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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS. TrtE PRINCE regent's MESSAGE. Thursday, Ar,.il (I.-fhe Earl of Liverpool deli- vered Message Irotn the Prince Regent; which W.1S as usual rejlcI by the Lord Chancellor, and then hy he Clerk, stating, that the Prince Regent anting in the na ne and cm the behalf ot his Ma- jesty, iiid th<Ki^ht it. proper to acquaint the House oj Lurds, that in coiisequence of the recent events which had occurred in France, in contravention of the trea ies lately concluded, and which threatened to disturb the general tranquillity, measures had been taken for the aug:nentatim of the land and sea forces, and that no time had been lost in taking the propersteps forcomrnunication with the Allies, so as to act in concert for the repose anrl security of Europe; and the Prince Regent expressed his hope that the House of Lords would concur in any measures that nii^h,t be necessary for securing that object.-( See Report of Commons.) Eirl Grey adverted to the words in contravention of treaties, and requ-estc i to be informed by the Noble Eirl to what treaties these words alluded. The Eirl of Liverpool had no hesitation in stat- in,, to the tfoble Eirl, that the events which h id I recently occurred in France were considered as in contravention of the treaty of Paris, and all the treaties recently, concluded, but particularly ot the treaty ,f Foitrainblean. Etrl Grey said it would be desirable to have the article of the treaty of Pont^iubleau to which those wor is alluded. Considering the augmentation fit the sea and land forces, and the communication with the Allies tor the security and repose oi Europe, as precautionary measures simply, he con- fessed he was not disposed to abject to them. The Earl of Liverpool informed the House that in the address it was to be stated, that the recent events which ha ) occurred in France were contrary to trea'y. It wasmerety intended to echo the words of the message, thanking his Royal Flightiest for the information that he had taken these mea- sures, and concluding with the general sentiment, that the House would support hislloyal Highness in the measures necessary for the security of this country and of Europe. The Marquis of Lansdowne observed, that a report having gone abroad that there was a secret article in the treaty of Paris, by which this country became bound to support Louis XVIII. in case of insurrection, he wished the Noble Earl opposite to state whether there was any such article. The Earl of Liverpool had no objection to say, that the rumour of any such secret article was entirely without foundation. L'lrd Grenville was desirous of now stating to their Lordships, that considering the measures mentioned by the address simply by themselves, he could not but approve of them. It was only by precautionary measures that they were most likely to succeed in the object of preserving the peace of the country, and the independence and tranquillity of Europe. The Message was then laid on the table. Friday, April 7.—The Marquis of Lansdowne wished that one of the Prince Regent's Ministers would give an explanation on the subject of the alleged detention of French ships by our cruisers. There were two questions which required an an. Swer. First, whet-hrc* any ships had been so de- tunedr Second, whether, if they had been so detained, the detention was authorised by Go- vernmcn r ? Lord Melville replied, that the detention had occurred in only oneortwoinstancet; and cer- tainly they had not been authorised by the Go- vernment. (Hear, hear.) regent's message ANB ABDRSSi. The orier of the-day for the considera-tion of the Prince Regent's Message being read, The Earl ot Liverpool rose and called their Lordships' attention to.the Message which he had last night the honour to deliver to their Lordships from his Royal Highness the Prince Regent. In looking at the Treaty of Paris, to which he must now call their Lordships'attention, hecoutduot view the rem trkablc liberality of the Allies, even naw, with regret, because no one could attend to the power, the extent, and population of France, and not fed that it would have been unwise to have exacted from that people any thing which could reasonably humble them in their own esti- mation. He was desirous also to call the;r Lord- ships'attention to the Treaty of Fontainbleau, and to the circumstances under which it was concluded. Whatever might have been the wish of the Go- vernment of this country as to the matters which formed the subject of that treaty, there was in truth, no alternative for ihem. Tiiey were obliged to give a qualified assent to it. After the attack upon the French troops near Paris, and the en- trance of the Allies