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-,-1 . ■ Sanson,


-1 Sanson, THURSDAY, March SO. I LAST m"ht wree received Paris papers to Sun- § day last. Not a. word is suttered to tranSpIre, which could betray the future intentions of B'»nairArte, though at the time he must have been acquainted with the fulminating declaration pub- lished against -hun at Vienna. In his decrees, the t.itteofKing; of Italy is omitted and the Mofliteur, hi announcing the arrival of Joseph Bonaparte, gives bun the tide of "Prince" Joseph. In the ives. the mean time- military preparations appear to he car- rying >n with extreme activity. The regiments, as they arrive from different p trts of France, are re- viewed in the ThuUleries. On these occasions Bo- naparte narrangues them, speaks of their former ex- p! fjts. 4iieucoarages their pride and pretensions, without. giving direct catjse ot offence to foreign powers. This movem-ent of troops towards Paris seems tr be spontaneous and universal Several (]':ner;¡\s, tnre to their oaths, their honour, and th, ¡ r ;(f";gn, attempted to counteract it, but in Iv.t. P, are advancing-towards the French fronri'rs; an army of 40,000 men has marched in the direction ot Lisle, where the garrison and po- pulation are said to be entirely devote(i to Bon-t- parte. Caruot, in his of Minister of the Interior, has addressed a circular letter to the dif- ferent Prefects: in which he saythat the march of Bonaparte from the coast to Pans, resembled a triumphal procession. The Duke of Bourbon hai. embarked oil the Loire-for this country. All the other members of the House of Bourbon have quit- ted Fra.nce, with the exception of the Duke of An- gouleme, u-hose •escape, is problematical. Great gains ar« used to-excite the old cry against the emigrants; and incited, every thing announces a return to the principles and arts of the revolution- ary system. Lord Fitzroy Somerset havingatlength procured passports, arrived at Calais on Monday from Paris, and intended to repair forthwith "to Ostend, where h s Majesty Louis the XVlIIth remained last Mou- dav. Dutch p^pars also arrived yesterday. A portion of Use Prussian troops had passed the Rhine at limerick, and were to proceed by forced marches towards the .Duchy of Luxenibufgh. It is compu- ted, that tbe allied force on that part of the French frontier, which extends from Nieuport.to Treves, would in a short time, amount to 150,000 men. The Milo has arrived at Liverpool in eighteen days, from Boston, being the first merchantman from the United States since the conclusion bt peace. The letters and papers are to the 13th ult. Congress had separated on the 3d of Match, not to suspend their proceedings during the usual recess, but to resume them ft is believed in the month of May. General Jackson had advanced from the lines near New Orleans and had marched with 10,000 men upon Mobile. The two Houses of Legislature concurred with the President as to the fitness of employing only natives and naturalized seamen on board American ships; but the Lusiuess was deferred on account of the arrangements necessary to be considered before the intention should be carried into effect. The standing force is to consist of 6000 men.— The navy, it is determined, shall be progressively augmented. On the 3d ult. at 11 at night, it was resolved that hostilities shoutd be commenced against the Dey of Algiers. It appears that our troops made some attack t'pon Darien, in the State of Georgia. It was, ac- cording to these papers, unsuccessful. Mr. Adams has been appointed Minister to our Court. The President of the United States had sent the following nominations to the Senate:— Monroe to be Secretary of State, for the de- partment of war. « Joseph Anderson, Ex-Senator from Tennessee, to be Comptroller. of the Treasury. JuhttQiiiitcey Adams to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London. James A. Bayard to be Envoy Extraordinary and ?Vfittiste.r P'letiipotentiarv'at St. Pe-tersburgit. Albert Gallatin to be Envoy and Mi nister Plenipotentiary at Paris, vice Grawford-. v Joltti Rogers, Isaac Hull, and David Porter, Captains in the navy, to form the Board of Navy Commissioners." The Aiuerican Government have, as line of their new t;'xes, doubled the postage of all letters re- ceived into, and passing out of, the United States the last year's receipt of this part of their revenue produced only 60001.

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