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TO BE LET, 530 MAV "bk j; mtk ft !•:o irpox. jajiHUtA'lEtvi AO a AT HI Oil A ELM AS NEXT, MOUSE, lit tor a small ic t^ctable f-'idiiv, situate in a p!e:isunt ami airy j. t j insea. >c unfurnished. or the furniture, winch is neal anu moc'cr: (Men at a fair •, ablation. > (.'1by idler, post-paid) to the Printer of this Paper. i cnctaicdd Cill/fll tind Rail-way' or Tram-road. E is hereby a -ALL of .1 FIVE POlkN DS on CMh SHARK in this L'nder- Subscribers .wild have .paid their-Call ""I: r? n I) »/.» ^rtCh-bim-ro mane previous-to-oht aintii*? 1. ■. iade ny the Committee f'"r conduci in. l,' And a CALL of TEN' POHNi)" \»c.s also made on such of the Subscriber* w } c '1"t |)ak! their said .original Call. And that "neb r "u—s be paid to Messrs. Williams, Hawkins, Lle- iu'^ Cnouowv .-inul -Hawking Bankers, Swansea, the the s;d Undertaking, or to Messrs. Pram! tJ "*<■ St. K "t 'he Committee, held at the Guildhall, ),1.UI::Cttj tUe !Jlh da y 1 H 1 ) V. lldl M PH.ILLTl-'S. Clerk to the said Committee. Merth/r- Ty-dvi! Di^f, NOrl ICE is hereby gtven, that the TOLLS 1-, de.e at tne several Cafes and Chain? within this Dis- trict, j,vill be LET by AUCTION', to the best bidd et\ a!' tie Castte-Inn, in Mert'hvr.-T ydvil, on Friday, the fgdi ,AuSl,st' 18U. at eievpn'o'clock which Tolls pro- duced- ,ast_ year the .-everal sums hereunder. Approved •ecurity will be required for payment of the rent monthly. Pandy Gate J-'o Partinoi lais Gate. <>f) Iron Bridge Gate.' .1-2 Penlrchurdi'and Merthyr Chain 120 Kantganv Gate 88 £ :J'3d W M. MEYRTCK, Clerk to the Trustees. TO BE El/1', PART of a HOUSE in the Town of Cow- 1JrlIDGE, consisting of a kitchen, pantry, and cell-,ii, on the ground lfoor a dining-room and bed-room oil the: first floor.; and I wo attics. A drawing-room and another bed-room 'ma v be had, if required. Apply to Mr. Simpson, at the Bear-inn, in Ccw'oridge, post-paid. To Shopkeeper's and Others. TO BE LET, AND MAY BE ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, A Large and wel l-estabiishod W HOLES ALE' and"RETAIL TEA <$• GROCERY WAREHOUSE, ".ituate,:j in the most eligible part in one of the first towns foe business in South-Wales; and a good HOUSE adjolillng the same. The remaining Part of the STOCK, winch is "very low, and of the best quality, must also be taken at- prime; cost; together with the FIXTURES, &c. at a t'itii- valuation.. For further particuhrs apph' to the Printer of this Paper; if by letter, posr-paid. The Advertiser is going to retire. WOOLT rP() be SOLD, bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, J. -<lQUANTITY of WOOL, VIZ. Leicester stone. South Down do. 14 do. Jvyeland do. 17 do. La.rubs' do. it do. For particulars apply to J. Griliiths, Stationer, Haver. f0rdv,-e-st. j^merienn -Pioe Y'iiiibei- FOR SALE. SIX CARGOES of the above, containing f rom 150 to 250 'load each, expected to arrive in the inonths of. August, September, and October. The vessels are chartered to call at Mill'ord for orders, and to deliver at.an.y port in the Bristol Channel. For further particulars apply.to Messrs. Thomas Fhiljpps and Co. Merchants, MiH'ord. r_ TO THE i'ACEETV. r To be Disposed of. mill immediate Possession, rpIIE BUSINESS, DRUGS,and FIXTURES. SURG EON and A POT1IECARY (lately del f ho practiced in the abovebrallches of his Pro- tpwavds of 30 vears in a populous marlcel-tovTn in the; county of Brecon. The < onnpciion has been kept entire by a relative-ot the de t t he .siiuation will suit any young gentleman, bin y one conversant; with the language of ti-e country. N. B Reference antl particulars may be had by apply- ing to Messrs. Blew, Moure, and Co. Druggists, Worcester; Ur. VaugÍ\an) Druggist, Brecon; or Messrs. Wainwright and Co. Druggists, Hereford. "SWANSEA. