<e parish of Llanvabon, will be LET bv AUCTION, to the highest bidder, tor any term not ex- ceeding three years (at the opiion of the Trustees), at the dweliing-house of John Prosser, in Aberdare, on Tuesday, the 17th day of April instant, 1021, between the hours of eleven and one o'clock. By order of the Trustees, WATK1N POWEL, Clerk. Aberdare, April 2d. 1821. TVTOriCE is hereby given, That on the 21st JL 1 day of this instant, niouth of March, an Order was signed by Richard Fowler Rickards and Henry Lewis, Esgrs. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the county of Glamorgan, for turning, diverting, and stop- ping up acertiti)) part of a Highway or Footway within the y hamlet of Ca'tella. in the parish of L mtrissent, in the hundred of Miskin, in the said county of Glamorgan, lying between the blacksmith's shop at Castella and a farm there called Penygam Farm, and through the lauds of Thomas Smith, Esq. in the said hamlet, parish, hundred, and county, and adjoining and near Castella Mansion-house, for the length of one thousand three hundred and twenty yards, or thereabouts, and of the breadth of six feet, or thereabouts; and for diverting and turning the same through other lailds of the saidThomas Smith, in the said hamlet, parish, hun- drediand county, for the length-of one thousand three hun- dred and twenty yards, or thereabouts, and of the breadth of six feet, or thereabouts And that the said Order will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County, at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, to be holden at Gowbridge, in and for the said county, on the first day of May next. And also that the said OrderwiH at the said Quarter Sessions be confirmed and enrolled, unless upon an appeal against the same to be then made it be otherwise determined. March 22d, 1821. HPO Cover this Season, at Trehill, Saint A Nichfe/ias, near Cardiff, at Two GUINEAS each Mare, and 2s. 6d. the Groom, The PLENIPO. He was got by Poulton, out ofArianna, bv Young Eclipse, five years old, a beautiful chesnut, stands 161 hands high, strong in his bone, ami allowed by good judges to be the best growlI horse in the country. He will attend atCowbridge and Cardiif every fortnight, on market-days. The Money to be paid at the time of Covering. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Ilichard Whapham, as above. [;T Good Grass for Mares, with proper attendance, at 5s. per week. TO BE LET, With cr without Land of the first quality, THISTLEBOON HOUSE, in the parish of Oystermouth, near the Mumble Light-House. The Premises are on an elevated situation upon the limestone, consequently ppcu!i iriy he.ifthy. commanding the beautiful Bay ol Swansea to the North, and the Bristol Channel and Coast of Devon to the South five miles from Swansea—a good market town — with which is constant and easy com- munication by means of a Iiail-road, on which goes a Stage-coach fftur times .1 day.. The House is out of repair, upon which an ) arrangement would be entered into satisfactory to u good tenant: it consists of a drawing-room, dining-room, study, house- keeper's-room, kitchen, servants'-hull, &c on the ground floor thirteen rooms on the two next floors, one of which would make another good drawing-room. Walled and other garden; good water, and cellais. It is peculiarly eligible as a school for chiliirsn requiring sea an and bathing, oMor a bathing hotel, it being per- fectly tree from any objections of the vicinity or made to a town, with a most beautifully transparent sea, in a seques- tered cove, wllh fille sand button), within a few minutes' walk of the House. Bathing-Machine—Packet twice a week to Ilfracombe. The walks on the downs, on the