into that city, a revolution took place; the Conservative Senats was assembled, an i a Provisional Government appointed to ne^o- cute with the Allies. Under these circumstances it was proposed to grant a place of retreat for the person who was then ruler of France; and it was represented in support of this proposition, that it atforoed the only means of avoiding a civil war in France, and of bringing over the Marshals, who probably would not accede to the new arrangement unless that point were secured. At that time the only Marshal who had acceded to the new order of things was M Lrmont. None of the others had then notified their adherence. In addition to this, it ought to be considered that Bonaparte was at the head ot 30,000 men, on whom he could depend- that there was an army of 50,000 men in the south under Soult. There was, besides, a formidable army in Italy, clearly in his favour, and superior to that which was opposed to it. All the fortified places in France, in Itaiy, in Holland, and on the Rhine, were nominally, at least, under the power of the chief of the army. Whoever attended to these facts would see that there were good reasons for the concessions made by the Allies on that occasion. Under these circumstances, then, the treaty was mane by the Sovev§igas been considered the most wise and prudent course to give a qualified assent as tar as the giving up of JElba to Bonaparte, and the grant ot Parma and Placentia to the Emperor of Austria's daughter. It had been asked why had not Bonaparte been closely watched in Elba? The reason was, that Booaparte was not there as a. prisoner. He was ;1} a. place which had been assigned to htmin sove- reignty so that to have subjected him to any re- m straint in that place would have been a contraven- tion of the treaty. It had been said that the Island of X'lba was an improper place for Bonaparte; but in A hatever situation he was phtced, he must, accorvling to the treaty, be it liberty, and in what- everpV-.ee he was put, he migbt have escaped from it. As ,to the means of guarding the island, he believed that every naval person was convinced til it the whole British navy would not be sufficient to blockade Elba sa as to prevent the escape of an individual who choae to leave it. That .object had Dot, however, heea-'neglected. The officer had baen accidentally absent at the time-, but still em- ployed in his duties; and even if he had not been so employed, a temporary absence would have sig nitied nothing. Bonaparte had the command 01 the military and police of the island, and would, as he in fact had done, in one or two instances, have placed the officer under restraint till his pur- pose WAS accomplished, lie had laid &a embargo an all the vessels for a eUy or two before, and had placed two persons under restraint, till he had carried his scheme into execution. He thought i necessity, also to say a few words as to the sup- posed breach of the treaty by the King of France, He positively denied that there was any breach whatever by the French Government. An arrange- ment had been made with a view to the liquidation ol the debt created by that treaty, though there had been complaints that .Bonaparte himself had in some minor circumstances, violated it. But 011 looking at the treaty, it would be seen that, accord- ing to the literal terms of it, there was no viola- tion whatever by the King of France. The pay- ment was to be annual, and until the year had elapsed, there was no literal breach of the treaty. Bonaparte did not come into France on the ground that the treaty had been violated by the non-pay- ment of his aniwiity; but his proclamations, It) spirit and almost in terms, bore, that he ail along meant to violate that treaty at the very first oppor- tunity—that he had only sacrificed the crown of France for a moment, with the settle,d purpose of resinning it again as soon as he possibly could. The condition upon which the treaty had been exe- cuted by the Allies was the complete and absolute r-nounciation of all pretensions to the crown of France by Bonaparte, and the step which had been since taken by the person jn question was a. clear, distinct, and undeniable violation of the treaty, and of all the arrangements which ha.d been at tha.t period concluded. He need not then, he presumed, take up further time in proving that the condition had been violated on which Bonaparte ha.d obtained liberty and security, and afforded to thi$, country a justifiable cause of war. It was impossible to con- ceal the danger to the peace and tranquillity of this country and of Europe in general, which resulted from the late unformnate event. It was impossible to forget the conduct and character of the indivi- (hul-the little regard paid by bin) to