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By T. BOWEN, .Inn. At the Greyhound-inn, at Swansea, in the county of, Gla- morgan, on-Saturday, the 24th day of August, 1811, at four o'clock in the afternoon, in Lots, The follozi'ing Freehold Premises Lot l. x .New-built DWELLING-MOUSE, si- XJL tnate at a place ca'led the White-Wad Is, in Swansea, lately occupied by J\1r. Charles Wallis, Architect, with a Garden, and requisite Convenience attached to it. Lots. A convenient DW KLLING-IIOUS'E, situate in Goat-street (nearly opposite the Theatre), in Swansea afore- said, in the occupation uf Mr. David Jenkins, witlia Garden attached. Lot 3. A PIECE of GROUND, in or near Rutland- place, in Swansea aforesaid, about 100 feet in depth, and aboutúO fect in front, upon part ot which a complete Malting-House b«s been recently built. For turtSter particu!<1TS apply to the Auctioneer or to Messrs. Berrington and Jenkins, Solicitors, Swansea. rpH E following Persons being Prisoners for Debt in the respective Gaots or Prisons hereafter mentioned, and not being charged in custody, on the 1st day of May, 1811, wilh any Debt or Dents, Sum or Sums of Money, exceeding in the whole the sum of Two Thou- sand Pounds, do hereby respectively give this public Notice, that they intend to take the benefit of an Act, parsed in the 51st year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An Act for the' Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors in England." And they do hereby give Notice, lhat Irue and perfect Schedules, containing discoveries of all their real and personal Estates, hereafter to be sworn to,, are liON ready to be delivered to any Creditors applying lor the same to the Keepers or Gaolers, or their Deputies, -of lfHJ said Prison,. FIR ST NOTICE. Prisoners in the Gaol for the count!/ of .Pembroke. TIettry West, of Manorbier, in the county of Pembroke, First Lieutenant of Royal Marines, on half pay, Nathaniel Davis, late of Templeton, in the parish, of Islarberth. and county of Pembroke, Weaver. Ann Griffith, Trelimin, in the parish of Llanunda, and county of Pembroke, Widow. SECONTJ NOTICE. s Fco' Prisoner in the Gaol of the Borough of Swansea, in the tminty of Glamorgan. William Price, of Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan, tailor, THInTJ NOTICE., Prisoners in Cardiff Gaol, for the County of Glamorgan. John Charles .Bannister, of Merihyr-Tydvy], in the -County of Glamorgan. Snrgeon. Jeiik'li,, fiari'les, of in t,ic county of Gla- morgan, letualler and Horse-Dealer. Samuel Wathan, of Aberdare, in the county of Glamor- g:m, Saddler. David Edwards, of Mevthyr-Tydvil, in the county of Glamorgan, Bridge-Builder and Mason.. Jenkin Morgan, of St. Bride Minor, in the county of Glamorgan,'Tailor. I homus Thomas, of Peterstone, in the county of Glamor- gan, farmer. John llusser, of Merthyr-Tydvil, in the county of Gla- rjorgan. V ictualler. Thomas Thomas, of Bcttws, in the county of Glamorgan, Shopkeeper, David Morgan, of the town of Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan, Shoemaker. John llees, of Lanlwitt Major, in the county of Glamor- gan, THitcr. Joseph