Mumble rocks, beautiful and salubrious, and delightful rides about the celebrated Bay of Swansea and its hcalti,y sands. Ápply(if by letter, post-paid) to Mr. John Price, Wood- land Castle, Swansea. CA llrila RTH ENSII IRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the 1gih day.of April, 182.1. (in One, Two. ovr Three Lots, as shall be agreed upon at the time of sale), at the Red Lion-inn. in the village of Lanon, in the said county, LL those several MESSUAGES, TENE- rjL MEN IS, and LANDS, called LOWER FFYN- NONTlHOSf A and CW AJ, situate in the parish of Lanon, in the said county, in the possession of Mr; Arthur Walters, Thomas Rees, and John Thomas. The Buildings on the above Premises ure newly erected, pleasantly situated, and the whole contain 73 Acres, or thereabouts, and adjoin the road leading from Cross Fleol towards the new branch of road lately m ide from Puntar- dulais towards Carmarthen and the river Guilty. For further particulars apply to Mr. Johu Owen, Vic- tualler, Lanon Mr John.Davies, of the Parade; or Mr. Thomas J \Jiles. A t I (¡flley. 'I Carmarthen, March 21, 1821. RADNORSHIRE. Desirable Freehold Estates, eligible Mansion-House, and Offices, excellent Garden, Orchard, Farming Buildings,; and nearly One Hundred Acres of good Meadow, Pas- ture, Orchard, Hop-yarding, and Arable Land and a coin pact Farm, with an Inn, and Outbuildings, find Forty- six Acres of Meadow and Arable Land, near the Rivers' Eeye and Ithon a fine Sporting Country, and valuable and extensive Common Rights I TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS. (Of Warwick-street, Golder.-sqnare) At Garrawav's Coffee-house, Exchange alley, Corhhill, London, on I hursday} the lOih ot May, 1821, at twelve o'clock, in two lots, VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, Land-fax: redeemed, situate in the parishes of Dis- serth and Llaudriiidod^ in the county of Radnor, abound- vv" game, and within a short distance of the livers Eev# and Itlion, which produce fine salmoii-trout and other frsh. Lot-1. HOWEY H ALL, a very ndirabieFämilyl\Jall. Slnll house seated oil a beautiful Pieasure-gswund tastefully Lud out, adapted for the accommodation of a. gentleman's family, with convenient domestic Offices, Coach house, Stables, and I arming Buildings; good Garden, Fruifery, and Orchard stored with fruit-trees,"Fish-ponds and about Ninety-three Acres of good Meadow, Pasture, Hop-yard, and Arabie Land, bolted by thriving Plantations, situate in the parishes of Disserih and Llandrindod, within two miles °f Llandrindod Weils, which have been long and justly celebrated, and are annually resorted to by a. numerous and fashionable company,between NewRadnor, Rhayader, and, Btiiltl). A fine Trout-stream runs through part of the lands. A capital Pew in Disserth Church. Lot 2. DISSEIirH FARM. comprising a well-accus- tomed Inn, with Outbuildings, Fold yard, and sundry 111- closures, containing about Forty-seven Acres of rich Mea- dow, Pasture, Arable, and Wood Land, bounded oil one side by the river hhon. To be viewed by applying at the Man-ion, where parti- culars may be ad. as well as at the Inns, New Radnor and Penyborit; Red-Lion, Rhayader; Duke's-Annsi Kmgh- ton; King s-Head 'and Oxford-Arms, Kington; the Hotel, Hereford Lion, Leominster of Mr Pimii, Solicitor, No. Bernard-street, -Uusse.l-sqii.ue. Loudon of Messrs. Davies and- rjanks, Kington, Herefordshire at Garraway's sind ol hir. i-o-nns, Warwick-street, Golden-square, Lun- dv>rij wLcrc? a I of the iV:tii!c may be Agcii, ¡ LLANDAFF, GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMElUATELr, TWO HOUSES and GARDENS, situate at Llandaff, near Cardiff; the one is a good Family- house, containing seven