treaties and eogigements the attacks on Spain, on Prussia,, on Russia, on Austria, and on almost all the powers of, thtl Continent. All these considerations, to- gether with the impossibility which had been ex. perienced of maintaining relations of peace with him, must furnish every reflecting mifit-i with ample reasons for the most serious apprehensions; a.nd these apprehensions must be augmented too, by the circumstances of his return and accession to power. He came, he said, to restore wh it he called the glory of the French arms, and this avowed object could not be regarded without just alarm. The country had only one of two alternatives— armed defence or active war. Between these two alternatives, however, of armed defence or active war, he did not at present call on them to decide, (hear, hear,) and he did not request any decisions upon the question, as it was not only a. British but an European question, and that almost every thing must depend on the concert between this country and its Allies. Under these circumstances, then, he trusted their Lordships would agree to the address. Lord Grenville, fully agreeing as he did in the cautious language and general objects of the ad- dress, hoped that treaty would soon come into discussion by which our past state of security was apparently ruined, and we were now forced to the painful alternative described by the Noble L"ru — that of expensive armament, or dangerous and doubtful war. He agreed that now there was a. necessity for prompt and manly rexotution, that the question was not now to bethecause of the danger, but the mole of averting it. That it would not be becoming them as men, and still less as Englishmen, to pause when the question was of general security. He entirely approved of the tem- perate language of the Message, and in this no man could suppose that he was offering an opinion on the fitness of plunging into hostilities. He gave his hearty concurrence to the proposition of plac- ing ourselves in a state ot armed defence (hear hear); a. painful and severe necessity, hut still one from which we could not withdraw. He approved of the address in its other feature of acting in con- cert with the Allies. There was no other road to safety than a sincere, honourable> and firm concert with tha Continental Powers, He would desire to impress it upon Sovereigns and nations, that the cause of the French successes Was in the want of that concert; that those disunited and partial inte. rests sent the enemy to trampte from one corner of Europe to another. (Hear). Marquis Wellesly made no objection to the treaty of Paris, it might be quite right and expe- dient; but from that, all went astray. He did not however hesitate to say, that there had been suffi- cient contravention of the treaty of Pariíi and fontainbleau to authorise our nuking war He was decidedly for strengthening the arm of govern- ment, and giving all of vigour and weight that was m 9 to be found in a wise aud manty preparation. Earl Grey expressed his concurrence in most of the observations which he heard delivered upon this question and had listened to the greater part ot the discussion with the highest satisfaction. It was Juillfulto observe, that as far as the information of which they were in possession enabled them to jui ge,there had existed danger ef an immediate war among the powers assembled to complete the work of psa.ee, and that such was the spirit of dis. union and jealousy which prevailed, as to afford too much reason to believe that hostilities would have ultimately become unavoidable. (Hear, hear). In his judgment, the Noble Lord (Liverpool) had chosen the worst ground he could have selected on which to establish a right ot war, when he pleaded the violation of the treaty of Fontainbleau. He conceived however that this country possessed at present a ground for claims, which might if sound policy required it, be justly prosecuted bv arm- and cordially approved of the address moved for by the Noble Earl. The question was then put, and carried nemine dissentiente, and the address was ordered to he pre- sented by such Peers as are of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, April 6.—Lord Castlereagh appeared at the bar, and announced a. Message from the Prince Regent, which was brought up by his Lordship and read by the Speaker as follows .