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WANTED, as COOK and DAIRY-MAID, a steady active Woman she must perfectly under- • stand the business o £ Cheese Making—mid as Cooking is but it secondary consideration, none need apply who are not thoroughly experienced in the concerns of a dairy, Re- ipeetablereference for a character will be required. Apply to the Printer if by letter, post-paid. BIUDGEND FAIR, 1815. r|PAK.E NOTICE,- that the said FAIR will A be held on WEDN'ESDAY, the 3d day of MAY, IBi.?, in consequence ot'Cowbridge Fair being on Thursday, the 41 h day of May. Bridgend, April 11, iBlri. MAY's HILL. LUNATIC ASYLUM, NEAR SWANSEA, f S now completely ready for the .reception of .si. Pat-rents, who will experience the utmost caie and Httcufou from Dr. If OAHF s. whose study has lor many ve'irs been particularly directed to the ire anient ol uicuut! Diseases. A ST. CLEAR's. OLD B M. LEWES BEGS leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, that site lias lined up and entered upon th^ above Inn, where she hope's by strict at- it to merit their support. Wines and Spirituous Liquors of the best quality. Good Beds, neat Post-Chaises, Úhie Horses, and careful Drivers. AT a numerous M RETIVG of the TEN A NTS of the BRITON-FEBRY ESTATE, held on Wed- nesday, the 19ih of April. 1815. pursuant to public Adver- t'.sement, at the Bunch of Grapes-inn, i;i the towii «f Ne tth, susd adjourned for greater convenience to the I own-Hall, t, tile for the purpose of taking into consideration the Proposals from Lord Jersey, contained in Mr. Alexander Murray's Circular Letter of the loth of March last. Tin-. Rev. THOMAS REES, in the Clutlr Risolred unanimously, That the Tenants ol the said Estate, who feel themselves aggrieved by his Lordship's proposals, do unite and agree to adopt such measures as may be deemed necessary for defending any suitor suits which his Is 1.¡;.dship may be advised to institute against them. Resolved Unanimously. That a Committee be appointed to carry into effect the resolutions of this Meeting; that the fc.tid Committee do consist of such Tenants as reside in the town of Neath, and the neighbourhood thereof, hut that it 1:Ih!t! he open for any Tenant who may wish to attend. Resolmd umiumoushj, -it the Committee do meet at the Jhsineh of Grapes-inn every Wednesday, at the hour. of twelve, for tile pnrposc of receiving the 01 such 0: t I", I'cn;¡11ts as concur n these resolutions, and lor trans- acting all other business relating thereto. Resolved uiutninioaslif, That James Coke. Esq. be rp quested to act its Secretary. Resolved unanimotislu, Th,1t the Tenants concurring in these resolutions do agree to pay, in such proportions as shall be arranged by the Committee,'all expends i hat have been or.inay be incurred in carrying intI) effect the ujea- n:res advisable for their defence.. Resolved, That the Secretary he authorised to .convene « Special Meeting of the Tenants'for the purpose ol ap- pointing a Solicitor, or Solicitors, for conducting the de- fence. and !or any other special purposes. » Resolved unnnimonsh/. That the above resolutions,signed by the Chairman on behalf of the .Meeting, be inserted in the Cambrian, Seren Gomer, and Carmarthen Journal newspapers. (Signed) THOMAS REES. Chairman. That iiii-'Fi"v"]is of t he I)c given to the Chairman for his able conduct in the chair. -=:=. A T a .MEETING of the COMMITTEE ap- pointed to MAN U)H the AFFAIRS of tin* VERXON LESSEES in respect to the claims oil the Briton Ferry Estate, set forth by the Earl of Jersey, held t he ofith day IJf Apri!, 1815, at the Bunch of Grapes inp, in the town of Keath, > LEWIS JENKINS. Esq. in the Chair; Resolved, That three Thousand Persons at least are more or less ill tli tll()st eiIlist", Resolved, I hat from the great iidisn of names entered in addition to the numerous list of Sab-r; iber* already ob- tained at the General Meeting of the J'Hh inst. of Lessees determined to 'defend their Property by every possible weans the Laws of their Country enable them to pursue, -ioat a General Meeting is become highly necessary in •rder to take info consideration a Proposal for the vwst extensive Scope of Defence which the nature of their case will admit of. J?c;,oÎ11cd, That the Secretary he authorized to correspond licisrs. 