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•'« € ARM ARTII EN SI I IRE. Redemption and Sale of the hand-Tax. HIS MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS es- pecially appointed for the REDEMPTION and SALE of the- LAND-TAX- arising withm the county oi Carmarthen, hereby give Notice, that by the. Act. of -4s>d of his present Majesty, chap. lIt;, for consolidating the p: o- visions of the several Acts tor Sale of tlx* Land-Tax into one Act, they are empowered to dispose of any La/id-Tax, as well to strangers as to those persons as are interested in the i property charged and upon-equal terms. And that aU such Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, which shall not-have been exonerated, shall continue subject to a new assessment yearly, and from year to year, by au equal rate, according to the annual va- Iue, not exceeding 4s. in the pound on such annual value, That fof the purpose of accelerating- the provisions of the Said Act, fend -eiiabling Such persons M contract as are de- til-ousuf so doing, the.yiir!?iid holding their meeting, at the several times and places hereunder-meutioned, viz. New-inn, Llanelly,' Monday, 7th January, 1805. Lamb-dim.Llandovery, Tuesday, 8th ditto. George-inn, Llandilo, Wednesday, 9th ditto. lllirL4 Mariners, St. Clears, Thuisday, 10th ditto. Salutation tavern, Newcastle, Friday, 11th ditto. Six Bells inn, Carmarthen, Saturday, 12th ditto. Kidwelly, By Order of the-Commissioners, December .13,1304., r. JAMES ROB HU TS, Clerk. CARDIGANSHIRE. UXllEDEFMED LAND-TAX^ NOTICE is hereby given, that MEETINGS .L -q will be held at the limes andiplac.es for for the purpose, of SELLING all UN RE- DEEMED w.itfim the said coujity At thQ Salutation inn, Newcasile-Emlyn, on Wednesday, the 9th of January next. At the Black-Lion, Lampeteiy. on Thursday, tbe 10th of January next. At the dvirelling-hou^s of YVUnatnRpcs, m Tregaron, on Friday, tlie- i'U.b ^f Jau^i.aijy nexti c, At the Clerk's Oihee, in Ab;;rys|witb, on Monday, the 14th of January next, ahd on every Mond H v following: Dated the HUGH HUGHES, lath of Dec. 1804. CierktotheComn)is.ioncrs. ALL Persons having: any .claim or demand on All IIIUR A LEX AN DER, late of the* town cf CAHDIFE, in the counry of Glamorgan, Saddler, are re guested to. sfndnn. account thqreof to'Messrs. Wood H:n! Son, Attornies, Cardiff, on or before the first day of January next; and all persons indebted tb the said Arthur Alexander,; a-ve hcrhby.rcquired to'pay the same on or before the said tirst daY'of January, to the said Messrs. Wood and Son. Cardiff, Nov. 29,1804. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, •ATStK MAY, BE -ErfTERKii- VTON IMUFI)TATT:T.Y, ALL that mVELLING-HOUSE.«$•• STORE- -t'L HOUSES; situiite oil the QuAY, in the tawn of SWAX- SEA, tate the residence of Mr. Barnaby Haw kim, consist- ing of^ar large shop, onic.e,par!our, ki'tchcn, and cellar; with a stable and other conveniences on the ground-floor; draw- ing-robin and three bed-chambers on the second floor. The storehouses are lour in number, and have been often let for £ 40 per annum. The situation must be tlllowed, to be the Juost eligible for business in the town, and is well worth the attention of a Maltster, Baker, or Corniactor. Forparttcuiarit enquire of Mrs. Prichard,on the Premtses. PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At thelVJariiier's-iun, Hitver.fordwest.on S:)turd.iy, the 19th day of January, 1805, subject to such Conditions of Sale, as shall tie fit it aiid there produced, unless disposed of in ijie mean rime by Private Contract; the following very inspiovable FREEHOLD ESTATES, situate- in the pa- rishes of Brawdy and Wiiitechurch, in the said county, Lot l. -A LL that M ESSUAGE, TEN EM ENT, v X-L 'aud LANDS, called PEENG WYN and PARKCOLE, containing by adinemiurenteht 188A. 22P. Situate in the parish of Brawdy, in tlie sard" county, how in the occupation of Mr. Richard Beynon, Minder a least for three lives. at the low yearly 'rent of jfM'). Lot 2. All t-liat. MESSUAGE, TEN Jyvi-ENT, # LANDS, ■called PARKYROSE, containing by 60 Acres, or thereabouts, also situate, in the said parish of Brawdy, in the saij county, in the tenure ofTholllits Lqwis, under a. lease for 21 years, from Lndv*day 1803, at the yearly rent of JfVtO4. Lot 3. All those MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, and LAN DS, calied PARK-G WYNNEcS'PARK-:Y -w EH >T E, coataioing- by admeasurement 30 Acres, or thereabouts, also sifuaw*. in the said parish of Brawdy, in'the said county, in the tenure of Thomas Mathias, under, a lease for 21 years, froril Lady-day 180:). at the yearly rent 0(,1. 