— f) George P. n. The Prince Regent, acting is. the name and on the be. half of his Majesty, thinks it right to inform the House of Common, that the events which have recently occurred in France, in direct conravention of the engagements CQn- eluded with the Allied Powers, iu Paris, in the month of April last, and which threaten consequences highly ddll- gerous to the tranquillity and independence of Europe, have induced his Royal Highness to give direction for the augmentation of his Majesty's laud and sea forces. ihe Prince Regent has likewise deemed it incumbent UPIII him, to luse no time in entering ii,to communications with his Majesty's Allies, for the purpose ot forming such • conccn as may most effectually provide for the general '^erniauent security of Europe. r!ort ofJliV0"1 HA?!llless confidently relies on the sup- f ,e House ol Commons, in all measures which mav objectfor lhe accomplishment of this 'important I) bJect." t he Message having been read, Lord Castlereagh moved, that the same be taken into consideration which was agreed to. Mr. Whit bread rose and asked whfthpr there was any foundation for a rumour which had been propagated by a sort ot half authority, that there was a secret article or engagement between the parties to the treaty of Paris, pledging them, except t'ranee, to naMutain the HQWlli et iiourbon on the throne of France also, whether the Noble Lord did not think it consistent with his duty to furnish in account of the negociations at Chatiilon. Lord Castlereagh said with respect to the first of the Hon. Gentleman's questions, there was no secret article of that nature. As to the other ques- tion, the House was not prepared to delay- the con- sideration of the message tiil all the papers con- iieoted with the proceedings at Chatiilon were laid before it. Mr Ponjonby said it appeared to him to be per- fectly wise and proper that this country should be in a state of preparation, and that the Prince Re- gent should be advised to act in intimate communi- cation with the Allies. Beyond that he did not mean to go, nor to enter into premature discussion on a subject of such immense importance. (Hear hear. ( I., Lord Castlereagh would not say any thing in an- ticipation. He assured the House, that it WAS not in his contemplation to call for any opinion how this country should act in concert with the Allies. The opinion which he should offer to the House would not lie of a nature to anticipate their future proceedings. Mr. M. A. Taylor obtained leave to bring in a bill to abolish the punishment of the pillory. On the motion of the Chancellor of the Exche- quer the Foreign Wine Duty Bill was ordered to be read a third time on that day six months. The other orders of the day were then disposed of. message from the regent. Friday, April 7.LtJrJ Castlereagh moved the order of the day for taking into consideration his Royal Highness the Prince liegeut's most gracious Message. The Message was then read by the Speaker. Lord Castlereagh called the attention of the House to the Message which had just been read. He apprehended, that the events which had recently occurred, in direct contravention to all the engage- ments rna.de in the treaties of Fontainbleau and Paris, necessarily and naturally implied a justi- fiable cause of war against Francs by this Govern- ment and its Allies. The late events in France, in direct contraveutioll to solemn treaties and engage- ments, had sn endangered the order ofrbings in Europe, that it was impossible for the British em. pire to be otherwise than armed on the occasion, and that it was impossible not to act in concert with our fellow labourers, who had been so ardu. ously engaged with iis in restoring tranquillity to Europe. [His Lordship here entered into a long detail of observation* respecting the treaties of Paris and lontainbleau, the tenor and substance of which were similar to those already noticed from Lord Liverpool in the House of Lords this evening.] Although, in her political situation, France might now be prostrate at the toot of her armias, who would venture to say, that the return »f Bonaparte was the act of the French nation? (hear, hear.) Who could hesitate to allow, that the late revolution was purefy the act of the military ? The military class, that had been accustoihed to seek their for- tunes by rapine and plunder, an I who looked to promotion, advancement, and rewards from the blood of other nations, naturally opposed an order of things that promised peace. But after having betrayed their King, and violated their oath, he believed, tint if they had any of the honourable feelings of military men remaining, they must feel ,themselves ill at ease, and degraded in their own estimation. As we had already saved the world, in concurrence with the Allied Powers, it was in concurrence with them that we must preserve it from future dangers. After some further obser- vations, his L'ordship concluded by uroviny an address, which was, as usual, an echo to the mes- sage. b Sir Francis Burdett aaid, if the address was only an indirect mo^e of leading them into war, it was his duty to oppose it. The only intelligible ground of war, as