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," -SWANSEA, FHIDAY, October…

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Arrived here, General Craigi Cololiel-Sl;kddcn).-Alr. and Mrs. Boweu, Mr, Sanderson, JVIr./Thonrpson, Mrs. Jen- nings, Miss Wilson, Mr. Bennett, Mrs. tToyce, Mr. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Miss Crowther, &c. &c. The following is a. sketch of the new machines, or coffers, employed in the late expedition atgainst thc. Bollogne flotilla, an accurate description of which is given in the 2d column of our preceding page. Rear-Admiral Philip has been for some days past at this port, minutely inspecting the sea fencibles, impress service, &c. with the conduct of which de- partments he was pleased to express himself per- ibctly satisfied. Col. Sladden has this week been actively engaged in inspecting the several volunteer carps in Gla- morganshire: he commenced on Monday last with the Cardiff cavalry, Col. Lass;cell!s corps of riflemen, arid part of the 2d or eastern Glamorgan regiment, at Cardiff; on Wednesday he inspected the eastern division (3 companies) of the western;Glamorgan, at Corntown; yes.ter.diiy> Blajor; Loclcjvobd's Forest; riflemen, at Forest; a.nd this morning the rehiain- ing seven companies of the western Glamorgan re- giment, with Sir-Gabriel Powell's troop of Fairvvood cavalry, on Crumlin Burrows. These inspections have shewn that the corps have not lost a particle of their former distinguished reputation, the Colo- nel having been pleased to express his unqualified approbating of the whole. Col. Sladden will to-morrow inspect the .rince of Wales's fusilleers and the Swansea volunteer cavalry and on Monday the three Merthyr com- panies of the eastern Glamorgan regiment.. Tuesday the first battalion of Breconshire vo- lunteers, commanded by Lieutenant Col. Williams, arived at Hereford, for the purpose of performing permanent duty for 21 days.—They are a most re- spectable-looking body of $:9, in number nearly four hundred. r Saturday se'nnight the Flintshire volunteers, 400 strong, commanded by Colonel. the Right Hon. LordKenyon, had, a grand: .lie] d-d ay; after which they were elegantly eretertained at dinner by his Lordship and cm the fo.llo.wing day this fine corps was inspected by Col. Chay tor, and merited his en- tire approbation. < The Slirewsbury.voluu.t,e,er were on Tuesday re-, viewed by Brigadier,Sener# Williams, who e- PrI SS ed .with, their disci- pline and steadittdSs.' Al^r .they had gone through* their manoeuvres, Inte irence, was received" that' his Royal Highness'the Duke' of Glocester was shortly to pass through the town "on his way from Chester in consequence of which--the baft&fifoft marched irito the. towh^ 'and formed a dine 'in the > Cas tle-street, fo'r the--purpose of "receiving him; Abdnt five "o'clock his.'R&yal Highness arrived,1 who aligh.ted from his carriage, and passed aRmg the line, when the propfer1 honours were paid him. He was graciously pleased to express to the Colo- nel, Sir Charles Oakely, his approbation of the military appearance of the corps, and his sense of the attention paid to him. LastFriday, the Lodlow and Bishop's Castle yeo- manry, commanded by Major Walcot, and" the Ludlow aud'Cleobury loyal volunteer's, command- ed by Lieutenant-Col. Salwey, met in-Oakeley Park, to be inspected by Lieutenant-Col. Chaytor.—Pre- vious td the inspection, Lady' Powis, supported -by her amiable daughters, Ladies Harriot and Char- lotte Ciive, and attended by Lord Clive, Wm. .Clive, Esq. Ai:, P. Col Kynaston PoweII, Colonel Brown, of the Montgomeryshire militia, E. P. Knight, Esq. M. P. Major Dallas, Lietitenaiit.-Col.- ChaytOr, and party of respectable neigh- bouring families, approached the line drawn u.p in front of the marqu6eS—-the- infantry, commanded by Major Rogers,- Captains Green, Compson, Mor- ris, and Lloyd, in the cbiitrel-r-tbe Bishop's Castle troop, commanded by Captain Toldervey, on the y right—the Lucrlow~2d troop, commanded-by Cap- tain Adatms,Toh;the left—the Ltidlow 1st troop: (jhav- ing bfcfore received thCirstanda'rd from.Col.-Clive) keeping tlie^rouhd,Two elegant standards, and, k "'1- "I a pair of beautiful colours, the gift of her Lady- ship, were then consecrated with great solemnity, by the Rev. Mr. Alban after which her Ladyship, bearing in her hand the pair of .colours,, and Ladies Harriet and Charlotte Clive each a- standard, ad- vanced, and presented them to Major Walcot and Colonel Salwey, in a very impressive address.—The Lieutenant-Col.- thanked her Ladyship, in a neat and appropriate speech, for the distinguished ho- nour done the corps,, and .delivered them, witfra suitable address, to the Cornets and Ensigns, who marched with them in the front of the line, pre- ceded by their excellent regimental band, playing God Save the King,' and several martial airs.