'I'ei)aiit and Harrison, or any other of Lord Jersey's legal advisers, op the subject in dispute between f:s Lordship and the Tenants of the Briton Ferry Estate, :-nid that he do lay the whole of such correspondence before the Committee. Resolved, That the Committee do from henceforth as- semiile everyday at the hour of twelve, at the Bunch of Grapes, in the town of Neath. Resolved, That a General Meeting of the Vernon Lessees be held for Special Purposes on Wednesday, the 3d nay of May next, at the Bunch of Grapes inn, at the hour oi ereven in the morning precisely. Resolved, That the above Resolutions be inserted in the Cumbrian of Saturday nest. rp;iE LESSEES of the BRITON-FERRY A ESTATE are advised not to comply with the request ot the Solicitors of Lord Jersey, contained in their Circular Letter of the 26th instant, and on no account to accept she service of a Declaration in Ejectment, as such a step on the part of Hie Lessees will greatly assist his Lordship in break- ing their Leases. Dated the '<.>7th of April, 1815. CARMARTHENSH mE <$• PEMBROKESHIRE. HI hit/and .District of Roads. jYTOITCE is hereby given, that the TOLLS x f arising from the several TURN PIKE-GATES here- jinder-mentioned will be LEI' by AUCTION, to the best 'lr,c'p[» at tho Whitc-Har»-inn, in Narberth, on Thursday, u. 4tn dav of May next,- between the hours of two and •mr o clock in the afternoon of that dar, in the manner < ireeted by an Act passed in the 1:5th vear of the reign of i.i Majesty King George the Third, For regulating the "rnpikc Roads," winch lolls produced the last year (lie. irns undermentioned, and will be put up at those sums. lioever happens to be the best bidder must at the same e enter into security with sufficient sureties for payment »1 the rents quarterly. ,t'. s. d. Tlnm Dealings, Narberth East, s. (I. n% Ludclinrch Gates oOo 0 \> i revaughan Gate and Llanmarlass Side > /vv t>ate I v7 .">0 jj^iitrap Gate 1.1m; <H, .<> 0 Robeston Gate 53 10 0 Bv order of (be Trustees, ^rfnrdwcst, April 4,131 Clerk* A'*S^S'sCOMrOStTIONfor DESTROY- itefons O^ATS and ¥TCE' is «li"-ed to be the most these J ever yet discoveredior speed.ly extirpating '^velh^uses" mill"" frh'|l CC'm StaC'ks' ',Mrl,S' stab,es" such are t*i~ r 'a ,u,M"s' grmiar.es, &c. and •sesse«, th-,t H, *.™n«W !in ;)ttraeting powers it pos- take it fri)m ut'1' i'S trc(l,K'r,tl.V known them to Bv am, w,th t!ic ."ITat«st avidity. ?-t the ori-dnal'Wn-^tlle pr"|,r!vtr,r lt is so1'1 "'Iiolesale, i(> iu l r< d'.e,u,"sf 'r 'y-ey Co.'s Medicines, • «wi "j .'ii asi' y'SSS- ^l' *•the box'« j MA C K WO FIT II- AII MS, SWANSEA, TAPKTL J J, 1815. TIE Public are most faspectfiiHy informed, tiiat a New j,i<r|it fr POST-COACH, C vr.I.ED THE GEtiEilAL TICTOX, LENVFS SWANSEA lor OA !IMA RTH EN, t HROU-JRH LL.\ N- i;LLY .tnd KIDWELLY, every TUESDAY, TUCKS day, anfl SATURDAY Mornings, at eight o'clock, and wiil CONVEY ftsseiiger.s and Parcels arriving in Swansea by the 13RISYIJ Day Coach of the preceiling evenings. Returns from JJJE ly (.-< i! s rt i F :iS3f.urnii;| at two o'clock, on Mosoivs, Wkd-\E.so,ay$V and tuiD.vy^, and Pcissengers arid l'arcels will be forwarded irom Swansea bv tin; Bristol Day Coach at four o'clock on the following mornings, ft-er tin- 12th of M ay next,' the- C, EN ERA T, PICTON vv-'1' Im>ce€<l i'lnuediately fVom CARMAR'TMEN to i LN'B\ and return from then-ee the following days ui time to depart for Swansea at the ahove hour. Passengers and Parcels njav be booked at cither of the I before-mentioned Towns for Bristol. 1 lie Proficiefors WILL not he acconsifahie for any Parcel ..above the yaiuo ot. I-ive Pounds, unless entered ami paid for accordingly. c\ nUAH; L\Hn F Llandbj, Uaa^efimrh, taid Llamdi UNCLOSURii. fThe Commissioner appointed to carry into execution an Act of farhaifienj:, mane and PARSED in the 5/d year of the reign, of his present Majesty, intituled, An Act for Inclosing Lands LIT the sereral parishes of Llaneljy, F.langonncct', an;i Llanedy, within the Cmuraut of Carnawllon, in the Lord.ship of Kidwelly, IN the county of Carmarthen ;—Do hereby »iee notice, 'that I ,,jjA!