far as he could understand, was the re. storation of the House of Bourbon. He should vote against such an unjustifiable principle of has. tilities. He had nothiui.; to do with the wishes of the people of France, but he protested against the abominable principle of interfering with their concerns. Mr. Ponsonby would support tha address as it stood. So tar from binding them to take the first step in war, it bound them to no determination either for peace or for war. Upon that under. standing, he voted for the address. Mr. Whitbrea.d considered the whole as a fliinsv, veit, to entrap the candt) confidence of his Hon.; Friends into a grtat question on which peace or wa.r depended. The Il,"). Member proceeded to reprobate, in strong terms, the Declaration of the Allies against Bonaparte, issued too so shortly after the King of Saxony had solemnly protested against the dismemberment of his territory, and so shortly before Na,poleonhad declared the abolition of the Slave Trade. It was a declaration so ab- horrent to his feelings, that, in his opinion, our Ministers at the Congress ought to be impeached for having disgraced the national character by signing it. Sorry he w s to say, that the great name of England was sullied by that declaration, and all the great talents and exploits of the Duke of Wellington would not retrieve his character from the shame which h:s signature had cast upon it. It was his thorough conviction, that if this country entered upon this war of aggression, its purpose would be foiled. The first reverse would dissolve the coalition, and. England might be left in the lurch to make a disgraceful peace for herself. In conclusion, he would observe, that though he ap. proved of the present address, he shoutd tubmit an it, tending to take from Ministers the power of aggression, limiting their efforts to resistance, and imploring the Prince Regent to preserve the blessings of peace as far as was com- patible with the essential interests of the country. The Hon. Member concluded with moving his amendment to this effect. 0 Mr. Tieraey said, that the speech of the Noble Lord give reason to suppose that our Allies were inclined to a state of war, and if they entered on war for the purpose of dethroning Bonaparte, the idea would appal his very heart. He should vote for the amendment. Lord Castlereagh said, the Hon. Gent. (Mr. W.) had referred to the Declaration of the Allied Powers at Vienna, He was perfectly prepared to approve of that declaration, and of the conduct of those who had signed it on the part of this country, as a Declaration levellerl against Bonaparte who me- naced the tranquillity of Europe. We had a full, sufficient, and moral justification of commencing war against Napoleon, if we considered it was wise and right to pursue it. The Government would act in concert with the Allies. The question was then loudly called for, and the House divided—For the amendment, 37—Against it, 220-Majority in favour of the origtuai tuotton, 183.- Adjourned. Plymouth has called a general meeting of the inhabitants to consider and determine on the propriety of presenting a dutiful and loyal address to his RoyalHighlless the Prince Regent, expressive of attachment to his Royal person, and declaratory of their unabated zeal aud determination to support die policy of this nation, as opposed to the military iepotism and inordinate ambition of the Usurper of the throne of France." Old Bailey.—On Thursday the Court was occu- pied in the long-expected trial of W. Sawyer, for ) the murder of Harriet Gaskeit, at Caaape Grand, 1 near Lisbon, in April, 1314. After an excellent charge from Lord Ellenborough, the Jury deli- vered a verdict of—Guilty—but strongly recom- mending to mercy. An objection was afterwards started by Mr. Alley,—" that the authority of the Court did not extend to an offencs committed in separate and independent kingdoms, which have competent laws and authorities to try such offences" '—the Judges declined to reserve this point, but the judgment was deferred till next Sessions, on ac- count of certain objections which were found to .arise upon the form of the indictment itself. Lambeth-slrcet,"Police-office.■—Wednesday Marga- ret Moore underwent a second examination, charged with an attempt to steal the King's crown from the Tower. Eliz. Eloisa Stackling, deputy-keeper of the regatia in the Tower, deposed, that on Friday iitst, about one o'clock, the prisoner asked to see the regalia.