bed-chambers,—together'witli an excellent Garden, walled round, containing above an Acre of Land the other'is a neat Cottage, with a good Garden. n letter, post-paid) to Mr. Wilks, Auctioneer, Cardiff; the Rev. Powell Edvtards, or Edward Stephens— both of Llandaff. K GLAMORGANSHIRE. Capital NAVY and other TIMBER. TO BE SOLD, Qf\f7 TIMBER TREES, part fallen < last season, and part now growing, on Pen- llwyn Robert Farm, in the parish of Llanridian seven miles from Swansea, and two miles from Burry river. The above are worthy the attention of Shipbuilders and others in wallt of good sound Timber. Apply to Mr. Lewis Thomas, Swansea; if by letter, posl-paid. TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD, Pursuant to an Order of the High Court (,k' Chancery, made in two several Ceuses of Herbert versus Matthews," and I'rotiieroe versus Matthewswith the approbation of Francis Paul Stratford, Esq. one of the Wasters of the said Court, at the Angel-inn, in the town of Abergavenny, in the county of Monmouth, on Tuesday, the 1st day at of May, 1821, at twelve o'clock at noon, A VALUABLE MESSUAGE, FARM, and ,X JL LAND- situate in the several parishes of Llangqt- tock juxta LTsk and Llanvihangel juxta Usk, in the saifl county of Monmouth, formerly belonging to, and in the tenure of, Mr. James Mathews, now deceased, and now in the tenure of Mrs. Evans as tenant from year to year, at the yearly rent of, ^'200, The Premises adjoin the turnpike- road leading from Abergavenny to Monmouth, Chepstow, and Usk. Printed particulars may be had (gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton-buildings, Chaneery- iane, London; of Messrs. Bridges and Quilter, Solicitors, Red-Lion-square, London; of Mr. Thomas Jones, Solicitor, Mr. Hugh Jones, Solicitor, and Mr. Baker Gabb, junior, Sohotor.—a) of Abergavenny; of Mr. David Davies, Surveyor, Llangattock, Breconshire of Messrs. Jenkins, James, and Abbott, Solicitors, New-inn, London; and of Mr. Gregory, Solicitor, Clement's-inn, London. SWANSEA. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By S. LLEWELYN, At the Bush-inn, in the town of Swansea, on Saturday, the 5th day of May, 1821, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, subject to such conditions ofsats as sha 11 be then and there produced, ALL that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE; together with extensive OUTHOUSES, G A RDEN. and Two COTTAGES, behind the same, situate in High-street, in the town of Swansea, ex- tending in front about 36 feet, and in depth about l5() feet, which communicates with the Back-lane, being a most de- sirablesituation for carrying on any extensive business.— The house and premises are at present in a bad state ef repair, but the same may be repaired sit a moderate expense. For the convenience ot the purchaser, the seller will, if required, leave one half of the purchase-money to remain on Mortgage of the premises. For further particulars apply at the Office of Messrs. James and Collins, Solicitors, Swansea. SWANSEA. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By S. LLEWELYN. On Monday, the 7th day of May. 1821. and following davs, by order of the fbsigtwes, of the Estate and Effects ol Mr. Job Burall, of Swansea, Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer, a Bankrupt, at his Warehouse, in Fisher-street. Swansea, ALL the valuable and extensive STOCK in TRADE of the said Bankrupt consisting of four-: post and tent bedsteads, hair and other mattresses, feather and millpuff beds, blankets, Marseilles quilts, counterpanes, a large assortment of Kidderminster and other carpeting, mahogany sideboards, mahogany dining, Pembroke, SOhl, and card-tables, mahogany cases of