| hold my next Meeting al the Kulcon-ini», in the town of L/an- ei v, Oil SILT in d ay, thi- t n day of ALay NEXT, ro.,the purposc of investigating the several claim* njade on the said in- > closure, and other special business. Dated lids 5>4IB dav OL'April, 1B15. JOHN WEDGE. SVV' A N S .T TO UK LKT, Tor an unexpired term of nine years, A Desirable C O U N T11 V R E S I J) E N C E, called HFLIJ. MOUSE, with requisite Oilices, Gul- den, and upwards of 20 Acres of Pasture Laud, pleasantly situate two miles irosn :)II.'e,1. p rtick,rs III(! Jones. Esq. BEECH IJILL, NEAR USK, MONMOUTHSHIRE. Will in ujew icecfi* ba t'tdvcrlkcd for Sale by Primtc Contract* THE flouse and Buildings are. new, lying in the centre of about Fifty Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Wood Land, the garden and pleasure grounds of which have been neatly laid out. sitli;,(io]) is f)lle of, tile jll,)St, beautiful and desirable in the county of Monmouth, commanding extensive and delightful views of the vale and river Usk, and of the surrounding mountains. NIUIIS it ii is ind rtit', I)c ,-I iii,),t residence for A genteel famil y, being distant about half a mile. Irom the market-town oi' UDI, ten from Abergavenny, 13 froin Monmouth, and about CO .from Bristol. The Premises may be viewed by application to Messrs. .Tones and Matthews, Solicitors, Usk, Monmouihshire.. G enttcl Residence and good Farm, N EAR AnEKGAVESKV. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPOH I MM KDT A TET.y, A 'Very desirable and compact I)\V ELLTNG- L\ HOUSE, called UPPER LAN FOIST, with the I Coach-hous-E. Stables, Gardens, and about. 20 Acres of ex- cellent. Meadow Land adjoining, late in the occupation of Dr. Rees. 'The House consists of a very gooddinini; and drawing-room, nearly SO feet square each; a. breakfast- parlour, six bestbed-rooins, two servants' ditto, and at a convenient distance from live house are ALL necessary Out- buildings. Also, To be LET, And entered vpon ut Christmas next. The small FARM adjoi,ii,CALLED PEN VR-WORLOD, consisting of Meadow, Pasture, ami Arable J^AND, of excel- led quality, and nearly equal in quaiHity. The premises are situated'within a short distance NF the town of Abergivenny, to which there,is A good tnrnpike- road. and a few hundred yardsof the Brecknock and Aber- gavenny Ciinal Wharf, where coal and lime MAY be hud a! a very moderate price. The House, Outhouses and Gardens, will be'let either with Of withoiu the Meadow [.and or Farm. FOR further particulars and to treat, application is to be made to Mr. 1?; ice, Solicitor, Penyr-Wo.rlod, or at his office 1 in Abergavenny. MONtMODTHSIUR £ • TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. GEO. BREWER. [n lots, some time in the month of May lIext, at the Old, Westgale-I louse, Newport, 1 SEVERAL capital FREEHOLD ESTATES, U situate in the parishes of MY nyddusloyn, Lanhilleth, Trevethin, and Chrisiciiureh, in the said county. Particulars, with the. day of sale, will be given in a future Advertisement SHEEP JND SHEEl^wJlAisT TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, iii of LIInO,-very, In the county of Carmarthen, on Saturday, the I;3ih day of May, 18L\ between the hours of three and FIVE jN I;E afternoon of the same day, subject to conditions of sale, Lot l. remainder of a term, of which JL two years remain unexpired at Michaelmas next, all that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE and LANDS, called HENFA.ES, part ot the Bishop's Forest, situate in jl the parish of Llanddewy-brevy, in the county of Cardigan, II subject to the reserved rent and certain covenants, posses- sion whereof may be had on the 15rh of May next. A)S0 700SH EEP, more or less, depastured on the aforesaid farm. Lot Also, Three Parts out of Four of the FREEHOLD LEASE ol the FARM of VRONG, situate in the parish of Llanfairarybrin, in the said county of Carmarthen, hHd for the life of Thomas Recs. at the yearly rent of JF.gg 5S. And Three Parts out of Four of ail Outgoings, and part of the Sheep depastu.ied thereof itill()Utllillg, to iiiol,c or less, with immediate possession of the snme Lands. Lot 3. Also 300, SHEEP, more or less, depastured on a Farm called Eskyr Da/id, situate in the parish of Llan- wrtyd, in the county of Brecon. 'The purchaser of this lot will be permitted to occupy ibis F ir«I, as an appendant to his purchase, on paying the reserved rent, &c. to Michael- mas. WIG. Lot 4. To ICE EE T, at the SAME time, for the term ol seven years, the FARM of PANTYCRAVE, -situate in the pa- rish of Liamvrtyd aforesaid. For particulars apply to Thomas Bishop, S(,1icifnf, or: Richard Jones, Auctioneer, Llandovery: or to Mr. David i Edwards, Bw!ch\ieen, TJanfa.