-the usual charge is Is. 6 1.; but the prisoner having offered a. shilling, and she sup- posing her to be a soldier's wife, consented to take it. She proceeded in the usual way, until she came to the crown; this is contained in a case, and is never taken out; she opened the case, and held it with both hands, on the edge of a table, except when she was obliged to disengage one hand, to point out particular jewels. She had just been describing the equip minora, ajewel of great value," when the prisoner thrust her hand throufdi the centre bar of the grating, and seizing hohf of the cetitrt- boxy ofthe crown, pulled with great violence to draw it forth. Witness put her hand at the top of the bow and bottom of the crown, to preserve it, while the prisoner kept struggling with still greater violence to get it away. This struggling continued for atbout five minutes, and she at length got the crown from her grasp. She then put the crown at a distance behind her, slipt the bolt at the entrance, secured the prisoner, and called for assistance. When help was obtained, she sent for the Go- vernor: but the Warden having come in, a Con- stable was sent for, who took the prisoner into custody. She was searched, and about 51. in money was found upon her; there were also some papers. In the struggle there were two bows ofthe crown broken from the socket; a string of pearls was also broken, which rolled upon the floor, some inside the railing, and some outside, where the prisoner was. These were subsequently picked up by the witness, assisted by the Governor.—The prisoner btiog called upon for her defence, said that she was a widow, residing at No. 3, Union-street Apollo-gardens; she was a milk-woman. Being asked by the Magisirate why she came so far from home, she replied she very often went to Thames- street to buy salt herrings. Then said the Magis- trate, what induced you to go to the Tower?—A. 1 went on Friday purposely to see the lions no one was with me; I then went to see the crown.—How came you to snatch that article from the keeper?— A. I thought it a pity, that so valuable a thing should remain there, while half the nation was starving for want of bread I I wished also, at the iinae, to take the whole of what was there, and give it to the Public!—Who told you to do this, or vr 10 was it put that good thought into your head I —A. I had no adviser whatever.—J. Brett, a con- stable, deposed to having taken the prisoner iiito custody. When he was conveying her away in a coiclv, he asked her why she had made an attempt to seize the crown, and why she might not as well have laid hold of one of the lions ?—she replied she was not such :t fool—she knew better than that.— A remark being made by another Officer, that it was treason to steal or destroy the crown; she said, in return, no one had ever lost their lives yet for attempting the lile of the King.—Upon being asked by the Magistrate to state more particularly y who she was, stte said she was a Welch woman, from Carmarthenshire. About ten years since, she purchased some ground from Mr. Hooper, of I the Apollo Gardens; and about five jears ago built a small house, in which she resides, and which had already cost her 120t. She was to have paid 150L Her other houses and property were stolen troin her by ejectments, executions, &c. and her iosaes amounted at least to 5001. She never had any idea of stealing the Crown, until she saw it, and then she was only impelled by the motive al- ready stated. Does not recollect that she ever thoughtof providing for the poor until then. Mr. Swift, the keeper of the jewels in the Tower being out of town, the prisoner was remanded. COPPER ORE Sold c.t Pool, on Thursday, April G. [• Mines, Tons. Purchasers. At per Ton. Dolcoath 165 Daniell and Go. t 4 7 6 ditto at Freeman and Co. 10 2 6 ditto 11.5 ditto 6 9 6 ditto 104;" ditto (f a o ditto 9.5 ditto il 7 0 ditto 90 ditto 10 g (j ditto 81 ditto 7 g 0 Wheal Abraham 112 Williams aad Groufclj 7 0 ditto 94 ditto 6 10 ditto 73 ditto 5 10 ø ditto 72 ditto v 750 ditto 69 ditto 3 1J 0 Oatfield 57 Daniell Sc Co. 1 11 6 ditto 5-4 Mines Royal 7 17 6 ditto 53 Daniell and Co. S 1 (I Crenver 71 ditto S 13 0 Oitts 68 firass Wire Co. 12 3 6 Crinnis 134, Daniell and Co. 4 4 6 ditto 100 ditto 6 1 0 ditto 83 Patten and Co. and Viviar. and Satis 3 8 6 Wheal Fanny 81 Daniel! and Co. 8 15 0 ditto 78 Brass Wire Co. T 16 6 Pembroke 103 Danieli and Co. 7 0 0 ditto 18 ditto 6 6 () Tin Craft 103 Brrainigham Co. 5 9 6 Wh. Bassett 97 Mines Royal 11 16 0 Cook's Kitchsn 64 Cornish Co. 5 lg 6 ditto SO Daniell and Co. loo Unanimity 82 ditto t a 0 Tragiijoran SO ditto 12 1 0 Tolal 249t tons.—Average Standard 1201. BANKRUPTSfrllm Saturday's Gazette. TO SURRENDER AT OUUDHJLL. J. BnrtCRshaw, Alboun, miller, April 11. 25, May @0.— J. Kelly, Finsbury-square, merchant, April 11, 18, May 40. —N. Brooke, Little Russell street, shoemaker, April ii, In, May 20.—Gurne.y. Stanhope-street, coal-raurchant, April 11, 18, May 20.-W. lirandon, Kent-street, hoop-maker, April 11, 15, May 20—kane, Godahning, butcher, April 15, 25. May 20.