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T SALE AT LLETillt-lrLY^DV, CARMARTHEN SHIRE, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, (vv ITHOtiT RESERVF.) On Monday, the 10th day ot' Dec. inst. Y AIX the «8T()CK, CROP, and IMPLE- MENTS of HUSBANDRY oi' the said Farm, the property of P. DENN/SS, Esq. consisting of milch cows, oxen, and young cattle of various ages; a'remarkable fine two-year old Herefordshire bull; several draught horses; a brood mare; and a. lot of sheep of the South-down breed. —A large quantity of vveii harvested Corn and Hay in good condition.—-Together with the carts, ploughs, harrows, dairy utensils, and a capitalirvn roller. Also, a neat Market-Cart on a gig construction, with har- The sale to bergi The sale to begin preeiselyat ten o'clock in the forenoon, By SAMIJEL THOMAS, Auctioneer, Three Mmths-Creditm approved Security. BRECONSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Swan-inn, in the town of Hay, on Thursday, the 6th J December, 1804, between four a:rd.six in the afternoon,, subject to the Conditions of Sale to be then produced, Valuable TIMBER in the following lots: to, Lot l. rpwO HUNDRED # THIRTY-NINE JL OAK TREES, marked (X) growing on Pcnt- wyn Fafm, iji the parish of 0LASHI'RY, within hall'A mile of the turnpike-road leading from Brecon to Hay, and within the same distance of the river Wye. Lot 12. FIFTY-SIX OAK TREES, marked (X) growing on a Farm called Dusfryn, in the parish of HAY. LotS. ELEVEN ELM TREES, marked (X) growing on the same 1 arm. Lot 4 SIXTEEN ASH and WELSH ELM TREES, growing on the same farm, ateo marked X«« The Tenants on the several Farsts will shew the Timber and for further particulars apply to Mr. Maybery, Solici- tor, Brecon. liEOUlJJS or ANTIMONY. FRY,.ST Eli Lb\, Co^ LETTKIl-FOUXDKILS, TYPE- 5THEET, T ONDON, VERY respectfully acquaint the Consumers V of this valuable article, that ha\ ing cmliarked a large capital, and formed verypxtcusivR connections, whereby they are enabled to procure Antimony from the Mines on the best possible terms, they are detetftuned to sell Regains (for the manufacture of which they have for many years had a decided preference,^ at much reduced prices. They solicit the attcntionQf their Friend-, and the.PuLUc, pledging themselves to execute all onievs punctuality, and of such quality as the v dust mnst ensure approbation. AN IMPROVED SPTUJÆNG..BOOK. Th is ]}wj.s pushed, The fifteenth edition, rel^ta-'Hni corrected, price Is, 6d, with the usuti&'ilo»v<nu-o to Schools, A N ENGLISH ^'ELLING-BOOK, accom- il panied by a pro^i<t^^ne '•ones of easy and familiar lessons, adapted to the capacities of Children, and embel- lished with a variety of the whole intended to' furnish, for the Use of Schools, au improved introductory Book to the firsteJcnlCnts of the English .Language. By WILLIAM MAVOR, LL. D. Vicar of Hurley, in Berkshi re, Chaplain to the Earl of Moira, fie. &-c. The unprecedented sale of,, one hundred thousand copies of DR. MAVOH'S New Si'KH.rxc-BooKj within the period ol two years, and its adoption by intcihgentTeachers, in all the respectable Schools in the three Kingdoms, render it al- most unnecessary fov the publisher to make ally remark on its chum to dnivedsai, pit As an introductory Book to a vernacular Tongue, for the use-of Children, Dr. Mayor s i>pelliug-Book is unincum- bered with abstrnct rules and metaphysical distinctions re- lative to the classifications of words, but is entirely com- posed ot plain and easy examples, leading the infantile pupil, step by step, by the most simple and obvious grada- tions, from the letters of the alphabet, through syllables and words of two and of three letters, .01-1 to a series of amusing, familiar, and instructive Lessons, on the admired plan of all iairs. The work is printed on good paper, with an unusuaHy large and clear type. The examples and lessons are dis- placed in a distinct manner, and the hook throughout'is -ren- dered attractive to the early age for which it is intended. In a word, the conveuienee of the teacher, and the ease and pleasure ot the pupil have been sedulously, and, it is be- lieved, successfully-, consulted. The CHURCH CATECHISM, an I the FiusT CATrcnisM of Dftv WATTS, with/F <r is Of aiid..Evening prayers, arc subjoined, together with avarlctvof Eletneu- fary Knowledge, proper to be committed to memory. The Tables of Spelling are free from indelicate words; and all the Lessons of Reading tend to inculcate the first princi- pies of Science, Morality, and Iteligion. I- I Printed for Richard Phillips, 71,.St. Paul's Church-yard; aiid sold by. Tabart and Co. at the Juvenile and School-Li- brary, New Bond-strect; Champanteand hiuow, Old- Jewry; T.Jenkins, Printer of tins Paper H.Moz!ey,Gaius- borough- Wilson and-Spence, York aiid by all Booksellers and 'Stationers in town and country. Of whom may be hud the following Valuable Books, ALL BY (fill SAME AUTHOR, 1. An .UNIVERSAL HISTORY, from the Creation to the present time, in 25 volumes, with maps and plates, price 5s. each olllarge paper, and 3s. 9d. on small paper. 