-nirvorm,, CsrauirUieiishiie. (One Concern.) Ouk Timber of lar»e dimensions. d (;) FOR SALE, 53 0 A}\: TREES, standing on Keven-y* Coed, and 30 ditto on Cwm-yr-Erw, both which tenements fire situate ill the parish ot Ystradgunlais, in the county of Brecon. For particulars apply to Walter Price, Esq. at Glyiillech or to Mr. Powell, Solicitor, Neath. CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, And entered upon on the 1'ilh chy of May next, ALL That capItal and well-known INN, called The TALbOT-INN, in the town of Aberyst- wiih, wiili Stable? sufficient for eighty horses; together whh 140 Acres of rich Arable, Meadow,'and Pasture Land. The Dwelling-house and nil the Outhouses are in excel- lent repair, and the Land in the hitrhest state of cultivation, For particulars apply to Mr.. Barber, at Nanteos. MANORS, TITHES, and ESTATE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Desirable aiid most improveable PRO- PERTY, comprising Three i\ lanors the TITHES of the two adjoining parishes of Brawdy and Hay scastlo an extensive ami improving FARM, overlooking St. Bride's Bay; and several small TENEMENTS. The whole si- tuate contiguous to the sea—midway between Haverford- west and St. David's, in the county of Pembroke. Any Gentleman seeking to realize-by purchase, or who n:av be desirous to secure Considerable local iiiiluence, with extensive sporting, on easy terms, wiil find this all opportunity rarely presented. For particulars apply, post-paid, to Mr. Meredith, Rhyn- oaston-place, Haverfordwest. G LA MORG A N5 H £ RE! FARMS TO BE LET, Vor a term of yean, and entered tipev immediately, r f ^li E FAidl ot i\IOEi'()N', containing Ji- about 236 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and 1 asiure Land, in the parishes ol Lancarion and Winvoe, The I1 ARM ot CWAt BARRY, coniaiiiing about 178 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the parishes of Barry -and Port hi; err y. Bo'li Farms areconveniently situated within less than nine miles of the excelkllt market towns of CardUi" and Cow- biidgo,. and oniy .a lew miles from the harbours of Aber- ih.-tw and Barry. for further particnlais enquire (if by letter, post-paid) of Mr. Haiket, Rheola, near Neath; or of Mr. Evan Thomas, Tregu;iyf»eitr Cowbridge. BR [TON. FERRY, GLAM'OaGANSHI»E, TO BE LET OR SOLD, A Desirable JNIAR-NE VILLA, in every respect adapted for a genteel family, consisting of a dmmg-rooni, dmwmg room, and a small" breakfast room kitchen, dairy, and other offices; supplied with water on the ground-floor; four bed-chambers ami a small room on the fji'st-tioor three attics, with a convenient closet; :'ond cellars; coach-house, three, stall stable, laundry, biewho.ise. piggery, and poultry yard, detached an extensive w ailed j garden, stocked with the finest fruit-trees also a kitchen garden. Commands a view of Swansea Bay, and the enfranceot Neath river, surrounded by the beautiful woods and grounds of Lord Jersey. For particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Oliver. Bristol; Mr. Jenkins,Cambrian-Office,Swansea or 011 the premises. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND r.VTEISED UPON IMMEDIATELY, LL that capital and desirable i) WILLING- Xi HOUSE, li.te the resilience of Elir.s Jenkins, Esq. de- ceased, situate at Newcastle, close to the excellent market and post-town of Bridgend, standing on an eminence in a rich and fertile country, commanding extensive views of the vale of Glamorgan consisting of two parlours, kitchen,, servants' hall, laundry, butler's pantry, underground êe/lar, six bed-rooms, closets, and other conveniences six-stall stable, CO;¡c!I-hOIlS0. harness-room, brewing-kitchen, with servants' apartments above, dairy, large 'enclosed stable court with water-pool.; a Inge walled Garden, plamed with choice fruit-trees; a. kitctu-n Garden, handsome Green in front, and about half an acre of Land behind the House. The neighbouihood is pleasant, and coal reasonable and good at a short distance. The tenant may be accommoda'ed with any quantity not exceeding30 Acres of rich Meadow and Pasture Land, in the highest state of cultivation and repair. itie For further particulars apply to Mr. Robert Jenkins, Ewenny, near Bridgend.