-J. Crowley, St. Jamfs's street, tavern- keeper, April 15, 22, May 20 — M. aud S. W. Woodward, Honduras-wharf, Bankside, timber-merchants, Aprii 15, '2'l, May 20.—T. Payne, HoHoway, \ictualler, April 15, 29, May 20.—W. Slade, Briekdane, baker, April 11, 24, May 20.—G. Castell, Eton, grocer, April 15, 22, May 20.—R. Mills, Goswell-street, bedstead-maker, April 15, 25. May 20.—W. House, Cleveland-street, couch maher, April 15, 22, May 20.—J..Morton, Strand, printer, April 11,22. May 22, May 20.—W. Stevens and J. W. Woodcock, Brighton, stationers, April 15. 22. May 2Q.—J. Booth, Curtain-road, j carpenter, April 15.85. May SO. TO SUmtENOEH IN THE COUNTRY. D. Ames, jun. Thorpe, rag-merchant, April.17, 22, May 20, at the Norfolk-hotel, Norwich.—W. Williams, Meinke, Carmarthenshire, shopkeeper, April 21, May 1, 20, at the Talhiit-inn, Curiiiariliell.-C. iiiti C. Sharp, Southampton, upholsterers, April 21,22, May to, at the Gvorge-inn, Southampton.—E. Morris, Newtown, woollen-draper, April 13, 14, May 20, at the Cross-Keys»imu ONWc-stry.—G. Abel, Halesworiiii surneoti. Aprit it, iS, at the.-Kiug'-s-Head-ian» JBungay, May XO, at the Anjjei-inn, Halesworth.—T. Boni- iace, ifayant, chandler, April' 13, 14, Maj 20, at the Aticitur-iiiii, Cljiciiester. OIVIDENOS to be mad* fft Guildkytt. April '29. J. Waltersi,Studham, f'armer»-G. B. Lonsdale, Green LfUucc-Jane, mturauee-hroker.—M/iew, Wellclose* square, tea-dealer.—G. Robson, Lutabard-street, merchant. -J. Patten, VYalvhawstow, merchant.—J. tee, J. S. itfar* {tjneau, ajid J. Wiikin^n, Bread-street, factors.T. Si:'>ps son, jun Oxtoid street, b()oksel!er.= W Stroud. WapplDga street, s!iip-chandler-W. Halton..Bean-street, thilon»» VV. Phillips, Biiglitoh, builder.—W. Nichoils, Piccadilly# linen draper.—T. Gordon, T. Steadmaiij and S. Howland# .1. Roberts, Cranbourn-street, silkMiiefCbr.Wi SpenCef and A. Wood head, Bow-lane, merchants.—J. Mojjgeridge* Kennington, builder.T. 'Taylor, Edge Ware road;. eur» penter.—»C. Red pat Gower-p'Iace, Paticras. dealer.^ W. Bryant, Garden court, Temple, dealer.—May 6. W«, J Wryghte, Fenchurch-street, wine merchant.—-9. T. O. Biankehhageiit Bishops^ate-strSet, merchant.— June 3. £ « Burbridge, George-street, Minories, merchant. "DIVl D ENlJS t,I,be made in the Country. April 29. J. Moffattj Sutton Valence, saddler, ftt the Bradiord-Arms, Ivetsey-Bank.—May 1. J. I ully, jun. Bristol, cutler, at the Rummer inn, Bristol*—2. W. Jutsurii Warminster, linen-draper, at the Angel-iiin, Warminster. 4. G. Wtblure. Frome Selwood. clothIer, at the Georgeninlj Frame.—J. Dingle, Piytnouth-Dock, cabfjUet-makerj at WeakleyVhotel, Plymouth-Dock.5, J. Dfet, Bmtgl. blacking-manufacturer, at the Christopher-inn. B'ath.— 8. J. Rodger, Sheffield, merchant, at the Tont.*<iei<i« £ J»v Sheffield. CERTIFICATES. April 29. \V. Farrer, Oxford os: rect, con fett joner.-J. and: P. U. Mytton, Welchpnot, uankers -W. H. Butler, €om« inercial-road, watch-ihaker,— W. Minship, Doiicaster, ik>oi £ « seller. S. Pittard,Southampton, shoemaker,—E. Wootton»> Madeley, butcher.—J. P. Woolley, Waiham-green, breweiv —J. Powell,Southampton-buildings, tailor.—W. BroadbcnT., tiull, i-ii(-reiiiiiit.-H. inewiliall, Kiio\vi-iiill, sjiopkettper.- It. Green, SifctHL-td. vfutu .jfer.—R. Burton, Shetfieid, cabi- net-maker.—VV. Crabb, Lisle-street, dealer. BANKRUPTS from Tuesday's Gazette. TO SURRENDER AT GUILDHALL. W. Searle, jun. Littiington, miller, April Tl, 25, Mav 23. —L. Cohen, London, merchant, April 15,23, May 23. J. Sparkes, Gn-at ',or,Jlld-lreet, coach-maker, April 15, £ .5, Way 23.—J. Lewis, I hree King court, wine-merchant, Apin 15, '2, May <1,5.—C. Stansfield, Road-side, White- chapel, pawnbroker, April 15, 25, May 23.—W. Vinee, Lucas Street, Commercial-road, carpenter, April la, IS May H3. TO StfRREyDFR IN TTIE .C00NTHY. A. Jordan, Atworih, Wilis, nuiltster, April 28,29. Alay 23, at the Greyhound, inn, Biiih.—J. Bannister, Shillm«iorrf, Oxfordshire, butcher, April *0, 21, M ay '25. at the Lamb inn, V\ albnglprd. W. Bell, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, grocer. April 19, 20, May 23, at the Bull-inn, Homcasde.-T. Sinn-brook, Leeds. merchant, April iG, 27, May 23. at tha White-Horse, Leeds.—T. Brv-ett, Gosport, grocer, April 27, 28, May T3, at the J)o!phin-imi, Gospart.—VV. Percival, 1 .verpoo), lead merchant, April 2.>, 26. May 2:3, at the JNags-Head, Warrington.—J. and J. Bakewell, Westoa- upou-i rent, soap-boilers, April 15. 19, May 23. at the VV■ hite-IIart-inn, Uuoxeter.—VV. stammers, Liston, Esses, » miller,^ May 1, 2, Zb, at the Rose aud Crown, Sudbury.—■ C. White, Manchester, iron-muster, April 27, t!9, May t)3. at the White Be^ir, Manchester.—W. Hill, Kidderminster, hatter, May 12, Ij, 25, at the George-itiu, 13evidlev.