drawers, wardrobes, mahogany and other chairs, pier and swing-glasses, floor (iloths, paper hangings of all sorts, bed sacking, brass furni- ture ornaments, and a great assortment of ironmongery goods, &c. &c. Catalogues-will be ready for delivery at the Auctioneer's oil the Saturday previous to the sale. GLAMORGANSHIRE. '1. UMBER FOR SALE. ,<' I"" TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION', By S. LLEWELYN, On Saturday, the 7th day of April, 1821, at the Wheat Sheaf inn, Swansea, between the hours of two and four n'ctock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale a* will be then and there produced, IN THE FOLLOWING LOTS: Lot! 32' 0'AK' 51 ASlj' 77 BEECH> ■ a SYCAMORE, 8 BIRCH, 5 CHERRY, and 42 FIR TIMBER 'TREES, numbered progressively with white paint. now growing upon Hriiiwillach Demesne, in the parish of Llangalelach, within five miles of the port i ot Swansea. Also 48,CHK TIMBER TREES, numbered r as above, standnvg on the adjoining Farm, caHed Gorsewen, Lot 2.—178 OAK, 172 ASH, and 10 SYCAMOllE i TIMBER TREES, numbered as above, standing aiyi glow- ing upon LlettyThonias Farm, in the same parish, — 4lsd 26 OAK and 21 ASH TIMBER tREES, numbered as above, now striding and growing upon Pentwyn Farm, in the same parish—And also 1 OAK. 6 ASM, 6c 5 CH ERltY TIMBER I'REES, numbered in like manner, now standing on Pandy Fifrin, in the siiine parish on Pandy Fifrin, in the siiine parish Lot 3 —192 OAK and 5 RIB. TIMBER TREES, num- bcred as above, now standing,on Bryullefrith Farm, in the same, parish.^ Also 92 OAK, 17 ASH, 4 SYCAMORE, and 2 FIR TIMBER TUEES, numbered as above, grow- ing on Blaennant-ddufawr, in the same parish.—And also 43 OAK. 41 ASH,and 2 SYCAMORE TIMBER TREES; numbered as above, growing oil Cwmdylais Farm, in the same parish. Lot 4.— 30 OAK, 57 ASH, and 5 SYCAMORE TIM- BER TREES, numbered AS above, standing on Hendy- niawr Farm, in' the same parish. —Also 23 OAK, 3 ASH, t SYCAMORE, and 1 FIR TIMBER TREES, num- bered as above, growing on Blaenmvddfa Farm, in the same parish.—And "also 8670AK ¡¡,lid 1'2 ASH TLMBER TREES, numbered as above, standing on Fynnon Weil Farm, in the same parish. Lot 5—49 OAK, 27 ASH, and 2 SYCAMORE TIM- BER TREES, numbered as above, standing on Panty- fallen Farm, in the same parish. — And also 10 OAK and 28 ASH TIMBER TREES, numbered as above, standing on Cevenniyddla, in the same parish. n0t'ri'?- °'VK,26 ASH, and 6 SYCAMORE TIM- Bkft I numbered as above, standing on Gellygron Farm in the same parish. The Oak Timber comprisec) in the above lots is of excel- lent quality,-anti the greatest part fit for Shipbuilding, The Ash, Beech, &c. are sound and weii calculated for Wheelwrights and Carpenters. The v> hole of the lots are very convenient lor land and watfcr carriage, the principal Job kemg within the distance of six miles of the port oj Swansea. For further particulars apply at the Office of Messrs. James and Codius, Solicitors, Swansea; and for a view ol j the different lots of timber to Air. David Thomas, CrM-cka, 13¿:¡r LI angufl-lucli. i CARDIGA NSH I n E. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At theBear-Inn, Llanr!ilo,Carrnarlhenshirp., ulI WKlnes.}., the Kill, day of May, 1851, at two o'clock in the attu noon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will Le given, TIIE FOLLOWING Sreebolb Cstate, Situtle in the pariah of Llaudde^bnfi, in the county of Cutdigmn, THIRTEEN LOTS; LfltS Tenements. j A. r, p. Occnpiers. I. Brien-CiJrfa'n ? ? Charles Jones > These three lots are contiguous, and ha»c 3. Cwni-Du ic i J '• •• £ extensive Rigiits of Sheep-Walk on the 4. Bryn llhyg J.