—A11 letters must lit: p'M-paid. *ur ni-u A! r-. CARMARTHENSHIRE. 7o be Let or Sold bu Private Contract, A Capital LEASEHOLD .ESTATE, MES- SUAGE, TENEMENT, LANDS.and PREMISES,' called PEN LAN, situate in the parish of Saint Mary, in the borough of Kldwelly. in the said county,(held for three lives, ad insurable) containing about 3"0 Acres of good Arable, Water Meadow, and Pasture Laud, divided into Lnclo-ures; together with an uuiimited Right of Cojnuion over a Thousand Acres of Down am! Salt Marsh. lite House, at a small expense, might accommodate a large iannly, and is most delightfully situated, commanding a fine view of the Bristol Channel and the sea-port town of Kidwelly, with the extensive nuns of its ancient Castle, from which it is distant about halt a mile. A Gentleman fond of agriculture and the sports of the field coe.ld ifnd this Estate a most desirable residence. The cowntr.y abounds with game, and a trout stream runs near it; lime and coal are very pIcnuful and cheap, and within two miles of the Premises. The Stock and Crop may be had at a fair valuation, land be g',eii iiiitl)e .'or at next. For further particulars apply (if by letter, past-paid) to Thomas Brookman, Esq. at Penlan aforesaid or to .Messrs. Lloyd. Gwyntie, and Howell, Atturnies at Law,.Carmar- then. — Residence in South IVales. CADOXTON LODGE, to be LET, ready Furnished (exclusive ofpla.te, linen, and china), for a term of eight years; it is situated in the most beautiful pa11 of Glamorganshire, within nine miles of Swansea, and one lIIile of the excellent market and posM0wn {)f pveath, through which the mail-coach passes daily to and from London.—The Mouse comprises, on the ground-floor, a capital kitchen, back-kitchen, scullery, wash-house (w'ith pipes to convey hot and cold-water), laundry, servants'- hall, butler's-pautry, hottsekecper's-roon). pantriex. dairy, cheese-room, &c.; on the first-lloor, tout-cxceijerit sittina- •rooms on the second-floor, six large bed-rooms, a dressing- room, and water-closet; in the attic, five servants'-rooms and a store, room. Water is conveyed by pipes to dif- ferent parts of the house. There is an excellent Garden, walled round with fruiHrees, in the highest state of per- fectiun; aiso. an Orchard stocked with choice trees; and at one end of a handsome terrace is a tine Billiard-room, with ajuil sized table, by Erwood. The stables, harness- CIS, room, coach-house, granary, cow-house, pig-stids, kennel, and a!Lthe<dnc(it<,<t)-t'p:'rticu!ar!yf'oo(t:tnd convenient. Any quantity of Land, not exceeding ot) Acres, may be had with the .House. For further particulars Hpp!y.tt the Office of John Edwards, Esq. Blooaisbury squnre, London, or to Mr. Mathew Forstor, Neath, who will shew the pfftnisct. All letters must be post-paid. Coal and Lime within a mile of the spot, and very cheap. The principal object being a careful *iid good tenant— the vent v,id be very moderate. I GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROBERT JENKINS, Oil Monday, the 1st day of May, 1815, on the premises of Win. Weston Yoeng, a Bank rupt, at Newton Nottage, I ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, LEASE of the WIND.MILL and LANDS, situate in Newton aforesaid, a FREEHOLD-HOUSE and GARDEN, and HOUSEHOLD i; (! [ |'URE, consisting of bedsteads aie-' furniture, feather-beds, See. tables, chairs, nest of drawersi pier and swing glasses, quifts. blankets, sheets, table-cloths, &c. glass, china, &c. kitchen utensils, one eight-day clock and case, a large assortment of books, and a rick ot good hay. Tile sale to begin at twelve of the clock; and the whole to be sold without the least, r' e. CARMARTHENSHIRE." jUt improvable Freehold Farm. To be Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, On Saturday, the 6th day of May, 1815, at the Castle-inr., ili the town of Llandovery, iji t £ e said county, subject to certain conditions of sale, A LL that capital MESSUAGE or TENE- -LA. MEN 1, FARM, and LANDS, with the Appurte- nances, called PEN-Y-BANK, situate in the parish of Llanwrda, in the said county, in the tenure and occupation of John Jones, husbandman, under a lease for eleven years, whose term expires at Michaelmas next.al the clear yearly rent of £ &) less the Property-Tax. For particulars npply to Mr. David Idoyd Harries, Llan- dovery. RRECONSHtRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Castle-inn, in the town of Drccoll, on Saturday, the v>(i Hay ot j line, 1815, netweeu llie hours of five and seven m the afternoon, subject to such conditions "of sale as shall be then produced, unless disposed of by Private Contract in the mean time, of which titueiy notice will be given. 