—T- Mee, ivetterinj:, ■N^ithaiupionshirt*, tanner, April 17 18 Way 23, at .he George-inn, Kettering.-J. Stephens, Lan-* devey log, Carmarthenshire, corn-merchant, May -i, o, 23, at • the boarVHcad-imi, Carmarthen. DIVIDENDS to be made at Guildhall. April 22. (J. and J. Ancelt, VV ailington, calico-printers.— May 2. R. Longstaif, Cloak-lane, scrivener.- 1. Johnsoa and J. St tham, Twickett's nlllis. and Johnson, Bloomsbury. millers.—4. T; Lewis, Ely-place, Holborn, merchant.— tl. Howard and Co. Mitchaiu, Surry, calico-primers. J, Greeves, Lynn, upholsterer.—L. Levy and G. Clnlders* • ii™ slopseHers.—6 J. Nailer, Jefferies-squiire. •yt. Mary-axe, merchant. —W. Beale, Bishops'-Halfield.. ur n' K'iiick, Picca iilly, hatter.—R. and A. »v Uliiuson, Jetferies-square, merchants. DIVIDENDS to he made in the Country. May 2. D. Shirt, Fail Head, Yorkshire, tanner, at the- ill'" n ar' B .rnsley,—D. Shuw, Barnsley, mercer, at the U.hue-Bear. Barnsley.—S. Savage and J. Slack, Macck-s- fjeld, silk-manufacturers, .tt the Macclesfield-Arms-inn, LicclesfieM. 4. R. J^od-on, Liverpool, merchant, at thtf i\ing s-Arms, Liverpool.—W. Dalley. Combmartin, lime- • urner, at the GolJen-inn, Barnstaple -8. J. W. Martin, t/' J, y* Cornwall, victualler, ut Pearce's ho.el, Redruth.— RedrutT ^ec*rutl1''CorniwaU, victualler, at Pearcv's-hote^. CERTIFICATES May 2. C. Hijsted, Chatham, brewer.—A. Liddle, Fleet- street, dealer.—T. Russell, Beverley, viciualler.— W. D. amagg, ulniouth, merchant. St;icey, ^orchciteri vie- Pirn. Exeter, paper-maker.—W.' Syke* and 1. 5!:ackleton, White-Lion street, seed-merchants.—N. and P. 1U i\uignt and J. M'Nedle, Liverpool, merchants. HIGH WATER ON SWANSEA BAR FOR THE ENSUING WEEK. blorning* Evening, Height. | jr. Saturday 9 ..89 9 5* 16 8 Sunday 10 16 10 48 14 7 Monday 11 rf a 0 13 5 Tuesday 12 47 1 35 12 9 Wednesday 2 20 3 0 13 ri Thursday 3 34 4 4 15 4 Friday 4 31 4 57 17 6 HIGH WATER AT THE PASSAGES. FOR THE ENSUING WEEK. Days. 1 Morning, j Evening. In. w • ir. «. Saturday. 10 49 11 14 Sunday 11 33 12 8 Monday 11 43 1 20 Tuesday -2 7 t Wednesday- 3 .40 3 to Thursday • 4 :5i 5 24 Friday 5 -51 17 MARKETS. IIARK-LANE, April 10. There is a tolerable guod supply of Wheat atmarketthis morning. Of barley, beans, and. oats the arrivals are con- siderable. Fine whettt supports the terms of this day se'nnight, but there is scarcely any thing doing in other qualities. Barley is rather lower, as also are beans, The trade for oats, is reckoned full tt. per quarter cheaper tfeaa last Monday. Boiling pease is the only article which obtains rather higher prices. Current Prices of Grain per Quarter as under- Wheat 65s to 78s Od Polands -181 to -285 1)1 Rye i'8s to 54s Od White Pease 40sto 46sOd Barley 37s to 33» Od Grey do. 32s to 38s Od Malt 60s to 72s Od Beans Malt 60s to 72s Od Beans Oatt 17s to 25s Od i Tick ditto «7s to 3ls Od Price of FLOUR, F.Flourpersack65s to 70s. | Second, per sack 55s. to^Oa Price of MEAT.—To sink the off at,per stent 0/8/6 ».M I, 1'HFl Bt.B. I KIWfi ATJitJ- LE A DKNIljl 1.1. Beef 4s 8d t« 5s 8d Beef 353d to 55 Od, ».M I, 1'HFl Bt.B. KIWfi ATJitJ- LE A DKNIljl 1.1. Beef 4s 8d t« 5s 8d Beef 3s 8d to on Mutton 5s Orl to 6s Od Mutton 4s 0-J to 5^ o# Lamb 8s Od to 9s. fid Lamb 7s.Od to 4A Veal 6s Od to 7s f> f Veal 5s Od to 6s S'i od to 7s 6d Fork 6$Od to 7s 6e!: Price ef HOPS. BAGS. I POC* F.TS. Kent 5f Os to 7ll5s Kent 51 12» to 81 12* Sussex 4; 4s to 6'12s j Sussex 51 -5s to 71 7% Essex 61 Os to 8115s I Farnham 111 Os to 141 %»- Price of TALLOW. Town Tallow 79, Od to 00s Gd Russia do. candle 73, ()cj to 0<)s 0(j Do. soap 7Js od to 92s Od Melting Stuff ,56s Od to 59s Od Ditto rough 36s Od to 38s Od Graves OOsM.oHsOd Good Dregs 00s Cd to 10s Od Yellow Soap 90s.0d.-MottJed 100s.—Curd lo¡l,s,nd. Priceot Candles perdoz. 13s. Od.—M»nlds 14s. 6d. Price of LEATHER at LEADENHALL Butts, 50 to 5611). each l9d to i?2d Ditto, 56 to 66lb. each 2ld to 23d Merchants' Backs iBd to 91d Dressing Hides 19d to 22d Crop Hides for cutting 19d t 0 li,2,4 Flat Ordinary 13d to 00d Calf Skins, 30 to 401 b. per d ozen 30d to 34d Ditto, 50!*to 70lb. per doz. to 40d Ditto, 70 to 801b. SOd to 34ri Skuall Seats, Greenland, per lb. 42d to 46d Large ditto, per dos. 120s to -180, NORFOLK.—Norwich Com Market, April 8. We had an abundant shew of samples both of wheat r barley, and prices mav be stated about the same as th of lnst Saturdty bkirley perhaps, was scniohingiowt) WheatSSs. to 38s. barley 14s. to 14s. 6d. and oats 13 Norwich Castle Hill, April 8. The beast market was well covered with lean and cattle, for which the last week's prices continue to .be manded. More money was asked for good horses, uu the notion that the army will wapt. a supply. The p J1. were well »tured—no advanoc on sheep,