* A r "l ) aiming lulls. i> T, ■ iw .Tames Jenkins ) T Uiyn-iVlynach 78 5 5 Thomas Lewis L»'s 4 ana o adjoin each other. These"two lots adjoin each other, on the banks of the Tivy, in a southern aspect; Dan-Ian Gogoyan 65 0 50 John Evans the Mill has a plentiful supply of water; 7. < r.atei^ Corn Grisl Mill, called > K> V aild the situation is peculiarly favourable f Gogoyan Mill, and Lands ) 1 10 Rees Lloyd for the establishment of a Manufactory, particularly of Flannel, the immediate neighbourhood abounding in wool of the ■ J finest fleece. c A This Farm nearly adjoins the two preced* Ulandulais-Ucliftf 106 2 15 Timothy Jones 'ols,' alu' commands an extensive view of the vales of Tivy ana Dulaifl, 9 J Cefn-Garthenor 5> 2 5 > and the surrouuding country. f/ndivided Coinmon,.Appurtenant "io -t >t'n i Thomas Jenkins l.r, r 4 10. Glanrhyd-fach aiffi Brwstir Sin TV # These five lots, containmg together tip- 11. Penhryn Blodeyn -t" 1- •• ■ > wards of 400 Acres, are withnva rine- 12. Blaen-Cwm March 197 58 -1-9 David Thomas f fence, and 111 the immediate neighbour- 13. Bank Blaen-Cwm March 4 n ^avi(i Lewis hood of those preceding. *• •• u 0 Stephen Hughes abounding in ganielor e^er^descriiition* and^n'f 1'"i & sP<)r'»]fJ country, remarkable for. the salubrity of its air, tr:»ut, and within eioliteen n»ilp« J miinediate vicinity ot the river Tivy, so famous for iu salmon mid great iniproveii'ent hemf admire, ll af?,re1 l"ld fasl"al^ Bathing-place, Aberyslwith. Il is capable of opportunity lor the investment of capital lor t,ie turnip system of husbandry, and affords a very favourable opportunilyfor the investilieiit, (If ckipital. For a viPow of the ESlate, arid to treatfi'r the sanH', apply (if hy letter, to Messrs. Price and Son, Solicitors. or to Mr. Jenkins, Lumpcter, orso HOUSES and GARDENS. TOILET, AND ENTKUED UPON IMMEDIATELY, A Neat DWELLING-HOUSE$GARDEN, situate in COLLEG E-STREET, SWANSEA comprising twopartoursandakitchen on the ground floor; drawing- room, china-pantry, and two bed-rooms, on the second-floor three bed-rooms on the third-floor with a good well of water, a brewing-kitchen, underground cellar, and other convenient out-offices. Also another HOUSE at;d GARDEN, adjoining the above; comprising two parlours and a kitchen on the ground-floor; drawing-room and two bed-rooms 011 the second-floor one bed-room on the third-floor, and a garret ovel; with a cellar and washhouse. „ c Rents low and Taxes moderate. For further particulars apply to Mr. J. Walters, Draper, Swansea it by letter post-paid. (One Concern.) TO BE SOLD'tir AUCTION, By T. W ATKINS, At Cathays, near Cardiff, on Monday, the 9th of April, 1821, ABOUT 150 D OZEN very choice OLD WINES, J—^ none of>hich has been less lime in bottle than thirteen years; its consists of Port. Madeira; Old Hock, Barsac, Sherry, Bucellas, Lisbon, and Malmsey Madeira,. J Also, will be SOLD, on the same day. Three KICKS of prime HAY, close to the Glamorgan- shire Canal, containing about goTons; three Carts. Ploughs, Harrows, Roller, two Shetland-POMES, six Cucumber Frames, and some Garden Implements. N. B. The sale ,-i I be,,in precisely at eleven o'clock. Ihe It, me will be put up in suitable lots, and samples produced from each case at the time of sale. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TIMBER FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, B y T. VV ATKINS, On Saturday, the 14th of April, 18-t, at the Cardiff Arms- inn. between the hours of two and four, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced, IN ONE Lor, marked thus >< 15 ASH, AJ marked thus 1, and 11 BEECH, marked thus 0. The Oak Timber comprised in the above lot is of excel- lent quality, and the greatest part fit for Shipbuilding. The Ash and Beech are sound nnd well calculated for Wheel- wriphts and Carpenters. The whole is very convenient for land and water carriage, the principal parl beiilg within five miles of the port of Cardiff. Most part of the above Timber is standing in the parish of Lisvane. For further particulars apply to Mr. Jeston Homfray, Solicitor, Cardiff; or to Wm. Morgan, Manlouid Public- house, Rudry, who will shew the same. Capital FARMING STOCK for Sale. RADNORSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By WM. PRICE and SON, Oil Wednesday, the 11th day of April, 18:-2t. and two fol- lowing days, at Llanelweth Ii.ill, within one mile of the town of Builth, in the county of Brecon, HpHE very valuable STOCK of CATTLE, & HORSES, and SHEEP; and also the IMPLE- MENTS in HUSBANDRY, and part of the HOUSE- HOLD'FURNHUKE.of Mr CHARLES LA W RENGE, who is about to decline Farmingconsisting of 19 cows and hei- fers in and with calves, 1 barren cow. 19 yearting steers and heifers, 6 two-year old heifers, 6 two-year old steers, 6 three- year old heifers, 6 three-year old steers, 1 capital three- year old bull, and 6 fat oxen 6 draught horses with their gennng, 1 well bred mare in foal by Poulton, and t other brood inures, 1 capital hack niare by Sultan, and 3 other good hackneys, 1 good gig horse, 3 well bred three-year old colts of the; saddle kind, 1 two-year old colt by Thum- per, and 1 two-year old draught colt, and 5 hill ponies also upwards of 100 ewes and lambs, about 100 yearling shepp. and about lOll wether sheep, and 14 pigs. The Implements consist of two waggons, two carts, SCII mer, ploughs, harrows, winnowing machine, with sundry other agricultural requisites. The Dairy and Brewing Utensils consist of cheese presses, milk leads, cheese coolers, trinds, vats, mashing tubs, pails, and several cat-ksaud hogsheads. The Household Furniture comprises several beds, bed- steads, chairs, tables, and a variety of other articles of fur- niture. A good London-built Tilbury will also be sold at the same time. The Stock of Cattle are of the true Herefordshire breed, and equal to any ever ottered tor sate within ten miles of the place. The Sheep are of the Shropshire and South Down breeds, and the whole will be sold without reserve. About 20 Scotch Cattle, of the Kyloe breed, will be sold at the1-same time. The Stock of Cattle and liorses will be sold on the first day; and the sale will commence on each day precisely at eleven o'clock, íf-30" Three months' credit on approved security will be given, v CARMARTHENSHIRE. ESTATES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the dwelling-house of Howell Howells, called the Lnmb- inn, in the town of Handovers, in the said county, on Saturday, the 9th day of June, 1821, subject to certain conditions of sale to be then prod ccd, in the following lots: Loti A LL tl,at MESSUAGE or TENE- XX MENT, FARM and LANDS wi h the Ap- purtenances, called POLEY, otherwise TYR-Y-POI EY, in the parisii of Llanwrda, in the said county, in thet tturo of Benjamin Evans, all Rees Morgans, Fanners, under a lease for twenty-one years, whereof eight years were un- expired at Michaelmas last, at the rent of /31, besides duties. Lot 2. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT. FARM and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, called VEDW, or TYR-Y-BEDW, adjoining the last mentioned lot, in the tenure of William John, i.t tht: yearly relit of. £ '2G, besides duties. These two lots are very compact and improvable pro- perty. a southern aspect, and adjoining the turnpike- road from Llandovery to Lampeter. LotS. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, FARM and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, called EITHIN- TEWON, situate in the parish of Cylycwm. in the said county, in the tenu-e of Joim Hurry, Husbandman, as tenant from year to year. Lot 4. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, FARM and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, calied TROED- RHEVVMEGA, situate in the centre of the Right Hon. Lord Cawdor's estate, near the Mine Works, in the parish of Cylycwm aforesaid, in the tenure of Daniel Davies, Far- mer, as tenant from year to year. Lot5. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, FARM and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, called RHOSE and LLWYNY, otherwise LLVVYNY-FACH, with the Two COTTAGES and GARDLNS erected thereon, adjoining the villages ol Cylycwm, in the said county, in the tenure of Daniel David and his undertenants, under a lease for twenty one years, whereof eight years were unexpired at Michaelmas Inst. I.«t6. All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT. FARM and LANDS, with the Appurtenances, called HA\L)TR- WYNNE, nearly adjoi ung the said village of Cylycwm, in the tenure of Mr* Rees- s. Innkeeper. Lot?. All that MESSUAGE and GARDEN, with the Appurtenances, and THREE FIELDS held adj hning, called PENYGORS E and PHELPS'S FIELDS, immediately- adjoining the village of Cylycwm aforesaid, aad iu the te- nure of the said Rees Thomas and others. Lot 8. A DWELLING HOUS-E, PREMISESj and GARDEN, called the GREAT HOUSE, and also another DWELLING-HOUSE and G ARDEN, adjoining the same situate respectively in the most eligible part of the said vil- lage ofCytycwn), in the holding of the said Rees Thomas alld Daniel Theopliolus, Blacksunth. Lot 9. A DWELLING HOUSE, Garden, and Appur- tenances, formerly occupied as a public-house, situate in the said village of Cylycwm, in the tenure of Mrs Davies and her undertenants. Lotto. A DWELLING HOUSE and GARDEN, in the holding of Daniel-Jones, Harper, and the SC11 E of another DWELLING-HOUSE and GARDEN, immedi- ately adjoining, situate respectively in the centre of the village of Cylycwm aforesaid. Fur a view of the premises apply to the respective Te- s; 1) nants; and for further pM-hcutms to Mr Richard Jones, Auctioneer; or at the Office ol Mr. Lloyd Harries, Solicitor, Llandovery. COCKLE'S COMPOUND ANT [-.BILIOUS PILLS, For Bilious, Liller, and Stomach Complaints, Indi- gestioity Sick Head-Ache, §c. THE Proprietor of this Medicine flatters A himself, that the most unquestionable testitnonyofits superior efficacy, is to be found in the highly respectable patron ige with which it is honoured it is therefore confix cleiilly recommended to the attention of the public. PATRONS. His Grace the Dnlie ot Grafton His Grace the Duke of Manchester 'The Right Hon. the Earl of-Alhlone r; Ti.e Right Hon. the Earl of Roscommon The Right Hon Lord Bentinck Tiie Right Rev. the Lord'Bishop of St. Asaph 1 h^ Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Henry Filzroy Lord Hartland The Hon. General Mahon; M. P. Sir Wm. Rowley, Bart. M. P. Sir G. li. Smyth, Bart. .Tames B. Wildham, Esq. M. P. Mathe«v Wo od, Esq; Alderman," M. P. The Rev. J-Jefferson, Archdeacon of Colchester. Rev. John-Edgar,-Chaplain to his Majesty Rev Henry Huttoii, Colchester Rev. A _Mahon, Cavetown, Ireland Rev.J.Grant.Guifdford Major John Bridge, Dublin. Prepared outy by JAMES COCKLE, Apothecary, 6. Speldhurst-street, Burton Crescent, London (late of Great Oakley, Essex); and sold by T, Jenkins, Printer of this Paper, and by all respectable booheliers, druggIsts. and ^edicine venders, in boxes, at is, l^d.2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and lis. and in family boxes (by wlrich there is a saving of ?s.) at each. Sole wholesale agents, Messrs. Barclay and SOUj, 9.11 J Fleet Market. London,