Kirkham, of Brid"end, in the county of Glamor- gan, Hawker. ° r WANTED im?ne(!iatety, APPRl^NflCE T ''0/ to thcLINEN and WOOLLEN-DRAPERY Bu- siness, -a youth of respectable coni-exions. A premium will be expected, as .he will be treated as one of the family. Apply to the Printer, ii by letter, post-paid. \^TT Anted to borrow the sum of J 5000 it' by way of Loan, on security of the rates payahii on the Aberdare Canal '-Navigation, i'nr which 31. percent interest, clear of property-lax, will he paid haif-yearl v. Auy person desirous of advancing the above sum will be pleased to communicato the same to William Meyrick, ■Solicitor, Mertbyr-'j'vdvil. ? OMT from on board the Kitty, of Tenby, George Llewelli.v, Master, in.a gale of wind earlv on or,-t! iii a -ii-lv oil of the 8th!J:s!. whi'e 011 h'('r "°Y'é' from Ür¡s. tol to LIanelly, the MAST, RIGt.I^G, BOWhSPRrr, and ,i, c I :iAILS.—Any master of a vessel lalitug in with and secur- ing'the same, so that they mav be recovered, siial 1 be hand- somely rewarded by the said George Liewellin. Plume of Feathers, Swansea, Aug. 8, 1811. IN a field near Swansea, a BAY MARE, par- -&- ticularly marked.—Whoever has lost the same, ori describing the marks, may hayc her again, pay ing expences, oil CAR MARTH ENS11 i R E. B'lae'Boar Inn, Saint Clears. WM, JOHNS n EGS to return his grateful thanks to his JLif Fripiitls and the Public lor their liberal support during .a period of near four years residence at the above li)U. "Ha vittg for the last two years experienced want of I ::cco:ll11wdaliutJs, (while building part of the prrll1 ses), lie has now tu state, that the same is compleated. and fitted up ,.h>r tjie reception of Families, Parties, and Individuals, who r may rely upon every comfort and attention. Gentlemen Traveil 'pend that nothing shall be wanting to insure the Wines and the best quality. N..I3'. Neat Post-Cl Hurses and careful Drivers. Situated nil1e miles i'ron) Carmarthen, thirteen from Nar- berth, twenty from Tenby, and twenty-four from Pembroke. SEA. THE above MOUSE,with all its varieties of Jt. beantil'ul romantic prospects, as well as salubrity'of ,dl" is now open for the reception of company, Oil the usual terms. It possesses close' to its garden a spring of the finest water, ill the world', a rare advantage considering its C01¡t¡guity to the sea.-E\'ei'yexerlli)]1has been made by the present Proprietor, A'. PIE.KCE, to render it worthy of. those advantages which, 00 eminently distinguish the situa- tion of this deli^hitlul spot. [::7' Hot and Cold Baths, and, Bathing Machines, on moderale terms. Bathing Subseription for the Season, 13s. each pcr30n. N. One of the Machines is so admirably constructed I as that a lady may bathe without a gtridc, in perfect safety, and though cumplctely inclosed from view, have the, saine advantage of sea-water, as with the common machine: — Each Bathing One Shiiling. G ENTEeI7~JPAii'l'MEiSTS. TO EE LET, I READY FUUNISHEB, in aneligible situation in the town of COWBHIBGE,- A DINING-ROOM and Two BED-ROOMS, with the use of a good Kitchen. Brcwhousc^&c. Apply (if by letter, post-paid) to Mr. Robert Thomas, Grocer, &c. Cowbridge. SAVING TO TRAVELLERS. The .-SMACK ANT, Jilhi, Rogers, Masicr, Maybe had, by apiilicatidn to the Master Sa int.M.ary-Vstreet, SWANSEA, or Mr. J -33^8^ (jenrre iluphes, the Anchor, High-street, TENHV. for the CONVEYANCE of GOODS or- PAS- SENGERS to and from any Port in the Bristol, English, or St. George's Channels, on reasonable terms. The Ant is well known to he ,a fast sailer, and the Master hopes to give satisfaction to all that please to honour him with their favours. N. B. She will lake Two Carriages on board. Con-bridge Turnpike District. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the Toll-Gates upon the Turnpike-Roads within the said District' of Oowbndyje, called or known by arising at the Toll-Gates upon the Turnpike-Roads within the said Dislïict of Cowl>r1d!!e. c,\li(>d or known by the names of the East, West, and South Gates, will be LET by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the Bear-inn, in Cow- bridge, on Tuesday, (he.'id day of September 181 t, between the hours of tweivc'at noon and two in the afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his Majesty King-George the Third, For regulating the turnpike-roads," which tolls produced the last year the sum of ci301 above the espence of collecting ttiein.andwiHbepntnpntthatsnm. Whoever happens to be-the best bidder, must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said turnpike-road, for payviient of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. THOMAS''LLEWELLYN; Clerk to the Trustees of tbe said District. Cowbridge, July 30, 1811. A T a 1\IEETING of the GENTLEl\IEN in- AT a-MEETiNG of the GENTLEMEN in- tercstcd in the BU 11RT RIVER NAVIGATION, ALEX. 11ABY, Esq. in the Chitir; It having been proposed to apply to Parliament next Sessions, for.an Act of Parliament lor repairing, improving, and preserving this Harbour and Navigation, also tor regulating the pilotage of the said River, and for other objects connected with the interests of the trade thereof,— Resolved, That u ,Meeting of the Noblemen,.Gentlemen, and Corporate Bodies, interested in this Port, will be held on Monday, the 2(ith inst. at the Falcon-inn, Llanelly, at twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of determining upon the propriety of resorting to such a Illcasur-e. Resolved, That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman, for his support and attentioiitoaiucaiiurcso highly interesting to the said Navigation. Falcon-inn, Llanelly, Aug. 1, 1811- CAR.MARTHENSHHUi. AT a MEETING (convened by public Ad- vertisement) of persons interested in the IM PROVE- MENTof the lL\ltBOUR of f{WVVELLY. and MAK- ING proper COMMUNICATIONS therewith from the several Collieries in the Neighbourhood, by a Canal or Rail-road, field at the Pelican-ini). Kidwelly, on Tuesday, the 16th day of July, 1811, I LORD CAjt'JJOR in the Chair; The Report of the Committee, appointed at a Meeting held at Kidwelly, 011 Monday, the 24th of June last, having bsen this day read, It- was Resolvi d, That Messrs. Marrin and Davies's Plan for restoring the Communication with the Carmarthen itivcr through the old Channel, in the line delineated on their plan, was approver! of. That ,Messrs. Martin and Davies's Plan for opening the Conimuwication to for the Minerals of Gwendraeth, and bringing flown t me to meet the Coking Coal be approved of. on t present line four feet higher than the present tev<>: oi .Mrs. Kvmers' Canal, and sur- veying a Branch ot 1 ram-road to the Limestone Quarries near Kidwelly- That Lord Cawdor be requested to apply to Lord Dyrtevnr and Mrs, Kyniers to appoint a person on their hehalf to meet Messrs. Martin and for the purpose of treating respecting the terms upon which their Canal i, 10 be made a public (JllC. 