— The whole was solemn, grand, and affecting, and received with the' greatest attention. The two corps then took their respective ground for. inspec- tion by the Lord Lieutenant, the Earl of Powis, and Lieutenant-Col. Chaytor, who were pleased to ex- press themselves highly gratified by the military appearance and skill of both, lliey were then marched to the lawn in front of the mansion, where they sat down,to an elegant and plentiful re- past, hospitably provided by his Lordship, who joined the officers in marquee pitched in the centre of the extended tables. The scene was un- commonly gay; cheerful, and animating; mirth and good humour every where prevailing, and the day was spent in the utmost hilarity and convivi- ality, the corps observing the-strictest order and re- gularity. After the repast,, the line was ordered to be formed by Lieutenant-CoL Chaytor,. who took the command the-corps, then marched off the' ,fi,Id, in divisions, by th^ niansion, saluting cordial- ly its nable owneEj with whose affability and atten- tion they were. so highly pleased and delighted. We understand that -considersfole coal and cop- per works are immediately to be' set on foot on the Lange'nnach esta,t £ ,LlaneUy, The gentlemen who form the Company are of the first respectability and property; and Mr. Vancouver, who has em- barked a large sum in the spirited undertaking, is named as, the acting proprietor, and not agent, aS mentioned, in a former paper.. The great embankment oii Monnydd Mawrj con- sisting, of upwards of 40,000 cubip yards, was last week completed by the Carmarthenshire Rail-Road week completed by the Carmarthenshire Rail-Road Company, by which means an easy communication may be made from the dock on Llaaelly Flats to Landilo- V awr, Landovery, and into Brecknockshire, an accommodation for many years most anxiously ^wished by every person interested in trade, com- merce, and agriculture. The Marquis of Bute arrived at Cheltenham last week.—We are concerned to heat that the Mar- chioness's health is not at present such as her nu merous friends could wish. During the whole of Sunday lastwe had a htrd gale of wind here a sloop endeavouring to enter the harbour in the evening, touched the ground near Salthouse Point, and was- for some time con- sidered in a dangerous situation. Arope, howevtr, was carried out to her, and by the prompt assist- ance of aboutiJOp persons assembled on the pier, she was safely towed in.—Another vesser was with much difficulty prevented from running foul of the pier-head. Monday last the Right lion. Lord Kensington was chosen Mayor; Richard Parcel, gent. Sheriff; and Stephen Robbin and George Evans, gents. Bailiffs, of the ancient Corporation of the town f and county of liaverfordwest, for the ensuinyear. Lewis Richards, Esq. is chosen Mayor of Mori- moyth, and Philip Derry> Esq. Bailiff of Leomin- ster, for the ensuing year. LaconLamb, Esq. sen. havingresigned the office of Town Clerk of Hereford, which he had held for nearly forty years, Thomas RuSsel, Esq. who has acted many years as deputy, has been elected to succeed him. The Rev. T. Underwood, Rector of Ross, and: of Hereford eathedral, is cho-sen -Canon of the same, in the room ol the late Rev. Mr.-Guest. The Lord ChancelloP has been pleased to presen.t the Rev. Thomas Jones* Cumte of Wormefeley, to the Vicarage ot Stanton-upoa-Arrow, in the diocese of Hereford, vacant by thedeath oftheRev. Canon Guest. Charles Mordaunt, Fsq. son of Sir John Mor- daunt, was last week èlectedMemberfor Warwick- shire, in the room of the late Sir G. S. Evelyn. Mrs.* Wilks, of -Woadlesford, near Leeds, has two- Northumberland..ew^s, which lambed at Christmas, and have lambed again, the one abouf a fortnight and the mother three weeks ago. A remarkable instance of good fortune, recently occurred in Manchester. A young man, joumey- hian to Mr. Shaw, saddler, in Market-street-lane, lately purchased of Messrs. Thomson, booksellers there, a sixteenth share of :3.: lottery ticket; but, not liking the number, -had it exchanged for ano- ther, and the latter was fortunately drawn on the third day a prize of 10,0001. It is our painful duty to record no less than three fatal accidents which happened this week: A lad fell into the sea from the top-sail of a vessel bound to Cornwall, off the Mumble Head, and sunk before any assistance could be afforded by those on board. —Win. Leonard, niate of the Phoenix, Capt. Dia- ;mond, returning in a boat, accompanied by two boys, on Monday evening, from the .Mumbles, where he had gone, it is said, to visit an old ship- mate, fell overboard, and perished. Alarmed at the accident, and bewildered in the dark,ithe poor boys rowed about nearly all night, and were found next morning in one o.f the. fishing weirs,'almost, exhausted with anxiety and fatigue.A labouring man of the name of Morgan, while assisting to load a barge on the caIiI, near MoTtistown, on Monday, fell into the water, and was drowned. We are sorry to find that the unfortunate Leo- nard has left a widow and four small children in very distressed circumstances, whose situation, we hQP )\:i1ll1leet with, commiseration. v on.. i-'riday laist, as WT.illiam Richard,was returning: from JC ardl^ to St. Fa^an's, he fell off his horse, and bur-st a-blood .vffeel, which" caused his immediate, death. A.