2. ThelHUTISH NEPOS; containing the Lin's of illus- trious Britons, intended as examples to youth price 4s. (yd. 5. The ELEMENTS of NXiURAL HISTORY-, with 60 plates, representing 200 subjects-; price ;>s. 4 An UNIVERSAL SHORT-HANf); that which is used in the Courts of Law in the Mctropoiis, and which may be learnt in a few lessons price 7s. 6d. bound. 6. PLU TARCH's LIVES, abridged, and adapted to the Use ot Schools; price 4s. 6it. bound. 6. A FATHER'S LESSONS to his CHILDREN con- sisting of original Essays Tales, &c. addressed by the Au- thor to his owaChildren, price 10s, hoards. 7. A HISTORY of ENGLAND lor SCHOOLS, illus- trated with;)()vca.ul¡!uL j)J.iics, m a voiumes; price 10s. Oil a, c, small paper, and 12s. on Ktr^c paper, 8. A HISTORY ot ROJ.HL .ior SCHOOLS, in 3 vots. 110 t,' iol S(, price 10s. 6d. on slUall paper, oil paper. p i, 9. A lilSTORY iI! (jflE'i.i'Ei'or i j j .ia 2 vols'. priae 7s. Qii small paper, aud 10s. o»> b o u SERVANT. WANTED, a steady Man as FOOTMAN, in a place where a Coachman is kept. He must be well acquainted witit waiting. cleaning plate, all other duties of his situation. He will be expected to wear Livery, and bewp.Hreconímendcd from his last place: ■ Per furtlicrparticulars enquire of Mr. Robert WiUianis, Bridgend. AM AN of respectable character and situa- tion ln-life, but small fortune, wishing to improve his income and eiupioy his time, is desirous of a. situation as AGENT or for the RECEIPT of RENTS and KEEPING ACCOUNTS between LANDLORD and TENANT, or in a MANUFACTORY or other Concern, v. here the abilities of a Man of Business are requisite, and che duty not seryile or too laborious. Letters (post-paid) on the subject addressed to W. R. Arnold, at the Printer's of this Paper, will be satisfactorily answered. COW BRIDGE TURNPIKE DISTRICT. TVJOTICE is'hereby given, that a MEETING of the COMMISSIONERS of the said DISTRICT will be held, by adjournment, at the Bear-inn, in Cowbridge, on Tuesday, the 11th day ot December next, at the hour of eleven in the-forenoon, for the purpose of .taking -into con- sideration tiie proposed alterations of the Roads within the. said District. EDWARD .POWELL, Treasurer. Laiitwit-Major, Nov. 23, 180-i.' NOTICE is hereby given, that the PA 111- NEIISIJIP lately subsisting between CANN WIL- K INS, of the parish of MERTH YR-TY R> vn,> in the county of oiauiorirtm, Attorney at Lawi and VVILLIAM MEYiiiCK, of the aauic place, Attorney at Law, was litssoLVKD on the 16tll of October last.—-All debts due to or owing from the ill Partnership, wnil be received and paid .by Mr. Thos. x 11, of Cytafa'Iron-Works. Mertiiyr-Tyd^-i!, Nov. 21, 1804." tO the Fund for the Relief of the Wfjow arid Children of JOtty GRIFFITHS, Killed on the Burrows, on the Mh of'June* Committee appointed for the manage- "JL mem of the above Subscription, actuated soiety. by I i'ie'.vs-of advantage to the family of the unfortunate suf- ferer, ha ve hitherto withheld laying before the body of Subscribers die'motive's which have guided them, froni an apprehension of any ways impeding the auainmcnt ot: be first and principal object they had in view, namely, of making the Widow declare the Parish of the deceased. It had been the expressed wish of a great proportion of the Subscribers, that the monies advanced for this charitable purpose should not take, the burthen of supporting the Wi- dow and Children from those with whom the law would have placed it,, had no subscription been made; and the sentiments of that part of the Committee which could attend, were unanimous, that under any other plan, the charitable object of the subscription would be defeated, as tar as it went in any way to bettering the condition of the unfortu- nate family. The parish he belonged to was bound to sup- port the family of the deceased—-the Widow was called upon to declare it—but uo means that have hitherto been pursued, have drawn any thing further from her than an asseveralian of her tolafignorance on the subject. Your Committee; neither bound to behcve or disbelieve the Wi- dow's assertions, did not feel that these could or ought to have any influence on the principle by which they were guided. Had no subscription taken place, the family would have been supported according to provisions made by the I- Legislature and therefore, till that provision was actually made from the source from which the law would have drawn it, the Committee felt it their duty not to advance a guinea from a fund subscribed by the charitable and humane for .bettering, as they conceived, the condition in which the law would have left them. Had any other line of conduct been pursued, the objects relieved would have been the pa- rishioners on whom the burthen of supporting the family of Hie deceased must have"fallen. As the fund, however,"re- mains at present unapplied (though at legal interest, and consequently n'ot to the injury ot its objects), your Com- mittee earnestl y request the presence of as many Subscribers as can possibly, attend, on MONDAY next, the 3d of Decem- ber, at twelve o'clock, at the Maekworth-Arms, to express their seiituaeuU on the line of conduct that lj-uow to be adopted. Signed by MILES RASSETT, Vicar. H. S. POCKLINGTON. LEWIS W. DILLWYN. CHARLES COLLINS.

TJElJE ~C*dMBRIv4j¥.

Family Notices



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