6 ALL that capital MESSUAGE, FARM, and I LAN US. called LLANDEY AY LOG. containing by I 140A Qfll. and also all the MANOR lfr^^TVAl'-D WANORot.PYTIN GLASS, and all that MtSSUAGfc, FARM, and LANDS, called PVTIN GLASS, with their several Appurtenances, containing bv admeasurement 131 A. lR. 4P, and also a WATER CORN GRIST MILL, called VELLINDDU, therewith field, situate in the parish of Handevatios-vach, in the said county, wjiinn two miles of the town of Brecon; the turnpike-road from Brecon to Builth passes through the Estate, which is partly watered by the river Hoaddu, and commands most beautiful and picturesque views. The Buildings are in complete repair, and there is a fine Grove of thriving Timber of upwards ol' 50 Acres on the Estate. For further particulars apply to Mr. Mavherv,Brecon. —■■■ ■ — 1 SALE POSTPONED. SOUTH-WALES. Shares in the Nettth and Glamorganshire Canal Navigation. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Auction-Mart, in Bartholomew-lane, London, on Monday, the 8th day of May, iyi;5, at the hoar of twelve o'clock at noon, subject to certain conditions to be then produced, and in such lots as shall be agreed upon at the time of sale, or in the mean time by Private Contract, 0f< C HARES in the NEATH CANAL, pro- *■" O ducing ^15 per Share annually, payable half yearly, without any deduction whatever. This concern is unlimited as to the extent of the annual Dividend, and in every respect a.most prosperous one. op SHARES in the'GLAMORGANSHIRE CANAL, producing £ !> l'c's. g(j. per Share annually, payabie half yearly, wHoout any deduction whatever. I Ins Canal extends from Merthyr Tydvil to the town of Cardiff. 1 he whole ol the above Share? produce at the rate before mentioned, a nett annual income of £ T4i 9s. 4d. Fur further particular apply to] Mr. Gregory, Solicitor., Clement s-niu, Loudon; or Messrs. Powell andJone-, Soli- citors, bream; if |>y letter, the posia^cniust be paid, CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the dwelling-house of Mr. Thos. Waiters, in the village ot Ltauanh, m the said county, on Wednesday, the 3d day 01 ",h,Y next. between the hours of one and three o clot:* tn tfie altemooii, subject to such conditions of sale as hhatt bG then and there produced, Lot i. A lhat MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, ,an^ EANDS, with the Appurtenances there- PI uw n 0al^ ca,led and .klluw" b.V the name ol BLA1.N\ LUObE, nowiu the occupation of Mr. John Evans; containing 10o Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pas- PTRPI"" i>ANI'UTH»'»«.««• I('ss: with a SLANG, tf.CEor i^EL of LAND, adjoining the said Farm, being par ot the | enement of Rhydtechan, containing -0 Acres or thereabouts. The dwelling-house of Blaeuvrh'ose, and all the outhouses thereto belonging, are in cood"repair, and the lands are capable of very great improvement. rSG' PIECE, or PARCEL of LAND, Ci.hed { AilKI ENLLAIN, near the above premises, and adjoining the turnpike-road leading fif.m Llanarth to Car- digan, containing I,) Acres, be the same more or less. All the above premises are in the parish of Hearth aforesaid, within three miles of the sea; and lime maybe ha:1 within that distance at a moderate rate, with plenty of sea weeds, &c. Mr. David Thomas, of Rhydfechan aforesaid, will shew the premises and for all other particulars apply to Mr. DanIel Williams, Attorney at Law, Aberystwith. NEHVOlfS DEBILITY. nnilE CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD having been uncommonly suecesslui with young people who nave ihe appearance and air of old age who"are pale, effeminate, benumbed, stupid, and even imbecile wbos bodies are become bent, whose legs are no longer <tbJc- carry them who hive an utter distaste for every thing, all; aretotany iucapacitatfd; this celebrated Cordial stanci highly recommended to the afflicted with these languish- ing disorder. as the only medicine that can be administered with assured confidence ol success, its virtues being daily demonstrated m eradicating the worst and most dangerous symptoms; and nothing has* tended so much to establish its fame as tln> certain success in those complaints which strike their roots so deep in the constitution, and are so fatal to the .happiness of mankind. Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper Mr. Daniel Carmarthen; Mr. Ott'<» Haverfordwest; and Mr. North Brecon in bottles, pnt* J J s. each or Four in one famiiy bottle for 33s. by which one lis. bottle is saved, with the words Saint. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stani'). Of whom may also be had, The celebrated ANTI-IMPETIGINES or SOLOMON'S DROPS (without mercury or a„y 'rfe'e trnous preparation),.which stand in the highest e-fimation for thccure of the Scurvy, bcrotula, Lopros\, and ali dis- orders originating iti an impure state of til, being gradual, gentle, and almost imperceptible, in their operation the best substitute that has ever been discovered tor that dangerous mineral Mercury,sweetening the ^|)ti mnlatmgit to expel ail noxious and impure juices, giving strength and tone to the nerves,enlivening and invigorating both body and mind. Price 11,. per bottle, or four in one family bottle for 33s. on which one small b ttle .slaved. —The words Soml. Solomon, Liverpool," are engraved an the stamp of each bot- tie, without which none are genuine. .e. Dr.Sotomon expects, when consul-ted by letter, the usual! compliment of a one pound note to be inclosed, addressed 41 Mouft v letter. I)r. Solomon, Gilcad-bouse, near Liver pool double postage/' pool. double postage/' 'V r HEREFORDSHIRE c} RADNORSHIRE. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATES, MANOR, WOOD^™kDS)and WATER OA £ T//0^SJ A?D 4C« £ s"Tl/r;fMe«rffl«;. Pasture. a*d AruLic LAND and QliCHARDS, I U A orE In a most bcaaur-u; part oi toe Counties, and wii! watered. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Gangway's Coffee-house. 'Ctmuge-alley, Cornhiil, Lon- don, on iiuirsday, 15> 1835;al ,2 0.dwck> Jn TM?- V0;:v* imProvahi- FREE. C ,[ •" Part 4'itlw-frre, -.vitl, exte- i-.e C-utmon iv^ts, >■) t,.c eoir.rt^g^r Hereford and R.:ltnvo- conM-ting of nearly JO!ia Acres of rich Meadow, Pastore' ,anCr- ood and Orchaidv. with the Manar of Badlands. I-ines, Qnit-lveiit.s, and an AHotmeiuon Wimh e p'r' W, lp"! /*x,fSIve of Common. The capital larms of Kodd; the very rich Grazinsj Farm, called i een tarm. wit.i a capital Water Corn-Mill^ and the Low Far^ hSdir"8' y"1' "cellent Farm-houses, and suitable Oni- bv ftL rr ti-'Pr0"5' The are intersected ■liav hp rS J r and Arrow, by which they tH-i. Pemf i aU r.C sit^te<i m ltlc Pai'i*hes of Pre- in irk >f tri Ii 8,1(1 V Rad,u'r» contiguous to good varied sr^nf' ai'd, ,cnlJ,nailtJ|»^ beautiful views of il.a try the wl/Tr.0- f!Ue!.V diversified snrronnding con, uud'er au-wn /C ?Ci:uPat»'» respectable Tenanis vest m(fney? l0rm"1S Verj eiiSib,e ProP«^ t" Tohn rhI!eWCrd by- 011 t'I'e premises or of Mr. Ll S < jV0,r-S" 'e;,r where particular, lo;l nl' sip "r" ?nnatl0n,nla-v bc hfld' and "f >he Estate Pirrt' P1t w M Ut Oxtord-Arins, Kington Messrs. bird and W'oollaston, Hereford; and at the Hotel; the ^-Honor-Arms, Presteign Lion, Leominster; Wm, Handy, Jisq. toe Hop-Pole and Star ir.r.s, Worcester; Duke's- Aims, Knighton Crown and Angel, Ludlow; Hotel. Li'- verpool; bush, Bristol White-Lion, Bath; Mr. Phelps, Eveshan,; Ken and Cinckcns, Birmingham; T. G. Parr, Esq. Lichfield; Castle, iamworth George, Northampton Mr. /idanjs, Oxford George, Cheltenham King's-Hcad, Gloucester at Messrs. Jones and Green. Salisbury square-, fcS,rnrt; ^Gwraway's Coffee-bouse; and Mr. iil-.i-f,) 'r 1 cet' Golden-square, London, whsre Plans ofthe Estate may be seen. RADNORSHIRE, Q\ TIIE BORDERS or IIEREFOEXSSHrRF, The Beguildy and Rhw Ui/dd Estates Near 13CX) ACRES; Divided into compact Far* with Farm-houses and Bnil^ nigs, and very valuable Common Eight-to a expert on the Beguddy and other Mills. 8 1 e"e'* £ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's I ley, CornhiN, run. don, on Ihursday, June 15, 131.5, at 12 o'clock, in lots, THE valuable and very improvable FREE* HOLD ESTATES (with the valuable Common Right Oil the lkguildy and oihef Hills, many mi!