8., • Lot4. All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, # LANDS, called GREAT-HOOK, containing by admeasurement 118 Acres, or thereabouts, also situate-in the said parish of Brawdy, in the said. county, in the tenure of Dm id Harry, »s. ten*nt from yejir to year, at the yearl y rent ofj, 25. Lot 5. All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT,$■ LANDS, 'SUAGI,, called LITTLE-HOOK, Containing by-admcastn-oncnt 110 Acres, or thereabouts, also situate in the said parish-of Brawdy, in the said county. in the tenure of John Beynon, under a lease for; 21 years, from Lady-day 1803, at the yearly rent of 4 14s. Lot 6. All that, MESSUAGE/TENEMENT, '4' LANDS, called LOCH V ANE, containing; by admeasnrenrent up- wards of 100 Acres, situate in the parish of Whitechurch, in the said county, in the tenure of Thomas Bevnon, under a lease for one Ilfe, at the very low yearly rei^t. of ,£ (), For further,particulars enquire of Mr. Jphn Willy, Attor- ney at Law, Haverfordwest. CARMARTHENSHIRE. 'IMPROVABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. WOZENCRAFT, At the Dwelling-house of William Davies, called Cross,-inn- vach, in the parish of Llandebie, in. the. said county, on i-Yiday, tf1e28th day of December instant; between the Loiiisoftwu and four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale, as shall be then and there pro- duced, Lot i. A LL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, XX and LANDS, called. CLYNYRADAR, .ia ,fl»e possession of John Eyan tenant at will, at the v.early rent of J. iil and four teals of coal, or 4s, Lot 2. AU. that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, 4° LANDS, called CLYNYR.ADARfSSA, otherwise PENTWYN, and a certain FIELD,* called CAEYRWYTH, in the pos- feessum Of David Owen, on lease for three lives, aged-73, 'and i24 years, at the very low yearly rent of 011)3' 10 and two teals of coal, or 4s. which may be very considera- bly increased, on the demise of tlie live^ N. B. It is apprehended that there are Veins "of Coal ;f' uilder tliese Fknns, as there are several Collieries on r ^he ad joining testatxjs; and in lot 2 a-VeittofTfun Ore has been discovered, which it is supposed maybe opened at an easy expense. tot 3, All that MESSUAGE,;TENEMENT, & LANDS, (SaHed.GELLYGRAVOG, in the posscssion of David Rce.s, tenant at will, at the yearly rent4 of £ '21 and two teals of toa-i, or 4s. 4 ■ Lot 4. AH thatMESSUAGE, TENEMENT,$LANDS, M 6, called TYR WILLIAM IIEES Y GOVE> )h .the posses- sion of Jeremiah Rees, on lease,, of whiclv there will be eight vears to come at Michaelmas next, at the low rent of J 6 15;1; per annum when out of lease this Farm will be iaipable-of verV great advance. Lot 5. All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT. & LANDS, (with a COTTAQK thereon being) called Y SHOP, other- wise TYRY sHOP, otherwise TUYCffA YR SHOP, in the possession of i homas Rees, shopkeeper, and his under- tenants, subject to a lease, of which fourteen years -v.e un- expired, at the low. yearly rent of f5, -which, when the lease falls in, may be increased to <, £ 8.' And all that COTTAGE, GARDEN, and LANDS, ad- joining Tyr y Shop, in the possession of Winiaruilee's, te- jaaat at will, at the ye-^rly rent of only ^'1 10s. All which said Premises are situate in the parish of Bettws, in the said county. The Farms are contigu- ous to each other, have an extensive right ot! herbage on the neighbouring Commons, and are distant fron) i the differeut market and post towns of Llandilo seven miles, Swansea twelve, aud Neath 15; and the turn- 'pike-road leading from the former to the latter place runs-through part 6f the Premises. The purchaser of each lot-may have the Timber grow- ing thereon at a fair valuation. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises; and for further particulars apply to Daniel Pace, 'Attorneyi at said county,

--LL.-:," SWANSEA, FhrDAY;…

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