'That the Secretary be desired to write Circular Letters to the Proprietors of Mineral Property, on the line of the. proposed Canal or Rail-roads, inviting them to subscribe to the execution of the proposed Plan and, in case they, should be desirous of having any Branches of Tram-road made, to give-direciions to some persons on their behalf, to point out to Messrs. Martin and Davies such Branches, in order that they may be delineated upon the General Plan. That a Copy of the Estimate made by Messrs. Martin and Davies of the expencc of carrying into effect the Plan produced by them, and now approved ot (subject to the alteration mentioned in the second proposition).as well as tne plan, be deposited with Mr. Thomas Willeis Neville, of Kidwelly, for the inspection of all parties interested. That Messrs, Martin and Davies be directed forthwith to proceed to make their Surveys and Book of Reference. That these Resolutions be inserted in the Cambrian and Carmarthen Journal. That this Meeting hearljonrncrJ to Tln;rsday, the 22d day of August next, at the King's-Arin*, in the town of Car- marthen, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. CAfV'DOR, Chairman. That, the thanks of this Meeting be given to Lord Cawdor, for his able conduct in the Chair, and for the grfcat trouble his Lordship has taken. ATIALL I't the MACh 0a IU-ARMS-INW, SWANSEA, On THURSDAY; AUG. 15, in11., Mr {JLNDAxf' Stewards. Dating viill coinmep.ee at Eight orcloe.k.~Tea at Twelve. CetttJemet), 5s..—Ladies, 3s. 6d. CUA-fSES A S.- lJ :3 U A L. Under the Direct ion of Mr. LODER, (Conductor of the Harmonic Society, Bath) WI R,L UE R !■N EOFTM ED A" Concert ■Of'.Total and Instrumental T'.lusie, In the MACKWOPVTH-A.RMS ASSEMBLY-ROOM. SWANSEA, oil Assisted by several Professional Gentlemen from the aij-jvc Society and Bath Concerts. rttixciPAi, vocAr. PERFOIIMEES Mrs. LEONARD. Messrs. LODER, COI.E, PA nos. EVANS, and LKO?IAP.&' fr. raiNCIPAI, XNtmu-MESTAt 1VE V. TO f! 51E E S 'M Violin, MaHer White. Viola, ?,ir. l'nilups, I lute. Mn. £ imtex, Violoncello, Mr. Pattm). „. PrANG-FORTE.' 'Mr. LODER. Concerto. Violin, i\l«st<»r Wbi-ie, Pedal Hiirp,Mr. Yr??F.a. N. ,1). Mr. Loder hr.vii.igj at a coosidernble expence, en- gaged several J^mi,ient Perforimus from the Ihith ami spared no. exertion to render his Selection forth.) Evernng full and ccmple e, tie,Ms h» -hail receive t..lnu patronage and support-in the piesen! nnderiaking, which, crowned Ins humble ettorts.last season, and must at ail times claim his warmest acd:now!ef!g!)>«n!s. Tohio-iii.!ithiiltpn>.is.-rcn.' A tins.Paper-and of Mr. L .Jer, at Mr. John HowciL-, on the Burrows. GRAND'UPPxTGMT, f IOR'd;O\tA L. & CABINET tailor jfottes, HE IV MUSIC, &-c. &c. M. PATTON. MUSIC-SELLER, j l\< M l>\|,f ¥> E.SPECTFULLY' infoit tl \o! i1 n | ,w 'Swansea and \i 11 s h hi wuti mi r' a Seleciiiui of the n t st I njoH vhi( 1 d YOGALand IXSTR-UMENTAI w ^[( *r Dusts, (7lees, Airs, and Lessons, by tne |>e«i .j having lately received fro.n tl ( London, several PIANO FOtfl'S of 1 1 class, will render theiu from hi vi L ( t ,i > f BA i H, at the lowest London Pi es rvM. P. during his short stay in,Sw::ll""a, wi:] to Tune, Ri-gulaie, and Rep.iir h i» 1 ihj Ladies who may honor Inm with then- N. B. i'iano-Fortes taken in (< I I 0 tjie above description, warranti i 11 1 1 Swansea) for Safe, at a very low price. Orders addressed to Mr. Jenkins's Librarv or at Mr. J. IIo"'el/ n"II'(\

-..miT. NEIV8.

.THE C. / >i JtRiidJV.

Family Notices

,,, ■ "v •• ; THE Assize