«js in extent, situate i:; the paush of BCgUiJdv), between Kni^tit ui and "V 111couiHy of Radnor; comprising fisi Acres WoorM J") ifca?"lv> Pasture, Arable, and small n;irt „ .1 '™s' let to respectable tenants, ori /l3t):) j>er Amium.1'1 '?rms at amoanting to about tuatrnii! W j" fcommanding si. rights. The fine river Team fioS'thro.lrh tC""rT* ii stored with trout and other fish aM r V'1 irrigating the meadows. The lands Lh ?Vn&nle iwr. an sorts, and the hills with gro,'se lb°u"? V.me ot perf.y for investing money, and tor íicld sports, ",il¡¡ate six .,n!e, from K.,ieliwn, -.liicl, &C- ""d May be viewed by applying to Mr.- Price, sen. and inn at \fydw LoyH, Dotlde.^s, and j>rindrynow Farms, particulars tuaybehad; at the DukeVAr'ms, Kiiight.m" Oxlord-Arras, Kirigtou of JHIIII Cheese, Esq. Lvon's fjaji* near Kington, where plans may be seen Hotel, and Messri! Bad and oollaston, Hereford; Crown. Lu nuv Hon- 1 ole and Star inns, and ot Wm. Handy, E,,i. Worcester George-inn, Cheltenham Fving's-Hrad, Gloucester: Hen and Chickens. Birmingham.; T. G. Parr, Esq. Lichfieid Mr. nelps, Evesham; of Messr«. Jones and Green. S:i!t bury-sqHare, Fleet-street; at Gangway's Coffeehouse; and ot Mr. Robiws, Warwick-street, Gol'deti-square, where |.»Liiis of the Estates may be •ccn. The road from London is through Worcester and Ludlow. H I. I Capital FREEHOLD ESTATES, Near King/on, Presteign, the Manor of Mutton, SI rangeworth Farm, and Vuliet\ Wood' Luc Farm, Woodlands, Cot toga, Sr. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Ur. ROBINS, At Garrawny's Coffee-lmu.se, 'Change-alley, ComhifL Lon- dou, on Thursday. June 15, 1015, at tw'elvs o'clock, IN rv.r) LOTS) r|^IIE. valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, \jth Hi:¡,l,t (;f CO;¡¡IlHtJ; comprising tile MANOR nl" Fino, QIIII R'11I', Si RANvji, ORi tl F;\I1\I. and VALLET's WOOD, in the parisn of J emondge con-is(ing of a 8ubst.inti.il Tariu.house, s;>atcd on a liiicvelevati ui, commanding beau- t"ul views c arm Buikhn.gs, Cotiagos, Gardens. Mc. eon- taimng near y.tiOt) Acres of Arable, Pasture, and beautiful Wood Land, in part bounded by the river Arrow, a tine flowing sueam 'n the occttpauou of Mr. Morgan and others, ihe. IA E L.MA Hisituate," ,e p„ish Ames) v. wiih Farin-hon^e and Oulbndd. and st|1)tirv I);vci!ings and Cottages, with neariy It:) .rps of rich ;u,|ow, Ar.bie, Pasture, iittn it ood Land, Garden, and Orchids, in the oC- Cllpation of Mr. Harper and other*, respectable tenant*. lo be viewed by applying to Mr. Morgan. atStraegp- vvorlh, far, Mr. Harper, at Lye • of John Cheese, ]>q. Ij-ion s-ti.ill, where particulars may he had and plans semi; Uxtord-.Arms, Kington; Hotel, and Messrs. Bird an;! Wo '1. aston, Hereford Lion, Leouiiiisier; Wm. Handy. E- at tue Inns. Worcester; II. n and Chickens, Birmingham King s-JJead, Gloucester; T. G. Parr, E<q. IdeitOoiri of Messrs. Jones and Green, Sal^b'irv-sqn.re, Fleet-street "t Garravvay'* (Jotfee-house ond of Air. street, Gold u-square, London, where plans may he seer, WORMS DESTROYED. 1\/TEDICINE never witnessed a more im- IfA portiuit Discovery than in PR U'CIl ETT'S VP<iK TABLE YERMIlill^E. a Remedy that, contrary to otliers, neitner purges, vomiK or o;IlCrlViSf. In t}; aftl-d., the coiistitu'jo'i; requires nl1 confmeme.u. has neither taste or *mell, and is so harmless that it may be tak^y an mfant of an hour old and yet ne-.er, in on, ntsta^v ta.led destroying every worm in the bodv; |, is the actual discovery of a medical praetilioner of etninei.ce. who may bt reU-rred to by appliCHi mn at the wf.oleshle Agents, and win, most solemnly assorts it cwutains not a Pmin'rH; ?r! \M"™l!^ nr otherdrastic article. HvilC IA is K-OKT,\RT,].: ESIMIIUGE is prennred and Mgned by the pnn,neior, D Pritclnit, and sold fin large packeu-s, price 2s. 9d. suiricient for'n full arrowu person, or for three small children, or in small packets priests. iit| suiRcient {V-r a child) who|e5ule by Barclay and Soil's, bieet Market London, and retail by T. Jenkins, 1 sinter of this- Paper, Li«ter, and Daw (late Fievman ), Swansea Morgan, ftea'.li; Evans, Bridgend Vacliell. Cardui; Dyke and Wiihams, Merihvr Darnel, Car:. 'ben; North, Yapp, and Vawcha-i, P,r«»con ?:;cs l ke and iJi'u'e. Crickho^eU, p