■ A few day since, as- Mr, and Mrs. Buekley Wil- liaiiis; "with thdrJidepy, were travelling in a one- liorse chaise from ^Vrefchpool to Glanhafren, both •shafts suddenly broke, and they were precipitated 'to the g,round. i^rs.W^was much, hurt, but her hu3- bandoind aon.eso-ap^d withont any serious injury. Last week, Peter Williams, agent to the Holywell cotton twist compjwiy, and a private in the volun- •'teers of that to wn,, was summoned before-the-Ma- gistrates assembled .at Halkin, for refusing to pay the fines incurred on account of non-attendan'ce at parades ai)d,neLIec.tiiig.to 'a*"ppe *ar,'w,as convicted in the double, penalties conformable to the act of the last session.. •Saturday last, two farmers of Asfielworth, in Glocestershrre, were sever illy convicted in the pe- nalty of 5l. for having kept and used a' gun for the taking and destroying of game, without having the necessary qualification, in respect of property, re- quired .by law.. ACVyprcester Quarter Sessions, last week, George Townshend Forrester, Esq, was convicted ofdis- turbing the Minister and congregation of Elmley Lovett, and.fined,261. Thursday evening, about eight o'clock, as Mr. Beard, jun. of the Glass-hPllse, in the-parisli of 1 Taynton, was returning home from the Forest of Dean, he was stopped- by two footpads near the yiney-hill,: who. knocked, him off his horse, and rob- bed him of his purse.'cbhtaihing cash and notes to the amount of 91. The,night being extremely dark, he could not discern the robbers till they stopped I. hE horse; and he could only Hear them enquire for his watch, (which he had fortunately left at home) when he was stunned by the blow he receiv- ed on the head, which brought him instantly to the ground", where'he lay ifofr-some time in state of insensibility. After rcedVering himself, he found his horse grazing at a considerable distance frpm the place where he Was attacked, and with some difficulty reached home. 0 A great quantity of turbot has-lately been taken within Carmarthen bar, and sold at the reduced price of 6d. per pound. An unusually large number of cattle and horses was brought to bur tair on Monday last, the sale of which was extremely heavy, and little business was done. Wool was also in plenty, and the whole Was bought up at rather advanced prices: lamb's wool 13d. and long ditto 12d,per lb. There will be another fair here to-morrow, and likewise on the following Saturday. Hay fair, for cheese, butter, horses, and cattle, was held on Wednesday last.There was a tolera- ble shew of battle, but owing to the bad weather (it raining heavily the whole day) few were sold, lec and those at high prices. Horses were numerous, and young colts likewise sold high;' few purchases, however, were made. Cheese and butter were lower than last year; best-making cheese produced from 60s. to '70S! per cwt.; common 36s. to 50s.; and a large quantity. reiuaiiied unsold. Tub butter 9,s.;6d. to 12s. per stone of 12lbs. i Knighton fair,(Radnorshire) last week, was fully. Stored with cattle, sheep, pigs, colts, &c. great part, of which was bought up. Cattle and well-made colts produced good prices, but sheep and pigs were on the decline; particularly the latter, some of which sold very-low, •; Copper Ores sol(Lat ROdrathi oii Thursday the 4th inst. Mines. Tøns. Purchasers. at per Ton. Dolcoatli > 1524 Cliead. O. Willianis -P.-Greiifell £71.0 0 ditto f _:119 ditto- 7 10 0 ditto 111 ditto and Pose Cos. 4 15 0 ditto, HO English Co. 10 16 0 ditto, ;i09 Chead. 0. Williauis, h P. Grentell 10 13 0 ditto 100 Rose Co..5 5 0 ditto 99 ditto 2$() ditto 97 Chead. O. William? aiid P. Greufell., 6 4 6 Tin Croft 139 Rose Co. 10 12 6 ditto -120 ditto 4 6 6 Cook's Kitchen 110 CheadJe, O. Williams, P. Grenfell, Rose and London Cos. 4 10 0 ditto 91 Chead. O. Williams, P. Gi,-nfell 3 12 0 Wheal Fanny 66 Brass Wife Co. 14 18 6 ditto 28 Rose Co. 2 4 6 Crry Garden 52 ditto 6 8 6 Condorrow 38 Freeman Co. 16 13 0 TonS 1513——Standard 144.

Family Notices



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